title>JB/T 6524-1992 Commonly used electrical graphic symbols for relay protection and automation devices in power systems - JB/T 6524-1992 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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JB/T 6524-1992 Commonly used electrical graphic symbols for relay protection and automation devices in power systems

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 6524-1992

Standard Name: Commonly used electrical graphic symbols for relay protection and automation devices in power systems

Chinese Name: 电力系统继电器 继电保护及自动化装置常用电气图形符号

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)


Date of Release1992-12-21

Date of Implementation:1993-05-01

Date of Expiration:2005-04-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Electrical Engineering>>Power Transmission and Transformation Equipment>>K45 Relay Protection and Automatic Devices

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaced by JB/T 6524-2004

Procurement status:IEC 617 NO

Publication information

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JB/T 6524-1992 Commonly used electrical graphic symbols for relays, relay protection and automation devices in power systems JB/T6524-1992 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
JB/T 6524-1992
Common Electrical Graphic Symbols for Relays, Relay Protection and Automation Devices in Power Systems
Published on December 21, 1992
Implementation on May 1, 1993 by the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry of the People's Republic of China
Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Common Electrical Graphic Symbols for Relays, Relay Protection and Automation Devices in Power Systems
1 Subject Content and Scope of Application
This standard specifies the commonly used electrical graphic symbols for electrical diagrams in the design, manufacture and use of relays, relay protection and automation devices in power systems.
This standard applies to the drawing of various electrical diagrams for relays, relay protection and automation devices in power systems. 2 Reference standards
3 Terms
3.1 Graphic symbols
Electrical terminology
Basic terminology
Electrical terminology
Relays and relay protection devices
Graphic symbols for electrical diagrams
Electrical drawing terms
Graphics, marks or symbols usually used in drawings or other documents to represent a device and a certain concept. 3.2 Symbol elements
A simple graphic with a definite meaning that must be combined with other graphics to form a complete symbol for a device or concept. 3.3 General symbols
A generally simple symbol used to represent a type of product and the characteristics of such products. Note: General symbols can sometimes also be used as qualifiers. 3.4 Qualifiers
A symbol added to other symbols to provide additional information. Note: Qualifying symbols cannot usually be used alone. 3.5 Box symbol
is used to represent the combination of components, equipment, etc. and their functions. It is a simple graphic symbol that neither gives the details of the components and equipment nor considers all connections.
Note: The box symbol is usually used in drawings using single-line representation or drawings of all input and output wiring. 3.6 Other terms used in this standard are in accordance with GB2900.1, GB2900.17 and GB6988.1. 4 Basic requirements
4.1 Drawing of graphic symbols
Symbols should be designed to be used in a grid system with a modulus M to be determined. The modulus M used in this standard is 2.5mm; a.
The connecting lines of the symbols coincide with the grid lines and terminate at the intersection of the grid lines; the side length of the rectangle and the diameter of the circle should be designed to be multiples of 2M, and 1.5M, 1M or 0.5M should be selected for smaller symbols; there should be at least 2M between the two connecting lines to meet the internationally accepted minimum character height requirement of 2.5mm; Approved by the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry on December 21, 1992 and implemented on May 1, 1993
e. The graphic symbols in this standard are drawn in a size that is easy to understand, and the symbols are as proportional as possible to each other. 4.2 The symbols in this standard can be reduced or enlarged as needed. When a symbol is used to define another symbol, the symbol is often drawn in a reduced size. When symbols are reduced or enlarged, the proportions between the symbols and the symbols themselves should remain unchanged. 4.3 The orientation of the graphic symbols shown in this standard is not mandatory. Without changing the meaning of the symbol, the symbol can be rotated or placed in a mirror image according to the needs of the drawing layout, but the text and the indication direction must not be inverted. 4.4 Wire symbols can be represented by lines of different widths. Usually, the main circuit (primary circuit) connecting lines are represented by thick solid lines, and the control circuit (secondary circuit) connecting lines are represented by thin solid lines. 4.5 For the sake of clarity, symbols are usually shown with connecting lines. Unless otherwise specified, this standard only gives one form with connecting lines. 4.6 The graphic symbols specified in this standard are all shown in a normal state without voltage and external force. 4.7 Numbering of symbols
Each graphic symbol in this standard is given a symbol number, which is in Arabic numerals and consists of four sections: the first section (2 digits) indicates the professional classification number; b.
The second section (2 digits) indicates the chapter of the standard; b.
The third section (2 digits) indicates the article of the chapter; and the fourth section (2 digits) indicates the symbol of the article. d.
There are check marks between the four sections, and the dots are added to the lower right corner of the numbers. In this standard, the abbreviation of the first section is 45, which is the abbreviation of the professional classification of maintenance appliances and relay protection. The abbreviations of the chapters in the second section are numbered continuously from 06, the numbers of the articles in the third section are numbered continuously from 01, and the numbers of the fourth section are numbered continuously from 01 to 99. For example:
- The fourth symbol
Article 2
Chapter 7
Professional classification code for relays and relay protection 4.8 Graphic symbols in this standard that are the same as those in international standards IEC617-2~13 or GB4728.2~4728.13 are marked in the description.
5 Use of symbols
5.1 This standard gives symbol elements as completely as possible, defines general symbols, and gives examples of commonly used combination symbols. For example, symbols for certain undetermined devices or concepts are not specified in this standard, and are allowed to be derived through appropriate combinations of specified symbols. 5.2 In order to meet the requirements of different drawings or uses, the sizes of related symbols are allowed to be changed. 5.3 Some symbols in the standard have several graphic forms, and the "preferred form" is used for priority. 5.4 For graphic symbols with several graphic forms, only one graphic form is allowed to be selected in the same electrical drawing, and the size of the graphic symbol and the thickness of the line should also be basically consistent.
5.5 The graphic symbols given in this standard can add limiting symbols on the basis of simple general symbols. 2
Symbol elements, qualifiers and other commonly used symbols 6.1 Outline and housing
45.0601, 06
Types of current and voltage
45. 06. 02. 01
45. 06. 02. 06
45. 06. 02. 07
45. 06. 02. 08
① Shell and tube shell Fill in or add appropriate symbols or codes in the outline symbol to indicate components, devices or functions
Functional unit
Boundary line
Shielding (shield)
AC and DC
②Other shapes of wheels can be used
④ The enclosure has special protective properties and can be annotated to draw attention. ④ The use of the enclosure symbol is optional and can be omitted if it does not cause confusion. However, if the enclosure is connected to other objects, the enclosure symbol must be shown. If necessary, the enclosure can be drawn separately. IEC617-2
Used to indicate that components, devices, etc. within the boundary line are actually, mechanically or functionally connected to each other.
The screen can be formed into any convenient shape
GB 4728.2
The voltage can be marked on the right side of the symbol: the system type can be marked on the left sideIEC6172GB4728.2
If the symbol may cause confusion, this symbol can also be usedIEC 6172GB4728.2
The rated frequency or frequency range and the voltage value should be marked on the right side of the symbol, and the system type should be marked on the left side of the symbolIEC617-2GB 4728.2
Example: AC, 50HzGB4728.2
Example: AC, frequency range 100~600kHzGB4728.2 Example: AC, three-phase with neutral line 50Hz, 380V (220V between neutral line and phase line), 3N can be replaced by 3+N. IEC617—2GB4728.2
Example: AC, three-phase, 50Hz system with one direct grounding point and separate neutral and protective conductors
GB 4728.2
45. 06. 02.09
45.06. 02.10
45. 06.02.12
45, 06. 02. 14||tt ||45. 06.02. 15
Rectification with AC points
Neutral (neutral line)||tt| |Zhongjian Line
DC system positive power line
DC system negative power line
AC system power first phase
AC system power second phase||tt| |The third phase of AC system power supply
The first phase of AC system equipment endbzxz.net
The second phase of AC system equipment end
The third cabinet of AC system equipment end
When needed When distinguishing from stable DC, use IEC6172, GB4728.2
GB 4728.2
When the variable is controlled by an external device When the variable depends on the properties of the device itself, such as resistance changing with voltage or temperature, the variability is intrinsic. The symbol of variability shall be placed across the main symbol at approximately 45° to its centerline.
45. 06.03.01
45. 06.03.02
45.06. 03.03||tt ||
45. 06. 03. 05
45. 06. 03. 06
45. 06.03. 08
Non-intrinsic variability
Non-intrinsic nonlinear variability
Intrinsic variability
Intrinsic nonlinear variability
Pre-adjustment , fine-tuning
step type (gradient type) variable
quantity, step action
related control quantities, such as voltage or temperature The permissible adjustment conditions should be marked near the symbol. For example, pre-adjustment is allowed only when the current is zero. IEC6172. GB4728.2
The number of steps can be added
Example: Indicates the non-intrinsic variability of five steps IEC617-2, GB4728.2
45.06. 03.09
45. 06. 03. 11
45. 06. 03.12
Direction of force or motion
Example, continuously variable presetting
Continuous variability| |tt||The controlled quantity can be shown near the symbol
Automatic control (intrinsic)
Example: Automatic gain control amplifier
The arrow can be used to Indicates the direction in which the movable part of the symbol moves to give the desired effect (see example in symbol Arrows may also be used to indicate the direction of a force or the direction of movement of the part represented by the symbol. In this case, it may be necessary to add Note the observation point. The effects produced by the movement can be described by symbols or words. 04.03
45. 06. 04. 04
45. 06. 04. 05
Straight-line motion in the direction of the arrow
Bidirectional straight-line motion or force||tt ||One-way rotation according to the direction of the flute head
(clockwise direction is shown)
Two-way rotation
Two-way rotation with restrictions on both sides

IEC 617-2,GB4728.2
Example: When 3 moves from 1 to 2, the rate increases by frequency
IEC6172,GB 4728.2
45. 06. 05. 01
Characteristic quantity action correlation
45.06 .06.01
45. 06. 06. 03
45. 06. 06. 04
One-way propagation of energy and signal (one-way transmission) and two-way propagation (simultaneous two-way transmission), simultaneous sending and receiving are not Simultaneous bidirectional propagation
Alternating sending and receiving
Energy output from the busbar
Energy input to the busbar)
Characteristic value is greater than Action when the value is set
Action when the characteristic value is less than the set value
Action when the characteristic value is greater than the high set value or less than the low set valueAction when the characteristic value is zero
Characteristic Quantity and demand When the difference is a value that is very small compared to the normal value, the action is described
Operation parts and operation methods||tt| |
45.06 .08.08
6.9 Grounding, connecting to the machine housing and equipotentiality
45. 06. 09. 01
45. 06. 09. 05
45. 06. 09. 06
45.06. 09. 07
General manual control
Restricted manual control
Pulling operation
Condensation and rotation operation
Push operation
Purple emergency switch (mushroom head safety button)
Handwheel operation
Key operation
If it indicates the condition or function of grounding Not obvious enough, can be supplemented General symbol for charging ground
Noise-free ground
Protective ground
Wire or cable ground
Busbar ground
Casing ground
Shield ground| |tt||IEC6172GB4728.2
Anti-interference grounding
This symbol can be used instead of symbol to indicate that it has a protective function.
For example, grounding to prevent electric shock in the event of a fault IEC617—2. GB4728.2
45.06. 09.10
Form 1
Form 2
Ideal circuit elements
45. 06.10.01
45.06. 10.07
Wires and connecting devices
7.1 conductor
JB/T 65241992
Search wire to external light
Shield to shell
To machine case or bottom plate
Ideal current source
Ideal voltage source
Flashover, breakdown
Insulation breakdown between conductors or busbars
Insulation breakdown between conductor and machine case
Insulation breakdown between conductor and ground
Used to indicate the assumed fault location
45. 07. 01. 01 | | tt | | | 1, 08
45. 07. 01, 09
Conductor, conductor group, wire, electric seam, circuit, transmission path ( Such as microwave technology) line
circuit, general symbol
main circuit conductor
DC circuit
three-phase AC circuit
flexible conductor
screen conductor
coaxial pair, coaxial cable
When a single line is used to represent a group of conductors, if the number of conductors needs to be shown, a short slash can be added or a short slash plus a number can be drawn. GB4728.2
Example three conductors, GB4728.2
Example: three conductors
More situations can be expressed in the following way: Note above the horizontal line: current type, distribution system, power factor and voltage, etc. Note below the horizontal line: the number of conductors in the circuit multiplied by the cross-sectional area of ​​each conductor. If the conductors are different, a plus sign should be added to separate them.
Wire materials can be represented by their chemical element symbols IEC617-3
Wire thickness is twice
Wire thickness is twice the thickest wire line in the same figure Example: 110V, two aluminum wires, wire carrying area is 120mm2
Example: 50Hz380V three wires have a cross-sectional area of ​​120mm and a neutral wire cross-sectional area of ​​50mm
IEC617-3| |tt||IEC6173,GB4728.3
If only part of the structure is coaxial, the tangent line is drawn only on this side of the coaxial
Example, coaxial pair connected to terminal
7.2 Connection between terminal and wire
45.07. 02.04 | |tt | | | |tt | 5. 07. 02.11
JB/T 65241992
Shielded coaxial cable, screen drum coaxial pair
Connection of wires
Terminals (plug-in terminals)
Form 1
Form 2
Terminal board
Connection of wires
Removable terminals
(screen terminals)
Device or daisy terminal
IEC6173.GB 4728.3
Branching and merging of conductors or cables
Disconnection of conductors (cross-over)
Single-line representation
Multi-line representation
Circular diagrams may be drawn as black dots when necessary
IEC6173, GB4728.3
Terminal strips with terminal markings
IEC617—3, GB4728.3
GB 4728.3
GB 4728.3
GB 4728.311
JB/T 65241992
Shielded coaxial cable, screen drum coaxial pair
Connection of wires
Terminals (plug-in terminals)
Form 1
Form 2
Terminal board
Connection of wires
Removable terminals
(screen terminals)
Device or daisy terminal
IEC6173.GB 4728.3
Branching and merging of conductors or cables
Disconnection of conductors (cross-over)
Single-line representation
Multi-line representation
Circular diagrams may be drawn as black dots when necessary
IEC6173, GB4728.3
Terminal strips with terminal markings
IEC617—3, GB4728.3
GB 4728.3
GB 4728.3
GB 4728.311
JB/T 65241992
Shielded coaxial cable, screen drum coaxial pair
Connection of wires
Terminals (plug-in terminals)
Form 1
Form 2
Terminal board
Connection of wires
Removable terminals
(screen terminals)
Device or daisy terminal
IEC6173.GB 4728.3
Branching and merging of conductors or cables
Disconnection of conductors (cross-over)
Single-line representation
Multi-line representation
Circular diagrams may be drawn as black dots when necessary
IEC6173, GB4728.3
Terminal strips with terminal markings
IEC617—3, GB4728.3
GB 4728.3
GB 4728.3
GB 4728.3
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