title>GB 11411-1989 Technical conditions and usage requirements for navigation warning, meteorological information and emergency information system (NAVTEX) - GB 11411-1989 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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GB 11411-1989 Technical conditions and usage requirements for navigation warning, meteorological information and emergency information system (NAVTEX)
Basic Information
Standard ID:
GB 11411-1989
Standard Name: Technical conditions and usage requirements for navigation warning, meteorological information and emergency information system (NAVTEX)
Standard ICS number:Telecommunications, Audio and Video Technology >> Wireless Communications >> 33.060.30 Wireless Relay and Fixed Satellite Communications Systems
Standard Classification Number:Ship>>Ship electrical, communication, navigation equipment>>U66 ship communication equipment
This standard specifies the terminology, technical characteristics, operating characteristics and receiver usage requirements for systems that broadcast navigation warnings, meteorological information and emergency information. This standard applies to the use and management of maritime communication services, and also applies to the design and production of Nevotex equipment. GB 11411-1989 Technical conditions and usage requirements for navigation warning, meteorological information and emergency information systems (NAVTEX) GB11411-1989 Standard download and decompression password: www.bzxz.net
Some standard content:
UDC627.93:656.0 U66 National Standard of the People's Republic of China GB11411—89 Technical Conditions for Dissemination of Navigation Warning, Meteorological Information and Emergency Information System (NAVTEX) and Usage requirements Technical specifications and operational requirements for the systems forpromulgation of navigationaland meteorological warnings andurgentinformation Released on 1989-07-04 Implemented on 1990-02-01|| tt||State Bureau of Technical Supervision Issue National Standard of the People's Republic of China Issuance of Navigation Warning, Meteorological Information and Emergency Information System (NAVTEX) technical conditions and Usage requirements Technical specifications and operational requirements for the systems for promulgation of navigational and meteorological warnings and urgent information Subject content and scope of application GB1141189 Terminology, technical characteristics, operating characteristics and receiver usage requirements of the warning, meteorological information and emergency information system (hereinafter referred to as "NAVTEX", transliterated as NAVTEX). This standard applies to the use and management of maritime communications services, and also applies to the design and production of Nevotex equipment. 2 Terminology 2.1 NAVTEX A system for broadcasting and automatically receiving navigational warnings, weather warnings, weather forecasts and emergency information (collectively referred to as maritime safety information) for ships by direct printing telegraph . It is an integral part of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System and the Worldwide Navigation Warning Service (WWNWS) stipulated in the International Maritime Organization (IMO) resolution A·419(Xi). international NAVTEX service2.2 International NAVTEX service A service for coordinated broadcasting and automatic reception of maritime safety information in English on the 518kHz frequency via direct printing telegraph. 2.3 Domestic NAVTEX services nationalNAVTEXservices The business of broadcasting and automatically receiving maritime safety information through direct printing telegraph using frequencies and languages ??specified by the relevant authorities. 2.4 NAVTEX receiver automatically selects the receiving device to receive and print out the maritime safety information broadcast by the above system. It will be a type of radio equipment that ships must be equipped with under the SOLAS Convention. 3Technical Characteristics 3.1 Using direct printing telegraph technology. The broadcast signal should comply with the provisions of CCIR476 recommendation on direct printing telegraph system mode B. The internationally shared frequency broadcast by 3.2 is 518kHz. 3.3 The technical format of the signal is as follows: State Bureau of Technical Supervision approved on 1989-07-04 for implementation on 1990-02-01 Fixed phase signal>10s Product and quantity number||tt ||zczc 2 Grid 31 B3 GB11411—89 Enter+line feed B B1/B2 B3H Where: ZCZC is the starting word group after the end of the phasing period. B1 is the identification letter for the area covered by the transmitting station. B2 is the classification identification letter for the following various telegrams: A: Navigation warning B: Meteorological warning C: Ice report D: Search and rescue notice E: Weather forecast F: Pilot service telegram G: Taika telegram H: Roland C telegram I: Omega and Omega telegram|| tt | To Y: Special business Assigned by the International Maritime Organization for experimental purposes NNNN NNNN Carriage return + line feed twice Carriage return + line feed times idle signal aa...a>2 end of sending Z, no telegramWww.bzxZ.net B3, B4 is the double-word number of each type of B2 telegram, starting from 01 to 99 and then starting again from 01, but avoid using telegram numbers that are still valid. Number 00 can only be used for particularly important messages, such as originating distress messages. The original time of the telegram should be listed on a separate line at the beginning of the telegram message, and the ending word group "NNNN" should also be listed on a separate line at the end. The transmission frequency tolerance of 3.4 signals should be better than ±10Hz. 3.5 The performance of the receiver should meet the following requirements: 3.5.1 It should consist of a radio receiver, a signal processor and a printer. 3.5.2 The receiver should operate on the frequency specified by the Radio Regulations for the system. 3.5.3 The sensitivity of the receiver should have a character error rate of less than 4% when a 2μV electromotive force source is connected in series with a 50Ω non-inductive resistor. 3.5.4 It should be able to automatically select and receive the required maritime safety information based on the preset B1 identification letters. 3.5.5 In addition to Class A, B and D telegrams, it should be possible to preset the option to print classified telegrams. 3.5.6 The set B1 and B2 selection details should be available at any time. 3.5.7 It should have the function of avoiding repeated printing of the same telegram that has been received. 2 GB 11411—89 3.5.8 When the telegram is received intact, only the telegram identification marks (B1, B2, B3, B4) should be stored, and the character error rate is less than 4%. The telegram is intact and received. 3.5.9 Generally, the printer can only be started after correctly receiving the telegram identification mark. 3.5.10 It should be able to store at least 30 telegram identification marks internally. The telegram identification marks should be automatically eliminated from storage after being stored for 60 to 72 hours. If the number of received telegram identification marks exceeds the storage capacity, the first stored telegram identification mark should be eliminated. 3.5.11B3 and B4 are telegrams numbered 00 and must be printed. 3.5.12 When receiving a search and rescue notification, an audible alarm should be sounded to the cab. The alarm can only be reset manually. The alarm should sound when the printing paper roll is used up. 3.5.13 The set B1 and B2 selection information shall not be eliminated within 6 hours of power outage. 3.5.14 The printer should be able to print at least 32 characters per line. 3.5.15 If the printer's automatic line wrapping separates a word, this should be noted in the printed message. The printer should be able to automatically feed paper after printing the telegram. 3.5.16 If an incomplete character is received, an asterisk should be printed. 3.5.17 It should have the function of testing whether the radio receiver, signal processor and printer are working normally. 4 Working Characteristics 4.1 Each transmitting station shares a frequency (518kHz), and within the broadcasting time specified by international coordination, international Nevotex service broadcasts are conducted in English to avoid mutual interference. 4.2 The interval between broadcast times should not exceed 8h. 4.3 Each transmitting station may also carry out domestic Navtex service broadcasts in accordance with the regulations of the relevant authorities in my country. 4.4 The transmitting power of the transmitting station should be adjusted to only cover the expected business area of ??the station, and the phenomenon of range expansion at night should also be considered. The sending station must be equipped with a monitoring device to monitor the quality and format of the signal broadcast by the station and confirm that the frequency is not occupied. 4.5 | . 4.6.2 The account cancellation telegram should only be broadcast once, and the canceled telegram that has been sent should no longer appear in the broadcast. 4.6.3 Navigation warnings Navigation warning area warnings and coastal warnings stipulated in the International Maritime Organization resolution A·419(XI) should be broadcast in the international Nevotex service, and local warnings should be broadcast in Broadcast in domestic Nevotex business. As long as the warning is still valid, it should generally be broadcast repeatedly within the specified broadcast time. Arrangements should be made to receive navigation warning area warnings appropriate to the area and included in their own broadcasts. 4.6.4 Meteorological Telegram After receiving a strong wind warning from the meteorological department, it should be broadcast immediately and then replayed at the next broadcast time. Generally, weather forecasts are broadcast twice a day. 4.6.5 Search and rescue notification Nevtex broadcast is not suitable for distress communications. However, in order to make navigation personnel alert and understand the distress situation, the originating distress telegram should be relayed in Nevotes using B2=D, and B3 and B4=00 can be used. 4.6.6 There is no telegram When the station does not broadcast, this measure can be used to confirm whether the transmitter is working normally within the specified broadcast time. 4.6.7 Abbreviations should be used as little as possible. If abbreviations are used, they should strictly follow internationally recognized usage. 4.7 The priority of broadcasting telegrams is dictated by priority flags. There are three priority flags, namely: VITAL, IMPORTANT and ROUTINE. The VITAL flag should only be used in very urgent situations; the IMPORTANT flag is suitable for most emergency messages, and the ROUTINE flag is suitable for almost all telegrams broadcast on Nevotes. 4.8 The issuer of the telegram is responsible for evaluating the urgency of the message and marking appropriate priority signs. It is also the responsibility of ensuring that the operator of the sending station pays attention to the VITAL telegram. 3 GB 11411-89 4.9 The first broadcast time after the sending station receives a new warning, arranged according to the priority flag: a.VITAL- Broadcast immediately. The transmitting station should immediately monitor the working frequency and broadcast immediately if the frequency is free. If the frequency is occupied, it should determine which station is transmitting, then contact the station and ask the station to interrupt its transmission, and broadcast as soon as the frequency becomes free. b.IMPORTANT - When the frequency is not occupied, broadcast during the subsequent available time. This can be identified by monitoring the working frequency. ROUTINE- c. is broadcast within the specified next broadcast time. 5 Requirements for the use of Nevotex receivers 5.1 Information such as the settings, identification letters and business opening status of Nevotex radios related to the navigation area of ??the ship should be mastered. 5.2 You should be familiar with the receiver’s preset selection and self-test operating procedures, and be able to use them skillfully. 5.3 The corresponding power supply and antenna should be connected according to the instructions, the ground wire and other ancillary lines should be properly connected, and the installation frame and chassis should be fixed. 5.4 Turn on the receiver, and the functions of each control button should be normal; perform a self-test, and the receiver, processor, printer, and their auxiliary circuits should all work normally. 5.5 Print out the original set function status and B1 and B2 selection status report of the receiver so that you can re-set it as needed. 5.6 According to the needs of the navigation area and telegram type, the selection status of B1 and B2 should be reset. The selection status should also be reset as the navigation area changes. 5.7 The ship should be on duty at least 8 hours before sailing. The designated operation and maintenance of the receiver and the processing and storage of printed messages should be carried out in accordance with the relevant regulations of the competent department. 5.8 Determine whether the receiver is always in normal working condition based on the telegram reception printing or self-test test. 5.9 When an alarm sound occurs, the cause should be identified in time. If a classified alarm telegram is received, it should be handled immediately according to regulations and reset manually; if the printing paper is used up, it should be replaced immediately. Additional notes: This standard is proposed by the Standards and Metrology Committee of the Ministry of Transport. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Communication and Navigation Professional Committee of the Standards and Metrology Committee of the Ministry of Transport. The main drafting units of this standard are Shanghai Maritime Bureau and Dalian Maritime University. The main drafter of this standard is Ma Yunshou. Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.