This standard specifies the special terms for power capacitors. This standard is applicable to the formulation of standards, preparation of technical documents, writing and translation of manuals, teaching materials and books. GB/T 2900.16-1996 Electrical terminology Power capacitors GB/T2900.16-1996 Standard download decompression password:
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[CS29.020 National Standard of the People's Republic of China GB/T2900-76-1996 Electrical terminology Power capacitors Electrotechnical terminologyPower capacitors 1996-06-17 1997-07-01 implementation National Technical Supervision Bureau issued National Standard of the People's Republic of China Power capacitors Electrical terminology Electretechaical terminologyPover capacitors GE/T 2900.161996 Generation G2uuu.16—63 This new standard adopts the original international standard IEC50.436:990 International Industry Training Collection No. 426: Power Transmitters. 1 Subject content and scope of application This standard defines the special terms of power transmitters. This standard is applicable to the formulation of standards, compilation of technical documents, abbreviations and translation manuals, teaching materials and books, etc. 2 Capacitor names and abbreviations 2.1 Technical Application Classification 2.1.1 Power capacitor A device that provides capacitance. Note that in this standard, when it is not necessary to emphasize the "capacitor unit" or "capacitor group" or "power device" in the power grid, the term "power capacitor" is used. 2.1.2 Power capacitor A capacitor used in the power grid. 2.7.3 Shunt capacitor A capacitor connected in parallel in the power grid, mainly used to compensate for inductive reactance to improve power factor. 2.1.4 Series capacitor A capacitor connected in parallel in the power grid, mainly used to compensate for inductive reactance to improve power factor. 2.1.5 Motor starting capacitor A capacitor that changes the current of a single-phase motor to generate a starting capacitor. Once the motor is running, the capacitor automatically exits the circuit. Fmoiyrunnmgraparitn 2.1.6 Electric running capacitor A small capacitor that is connected to the auxiliary winding of a single-phase electric motor and is mainly used to change the torque and power factor of the motor under running conditions. 2.1.7 Tiltercapcitar A capacitor that is used in conjunction with other components to reduce network harmonics. 2.1.8 Power electronic capacitor A capacitor that can be used in power starter equipment and can continuously operate under non-operating current or self-pressure. 2.1.9 Capacitor: A capacitor that can store energy in a pulse and release it in a very short time. 2.1.10 Circuit breaker electrical equipment is connected in parallel with the circuit breaker to change the distribution of the power supply. Approved by the State Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine on June 17, 1996 and implemented on July 1, 1997. GB:T 2900. 16 1996 2.1.11 Induction heating can also be used for Chinese medicine. 2.1.12 Harmonic capacitors are used in the power grid or test circuit with the reactor to realize the fundamental wave of the capacitor, 2.1.73 Protective capacitors are used between the power line and the ground and to receive the impulse overvoltage. 2.1.14 capacitor is a capacitor used in DC circuits, 2.1.15 standard capacitor is a capacitor used as a comparison standard in electrical equipment or insulator materials and in the measurement of capacitance, 2.1.16 capacitor is used in large systems to measure the capacitance of the capacitor. 2.1.17 capacitor divider voltage divider composed of capacitors, high voltage capacitor voltage divider) higb.uluguueiu-farrapiriinrdividr2.1.18 capacitor divider is a capacitor connected between the high voltage terminals, 2.1.19 intermediatevoltage capacitor capacitor divider) intermediatevoltage capacitorof a capae!tordivider)Capacitor voltage divider is a flexible capacitor connected between the neutral terminal and the low voltage (or grounding) terminal. Capacitive voltage transformer capuciturviigerinforme2.1.20 A voltage transformer composed of a voltage divider and an electric monitoring unit, 2.2 Classification by structure effect 2.2.1 (capacitor unit (aior) T Assembled by one or more capacitor elements in a single outer well and lead-out terminals, 2.2.2 (intermediate container) receiving column (itrr) xlak vertical assembly of container units. 2.2.3 (capacitor bank (eapaelor) bank Electrically connected together one-year container unit. capuitoinstallaton Capacitor (limited set> device Electrode and extension of the device 2.2.5 Solution of capacitor electrelytic apaeiior A capacitor with an oxide film formed on one or both sides of the electrode by the oxidation method as the dielectric. 2.2.6 AC electrolytic capacitor ateietuly!rtnparirar An electrolytic capacitor group specially designed for AC current (f word device papei (dielectrie) capacitor 2.2.7 A capacitor with a dielectric that can carry current through paper. 2.2-8 Film (dielectric monthly guest device (ilrilinlrir) eapaeim A capacitor with a composite film that can carry high current as the dielectric. 2.2.9 Composite dielectric monthly capacitor mixeccelecirccapRcttar A capacitor with at least two types of electrodes that are not solid (usually no current 1). Gold foil capacitor mel fuil 2.2.10 Electrode is a metal-dissipated capacitor, the electrode is a metal layer on the dielectric. GA/T 2500-161996 2.2.12 Electrode 2e.f-hcalincapacitor has a solid seal. 2.2.3 Gas capacitor rumreraedgascapacitor Capacitor with no gas as dielectric. 2.2.4 Capacitor impregaateccapacitor Capacitor with solid material as dielectric. 2.2.5 Dry capacitors are capacitors that do not leak liquid. 2-2-16 Water-cooling capacitors are capacitors that rely on water in the water pipes to remove the internal heat during operation. Self-cooling capacitors are capacitors that rely on light and heat to dissipate internal heat during operation. 2.2.18 Sembling capacitors are capacitors that have capacitor units nested in a container (tank). 2.3 General Terms 2-3-1 Capacitance (qualitative) Capacitance (prperi) Capacitance (quantitative) Capacitence (quanity) 2.3-2 The difference between the amount of charge accumulated on one electrode of a capacitor and the voltage between the two electrodes when the influence of other factors can be ignored. 2.3.3 Rated capacitance (capacitor) rated capacitance (nf capacitor) The capacitance specified in the design of the capacitor. 2.3.4 Capacitance tolerance The difference between the actual current and the rated current, the actual current at 20°C or below the temperature. 23.5 Rated voltage (capacitor) rated voltage (nf capacitor) The voltage specified when designing the capacitor (average value for AC). 2.3.6 Rated current (self-contained device) rated current (afa capacitor) The AC current specified when designing the capacitor (average value for AC). 2-3. 7 Rated frequency (self-contained device) rated frequency (aakilur) The frequency specified when designing the capacitor. Rated output (capacitor) rated output (of capacitor) 2. 3.8 Reactive power newly specified in the design of electroporators, 2-3.9 New temperature class (rrrelrnruluelegury (ofaacita) of capacitors The range of ambient air temperature or cooling medium temperature specified in the design of capacitors. 2.3.10 Charging (ofacapacitor) cherging (ofacapacitor) The process of injecting electric energy into an electroporator Charging current (of an electroporator) cbargingcutre (fauitur) The current when a capacitor is charged. 2.312 Discharging (ofacapacitar) The process of discharging all or part of the remaining energy stored in a capacitor. 2.3.3 Discharging current (of an electroporator) dischargingurcnt (afacapacicor) The current when a capacitor is discharged. CB/T 2900. 16-- 1996 2.3.14 Capacitance coefficient (a) temperature to elficint of capacitance (ac) The ratio of the capacitance change of the capacitor to the capacitance value (mean value) for each change in temperature of the capacitor per day. Where: a represents the change in temperature measured within the vehicle: b represents the capacitance obtained at 2 o'clock. 2.3-15 Cooling air temperature (electrical appliance) coolingremperture (ofacpacito:) Under certain conditions, the temperature of the air group at the midpoint of the line connecting the hottest points between the two capacitors in the hottest area of the capacitor group. If there is only one capacitor, it refers to the temperature at 0.1m from the hottest point of the capacitor. 2.316 The rest Voltage residualnitage The voltage stored at the capacitor terminals after a period of time, b, the residual voltage of a two-phase inductor is connected to form an open triangle with three single-cabinet inductors. When three pairs of sinusoidal voltages are applied to the transformer, the voltage between the open triangle terminals, the intermediate voltage intermediovvultage When the primary voltage is applied between the high-voltage terminal and the intermediate voltage (ground) terminal of the capacitor, the voltage between the intermediate voltage of the external transformer and the ground. Open-circuit interined voltage open-circuit interined voltags2.3.18 The intermediate voltage when no parallel impedance is connected to the intermediate voltage of the voltage divider 2. 3. 19 Voltage divider ratio (capacitor voltage divider ratio ratio[ofcnpmilorlividervoltageusiio]) is the ratio of the voltage applied to the capacitor divider to the intermediate voltage when no parallel impedance is connected to the medium voltage capacitor. It is calculated as: this ratio is the sum of the voltages of the high, low and medium capacitors divided by the capacitance of the high voltage circuit, (C+C)C: where: C, includes miscellaneous circuits, soft combustion please ferro-reganAnec In the circuit with single or parallel connection of the power supply device and the subsequent capacitor, under the close operation of the system, the nonlinearity of the power supply device causes a resonance, which instantly responds 2.3.21月 The response performance of the system to a changing input. 7.3.22 The active power consumed by a capacitor. The loss of an electrical device. The ratio of the equivalent series resistance to the capacitive reactance of a capacitor under sinusoidal alternating current. Leakage current (of capacitor) 2. 3.24 The steady current through the dielectric between the terminals of a capacitor under free-flowing conditions. 2.3.25 Single Nunreitorapaci The direct current between the two terminals and the leakage current through the terminals. 2.3.26 Time constant (timeconatant of capacitor)The multiplication of the insulation resistance of the capacitor and the capacitance. 2. 3.27 Self-healing propertyA self-sensitive capacitor can quickly recover its insulation performance after partial breakdown of its dielectric layer. 2.3.28 Capacitance bandwidth characteristicThe characteristic of capacitance changing with temperature. 2-3.29 Capacitance frequency characteristice o:capacitant GB/T2900.16—1996 The characteristic of capacitance changing with the frequency of the external brain. 2.3.30 Equivalence resistance (of a capacitor) Equivalence resistance (of a capacitor) A slowly designed cross-resistance, when it is connected in series with an ideal capacitor with equal capacitance to the capacitor in question, under specified conditions, the power consumed in the resistor will be equal to the active power consumed in the resistor. 2.3.31 High-frequency capacitance (of a capacitor) High-frequency capacitance (olraperilor) The equivalent capacitance formed by its inherent capacitance and self-inductance at a given frequency within the high-frequency range. 2.3.32 Stray capacitance of a low-voltage capacitor 2.3.33 Dissipative conductance ofthe low-voltage terminal of an A-type capacitor The conductance between the voltage terminal and the ground terminal of the A-type capacitor. 2.3.34 Inherent inductance of a capacitor The inductance of a capacitor 2.3.35 Parallel compensation Connecting a capacitor in parallel to a power grid to compensate for the inductive current of the grid with the capacitor's reactance. 2.3.36 Series compensation Connecting a capacitor to a transmission line to compensate for the line's reactance with the capacitor's capacitive reactance. 2.3.37 Local (capacitive) compensation localwupreitivecumpesetiun Connect the capacitor directly in parallel to the motor or other electricity coupons to increase the power number, 2.3.38 Reactance ratio reactanceratic The percentage of the inductive reactance of the parallel reactor to the reactance of the parallel capacitor group connected in parallel, 3 Structure and design 31 Structural parts and accessories 3.1. Lower (electrical) element (capacitor) element is a component composed of a dielectric and electrodes separated by it. 3.1.2 Core (capacitor) packet (afacapacitar) rises components, insulation and fasteners (vertical with other devices) assembled or evaluated and made into a main part of the capacitor when electrically connected. 3.t.3 Body (of capacitor unit) A main part of a capacitor that is assembled with a number of cores, connectors and insulating parts (with other devices) to form a whole and make appropriate electrical connections. 3.1.4 Internal lute (of a capacitor) A fuse that is electrically connected to the components inside the capacitor unit. 3.1.5 Expunder A device installed inside or outside the capacitor (communicating with the inside of the capacitor). Used to compensate for the thermal expansion and cold expansion of the liquid dielectric so that the internal pressure of the capacitor is limited to the specified range with temperature. 3.1.6 Overpressure disconnector (for a capacitor) A device that can automatically cut off the current path when the internal pressure of the capacitor increases to exceed its allowable range. Cytinder A round insulating part used as the outer shell of the capacitor. Line terminal: lineterminal Terminals used to connect to the transmission line or busbar. 31.9 Low-voltage terminal law-vallage temuinal is used to directly connect to the ground through an impedance with a very small resistance under the rated power of the power grid. GH/T 2900.161996 Note: (In the matching capacitor, the sending end is connected! The signal and transmission are connected. 3.1 The terminal is the voltage terminal that takes the voltage from the voltage divider according to the ratio. 3.1.11 High, the terminal is the receiving end of the divider. Earth terminal Terminal used to connect the cabinet to the ground. 3-*13 Electric transmission list +lestru mgnelir urin…a kind of dust-proof electric narrow jade device with medium-voltage grease and a capacitive voltage between the battery terminal or the ground is generated by electromagnetic induction. The sensor component, 3.4 Protector (EcapEcitor) prprectivedevice (ofEcapEcitor) may cause abnormal voltage to occur by itself, over-sinking, over-pressure or iron-harmonic avoidance, and can play a protective role. The device is installed between the carrier-fenrymplingrlevice3.1.153 a set of A capacitor is a circuit element that can transmit a high-frequency signal between a power line and a carrier under certain conditions. 3.16 A dielectric device (of a capacitor) is a device installed inside or outside the container that can reduce the internal voltage of the capacitor terminal to a specified value within a specified time when the capacitor is disconnected from the power supply. 3.2 Design 3-2.1 Composite relative permittivity ofmixeddiclcetrie Relative permittivity of a dielectric composed of at least two materials. 3-2.2 Characteristics (of capacitors): Capacitors (capacitors) Characterize the technical and economic characteristics of the device. For example: For AC capacitors, it is usually expressed as "capacitance per unit weight" or "capacitor per unit volume", and for energy storage devices, it is expressed as "capacitance per unit volume or energy storage per unit volume". 3-2.3 Compression coefficient romyrcssingrii Characterizes the ratio of the solid dielectric thickness between the electrodes of the core component. 3-2.4 Thermal coefficient ro.Jing tatio Characterizes the ratio of the thickness of the dielectric between the electrodes of the core component. 4 Special process 4.1 Thermal coefficient rnlli al a 4.2 Core compression is the process of pressing and packing the components and other parts into a core. 4.3 Core lead wire is the process of connecting the components of the core according to the certain electrical combination requirements. 4.4 Core pre-baking is the process of exposing the core to heat and non-gas to remove most of the moisture in the core. 4.5 Purification of oil-removing agent nfitrpreraants mainly use adsorption, precipitation, degassing and other methods to remove impurities, moisture and gas in the agent to make it purer, and its electrical and chemical properties can meet the requirements. 4.6 Vacuum degassing GB2900.16—1595 Under vacuum conditions, the process of reducing the amount of gas or vapor in the agent or semi-finished product in the container. 4.7 Vacuum storage ge makes the capacitor material device maintain the mode of wave control under vacuum conditions after the pretreatment, 4.8 (point Jing> An (varsum) ingregna=on (under vacuum conditions, the liquid insulation material or composite material in the space original structure or control process, the juice can still be the same or variable pressure treatment after a short test, 4.9 convex type ex:rudefa:ltypc electric 0 out of the same dielectric side training that kind of shrinkage tree form. 4.10 hidden pole type qunken Foil type The electrode does not protrude from the edge of the dielectric and the junction is uniform. 2.11【End face spraying pryl ior 1heul The molten metal material is sprayed in a mist form to form a metal screen through the end face of the device element 4.12 Inductive energy (self-capacitor device)ene:gisationoftheselfheairgeijatitrlrincn:)Network self-inductive device components apply a certain electric current to eliminate the weak points in the dielectric. 5 Measurement and test 5. Voltage test (capacitor)vaitagetestafacapaciror)A test to apply a specified voltage to the test object to test its ability to withstand voltage. 赶臣市,压检验xhuri thua:inn vlage e52 The test object is subjected to a short-time voltage specified by the test object to test its insulation withstand voltage ability. 53 Dischrgetest (otacapaciter) is a test to test the internal structure and electrical connections of the container by charging the device with specified three voltages and then discharging them through specified external voltages. Thermal test (capacitor) emalabex【apaei)is a test to determine the temperature rise and torque loss of the container under certain overload conditions. 5-5 Capacitance degradation test (capacitor) deternminingofcapacitrcetcnpcratreracharacteristicg(ofEca-Pacico:? In a more specific range, it is a test to obtain the relationship between the capacitance and the temperature coefficient of the capacitor and the temperature coefficient of capacitance. Temperature sustainability test (capacitor) dererminingofiosstemperztuecharacleristics (atacapacitor) 5.6 In the basic "degradation range, it is a test to determine the relationship between the tangent and the torque loss of the capacitor. 5)elfsaeddiscargetefir) purchased from After the container is charged to a certain voltage, the external circuit is cut off and the capacitor is allowed to discharge through the terminals. The voltage change between the terminals is recorded from time to time to calculate the time of the device or the insulation test. 5.B Oscillation discharge test (of capacitor) Oscilating discharges 1 (of capacitor) is a test to determine the inherent inductance of the device through the use of electricity. 5.9 Durability test (of capacitor) is a test to determine the ability of the capacitor to withstand repeated overloads within the rated operating range. 5.10 Life test (of capacitor) Lie test (otacapacitur) is a test to determine the time before the capacitor fails. Self-healing test (capacitor: catofcitur) 5.11 is a test to determine the self-healing performance of the capacitor. 5.12 Derating test (otacapacitor) is a test conducted on the capacitor with specified voltage. 6 Operation GE/T2900.16-1996 6.1 Limiting voltage (ufcauritor) The maximum voltage that can be applied to the capacitor terminals periodically or accidentally. 62 Maximum allowable voltage (ofaapacitor) The maximum allowable voltage that the capacitor can withstand for a certain period of time under specified conditions. The recorded high AC RMS or DC voltage. 63 Short-term voltage (electrical) shortrimcvalage (ufapacitor) The short-term power frequency overvoltage RMS value that the two terminals of an electrical device can withstand. 6.4 Limiting current (of a capacitor) The maximum peak current that can be periodically passed through the capacitor, the maximum allowable current (of a capacitor) 6.5 Under certain conditions, the maximum AC RMS value that the capacitor can withstand for a certain period of time. Full (inrush transient rurrent 66 The overcurrent when the capacitor is connected in parallel to the power grid. 6.7 Insertion current (of capacitors) insert current cnt (of capacitors) to open the bypass switch of the capacitor to cut off the bypass current and make the current through the capacitor reach the average extreme value. Re-insert (of capacitors) reinser: in (fseries capacitor) 6.8 To cut off the bypass current in the system state after the fault is eliminated by the protection interval or capacitor bypass switch that has been activated in the system fault, and the operation of the connected capacitor is restored. 6.9 Re-insertion system series capacitor) cingcripn current (uf day scries (i: pacilor) The steady-state negative current through the capacitor after re-entry. 6.10 Re-insertion valve (ola capacitor) 6.11 By-pass current ( The current flowing through a bypass device, intercom or switch in common with the series capacitors. The bypass current when the bypass is connected to an energized good capacitor consists of the capacitor discharge current plus the system current. 6.12 By-pass switch (series capacitor device) A switching device used as a bypass device for series capacitors. This switch also has the ability to switch the capacitors in at a specified level of current. 6.13 Interlock device (series capacitor device by-pass with) A device that keeps the three phases of the capacitor bank in the open or closed position. 6.14 By-pass switch (series capacitor device) A switching device used as a bypass device for series capacitors. This switch also has the ability to switch the capacitors in at a specified level of current. cetin (of series capacitor device) A component composed of capacitors, voltage limiting devices, bypass relays and switching devices as well as ground control devices. 6.15 Damping device damping device A device used to limit the voltage and frequency of the discharge current. 6.16 Larknit protective device (of series capacitor) A device to prevent the unit section from being accidentally put into operation when the unit is out of service to prevent the automatic opening of the abandoned switch. 6.17 Protection gap protection gap A device connected in parallel to the unit section to limit the voltage on the unit section to a predetermined level when a system fault occurs, and to withstand the discharge current of the capacitor, the system fault current and the load current within a certain period of time. 6:18 Trigger gp GB/T 2900.16—1996 A type of interrupter used to trigger the original action of the protection (not affected by atmospheric and temperature changes). This device is not intended to withstand large currents that can affect its rated value. 6.19 Sweling of the case The phenomenon that the internal pressure of the capacitor increases abnormally and the outer shell forms a bulge that cannot automatically return to normal. Series reactor (for capacitors) seriesreuctor(ounnectedtoacapacitor) 6.20 An inductive device used to suppress the flow and reduce the high-order harmonic current in the output circuit of the capacitor. 6-21 Overvoltage protection (ofespacitar) uses a fast-acting device to limit the voltage on the capacitor terminals to the charging value. 6.22 Capacitor bank protection cupacitur bunk protection general term for capacitor bank protection. E.23 Unbalance protection (of capacitor) unbalance protection (of capacitor) protection method using the current difference between two parts of the capacitor (distance). E.24 External breaker (for capacitor) fuacstartheexternal breaker (ufaupucitor) is a breaker connected to the capacitor unit. 6.25 (Ruprule of capacitor) When the internal pressure of the capacitor increases to a certain level, its outer shell (including the porcelain) will melt and crack. 6.26 Explosion-proof energy <> energy with our rupture When conducting a capacitor explosion test, an energy disk is added to the inside of the test sample when it is about to burst. The standard is before the explosion () energy without rupture 6.27 When conducting a capacitor explosion test, an energy sound is added to the test sample when it is about to burst. The protective device of the capacitor can be used as a protective film. Standard capacitor |Parallel initial compensation Parallel rate compensation Parallel capacitor Unbalanced protection Input current Charging current Minimum room Middle compensation Male-connected reactor Field-connected capacitor compensation Ring-through device Insertion current of connected capacitor Micro-rated protection device of series capacitor Connected capacitor's currency input Re-connected current of connected electrical appliances Re-connected voltage of self-capacitor Unit section of connected capacitor Capacitor device switch CB:T 2600:16—1996 Chinese Self-magnetic unit Motor starting capacitor .2.113 .. 6.15 Series inductor installed on bypass circuit breaker...6.13D Equivalent parallel voltage Low voltage terminal Stray conductance of low voltage Stray capacitance of low voltage terminal .. 3.1.3 Motor running electric device… Electrolytic medium customer group Charge capacity Power capacitor Power electronic capacitor Output voltage output device Capacitance quantitative… Charge rate property) Capacitor voltage divider Capacitor voltage divider proportional Capacitor voltage divider current pressure electric customer device Capacitor voltage divider Zhongqiu electrical appliance Capacitance difference· Capacitor frequency sustainability Capacitor. Capacitor components: Capacitor car unit· Capacitor unit device high.. Protection device of the container Electrical equipment Comparative characteristics of the capacitor· Unbalance protection of the capacitor Charging of the capacitor Charging current of the capacitor Equivalent parallel resistance of the capacitor Electrical strength characteristics of the capacitor Monthly voltage test of the device Time-limited voltage test of the capacitor· |Rated current of capacitor Specified capacitance of capacitor. Rated current of capacitor. Electric equipment specification.. Rated capacity of capacitor. Required output voltage of capacitor Rated temperature change of capacitor Discharge of capacitor ..2.2.5 .2.1.19 .2. 3. 25 .. 3.7.3 . 5.30 .2.5.6 Capacitor self-current discharge Discharge test of the capacitor Peak and low current test of the capacitor Commercial frequency capacitance of the capacitor Non-inductance of the capacitor Overvoltage protection of the capacitor Limiting current of the capacitor Residual voltage of the container.||tt ||Capacitor insulation test Cold-cut air temperature of capacitor Endurance test of capacitor... Internal fuse of capacitor Volume test Electrical equipment Life test of capacitor Capacitor loss. Capacitor loss is also tangent. Dissipation temperature of capacitor Capacitor current Capacitor core Capacitor full discharge test... Capacitor self-discharge test... Capacitor self-healing test Maximum allowable current of capacitor Capacitor commercial allowable medium voltage Electrical equipment stacking standard.. Capacitor medium-link reactor Capacitor overpressure isolator. Seventh-grade signing department Circuit breaker Capacitor element.· Electrical equipment Capacitor bank protection Capacitor installation width Capacitor voltage sensor Electrical penetration temperature fiber Capacitor temperature characteristic determination Electrical expansion coefficient Voltage ratio Electrical test.. Circuit breaker capacitor End surface spraying GB/T 2900.161996 2. 3. 15 .3.1.4 ..2.3.22 .2.3.23 . 2. 3. 24 ... 6.2 *. 3. 1. 1 ..2.2.4 Insert the time sheet: Short-time power test Determine the capacitance. Rated voltage Rated rate Rated capacity Rated output Rated temperature category Dare to discharge current Excitation device Resistance test Voltage division ratio Calling current test Compound dielectric capacitor.. Resistance relative capacitance| |tt||High-voltage capacitor High-voltage capacitor High-voltage resistor Inherent inductance Overvoltage protection Overpressure isolator Huahe capacitor Limiting current Limiting voltage, AC electrolytic capacitor Grounding terminal Gold box capacitor Gold propylene capacitor Purification of the discharge agent+ * 2. 5. 5 .2.3.7 .2.3.B 2-1-18 . 6. 19 .2.2.6 Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.