title>HG/T 20701.8-2000 Specification for design of professional equipment diagrams (equipment engineering drawings) for containers and heat exchangers - HG/T 20701.8-2000 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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HG/T 20701.8-2000 Specification for design of professional equipment diagrams (equipment engineering drawings) for containers and heat exchangers

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG/T 20701.8-2000

Standard Name: Specification for design of professional equipment diagrams (equipment engineering drawings) for containers and heat exchangers

Chinese Name: 容器、换热器专业设备简图(设备工程图)设计规定

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)

state:in force

Date of Release2000-11-22

Date of Implementation:2001-06-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:71.010

Standard Classification Number:Engineering Construction>>Raw Materials Industry, Communications, Broadcasting Engineering>>P72 Petrochemical, Chemical Engineering

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HG/T 20701.8-2000 Container, heat exchanger professional equipment schematic (equipment engineering drawing) design regulations HG/T20701.8-2000 standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

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Design regulations for simplified drawings (equipment engineering drawings) of professional equipment for containers and heat exchangers HG/T20701.8-2000
1 Subject content and scope of application
This standard specifies the purpose, format, content and depth of simplified drawings (equipment engineering drawings) of professional equipment for containers and heat exchangers, and is applicable to design management work.
Referenced Standard
"Format and Size of Mechanical Drawings"
3 Purpose of Equipment Schematic Diagram (Equipment Engineering Drawing) 3.0.1 The design of equipment schematic diagram (equipment engineering drawing) is a major task of the container and heat exchanger major, and is an important technical document of this major. This drawing is an important basis for the relevant majors to carry out design work in engineering design, and is an important part of the technical documents for equipment procurement (inquiry).
3.0.2 Equipment schematic diagram (equipment engineering drawing) can generally be divided into four versions, namely the inquiry version, order version, manufacturing version, and construction version. The inquiry version is produced in the basic engineering design stage, and serves as the basis for equipment inquiry and ordering. It is also an important basis for the relevant majors in engineering design to carry out design work. The order version is produced after the equipment contract is signed. Before the equipment is ordered, it is an important basis for ordering equipment. This version is only issued for equipment that requires a factory (commercial) coordination meeting.
The manufacturing version is produced after the detailed engineering design and the ACF drawings provided by the manufacturer are reviewed. It is the basis for the manufacturer to complete the CF drawings.
The construction version is produced after the CF drawings of the manufacturer are received, and it is expected that there will be no further modifications. It is the basis for pipeline and other professionals to check the pipeline design drawings. bzxZ.net
4 The format of the equipment schematic (equipment engineering drawing) The drawing size and format shall be in accordance with CB/T14689-93. In principle, the format of the equipment schematic (equipment engineering drawing) is specified as 1# drawing, and 2# or 3# drawings can also be used according to the content in the drawing. The general drawing and node detailed drawings can be placed in one drawing, or they can be arranged separately. The equipment schematic (equipment engineering drawing) requires a main title bar and a modification bar. The general drawing There should also be a design and manufacturing specification column, design data table (or technical characteristics table), material table, nozzle table, relevant drawing material catalog, additional requirements and instructions, graphics and other parts. The specific instructions are as follows:
Main title bar
The main title bar should indicate the equipment drawing name, equipment position number, project number, drawing number, edition, project name and device production capacity, company full name, etc.
Equipment schematics (equipment engineering drawings) generally require three levels of review, namely design, verification, and audit. 4.2
Modification column
The modification column should indicate the serial number, mark, modification instructions, date and signature of each modification. General modifications require two levels of signatures, namely modification and verification. Major modifications require three levels of signatures, namely modification, verification and audit.
4.3 Design and manufacturing specification column|| tt||This column should indicate the specifications, standards, engineering standards and instructions used in equipment design, manufacturing inspection, etc. If there are many engineering standards and instructions used, when filling in this column, in addition to filling in the main design and manufacturing specifications and standards, the engineering standards and instructions used are listed in the drawing and material catalog column. In this case, you can fill in "Engineering standards and instructions see drawing and material catalog".
4.4 Design Data Sheet (Technical Characteristics Table)
The design data sheet of the container diagram (container engineering drawing) should indicate the container's design pressure, operating pressure, design temperature, operating temperature, material name, material weight, corrosion allowance, weld coefficient, radiographic inspection, water pressure test, airtightness test, post-weld heat treatment, container type, painting and storage, insulation and other special requirements in this column. 4.4.2 Design data sheet of heat exchanger schematic (heat exchanger engineering drawing) In this column of the design data sheet, the design pressure, operating pressure, design temperature, operating temperature, operating medium, corrosion margin, weld coefficient, radiographic inspection, and number of passes of the heat exchanger tube and shell should be indicated; the average wall temperature of the tube and shell; the number of heat exchange tubes, tube specifications, length, arrangement type and tube spacing: the type, number, spacing, cutting diameter (area) of the baffle, as well as the requirements of water pressure test, airtightness test, post-weld heat treatment, equipment category, painting, insulation, and storage. Below the design data sheet or other appropriate places, the relationship diagram of the tube arrangement and the inlet and outlet pipes of the shell side, the position of the partition plate, etc., and if necessary, whether to set the bypass baffle should also be added. 4.5 Material table
In the material table, the material grades of the main components should generally be filled in. For some important equipment, when different manufacturers are allowed to use different materials, only the categories and requirements of the main parts materials are filled in the equipment schematic (equipment engineering drawing) on ​​the inquiry version, and the specific grades of the materials are not required. The specific grades of the materials and the material standards to be followed will be filled in when the equipment schematic (equipment engineering drawing) order version is published after the manufacturer has finally determined it in the quotation or at the factory (business) coordination meeting. 4.6
Pipe opening table
The pipe opening table includes the pipe symbol, nominal diameter, flange type, pressure level and connection surface type, purpose and remarks.
4.7 Drawing and data catalog
The drawing and data catalog column should be filled in with the names, drawing numbers or standard numbers of all relevant drawings, standard drawings, instructions, engineering standards, etc. except the general drawing.
4.8 Additional requirements and explanations
In order to explain the problem more clearly, in this column, if necessary, additional requirements or clauses that need to be emphasized should be put forward for the measurement units used in the design, external pipe design, connection standards, material requirements, structural design, manufacturing and inspection, etc.
4.9 Graphics
Graphics include general drawings and node detailed drawings
1 General drawings
Indicates the structural form, design data, process requirements, pipe size, relationship between various parts, and data and drawings required for manufacturing, installation, testing and acceptance of the equipment. 2 Node detailed drawings
Node detailed drawings are to draw a part or a node of the equipment structure at a larger scale at an appropriate position on the drawing and mark more detailed dimensions to clearly indicate its structure. 4.9.2 Equipment schematics (equipment engineering drawings) are generally provided in the form of general drawings, and can be drawn in single lines, with node detailed drawings attached when necessary. Among them, general drawings, data tables, detailed drawings, etc. can also be written or drawn in pages. 4.10
Forces and moments acting on the equipment foundation
For tower equipment or other equipment with a weight greater than 5 tons and a volume greater than 10m2, the forces and moments acting on the equipment foundation during installation, hydraulic pressure test, and operation should be marked separately. 4.11
Meteorological data
In the meteorological data column, data on wind load, earthquake, soil, minimum ambient temperature, etc. should be filled in. 4.12
On the general drawing of the heat exchanger diagram (heat exchanger engineering drawing), the type, heat transfer area, installation form, characteristic data, etc. of the heat exchanger should also be marked.
5 Content and depth of drawings
The content and depth of the equipment diagram are constantly deepened with the progress of the project. 5.1 Inquiry version of equipment schematic (equipment engineering drawing) The inquiry version of equipment schematic (equipment engineering drawing) is an important technical attachment for inquiring manufacturers (commercials) and serving as a basis for ordering. It is also the first formal condition issued by this profession to the relevant professions of engineering design. It is the basis for subsequent versions of drawings. Therefore, it should be considered as carefully as possible. However, since this version of the drawing is carried out in the basic engineering design stage of engineering design, it is inevitable that there are still some specific contents that need to be supplemented, improved or modified later. In addition to the necessary graphics to indicate the structural type of the equipment and the dimensions required by the process, the inquiry version of the equipment schematic (equipment engineering drawing) should also indicate the design, manufacturing specifications, design requirements (including design data, takeover data, meteorological conditions, engineering standards and instructions to be followed) and material requirements for its general drawing. For some key and important equipment (such as equipment that requires a manufacturer's technical coordination meeting), only the material category can be mentioned in the material column, and the manufacturer will select the specific material grade in the quotation and determine it in the technical coordination meeting. Therefore, it is not necessary to indicate the thickness of the pressure parts in the equipment drawings of this version; for general equipment, since the actual grade of the material has been indicated in the drawing according to the requirements of the engineering material selection regulations (material memorandum), after preliminary calculation, the wall thickness should be marked in the drawing as much as possible.
5.2 Ordering version of equipment schematic (equipment engineering drawing) The ordering version of equipment schematic (equipment engineering drawing) is only issued for equipment that requires a manufacturer coordination meeting. It is based on the design drawing of the inquiry version, is an important part of the technical attachment of the equipment ordering contract, and is the basis for the manufacturer to complete the ACF drawing. Because this version of the drawing is made before the ordering contract is signed, it should be supplemented with the content that has been discussed and clarified and approved by both parties during the manufacturer coordination meeting and equipment ordering. For general equipment, if the manufacturer proposes some change requirements for the inquiry version of the drawing, and these requirements are discussed and accepted by the buyer or the buyer's representative during the equipment ordering, these changes can be noted in the ordering contract, and usually no ordering version is issued. The manufacturer will complete the ACF drawing design based on the inquiry version of the equipment schematic (equipment engineering drawing) and the contract requirements. 5.3 Manufacturing version of equipment schematic (equipment engineering drawing) The manufacturing version of the equipment schematic (equipment engineering drawing) is an important version issued after the equipment is ordered. Because this version of the drawing is made after the buyer or the buyer's representative receives the ACF drawing of the manufacturer and after the pipeline plan design drawing is published, all the data required for the equipment should be supplemented (or modified) in this version of the drawing. It is an important condition for the design of various disciplines when the design unit carries out engineering design, and it is also an important basis for the manufacturer to complete the CF drawing. 87
In this version of the drawing, the equipment structure dimensions should be supplemented according to the approved ACF drawings of the manufacturer, the local structure of the equipment should be modified and improved, and according to the supplementary conditions of various disciplines (pipeline, pipeline machinery, civil engineering, etc.) during the detailed engineering design process, such as: the orientation of the pipe mouth of the equipment, the elevation of the support, the size, quantity, orientation and elevation of the supporting members or reinforcement plates that need to be pre-welded on the equipment by the pipe rack, platform, ladder, and clarify the position of the fixed support of the horizontal container and heat exchanger. For the manufacturing version of the equipment schematic (equipment engineering drawing), if there is any modification, the modification mark should be marked, the modification serial number and the words "for manufacturing" should be indicated in the modification column, and the date should be filled in, which means the publication of the manufacturing version. 5.4 Construction version of equipment schematic (equipment engineering drawing) The construction version of equipment schematic (equipment engineering drawing) is the last version. It is an important basis for pipeline and other professional verification of pipeline design drawings during detailed engineering design. This version of the drawing is completed after receiving the CF drawing data from the manufacturer and it is expected that the equipment will not be modified. This version of the drawing should reflect the new modifications approved by the design unit after the publication of the manufacturing version of the equipment schematic (equipment engineering drawing) and before the equipment is manufactured. The modification mark should be marked at the modification place, and the modification serial number and the words "for construction" should be noted in the modification column, and the date should be filled in, which means the publication of the construction version. If the manufacturing version equipment diagram (equipment engineering drawing) does not need any modification, the manufacturing version equipment diagram (equipment engineering drawing) can be directly used as the construction version equipment diagram (equipment engineering drawing). And indicate the words "for construction". 6 Others
6.0.1 The version arrangement of the equipment diagram (equipment engineering drawing): the first version is version 0, and the following versions are 1, 2, 3, and 4. 6.0.2 The modification mark is specified as an equilateral triangle with a side length of 6~8mm . The modification sequence number (i.e., edition number) is placed inside the triangle for easy identification, and a "cloud-shaped" line should be drawn in pencil in the modified area. When making the next modification, in order to highlight the latest modification content, the last modification mark should be erased in the drawing, and only the latest modification mark of the drawing should be reflected on the drawing. 6.0.3 When the engineering design contract stipulates that the company (institute) shall complete the equipment construction drawing design, the equipment schematic diagram (equipment engineering drawing) shall only complete the inquiry version in principle. Before the equipment construction drawing design begins, the inquiry version of the equipment schematic diagram (equipment engineering drawing) must be approved and signed by the relevant professionals before it can be used as the design basis for the equipment construction drawing. 88
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