drafter:Zhan Zhaoping, Chang Baoyin, Tian Qizhu, Ming Cuixin
Drafting unit:Mechanical Standardization Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry, Harbin Dongan Engine Factory, Changchun Automobile Research Institute, etc.
Focal point unit:Mechanical Standardization Research of the Ministry of Machinery Industry
Proposing unit:Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China
Publishing department:State Bureau of Technical Supervision
This standard specifies the module series, basic tooth profile, tolerance and tooth side fit category of cylindrical spur involute splines. This standard applies to cylindrical spur involute splines with standard pressure angles of 30° and 37.5° (module from 0.5 to 10 mm) and 450 (module from. 25 to 2.5 mm) tooth side fit. GB/T 3478.1-1995 Cylindrical spur involute spline module basic tooth profile tolerance GB/T3478.1-1995 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
Some standard content:
UDC621.886.6 National Standard of the People's Republic of China GB/T 3478. 1~3478. 9--1995 Cylindrical spur involute splines Straight cylindrical involute splines1995-07-12Promulgated State Administration of Technical Supervision Implementation on 1996-05-01 National Standard of the People's Republic of China Cylindrical spur involute splines Modules, basic rack profiles and tolerancesGB/T 3478. 1-1995 Replace GB 3478.1—83 This standard is equivalent to the first part "General Introduction" of ISO4156-1981 "Cylindrical spur involute splines-Metric module-Flank fit-General, dimensions and inspection". Subject content and scope of application This standard specifies the module series, basic tooth profile, tolerance and flank fit category of cylindrical spur involute splines. This standard is applicable to cylindrical spur involute splines with standard pressure angles of 30° and 37.5 (module from 0.5 to 10mm) and 45 (module from 0.25 to 2.5mm) flank fit. 2 Reference standards GB1800 General introduction to tolerances and fits Standard tolerances and basic deviations GB10095 Accuracy of involute cylindrical gears GB/T3478.5 Inspection methods for cylindrical spur involute splines 3 Terms, codes and definitions The terms, codes and definitions used in this standard are shown in Table 1 and Figure 1 (30° pressure angle flat tooth root, hereinafter referred to as 30° flat tooth root; 30° pressure angle round tooth root, hereinafter referred to as 30° round tooth root; 37.5° pressure angle round tooth root, hereinafter referred to as 37.5° round tooth root; 45° pressure angle round tooth root, hereinafter referred to as ... Angled round tooth root, hereinafter referred to as 45° round tooth root): Table 1 Terms, codes and definitions Spline connection Involute spline Root arc Minimum radius of curvature of root arc Internal spline External spline Flat root spline Code approved by the State Administration of Technical Supervision on July 12, 1995 Two parts are connected to each other by means of key teeth with equal spacing and the same number of teeth on the inner and outer cylindrical surfaces to transmit torque or motion. Coaxial couple. The spline on the inner cylindrical surface is an internal spline, and the spline on the outer cylindrical surface is an external spline. Spline with involute tooth profile Transition curve connecting involute tooth profile and root circle. On the same tooth groove of the spline, the involute tooth profile on both sides is connected to the root circle by a transition curve Implementation on May 1, 1996 Circular root spline Pitch circle Pitch circle diameter Pressure angle Standard pressure angle Base circle diameter| |tt||Internal spline External spline Internal spline External spline Involute end circle Involute end circle diameter Involute start circle Involute start circle diameter Basic tooth space width Actual tooth space width Maximum value Minimum value Effective tooth space width Maximum value Minimum value Basic tooth thickness GB/T 3478. 1--1995 Continued Table 1 On the same tooth groove of the spline, the spline with involute tooth profiles on both sides connected to the root circle is calculated by a transition curve the reference circle used to calculate the spline size, and the pressure angle on this circle is the standard value D the arc length between two adjacent tooth profiles on the same side on the pitch circle, and its value is the pi element multiplied by the module m the pressure angle at any point on the tooth profile is the acute angle between the radial line of the spline passing through the point and the tangent line of the tooth profile at the point the pressure angle specified on the pitch circle |The imaginary circle that develops the involute tooth profile The diameter of the root circle (big circle) of the internal spline or the addendum circle (big circle) of the external spline The diameter of the addendum circle (small circle) of the internal spline or the root circle (small circle) of the external spline The circle at the end point of the internal spline tooth profile of the involute spline, this circle and the small circle together form the control limit of the involute tooth profile The circle at the starting point of the external spline tooth profile of the involute spline, this circle and the big circle together form the control limit of the involute tooth profile The arc tooth groove width on the internal spline pitch circle, its value is half of the pitch on the internal spline pitch circle The arc tooth width of a single tooth groove actually measured is equal to the arc tooth thickness on the pitch circle of an ideal full-tooth external spline that matches it over the entire tooth length (without clearance and interference). The arc tooth thickness on the pitch circle of the external spline is half the pitch. The actual tooth thickness is the maximum value. The minimum value is the effective tooth thickness. The maximum value is the effective tooth thickness. The minimum value is the effective backlash. The theoretical backlash is the effective backlash. The tooth profile allowance is the tooth profile allowance. |tt||Total tolerance Machining tolerance Comprehensive error Comprehensive tolerance Cumulative pitch error Cumulative pitch tolerance Tooth shape error Tooth shape tolerance Tooth direction error Tooth direction tolerance Rod spacing Across-rod spacing Normal line length Average normal line length Basic dimensions Auxiliary dimensions Note: △F, and △F, are allowed to be measured near the pitch circle. GB/T3478.1—1995 Continued Table 1 The arc tooth thickness Sm of a single spline tooth actually measured on the external spline pitch circle is equal to the arc tooth width on the pitch circle of an ideal full-tooth internal spline that matches it on the full tooth length (without clearance and interference) The effective tooth width of the internal spline minus the effective tooth thickness of the external spline that matches it. Positive values are clearance, negative values are interference The actual tooth width of the internal spline minus the actual tooth thickness of the external spline that matches it In the spline connection, the sum of the machining tolerance and the comprehensive tolerance of the radial distance of the involute tooth profile exceeding the joint The allowable variation of the actual tooth width or actual tooth thickness The comprehensive allowable comprehensive error of the shape and position errors of the spline teeth (or tooth grooves) The maximum absolute value of the difference between the actual solitary length and the theoretical solitary length between any two tooth surfaces on the same side on the pitch circle||tt| |Allowable cumulative pitch error Normal distance between two theoretical tooth profiles that include the actual tooth profile in the working part of the tooth profile (including the tooth profile allowance part, excluding the tooth top shuttle)Allowable tooth profile error In the spline length range, the indexing arc length between two theoretical tooth lines that include the actual tooth line The tooth line is the intersection of the indexing cylinder and the tooth surfaceAllowable tooth direction error When measuring the actual tooth width of the internal spline with two measuring rods, the inner distance between the two measuring rods is collectively referred to as M Value The outer distance between the two measuring rods when measuring the actual tooth thickness of the external spline with the help of two measuring rods is collectively referred to as M value The two outer tooth surfaces separated by K teeth are tangent to one of the two parallel planes. The vertical distance between the two parallel planes must indicate the number of teeth spanned by the two parallel planes. The average value of the common normal length actually measured on the same spline is the dimension given by design. This dimension is the basis for specifying tolerances. It is only used for production and control when necessary. 3 E and E (actual) E and E (actual) Ev and E (actual) GB/T 3478. 1--1995 Internal spline chain External spline a30° flat tooth root Internal spline External spline b30° round tooth root Internal spline 37.5° round tooth root Figure 1 Involute spline connection S and S (actual) S and S (actual) S and S (actual) E and E (actual) 4 Basic parameters 4.1 See Table 2 for basic parameters. GB/T3478.1—1995 Internal spline External spline chain 45° round tooth root Continued Figure 1 Standard pressure angle αp is the tooth profile angle of the basic tooth profile. 4.3 Module m is divided into two series, with a total of 15 types. The first series is preferred. Table 2 Basic parameters Module m First series Second series Sv and S (actual) Basic tooth width E and basic tooth thickness S 30°.37.5° GB/T3478.T--7995 Continued Table 2 Module m First series Second series Basic tooth width E and basic tooth thickness S 30%37.5° For the convenience of comparison, the sizes of spline teeth with different modules and a ratio of 1:1 are given when the standard pressure angle αp is 30° and the number of teeth is 30. 5 Basic tooth profile 5.1 This standard specifies four basic tooth profiles according to three tooth angles and two tooth roots, see Figure 2. 45° 5.2 The basic tooth profile of the involute spline refers to the normal tooth profile of the basic rack. The basic rack refers to an ideal spline with infinite diameter and no errors. 5.3 The basic tooth is the basis for determining the size of the involute spline. 5.4 The reference line is a straight line that crosses the basic tooth profile. The size of the basic tooth profile is determined based on this line. 5.5 The root arc radius PF of the basic tooth profile of the internal spline and the root arc radius PF of the basic tooth profile of the external spline are both fixed values. Note: For splines processed by various generating methods, the radius of curvature of the tooth root arc is variable. It is the smallest at the point where the arc is tangent to the small circle of the external spline (or the large circle of the internal spline), and gradually increases along the arc to the maximum near the starting point of the involute of the external spline (or the end point of the involute of the internal spline). 5.6 The tooth profile allowance C of all basic tooth profiles is 0.1 m. 5.7 It is allowed that the basic tooth profiles of flat tooth root and round tooth root can be mixed on internal and external splines. 6 ug0=\y ug-0-y GB/T 3478. 1---1995 Internal spline Basic tooth profile External spline Basic tooth profile 30° flat tooth root Basic tooth ratio Internal spline Basic tooth friction External spline Basic tooth clearance 30° round tooth root External spline Basic tooth ratio 37.5° round tooth root Figure 2 Basic tooth profile Baseline Basic push line Baseline 6 Size series Internal spline Basic tooth 6.1 The calculation formula of spline size is shown in Table 3. GB/T 3478.1—1995 r=0. 25 m External spline Basic tooth d45° round tooth root Continued Figure 2 6.2 The basic dimension series of the major diameter of external spline are shown in Table 4, Table 5 and Table 6. The modules in brackets are the second series. When the dimensions in the table cannot meet the requirements of the product structure, the number of teeth is allowed to be different from that specified in the table, but the geometric parameter relationship and tolerance match specified in the standard must be maintained so that the standard push tool can be used. 3 Spline size calculation formula Pitch circle diameter Base circle diameter Basic size of internal spline major diameter 30° flat tooth root 30° round tooth root 37:5 round tooth root 45° round tooth root Lower deviation of internal spline major diameter Tolerance of internal spline major diameter Minimum value of internal spline involute end circle diameter30° flat tooth root and round tooth root 37.5° round tooth root 45° round tooth root Basic size of internal spline minor diameter This dimension Limit deviation of internal spline minor diameter Basic tooth width Drinin Drirai Drinin mZcosap Formula or explanation m(z+1.2) (see note ①) Select from IT12, IT13 or IT14 m(Z+1)+2Ch m(z+0.9)+2Cr m(Z+0.8)+2C DFamax +2Cr (see note ②) see table 25 minimum effective tooth space width maximum actual tooth space width minimum actual tooth space width maximum effective tooth space width upper deviation of effective tooth thickness of external spline basic dimensions of major diameter of external spline 30° flat tooth root and round tooth root 37.5° round tooth root 45° round tooth root upper deviation of major diameter of external spline tolerance of major diameter of external spline maximum diameter of involute starting circle of external spline Basic dimensions of minor diameter of external spline 30° flat tooth root 30° round tooth root 37.5° round tooth root 45° round tooth root Upper deviation of minor diameter of external spline Tolerance of minor diameter of external spline Basic tooth thickness Maximum value of effective tooth thickness Minimum value of actual tooth thickness Maximum value of actual tooth thickness Minimum value of effective tooth thickness Tooth form allowance GB/T3478.1—1995 Continued Table 3 Generation. . Number Syvrnx Formula or explanation Evin+(T+A)(See Chapter 8 and Tables 7 to 21)Evauia+)bzxZ.net Eix —a See Table 23 and Figure 3 m(z+1) esv/tanapSee Table 24 See Table 25 2/ (0. 5D,)+(0. 5Dsinab (See Note ③)Where h, see Figure 2 m(2-1. 4) esy/tanapSee Table 24 Select from IT12, IT13 or IT14 Svm—(T+A)(See Chapter 8 and Tables ? to 21)Svenr —^ Smin+a 0. 1m (see Note ④) Note: ①37.5° and 45° round root internal splines are allowed to use flat root. In this case, the basic dimension D of the internal spline major diameter should be greater than the minimum value of the internal spline involute termination circle diameter Drimin ②For all spline tooth side fit categories, the DFenax value is taken according to the H/h fit category. ③This formula is derived according to the rack tool processing principle. Except for the H/h fit category C, which is equal to 0.1m, the tooth shape allowances of other fit categories are all different. Number of teeth GB/T 3478. 1--1995 Table 430° external spline major diameter basic dimension series table De. = m(Z + 1) GB/T 3478.1—1995 Continued Table 4 115.5134.75 117.0136.507 It is allowed to mix the basic tooth profiles of flat tooth root and round tooth root on internal and external splines. 6 ug0=\y ug-0-y GB/T 3478. 1---1995 Internal spline Basic tooth profile External spline Basic tooth profile 30° flat tooth root Basic tooth ratio Internal spline Basic tooth friction External spline Basic tooth clearance 30° round tooth root External spline Basic tooth ratio 37.5° round tooth root Figure 2 Basic tooth profile Baseline Basic push line Baseline 6 Size series Internal spline Basic tooth 6.1 The calculation formula of spline size is shown in Table 3. GB/T 3478.1—1995 r=0. 25 m External spline Basic tooth d45° round tooth root Continued Figure 2 6.2 The basic dimension series of the major diameter of external spline are shown in Table 4, Table 5 and Table 6. The modules in brackets are the second series. When the dimensions in the table cannot meet the requirements of the product structure, the number of teeth is allowed to be different from that specified in the table, but the geometric parameter relationship and tolerance match specified in the standard must be maintained so that the standard push tool can be used. 3 Spline size calculation formula Pitch circle diameter Base circle diameter Basic size of internal spline major diameter 30° flat tooth root 30° round tooth root 37:5 round tooth root 45° round tooth root Lower deviation of internal spline major diameter Tolerance of internal spline major diameter Minimum value of internal spline involute end circle diameter30° flat tooth root and round tooth root 37.5° round tooth root 45° round tooth root Basic size of internal spline minor diameter This dimension Limit deviation of internal spline minor diameter Basic tooth width Drinin Drirai Drinin mZcosap Formula or explanation m(z+1.2) (see note ①) Select from IT12, IT13 or IT14 m(Z+1)+2Ch m(z+0.9)+2Cr m(Z+0.8)+2C DFamax +2Cr (see note ②) see table 25 minimum effective tooth space width maximum actual tooth space width minimum actual tooth space width maximum effective tooth space width upper deviation of effective tooth thickness of external spline basic dimensions of major diameter of external spline 30° flat tooth root and round tooth root 37.5° round tooth root 45° round tooth root upper deviation of major diameter of external spline tolerance of major diameter of external spline maximum diameter of involute starting circle of external spline Basic dimensions of minor diameter of external spline 30° flat tooth root 30° round tooth root 37.5° round tooth root 45° round tooth root Upper deviation of minor diameter of external spline Tolerance of minor diameter of external spline Basic tooth thickness Maximum value of effective tooth thickness Minimum value of actual tooth thickness Maximum value of actual tooth thickness Minimum value of effective tooth thickness Tooth form allowance GB/T3478.1—1995 Continued Table 3 Generation. . Number Syvrnx Formula or explanation Evin+(T+A)(See Chapter 8 and Tables 7 to 21)Evauia+) Eix —a See Table 23 and Figure 3 m(z+1) esv/tanapSee Table 24 See Table 25 2/ (0. 5D,)+(0. 5Dsinab (See Note ③)Where h, see Figure 2 m(2-1. 4) esy/tanapSee Table 24 Select from IT12, IT13 or IT14 Svm—(T+A)(See Chapter 8 and Tables ? to 21)Svenr —^ Smin+a 0. 1m (see Note ④) Note: ①37.5° and 45° round root internal splines are allowed to use flat root. In this case, the basic dimension D of the internal spline major diameter should be greater than the minimum value of the internal spline involute termination circle diameter Drimin ②For all spline tooth side fit categories, the DFenax value is taken according to the H/h fit category. ③This formula is derived according to the rack tool processing principle. Except for the H/h fit category C, which is equal to 0.1m, the tooth shape allowances of other fit categories are all different. Number of teeth GB/T 3478. 1--1995 Table 430° external spline major diameter basic dimension series table De. = m(Z + 1) GB/T 3478.1—1995 Continued Table 4 115.5134.75 117.0136.507 It is allowed to mix the basic tooth profiles of flat tooth root and round tooth root on internal and external splines. 6 ug0=\y ug-0-y GB/T 3478. 1---1995 Internal spline Basic tooth profile External spline Basic tooth profile 30° flat tooth root Basic tooth ratio Internal spline Basic tooth friction External spline Basic tooth clearance 30° round tooth root External spline Basic tooth ratio 37.5° round tooth root Figure 2 Basic tooth profile Baseline Basic push line Baseline 6 Size series Internal spline Basic tooth 6.1 The calculation formula of spline size is shown in Table 3. GB/T 3478.1—1995 r=0. 25 m External spline Basic tooth d45° round tooth root Continued Figure 2 6.2 The basic dimension series of the major diameter of external spline are shown in Table 4, Table 5 and Table 6. The modules in brackets are the second series. When the dimensions in the table cannot meet the requirements of the product structure, the number of teeth is allowed to be different from that specified in the table, but the geometric parameter relationship and tolerance match specified in the standard must be maintained so that the standard push tool can be used. 3 Spline size calculation formula Pitch circle diameter Base circle diameter Basic size of internal spline major diameter 30° flat tooth root 30° round tooth root 37:5 round tooth root 45° round tooth root Lower deviation of internal spline major diameter Tolerance of internal spline major diameter Minimum value of internal spline involute end circle diameter30° flat tooth root and round tooth root 37.5° round tooth root 45° round tooth root Basic size of internal spline minor diameter This dimension Limit deviation of internal spline minor diameter Basic tooth width Drinin Drirai Drinin mZcosap Formula or explanation m(z+1.2) (see note ①) Select from IT12, IT13 or IT14 m(Z+1)+2Ch m(z+0.9)+2Cr m(Z+0.8)+2C DFamax +2Cr (see note ②) see table 25 minimum effective tooth space width maximum actual tooth space width minimum actual tooth space width maximum effective tooth space width upper deviation of effective tooth thickness of external spline basic dimensions of major diameter of external spline 30° flat tooth root and round tooth root 37.5° round tooth root 45° round tooth root upper deviation of major diameter of external spline tolerance of major diameter of external spline maximum diameter of involute starting circle of external spline Basic dimensions of minor diameter of external spline 30° flat tooth root 30° round tooth root 37.5° round tooth root 45° round tooth root Upper deviation of minor diameter of external spline Tolerance of minor diameter of external spline Basic tooth thickness Maximum value of effective tooth thickness Minimum value of actual tooth thickness Maximum value of actual tooth thickness Minimum value of effective tooth thickness Tooth form allowance GB/T3478.1—1995 Continued Table 3 Generation. . Number Syvrnx Formula or explanation Evin+(T+A)(See Chapter 8 and Tables 7 to 21)Evauia+) Eix —a See Table 23 and Figure 3 m(z+1) esv/tanapSee Table 24 See Table 25 2/ (0. 5D,)+(0. 5Dsinab (See Note ③)Where h, see Figure 2 m(2-1. 4) esy/tanapSee Table 24 Select from IT12, IT13 or IT14 Svm—(T+A)(See Chapter 8 and Tables ? to 21)Svenr —^ Smin+a 0. 1m (see Note ④) Note: ①37.5° and 45° round root internal splines are allowed to use flat root. In this case, the basic dimension D of the internal spline major diameter should be greater than the minimum value of the internal spline involute termination circle diameter Drimin ②For all spline tooth side fit categories, the DFenax value is taken according to the H/h fit category. ③This formula is derived according to the rack tool processing principle. Except for the H/h fit category C, which is equal to 0.1m, the tooth shape allowances of other fit categories are all different. Number of teeth GB/T 3478. 1--1995 Table 430° external spline major diameter basic dimension series table De. = m(Z + 1) GB/T 3478.1—1995 Continued Table 4 115.5134.75 117.0136.505° round tooth root 45° round tooth root Upper deviation of external spline minor diameter Tolerance of external spline minor diameter Basic tooth thickness Maximum effective tooth thickness Minimum actual tooth thickness Maximum actual tooth thickness Minimum effective tooth thickness Tooth form allowance GB/T3478.1—1995 Continued Table 3 Generation. . Number Syvrnx Formula or explanation Evin+(T+A)(See Chapter 8 and Tables 7 to 21)Evauia+) Eix —a See Table 23 and Figure 3 m(z+1) esv/tanapSee Table 24 See Table 25 2/ (0. 5D,)+(0. 5Dsinab (See Note ③)Where h, see Figure 2 m(2-1. 4) esy/tanapSee Table 24 Select from IT12, IT13 or IT14 Svm—(T+A)(See Chapter 8 and Tables ? to 21)Svenr —^ Smin+a 0. 1m (see Note ④) Note: ①37.5° and 45° round root internal splines are allowed to use flat root. In this case, the basic dimension D of the internal spline major diameter should be greater than the minimum value of the internal spline involute termination circle diameter Drimin ②For all spline tooth side fit categories, the DFenax value is taken according to the H/h fit category. ③This formula is derived according to the rack tool processing principle. Except for the H/h fit category C, which is equal to 0.1m, the tooth shape allowances of other fit categories are all different. Number of teeth GB/T 3478. 1--1995 Table 430° external spline major diameter basic dimension series table De. = m(Z + 1) GB/T 3478.1—1995 Continued Table 4 115.5134.75 117.0136.505° round tooth root 45° round tooth root Upper deviation of external spline minor diameter Tolerance of external spline minor diameter Basic tooth thickness Maximum effective tooth thickness Minimum actual tooth thickness Maximum actual tooth thickness Minimum effective tooth thickness Tooth form allowance GB/T3478.1—1995 Continued Table 3 Generation. . Number Syvrnx Formula or explanation Evin+(T+A)(See Chapter 8 and Tables 7 to 21)Evauia+) Eix —a See Table 23 and Figure 3 m(z+1) esv/tanapSee Table 24 See Table 25 2/ (0. 5D,)+(0. 5Dsinab (See Note ③)Where h, see Figure 2 m(2-1. 4) esy/tanapSee Table 24 Select from IT12, IT13 or IT14 Svm—(T+A)(See Chapter 8 and Tables ? to 21)Svenr —^ Smin+a 0. 1m (see Note ④) Note: ①37.5° and 45° round root internal splines are allowed to use flat root. In this case, the basic dimension D of the internal spline major diameter should be greater than the minimum value of the internal spline involute termination circle diameter Drimin ②For all spline tooth side fit categories, the DFenax value is taken according to the H/h fit category. ③This formula is derived according to the rack tool processing principle. Except for the H/h fit category C, which is equal to 0.1m, the tooth shape allowances of other fit categories are all different. Number of teeth GB/T 3478. 1--1995 Table 430° external spline major diameter basic dimension series table De. = m(Z + 1) GB/T 3478.1—1995 Continued Table 4 115.5134.75 117.0136.50 Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.