title>GB 9052.1-1998 Oil and gas field liquefied petroleum gas - GB 9052.1-1998 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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GB 9052.1-1998 Oil and gas field liquefied petroleum gas

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB 9052.1-1998

Standard Name: Oil and gas field liquefied petroleum gas

Chinese Name: 油气田液化石油气

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release1998-06-17

Date of Implementation:1998-12-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Petroleum and Related Technology >> Fuel >> 75.160.30 Gas Fuel

Standard Classification Number:Petroleum>>Oil, natural gas>>E24 natural gas

associated standards

alternative situation:GB 9052.1-1988

Procurement status:≠ASTM D1835-91

Publication information

publishing house:China Standard Press


Publication date:1998-12-01

other information

Release date:1988-04-21

Review date:2004-10-14

Drafting unit:North China Petroleum Exploration and Design Institute

Focal point unit:China Petrochemical Corporation

Publishing department:State Administration of Quality and Technical Supervision

competent authority:China Petrochemical Corporation

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the technical conditions for liquefied petroleum gas produced from oil and gas fields. The liquefied petroleum gas is suitable for use as industrial and civil fuel. GB 9052.1-1998 Oil and gas field liquefied petroleum gas GB9052.1-1998 standard download and decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

GB 9052. 1—1998
This standard is a revision of GB9052.1--88. Non-equivalent uses ASTMD1835-91&Liquefied Petroleum Gas". This revision mainly has the following changes:
1. The citations have been cleaned up and supplemented, and the latest version has been cited; 2. The product classification of propylene and butane mixtures has been canceled for winter use and summer use: 3. Density has been added to the technical requirements item; oil spill observation has been added to the residue requirements: the allowed calculation methods for density and vapor pressure have been supplemented.
This standard will replace GB9052.188 from the effective date. This standard was proposed by China National Petroleum Corporation. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Planning and Design Institute of China National Petroleum Corporation. This standard was drafted by: North China Petroleum Exploration and Design Institute of China National Petroleum Corporation. The main drafter of this standard: Li Hengmi.
This standard was first published on April 21, 1988. 17
1 Scope
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Liquefied petroleum gas of oil and gas fieldGB 9052. 1-1998
Replaces GR9052.1-88
This standard specifies the technical conditions for liquefied petroleum gas produced in oil and gas fields. The liquefied petroleum gas is suitable for use as industrial and civil fuel. 2 Referenced standards
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute provisions of this standard by being quoted in this standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards will be revised. Customers using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest version of the following standards, GB150-1998 Steel Pressure Vessels
GB5842--86 Liquefied Petroleum Gas Cylinders
GB/ T6602-89 Liquefied petroleum gas vapor pressure determination method (LPG method) GB11518-89 Liquefied petroleum gas hygienic standard in workshop air GB/T12576-~1997 Liquefied petroleum gas vapor pressure and relative density and octane number calculation method GB14193-93 Liquefied gas Gas cylinder filling regulations GB15380-94 Small volume liquefied petroleum gas cylinder SH/T0221-92 Determination of density or relative density of liquefied petroleum gas (pressure density meter method) SH/T0230-92 Determination of liquefied petroleum gas composition (chromatographic method) SH/ T0232--92 Liquefied petroleum gas copper sheet corrosion test method SH0233-92 Liquefied petroleum gas sampling method | Microcoulomb method) SY/T7509-1996 Determination of Liquefied Petroleum Gas Residues 3 Definitions
This standard adopts the following definitions.
3.1 Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) is a liquid petroleum product with propane and butane as the main components. Generally, there are commercial propane, commercial butane and commercial propane and butane mixtures. 3.2 Commercial propane is mainly commercial propane. It is composed of propylene and a small amount of butane and trace ethane, and is suitable for products that require high volatility during use. 3.3 Commercial butane commercial butane is mainly composed of butane, a small amount of propane and a trace amount of pentane. Suitable for products requiring low volatility during use. 3.4 Commercial propane and butane mixtures commercial PBmixtures are mainly composed of propane, butane and a small amount of ethane and pentane, and are suitable for products that require medium volatility during use. Approved by the State Administration of Quality and Technical Supervision on 1998-06-17 1
Implemented on 1998-12-01
4 Technical Requirements
4.1 The technical requirements of the product should comply with the provisions of Table 1. GB 9052. 1—1998
Table 1 Technical requirements for liquefied petroleum gas in oil and gas fields
Vapor pressure (gauge pressure) at 37.8℃, kPa||tt ||Component%
Butane and above components
Pentane and above components
1u0mL evaporation residue mL
Oil Collapse observation
Density (20℃ or 15℃), kg/m2
Copper sheet corrosion, grade
Total sulfur content, 10-6
Free water|| tt||not greater than
not greater than
not greater than
not greater than
not greater than
not greater than
commodity propane|| tt||1430
quality index||tt ||Commodity butane
140||tt ||None
Commodity propylene and butane mixture
Actual measurement
1) Vapor pressure is also allowed to be calculated using the GB/T12576 method, but must be measured using GB/T6602 during arbitration. 2) Density is also allowed to be calculated using the GB/T12576 method, but it must be measured using SH/T0221 during arbitration. Test methods
SH/T 0230
SY/T 7509
SH/T 02212)
SH/T0232||tt ||SY/T 7508
Visual inspection
4.2 In order to ensure the safe use of liquefied petroleum gas, when the liquefied petroleum gas does not contain detectable odor, mercaptans with obvious odor should be added. Odorants formulated with thioethers or sulfur-containing compounds. 5 Sampling
Liquefied petroleum gas sampling shall be carried out in accordance with SH0233. 6 Testing Rules
6.1 Production Inspection
When one of the following situations occurs, the product shall be comprehensively inspected according to the technical requirements specified in Table 1:) New equipment is put into production or the main process flow, equipment and gas source are changed and When production is resumed after shutdown for maintenance: b) During normal production, regularly or when a certain base (such as a full tank) is accumulated;) When there is a big difference between the factory inspection and the last comprehensive inspection results. 6.2 Factory inspection
The factory inspection of LPG is an inspection carried out when the product is sold and handed over. The following provisions shall be followed: a) When shipping, the supplier shall take samples from the storage tank of the shipped product or the transfer point agreed between the supplier and the buyer, conduct inspections according to components, vapor pressure, density or items specified in the contract, and submit the ex-factory qualification to the buyer. certificate. b) When receiving the goods, the purchaser has the right to randomly inspect the quality of the products received. If it is found that the product does not meet the specified quality standards or contract requirements, it can request re-inspection, retain the samples and analysis results, and ask the arbitration unit for a ruling. 7 Marking, packaging, storage, transportation
7.1 Liquefied petroleum gas must be stored in liquefied petroleum gas storage tanks or special cylinders for liquefied petroleum gas. Design of Liquefied Petroleum Gas Storage Tanks. The manufacturing, 19
use and maintenance must comply with the provisions of GB150 and the requirements of the "Safety Technical Supervision Regulations for Pressure Vessels" (issued by the Ministry of Labor). Liquefied petroleum gas cylinders must comply with According to the regulations of GB5842 and GB15380 and in compliance with the requirements of GB14193 and "Gas Cylinder Safety Supervision Regulations" (Ministry of Labor Laifa!
7.2 Liquefied petroleum gas storage tanks must be located in the storage tank area. Storage tanks should comply with regulations Signs and signs. The storage area should be equipped with eye-catching signs such as "flammable items" and "no fireworks". 7.3 Liquefied petroleum gas can be transported by railway tankers, truck tankers, cylinder tankers, special ships and pipelines. 7.3 .1 Railway tanker transportation must comply with the requirements of the "Liquefied Gas Railway Vehicle Safety Management Regulations" (issued by the Ministry of Chemical Industry). 7.3.2 Truck tanker transportation must comply with the requirements of the "Liquefied Gas Railway Vehicle Safety Supervision Regulations" issued by the Ministry of Labor. 3 Cylinder truck and tank truck transportation must comply with the requirements of the "Gas Cylinder Safety Supervision Regulations" (issued by the Ministry of Labor). Cylinder truck tank trucks should not be used to transport liquefied petroleum gas over long distances.
8 Delivery Acceptance
8.1 The supply and demand parties and the transportation department should ensure that clean and compliant railway tank cars, truck tank cars and ships are provided, and if they are unqualified, the provider must be responsible for cleaning or replacing qualified tank cars and ship cabins. If there is any objection to the qualifications, it will not be accepted.
8.2 Both the supplier and the buyer should conduct factory inspection in accordance with the provisions of 6.2 of this standard. If the product fails to pass the standard, it shall not be shipped. 8.3 Sample retention
8.3.1 After the handover and acceptance between the supply and demand parties, if there are differences of opinion on quality issues during the transportation and storage of LPG, a sample (not less than 10kg) of the LPG cylinder can be retained during the handover as a Arbitration inspection certificate. 8.3.2 The sample cylinder must be clean and free of residual liquid. The label should indicate the manufacturer, shipping address, shipping unit, sample name, sample certificate number, sampling location, date, and name of the sampler. The sample cylinder must be signed and sealed by both the supply and demand parties in order to be valid. 8.3.3 Samples must be stored in a cool, dry, and dark room. The retention period is generally three months, and the signature and seal must be kept intact during the retention period.
9 Safety and Health Requirements
9.1 During the entire process of production, storage and use of this product, in addition to the provisions of this standard, the provisions of SY5985 should also be complied with. 9.2 Pay attention to ventilation in the factory buildings where this product is produced, stored and used. According to the requirements of GB11518, the maximum concentration of liquefied petroleum gas in the air shall not exceed 1000 mg/m.
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