Directives for STANDARDization-Part 1:Rules for the structure and drafting of STANDARDs
Some standard content:
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Replaces GB/T1.1--1993, GB/T1.2-1996Directives for standardization-Part 1: Rules for the structure and drafting of standards (ISO/IEC Directives, Part 3, 1997, Rules for the structure and drafting of International Standards, NEQ)2000-12-20Promulgated
Promulgated by the State Administration of Quality and Technical Supervision
GB/T 1.1—--2000
GB/T1 "Guidelines for Standardization Work" is divided into parts: Part 1: Structure and writing rules of standards; Part 2: Methods for formulating standards;
Part 3: Technical work procedures.
This part is Part 1 of ISO/IEC Directives --- Part 3: Structure and Drafting Rules for International Standards (Yanwen Edition, 1997). The consistency of this part with ISO/IEC Directives Part 3 is not equivalent. The main differences are as follows: · Some formatting formats have been modified according to Chinese habits; · Some expressions applicable to international standards have been changed to expressions applicable to Chinese standards; · Chapter 7 "Formatting" and Chapter 8 "Format" have been added; · Appendix H "Standard Format" and Appendix I "Font Size and Font Size in Standards" have been added. This part replaces GB/T1.11993 "Guidelines for Standardization Work Unit 1: Rules for Drafting and Presentation of Standards Part 1: Basic Provisions for Standard Preparation" and GB/T1.2-1996 "Guidelines for Standardization Work Unit 1: Rules for Drafting and Presentation of Standards Part 2: Publishing and Printing of Standards" In addition to referring to Part 3 of the ISO/IEC Guidelines (1997 edition), this revision also incorporates the relevant contents of GB/T1.2-1996 into this part.
Compared with GB/T1.1-1993, the main changes in this part are as follows: the rules on referenced documents are revised to: distinguish between referenced documents with dates and those without dates (4.3.3 of the 1993 edition; 6.2.3 and of this edition);
It is no longer allowed to divide the standard into chapters (5.3.2 of the 1993 edition); the division of standard elements is adjusted to "normative elements" and "informative elements" (4.1 of the 1993 edition; 5.1.3 of this edition), and other relevant wording is changed accordingly; the order of the appendices is arranged according to the order in which the appendices are mentioned in the article (4.4.8, 4.5.1 and 5.3.6 of the 1993 edition; 5.2. 6, 6.3.8 and 6.4.1);
References are no longer considered as appendices, but as elements different from appendices (4.3.3 of the 1993 edition; 6.4.2 of this edition); Notes to articles are no longer allowed to be numbered consecutively throughout the text (4.5.3 of the 1993 edition; 6.5.1 of this edition); Added rules for the expression of examples (see 6.5.1); Notes to figures and tables may not contain requirements (4.5.4 of the 1993 edition; and of this edition); Footnotes to figures and tables may contain requirements (4.5.2 of the 1993 edition; and of this edition). 7); modified the content of mathematical formulas (6.6.1 of the 1993 edition; 6.6.9 of this edition); added the layout format of the standard, simplified the format of the homepage and adjusted the format of other contents of the standard (see Chapter 7); - added the provisions on the standard format (see Chapter 8); modified the appendix on the drafting and expression of terms and definitions (Appendix B of the 1993 edition; Appendix C of this edition); added the informative appendix "Quantities and units used in standards" (see Appendix F); added the normative appendix \ standard format (see Appendix H); added the normative appendix "Font size and font in standards" (see Appendix 1). G13/\T1 is one of the series of national standards such as standardization work guidelines, guidelines and writing rules. The following lists the expected structure of these national standards and their corresponding international standards, guidelines, and national standards to be replaced:) GB/T1 "Guidelines for Standardization Work"
Part 1: Structure and writing rules for standards (ISO/IEC Guide Part 3, replacing GB/T1.1-1993, GB/T 1.2-1996);
GB/T 1.1 2000
Part 2: Methods for formulating standards (ISO/IEC Guide Part 2, replacing GB/T1.3-1997, (G13/T1.1988);
-~Part 3: Technical work procedures (1SO/IEC Guide Part 1. Replaces (GB/T167331997) b) GB/T20000 "Guidelines for Standardization Work" Part 1: Common terms for standardization and related activities (ISO/IEC Guide 2, replacing GB/T3935.119 96); Part 2: Rules for adopting international standards (ISO/IEC Guide 21); Part 3: Rules for referencing documents (ISO/IEC Guide 15, replacing GB/T1.22-1993); Part 4: Writing of safety-related content in standards (ISO/IEC Guide 51); Part 5: Writing of environmental content in product standards (ISO/IEC Guide 64) c) (GB/T20001 "Rules for writing standards"... Part 1: Terminology (ISO1024 1, replacing GB/T1.6-1997); --- Part 2: Symbols (replacing GB/I1.5...1988); Part 3: Information classification and coding (replacing GB/T7026-1986); - Part 4: Chemical analysis methods (ISO78-2, replacing GB/T1.41988). Appendix C, Appendix I), Appendix E, Appendix H and Appendix I of this part are normative appendices, and Appendix A, Appendix B, Appendix F and Appendix (i are informative appendices.
This part is provided by China Standards Research Center This part is under the direct control of the Standardization Principles and Methods Working Group of the State Administration of Quality and Technical Supervision (CSBTS/WG3). Drafting units of this part: China Standards Research Center, China Electronics Technology Standardization Institute, Metallurgical Industry Information Standards Institute, China Standards Press, Mechanical Science Research Institute, Sinochem Chemical Standardization Institute. The main drafters of this part: Bai Dianyi, Feng Zhenghu, Lu Xilin, Wei Mian, Liu Shenzhai, Zhou Enyuan, Bai Demei, Qiang Yi, Xiao Hui, Li Shunping. The previous versions of the standards replaced by this part are: -GB GB/T 1.1-1981, GB 1.1-1987, GB/T 1.1-1993; GB1-1958 GB1-1970 GB1-1973. GB1.2-1981, GB1.2-1988. GB/T 1.21996
GB/T 1.1-2000
GB/T1 has been implemented for nearly 20 years, and it has played an important guiding role in the formulation and revision of standards in my country. The main international document based on GB/T1, "ISO/IEC Directives-Part 3: Structure and Rules for the Drafting of International Standards", published its third edition in 1997. In order to meet the needs of standardization work, further coordinate with the ISO/IEC directive and guidance system, and promote trade and exchanges, it is necessary to adjust the structure of GB/T 1 and establish a new national standard system of standardization work guidelines, guidelines and writing rules. The adjusted structure is as described in the preface. This part is the first part of the GB/T1 structure to be revised. Other parts and related standards will be formulated and revised in the future. 1 Scope Guidelines for standardization Part 1: Structure and writing rules of standards GB/T 1.1—2000
This part of GB/T1 specifies the structure and writing rules of the standard, gives some styles of relevant expressions, and provides the format, font and size of the standard publication.
This part applies to the preparation and publication of national standards, industry standards and local standards, and can be used as a reference for the preparation of enterprise standards and standardization guidance technical documents.
2 Normative referenced documents
The clauses in the following documents become the clauses of this part through reference to this part of GB/T1. For any dated referenced document, all subsequent amendments (excluding errata) or revisions are not applicable to this part. However, the parties to an agreement based on this part are encouraged to study whether the latest versions of these documents can be used. For any undated referenced document, the latest version shall apply to this part. GB/T788 Book and magazine format and its format size (neqISO6716) GB/T2659 Code for the names of countries and regions in the world (eqyISO3166) GB3100 International System of Units and its application (eqvIS01000) GB3101 General principles for quantities, units and symbols (eqvISO31-0) GB3102 (all parts) Quantities and units LeqvISO31 (all parts) GB/T3935.1—1996 General terminology in standardization and related fields Part 1: Basic terms 1) GB/T4458.2 Serial numbers and arrangement methods of parts and components in mechanical drawings and assembly drawings (eqvISO6433) GB/T472 8 (all parts) Graphical symbols for electrical schematics [idtIEC617 (all parts) GB/T4880 Language name code (eqvISO639) GB/T5465.2 Graphical symbols for electrical equipment [idtIEC417 (all parts)] GB/T6988 (all parts) Preparation of electrical technical documents [idtIEC1082 (all parts) GB/T7714 Rules for the citation of references at the end of the text (neqISO690) GB/T13394
Letter symbols for electrical engineering Symbols for rotating electrical machine quantities (eqvIEC27-4) GB/T14559 Symbols and units of variable quantities (neqIEC27-1) GB/T 14691
Fonts for technical drawings (eqvISO3098-1) GB/T15834 Usage of punctuation marks
GB/T16273 (all parts) Graphic symbols for equipment (neqISO7000) GB/T16679 Codes for signals and connecting lines (idtIEC1175) GB/T20000.2 Guidelines for standardization work Part 2: Rules for adopting international standards (ISO/IECGuide21, Adoptionof International Standards as regional or national standards, MOD) GB/T20001.2 Rules for writing standards Part 2: Symbols 2) 1) This standard will be revised and renumbered as GB/T 20000.1 (see the foreword). 2) This standard will be published on the basis of the revision of GB/T1.5-1988 (see the foreword). 7
il3/20001.4 Rules for the preparation of standards Part 4: Chemical analysis methods 3) (ISO78-2, Chemistry—Layout for standards: -Part 2:Methods of chemical analysis, MOD)IS () 14617 (all parts) Graphical symbols for schematics IE (' 60027 (all parts) Text symbols for electrotechnical technology 1EC61346 (all parts) Industrial systems, devices and equipment and industrial products - structural principles and retrieval codes 3 Terms and definitions
GB/T 3935.1 established and the following terms and definitions apply to this part of GB/T 1. 3.1
Normative elements
Elements that must be declared to comply with the provisions of the standard are divided into general elements and technical elements. 3.2
Informative elements Informative elements mark standards and introduction standards Elements that provide additional information about the standard, divided into overview elements and supplementary elements. 3.2.1
Preliminary elements
Elements that identify the standard and introduce its content, background, development and the relationship between the standard and other standards, i.e., the cover, table of contents, preface and introduction of the standard.
Supplementary elements supplementary elements Elements that provide additional information to help understand or use the standard, i.e., the informative appendix, references and index of the standard. 3.3
Required elements required elements
Elements that must exist in the standard.
Optional elements optional elements
are not mandatory elements in a standard. Their presence or absence depends on the specific requirements of the standard clauses. 3.5
The expression of the content of a normative document is generally in the form of statement, instruction, recommendation or requirement. Note: These forms of clauses are distinguished by the wording used, for example: instructions are expressed in imperative sentences, recommendations are expressed in the auxiliary verb "should", and requirements are expressed in the auxiliary verb "shall". 3.5.1
A clause expressing information.
A clause expressing an action to be performed.
A clause expressing advice or guidance.
3) This standard will be issued on the basis of the revision of GB/T 1.41988 (see the foreword). 8
A clause expressing a criterion to be followed.
State of the art GB/T 1. 1—2000
The degree of development of the technical capabilities of products, processes and services within a certain period of time shall be determined based on the comprehensive results of relevant science, technology and experience.
4 General
4.1 Requirements
The provisions specified in the standard shall be clear and unambiguous, and: - strive to be complete as required within the limits specified by its scope; - clear, accurate and mutually coordinated; - take full account of the latest state of the art (see 3.6); - provide a framework for future technological development; be understandable by professionals who did not participate in the preparation of the standard. 4.2 Uniformity
In each standard or series of standards, the structure, style and terminology of the standard shall be consistent. The structure of the series of standards and the numbering of its chapters and clauses shall be as similar as possible. Similar clauses shall be expressed using similar wording; the same clauses shall be expressed using the same wording. In each standard or series of standards, the same terminology shall be used for a given concept. For defined concepts, synonyms should be avoided. Each term selected should have as unique a meaning as possible. 4.3 Coordination between standards
In order to achieve the goal of overall coordination of all standards, each standard should comply with the relevant provisions of the current basic standards, especially in the following aspects:
-standardization terms;
…Principles and methods of terminology,
——quantities, units and their symbols;
technical drawings;
graphic symbols.
In addition, for specific technical fields, relevant provisions in standardization involving such contents as the following should also be considered: - limits and fits;
-dimensional tolerances and uncertainty of measurement; - preferred numbers;
-statistical methods
environmental conditions and related tests;
Appendix A gives a list of basic standards for reference. 4.4 Equivalence of versions in different languages
When providing versions of standards in other languages, the different versions should ensure consistency in structure and technology. 9
GB/T 1. 1 -2000
4.5 Applicability
The content of the standard should be easy to implement and easy to be referenced by other standards. 4.6 Planning
In order to ensure the timely release of a standard or a series of standards, the standard formulation procedure should be followed when formulating standards. Before drafting a standard, the expected structure and internal relationships should be determined, and the division of content should be considered in particular (see 5.1). If the standard is divided into multiple parts, the names of the expected parts should be listed. From the beginning of the work to all subsequent stages, the rules specified in this part and other parts of GB/T1 should be followed to avoid delays at any stage. 4.7 Adoption of international standards
For standard texts that are equivalent to international standards, their structure should be consistent with the adopted international standards. Other rules for adopting international standards shall comply with GB/T20000.2.
5 Structure
5.1 Division of content
5.1.1 General
In general, a separate standard should be prepared for each standardization object and published as a whole. In special cases such as the following, a standard can be divided into several separate parts under the same standard serial number: - the standard is too long;
the contents of subsequent parts are interrelated;
some parts of the standard may be referenced by regulations; "- some parts of the standard are intended for certification. If different aspects of the product will attract the attention of various parties (such as manufacturers, certification bodies, legislative bodies, etc.), these different aspects can be compiled into several parts of a standard or several separate standards. For example, these different aspects are: health and safety requirements;
- performance requirements;
maintenance and service requirements;
· Installation rules;
- quality assessment.
Table 1 gives the possible aspects of the standard. The name of the level. For examples of level numbers, see Appendix B. 1 Levels and their names
5.1.2 Division of parts
The following two methods can be used when dividing parts 9999.1
[No number]
a) Each part deals with a specific aspect of the object and can be used alone. Example 1:
Part 1: Terms and definitions
Part 2: Requirements
Part 3: Test methods
Part 4
Numbering example
Example 2:
Part 1: Terms and definitions
Part 2: Harmonics
Part 3: Electrostatic discharge
Part 4
GB/T 1. ---2000
b) The object has both general and special aspects. The general aspects should be included as Part 1. Special aspects (which may modify or supplement the general aspects and therefore cannot be used alone) should be included as other parts. Example 3:
Part 1: General requirements
Part 21: Special requirements for electric irons
Part 22: Special requirements for spin dryers Part 23: Special requirements for dishwashers
If the method described in b) is adopted, when quoting from one part to another, the latest version should be quoted. To this end, the following methods can be used:
-- If a specific element in a part is quoted, the quoted document should be dated (see; - If the entire part is quoted, the latest version should be quoted when the content of the other part is quoted. The referenced document may be undated when it is possible to ensure that the corresponding changes in all parts can be made simultaneously (see; otherwise, the referenced document is not allowed to be undated. Normative references may be undated only when all future changes to the referenced document are acceptable from the perspective of the standard itself. When drafting each part of the standard, the rules for separate standards specified in this part of GB/T 1 should be followed. 5.1.3 Division of content of separate standards
The elements of a standard can be classified in the following two ways: a) by the normative or informative nature of the elements and their position in the standard, which can be divided into: - informative overview elements (see 3.2.1); - normative general and technical elements (see 3.1); - informative supplementary elements (see 3.2.2). b) by the mandatory or optional status of the elements, which can be divided into: - mandatory elements (see 3.3);
optional elements (see 3.4).
Table 2 gives a typical example of the arrangement of elements in a standard and lists the allowed content of each element. A standard does not necessarily include all the normative technical elements in Table 2. It can also include other normative technical elements outside Table 2. The content and order of normative technical elements depend on the specific circumstances of the standard being formulated. A standard can also include figure notes, table notes, figure footnotes and table footnotes (see,, and Terminology standards have different requirements for content division, see Appendix C. 11
GB/T 1.1--2000
Element type
Informative summary element
Normative general element
Normative technical element
Informative supplementary element
Normative technical element
Informative supplementary element
Table 2 Typical arrangement examples of elements in standards
Arrangement of "elements"
Permitted content of elements\
Other contents of the standard (see 6.1.1) (Automatic generation of content, see 6.1.2)
Text of name
Normative references
Terms and definitions
Symbols and abbreviations||tt ||Normative Appendix
Informative Appendixb
Normative Appendix
Cited Documents
Cited Documents
(For automatic generation of content, see 6.4.3)
Boldface indicates "mandatory elements"; regular face indicates "normative elements"; italics indicate "informative elements"bInformative appendixes may not contain normative elements unless the normative elements constitute optional clauses. For example, an optional test method in a normative element may be written into an informative appendix. In this case, the optional test method may contain clauses, 12
5.2 Description and numbering of levels
5.2.1 Part
GB/T 1. 1-—-2000
Parts should be numbered starting with 1 using Arabic numerals. The part number should be placed after the standard serial number and separated from the standard serial number by a period, for example, 9999.1, 9999.2, etc. Parts should not be divided into sub-parts.
The composition of the part name should comply with the provisions of 6.2.1. The names of the parts of the same standard should have the same leading elements (if any) and main elements, while the supplementary elements should be different to distinguish the parts. In the name of each part, the supplementary elements should be preceded by "Part X:" (X is an Arabic numeral). 5.2.2 Chapter
The chapter is the basic unit for the division of standard content. In each standard or each part, Arabic numerals should be used starting with 1. Number the chapters. The numbering should start from the "Scope" chapter and continue until the end of the appendix (see 5.2.6).
Each chapter should have a title. The title should be placed after the number and on a separate line from the following clauses. 5.2.3
Chapters are subdivisions of chapters. Arabic numerals should be used to number the clauses, see Appendix B for examples. The first-level clauses (e.g. 5.1, 5.2, etc.) can be divided into second-level clauses (e.g. 5.1.1, 5.1.2, etc.) and, if necessary, up to the fifth level (e.g.,, etc.).
Chapters can only be set when there are two or more (including two) clauses at the same level. For example, if there is no clause 10.2 in the clauses of Chapter 10, there should be no clause 10.1.
Chapters at the first level should be given titles. The title should be placed after the number and on a separate line from the following clauses. The second-level articles can be treated in the same way. In a certain chapter or article, articles at the same level should be unified whether they have titles or not. For example, if 10.1 has a title, 10.2 should also have a title. 5.2.4 Paragraph
A paragraph is a subdivision of a chapter or article. Paragraphs are not numbered. Try not to use "hanging paragraphs" as shown in the following example to avoid confusion when quoting these paragraphs. Example:
5 Identification
5.1 ×××××××
6 Test report
××××××××××××××××××Suspension section××××××××××
5.1 ××××××××
Test report
GB/T 1. 1—2000
In the above example, the marked suspension section cannot be regarded as "Chapter 5" only, because strictly speaking, 5.1 and 5.2 also belong to Chapter 5. In order to avoid such problems, the unnumbered suspension section should be numbered as "5.1×××××××", and the original 5.1 and 5.2 should be renumbered (as in the above example), or the suspension section should be moved elsewhere. 5.2.5 Lists
Lists may be introduced in the following forms: a sentence (see Example 1); the first half of a sentence, which is completed by the items listed in separate lines (see Example 2).
Each item in a list should be preceded by a dash or a dot. If identification is required, a lowercase Latin letter number followed by a semi-circular bracket should be added before each item. In alphabetical lists, if it is necessary to further subdivide an item into sub-items that need to be identified, an Arabic numeral number followed by a semi-circular bracket should be used (see Example 3). Example 1:
The following types of instruments do not require switches:
Instruments with a power consumption not exceeding 10W under normal operating conditions; instruments with a power consumption not exceeding 50W measured when used for 2 minutes under any fault conditions; instruments used for continuous operation.
Example 2:
Vibrations in an instrument may be caused by:
imbalance of rotating parts;
slight deformation of the machine base;
·rolling bearings;
pneumatic loads.
Example 3:
Quantities and units used in the standard:
a) The decimal point symbol is \",
b) The standard shall only use:
Units given in various parts of GB3101 and GB3102; 1
my country's legal measurement units given in GB3101 that can be used in conjunction with the International System of Units, such as minute (min), hour (h), degree (d), degree (), 2
minute (\), second (\), liter (L), ton (t), electron volt (eV) and atomic mass unit (u); 3) Units given in GB3102, such as neper (Np), bel (B), sone (sone), phon (phon) and octave (oct); 5.2.6 Appendix
The appendix is divided into normative appendix and information appendix. Informative appendixes. For explanations of these two types of appendixes, see 6.3.8 and 6.4.1. The order of the appendices should be arranged in the order in which the appendices are mentioned in the text. Each appendix should have a number. The appendix number consists of "Appendix" followed by a capital Latin letter indicating the order, starting with "A", for example, "Appendix A". If there is only one appendix, it should still be marked as "Appendix A". The nature of the appendix should be indicated below the appendix number, that is, "(Normative Appendix)" or "(Informative Appendix)", and below that is the appendix title. The numbering of chapters, figures, tables and mathematical formulas in each appendix should start again from 1, and the letter indicating the order in the appendix number should be added before the number, followed by a period. For example: Chapters in Appendix A are represented by "\A.1", "A.2", "A.3", etc.; Figures are represented by "Figure A.1", "Figure A.2", etc. 6 Drafting
6.1 Informative overview elements
6.1.1 Cover
Each standard should have a cover. Taking national standards as an example, the contents of the cover include: "National Standard of the People's Republic of China" and the standard logo, Chinese name, English name, ICS number (International Standard Classification Number), China Standard Document Classification Number, standard number, alternative standard number, release date, implementation date, standard issuing department, etc. If the standard has a corresponding international standard, the consistency level mark should also be indicated on the cover. The consistency level mark consists of the corresponding international standard number, international standard name (in English), consistency level code, etc. If the English name of the standard is the same as the international standard 141 Cover
Each standard should have a cover. Taking national standards as an example, the cover should include: "National Standard of the People's Republic of China" and the standard logo, Chinese name, English name, ICS number (International Standard Classification Number), China Standard Document Classification Number, standard number, alternative standard number, release date, implementation date, standard issuing department, etc. If the standard has a corresponding international standard, the consistency level mark should also be indicated on the cover. The consistency level mark consists of the corresponding international standard number, international standard name (in English), consistency level code, etc. If the English name of the standard is the same as the international standard 141 Cover
Each standard should have a cover. Taking national standards as an example, the cover should include: "National Standard of the People's Republic of China" and the standard logo, Chinese name, English name, ICS number (International Standard Classification Number), China Standard Document Classification Number, standard number, alternative standard number, release date, implementation date, standard issuing department, etc. If the standard has a corresponding international standard, the consistency level mark should also be indicated on the cover. The consistency level mark consists of the corresponding international standard number, international standard name (in English), consistency level code, etc. If the English name of the standard is the same as the international standard 14
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