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HG 20557.1-1993 Scope of responsibilities of process system specialty and tasks in the engineering design phase

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG 20557.1-1993

Standard Name: Scope of responsibilities of process system specialty and tasks in the engineering design phase

Chinese Name: 工艺系统专业的职责范围与工程设计阶段的任务

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)

state:in force

Date of Release1994-08-03

Date of Implementation:1996-03-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:71.010

Standard Classification Number:>>>>P7 Chemical Industry>>Comprehensive Chemical Industry>>G04 Basic Standards and General Methods

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HG 20557.1-1993 Scope of responsibilities of process system professionals and tasks in the engineering design phase HG20557.1-1993 standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

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Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Regulations on the Management of Process System Design
Editor: Chemical Process System Design Technology Center Approving Department: Ministry of Chemical Industry
Implementation Date: October 1, 1994 Engineering Design Standards Center of the Ministry of Chemical Industry
Beijing, 1994
Scope of responsibilities of process system professionals and
tasks in the engineering design stage
Compiler: China Juda Chemical Engineering Corporation Approving Department: Ministry of Chemical Industry
Implementation Date: October 1, 1994
1 Main work content and scope of responsibilities in the engineering design stage 1.1 Main work content in the engineering design stage
1.11 The design of the piping instrument flow chart (hereinafter referred to as the process flow chart or D) of the chemical process production equipment is carried out through the process flow chart (PF chart or PF), process control chart (PC chart or PI), material balance and working conditions and instructions required by the process operation to meet the needs of normal production, start-up and shutdown, as well as the operation and safety of accidents. 1.1.2 The production chart of the standard pump is jointly evaluated with the automatic control professional, and the machine plan professional can evaluate the machine process characteristics of the manufacturer. The design of non-standard pumps is provided by the pump professional, including the flow chart, operation requirements and instructions, etc., and the automatic control professional cooperates with the process system professional to complete the PI chart [including the PI chart of the main pipe part of the oil system and the sealing gas (liquid) system of multiple units, excluding the PI gate of the oil system and the sealing gas (liquid) system inside the unit. 1.1.3 1.1.4 Responsible for calculating and selecting all safety valves, bursting discs, flow limiting orifice plates, small silencers, drains and other special pipe fittings and system components in Figure 1, and responsible for providing data sheets for these sensing components. 1.1.5 Responsible for providing the pressure difference and related data sheets for control valves and flow gauges. 1.1.6 Participate in technical evaluation of inquiries and quotations related to process system professionals. 1.1. Responsible for determining the design pressure and connection requirements for any indirect fire heating equipment within the process production unit. 1.1.8 Responsible for providing equipment elevations and N\SH (net positive suction head) calculations of pumps that are consistent with the calculations of process system professionals, and determining the pressure difference requirements for the machine pump.
1.1.9 Determine the insulation type of equipment and pipelines according to the provisions on insulation and coating design provided by the pipeline material professionals.
1.1.1 Responsible for the noise control design of pipelines, valves, etc. Select and calculate the reasonable medium flow rate, reduce and eliminate the noise of pipelines and valves, eliminate the venting noise, and take sound insulation measures when the general noise cannot be reduced and eliminated.
1.1.11 Responsible for the design of the safety system for the normal safe operation of the device in the investment device. 1.1.12: Participate in the technical contract negotiation of the technical requirements of the major and participate in the research and production of materials.
1.1.13: Estimate and control the labor time of this major. 1.1.14 Prepare the engineering design regulations and completion report of the chemical process major 1.1.15 For the equipment, machine tools, etc. in the system process of the common material distribution and distribution plan of the device that the chemical process major is not responsible for, the process system major should provide the process conditions. Its job responsibilities, work content, and other majors are the same as those of other majors.
1.2 Scope of work
1.2.1 The design of water supply and drainage for production in chemical process equipment and PI diagrams shall be the responsibility of the process system major. The industrial system major and water supply and drainage major shall propose the boundary conditions of water supply and drainage for production: 1.2.2 The process system major shall propose the boundary conditions of steam and condensate in chemical process equipment, and the thermal industry shall carry out the design of steam balance, steam cooling water recovery and process condensate recovery. 1.2.3 The process system major shall be responsible for proposing the boundary conditions of process, auxiliary materials and public materials in the chemical process equipment, and the process design of process, auxiliary materials and public material pipelines outside the chemical process equipment shall be the responsibility of the pipeline design major.
1.2.4 According to the requirements of the chemical process major for process operation rules, according to the process control diagram (PCD) and with the cooperation of the automatic control major, the instrument symbols shall be expressed on the diagram. In addition, the process system major shall also supplement the detection, display control and wall system. According to the calculation of the pressure drop of the pipeline system and the determination of the design pressure of the equipment, relevant control, detection points and alarm systems should be added to maintain the safety of the system. According to the type of the case or compressor and the calculation of the benefits of the pump and compressor, some detection, display and control points should be added when necessary. In the public material system, such as steam, gas, compressed air, water and other main pipes, necessary control, detection points, metering instruments and alarm systems should be set: For some public material auxiliary equipment (such as nitrogen storage equipment for safety use during the year, etc.), necessary control, detection points and alarm systems should be added.
1.2.45 According to the opinions of the chemical process professional operators, relevant tables should be added. 1.2.4. If the control points or detection points need to be adjusted after the safety analysis of the process system professional, it should be negotiated with the chemical process professional and the automatic control professional. 1.2.5 Due to the different academic settings, the above adjustments to the positions or functions must be approved by the unit's management leaders and corresponding regulations must be formulated.
2 Tasks in the engineering design stage
2.1: Division of engineering design stages
The engineering design stage is divided into two stages: the basic engineering design stage and the detailed engineering design stage. In the engineering design department, the professional training is required to complete the seven versions of FI drawing design, A, B, CD, EFG version PI drawing design: the basic engineering design stage completes the A, B, C, D version PI drawing design, and the detailed engineering design stage should complete the E, F, C version PI drawing.
2.2 Basic engineering design stage
2.21 The information required for the basic engineering design work of the engineering system major is as follows: 2. 2. 1.1 Approved design documents or joint documents signed and discussed with the project manager Basic design data: Development report and design plan (design schedule), Basic design and chemical process professional data (process flow chart, material semi-balance table, necessary material properties data, working conditions and instructions required by process operation, water, steam, condensate semi-balance conditions related to the process, start-up and shutdown ammonia and air consumption, process data tables of related E, C, J, L and other equipment, including process data tables and conditions of D, E, F and other equipment with different equipment sizes, safety memorandum and wind test requirements, etc. Chemical process professional and operation department proposed and paid vehicle use information, Process control cabinet (PC diagram),
Equipment table.
2.2.1.B Material memorandum:
2. 2. 1. 40
2. 2. 1. J1
Recommended equipment layout.
Pressure drop of vessels, heat exchangers, industrial guards and special equipment. Specifications for professional design of piping materials.
2. 2. 1. 12
Grade length of piping materials.
2. 2. 1. 13
2. 2. 1. 14
Design regulations for heat protection and anti-noise paint. Environmental noise control requirements provided by environmental protection professionals, 3 Test items and requirements.
1.2.2 Work content and procedures Prepare "Noise control design requirements" and noise control design regulations (if required). Prepare process design regulations.
2.2.23 Work conditions based on process flow charts, process control charts, material balance sheets, equipment process data and condition charts, and process operation requirements. Provide the process data sheet of the equipment of the public material system, the process data sheet of the pump, and provide the relevant professional with the conditions and requirements. Carry out the general hydraulic calculation. 2.7.26 Carry out the NFSH calculation of the pump and provide the calculation result of the pressure difference of the machine set. Provide the net positive pressure sheet of the equipment and the set related to the system efficiency: NP5 (2nd edition). Provide the summary sheet of the connection of all invested equipment (including the equipment design power, the material connection port size and the connection port flange grade and flange surface type determined according to the pipeline material professional and pipeline material grade table) and the verified pump data sheet.2! According to the relevant regulations of pipeline material specialty, the relevant data in the pipe wall thickness data table are provided for pipeline mechanics (i.e. pipeline mechanics, the same below) professionals to calculate the pipe wall thickness: Provide a table of common material conditions in the chemical process package (add: water, drainage, steam, salt water and refined water, compressed air, ammonia, etc.). Provide a table of boundary system components. Based on the above period, the same depth of work and other professional conditions, correspondingly provide 1 Figure B version (internal audit version), this version includes the start-up and stop flow chart provided by the chemical process specialty and operation department - for customer professional evaluation (attached with the comparative version of the pipeline naming table). 2.2.Z.13 Provide a control valve and flow meter data table. ZZZ14 According to the P drawing B version and the attached B version pipe naming table, the relevant ordering information is submitted to the C version (user product) for the user's review (attached with the core version pipe naming table) Calculate the safety valve and bursting disc, and submit the relevant data table. Submit the data table of special pipe fittings. For example, special foot valves, relief valves, flow limiting orifice plates, breathing valves, mufflers, etc., for the relevant departments to supplement the order. There is no finalized product yet. The process system industry proposes the conditional drawing and submits it to the relevant professionals (such as pipeline material professionals and equipment professionals) to make the manufacturing drawing. Then the store professional system professional data special pipe fittings data table will be submitted to the relevant professional manufacturing department together with the pipeline material professional. 4bzxZ.net Provide the equipment and pipeline insulation type and thickness. Propose insulation (cooling) types and requirements for equipment and pipelines. Evaluate the manufacturer's drawings and information of equipment, pipe fittings and valves related to the process system., according to the review of version C of Figure 1, the revision of version D of Figure 11 (confirmed version) is proposed, with the attached version name table:
2.3 Detailed Engineering Design Stage
2.3.1 According to the final drawings and materials of equipment ordering (i.e. AC:F) and manufacturing), the final pipe and reading parts provided by the drawing materials; according to the problems found in the inspection model design, as well as the E version of the piping design drawing, the E version of the equipment layout drawing (detailed 1 version or called research version), and the NISH table (3rd version). The rectification of version D of PI is proposed, and the E version (detailed 1 version, with the attached version of the piping name table
2.3.2 According to the final drawings and materials of equipment ordering (CCF), the piping design drawing, the F version of the equipment layout drawing (detailed 2nd version or called investment version) and the NPSH table (4th version, the final version) , modify the PI E version, and propose the PI version 2 (F version) pipeline naming table.
2.3.3 The tower equipment ordering final drawing data (i.e. CF), pipeline design drawing G version, equipment layout drawing core version (construction version) and pipeline axonometric return modification disk are proposed in the G version (implementation version), and the attached (version pipeline naming table is the detailed engineering design product.
2.3.4 Complete the summary tables and data tables of various finished products of detailed engineering design. That is: flow limiting orifice summary table, safety valve procurement data summary table, steam trap procurement data summary table, flame rupture piece procurement data table, special parts data table and special pipe parts summary table, etc.
2.3.5 Complete the drawing catalog and boundary condition table of the professional design finished product files of the process system (if necessary). 3. 1.1
3: Process system professional engineering design procedure
The working procedure of the process system professional engineering design stage is shown in Figure 3.0.1. ()
Infertility clearance list
Analysis chart
Figure (industry)
Ocean Science
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