Standard ICS number:Sociology, Services, Organization and management of companies (enterprises), Administration, Transport>>Transport>>03.220.20 Road transport
drafter:Ou Chuanjin, Zhang Hao, Zong Chengqiang, Zhang Hongwei, Ding Zhengang, Li Zhi, Lu Zhouqi, Dong Jinsong, Zhang Xueli, Li Hongbing, Zhou Guofang, Wang Haipeng, He Jiangli, Huang Chaozhi, Li Yue
Drafting unit:Highway Research Institute of the Ministry of Transport, CIMC Vehicles (Shandong) Co., Ltd., Qingdao CIMC Special Vehicle Co., Ltd., China National Heavy Duty Truck Group Qingdao Heavy Industry Co., Ltd.
Focal point unit:National Technical Committee for Road Transport Standardization (SAC/TC 521)
Proposing unit:Ministry of Transport of the People's Republic of China
Publishing department:State Administration for Market Regulation National Standardization Administration
GB/T 39661-2020.Swap bodies for road transport-Technical requirements and test methods.
1 Scope
GB/T 39661 specifies the dimensions and mass of Class A and Class C swap bodies for road transport, the main assembly structure, performance requirements and test methods.
GB/T 39661 is applicable to non-stackable swap bodies for road transport.
GB/T 39661 is not applicable to special swap bodies for road transport (such as tank swap bodies).
2 Normative references
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For any dated referenced document, only the dated version applies to this document. For any undated referenced document, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document.
GB/T 1413-2008 Classification of Series 1 containers. Dimensions and rated masses
GB/T 1835-2006 Corner fittings of Series 1 containers
GB/T 1992 Terminology of containers
QC/T 476-2007 Limits and test methods for rainproof sealing of passenger cars
3 Terms and definitions
The terms and definitions defined in GB/T 1992 and QC/T 476 and the following terms and definitions apply to this document.
Swap body
A standardized cargo box equipped with bottom corner fittings with the same positioning dimensions as a Series 1 container, but with a different body size and structure from a Series 1 container, which can be quickly loaded and unloaded from a vehicle chassis.
class A swap body
swap body with the same bottom corner fittings as a 40ft series 1 container.
Note: 1 ft=0.304 8 m.
class C swap body
swap body with the same bottom corner fittings as a 20ft series 1 container.
box type swap body
swap body with a closed body structure.
curtainsider swap body
swap body with a rigid top and flexibly movable side walls (usually made of canvas or plastic material).
Maximum authorized total mass
The maximum mass of the swap box allowed to operate when fully loaded.
Tare mass
The mass of the swap box when unloaded.
Maximum authorized pay mass
The difference between the maximum authorized total mass and the empty mass of the swap box.
This standard specifies the dimensions and masses, main assembly structures, performance requirements and test methods of Class A and Class C swap boxes for road transport.
This standard applies to non-stackable swap boxes for road transport.
This standard does not apply to special swap boxes for road transport (such as tank swap boxes).
Some standard content:
ICS03.220.20 National Standard of the People's Republic of China GB/T39661—2020 Swap bodies for road transport-Technical requirements and test methods Swap bodies for road transport-Technical requirements and test methods2020-12-14Release State Administration for Market Regulation National Standardization Administration 2021-07-01Implementation Normative references Terms and definitions Dimensions and mass Main assembly structure Performance requirements Test methods Appendix A (Informative Appendix) Appendix B (Normative Appendix) Example of outriggers with safety structure Calculation method for maximum allowable front axle load of forkliftsGB/T39661—2020 This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.1-2009. This standard was proposed by the Ministry of Transport of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Road Transport (SAC/TC521). GB/T39661—2020 The drafting units of this standard are: Highway Research Institute of the Ministry of Transport, CIMC Vehicles (Shandong) Co., Ltd., Qingdao CIMC Special Vehicle Co., Ltd., and Sinotruk Qingdao Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. The main drafters of this standard are: Qu Chuanjin, Zhang Hao, Zong Chengqiang, Zhang Hongwei, Ding Zhengang, Li Zhi, Lu Zhouqi, Dong Jinsong, Zhang Xueli, Li Hongbing, Zhou Guofang, Wang Haipeng, He Jiangli, Huang Chaozhi, and Li Yue. m 1 Scope Swap boxes for road transport Technical requirements and test methods GB/T39661—2020 This standard specifies the dimensions and mass, main assembly structure, performance requirements and test methods of Class A and Class C swap boxes for road transport. This standard applies to non-stackable swap boxes for road transport. This standard does not apply to special swap boxes for road transport (such as tank swap boxes). Normative references The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the dated version applies to this document. For undated references, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document. GB/T1413—2008 Classification, dimensions and rated mass of series 1 containers GB/T1835—2006 Corner fittings of series 1 containers GB/T1992 Container terminology QC/T476—2007 Limits and test methods for rainproof sealing of passenger cars Terms and definitions The terms and definitions defined in GB/T1992 and QC/T476 and the following terms and definitions apply to this document. 3.1 Swap body A standardized cargo box equipped with bottom corner fittings with the same positioning dimensions as series 1 containers, but with different dimensions and structure from series 1 containers, which can be quickly loaded and unloaded with the vehicle chassis. 3.2 classAswapbody ClassA swap box The swap box with the same bottom corner fittings as the 40ft series 1 container. Note: 1ft=0.3048m. ClassC swap boxclassCswapbody The swap box with the same bottom corner fittings as the 20ft series 1 container. 3.4 Firstboxtypeswapbody Box-type swap box The swap box with a closed box structure. 3.5 curtainsider swapbody curtain-side swap box Swap box with a rigid top surface and flexibly movable side walls (usually made of canvas or plastic material): GB/T39661—2020 Maximum allowable total mass maximum authorized total mass The maximum mass of the swap box allowed to operate when fully loaded 3.7 Empty box mass taremass The mass of the swap box when unloaded. maximum authorized pay mass maximum authorized loadwwW.bzxz.Net the difference between the maximum permissible total mass of the exchange box and the empty box mass3.9 load transfer areasloadtransferareas the area formed by the end crossbeam and the crossbeams (or the structural part with a flat box bottom) in the bottom structure of the exchange box, which transmits the load it bears to the longitudinal main beam of the vehicle chassis3.10 steering tunnel steering tunnel the groove-shaped structural area formed by the two longitudinal guide rails at the bottom of the exchange box and the bottom crossbeam when the exchange box is loaded and unloaded from the vehicle chassis. frontstop located on the front beam of the exchange box, it is a limit block or a structure with a limit function to prevent the front wall of the exchange box from being significantly deformed or damaged when the vehicle chassis is reversed to load the exchange box. 3.12 supportleg A device located at the bottom of the exchange box, which is placed vertically on the ground and bears the load of the exchange box in working state, so that the exchange box is separated from the vehicle chassis and placed on the ground Note: The support leg includes two structures: foldable and retractable. 3.13 Grabbing arm grapplerarm A special lifting device for loading and unloading the exchange box, the grabbing part at its end is in full contact with the corresponding structure of the bottom side beam of the exchange box in the horizontal and vertical directions to lift the exchange box. 4 Dimensions and mass The main dimensions, tolerances and maximum allowable total mass of the exchange box shall comply with the provisions of Figure 1 and Table 1. No part of the exchange box is allowed to exceed the maximum outer dimension boundary. Switching box type 12192-26 12500-20 13600_20 13716-20 7450-20 7820-20 8000_20 119854 5853+3 Switching box length; Figure 1 Schematic diagram of basic dimensions Main dimensions, tolerances and maximum allowable Total mass table 1 2750-0 2896_a 25501m Distance between the centers of adjacent bottom corner pieces in the longitudinal direction of the exchange box: distance from the side wall of the exchange box to the center of the adjacent bottom corner piece; distance from the lower plane of the bottom corner piece of the exchange box to the top surface of the box body: width of the exchange box body; Distance between the centers of adjacent bottom corner pieces in the transverse direction of the exchange box; distance between the centers of the bottom corner pieces at the diagonal positions of the exchange box; distance from the lower plane of the bottom corner piece of the exchange box to the bottom plate of the box body. : The width limit of the refrigerated exchange box body can be 2600mm. 63 Idt-dgl GB/T39661—2020 GB/T39661—2020 5Main assembly structure Structural requirements 5.1.1Class A exchange box shall have bottom corner pieces, load transfer area, grab arm lifting area and side bottom holes5.1.2Class C exchange box shall have bottom corner pieces, guide grooves, limit baffles, legs, and can be equipped with grab arm lifting area and fork grooves. Bottom corner pieces The structure and size of the bottom corner pieces of the exchange box shall comply with the provisions of Figure 2. The installation position of the bottom corner pieces in the exchange box shall comply with the provisions of Figure 1, and the lower surfaces of all bottom corner pieces shall be in the same reference plane. Unit: mm 180±2 No. 15, 2012 5.3 Load transfer area Figure 2 Bottom corner piece The structure and layout of the load transfer area shall comply with the provisions of Appendix B of GB/T1413-2008. 5.4 Guide groove 5.4.1 The guide groove shall run through the bottom of the exchange box longitudinally. When the chassis of the vehicle transporting the exchange box is reversing, the guide groove and the guide rollers on the chassis of the vehicle jointly determine the position of the exchange box on the chassis. 5.4.2 The two sides of the front end of the guide groove shall be designed into a trumpet shape, and its size shall comply with the provisions of Figure 3. 4 Description: Guide groove. 5.5 Limit baffle Figure 3 Guide groove GB/T39661-2020 Unit: mm The limit baffle can be integrated into the front beam of the exchange box. The limit baffle should be reusable and should prevent the front wall of the exchange box from obvious deformation or damage during operation. The minimum width of the limit baffle is 800mm and the minimum thickness is 8mm. It should be located in the middle of the 800mm×160mm area in the center of the front beam of the exchange box, as shown in Figure 4. Unit: mm Figure 4 Limit baffle GB/T39661—2020 5.6 Support legs 5.6.1 The installation position of the support legs of the Class C exchange box in the exchange box shall comply with the provisions of Figure 5. Select the support legs of the corresponding specifications according to the height of the lower plane of the bottom corner piece of the exchange box from the ground. 5.6.2 The ground contact surface of each outrigger shall be a square greater than or equal to 95mm×95mm. 5.6.3 The outrigger shall work reliably and a safety structure shall be provided in both the supporting state and the retracted state to ensure that the outrigger shall not deviate on its own in the supporting state and shall not fall off on its own in the retracted state. See Appendix A for examples. 5.6.4 The outrigger shall not extend beyond the outer contour of the exchange box when in the retracted state. 5.6.5 The outrigger shall be marked in a visible position and shall include at least the following: manufacturer's trademark; model; maximum load-bearing mass. Unit: mm Explanation: The height of the lower plane of the bottom corner piece of the exchange box from the ground. H 5.7 Grab arm lifting area Figure 5 Outrigger position 5.7.1 The position of the grab arm lifting area shall comply with the provisions of Figure 6 and its dimensions shall comply with the provisions of Figures 7 and 8. ≥2 590 5.7.2 When the grab arm grabs the exchange box and moves, the structure of the grab arm lifting area should be able to prevent the grab arm from sliding in the lifting area. 5.7.3 The grab arm lifting area should comply with any of the following provisions: a) When the total length of the grab arm lifting area is greater than or equal to 500mm, a limit device should be installed in the longitudinal direction of the exchange box (Figure 7): b) When the distance from the center of the adjacent bottom angle piece axis as one end of the grab arm lifting area to the other end of the grab arm lifting area is greater than or equal to, a limit device may not be installed (Figure 8). 5.7.4 The exchange box should be equipped with a protective plate on the outer edge of the grab arm lifting area, and the thickness of the protective plate should be less than or equal to 2mm. 6 Note: Protective plate: Limiting device. 4 876- Figure 6 Schematic diagram of grab arm lifting area Figure 7 Grab arm lifting area when limit devices are installed in the longitudinal direction of the exchange box GB/T39661—2020 Unit: mm Unit: mm GB/T39661—2020 5.8 Side bottom hole Figure 8 Grab arm lifting area when bottom angle piece is used as limit device Unit: mm The size and position of the side bottom hole shall comply with the provisions of Figure 9. The side bottom hole of the exchange box shall be closed when it does not meet the side bottom hole lifting test requirements. Unit: mm 5 590 20 Figure 9 Side bottom hole 5.9 Fork groove GB/T39661—2020 The size of the fork groove shall comply with the provisions of Figure 10, and the fork groove shall run through the bottom of the box horizontally. Bottom plates shall be set at both ends of the fork groove, and the bottom plates do not have to cover the full width of the box. Unit: mm 6 Performance requirements 2050+50 Figure 10 Fork groove 6.1 After the exchange box is tested according to 7.2~7.9, there shall be no permanent deformation that affects normal use, and the size can still meet the requirements of Table 1. During the test of the side curtain exchange box according to 7.8.2, the deformation of any part of the side wall shall be less than or equal to 300mm. 6.2 The exchange box should remain stable when supported by the legs. During the test according to 7.10, no tilting, rollover or other dangerous situations should occur. 6.3 After the legs are tested according to 7.11, the deformation of the bottom of the legs should be less than or equal to ±5mm. 6.4 After the exchange box is tested according to 7.12, no leakage should occur. 6.5 The strength of the bottom corner pieces should meet the transportation and loading and unloading requirements of the exchange box. The materials and mechanical properties of the bottom corner pieces should comply with the provisions of Appendix D of GB/T1835-2006. 7 Test methods 7.1 Test requirements 7.1.1 The test items that must be performed for all exchange boxes are 7.2, 7.6, 7.7, 7.8, 7.9, and 7.12. Exchange boxes with related structures should be tested according to 7.3, 7.4, 7.5, 7.10, and 7.11 respectively. 7.1.2 The test in 7.12 shall be carried out after all tests are completed. 7.1.3 Unless otherwise specified, in each test, when the test structure of the exchange box is symmetrical, only one of the test structures may be tested; otherwise, each structure shall be tested separately. 7.1.4 When loading and unloading the exchange box, the front axle load of the forklift shall be less than or equal to the maximum allowable front axle load of the forklift, and the maximum allowable front axle load of the forklift shall be calculated according to Appendix B.11 After the test, the deformation of the bottom of the leg should be less than or equal to ±5mm. 6.4 After the exchange box is tested according to 7.12, there should be no leakage. 6.5 The strength of the bottom corner pieces should meet the transportation and loading and unloading requirements of the exchange box. The material and mechanical properties of the bottom corner pieces should comply with the provisions of Appendix D of GB/T1835-2006. 7 Test methods 7.1 Test requirements 7.1.1 The test items that must be done for all exchange boxes are 7.2, 7.6, 7.7, 7.8, 7.9, and 7.12. Exchange boxes with related structures should be tested according to 7.3, 7.4, 7.5, 7.10, and 7.11 respectively. 7.1.2 The 7.12 test should be carried out after the completion of each test. 7.1.3 Unless otherwise specified, in each test, when the test structure of the exchange box is symmetrical, only one of the test structures may be tested; otherwise, each structure should be tested separately. 7.1.4 When loading and unloading the exchange box, the front axle load of the forklift should be less than or equal to the maximum allowable front axle load of the forklift, and the maximum allowable front axle load of the forklift should be calculated according to Appendix B.11 After the test, the deformation of the bottom of the leg should be less than or equal to ±5mm. 6.4 After the exchange box is tested according to 7.12, there should be no leakage. 6.5 The strength of the bottom corner pieces should meet the transportation and loading and unloading requirements of the exchange box. The material and mechanical properties of the bottom corner pieces should comply with the provisions of Appendix D of GB/T1835-2006. 7 Test methods 7.1 Test requirements 7.1.1 The test items that must be done for all exchange boxes are 7.2, 7.6, 7.7, 7.8, 7.9, and 7.12. Exchange boxes with related structures should be tested according to 7.3, 7.4, 7.5, 7.10, and 7.11 respectively. 7.1.2 The 7.12 test should be carried out after the completion of each test. 7.1.3 Unless otherwise specified, in each test, when the test structure of the exchange box is symmetrical, only one of the test structures may be tested; otherwise, each structure should be tested separately. 7.1.4 When loading and unloading the exchange box, the front axle load of the forklift should be less than or equal to the maximum allowable front axle load of the forklift, and the maximum allowable front axle load of the forklift should be calculated according to Appendix B. 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