GB/T 14598.12-1998 Electrical relays Part 19: Blank detail specification for electromechanical relays with quality assessment, all-or-nothing test schedules 1, 2 and 3
Some standard content:
This standard is formulated based on the International Electrotechnical Commission standard IEC255-19-1:1983 "Electrical relays Part 19: Blank detail specification: Tests for electromechanical relays with or without quality assessment - List 1, 2 and 3", and is equivalent to it in terms of technical content and writing rules. In this way, the blank detailed specification for quality assessment of electromechanical relays with or without quality assessment in my country is consistent with the corresponding specifications of the International Electrotechnical Commission Electronic Components Quality Assessment System (IECQ) to meet the needs of quality certification, international trade, technology and economic exchanges as soon as possible. According to GB/T1.1-1993 "Guidelines for Standardization Work Unit 1: Rules for Drafting and Presentation of Standards Part 1: Basic Regulations for the Preparation of Standards", when IEC255-19-1:1983 was converted into this standard, the 94th Technical Committee Secretariat of the International Electrotechnical Commission issued a revised version of IEC255-19-1:1983 in Document 94 (Secretariat) No. 6 (94/19/CDV). Therefore, when formulating this standard, the technical content was also modified accordingly, mainly making the following changes: In Tables I to V, the original referenced clause numbers in IEC255-7:1978 were changed to the clause numbers in IEC255-7:1991, and the technical content was also changed and supplemented accordingly. This standard was proposed by the Ministry of Electronics Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Electrical Relays. The drafting unit of this standard: Standardization Research Institute of the Ministry of Electronics Industry. The main drafters of this standard: Shi Xinyuan and Liu Jianbai. 256
GB/T 14598. 12--1998
IEC Foreword
1) Formal resolutions or agreements of the IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) on technical issues are developed by technical committees in which national committees with special concerns about these issues participate, and represent the international consensus on the issues involved as far as possible. 2) These resolutions or agreements are provided for international use in the form of recommended standards and are recognized by the national committees in this sense. 3) In order to promote international unification, the IEC hopes that the national committees will adopt the text of the IEC standard as their national standard if the conditions in their country permit. The differences between the IEC standard and the corresponding national standard should be indicated in the national standard as far as possible. IEC Foreword
This standard was developed by Subcommittee 41A (with or without relays) of IEC Technical Committee 41 (Electrical Relays). The draft standard was discussed at the Helsinki meeting in 1979. After the meeting, the draft standard text 41A (Central Office) 16 was submitted to the national committees in October 1981 for approval according to the 6-month method. The following national committees voted to explicitly support this standard: Australia, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Czechoslovakia, Egypt, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Poland, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Yugoslavia. The QC number on the cover of this standard is the specification number of IECQ (International Electrotechnical Commission Electronic Component Quality Assessment System). Technical Committee 41 has decided to classify the standard system levels as follows: First level: general standards,
Second level: general standards that apply in whole or in part to a certain type of relay; Third level: standards that apply in whole or in part to a specific sub-category of relays; Fourth level: specific requirements or specifications applicable to a specific model of relay. This standard is a fourth-level standard.
1 Scope
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Electrical relays
Part 19; Blank detail specificationElectromechanical all-or-nothing relays of assessed qualityTest schedules 1, 2 and 3
Electrical relays
Part 1; Blank detail specificationElectromechanical all-or-nothing relays of assessed qualityTest schedules 1.2 and 3
Part 1 General
idt IEC 255-19-1:1983
This blank detail specification specifies the test schedules 1, 2 and 3 for electromechanical all-or-nothing relays with assessed quality. 2 Purpose
This blank detail specification gives the test items to be adopted and the arrangement method to be followed when formulating the detailed specification of electromechanical all-or-nothing relays. The three test lists of this relay and their relationship are specified in the sub-specification GB/T14598.11 (IEC255-19), and GB/T14598.11 (IEC255-19) selects applicable test items from GB/T10232 (IEC255-7) according to the provisions of GB/T16608 (IEC255-10).
3 Reference standards
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard is published, the versions shown are valid. All standards will be revised, and parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards. GB/T10232-1994 Electrical relays Part 7: Test procedures for electromechanical relays with or without contacts (idtIEC255-7:1991) GB/T14598.1-1993 Electrical relays Electrical relay contact performance (idtIEC255-0-20:1974) GB/T14598.2-1993 Electrical relays Electrical relays with or without contacts (eqvIEC255-1-00:1975) GB/T16608-1996 Electrical relays Part 10: Application of the IEC electronic component quality assessment system to electrical relays with or without contacts (idt IEC255-10:1979)
Electrical relays Part 19: Sectional specification: Electromechanical relays with quality assessment (idt IEC 255-19:1983)
IEC68-1 Basic environmental test procedures Part 1: General principles and guidelines IEC410 Count inspection sampling procedures and tables
IEC443 Stable power supply for measurement
ISO2015 Week number
Approved by the State Administration of Quality and Technical Supervision on November 2, 1998 258
Implementation on July 1, 1999
GB/T 14598.12--1998
Any document that needs to be directly cited and is not cited elsewhere. 4 Different detailed specifications
The same detailed specification only applies to relays with similar structures. See GB/T14598.11-1997 (IEC255-19)]. 5 Marking of detailed specifications
Each detailed specification shall include the IEC number, the date of publication and the test list specified in GB/T16608 (IEC255-10) adopted.
6 Test list in detailed specifications
Each test list shall at least include the test items marked with mandatory (M) in the second part of this specification, which takes into account the relevant relay characteristics, its contact application category and Appendix B of GB/T16608-1996 (IEC255~10) and GB/T14598.11--1997 (IEC255-19) Appendix A. The test methods can be expanded and test items marked with recommendation (R) can be added. Test items not listed in Appendix B of GB/T16608-1996 (IEC255-10) can also be added. These test items can be selected from GB/T10232-1994 (IEC255-7) or outside GB/T10232-1994 (IEC255-7). When necessary, these test items can be changed according to the conditions specified in Chapters 7 and 8. For relays that meet the detailed specifications, all test items or test methods listed in the detailed specifications are mandatory. 7 Ununified test methods
At the discretion of the national committee or other standard issuing agency, tests other than those specified in GB/T10232-1994 (IEC255-7) can be included in the detailed specifications. Such test items shall be clearly indicated as non-standardized items, and their description and arrangement shall comply with the provisions of the standardized test items. 8 Modified test methods
If the technical requirements for inspection in GB/T 10232-1994 (IEC 255-7) are not completely suitable for the relays specified in the detailed specification (either due to technical reasons or due to special applications), the detailed specification shall clearly list the various changes made to these requirements.
9 Quality consistency inspection
The test lists 1, 2 and 3 applicable to quality consistency inspection are included in Tables I, III and V respectively. The order of the test items in the various groups of these tables shall be suitable for the order in which they are actually performed, but the detailed specification shall specify a mandatory order suitable for the characteristics of the relay to be tested. The test items added to the items listed in Tables I, III and V shall be arranged in appropriate groups and subgroups and shall be placed in appropriate positions in these subgroups.
When selecting the IL and AQL markings, the IL value given in front of each group should be used, and the AQL value should be within the range given.
10 Approval test
When Method 1 in Chapter 4 of GB/T16608--1996 (IEC255-10) is applicable, the test list should be as shown in Tables Ⅱ, N and V of this specification, and should be consistent with the test list used for quality consistency inspection. The sample size and the corresponding allowable number of non-conforming products should also be specified in the detailed specification. The minimum sample size is marked in the items of Tables Ⅱ, IV and И. This is because the confidence in the results of the approval test cannot be derived only from statistical principles, but also takes into account all the technical data and costs included in each test item. Each test group is the minimum sample size of 5 samples plus 1 sample (this sample is used to replace 1 unqualified relay, that is, 1 unqualified relay is allowed to appear). In most cases, the sample group composed of this may be appropriate, and all samples should be subjected to the basic test items listed in the table without failure. For example, in Table I, the test of "all samples" will require 18 samples, and 5 plus 1 samples are allocated in each of the three sample groups. If this minimum sample size is considered insufficient, the sampling plan in IEC410 should be used as a priority. In order to reach a consensus between the manufacturer and the ordering party, the limit quality of the sampling plan should be considered. Other relationships between the sample size for identification and approval inspection and the number of unqualified products allowed and the relationship between the quality consistency inspection criteria can be considered and specified in the detailed specifications. Part II Contents of Detailed Specifications
11 General Requirements
Detailed specifications shall comply with the requirements given below and their tables shall be prepared in accordance with the contents of the items in the tables of this specification. Where applicable, each item shall take into account the corresponding clauses in Part I of this specification and GB/T10232-1994 (IEC255-7) and GB/T16608-1996 (IEC255-10). It should be said that the preparation of detailed specifications is the work of a certain engineer, and such an engineer should fully understand these specifications and the relays for which they need to prepare specifications. 12 Symbols
According to GB/T10232--1994 (IEC255-7) and GB/T16608-1996 (IEC255-10), the meanings of the symbols before each line in the test conditions column and the performance requirements column are as follows: M: mandatory test items.
R: recommended test items.
M, R as above, but see GB/T10232--1994 (IEC255-7) and GB/T16608-1996 (IEC255-10) for limiting requirements.
X: Specified when required.
X: Specified when applicable.
13 Home
The items on the homepage are as follows. The numbers in the circle correspond to the numbers in 13.4. 13.1 Identification mark of detailed specification
① Name of the national standardization body authorized to draft the detailed specification. ② IEC number of the relevant blank detailed specification. ③ Number and version of the national general specification.
④ National number, publication date and other content required by the national certification system of the detailed specification. 13.2 Identification mark of components
③ A brief description of the relay type for identification purposes. ③ Content related to the specific structure (when applicable). ② Appearance drawing and (or) reference documents related to appearance. This drawing can also be given as an appendix to the detailed specification. ③ Application and test list.
Note: The arrangement order of the items in the test list should comply with the provisions of B2 in Appendix B of GB/T16608-1996 (IEC255-10). ③ Reference data of various extremely important characteristics. 13.3 Examples of reference data, the contents in the table are optional. Reference data.
This type of data is not used for inspection.
1) Coil
Coil voltage
2) Contacts
1 group of break
2 groups of break
1 group of switching
2 groups of switching
Contact continuous current
3) Temperature range: 0℃~40℃.
GB/T 14598.12-1998
Resistance at 20℃
Open circuit voltage
Power on/off
Test voltage
Test voltage
Coil code
Contact code
13.4 Format of the detailed specification homepage
Detailed specification: with or without relay||t t||Type:
(Appearance drawing)
Reference data
This data is not used for inspection
Page 1
Test list: X (or test list X with added content)IEC
14Related documents
GB/T 14598.12-1998
GB/T10232-1994 (IEC255-7) and other standards cited therein (when applicable, indicate other related documents). 15Characteristic values
[As specified in GB/T14598.2-1993 (IEC255-1-00)]. Composition of inspection batch
(As specified in applicable regulations).
Inspection interval
(for group C).
18 Approval inspection
[Specify method 1 or method 2 in Chapter 4 of GB/T 16608-1996 (IEC 255-10). For the first case, refer to Tables IN and VI respectively.
19 Quality consistency inspection
19.1 Except for group A, when more than one test item is included in a group, the order of the tests is mandatory. 19.2 Samples subjected to destructive test (D) shall not be released at the time of delivery. 20 Marking of relays and their packaging
Relays and their packaging in accordance with this detailed specification shall be marked as follows: 20.1 Relays
Trademark or manufacturer's name.
Relay model.
Manufacture date code, at least to the nearest month, in accordance with ISO 2015 (when applicable). (Any other required markings).
20.2 Packaging
Marking of detailed specifications.
Trademark or manufacturer's name.
Relay model.
Manufacturer's batch identification code.
(Any other required markings).
21 Test schedule
Note: For all test schedules, see Chapter 12 for various symbols. 263
Inspection or test items
Quality consistency inspection
Standard test conditions
Apply to all test items unless otherwise specified GB/T 14598.12—1998
Test schedule 1
Quality consistency inspection
Test conditions
GB/T 10232--1994
(IEC255-7) Clauses
According to 3.5.7 of GB/T10232--1994(IEC255-7):
1) Atmospheric conditions
2) Power supply characteristics and wiring
3) Cleaning and (or) adjustment before test
4) Installation method
Group A inspection
Group A0
Applicable to all test items in this group Appearance inspection: Marking
Function test (ND)
Dielectric test (ND)
Seal (ND)
Group A1
5) Application of these conditions
13.6.41) and 2)
M According to 3.13.3| |tt||1) Operate and release values, preconditioning, polarity 5) Tests for new relays
+6) Magnetic direction
7) Monitoring details
M As per 3.9.2
1) Terminals
2) Voltage parameters
3) Duration
M As per
1) Procedure
3) Flooding pressure
4) Internal volume range
Applicable to all test items in this group 5
Coil DC resistance (ND)
5) Details of procedure 3
As per
2) Reference temperature
3) Temperature coefficient
4) Precautions
Performance requirements
(1) See IEC 68-1
(2)See IEC 443
General case: 100% test
Special case IL:】
Complete and clear
Correct function
No breakdown, no flashover
Maximum leakage current
Procedure 1:
No visible leakage
Procedure 2 and Procedure 3:
Maximum leakage rate
AQ..0. .... ...4
Limit value of coil resistance
Inspection or test items
Coil power consumption (only applicable to
AC coils)
Coil inductance (ND)
Line transient suppression (when applicable)
Function test (ND)
Group A2
Table (continued)
Test conditions
GB/T 10232--1994
(IEC255-7) Clauses
As per
2) Excitation value
3) AC power frequency
X4) Replacement procedure
MAs per
2) AC power voltage
3) AC power frequency
+4) Test voltage
5) Replacement procedure
As per 3 .8.4.3 provisions
1) Coil voltage
2) Cycle rate
+3) Duty ratio
4) Number of readings
6) Temperature
Applicable to all test items in this group 8
Dimension inspection (ND)
Group A3
According to 3.13.3 provisions
Same as test number 2
According to 3.6.6 provisions
1) Dimensions|| tt||Applicable to all test items in this group 9
Appearance inspection (ND)
B2 group
Applicable to all test items in this group 10
Internal moisture (ND)
2) Creepage distance and electrical space
As per 3.6.6
3) Observation conditions
4) Overall appearance is good (a)
Other physical properties (b)
As per 3.21 .4 Specifications
1) Method
2) Temperature
3) Method 1
a) Excitation value
b) Contact load
4) Method 2
a) Excitation value
Performance requirements
Limit value of coil power consumption
Limit value of coil impedance
Limit value of back electromotive force
Correct function
AQL... ..... 0...4
AQL.0. 4-*-1. 0...4
a) Assembly quality, coating and processing quality should be good
b) Detailed results specified
AQL..0. ..-1. ..4
Method 1: Contact conversion
Method 2: Minimum insulation resistance
Inspection or test items
Weldability (D)
Test 1
Final measurement items (ND)
-Appearance inspection
Coil DC resistance
or coil power consumption (only applicable
to AC coils)
Other final measurements
GB/T 14598.12-1998
Table (continued)
Test conditions
(IEC 255-7) in the clauses
M as specified in 3.25.4
1) Method
2) Aging procedure
+3) Number of terminals
Performance requirements
None, but the last measurement item is applicable
As specified belowAppropriate conditions and performance requirements applicable to the above test items are specified as specified in 3.6.6
3) Observation conditions
Characteristics to be tested
a) Marking and identification symbols
b) Good overall appearance
c) Solder wetting
As specified in or
Same as test number 5
Specify all conditions
AQL is the same as the specifications in the above test items
a) Complete and clear b) Well adjusted c) Wetting coefficient Coil resistance limit value Coil power consumption limit value Required results specified The IL and AQI. given here are only for guidance. If I1. and AQI. values are not used, the following values should be marked in each group of the detailed specification; 1) Test cycle 2) Number of relays tested 3) Allowable number of non-conforming products C2 group Applicable to all test items in this group 13 Dielectric test (ND) Impulse voltage test (ND) C3 group According to 3.9.2 Same as test number 3 AO Terminals not tested in
As per 3.10.2
1) Number of impulses
2) Terminals to which test voltage is applied
3) Waveform and generator characteristics
4) Value of impulse voltage
Applicable to all test items in this group15
Dimension inspection (ND)
C4 group
As per 3.6.6
1) Dimensions (only those dimensions not checked in A2)
+2) Creepage distance and electrical clearance
Applicable to all test items in this group266
AQI..0. 4...1. ..... 5
AQL:0.4.-1. 0...4
No breakdown, no flashover
+maximum leakage current
No flashover
The last measurement item applies
AQL.0. 65.... ..6. 5
The test items in this group are destructive
Inspection or test items
Electrical life (D)
GB/T 14598. 12--1998
Table I (continued)
Test conditions
GB/T 10232-1994
(IEC255-7) Clauses
R According to 3.30.3, 3.30.4, 3.30.5, 3.30.6 (as applicable)
For 3.30.3 (contact application category 1, 2, 3) According to, the tested contacts
1) Number of cycles or duration
2) Method 1 or method 2
4) Test interval of method 2
6) Temperature
7) Excitation value
8) Rate and load ratio
9) Protective device
10) Test equipment and fuse rating
11) Load
For 3.30.4 (contact application category 0)
According to 3.30 .4.2 Test contacts specified
2) Excitation value
3) Rate and load ratio
4) Number of cycles or duration
5) Contact resistance
According to the provisions in 3.12.2 (same as test number 17)
6) Temperature
+ 7) Intermediate measurement items, specify all conditions For 3.30.5 (contact application category 0, no failure)
According to Test contacts
1) Excitation value
2) Number of cycles
3) Rate and load ratio
4) Contact resistance
According to 3.12.2: (same as test number 17) + 5) Intermediate measurement items, specify all conditions For 3.30.6 (extended assessment items) specified GB/T All the requirements in of 14598. 1--1993 (IEC 255-0-20)
Performance requirements
Method 1: Allowable
Number of failures, failure criteria
Method 2: Failure criteria
Allowable number of failures, failure criteria
Maximum contact resistance
Required results for specified intermediate measurement items
Maximum contact resistance
Required results for specified intermediate measurement items
Required results
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