GB 3778-1994 Carbon black for rubber GB3778-1994 Standard download and decompression password:
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National Standard of the People's Republic of China Carbon black for rubber Carbon blaek for use in rubber industry Subject content and scope of application This standard specifies the technical requirements, inspection rules and Packaging, sampling, storage and transportation requirements. This standard applies to carbon black for rubber. 2 Reference standards GB/T528 Determination of tensile properties of vulcanized rubber and thermoplastic rubber GB/T3780.1 Test method for iodine absorption value of carbon black for rubber GB/T3780.2 Carbon black phthalic acid Determination of dibutyl ester absorption value GB 377894 Substitute 3779-89 GB 3778--89 GB/T3780.4 Carbon black (compressed sample) Phthalic acid Dibutyl ester absorption value determination method and sample preparation GB/T3780.5 Determination of specific surface area of ??carbon black for rubber CTAB method GB/T3780.6 Test method for coloring strength of carbon black for rubber GB/T 3780.7 GB/T 3780.8 Determination of pH value of carbon black Determination of carbon black heating test GB/T 3780. 10 GB/T 3780.11 GB /T 3780.12 GB/T 3780. 18 GB/T 3780.21 Determination of carbon black ash Determination of carbon black sieve residue Inspection of carbon black impurities Formulation and identification method of carbon black in natural rubber Determination of carbon black sieve residue for rubber Determination of carbon black specific surface area by water washing method Nitrogen adsorption method GB/T 10722 3 Variety classification a. b. c. d. e. f. g . h. i. j. k. N100 series carbon black; N200.S200 series carbon black ; N300.S300 series carbon black; N472 superconducting carbon black; N500 series carbon black; N600 series carbon black; N700 series carbon black; N800 series carbon black; mixed gas carbon black: natural gas semi-reinforced carbon black; natural gas channel carbon black. State Bureau of Technical Supervision approved 394 on 1994-12-22 .1 Free download of standard industry information Implemented on 1995-09-01 4 Technical requirements GB3778-94 Each grade of carbon black should meet the requirements of the corresponding technical indicators in Table 1. 5 Test methods 5.1 Before measurement, except for the impurity inspection items, the sample must pass an 850 μm sieve. 5.2 The determination of iodine absorption value shall be carried out in accordance with GB/T3780.1. 5.3 The measurement of DBP absorption value is carried out in accordance with GB/T3780.2. 5.4 The measurement of DBP absorption value of compression specimens shall be carried out in accordance with GB/T3780.4. 5.5 The determination of CTAB adsorption specific surface area shall be carried out in accordance with GB/T3780.5. The determination of 5:6 tinting strength shall be carried out in accordance with GB/T3780.6. 5.7 The determination of nitrogen adsorption specific surface area shall be carried out in accordance with GB/T10722. 5.8 The determination of pH value shall be carried out in accordance with GB/T3780.7. 5.9 The measurement of heating test volume shall be carried out in accordance with GB/T3780.8. 5.10 Ash content measurement shall be carried out in accordance with GB/T3780.10. 5.1145um and 500μm sieve residue measurement shall be carried out in accordance with GB/T3780.21. 5.12 The measurement of 150μm sieve residue shall be carried out in accordance with GB/T3780.11. 5.13 Impurity determination shall be carried out in accordance with GB/T3780.12. 5.14 The determination of tensile strength, elongation at break and 300% elongation stress shall be carried out in accordance with GB/T528 and GB/T3780.18. 6 Inspection Rules 6.1 Inspection of carbon black for rubber is divided into factory inspection and routine inspection. 6.1.] Factory inspection: various inspections that must be carried out when the product leaves the factory. The test items are as follows: aN100N900 series are tested for iodine absorption value, DBP absorption value, impurities, CTAB adsorption surface area, 45μm, 150um, 500um sieve residue, tensile strength, 300% tensile stress, and elongation at break; b. S200~~S300 series and natural gas channel carbon black and mixed gas carbon black are tested for CTAB adsorption specific surface area, DBP absorption value, pH value, 45um, 150μm, 500um sieve residue, impurities, tensile strength, 300% elongation stress , elongation at break (s series physical properties are only measured at 300% elongation stress); c. Natural gas semi-reinforced carbon black is tested for iodine absorption value, DBP absorption value + pH value, 45μm, 150μm, 500μm sieve residue, impurities, tensile strength, 300% modulus stress and elongation at break. 6.1.2 Routine inspection: A comprehensive assessment of product quality, that is, a full inspection of the technical indicators specified in the product standards. When any of the following situations occurs, perform routine inspections. a. Trial prototype identification of new products or old products transferred to factory production; b. c. d. e. Formal After production, if there are major changes in raw materials and processes that may affect product performance; during normal production, inspections will be conducted regularly or periodically after a certain amount of production has been accumulated to assess the stability of product quality; when production is resumed after a long-term suspension of production; When the factory inspection results are significantly different from the last inspection results; when the national quality supervision agency proposes routine inspection requirements. 6.2 Sampling 6.2.1 Sampling Tools a. Stainless steel sampling spoon with handle; Sampling tube: The main tube is a hard plastic or stainless steel tube. The sealing plate is a rubber plate, its inner hole is slightly smaller than the outer diameter of the main pipe, and it can move axially along the main pipe b. . The schematic diagram is shown in the figure below. 395 Lower hem 4 free sale 94 33778 GB 21 noon 0· 191 noon 2 noon 01 noon 9131 noon 01 noon 91 years 39 [0 year 912 noon 0·year 9 year 2·0·1+ Los-e- 18- 90+190+190+1 1$0+$0+$0+02-+ 10*-10- 19-/9:1- 9 0- 0 1o- 0- 08 o 8\| |tt||100'0 zo0 o1o + 200 100\0 o1'o||tt ||200 ~ 221~[021~ 21~681~ 281~ 881~ ~ so zot 801 1 o11 1 on 1 951~ z 951 s J esl-isi~||tt| |621921 601 6~ 68 68~28~ 8 2i2s s8|| tt||100'0 ofo 无 s0- ot- 00 1oo0 200 oto 08821 et 91 181
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If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.