title>GB 6995.5-1986 Identification marks of wires and cables Part 5: Identification marks of insulated cores of power cables - GB 6995.5-1986 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
Home > GB > GB 6995.5-1986 Identification marks of wires and cables Part 5: Identification marks of insulated cores of power cables
GB 6995.5-1986 Identification marks of wires and cables Part 5: Identification marks of insulated cores of power cables

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB 6995.5-1986

Standard Name: Identification marks of wires and cables Part 5: Identification marks of insulated cores of power cables

Chinese Name: 电线电缆识别标志 第5部分:电力电缆绝缘线芯识别标志

Standard category:National Standard (GB)


Date of Release1886-11-20

Date of Implementation:1887-10-01

Date of Expiration:2009-03-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Electrical Engineering>>29.060 Wires and Cables

Standard Classification Number:Electrician>>Electrical Materials and General Parts>>K10 Electrical Materials and General Parts Comprehensive

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaced by GB/T 6995.5-2008

Procurement status:neq BS 6480

Publication information

publishing house:China Standard Press

Publication date:1887-10-01

other information

Release date:1986-11-20

Review date:2004-10-14

drafter:Qian Yuexin

Drafting unit:Shanghai Cable & Cable Institute

Focal point unit:National Technical Committee for Standardization of Wires and Cables

Proposing unit:Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China

Publishing department:National Bureau of Standards

competent authority:China Electrical Equipment Industry Association

Introduction to standards:

This standard applies to the identification marks of insulated cores of power cables, including oil-filled cables, non-drip oil-immersed insulated cables, viscous oil-impregnated paper insulated cables, cross-linked polyethylene insulated cables, polyvinyl chloride insulated cables, polyethylene insulated cables and rubber insulated cables. GB 6995.5-1986 Identification marks of wires and cables Part 5: Identification marks of insulated cores of power cables GB6995.5-1986 Standard download and decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

1 Scope of application
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Wire and cable identification marks
Part 5: Power cable insulated core
Identification marks
Markings for electric cables aad wiresPart 5: Identifications of insulated coresof power cables
UDC 621.315.1
GB 6995.5—86
This standard applies to power cable insulation The identification marks of wire cores include oil-filled cables, non-drip oil-impregnated paper insulated cables, viscous oil-impregnated paper insulated cables, cross-linked vinyl insulated cables, polyfluoroethylene insulated cables, polyethylene insulated cables and rubber insulated cables. 2 Wire core identification
.1 The insulated core of power cable adopts two methods of numerical identification and color identification. 2.2 Oil-filled cables, non-drip oil-impregnated paper insulated cables, and sticky oil-impregnated paper insulated cables are identified by numbers. 2. Cross-linked polyethylene insulated cables, polyethylene insulated cables, polyfluoroethylene insulated cables and rubber insulated cables are identified by color. Numerical identification is allowed under special circumstances. 8 Numeric identification
.1 General requirements
3.1.1 The outer paper tape of the insulating layer of the insulated core should be printed with Arabic numerals. 3.1.2 Unless otherwise specified, the color of digital signs shall be white. 3.1. Number signs should be clear and legible. 3.2 Use of numerical signs
The insulated cores of multi-core cables should use different numerical signs and should comply with the following regulations: 2-core cable.
3-core cable...
4-core cable. ·
The numbers 1,2,3 are used for the main wire core , 0 is used for the neutral core. Note: The neutral core core with a nominal cross-section of 16mm is allowed to be unmarked and use its natural color. 3.3 The maximum distance between two adjacent complete digital signs on the insulated wire core is 25mm, and the minimum height of the digital signs is 4.5mm. 3.4 The colorants used in digital signs should not be easy to fade, and should be chemically neutral and have no harmful effects on the cable paper fibers. 4 Color identification
4.1 The insulated cores of multi-core cables should be marked with different colors and should comply with the following regulations. 2-core cable
3-core cable·
4-core cable
National Bureau of Standards released on November 20, 1986
Red, light blue| |tt||·Red, yellow, green
Red, yellow, green, light blue
198T-10-01 implementation
GB 6895.5—86
Red, yellow, and green are used for the main core, and light blue is used for the neutral core. 4.2 The insulated core of polyvinyl chloride insulated cables should generally be made of colored insulation materials, but numerical signs are also allowed. 4.3 Marking yarn or marking ribbon is allowed to be used for insulated wire cores that are not easily colored. Additional notes:
This standard was proposed by the Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China and is under the jurisdiction of the Shanghai Cable Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. This standard was drafted by the Shanghai Cable Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. The main drafter of this standard is Qian Yuexin.
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