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HG 20546.1-1992 Chemical plant equipment layout design content and depth regulations

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Standard ID: HG 20546.1-1992

Standard Name: Chemical plant equipment layout design content and depth regulations

Chinese Name: 化工装置设备布置设计内容和深度规定

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)

state:in force

Date of Implementation:1996-03-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Chemical Technology>>71.120 Chemical Equipment

Standard Classification Number:Engineering Construction>>Raw Materials Industry, Communications, Broadcasting Engineering>>P72 Petrochemical, Chemical Engineering

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Publishing department:Ministry of Chemical Industry

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HG 20546.1-1992 Chemical Plant Equipment Layout Design Content and Depth Specification HG20546.1-1992 Standard Download Decompression Password: www.bzxz.net

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Chemical plant equipment layout design content and depth regulations HG20546.1--92
1 Composition and brief description of chemical plant equipment layout design documents 1.1 Composition of design documents
Chemical plant equipment layout design documents (engineering design) are as follows: 1.1.1 Design document directory;
1.1.2 Partition index diagram;
1.1.3 Equipment layout diagram;
1.1.4 Equipment installation diagram.
Brief description
1.2.1 Design document directory
Only the design document directory to be sent to the construction site is listed, and the intermediate products used for design are not listed in the directory. 1.2.2 Partition index diagram
For jointly arranged devices or independent main items, the device needs to be divided into several zones to draw the pipeline plan. In order to understand the partition situation and facilitate the query, a partition index diagram should be compiled. For smaller devices without partitions, index diagrams may not be drawn.
1.2.3 Equipment Layout Drawing
Engineering design is divided into two stages: basic engineering design stage and detailed engineering design stage. Four versions of equipment layout drawings are prepared in the basic engineering design stage. (1) Preliminary version of equipment layout drawing (referred to as "A version". The equipment layout drawing is prepared based on the preliminary concept formed according to the process flow, layout suggestions and layout regulations of the patent owner and the specific conditions of the project.
(2) Internal review version of equipment layout drawing (referred to as "B version"). (3) User review version of equipment layout drawing (referred to as "C version"). .1.
(4) Confirmation version of equipment layout drawing (referred to as "D version"). Three versions of equipment layout drawings are prepared in the detailed engineering design stage. (1) Research version or detailed version 1 of equipment layout drawing (referred to as "E version"). At the beginning of detailed engineering design, various disciplines carry out work and the equipment layout drawing is improved after multiple researches. This layout has become a final decision and will serve as an important basis for the next step of design and condition proposal. (2) Design version or detailed version 2 equipment layout drawing (referred to as "F" version). This version is used to carry out the design of formal construction drawings. The layout drawing should mark all equipment positioning dimensions and indicate all operating platforms, etc.
(3) Construction version equipment layout drawing (referred to as "G" version). The design version equipment layout drawing is modified according to the requirements of pipeline design and the handling of other issues to become the final construction version equipment layout drawing.
The design scope of the equipment installation drawing refers to some equipment installation drawings that need to be designed by the equipment layout professionals. For example: the baffle frame on the top of the tower, the pad under the cold insulation equipment support, the spring bracket installation drawing of the purchased equipment, etc. · 2·
2 Preparation of equipment layout drawings at each stage
2.1 Basic engineering design equipment layout drawing
2.1.1 “A” version equipment layout drawing Preparation basis and scope of application
This drawing is a preliminary equipment layout drawing based on the process flow diagram (PFD) or basic design PI diagram and engineering design PI diagram “A” version provided by the system (process and public engineering) professional (or patent holder), equipment layout suggestion diagram, equipment table, equipment data table and plant general plan and other relevant materials. This drawing only shows the general appearance of the equipment layout in the device, and is provided for the basic engineering design work of relevant professionals. Content and depth of “A” version equipment layout drawing (1) The boundary range of the device.
(2) The type, main size and structure of the buildings and structures in the device boundary. (3) According to all the equipment listed in the equipment table, their preliminary position and height are expressed in proportion and marked with equipment position numbers.
(4) The preliminary direction of the pipe gallery within the device boundary area and the orientation of the pipelines entering and leaving the boundary area, and the direction of logistics. (5) The preliminary orientation and direction of the buried cooling water pipeline entering and leaving the boundary area. (6) The orientation of the electrical and instrument cables entering and leaving the boundary area (buried or overhead). (7) The coordinate reference point of the device boundary area (to determine the relative position of this device and other devices). (8) Reserved site and space for the lifting of large equipment. (9) Maintenance space for major equipment and reserved space for core extraction of heat exchangers. (10) The direction of the main roads and passages within the device boundary area. (11) The mark of the device design north.
(12) The area occupied by the auxiliary room.
(13) Notes or pending matters. Example diagram and specific instructions
(1) Example diagram: See Figure 1.
(2) Specific description
If there is no detailed information on the equipment dimensions, it can be drawn based on the relevant data given in the equipment data sheet provided by the process professionals.
2.1.2 Equipment layout drawings of version "B", "C" and "D" Basis and scope of application
The "B" version is drawn based on the equipment layout drawings of version "A", the "PI" drawings of the process and public engineering systems of version "B", the general plan of the whole plant, design regulations, etc. This drawing is sent to all relevant professionals for comments. The "C" version of the equipment layout drawing is mainly based on the "PI" drawings of the process and public engineering systems of version "C" and the opinions and requirements put forward by various professionals, the equipment inquiry drawings, and the opinions of piping and pipeline mechanical personnel on the direction of important pipelines (mainly affecting the equipment layout and the size of buildings and structures). This version should be sent to the user for comments and approved by the user. If necessary, this version of the equipment layout drawing needs to be submitted to the patent owner or the main compiler of the basic design for review. Version "D" is a modification of Version "C" equipment layout drawing based on the review opinions of users, Version "D" of "PI\ drawing and the review opinions of other relevant personnel, and serves as the basis for Version "E" equipment layout drawing in the detailed engineering design stage. Content and depth of equipment layout drawings in versions B, C and D In addition to all the contents of the equipment layout drawings in version A, the following contents shall be added: (1) Floor elevations of buildings and structures within the plant boundary; (2) Support methods and preliminary support point elevations of key or large equipment; (3) Top elevation and direction of pipe gallery structure; (4) Positioning dimensions of key equipment (the positions of other equipment are still indicated on the drawings in proportion, and the positioning dimensions are not noted); (5) Main operation and maintenance platforms and ladders; (6) The control room, switchboard room, living room and auxiliary room in the plant boundary shall be indicated with their respective positions and dimensions, and their composition and names shall be noted; (7) Road grade and direction in the plant boundary; (8) Scope and type of paved ground in the plant boundary; (9) Large Equipment lifting plan. Example drawings and specific instructions
1) Example drawings: See Figure 2.
(2) Specific instructions
a. When drawing the "B", "C" and "D" versions of the equipment layout drawings, relevant matters should be closely consulted with other relevant professionals and a consensus should be reached. Such as: the elevation of each floor; the location, form and size of relevant platforms and ladders; the structural type of equipment brackets; the height of supporting beams; the direction of cables and underground pipelines; the grade and direction of roads: the scope and type of paved ground; the setting of auxiliary rooms, etc. At the same time, important pipelines that have an impact on the layout should be jointly agreed with piping professionals, and piping research should be carried out mainly with the piping professionals. At the same time, draw a stress empty sketch and send it to the pipeline mechanics (i.e. pipe machinery, the same below) professional for stress calculation, and it must be passed. To determine the location and elevation of the relevant equipment. b. The ground elevation (EL100.00) on the layout drawing is equivalent to the actual altitude data (absolute elevation) on site, which is determined by the general drawing professionals (generally explained in the notes column). c. In order to make the equipment layout more reasonable, pipeline designers (generally the person in charge of the main items of the pipeline profession) should participate to jointly consider the specific direction of the main pipelines. d. For large equipment, the smooth flow of transportation channels and the possibility of setting up lifting guns, as well as the space for the activities of lifting and transportation machinery should be considered. In addition, it should also be considered whether nearby buildings, structures, railway lines, cooling towers, etc. will hinder the lifting of large equipment.
2.2 Detailed engineering design equipment layout drawing
2.2.1 "E" version equipment layout drawing
2.2.1 Preparation basis and scope of application| |tt||This version of the equipment layout drawing is based on the "D" version of the equipment layout drawing. According to the "PI" drawing "D", the equipment inquiry drawing, the layout of the beams and columns of the building and structure and the preliminary cross-sectional dimension drawing, the main pipeline research sketch and other relevant materials, the layout is studied in depth based on the opinions of all relevant professionals and users. This drawing serves as an important basis for the relevant professionals in the next design process. If the engineering design stipulates that a model design is required, it is also used as the basis for model making and equipment positioning. Content and depth of the "E" version of the equipment layout drawing In addition to all the contents of the "D" version of the equipment layout drawing (see 2.1.2), this version of the equipment layout drawing should also include the width of the pipe gallery, the support elevation of the equipment on the floor (platform) and the position and size of the support, and mark the fixed support of the horizontal heat exchanger and container (F.P), draw the ears or legs of the vertical equipment, mark the positioning dimensions of the equipment, indicate the positions of all platforms, ladders and hanging beams, the sound insulation range, and check the ground paving range and trench position. Example drawings and specific instructions
(1) Example drawings: See Figure 3.
(2) Specific instructions
a. In the process of drawing this version of the equipment layout drawing, the important pipelines that affect the layout should be jointly determined with the piping professional designers, and the piping professional should be mainly used to conduct piping research. At the same time, a stress hollow sketch should be drawn and submitted to the pipe mechanics professional for stress calculation and passed to further determine the location and elevation of the relevant equipment. If necessary, the piping of the inlet and outlet of the high-pressure reciprocating pump (the hollow sketch after the stress calculation is passed) should be submitted to the patent owner or the pump professional for pulse calculation to determine whether the pump inlet and outlet need to be equipped with a shock absorber. b. This version of the equipment layout drawing can only be adjusted slightly (position and elevation) in the subsequent design process. If, for some reason, the location or elevation of some equipment needs to be changed significantly, no professional shall make changes without authorization. The relevant professionals such as process, system, pipeline design, pipeline mechanics, civil engineering and device layout must jointly negotiate and reach a consensus, and the changes can only be made after approval by the project manager. c. If this version of the equipment layout drawing does not make much change to the content of the "D" version of the equipment layout drawing, it is not necessary to redraw it. Just copy the "D" version of the equipment layout drawing and archive it, then modify it on the original drawing, mark the equipment positioning dimensions, and change the name of the drawing to the research version of the equipment layout drawing. 2.2.2 "F" version of the equipment layout drawing Preparation basis and scope of application
This version of the equipment layout drawing is based on the "E" version of the equipment layout drawing, and is reviewed and checked according to the "PI" drawing "E" version, the confirmed equipment drawings and other relevant materials, and is improved. If the piping professional designer makes a small adjustment to the positioning dimensions or elevation of some equipment during the design process at this stage, the equipment layout drawing of this version needs to be modified accordingly. This version of the equipment layout has basically reached the depth of the finished product. In addition to all the contents of the "E" version of the equipment layout (see, the "F" version of the equipment layout should also include the following: (1) Check and complete all positioning dimensions and elevations. (2) Add operating and maintenance platforms and ladders according to the pipeline plan layout (research version) (3) Supplement the locations of other small equipment that is not fully shown, such as eyewash stations, hose stations and other facilities. Example diagram and specific instructions
Example diagram: See Figure 4.
2.2.3*G” version equipment layout drawing Basis for preparation and scope of application
This version of equipment layout drawing is based on the “F” version equipment layout drawing, and is verified according to the “PI” drawing “F” version, the pipeline plan layout drawing (design version), the equipment final confirmation drawings and other relevant materials, and after the joint signing of various professional drawings, a small adjustment has been made to the “F” version equipment layout drawing. Make a copy of the “F” version equipment layout drawing for the second base map and archive it, and change the source map “F” version to the final “G” version. The content of the “G\ version equipment layout drawing” is the same as that of the F\ version. 6
3 Provisions for the drawing of equipment layout drawings
3.1 Scope of application
These provisions apply to the drawing method of equipment layout drawings in chemical plants. 3.2 General provisions
3.2.1 Drawing size
Generally, the No. 1 drawing is used without lengthening or widening. Other drawing sizes may also be used in special cases. The outer sides of the long and short sides of the inner frame of the drawing are divided into equal parts with a 3mm thick line. At the midpoint of the long side division, AB, C, D, etc. are written in sequence from the title bar side. At the midpoint of the short side division, 1, 2, 3, 4 are written in sequence from the title bar side. The long side of the No. 1 drawing is divided into 8 equal parts, and the short side is divided into 6 equal parts. The long side of the No. 2 drawing is divided into 6 equal parts, and the short side is divided into 4 equal parts. As shown in the following figure:
Title bar
3.2.2 Scale
Usually 1:100, 1:200 or 1:50 can also be used, depending on the density of the equipment layout of the device. 3.2.3 Dimension unit
The elevation and coordinates marked in the straight drawing are in meters, and the decimals should be rounded to three digits up to millimeters. The remaining dimensions are all in millimeters, and only the numbers are noted without the units. When other units are used to mark dimensions, the units should be indicated. 3.2.4 Drawing name
The drawing name in the title bar is generally divided into two lines, with "×××× equipment layout drawing" written on the upper line and "ELXX.××× plane" or "×X department view" written on the lower line. 3.2.5 Numbering
Each equipment layout drawing should be numbered separately. Equipment layout drawings of the same main item shall not use the same number, and the numbering method of the number of sheets should be added.
The basis for drawing equipment layout drawings and the design regulations to be followed 3.3
The drawing of each version of the equipment layout drawing should be based on the pipeline and instrument flow chart, civil engineering drawing, equipment table, equipment diagram, pipeline direction and pipeline diagram research version and the relevant product information provided by the manufacturer, and follow the following design regulations: 3.3.1 See HG20519.28-9 for line width 23.3.2 For the legend and simplified drawing method of equipment layout drawings, please refer to Chapter 6 of HG20546.192. 3.3.3 For commonly used abbreviations in equipment layout drawings, please refer to Chapter 7 of HG20546.1--92. 3.4 Drawing arrangement and view requirements
3.4.1 Equipment layout drawings generally only draw plan views. For more complex devices or devices with multi-story buildings and structures, when the plan view is not clear, a partial view can be drawn. 3.4.2 Equipment layout drawings are generally drawn with jointly arranged devices or independent main items as units. The boundaries are represented by thick double-dotted lines, and the coordinates are marked on the outside of the boundaries. The lower left corner of the boundary is the reference point. The coordinates of the reference point are N, E (or NW), see the figure below. At the same time, note the X and Y values ​​of the coordinates equivalent to those on the general drawing. N
3.4.3 For main items with more equipment and more partitions, the equipment layout diagram of this main item should have an equipment table listed directly above the title bar for easy identification. As shown in the following table: o
Equipment position number
Equipment name
Equipment position number
Title bar
Equipment name
3.4.4 For multi-story buildings or structures, the equipment layout plan of each floor should be drawn in layers. If several layers are drawn on the same drawing, start from the bottom layer, arrange them in order from bottom to top or from left to right in the drawing, and indicate "ELXX×.XX× plane" etc. below the drawing. 3.4.5 In general, only one plan is drawn for each floor. When there is When there is a partial operating table, only the equipment under the operating table can be drawn on the plan, and a partial plan can be drawn for the partial operating table and the equipment above it. If it does not affect the clarity of the drawing, it can also be represented by a plan, and the equipment under the operating table is drawn with a dotted line. 3.4.6 When the equipment passes through multi-story buildings and structures, the plane position of the equipment must be drawn on each plane, and the equipment position number must be marked. The plan of each floor is a top view of the horizontal section of the bottom surface of the floor slab of the previous floor. 3.4.7 In the upper right corner of the drawing for drawing the plan, a direction mark consistent with the drawing north direction of the building drawing should be drawn.
3.5 Contents and dimensioning
3.5.1. Mark the axis numbers and axis dimensions of buildings and structures according to the civil engineering drawings, and mark the indoor and outdoor floor elevations.
3.5.2 Draw doors, windows, columns, stairs, operating platforms (note the platform top elevation), drainage grates, pipe trenches (note the trench bottom elevation), open trenches (note the trench bottom elevation), water spill slopes, etc. according to the positions shown in the architectural drawings. 9·
The auxiliary rooms and living rooms should be named respectively. 3. 5.4
Use dotted lines to indicate the reserved maintenance area (such as the heat exchanger extraction tube bundle), draw it in proportion, and do not mark the size. EXX
3.5.5 The appearance of non-standard equipment can be appropriately simplified, including the attached operating platform, ladder and bracket (note the bracket drawing number). For horizontal equipment, its characteristic pipe openings should be drawn or the fixed side supports should be marked. 3.5.6 For dynamic equipment, only the foundation can be drawn to indicate the position of the characteristic pipe openings and the driving machine, as shown in the following figure: FXXXX
Motor-driven pump
Discharge flange
Steam turbine-driven blower
Motor-driven compressor
Steam turbine-driven compressor
First section air inlet
Motor-driven compressor
Vertical equipment with electric stirring
Turbine steam discharge outlet
Steam turbine-driven compressor
See Figure XX
Feed port
Motor-driven screw compressor1.3 Example drawings and specific instructions
(1) Example drawings: See Figure 3.
(2) Specific instructions
a. In the process of drawing this version of the equipment layout, the important pipelines that affect the layout should be jointly determined with the piping professional designers, and the piping professional should be mainly responsible for the piping research. At the same time, a stress hollow sketch should be drawn and submitted to the pipe mechanics professional for stress calculation and passed to further determine the location and elevation of the relevant equipment. If necessary, the piping of the inlet and outlet of the high-pressure reciprocating pump (the hollow sketch after the stress calculation is passed) should be submitted to the patent owner or the pump professional for pulse calculation to determine whether the pump inlet and outlet need to be equipped with a shock absorber. b. This version of the equipment layout can only be adjusted slightly (position and elevation) in the subsequent design process. If, for some reason, the location or elevation of some equipment needs to be changed significantly, no professional shall make changes without authorization. The relevant professionals such as process, system, pipeline design, pipeline mechanics, civil engineering and device layout must jointly negotiate and reach a consensus, and the changes can only be made after approval by the project manager. c. If this version of the equipment layout drawing does not make much change to the content of the "D" version of the equipment layout drawing, it is not necessary to redraw it. Just copy the "D" version of the equipment layout drawing and archive it, then modify it on the original drawing, mark the equipment positioning dimensions, and change the name of the drawing to the research version of the equipment layout drawing. 2.2.2 "F" version of the equipment layout drawing Preparation basis and scope of application
This version of the equipment layout drawing is based on the "E" version of the equipment layout drawing, and is reviewed and checked according to the "PI" drawing "E" version, the confirmed equipment drawings and other relevant materials, and is improved. If the piping professional designer makes a small adjustment to the positioning dimensions or elevation of some equipment during the design process at this stage, the equipment layout drawing of this version needs to be modified accordingly. This version of the equipment layout has basically reached the depth of the finished product. In addition to all the contents of the "E" version of the equipment layout (see, the "F" version of the equipment layout should also include the following: (1) Check and complete all positioning dimensions and elevations. (2) Add operating and maintenance platforms and ladders according to the pipeline plan layout (research version) (3) Supplement the locations of other small equipment that is not fully shown, such as eyewash stations, hose stations and other facilities. Example diagram and specific instructions
Example diagram: See Figure 4.
2.2.3*G” version equipment layout drawing Basis for preparation and scope of application
This version of equipment layout drawing is based on the “F” version equipment layout drawing, and is verified according to the “PI” drawing “F” version, the pipeline plan layout drawing (design version), the equipment final confirmation drawings and other relevant materials, and after the joint signing of various professional drawings, a small adjustment has been made to the “F” version equipment layout drawing. Make a copy of the “F” version equipment layout drawing for the second base map and archive it, and change the source map “F” version to the final “G” version. The content of the “G\ version equipment layout drawing” is the same as that of the F\ version. 6
3 Provisions for the drawing of equipment layout drawings
3.1 Scope of application
These provisions apply to the drawing method of equipment layout drawings in chemical plants. 3.2 General provisions
3.2.1 Drawing size
Generally, the No. 1 drawing is used without lengthening or widening. Other drawing sizes may also be used in special cases. The outer sides of the long and short sides of the inner frame of the drawing are divided into equal parts with a 3mm thick line. At the midpoint of the long side division, AB, C, D, etc. are written in sequence from the title bar side. At the midpoint of the short side division, 1, 2, 3, 4 are written in sequence from the title bar side. The long side of the No. 1 drawing is divided into 8 equal parts, and the short side is divided into 6 equal parts. The long side of the No. 2 drawing is divided into 6 equal parts, and the short side is divided into 4 equal parts. As shown in the following figure:
Title bar
3.2.2 Scale
Usually 1:100, 1:200 or 1:50 can also be used, depending on the density of the equipment layout of the device. 3.2.3 Dimension unit
The elevation and coordinates marked in the straight drawing are in meters, and the decimals should be rounded to three digits up to millimeters. The remaining dimensions are all in millimeters, and only the numbers are noted without the units. When other units are used to mark dimensions, the units should be indicated. 3.2.4 Drawing name
The drawing name in the title bar is generally divided into two lines, with "×××× equipment layout drawing" written on the upper line and "ELXX.××× plane" or "×X department view" written on the lower line. 3.2.5 Numbering
Each equipment layout drawing should be numbered separately. Equipment layout drawings of the same main item shall not use the same number, and the numbering method of the number of sheets should be added.
The basis for drawing equipment layout drawings and the design regulations to be followed 3.3
The drawing of each version of the equipment layout drawing should be based on the pipeline and instrument flow chart, civil engineering drawing, equipment table, equipment diagram, pipeline direction and pipeline diagram research version and the relevant product information provided by the manufacturer, and follow the following design regulations: 3.3.1 See HG20519.28-9 for line width 23.3.2 For the legend and simplified drawing method of equipment layout drawings, please refer to Chapter 6 of HG20546.192. 3.3.3 For commonly used abbreviations in equipment layout drawings, please refer to Chapter 7 of HG20546.1--92. 3.4 Drawing arrangement and view requirements
3.4.1 Equipment layout drawings generally only draw plan views. For more complex devices or devices with multi-story buildings and structures, when the plan view is not clear, a partial view can be drawn. 3.4.2 Equipment layout drawings are generally drawn with jointly arranged devices or independent main items as units. The boundaries are represented by thick double-dotted lines, and the coordinates are marked on the outside of the boundaries. The lower left corner of the boundary is the reference point. The coordinates of the reference point are N, E (or NW), see the figure below. At the same time, note the X and Y values ​​of the coordinates equivalent to those on the general drawing. N
3.4.3 For main items with more equipment and more partitions, the equipment layout diagram of this main item should have an equipment table listed directly above the title bar for easy identification. As shown in the following table: o
Equipment position number
Equipment name
Equipment position number
Title bar
Equipment name
3.4.4 For multi-story buildings or structures, the equipment layout plan of each floor should be drawn in layers. If several layers are drawn on the same drawing, start from the bottom layer, arrange them in order from bottom to top or from left to right in the drawing, and indicate "ELXX×.XX× plane" etc. below the drawing. 3.4.5 In general, only one plan is drawn for each floor. When there is When there is a partial operating table, only the equipment under the operating table can be drawn on the plan, and a partial plan can be drawn for the partial operating table and the equipment above it. If it does not affect the clarity of the drawing, it can also be represented by a plan, and the equipment under the operating table is drawn with a dotted line. 3.4.6 When the equipment passes through multi-story buildings and structures, the plane position of the equipment must be drawn on each plane, and the equipment position number must be marked. The plan of each floor is a top view of the horizontal section of the bottom surface of the floor slab of the previous floor. 3.4.7 In the upper right corner of the drawing for drawing the plan, a direction mark consistent with the drawing north direction of the building drawing should be drawn.
3.5 Contents and dimensioning
3.5.1. Mark the axis number and axis dimensions of buildings and structures according to the civil engineering drawings, and mark the indoor and outdoor floor elevations.
3.5.2 Draw doors, windows, columns, stairs, operating platforms (note the platform top elevation), drainage grates, pipe trenches (note the trench bottom elevation), open trenches (note the trench bottom elevation), water spill slopes, etc. according to the positions shown in the architectural drawings. 9·
The auxiliary rooms and living rooms should be named accordingly. 3. 5.4
Use dotted lines to indicate the reserved maintenance area (such as the heat exchanger extraction tube bundle), draw it in proportion, and do not mark the size. EXX
3.5.5 The appearance of non-standard equipment can be appropriately simplified, including the attached operating platform, ladder and bracket (note the bracket drawing number). For horizontal equipment, its characteristic pipe openings should be drawn or the fixed side supports should be marked. 3.5.6 For dynamic equipment, only the foundation can be drawn to indicate the position of the characteristic pipe openings and the driving machine, as shown in the following figure: FXXXX
Motor-driven pump
Discharge flange
Steam turbine-driven blower
Motor-driven compressor
Steam turbine-driven compressor
First section air inlet
Motor-driven compressor
Vertical equipment with electric stirring
Turbine steam discharge outlet
Steam turbine-driven compressor
See Figure XX
Feed port
Motor-driven screw compressor1.3 Example diagram and specific description
(1) Example diagram: See Figure 3.
(2) Specific description
a. In the process of drawing this version of the equipment layout diagram, the important pipelines that affect the layout should be jointly determined with the piping professional designers, and the piping professional should be mainly responsible for the piping research. At the same time, a stress hollow sketch should be drawn and submitted to the pipe mechanics professional for stress calculation and passed to further determine the location and elevation of the relevant equipment. If necessary, the piping of the inlet and outlet of the high-pressure reciprocating pump (the hollow sketch after the stress calculation is passed) should be submitted to the patent owner or the pump professional for pulse calculation to determine whether the pump inlet and outlet need to be equipped with a shock absorber. b. This version of the equipment layout diagram can only be adjusted slightly (position and elevation) in the subsequent design process. If, for some reason, the location or elevation of some equipment needs to be changed significantly, no professional shall make changes without authorization. The relevant professionals such as process, system, pipeline design, pipeline mechanics, civil engineering and device layout must jointly negotiate and reach a consensus, and the changes can only be made after approval by the project manager. c. If this version of the equipment layout drawing does not make much change to the content of the "D" version of the equipment layout drawing, it is not necessary to redraw it. Just copy the "D" version of the equipment layout drawing and archive it, then modify it on the original drawing, mark the equipment positioning dimensions, and change the name of the drawing to the research version of the equipment layout drawing. 2.2.2 "F" version of the equipment layout drawing Preparation basis and scope of application
This version of the equipment layout drawing is based on the "E" version of the equipment layout drawing, and is reviewed and checked according to the "PI" drawing "E" version, the confirmed equipment drawings and other relevant materials, and is improved. If the piping professional designer makes a small adjustment to the positioning dimensions or elevation of some equipment during the design process at this stage, the equipment layout drawing of this version needs to be modified accordingly. This version of the equipment layout has basically reached the depth of the finished product. In addition to all the contents of the "E" version of the equipment layout (see, the "F" version of the equipment layout should also include the following: (1) Check and complete all positioning dimensions and elevations. (2) Add operating and maintenance platforms and ladders according to the pipeline plan layout (research version) (3) Supplement the locations of other small equipment that is not fully shown, such as eyewash stations, hose stations and other facilities. Example diagram and specific instructions
Example diagram: See Figure 4.
2.2.3*G” version equipment layout drawing Basis for preparation and scope of application
This version of equipment layout drawing is based on the “F” version equipment layout drawing, and is verified according to the “PI” drawing “F” version, the pipeline plan layout drawing (design version), the equipment final confirmation drawings and other relevant materials, and after the joint signing of various professional drawings, a small adjustment has been made to the “F” version equipment layout drawing. Make a copy of the “F” version equipment layout drawing for the second base map and archive it, and change the source map “F” version to the final “G” version. The content of the “G\ version equipment layout drawing” is the same as that of the F\ version. 6
3 Provisions for the drawing of equipment layout drawings
3.1 Scope of application
These provisions apply to the drawing method of equipment layout drawings in chemical plants. 3.2 General provisions
3.2.1 Drawing size
Generally, the No. 1 drawing is used without lengthening or widening. Other drawing sizes may also be used in special cases. The outer sides of the long and short sides of the inner frame of the drawing are divided into equal parts with a 3mm thick line. At the midpoint of the long side division, AB, C, D, etc. are written in sequence from the title bar side. At the midpoint of the short side division, 1, 2, 3, 4 are written in sequence from the title bar side. The long side of the No. 1 drawing is divided into 8 equal parts, and the short side is divided into 6 equal parts. The long side of the No. 2 drawing is divided into 6 equal parts, and the short side is divided into 4 equal parts. As shown in the following figure:
Title bar
3.2.2 Scale
Usually 1:100, 1:200 or 1:50 can also be used, depending on the density of the equipment layout of the device. 3.2.3 Dimension unit
The elevation and coordinates marked in the straight drawing are in meters, and the decimals should be rounded to three digits up to millimeters. The remaining dimensions are all in millimeters, and only the numbers are noted without the units. When other units are used to mark dimensions, the units should be indicated. 3.2.4 Drawing name
The drawing name in the title bar is generally divided into two lines, with "×××× equipment layout drawing" written on the upper line and "ELXX.××× plane" or "×X department view" written on the lower line. 3.2.5 Numbering
Each equipment layout drawing should be numbered separately. Equipment layout drawings of the same main item shall not use the same number, and the numbering method of the number of sheets should be added.
The basis for drawing equipment layout drawings and the design regulations to be followed 3.3
The drawing of each version of the equipment layout drawing should be based on the pipeline and instrument flow chart, civil engineering drawing, equipment table, equipment diagram, pipeline direction and pipeline diagram research version and the relevant product information provided by the manufacturer, and follow the following design regulations: 3.3.1 See HG20519.28-9 for line width 23.3.2 For the legend and simplified drawing method of equipment layout drawings, please refer to Chapter 6 of HG20546.192. 3.3.3 For commonly used abbreviations in equipment layout drawings, please refer to Chapter 7 of HG20546.1--92. 3.4 Drawing arrangement and view requirements
3.4.1 Equipment layout drawings generally only draw plan views. For more complex devices or devices with multi-story buildings and structures, when the plan view is not clear, a partial view can be drawn. 3.4.2 Equipment layout drawings are generally drawn with jointly arranged devices or independent main items as units. The boundaries are represented by thick double-dotted lines, and the coordinates are marked on the outside of the boundaries. The lower left corner of the boundary is the reference point. The coordinates of the reference point are N, E (or NW), see the figure below. At the same time, note the X and Y values ​​of the coordinates equivalent to those on the general drawing. N
3.4.3 For main items with more equipment and more partitions, the equipment layout diagram of this main item should have an equipment table listed directly above the title bar for easy identification. As shown in the following table: o
Equipment position number
Equipment name
Equipment position number
Title bar
Equipment name
3.4.4 For multi-story buildings or structures, the equipment layout plan of each floor should be drawn in layers. If several layers are drawn on the same drawing, start from the bottom layer, arrange them in order from bottom to top or from left to right in the drawing, and indicate "ELXX×.XX× plane" etc. below the drawing. 3.4.5 In general, only one plan is drawn for each floor. When there is When there is a partial operating table, only the equipment under the operating table can be drawn on the plan, and a partial plan can be drawn for the partial operating table and the equipment above it. If it does not affect the clarity of the drawing, it can also be represented by a plan, and the equipment under the operating table is drawn with a dotted line. 3.4.6 When the equipment passes through multi-story buildings and structures, the plane position of the equipment must be drawn on each plane, and the equipment position number must be marked. The plan of each floor is a top view of the horizontal section of the bottom surface of the floor slab of the previous floor. 3.4.7 In the upper right corner of the drawing for drawing the plan, a direction mark consistent with the drawing north direction of the building drawing should be drawn.
3.5 Contents and dimensioning
3.5.1. Mark the axis number and axis dimensions of buildings and structures according to the civil engineering drawings, and mark the indoor and outdoor floor elevations.
3.5.2 Draw doors, windows, columns, stairs, operating platforms (note the platform top elevation), drainage grates, pipe trenches (note the trench bottom elevation), open trenches (note the trench bottom elevation), water spill slopes, etc. according to the positions shown in the architectural drawings. 9·
The auxiliary rooms and living rooms should be named accordingly. 3. 5.4
Use dotted lines to indicate the reserved maintenance area (such as the heat exchanger extraction tube bundle), draw it in proportion, and do not mark the size. EXX
3.5.5 The appearance of non-standard equipment can be appropriately simplified, including the attached operating platform, ladder and bracket (note the bracket drawing number). For horizontal equipment, its characteristic pipe openings should be drawn or the fixed side supports should be marked. 3.5.6 For dynamic equipment, only the foundation can be drawn to indicate the position of the characteristic pipe openings and the driving machine, as shown in the following figure: FXXXX
Motor-driven pump
Discharge flange
Steam turbine-driven blower
Motor-driven compressor
Steam turbine-driven compressor
First section air inlet
Motor-driven compressor
Vertical equipment with electric stirring
Turbine steam discharge outlet
Steam turbine-driven compressor
See Figure XX
Feed port
Motor-driven screw compressorIn the process of drawing this version of the equipment layout, the important pipelines that affect the layout should be jointly agreed with the piping professional designers, and the piping professional should be mainly responsible for the piping research. At the same time, a stress empty sketch should be drawn and submitted to the pipeline mechanics professional for stress calculation and passed to further determine the location and elevation of the relevant equipment. If necessary, the piping of the inlet and outlet of the high-pressure reciprocating pump (empty sketch after the stress calculation is passed) should be submitted to the patent owner or the pump professional for pulse calculation to determine whether the pump inlet and outlet need to be equipped with a shock absorber. b. This version of the equipment layout can only be adjusted slightly (position and elevation) in the subsequent design process. If for some reason, the position or elevation of some equipment needs to be changed significantly, no professional shall make changes without authorization. It must be negotiated by the relevant professionals such as process, system, pipeline design, pipeline mechanics, civil engineering and device layout to reach a consensus, and the changes can only be made after approval by the project manager. c. If the content of this version of the equipment layout drawing is not much modified from the "D" version of the equipment layout drawing, it is not necessary to redraw it. Just copy the "D" version of the equipment layout drawing and save it, then modify it on the original drawing, mark the equipment positioning dimensions, and change the name of the drawing to the research version of the equipment layout drawing. 2.2.2 "F" version of the equipment layout drawing Preparation basis and scope of application
This version of the equipment layout drawing is based on the "E" version of the equipment layout drawing, and is reviewed and checked according to the "PI" drawing "E" version, confirmed equipment drawings and other relevant materials, and is improved. During the design process at this stage, if the piping professional designer makes a small adjustment to the positioning dimensions or elevations of some equipment, it is necessary to make corresponding modifications to this version of the equipment layout drawing. This version of the equipment layout drawing has basically reached the depth of the finished product. In addition to all the contents of the "E" version of the equipment layout drawing (see, the "F" version of the equipment layout drawing should also add the following content: (1) Check and complete all positioning dimensions and elevations. (2) Add operating and maintenance platforms and ladders according to the pipeline plan layout (research version) (3) Supplement the location of other small equipment that is not fully shown, such as eyewash stations, hose stations and other facilities. Example drawings and specific instructions
Example drawings: See Figure 4.
2.2.3*G" version equipment layout drawing Preparation basis and scope of application
This version of the equipment layout drawing is based on the "F" version of the equipment layout drawing. It is verified according to the "PI" drawing "F" version, the pipeline plan layout drawing (design version), the equipment final confirmation drawing and other relevant materials, and after the joint signing of various professional drawings, the "F" version of the equipment layout drawing has been slightly adjusted. Make a copy of the "F" version of the equipment layout drawing and archive it as the second base map, and change the source map "F" version to the final "G" version. The content of the "G\ version of the equipment layout drawing is the same as the F\ version. 6
3 Provisions for the drawing of equipment layout drawings
3.1 Scope of application
These provisions apply to the drawing of equipment layout drawings in chemical plants. 3.2 General provisions
3.2.1 Drawing size
Generally, the No. 1 drawing is used without lengthening or widening. Other drawing sizes may also be used in special cases. The outer sides of the long and short sides of the inner frame of the drawing are divided into equal parts with a 3mm thick line. At the midpoint of the long side division, AB, C, D... are written in sequence from the title bar side. At the midpoint of the short side division, 1, 2, 3, 4 are written in sequence from the title bar side. The No. 1 drawing has 8 equal parts on the long side and 6 equal parts on the short side. The No. 2 drawing has 6 equal parts on the long side and 4 equal parts on the short side. As shown below:
Title bar
3.2.2 Scale
1:100 is commonly used, but 1:200 or 1:50 can also be used, depending on the density of the equipment layout of the device. 3.2.3 Dimension unit
The elevation and coordinates marked in the straight diagram are in meters, and the decimals should be rounded to three digits up to millimeters. The remaining dimensions are all in millimeters, with only numbers and no units. When other units are used to mark dimensions, the units should be indicated. 3.2.4 Drawing name
The drawing name in the title bar is generally divided into two lines, with "×××× equipment layout drawing" written on the upper line and "ELXX.××× plane" or "×X department view" written on the lower line. 3.2.5 Numbering
Each equipment layout drawing should be numbered separately. Equipment layout drawings of the same main item shall not use the same number, and the numbering method of the number of sheets should be added.
The basis for drawing equipment layout drawings and the design regulations to be followed 3.3
The drawing of each version of the equipment layout drawing should be based on the pipeline and instrument flow chart, civil engineering drawing, equipment table, equipment diagram, pipeline direction and pipeline diagram research version and the relevant product information provided by the manufacturer, and follow the following design regulations: 3.3.1 See HG20519.28-9 for line width 23.3.2 For the legend and simplified drawing method of equipment layout drawings, please refer to Chapter 6 of HG20546.192. 3.3.3 For commonly used abbreviations in equipment layout drawings, please refer to Chapter 7 of HG20546.1--92. 3.4 Drawing arrangement and view requirements
3.4.1 Equipment layout drawings generally only draw plan views. For more complex devices or devices with multi-story buildings and structures, when the plan view is not clear, a partial view can be drawn. 3.4.2 Equipment layout drawings are generally drawn with jointly arranged devices or independent main items as units. The boundaries are represented by thick double-dotted lines, and the coordinates are marked on the outside of the boundaries. The lower left corner of the boundary is the reference point. The coordinates of the reference point are N, E (or NW), see the figure below. At the same time, note the X and Y values ​​of the coordinates equivalent to those on the general drawing. N
3.4.3 For main items with more equipment and more partitions, the equipment layout diagram of this main item should have an equipment table listed directly above the title bar for easy identification. As shown in the following table: o
Equipment position number
Equipment name
Equipment position number
Title bar
Equipment name
3.4.4 For multi-story buildings or structures, the equipment layout plan of each floor should be drawn in layers. If several layers are drawn on the same drawing, start from the bottom layer, arrange them in order from bottom to top or from left to right in the drawing, and indicate "ELXX×.XX× plane" etc. below the drawing. 3.4.5 In general, only one plan is drawn for each floor. When there is When there is a partial operating table, only the equipment under the operating table can be drawn on the plan, and a partial plan can be drawn for the partial operating table and the equipment above it. If it does not affect the clarity of the drawing, it can also be represented by a plan, and the equipment under the operating table is drawn with a dotted line. 3.4.6 When the equipment passes through multi-story buildings and structures, the plane position of the equipment must be drawn on each plane, and the equipment position number must be marked. The plan of each floor is a top view of the horizontal section of the bottom surface of the floor slab of the previous floor. 3.4.7 In the upper right corner of the drawing for drawing the plan, a direction mark consistent with the drawing north direction of the building drawing should be drawn.
3.5 Contents and dimensioning
3.5.1. Mark the axis number and axis dimensions of buildings and structures according to the civil engineering drawings, and mark the indoor and outdoor floor elevations.
3.5.2 Draw doors, windows, columns, stairs, operating platforms (note the platform top elevation), drainage grates, pipe trenches (note the trench bottom elevation), open trenches (note the trench bottom elevation), water spill slopes, etc. according to the positions shown in the architectural drawings. 9·
The auxiliary rooms and living rooms should be named accordingly. 3. 5.4
Use dotted lines to indicate the reserved maintenance area (such as the heat exchanger extraction tube bundle), draw it in proportion, and do not mark the size. EXX
3.5.5 The appearance of non-standard equipment can be appropriately simplified, including the attached operating platform, ladder and bracket (note the bracket drawing number). For horizontal equipment, its characteristic pipe openings should be drawn or the fixed side supports should be marked. 3.5.6 For dynamic equipment, only the foundation can be drawn to indicate the position of the characteristic pipe openings and the driving machine, as shown in the following figure: FXXXX
Motor-driven pump
Discharge flange
Steam turbine-driven blower
Motor-driven compressor
Steam turbine-driven compressor
First section air inlet
Motor-driven compressor
Vertical equipment with electric stirring
Turbine steam discharge outlet
Steam turbine-driven compressor
See Figure XX
Feed port
Motor-driven screw compressorIn the process of drawing this version of the equipment layout, the important pipelines that affect the layout should be jointly agreed with the piping professional designers, and the piping professional should be mainly responsible for the piping research. At the same time, a stress empty sketch should be drawn and submitted to the pipeline mechanics professional for stress calculation and passed to further determine the location and elevation of the relevant equipment. If necessary, the piping of the inlet and outlet of the high-pressure reciprocating pump (empty sketch after the stress calculation is passed) should be submitted to the patent owner or the pump professional for pulse calculation to determine whether the pump inlet and outlet need to be equipped with a shock absorber. b. This version of the equipment layout can only be adjusted slightly (position and elevation) in the subsequent design process. If for some reason, the position or elevation of some equipment needs to be changed significantly, no professional shall make changes without authorization. It must be negotiated by the relevant professionals such as process, system, pipeline design, pipeline mechanics, civil engineering and device layout to reach a consensus, and the changes can only be made after approval by the project manager. c. If the content of this version of the equipment layout drawing is not much modified from the "D" version of the equipment layout drawing, it is not necessary to redraw it. Just copy the "D" version of the equipment layout drawing and save it, then modify it on the original drawing, mark the equipment positioning dimensions, and change the name of the drawing to the research version of the equipment layout drawing. 2.2.2 "F" version of the equipment layout drawing Preparation basis and scope of application
This version of the equipment layout drawing is based on the "E" version of the equipment layout drawing, and is reviewed and checked according to the "PI" drawing "E" version, confirmed equipment drawings and other relevant materials, and is improved. During the design process at this stage, if the piping professional designer makes a small adjustment to the positioning dimensions or elevations of some equipment, it is necessary to make corresponding modifications to this version of the equipment layout drawing. This version of the equipment layout drawing has basically reached the depth of the finished product. In addition to all the contents of the "E" version of the equipment layout drawing (see, the "F" version of the equipment layout drawing should also add the following content: (1) Check and complete all positioning dimensions and elevations. (2) Add operating and maintenance platforms and ladders according to the pipeline plan layout (research version) (3) Supplement the location of other small equipment that is not fully shown, such as eyewash stations, hose stations and other facilities. Example drawings and specific instructions
Example drawings: See Figure 4.
2.2.3*G" version equipment layout drawing Preparation basis and scope of application
This version of the equipment layout drawing is based on the "F" version of the equipment layout drawing. It is verified according to the "PI" drawing "F" version, the pipeline plan layout drawing (design version), the equipment final confirmation drawing and other relevant materials, and after the joint signing of various professional drawings, the "F" version of the equipment layout drawing has been slightly adjusted. Make a copy of the "F" version of the equipment layout drawing and archive it as the second base map, and change the source map "F" version to the final "G" version. The content of the "G\ version of the equipment layout drawing is the same as the F\ version. 6
3 Provisions for the drawing of equipment layout drawings
3.1 Scope of application
These provisions apply to the drawing of equipment layout drawings in chemical plants. 3.2 General provisions
3.2.1 Drawing size
Generally, the No. 1 drawing is used without lengthening or widening. Other drawing sizes may also be used in special cases. The outer sides of the long and short sides of the inner frame of the drawing are divided into equal parts with a 3mm thick line. At the midpoint of the long side division, AB, C, D... are written in sequence from the title bar side. At the midpoint of the short side division, 1, 2, 3, 4 are written in sequence from the title bar side. The No. 1 drawing has 8 equal parts on the long side and 6 equal parts on the short side. The No. 2 drawing has 6 equal parts on the long side and 4 equal parts on the short side. As shown below:
Title bar
3.2.2 Scalebzxz.net
1:100 is commonly used, but 1:200 or 1:50 can also be used, depending on the density of the equipment layout of the device. 3.2.3 Dimension unit
The elevation and coordinates marked in the straight diagram are in meters, and the decimals should be rounded to three digits up to millimeters. The remaining dimensions are all in millimeters, with only numbers and no units. When other units are used to mark dimensions, the units should be indicated. 3.2.4 Drawing name
The drawing name in the title bar is generally divided into two lines, with "×××× equipment layout drawing" written on the upper line and "ELXX.××× plane" or "×X department view" written on the lower line. 3.2.5 Numbering
Each equipment layout drawing should be numbered separately. Equipment layout drawings of the same main item shall not use the same number, and the numbering method of the number of sheets should be added.
The basis for drawing equipment layout drawings and the design regulations to be followed 3.3
The drawing of each version of the equipment layout drawing should be based on the pipeline and instrument flow chart, civil engineering drawing, equipment table, equipment diagram, pipeline direction and pipeline diagram research version and the relevant product information provided by the manufacturer, and follow the following design regulations: 3.3.1 See HG20519.28-9 for line width 23.3.2 For the legend and simplified drawing method of equipment layout drawings, please refer to Chapter 6 of HG20546.192. 3.3.3 For commonly used abbreviations in equipment layout drawings, please refer to Chapter 7 of HG20546.1--92. 3.4 Drawing arrangement and view requirements
3.4.1 Equipment layout drawings generally only draw plan views. For more complex devices or devices with multi-story buildings and structures, when the plan view is not clear, a partial view can be drawn. 3.4.2 Equipment layout drawings are generally drawn with jointly arranged devices or independent main items as units. The boundaries are represented by thick double-dotted lines, and the coordinates are marked on the outside of the boundaries. The lower left corner of the boundary is the reference point. The coordinates of the reference point are N, E (or NW), see the figure below. At the same time, note the X and Y values ​​of the coordinates equivalent to those on the general drawing. N
3.4.3 For main items with more equipment and more partitions, the equipment layout diagram of this main item should have an equipment table listed directly above the title bar for easy identification. As shown in the following table: o
Equipment position number
Equipment name
Equipment position number
Title bar
Equipment name
3.4.4 For multi-story buildings or structures, the equipment layout plan of each floor should be drawn in layers. If several layers are drawn on the same drawing, start from the bottom layer, arrange them in order from bottom to top or from left to right in the drawing, and indicate "ELXX×.XX× plane" etc. below the drawing. 3.4.5 In general, only one plan is drawn for each floor. When there is When there is a partial operating table, only the equipment under the operating table can be drawn on the plan, and a partial plan can be drawn for the partial operating table and the equipment above it. If it does not affect the clarity of the drawing, it can also be represented by a plan, and the equipment under the operating table is drawn with a dotted line. 3.4.6 When the equipment passes through multi-story buildings and structures, the plane position of the equipment must be drawn on each plane, and the equipment position number must be marked. The plan of each floor is a top view of the horizontal section of the bottom surface of the floor slab of the previous floor. 3.4.7 In the upper right corner of the drawing for drawing the plan, a direction mark consistent with the drawing north direction of the building drawing should be drawn.
3.5 Contents and dimensioning
3.5.1. Mark the axis numbers and axis dimensions of buildings and structures according to the civil engineering drawings, and mark the indoor and outdoor floor elevations.
3.5.2 Draw doors, windows, columns, stairs, operating platforms (note the platform top elevation), drainage grates, pipe trenches (note the trench bottom elevation), open trenches (note the trench bottom elevation), water spill slopes, etc. according to the positions shown in the architectural drawings. 9·
The auxiliary rooms and living rooms should be named respectively. 3. 5.4
Use dotted lines to indicate the reserved maintenance area (such as the heat exchanger extraction tube bundle), draw it in proportion, and do not mark the size. EXX
3.5.5 The appearance of non-standard equipment can be appropriately simplified, including the attached operating platform, ladder and bracket (note the bracket drawing number). For horizontal equipment, its characteristic pipe openings should be drawn or the fixed side supports should be marked. 3.5.6 For dynamic equipment, only the foundation can be drawn to indicate the position of the characteristic pipe openings and the driving machine, as shown in the following figure: FXXXX
Motor-driven pump
Discharge flange
Steam turbine-driven blower
Motor-driven compressor
Steam turbine-driven compressor
First section air inlet
Motor-driven compressor
Vertical equipment with electric stirring
Turbine steam discharge outlet
Steam turbine-driven compressor
See Figure XX
Feed port
Motor-driven screw compressor6 For dynamic equipment, only the foundation can be drawn to indicate the position of the characteristic pipe opening and the driver, as shown in the following figure: FXXXX
Motor-driven pump
Discharge flange
Steam turbine-driven blower
Motor-driven compressor
Steam turbine-driven compressor
First section air inlet
Motor-driven compressor
Vertical equipment with electric stir
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