Inspection rules of large packagings for export dangerous goods-Part 1:General specification
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People's Republic of China Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Industry Standard SN/T1936.1—2007
Inspection rules of large packagings for export dangerous gonds-Part I :General rules
Inspection rules of large packagings for export dangerous gonds-Part I :General rules2007-08-06Promulgated
People's Republic of China
National Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine General
People's Republic of China Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Industry Standard
Inspection rules of large packagings for export dangerous gonds-Part I :General rules
SN/T 1936.1--2007
China Standards Publishing House
No. IS, Sanmu Hebei Street, Xingmenwai, Beijing
Postal Code: 100045
Tel: 6852394663517348
China Standards Publishing House, Anhuangdao Printing 1 Printing Format 880×12301/16 Printing Sheet 0.75 Words 18 thousand SN/T 1936.1--2007 First edition November 2007 First printing November 2017 1-2000
Book number: 155066·2-18217 Price 8.00 yuan Hepin Partner Network httn:
SN/T 1936-5% "Export Dangerous Goods Packaging Inspection Method" is divided into 3 parts: Part 1: General Principles: Part 2: Performance Inspection; Part 3: Use Adjustment. This part is the first part of SN/T 1936. SN/T 1936.1--2007
This part adopts the United Nations Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods·Model Regulations (14th revised edition), and the relevant technical contents are completely consistent with the above regulations. The text format has been edited according to GB/T1.1-2000. Appendix A of this part is an informative appendix.
This part is proposed and managed by the National Certification and Accreditation Administration. The drafting unit of this part: Tianjin Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau of the People's Republic of China. The main drafters of this part: Zheng Lifang, Zhao Guoqing, Ren, Chang Gang, Zhang, Zhang Jiangping. This part is the first release of the inspection and quarantine industry standard. h
1 Scope
Inspection methods for large packages of dangerous goods for export
Part 1: General
SN/T 1936.1—2007
This part of SN/T1936 specifies the classification, requirements, sampling, codes and markings and inspection rules for large packages of dangerous goods for export. This part is applicable to the inspection of large packages of dangerous goods for export. 2 Normative references
The clauses in the following documents are referenced by this part of SV/T936 and therefore serve as the pre-contractual clauses of this part. For all dated references, all subsequent amendments (excluding errata) or revisions shall apply to this Part. Parties reaching agreement on this Part are encouraged to investigate whether the latest versions of these documents can be used. For all undated references, the latest versions shall apply to this Part. GB/T 1540 Determination of water absorption of paper and paperboard (method for determination of water absorption) GB/T 2679.7 Determination of puncture strength of paperboard GB/T 3/T 2828.1 Inspection procedure for counting samples GB/T 4122.1 Packaging terms: basic information (SR: 53S: 1991) Part 1 Sampling plan for batch inspection based on acceptance quality limit (AQL) SV0149.1 Inspection procedure for packaging of dangerous goods for export by sea SN/T 0987.1 Inspection procedure for medium bulk containers for export of dangerous goods 3 Terms and definitions GB/T 4122. 1, SV 0449.1 and ST.
Large packagings
The independent Poleko-like definition applies to this part of SN/T 1936. A container consisting of an outer container for multiple articles or inner containers, loaded and unloaded by mechanical means, with a net weight exceeding 400kg or a volume exceeding 450L, provided that the container does not exceed 3.3.2.
An arm or bag placed in the container but not forming part of it, including the closure of its mouth. 3.3.
Maximum prmissible gross mass The weight of the container and its ancillary equipment and structural devices plus the maximum permissible load (applicable to all types of large packaging except flexible bulk bags).
4. Classification
4. 1 Classification of Dangerous Goods
4.1.1 Dangerous goods are divided into 9 categories according to their hazard or most important hazard. Some categories are further divided into items. The order of the numbers of the categories and items is not the order of the degree of hazard. 4.1.2 Class 1: Explosives.
-1.1: Substances and articles with a mass explosion hazard; http:
SN/T 1936.1-2007
一t, 2 precautions, substances and articles with low penetration hazard and no mass explosion hazard 1.3: substances and articles with combustion hazard and fan coal explosion hazard or local penetration hazard or both, but no mass explosion hazard;
-1.1: substances and articles that do not present the greatest hazard; -1.5 very insensitive substances with mass explosion hazard: -1.6: extremely insensitive articles with no mass explosion hazard. 4.1.3 Class 2, gas.
-2.1: flammable gas;
\: 2.2: non-flammable and non-toxic gas;
2.3: flammable gas.
4.1.4 Class 3: flammable liquids,
4.1.5 Class 4: flammable solids; substances that are prone to spontaneous combustion; substances that release flammable gases when in contact with water. -4.1: Flammable solids, white reactive substances; substances that emit flammable gases when in contact with water: -4.2: Substances that are liable to spontaneous combustion,
-4.3: Substances that emit flammable gases when in contact with water. 4.1.6 Class 5, oxidizing properties and organic peroxides, -5.1: oxidizing substances,
5.2: organic peroxides.
4.1.7 Class f: Persistent substances and infectious substances. -6.1, nutrient substances;
\-6.2: infectious substances.
4. 1.8 Class 7: Radioactive substances.
4.1.9 Class 8: Corrosive substances.
4.1.10 Class 9: Miscellaneous dangerous substances and articles. 4.2 Classification of dangerous goods packaging
Except for dangerous goods of Class 1, 2, 7, Item 5.2, Item 6.2, the packaging of other dangerous goods can be divided into three levels according to the degree of danger, namely:
I level packaging
II level packaging-
III level packaging-
-Highly dangerous electrical
-Medium dangerous:
Mildly dangerous.
The classification of the degree of danger of various types of dangerous goods can be determined by relevant dangerous characteristic tests. 4.3 Classification of large packaging
According to the different structures and materials of large packaging, it can be divided into: Metal large packaging:
Natural large packaging:
Flexible large packaging:
-Fiberboard large packaging1
-Rigid plastic large packaging.
5 Requirements
5. 1 General requirements
5.1.1 Large packaging should not deform under the influence of the external environment. 5.1.2 Under normal transportation conditions, including the influence of vibration or changes in temperature, humidity or pressure, the structure and seal of large packaging should ensure that the contents will not leak.
SN/T 1936.1-2007
5.1.3 Large packaging and its sealing materials should be compatible with the substances contained, or have the ability to protect the contents and should not: a) contact with the contents, making the large packaging dangerous in use; b) react or decompose with the contents, or react with the manufacturing materials of the large packaging to form toxic or dangerous compounds. 5.1.4 Cushioning materials and cushioning should not be affected by the slow action of the contents of the packaging. 5.1.5 Large packages should be designed to withstand the pressure of the materials they contain and the stress of normal loading and unloading and transportation, and the contents will not be lost. Large packages that need to be stacked should meet the requirements of stacking. The lifting and fastening devices of large packages should have sufficient strength to withstand normal loading and unloading and transportation conditions without overall deformation or breakage. These devices should be properly positioned and not cause excessive stress to any part of the large package. 5.1.6 If the large packaging rack is composed of a box, the following structural requirements shall be met: a) There shall be no collision or friction between the rack and the box that may cause damage to the box; the box shall be located in the frame from beginning to end; c) If the connection between the box and the rack is allowed to expand or move relative to each other, the various equipment of the large packaging shall be fixed in a suitable position so that the various equipment will not be damaged by such relative movement. 5.1.7 The bottom unloading door of the large packaging shall be closed and tightened. The entire unloading device shall be properly protected to avoid damage. The door of the loading container closed with a lever shall be able to prevent any external opening. The open and closed positions shall be obvious and easy to identify. Large packages for liquid goods should also be equipped with auxiliary devices to close the discharge port:
5.1.8 Large packages should be carefully inspected before loading and delivery for transportation to ensure that they are free of any corrosion, contamination or other damage, and that all attached equipment functions properly. If there is any sign that the strength of the large package has fallen below the test strength of its design type, the large package should be stopped from use or reprocessed to withstand the test strength of the type. 5.1.9 When large packages are filled with liquid, sufficient space should be left on the liquid surface to ensure that the filling of the large package does not exceed 98% of its total capacity when the average temperature of the goods is 50℃.
5.1.10 When two or more closing devices are used in series, the closing device closest to the transported material should be closed first. 5.1.11 During transportation, no dangerous residues should adhere to the outside of the large package. 5.1.12 Large packages that have not been cleaned and have been used to transport dangerous substances should also comply with the requirements of this part unless adequate measures have been taken to eliminate their hazards.
5.1.13 When large packaging is used to transport liquids with a flash point equal to or lower than 61°C, or for transporting powders that are prone to dust explosion, anti-static measures should be taken.
5.1.14 When the solid substance to be transported may liquefy at the temperature during transportation, the fire packaging should also meet the relevant requirements for containing solid substances.
5.1.15 Special requirements for large packaging intended to contain organic peroxides (item 5.2) should be tested and accompanied by a report to prove that it is safe to use large packaging to package the substance. Prove that the organic peroxide complies with the relevant classification principles of the International Dangerous Goods Code. Prove the compatibility of the materials in contact with the substance during transportation with the substance. If necessary, determine and control the emergency temperature based on the self-decomposition certificate. These humidities may be lower than the temperature of the package specified in the International Dangerous Goods Code. Where necessary, design emergency decompression devices and formulate special requirements necessary to ensure the safe transportation of organic peroxides.
5.1.16 Special requirements for large packagings of 4.1 of Class 4 in 4.1.5 for self-reactive substances. Self-reactive substances should be tested and accompanied by reports to show that it is safe to use large packagings. 5.1.16, 2 Emergency situations that need to be considered also include the substance being easily ignited by external ignition sources such as sparks and flames, and excessive transportation temperatures or contamination that can easily lead to strong exothermic reactions. In order to prevent the explosion of large packagings of gold chips, the emergency decompression device should be designed to release all decomposition products and vapors within a time not exceeding 1 hour when involved in fire extinguishing (heat load 110kW/tn2) or in the decomposition process described in white. 3
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5.2 Specific requirements for various types of large packages
5.2.1 Specific requirements for large packages made of metal Large packages shall be made of suitable metal materials that have fully demonstrated their weldability. The welding process shall be good and can guarantee absolute resistance. When necessary, temperature performance shall be considered. Care shall be taken to avoid damage caused by battery effect caused by different metals in parallel. 5.2.2 Specific requirements for large packages made of soft materials Large packages shall be made of suitable materials. The strength of the material and the structure of the soft large package shall be adapted to its capacity and purpose. All materials used in the manufacture of 51M type soft packaging shall retain at least 85% of the tensile strength obtained when the material is in a relatively stable state at a relative temperature of 67% or less after being soaked in water for not less than 24 hours. Seams shall be sewn, heat-sealed, bonded or other equivalent methods: all seam ends shall be tightly closed. Soft packaging shall have sufficient resistance to degradation and strength loss caused by ultraviolet radiation, climatic conditions or extracted substances to prevent damage to the packaging. Plastic packaging for protection against ultraviolet radiation shall be added with carbon, or contain suitable pigments or inhibitors. These additives shall be compatible with the substances contained and remain effective throughout the packaging. If the carbon black pigment or inhibitor used is different from that used in the manufacture of the tested equipment model, and the change in carbon black content, pigment content or inhibitor content will not have a significant effect on the physical properties of the manufacturing material, then new testing may be exempted. As long as the additive does not damage the physical and chemical properties of the bulk packaging material, it may be mixed with the additive to enhance its anti-aging ability or play other roles. When fully filled, the ratio of height to width shall not exceed 2:1. 5.2.3 Physical requirements for plastic bulk packaging Bulk packaging should be made of a known specification of strict plastic material and have sufficient strength to adapt to its specific use. The material shall have adequate resistance to ageing and to the reduction in strength due to ultraviolet radiation of the contained material (if any), due consideration shall be given to low temperature performance, and any lacquer penetration of the contained material shall not constitute a hazard under normal operating conditions. If protection against ultraviolet radiation is required, additives or other synthetic inhibitors or inhibitors shall be added. These additives shall be compatible with the contained material and remain effective throughout the shelf life of the bulk packaging: carbon black, pigments, glass inhibitors used in the manufacture of the tested equipment model shall be different from those used in the tested equipment model, and the change in carbon black content, pigment content, and inhibitor content shall not have an adverse effect on the physical properties of the manufactured material, and retesting may be exempted. Additives may be added to the bulk packaging to enhance the ageing performance or to serve other purposes, but such substances shall not have an adverse effect on the physical or chemical properties of the material. 5.2.4 Specific requirements for fiberboard packaging - High-quality solid or double-sided fiberboard (single or multi-layer) suitable for the capacity and frequency of the large package should be used. The water resistance of the outer surface should reach: the weight increase measured in the 3D-min test using the specified heat-resistant fabric method should not exceed 155 g/m (see G3/T1540). The fiberboard should have appropriate bending properties. The fiberboard should not have cracks or grooves when cutting or bending, so that it will not be torn, surface broken or deformed during assembly. The edges of the corrugated fiberboard should be firmly glued to the surface layer. The four walls of the container, including the top and bottom plates, should have a minimum perforation resistance of 15" as specified in G3/T2679. The seams of the outer containers of large packagings shall be made with appropriate attention to detail. They shall be glued, glued, sewn with metal staples, or secured with other means of at least equal effectiveness. If the seams are glued, water-resistant adhesives shall be used: metal staples shall pass completely through all parts to which they are to be fastened and shall be shaped or protected so that the lining of the packaging is not damaged or punctured by the staples. Any integral pallet bottom forming part of the large packaging or any removable pallet shall be suitable for mechanical loading and unloading to the maximum permitted size of the large packaging. The design of the pallet or integral pallet bottom shall avoid any protrusions on the bottom of the large packaging that may be easily damaged during loading. The container shall be secured to any removable pallet to ensure stability during loading and transportation. When using removable pallets, the top surface of the pallet should be free of sharp protrusions that could damage the bulk packaging. 4
SN/T 1936.1--2007 Reinforcement devices, such as wooden supports, may be used to enhance stacking performance, but such devices should not be installed outside the lining sheet. For bulk packaging intended to be stacked, the supports should be able to distribute the load safely. 5.2.5 Specific requirements for wooden bulk packaging The strength of the material used and the method of support should be compatible with the nature and purpose of the bulk packaging. Natural wood shall be thoroughly spray dried to commercial standards and free from defects which would substantially reduce the strength of any part of the package. Each component of the package shall be one piece or equivalent. Components may be considered equivalent if they are assembled by suitable methods of gluing, such as lind joints, tongue and groove joints, lap joints or tongue and groove joints, or butt joints with at least two metal staples at each joint or other methods at least as effective. Plywood packages shall be at least three-ply sheets. They shall be thoroughly spun, sliced or sawn, dried to commercial standards and free from defects which would substantially reduce the strength of the package. All plies shall be bonded with a water-resistant adhesive. Other suitable materials may be used in conjunction with plywood to make packages. Recycled technology packages shall be made of recycled wood residues of the type required by us, such as fiberboard, particleboard or other suitable types of material. The packaging shall be securely pinned or clamped at the corner posts or ends, or assembled by suitable means. Any integral pallet base or removable pallet forming part of the bulk packaging shall be suitable for mechanical loading and unloading of the bulk packaging. The design of the pallet or integral pallet base shall avoid any protrusions on the packaging components that may be easily damaged during loading and unloading. The pallet shall be fixed at any removable point to ensure stability during loading and unloading and transportation. When removable pallets are used, the outer surface of the pallet shall be free of sharp protrusions that may cause the packaging to be lost. Reinforcement devices such as brackets may be used to increase the performance of the packaging. These devices shall be installed outside the lining. For large packages intended for stacking, the supporting surface should be able to distribute the load safely. 6 Sampling
6.1 Inspection lot
Large packages with the same raw materials, the same structure and similar production technology are inspected as one lot, and the maximum batch is 5,000 pieces. Check with continuous water
According to GB/T2828.1 normal inspection, secondary single sample-6.3 Sampling quantity
Sampling number
Batch model
501~1 200
1 201-~3 200
3 261--5 000
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Sampling number
Unit is piece
SN/T 1936.1--2007
7 Code
7.1 The code for bulk packaging consists of two parts
7.1, 1 The first part: two alphanumeric characters indicating the form of bulk packaging. See Table 2. Table 2 Code table for bulk packaging form
Bulk number type
Rigid bulk packaging
Flexible bulk packaging
7.1.2 The second part: one or more uppercase English letters indicating the material. -A Steel (all types and surface treatments)!
..C natural wood;
-I strand board:
-F recycled wood:
-G fibreboard;
H plastic material:
-L woven fabric;
-M multi-layer paper:
N metal (except steel and),
7.2 The letter "W" may be placed after the large packaging. The letter *W" indicates that the large packaging is of the same type as that described in the code, but is manufactured to specifications different from those specified in 5.2 of this part. 8 Marking
8.1 Large packagings shall be clearly and durably marked: 8.2 The United Nations packaging number is shown in Figure 1. This number is used to certify that the large packaging complies with the provisions of the United Nations Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods. For metal packaging, it may be indicated by the large capital letters \UN\. Figure 1 United Nations Packaging Symbol
8.3 Large packaging code specified in Chapter 7.
8.4 Letters indicating packaging level:
-X indicates T packaging:
Y indicates II packaging;
-z indicates II packaging.
8.5 Month and year of manufacture (last two digits). 8.6 Countries that approve this mark. The code for China is the capital English letter CV8.7 The code for the place of production and the manufacturer of the large packaging. The above code is determined by the competent authority of the relevant country. 8.8 Other marks determined by the relevant national customs authorities. 8.9 Stacking test load expressed in kilograms (kg). For large packaging that cannot be stacked by design, the number "0" should be written. 8.10 Maximum permissible total weight, expressed in grams (kg). Examples of basic markings for large packaging: See Appendix A. 8.11
9 Inspection rules
9.1 The manufacturer shall ensure that the large packages produced shall comply with the provisions of this standard, and the relevant inspection departments shall inspect according to this standard. The user has the right to request acceptance inspection for the received products according to the provisions of this standard. 9.2 Inspection items: Inspect item by item according to the requirements of Chapters 5 and 7.8 of this standard. 9.3 Large packages shall be inspected batch by batch based on the order record. 9.4 Judgment rules adopt GB/T 2828.1 Normal inspection ~ The qualified quality level of the first sample assembly plan is 4.0 (AQ1. 一4.0), and the qualified judgment number is shown in Table 3.
Table 3 Number of qualified judgments
Normal extrusion sampling AQL=1. 0
Number of samples
Number of qualified judgments
Number of unqualified judgments
9.5 Processing of unqualified batches After the large packages in the unqualified batch are removed, they will be submitted for inspection again, and the strictness remains unchanged. t sett
Unit is piece
SN/T 1936.1—2007
(Informative Appendix)
Example of basic marking for large packages
Figure A.1 Example of basic marking for large packages
Packaging code
Packaging level
Avoid month and year
Short maximum permitted total, in grams (g)
Stacking test load, in dry grams (g)
Production area and manufacturing code
Manufacturing code [Chinese]
Combined subpackaging symbol
Book number: 155066-2-18217
7 Code
7.1 The code for bulk packaging consists of two parts
7.1, 1 The first part: two alphanumeric characters indicating the form of bulk packaging. See Table 2. Table 2 Code table for bulk packaging form
Bulk number type
Rigid bulk packaging
Flexible bulk packaging
7.1.2 The second part: one or more uppercase English letters indicating the material. -A Steel (all types and surface treatments)!
..C natural wood;
-I strand board:
-F recycled wood:
-G fibreboard;
H plastic material:
-L woven fabric;
-M multi-layer paper:
N metal (except steel and),
7.2 The letter "W" may be placed after the large packaging. The letter *W" indicates that the large packaging is of the same type as that described in the code, but is manufactured to specifications different from those specified in 5.2 of this part. 8 Marking
8.1 Large packagings shall be clearly and durably marked: 8.2 The United Nations packaging number is shown in Figure 1. This number is used to certify that the large packaging complies with the provisions of the United Nations Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods. For metal packaging, it may be indicated by the large capital letters \UN\. Figure 1 United Nations Packaging Symbol
8.3 Large packaging code specified in Chapter 7.
8.4 Letters indicating packaging level:
-X indicates T packaging:
Y indicates II packaging;
-z indicates II packaging.
8.5 Month and year of manufacture (last two digits). 8.6 Countries that approve this mark. The code for China is the capital English letter CV8.7 The code for the place of production and the manufacturer of the large packaging. The above code is determined by the competent authority of the relevant country. 8.8 Other marks determined by the relevant national customs authorities. 8.9 Stacking test load expressed in kilograms (kg). For large packaging that cannot be stacked by design, the number "0" should be written. 8.10 Maximum permissible total weight, expressed in grams (kg). Examples of basic markings for large packaging: See Appendix A. 8.11
9 Inspection rules
9.1 The manufacturer shall ensure that the large packages produced shall comply with the provisions of this standard, and the relevant inspection departments shall inspect according to this standard. The user has the right to request acceptance inspection for the received products according to the provisions of this standard. 9.2 Inspection items: Inspect item by item according to the requirements of Chapters 5 and 7.8 of this standard. 9.3 Large packages shall be inspected batch by batch based on the order record. 9.4 Judgment rules adopt GB/T 2828.1 Normal inspection ~ The qualified quality level of the first sample assembly plan is 4.0 (AQ1. 一4.0), and the qualified judgment number is shown in Table 3.
Table 3 Number of qualified judgments
Normal extrusion sampling AQL=1. 0
Number of samples
Number of qualified judgments
Number of unqualified judgments
9.5 Processing of unqualified batches After the large packages in the unqualified batch are removed, they will be submitted for inspection again, and the strictness remains unchanged. t sett
Unit is piece
SN/T 1936.1—2007
(Informative Appendix)
Example of basic marking for large packages
Figure A.1 Example of basic marking for large packages
Packaging code
Packaging level
Avoid month and year
Short maximum permitted total, in grams (g)
Stacking test load, in dry grams (g)
Production area and manufacturing code
Manufacturing code [Chinese]
Combined subpackaging
Book number: 155066-2-18217
7 Code
7.1 The code for bulk packaging consists of two parts
7.1, 1 The first part: two alphanumeric characters indicating the form of bulk packaging. See Table 2. Table 2 Code table for bulk packaging form
Bulk number type
Rigid bulk packaging
Flexible bulk packaging
7.1.2 The second part: one or more uppercase English letters indicating the material. -A Steel (all types and surface treatments)!
..C natural wood;
-I strand board:
-F recycled wood:
-G fibreboard;
H plastic material:
-L woven fabric;
-M multi-layer paper:
N metal (except steel and),
7.2 The letter "W" may be placed after the large packaging. The letter *W" indicates that the large packaging is of the same type as that described in the code, but is manufactured to specifications different from those specified in 5.2 of this part. 8 Marking
8.1 Large packagings shall be clearly and durably marked: 8.2 The United Nations packaging number is shown in Figure 1. This number is used to certify that the large packaging complies with the provisions of the United Nations Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods. For metal packaging, it may be indicated by the large capital letters \UN\. Figure 1 United Nations Packaging Symbol
8.3 Large packaging code specified in Chapter 7.
8.4 Letters indicating packaging level:
-X indicates T packaging:
Y indicates II packaging;
-z indicates II packaging.
8.5 Month and year of manufacture (last two digits). 8.6 Countries that approve this mark. The code for China is the capital English letter CV8.7 The code for the place of production and the manufacturer of the large packaging. The above code is determined by the competent authority of the relevant country. 8.8 Other marks determined by the relevant national customs authorities. 8.9 Stacking test load expressed in kilograms (kg). For large packaging that cannot be stacked by design, the number "0" should be written. 8.10 Maximum permissible total weight, expressed in grams (kg). Examples of basic markings for large packaging: See Appendix A. 8.11
9 Inspection rules
9.1 The manufacturer shall ensure that the large packages produced shall comply with the provisions of this standard, and the relevant inspection departments shall inspect according to this standard. The user has the right to request acceptance inspection for the received products according to the provisions of this standard. 9.2 Inspection items: Inspect item by item according to the requirements of Chapters 5 and 7.8 of this standard. 9.3 Large packages shall be inspected batch by batch based on the order record. 9.4 Judgment rules adopt GB/T 2828.1 Normal inspection ~ The qualified quality level of the first sample assembly plan is 4.0 (AQ1. 一4.0), and the qualified judgment number is shown in Table 3.
Table 3 Number of qualified judgments
Normal extrusion sampling AQL=1. 0
Number of samples
Number of qualified judgments
Number of unqualified judgments
9.5 Processing of unqualified batches After the large packages in the unqualified batch are removed, they will be submitted for inspection again, and the strictness remains unchanged. t sett
Unit is piece
SN/T 1936.1—2007
(Informative Appendix)
Example of basic marking for large packages
Figure A.1 Example of basic marking for large packages
Packaging code
Packaging level
Avoid month and year
Short maximum permitted total, in grams (g)
Stacking test load, in dry grams (g)
Production area and manufacturing code
Manufacturing code [Chinese]
Combined subpackaging symbol
Book number: 155066-2-18217
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