JB/T 5353-1991 Guidelines for solvent-free varnish dripping process for power tool rotors
Some standard content:
Petroleum and Natural Gas Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China SY/T5353-91
Modified starch for drilling fluid
Published on July 19, 1991
Ministry of Energy of the People's Republic of China
Implemented on December 1, 1991
Subject content and scope of application
Petroleum and Natural Gas Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China Modified starch for drilling fluid
This standard specifies the technical requirements, test methods and packaging marks for modified starch for drilling fluid. SY/T5353-91
This standard applies to modified starch for drilling fluid, including pregelatinized starch and carboxymethyl starch (codenamed CMS). Cited standards
Method for preparing standard solution of chemical reagent
Method for preparing chemical reagent, preparation and product GB8170
Technical requirements
Rules for rounding off values
The modified starch for drilling fluid provided in this standard is white or light yellow powder, without caking, and its quality should meet the performance requirements of Table 1 and Table 2 Table 1 Performance indicators of modified starch drilling fluid
Filtration loss, mL
Apparent viscosity
Amount of modified starch added when the filtration loss is 10mL, g/LApparent viscosity after modified starch treatment, mPa·sItem
Water content, %
Sodium chloride, %
Degree of substitution (DS)
(Sieve residue)
Medium o.25 sieve, %
Medium 0.42 sieve, %
Pregelatinized starch
4% brine
Saturated brine
4% brine
Saturated brine
Modified starch physical and chemical indicators
Pregelatinized starch
Ministry of Energy of the People's Republic of China approved on July 19, 1991 8.0±1.0
First grade
4% brine
Saturated brine
Implemented on December 1, 1991
4 Test methods
4.1 Apparatus and instruments
a. High-speed agitator: load speed is 11000±300r/min; the agitator shaft is equipped with a single corrugated blade, the blade diameter is 2.5cm, the mass is 5.5g; with a sample cup, its height is 13cm, the upper diameter is 9.7cm, the lower diameter is 7.0cm, made of stainless steel or corrosion-resistant materials, or similar instruments;
drilling fluid curing tank: 500mL wide-mouth glass bottle; b.
direct reading viscometer: Fann-35 type or similar products; c.
balance: sensitivity is 0.01g;
filter loss meter: volume is 300~400mL, filtration area is 45.5±0.6cm2, with pressure source; filter paper: whatman filter paper No. 50 or similar products; acidity meter: Degree value 0.1;
Oven: 200±2°C;
Analytical balance: sensitivity 0.0001g;
Weighing bottle: $65×35mm;
Sand core pot: No. 3, $30~$40mm;
Magnetic heating stirrer;
Suction flask: 1000mL;bzxZ.net
Graduated beaker: 300mL,
Porcelain pot: 30mL;
Muffle furnace or other high temperature furnace: 750°C; Acid and alkaline burette: 50.00mL;
Constant temperature water bath;
Electric stirrer: load speed 800~1000r/min; Standard sieve: $0.25mm, *0.42mm.
Reagents and materials
Anhydrous ethanol;
95% ethanol;
Sulfuric acid;
Nitric acid;
Sodium hydroxide;
Hydrogen peroxide;
Potassium chromate;
Silver nitrate;
Methyl red;
Sodium bicarbonate, chemically pure;
Sodium chloride, chemically pure;
Evaluation soil: in accordance with OCMA standards or similar products 4.3 Drilling fluid performance test steps
4% brine (m/) test
a. In five sample cups containing 350mL of 4% salt water, add 1.00g of sodium bicarbonate and 35.00g of evaluation soil respectively, and stir at high speed for 20min, interrupting at least twice to scrape off the material adhering to the cup wall; b. Add different amounts of modified starch (accurate to 0.01g) to the above four suspensions respectively, so that their filtration loss is between 5 and 15mL, and stir at high speed for 20min, interrupting at least twice to scrape off the adhering material on the cup wall; c. Place the five samples in a sealed container and cure at room temperature for 24h; d. Stir at high speed for 5min, and measure the filtration loss and apparent viscosity at room temperature (20-30°C); e. Draw two smooth curves of the filtration loss of the suspension versus the modified starch concentration and the apparent viscosity versus the modified starch concentration on the rectangular coordinate paper, and determine the concentration of the modified starch when the filtration loss is 10.0mL (accurate to 0.1g/L) and the apparent viscosity at this concentration (accurate to 0.5mPa.s).
4.3.2 Saturated salt water test
Replace 4% salt water with saturated salt water and follow the same steps as 4.3.1. 4.4 Physical and chemical properties test methods
4.4.1 Preparation of standard solution
The standard solution required for the determination shall be prepared in accordance with the provisions of GB601 and GB603. 4.4.2 Determination of water content The water content is the ratio of the mass loss of the sample after drying at 105±3°C to the mass of the sample, expressed as a percentage. Weigh 5g of the sample (accurate to 0.0001g), place it in a constant weight weighing bottle, dry it at 105±3°C for 2h, place it in a desiccator to cool to room temperature, and weigh it (accurate to 0.0001g). 44.2.3 Calculation
Moisture content = n-m1
Wherein: m——mass of sample, 8;
mass of dried sample, g.
4.4.3 Determination of degree of substitution (ashing method) The degree of substitution refers to the number of hydrogen atoms on the hydroxyl group of each glucose unit in the starch molecule that are replaced by carboxymethyl groups. Weigh 1g (accurate to 0.0001g) of the sample washed with alcohol and dried at 105±3°C, place it in a 30mL porcelain crucible, put it in a muffle furnace after ashing, gradually heat it to 700°C, turn off the power, carefully take out the crucible when the temperature drops to 300°C, moisten the residue with a small amount of water after cooling, wash it all and transfer it to a 300mL conical flask (the total amount should not exceed 150mL), add two drops of methyl red indicator solution, titrate with 0.1mol/L sulfuric acid standard solution until it turns red, continue to add 10mL, and record the total amount of sulfuric acid solution. Heat on an electric furnace until it is slightly boiling for 10 minutes, and titrate with 0.1mol/L sodium hydroxide standard solution until it turns yellow. Calculation
Degree of substitution (DS) =
Wherein; C1 concentration of sulfuric acid standard solution, mol/1, V, — amount of sulfuric acid standard solution, mL
C2 concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, mol/1, V2 — amount of sodium hydroxide standard solution, mL; m — mass of sample, g;
B — average number of sodium carboxymethyl per gram of sample, m mol; 0.162--The mass of each millimole of glucose unit in starch, g; 4.4.4 Determination of pH value
Weigh 1g of the sample that has been dried at 105±3°C for 2h (accurate to 0.01g) and put it into a beaker containing 100mL of distilled water. Stir with a magnetic stirrer until it is completely dissolved. Determine its pH value with an acidometer or precision pH test paper. 4.4.5 Determination of sodium nitride content The sodium nitride content is the ratio of the mass of sodium nitride in the sample to the mass of the sample, expressed as a percentage. Weigh 0.5g (accurate to 0.0001g) of the sample that has been dried at 105±3°C for 2h and place it in a 300mL conical flask. Moisten it with a little ethanol, add 100mL of distilled water and 1mL of 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, and heat it until it is slightly boiled and completely dissolved. Continue heating to drive off excess hydrogen peroxide and cool to room temperature. Adjust the pH to neutral or weak (add a drop of phenol butter. If it turns red, add 0.5% nitric acid is added until the red color disappears), 2mL of 5% potassium chromate solution is added, and 0.1mol/1 silver nitrate standard solution is used to titrate until it is just brick red, and a blank test is performed at the same time. Calculation of sodium fluoride content - 0.0.08 4. ×C(VV)10 m
Where: m-mass of sample, g;
C--concentration of silver nitrate standard solution, mol/1V-amount of silver nitrate standard solution used, mL,
V-amount of silver nitrate standard solution used in blank test, mL; 0.05845-mass of 1mmo1 sodium chloride, g. 4.4.6 Determination of fineness (sieve residue) Fineness refers to the ratio of the residue of the sample passing through a standard sieve with an aperture of 0.25mm or 0.42mm to the mass of the sample, expressed as a percentage. Weigh 50g of sample (accurate to 0.01g), fully vibrate and sieve in a 0:25 or Φ0.42 standard sieve until no more sample is sieved, and weigh the mass of the sieve residue (accurate to 0.01g). Calculate
Fineness = ml×100%
Where: m—sample mass, g;
m1—mass of sieve residue, g.
4.4.7 Determination of purity (alcohol washing method) Purity is the ratio of the mass of the sample after washing with ethanol (80%, 95%) until the filtrate contains no chloride ions and drying at 105±3°C to the mass of the sample, expressed as a percentage. Weigh 2g of the sample (accurate to 0.0001g) that has been dried at 105±3°C for 2h, place it in a 300mL beaker, add 50mL of 80% ethanol that has been preheated to 60~65°C, maintain 60~65°C on a magnetic heating stirrer, stir for 10min, and filter the upper solution with a No. 3 glass frit. Repeat the same operation 3 times, and transfer all insoluble matter into a glass filter. Use 60~65°C 80% ethanol to further wash the insoluble matter in the filter until the filtrate is free of nitrogen ions (check with silver nitrate solution, the amount of ethanol used for washing is about 250mL), and slowly filter (avoid the filter cake from being saturated).
Wash the insoluble matter in the glass filter twice with 95% ethanol, and finally use 50mL of anhydrous ethanol to displace the water in the insoluble matter. Bake at 105±3°C for 2h (use a stainless steel spatula to loosen once during this period to facilitate drying). Place in a desiccator and cool to room temperature, then weigh (accurate to 0.0001 g). Calculation
Wherein: m1
-mass of insoluble matter, g.
mSample mass, g.
4.4.8 Determination accuracy of physical and chemical indicators
The arithmetic mean value of each parallel determination value within the following allowable error range is taken: a. Water content: 0.2%;
b. Sodium chloride content: 0.3%,
c. Degree of substitution: 0.02,
d. pH value: 0.2;
e. Fineness: 0.5%,
f. Purity: 0.4%.
4.4.9 Rounding off of values
Perform according to GB8170.
5 Inspection rules
5.1 Use a sampler to take samples. According to the stacking height, shape and quantity, arrange sampling points on the top, middle and bottom of each surface. Each batch shall not be less than 15. Take about 200g of sample at each sampling point and combine them as test samples. 5.2 The collected samples are fully mixed and divided into four parts. Take three portions, each of which is 500g, and put them into clean, dry and sealed containers and affix labels. The sampling date, sampler, manufacturer name and factory batch number should be filled in on the label. One bottle is sent for inspection and one bottle is kept for re-inspection.
5.3 Sampling and acceptance inspection shall be completed within the period specified in the contract signed by the supplier and the buyer. When one of the product indicators does not meet the requirements of Table 1 and Table 2, re-sampling and re-inspection shall be carried out in bags with twice the amount. Even if only one indicator does not meet the standard, the product shall be considered unqualified. When the supplier and the buyer have a dispute over product quality, they may request arbitration from an arbitration unit. 5.4 Both the supplier and the buyer may request re-inspection within 10 days of receiving the test report. The test report format is shown in Appendix A (Supplement) and Appendix B (Supplement).
6 Packaging, marking and quality inspection form
6.1 Packaging
6.1.1 The packaging of modified starch shall have sufficient strength and at least two layers. The outer layer is a woven bag and the inner layer is a film bag to meet the requirements of moisture-proof and non-breakage.
6.1.2 The inner and outer seals of the packaging bag shall be tied separately. 6.1.3 The net weight of each bag is 25kg, and the allowable error is ±2%. However, if 40 bags are randomly selected from each batch of products, the average value should not be less than 25kg. 6.2 Mark
6.2.1 A bold and eye-catching mark is printed on the top of the packaging bag: pregelatinized starch or carboxymethyl starch (CMS can also be used). The manufacturer and factory batch number are printed on the bottom of the bag.
6.2.2 The manufacturer's trademark and the net weight of each bag should be printed in the middle or bottom of the outer layer respectively. 6.3 Quality Inspection Sheet
6.3.1 Each batch of products should be accompanied by a quality inspection sheet of the product. The format is shown in Appendix C (Supplement). 6.3.2 If there is no product quality inspection sheet when each batch of products is shipped to the purchaser, the purchaser may reject it. -5
Commissioning unit:
Sample number:
Sampling date:
Evaluation opinion:
Filtration loss, mL
Apparent viscosity, mPa·s
Appendix A
Pregelatinized starch test report format
Pregelatinized starch test report
Report number:
Sample collection date:
Test date:
Sample taker:
Amount of modified starch added when the filtration loss is 10.0mL, g/LApparent viscosity mPa·s
Fineness (residue on sieve), %
Water content, %
Purity, %
Sodium chloride, %
4% brine
Saturated brine
Free-flowing powder, no agglomeration
0.42mm hole sieve (40 mesh standard
sieve) sieve residue is more than 10%
4% brine
Saturated brine
Commissioning unit:
Sample number:
Sampling date:
Evaluation opinion:
Filtration loss, mL
Table Apparent viscosity, mPa·s
Appendix B
CMS test report format
CMS test report
Report number:
Sampling date:
Test date:
4% brine saturated brine
4% brine saturated brine4% brine saturated brine 90±10
8.0±1.08.0±1.08.0±1.08.0±1.0Amount of CMS added when the filtration loss is 10mL, g/LCMS Apparent viscosity after treatment, mPa·S
Water content, %
Sodium nitride, %
Degree of substitution (DS)
Fineness (sieve residue), %
Delivery unit:
Factory batch number:
Product performance:
Dosage when the filtration loss is 10mL, g/L
Apparent viscosity after treatment, mPa·s
Purity, %
Water content, %
Fineness (sieve residue), % (sieve aperture: mm)Sodium chloride, %
Degree of substitution (0,5)
Product appearance:
Appendix C
Format of quality inspection form for modified starch products
Quality inspection form for modified starch
Contract No.:
Mode of transportation:
Manufacturer name:
Product name and code:
4% brine
Inspector:||tt ||Saturated brine
Additional instructions:
Appendix D
Example of plotting the properties of modified starch drilling fluid
Modified starch addition, &/L
NL filtration loss; AiV-apparent viscosity
Modified starch drilling fluid performance diagram
This standard is proposed and managed by the Petroleum Drilling Engineering Professional Standardization Committee. This standard is drafted by the Oilfield Colloid Chemistry Research Laboratory of Shandong University and the Drilling Technology Research Institute of Beijing Petroleum Exploration and Development Research Institute. The drafters of this standard are Ye Chuanyao, Zhang Chunguang, Yin Zhesheng, Zhang Xiaobo, Yao Kejun, Wang Guoting, and Wu Peiyi. 9
This standard is still valid after the review in 1999, and the review result has been approved by the State Administration of Petroleum and Chemical Industry.
Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.