This standard specifies the special terms in urban traffic signal control systems. This standard is applicable to the design, management, mathematics, scientific research and other related fields of urban traffic signal control systems. GA/T 509-2004 Terminology of Urban Traffic Signal Control Systems GA/T509-2004 Standard download decompression password:
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[C8 01. 040. 93 People's Republic of China Public Security Industry Standard GA/T5092004 Terminology of urhan traffic signal control system2004-08-09 Issued Ministry of Public Security of the People's Republic of China 2004-10-01 Implementation H Terms and definitions Terms and definitions related to traffic control principles Control force scanning technology and definitions 5 Terms and definitions related to security information machines .......... System related technology and definitions Super special text Chinese introduction GA/T519—2004 ........... This standard was issued by the Ministry of Public Security Road Traffic Management Standardization Technical Committee and is under the jurisdiction of: The Ministry of Public Security Traffic Management Science Research Institute is responsible for the main drafters of this standard: Zhao Yongjin, Di Huizhi, Zheng Changjun, Jian Jianhua, Yuan Miao, Bao YongqiangGA/T 509—2004 1 Scope Terms of urban traffic signal control system This standard defines the special technical activities in urban traffic signal control system. This standard is applicable to the design, management, teaching, scientific research and other fields of urban traffic signal control system. 2 Basic terms and definitions Traffic signal A legally binding light color information that sends out to vehicles and pedestrians on a road to indicate whether to go or not. 2.2 Traffic signal light A signal light that displays a red, yellow and green light color sequence (2.1). 2.3 Traffic signal light cpatrol signal control Use traffic lights (3.3) to control vehicles and pedestrians on the road 2.4 GA/T 509—2004 Road traffic signal control machineruadtraffiesigmalcoetroller;taipsignal coatroller,lnralmulalr flexible signal machine Signal machine Purple enough to change the road traffic signal (2.1) The device that integrates the sequence and timing of the code and can control the operation of the road traffic signal (2.2). [GA 17—2002, Terms and Definitions 3. 12.5 Vehicle detection vehicleelectpr The device for detecting the presence and passing status of vehicles 2.6 Urban traffic signal control system urbaniraficsignalcantrmlsystemtraffic signal control systemrefisigmlenolsys:craUTCS The system for urban cross-road traffic control composed of main exit signal equipment detection equipment, communication equipment, control equipment and related items. 3 Terms and definitions related to traffic control principles Traffic flow characteristicroftrafficflawThe time and time variation characteristics of traffic flow. GA/T509—2004 Traffic flow typeiraffieluwmadc The mathematical model that represents traffic flow characteristics%.1). 3. 3 Traffic flow simulation Lraffic low simulationt uses the intersection avoidance model (3.2> through computer simulation of the actual traffic flow operation fast analysis and processing. 3. 4 Traffic signal optimization algorithm traffic signal optimization algorithm a set of methods expressed in mathematical form for quickly obtaining the optimal value of traffic signal control. 3. 5 Adaptive control adaptive control adaptive control)veiraffiscontrol based on the state of traffic flow, in real time to adjust the control parameters to adapt to the changes in traffic flow, [GA:7-—2c32, terminology and determination 3.1! 3. 6 Traffic flow volume;taicwur.t unit time the number of vehicles and pedestrians passing a certain surface of the road, 3.7 Traffic demand fraction demand The expected traffic flow through the cross section of the road per unit time (3.6). 3.E Passenger car equivalent pasengercanit The calculation unit of the system in (3.6) is the same as that of other types of traffic. Cupancy Cupancy The ratio of the time when a vehicle is present in the designated area to the total statistical time. 3, 10 Density The number of vehicles per unit length of road at a certain time, which is an indicator value indicating the vehicle density. 3.11 Intersection saturation flow InterseetionRaturationflan ground and flow crystal aaturationfow The maximum amount of light allowed to pass the vehicle through the intersection gate per unit time 3. 12 Intersection traffic capacity nterectioncapacty Traffic capacity Lsi1y Under the condition of intersection three signal control 2.5>, the recorded flow of vehicles passing through the intersection in unit time 3. *3 Saturation degree of watnration Intersection flow station <3.3) and the ratio of traffic capacity 13.1.2 Flow ratio filowrauo The ratio of intersection flow (3.6) and sparseness (3,11) 3. 15 Oversaturation The traffic state where the traffic demand (%, 7) is greater than the traffic capacity (3.12) 3.16 Delay The difference between the time it takes a vehicle to pass an intersection or road section and the time it takes to travel the same distance normally 3. 17 Queue length The number of vehicles queued behind the traffic light at the intersection 3.18 Number of stops The number of times a vehicle stops before passing the traffic light at the intersection 3.19 Performance index An indicator for judging whether the traffic time allocation is optimal in traffic efficiency optimization 3. 20 Traffic congestion Grarric coogestiunl CA/T 509--2004 The traffic demand is increased, traffic accidents, construction, illegal behavior and natural factors lead to excessive vehicle changes and increase delays and queue lengths, and the vehicles are in a state of intermittent operation. 3.21 Traffic congestion is caused by increased handover demand, or traffic accidents, construction, illegal behavior and natural factors, which lead to excessive vehicle changes and increase delays and queue lengths. The vehicles are in a state of waiting for the right car to pass. 3.22 Signal lights A complete vehicle light, a yellow and green three-way light or a red and green two-way light for pedestrians, 3.22.1 Motor vehicle lightsThe obtained green light renewal time. 3. 29 inter-greentime interval time (3, 28) is the time between the end of the next phase of the green light and the start of the next phase. 3. 30 loss time loss time the time wasted during the use period 3.) during which vehicles are not allowed to pass through the stop line. 3.31 start-up loss time start-up loss time is the total amount of green light loss time accumulated when the front vehicle moves to the stop line at the beginning of the green light. 3. 32 two-phase control twostagcontrultwuphaaecontrol is a control method that uses two phases (3.24) in one cycle (3.25). 3. 33 multi-phase control multi-phase control: ... control is a control method that uses three or more phases (3,24) to control within a certain period of time. 3.34 The area of traffic coordination control that needs to be carried out by the intersection 3.35 Subarea sabarea; subester According to the actual conditions, in order to obtain the coordination of the intersection, some related intersections (can be a single road 1) in the area (3.1) are combined into: Intersection rHlicwlintersectium GA/T 509—2004 Intersections with larger traffic demand (3.7) or more important physical location in the sub-area (3.55) are the benchmark intersections for the coordination of the zones. 3.37 In the case of coordinated control of the sub-area (3.35), all intersections in the sub-area adopt the same cycle (3.25). 3.38 In the case of coordinated control of the sub-area (3.35), the sub-area double cycle grharea dnehlecycle can adopt the sub-area common cycle 3.37 half control modernntral mnde traffic signal (2.4) self-determined or the operation mode determined by the upper control machine. 3. 40 controlplancontrolplan timingplan a sequential plan for the phase (3.24) policy, position sequence and signal timing of an intersection 1GA47-20U2, terms and definitions 3. daytimetabletinie-nr-dayschedulerdaytimetable a signal control (2.3 time periods) adapted to meet the different traffic demands (3.7>) of a day, with different control methods (3.39 time periods (2.40) daytimetableday-uf-weektime-af-dayschedulea timetable (3.41) designed for a certain period of time (such as Sunday, Saturday, etc.), 3. 43 Special day schedule is a timetable set for a certain major day of the year (such as 1H1 day, scheduled holidays, etc.) (3.4) 3. 44 VIP plan Control strategy set to enable certain vehicles or fleets to pass through the shallow road in an optimal way (3.40) 3.45 Green wave ETEnWHY Eastern performance obtains continuous signal reception through each adjacent intersection 3.46 Time-distance diagram; tanue·distancediagrsm expresses the relationship between the distance between intersections and signal timing, and the diagram of the reverse vehicle switching movement. In the two-dimensional coordinates: one dimension represents the distance between the intersections. One dimension represents the time of the signal phase of each intersection (3.24): 3.47 Green wave belt Rreen wave bandwidth GA/T5092004 widthurewdh The length of the green light cards that vehicles need to pass through at the coordinated intersections. 3.4a green wave speed the average speed of the corresponding vehicles when the coordinated road condition is green (3.45) 3.49 one-way coordination on-way coordination a traffic coordination method in which only one direction of travel is considered during the green wave (3, 3.50 two-way coordination a traffic coordination method in which both directions of travel are considered during the green (3.45) time. 3.51 minimum green time initial green light (3.2) the shortest time for the green signal to start, _GA47—2002, Terms and Definitions 3.7 dnaximumrcen Gine Maximum green time Phase (3.24) The maximum time that a signal light is allowed to be on [GA47-2002. Terminology and Definitions 3.8 All red The signal light (3.22) The light color and the red and white signal state. 1G447-262. Terminology and Definitions 3.10 Green conflict The signal light group (3) that is not allowed to be operated at the same time is called a continuous conflict. [GA 47-2(107, Terminology and Definitions 3.9] 3.55 Time between vehicles LheFollunvingcard for the two illegal vehicles in the next direction, the labor room and the rear head through the long face of the road. 3.56 Acceptable gap Vehicle construction before the purchase of the vehicle between the allowable 5 a dedication vehicle safety: people to the time with (3.55): 3.57 Railway priorityrailwayprecmptiun At the intersection of Dunfan and Shengshi Road:: Its normal safety road signal (1) is forced to be in or transferred to a special state due to the passing of the train. Special vehicle money firstemerguxyvehiclepreenplionVivehirlepr aenption traffic is a traffic signal on the road (2 three) can be forced to be in or transferred to a special state due to the special target vehicle or vehicle passing through. Bus priority bnsprlority Bus priority traffic control. The number of convoys is platomdispersinn The traffic phenomenon of the convoy gradually increasing when the convoy passes the front of the vehicle. 3.61 Synchronous signal Bynchrorroussigoa For the example of the intersection signal (2.4) to achieve the phase difference (3.27) to provide the time of the new data: 3.62 Conflict point conflict poinl, colligation point is the intersection point where two traffic flows in the same direction meet within an intersection. 4. Terms and definitions related to control methods J area coordimate control Regional coordinated control Regional coordinated control GA/I 50920C4 A control method that coordinates the traffic signals (2.1) of multiple intersections within a certain area (334>). GA 47—20C2, Terms and Definitions, 17] Arterial CoordinuleCoalRul Line Control Traffic Signals on a Road (2.1) Coordinated Control of Traffic Signals at Two Adjacent Intersections, LGA47—2952, Terms and Definitions 3.1 Green Wavecnntral Control of the Ball Wave (3.15) Operation at the Intersection, 4. 4 Phase Control; Furcel Staging Control Specified Phase Control at Intersection Signal (2.4) Specified Phase (3.24) The more the control mode of command operation. 4.5 Cableless inklng control Especially cableless inklng control Cableless inklng control (4.2) -, the signal machine (2.4) has a signal energy path. The clock interval is set by setting the phase difference (3.27) to achieve the coordinated control mode of the alternating intersection traffic signal "2.1>". [GA 47—2002, without language and definition 3.16] 4.6 single point control isolatedcumirol by a single traffic signal (3.4) automatic soil control brush mode, 4.7 multiple rechedolke nxed-lltne contrul standby time period timing control TiA/T 509—2004 single point multiple control isiolautnl:pleaheculecoutrol according to the traffic demand (%, 7) changes, a large time is divided into two control periods, with the passage of time, according to the preset case [3.40) automatic operation G417—2002. Language and definition 3.1 induction control code vehicleactuated einirul empty fork intersection first machine (3.4> root vehicle detector (. three) measured traffic data to adjust the signal easy display time control method. [GA47-202, terms and definitions 3,11] 4.8. 1 fulFaetunled contml full compensation should be controlled intersection slightly all phases across the induction control (4.) method. 4.8.2 half demand should be controlled mi-artiatadenntrl full meaning road part of the phase with induction request induction control 4.8 side. 4.9 single point worry optimization control ieolaledoptimizationenntrol single variable fork intersection signal: 2.1) the real-time traffic conditions of the approval detection are distributed and optimized. 4. 10 manual controlmanualcatrol manual force ratio control traffic signal (\1) operation control method, [GA47-23>3.Terms and definitions8.11] yellow flashing control all signal lights (.22) the power light signal of the four fixed central capital correction control method FUA1-2U2.Terms and definitions8.1 5 traffic signal related terms and definitions pedestrian crossing signal pedestriananactuatedentruller has a complete pedestrian crossing signal and basic signal control (2.3 kinetic energy signal potential (2.4). See GA47-20C2 technical requirements multi-period timed signal machine mnlti-intrval pretimedcontroller has all the functions of a pedestrian crossing trigger signal (5.1> and can set multiple time avoidance signal systems (3.31 signal 2.4): L See door A472002. Technical requirements 5,6.2] 5.3 inductive signal vehicleactuetedcontrollen point multiple time version timing signal (5.2) can be divided into two vehicle detection supply terminal (2.5) interface and travel vehicle induction control 4.8 signal 5 machine (2.4). , see 6A27-2062, technical requirements central coordination signal central coordlatecontrollerA/T509-2004 Only the sensor-type signal machine (5.3) has all the functions and its communication interface can be connected with the workstation control machine or other signal machines (2.4) to form a line coordination control system (6.2) or a zone coordination control system (E.2) signal batch: L signature see A47-2002, technical requirements Master signal machinemnytercunlruller Control other signal machines (2.1) when coordinating at multiple intersections. Intersection signal machine: 5.5 Slave signal machineslavecontrollergecondarycontrollerIntersection signal machine (years, 4) controlled by the master signal machine (5.) when coordinating at multiple intersections, 5.7 Control and measurement unitcDairml Traffic signal (2.4) switching time receiving module: If the traffic signal has the function of communicating with the outside, the information interface is included in this module. Fampdrtven untt The signal output unit The signal machine (2.4) performs the hardware model of the corresponding signal (2.7) according to the instruction of the control unit (15.7). The vehicle control unit vehicledeteclkenundt signal machine (2.1) receives the original data of the detector (2.5), processes it and sends the processed information to the control unit (3.7). The bus interface unit businterracunit The signal machine (2.4) provides power supply and communication connection hardware for each unit. 5.11 Electrical unit power supply Signal machine (2.4) provides AC or OFF power to each unit as a hardware module. 5.12 Yellow flasher A device that makes the normal signal light (2.2) produce continuous flow. 5.13 Handheld continuous terminal porlubletermlnal A heavy-duty device that communicates with the mother machine (2.1) to display the status of the signal machine: 1 and set the operation effect of the signal machine. 5. 14 pedestrian button padestriuupusb-buttua on the intersection or road signal batch (2.4 related employment to obtain pedestrian crossing marketing requirements of lithium device 6 system related terms and definitions traffic control computer tratficcnetrlnaputermasternnuputer heavy information traffic control system (26 more integrated optimization and control computer10 manual controlmanualcatrol manual force ratio control traffic signal (\1) operation control method, [GA47-23>3.Terms and definitions8.11] yellow flashing control all signal lights (.22) the power light signal of the four fixed central capital correction control method FUA1-2U2.Terms and definitions8.1 5 traffic signal related terms and definitions pedestrian crossing signal pedestriananactuatedentruller has a complete pedestrian crossing signal and basic signal control (2.3 kinetic energy signal potential (2.4). See GA47-20C2 technical requirements multi-period timed signal machine mnlti-intrval pretimedcontroller has all the functions of a pedestrian crossing trigger signal (5.1> and can set multiple time avoidance signal systems (3.31 signal 2.4): L See door A472002. Technical requirements 5,6.2] 5.3 inductive signal vehicleactuetedcontrollen point multiple time version timing signal (5.2) can be divided into two vehicle detection supply terminal (2.5) interface and travel vehicle induction control 4.8 signal 5 machine (2.4). , see 6A27-2062, technical requirements central coordination signal central coordlatecontrollerA/T509-2004 Only the sensor-type signal machine (5.3) has all the functions and its communication interface can be connected with the workstation control machine or other signal machines (2.4) to form a line coordination control system (6.2) or a zone coordination control system (E.2) signal batch: L signature see A47-2002, technical requirements Master signal machinemnytercunlruller Control other signal machines (2.1) when coordinating at multiple intersections. Intersection signal machine: 5.5 Slave signal machineslavecontrollergecondarycontrollerIntersection signal machine (years, 4) controlled by the master signal machine (5.) when coordinating at multiple intersections, 5.7 Control and measurement unitcDairml Traffic signal (2.4) switching time receiving module: If the traffic signal has the function of communicating with the outside, the information interface is included in this module. Fampdrtven untt The signal output unit The signal machine (2.4) performs the hardware model of the corresponding signal (2.7) according to the instruction of the control unit (15.7). The vehicle control unit vehicledeteclkenundt signal machine (2.1) receives the original data of the detector (2.5), processes it and sends the processed information to the control unit (3.7). The bus interface unit businterracunit The signal machine (2.4) provides power supply and communication connection hardware for each unit. 5.11 Electrical unit power supply Signal machine (2.4) provides AC or OFF power to each unit as a hardware module. 5.12 Yellow flasher A device that makes the normal signal light (2.2) produce continuous flow. 5.13 Handheld continuous terminal porlubletermlnal A heavy-duty device that communicates with the mother machine (2.1) to display the status of the signal machine: 1 and set the operation effect of the signal machine. 5. 14 pedestrian button padestriuupusb-buttua on the intersection or road signal batch (2.4 related employment to obtain pedestrian crossing marketing requirements of lithium device 6 system related terms and definitions traffic control computer tratficcnetrlnaputermasternnuputer heavy information traffic control system (26 more integrated optimization and control computer10 manual controlmanualcatrol manual force ratio control traffic signal (\1) operation control method, [GA47-23>3.Terms and definitions8.11] yellow flashing control all signal lights (.22) the power light signal of the four fixed central capital correction control method FUA1-2U2.Terms and definitions8.1 5 traffic signal related terms and definitions pedestrian crossing signal pedestriananactuatedentruller has a complete pedestrian crossing signal and basic signal control (2.3 kinetic energy signal potential (2.4). See GA47-20C2 technical requirements multi-period timed signal machine mnlti-intrval pretimedcontroller has all the functions of a pedestrian crossing trigger signal (5.1> and can set multiple time avoidance signal systems (3.31 signal 2.4): L See door A472002. Technical requirements 5,6.2] 5.3 inductive signal vehicleactuetedcontrollen point multiple time version timing signal (5.2) can be divided into two vehicle detection supply terminal (2.5) interface and travel vehicle induction control 4.8 signal 5 machine (2.4). , see 6A27-2062, technical requirements central coordination signal central coordlatecontrollerA/T509-2004 Only the sensor-type signal machine (5.3) has all the functions and its communication interface can be connected with the workstation control machine or other signal machines (2.4) to form a line coordination control system (6.2) or a zone coordination control system (E.2) signal batch: L signature see A47-2002, technical requirements Master signal machinemnytercunlruller Control other signal machines (2.1) when coordinating at multiple intersections. Intersection signal machine: 5.5 Slave signal machineslavecontrollergecondarycontrollerIntersection signal machine (years, 4) controlled by the master signal machine (5.) when coordinating at multiple intersections, 5.7 Control and measurement unitcDairml Traffic signal (2.4) switching time receiving module: If the traffic signal has the function of communicating with the outside, the information interface is included in this module. Fampdrtven untt The signal output unit The signal machine (2.4) performs the hardware model of the corresponding signal (2.7) according to the instruction of the control unit (15.7). The vehicle control unit vehicledeteclkenundt signal machine (2.1) receives the original data of the detector (2.5), processes it and sends the processed information to the control unit (3.7). The bus interface unit businterracunit The signal machine (2.4) provides power supply and communication connection hardware for each unit. 5.11 Electrical unit power supply Signal machine (2.4) provides AC or OFF power to each unit as a hardware module. 5.12 Yellow flasher A device that makes the normal signal light (2.2) produce continuous flow. 5.13 Handheld continuous terminal porlubletermlnal A heavy-duty device that communicates with the mother machine (2.1) to display the status of the signal machine: 1 and set the operation effect of the signal machine. 5. 14 pedestrian button padestriuupusb-buttua on the intersection or road signal batch (2.4 related employment to obtain pedestrian crossing marketing requirements of lithium device 6 system related terms and definitions traffic control computer tratficcnetrlnaputermasternnuputer heavy information traffic control system (26 more integrated optimization and control computer4 phases of employment to obtain pedestrians through marketing lithium device 6 system related terms and definitions || tt || traffic control computer tratficcnetrlnaputermasternnuputer heavy information traffic control system (26 more overall optimization and control computer4 phases of employment to obtain pedestrians through marketing lithium device 6 system related terms and definitions || tt || traffic control computer tratficcnetrlnaputermasternnuputer heavy information traffic control system (26 more overall optimization and control computer Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. 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