Conformityassessment—Requirements for the operation of various types of bodies performing inspection
Some standard content:
ICS 03.120.20
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
GB/T 27020--2016/1SO/IEC 17020:2012 Daiyu G3/T183461998
Conformity Assessment
Operation requirements for various inspection agencies
Requirements for the opcration of various types of hodiesperforming inspection
(ISO/IEC 17020:2012,IDT)| |tt||Released on 2016-04-25
China National Standards Management Committee, General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China
Implemented on 2016-08-01
GB/T 27020 --2016/ISO/1EC 17020:2012 Foreword
Normative reference documents
Terms and definitions
Applicable requirements
4.1 Impartiality and independence||tt| |4.2 Confidentiality
5 Structural Requirements
5.1 Administrative Requirements
5.2 Organization and Management
6 Resource Requirements
6.2 Facilities and Equipment|| tt||6.3 points
7 process requirements
Inspection methods and procedures
Disposal of inspection items and samples
Inspection records
Inspection reports and inspections Certificate
7.5 Complaints and Appeals
7.6 Complaint and Appeal Process
8 Pipe Spot System Requirements
Pipe Burial System Documents (Method A)
Document Control (Approach A)
Record Control (Approach A)
Management Review (Approach A)
Internal Audit (Approach A)
Corrective Action (Approach A)|| tt||Preventive measures (mode A)
Appendix A (normative appendix)
Independence requirements for inspection of machine chairs
Appendix B (informative appendix)||tt| |Optional elements in inspection reports and certificates
This standard is drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009. GB/T 27020-2016/ISO/IEC 17020:2012 This standard replaces GB/T18316-·1998 Operational Requirements for Various Types of Conformity Assessment Inspection Agencies. This standard uses the translation method and is equivalent to ISO/IEC17020:2012 "Conformity Assessment Types of Inspection Agencies". "Operation Requirements for Inspection Agencies" is one of the series of standards for conformity assessment
This standard was proposed and promulgated by the National Certification and Accreditation Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC261). This standard was drafted by: China National Accreditation Center for Conformity Assessment, Shenzhen Special Equipment Inspection Research Institute, Shanghai Huamen Research Institute, Shenzhen Inspection and Quarantine Research Institute, China Electrical Apparatus Research Institute, China Special Equipment Inspection Research Institute, Fujian Inspection and Quarantine Technology Center
The main drafters of this standard are: Liu Lidong, Li Hong, Cai Lumin, Xie Changhuan, Liu Gang, Chen Shuikang, Chen Wei, Guan Shu, Cheng Lijun. GB/T27020—2016/ISO/IEC17020:2012 cited
The purpose of formulating standards is to enhance trust in inspection agencies
Inspection agencies represent private clients, and their parent organizations or official agencies perform reviews, The purpose is to provide the above-mentioned institutions with information on the compliance of the picked items with regulations, standards, specifications, inspection plans or contracts: inspection parameters including quantity, quality, safety, suitability and continued safety compliance of the device or system in operation . In order to make the services of inspection agencies accepted by customers and blue-tube institutions, the general requirements that inspection agencies should comply with are unified and the cost standards are unified.
This standard does not cover the activities of inspection agencies, which include inspection of materials and products. , installations, plants, processes, operating procedures or services to determine their compliance with requirements, and subsequently report the results of these activities to the customer and, when necessary, to the official agency for reporting. Inspection can involve all stages of the item being inspected, including the design stage. Professional judgment is often required when engaging in inspection activities, especially when evaluating conformity to general requirements.
This standard can be used as a requirement document for accreditation, peer review or other review. When applied to specific fields, the requirements of this standard shall be interpreted. Inspection activities can overlap with testing and certification activities when the activities have commonality. However, an important difference between inspection and testing and certification is that many types of inspection activities involve the use of professional judgment to confirm compliance with general requirements. Therefore, the inspection agency needs to have the necessary capabilities to perform inspection tasks.
Inspection can include an activity within a large process. For example, in product certification schemes, inspection can serve as a surveillance activity. Inspection may be an activity prior to maintenance, or may simply provide information on the item being inspected without making a determination as to whether it meets requirements, in which case progressive interpretation may be required. Classifying inspection agencies into Category A, Category B or Category C is essentially a measure of the independence of the inspection agency. An inspection body's demonstrable independence enhances customer confidence in the organization's ability to conduct inspection activities impartially. The following verb forms are used in this recommendation: "should" indicates a requirement;
""should" indicates a suggestion;
or capabilities,
GB/T 27020—2016/ISO/IEC 170202012 Conformity Assessment
Operational Requirements for Various Inspection Agencies
This standard specifies the capabilities and capabilities of inspection agencies Requirements for impartiality and consistency in inspection activities. This standard applies to Class A, B, and C inspection institutions as defined in this standard, and applies to any stage of inspection. Note: Each stage of inspection includes design stage and type. Testing, initial inspection, operational inspection or supervision. 2 Normative reference documents
The following documents are essential for the application of technical documents. For dated reference documents, the edition with the date of reference applies to this document. . For undated referenced documents, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to GI3/T27000: 2006 Conformity Assessment Vocabulary and General Principles (IS0/IEC17000.2004, IDT) 3 Terms and Definitions | |tt||GB/T27000-2006 and the following terms and definitions apply to this document 3.1
Inspection inspection of products (3.2), processes (3.3), and services (3,4). ) or installation, or review of its design, and determine its compliance with specific requirements, or determine its compliance with general requirements on the basis of professional judgment Note 1; Inspection of processes may include personnel, equipment , technology or method. Note 2: The inspection procedure or plan may limit the inspection to review only. Note 3: Reference to the definition 4.3 of GB/T270002006. Note 4: The term "item" used in this standard may refer to the corresponding test in different circumstances. 3.2
Product product
The result of the process
Note 1: GB/T19000-2008 specifies four product categories: Services (such as transportation) (see definitions 3, 4);
Software (such as computer programs, learning※);
Hardware (such as engines, mechanical parts);
Process Materials (such as lubricants).
Many products are composed of components that belong to different product categories, and their attributes are services, software, hardware, or process materials depending on the dominant component of the product
Note. 2: Products include the results of natural processes, such as the growth of plants and the formation of other natural resources. Note 3: Quoting GB/T79000-2008 definition 3.3. 3.3
process process
converts input into output A set of interrelated or interacting activities GB/T27020-2016/IS0/IEC170202012 Note: Available CB/T19000-2008 definitions 3.4.1, 3.4
Service Service
Service is usually intangible , and need to be completed at the interface between the supplier and the customer. Note 1: The provision of services may involve, for example: activities completed on the tangible product provided by the customer (such as a car that needs repair): - The result of an activity
- Intangible products provided by customers (such as returns required to prepare tax returns.Activities completed on the table): ... - delivery of intangible products (such as the provision of information in terms of knowledge transfer) Creating an atmosphere for customers (such as in hotels and restaurants). Note 2: Reference to GF/T19C00-2008 definition 3.1.2 Note 2. 3.5
Inspection body inspectionbody
A body engaged in inspection activities
Note: An inspection body can be an organization or part of an organization. 3.6
Inspection system inspectionSystemwwW.bzxz.Net
Rules, procedures and management of inspection implementation
Note 1: Inspection systems can operate at international, regional, national or sub-national levels, Note 2: Reference to GB/T27000-2006 definition 2.7, 3.7
Inspection scheme inspection scheme
An inspection system (3.6) that uses the same specified requirements, specific rules and procedures Note 1: Inspection schemes can operate at international, regional, national or sub-national levels. Note 2: A plan is sometimes referred to as a "program". Note 3: This refers to GB/T 27000-2006 definition 2.8. 3.8
Note 1: Objectivity means that conflicts of interest do not exist or have been resolved and will not have an adverse impact on the activities of the inspection agency
Note 2: Other terms that help express the element of impartiality include: independence, no conflict of interest, no prejudice, no bias, independence, fairness, open-mindedness, impartiality, detachment and balance
Appeal||t t||A request from the provider of the inspection item to the inspection body to reconsider its decision on the item. Note: Reference (G/27000-2006 definition 6.4. 3.10
In addition to complaints, any person or organization expresses dissatisfaction with the inspection body's activities and expects a response. Note: Reference GB/T270002006 definition 6.5. 4 General requirements
Impartiality and independence
Inspection activities should be carried out impartially.
GB/T 27020-2016/IS0/IEC 17020;20124.1.2 The inspection body shall be responsible for the impartiality of its inspection activities and shall not allow commercial, financial or other pressures to affect its impartiality.
4.1.3 The inspection body shall continuously identify risks to its impartiality. These risks may arise from its own activities, various relationships, or from the relationships of its staff. However, these relationships do not necessarily pose a risk to the impartiality of the inspection body. Note: Relationships that pose a threat to the impartiality of the inspection body may be based on the following factors: ownership, governance, management, personnel, shared resources, finance, contracts, marketing (including branding), and other incentives such as sales commissions or referring new customers. 4.1.4 If the inspection body identifies a certain type of risk to impartiality, the organization shall be able to demonstrate how it eliminates or minimizes such risks.
4.1.5 The inspection body shall have a top-level commitment to impartiality. 4.1.6 The inspection body's The degree of independence should meet the corresponding conditions for the services it provides. Based on these conditions, the inspection body should meet the minimum requirements specified in Appendix A, which are summarized as follows: a) Inspection bodies that provide third-party inspections should meet the requirements of Class A inspection bodies (third-party inspection bodies) in A.1; b) Inspection bodies that provide first-party inspections and (or) first-party inspections, and as an independent and identifiable part of an organization that is related to the design, production, supply, installation, use or maintenance of the inspected products, and only provide inspection services to its parent organization (internal inspection bodies), should meet the requirements of Class B inspection bodies in A.2; c) Inspection bodies that provide third-party inspections and (or) second-party inspections, and as an identifiable but not independent part of an organization that is related to the design, production, supply, installation, use or maintenance of the inspected products, and whose parent organization or other organizations provide inspection services, should meet the requirements of Class C inspection bodies in A.3. 4.2 Confidentiality
4.2.1 The inspection body shall assume responsibility for the management of all information obtained or generated in the implementation of inspection activities through a legally binding commitment. The inspection body shall inform the client in advance of the information to be released in public. Unless it is information that is made public by the client or the inspection body and the client have reached an agreement (such as: indirect response to a complaint), all other information is considered proprietary information and shall be kept confidential. Note: A legally binding commitment may be a contractual agreement, etc. 4.2.2 When the inspection body is authorized to release confidential information based on legal requirements or contractual commitments, the disclosed information shall be notified to the relevant client or individual unless prohibited by law.
4.2.3 Information about the client obtained by the inspection body from channels other than the client (such as complainants, regulatory agencies) shall be kept confidential. 5 Structural requirements
5.1 Administrative requirements
5.1.1 The inspection body shall be a legal entity, or a distinct part of a legal entity: the entity shall assume legal responsibility for all its inspection activities.
Note: Government inspection bodies are considered legal entities because of their governmental status. 5.1.2 If the inspection body is part of a legal entity that also performs other activities besides inspection, the inspection body shall be identifiable within that entity.
5.1.3 The inspection body shall have documentation describing the inspection activities it is capable of performing. 5.1.4 The inspection body shall have adequate measures (such as insurance or risk reserves) to cover the liability risks arising from operating the inspection business. Note: The liability risks of the inspection body may be borne by the state, or by the organization to which the inspection body is affiliated, in accordance with national law. 5.1.5 The inspection body shall have documentation describing the contractual conditions under which it provides inspection services, unless the inspection body only provides inspection services to a legal entity to which it is affiliated.
5.2 Organization and Management
5.2.1 The inspection body shall ensure the impartiality of its inspection activities from the perspective of structure and management. GB/T27020—2016/LS0/IEC17020:20125.2.2 The organization and management of the inspection body shall ensure that it maintains the ability to carry out inspection business. Note: The inspection program implementation plan may include technical exchanges between participating inspection bodies to ensure that they maintain relevant technical capabilities. 5.2.3 The inspection body shall define and document the responsibilities and reporting structure within the organization. 5.2.4 If the inspection body is part of an entity that also engages in other activities besides inspection, the relationship between the inspection activities and other activities of the entity shall be defined. 5.2.5 The inspection body shall have one or more technical managers who are fully responsible for ensuring that the inspection activities are carried out in accordance with the requirements of this standard. Note: The person who performs this function may be called a technical manager other than a technical manager. The person holding this position shall have the technical ability and work experience to operate an inspection body. If the inspection body has more than one technical manager position, the scope of responsibility for each technical manager position should be clearly defined and documented. 5.2.6 The inspection body should designate one or more persons to take over the responsibilities of the technical manager in his/her absence and be responsible for the continued conduct of the inspection activities. 5.2.7 The inspection body should have a job description or related documentation for each position within the organization involved in inspection activities. 6 Resource requirements
6.1 Personnel
6.1.1 The inspection body should define and document the competence requirements, including education, training, technical knowledge, skills and experience, for all personnel involved in inspection activities.
Note: Competence requirements may be part of the job description or other documentation mentioned in 5.2.7. 6.1.2 The inspection body should employ or contract sufficient personnel who have the competence most required by the type, scope and workload of the inspection activities and, where necessary, professional judgment. 6.1.3 Personnel responsible for paid inspections should have appropriate qualifications, training, experience and knowledge to meet the requirements for the inspections performed. These personnel should also have relevant knowledge of the following:
The technology of manufacturing, process operation and service provision of the inspected products; the way of using products, process operation and service provision; any defects that may occur in the use of products, any failures in process operation, and any deficiencies in service provision. They should understand the important effects of deviations related to the normal use of products, process operation and service provision. 6.1.4 The inspection body should make everyone clear about their functions, responsibilities and authorities. 6.1.5 The inspection body should have a documented procedure for the selection of inspectors and other personnel related to inspection activities: training, formal authorization and supervision,
6.1.6 Documented training procedures (see 6.1,5),It should be divided into the following stages: a) on-the-job training stage;
b) internship work stage under the guidance of senior inspectors; c) continuous training stage in line with the development of technology and inspection methods. 6.1.7 The required training should depend on the ability, qualifications and experience of each inspector and other personnel related to the inspection activities, and also on the results of supervision (see 6, 1.8).
6.1.8 Personnel familiar with inspection methods and procedures should supervise all inspectors and other personnel involved in inspection activities to ensure that the inspection activities meet the requirements. The results of supervision should be used as a way to identify training needs (see 6.1.7). Note: Depending on the characteristics of inspection activities, supervision may include a combination of the following methods, such as on-site observation, report review, interview, simulated inspection and other methods of evaluating the performance of the supervised personnel.
6.1.9 On-site observation should be arranged for all inspectors unless there is sufficient supporting evidence that the inspector is continuously competent. Note: On-site observation should be carried out in a way that minimizes the impact of the inspection, especially from the client's perspective. 6.1.10 The inspection body shall keep records of the supervision, education, training, technical knowledge, skills, experience and authorization of each person involved in the inspection activities.
GB/T 27020—2016/IS0/IEC 17020:20126.1.11 Personnel involved in the inspection activities should not be paid in a way that could influence the inspection results. 6.1.12 All personnel of the inspection body, whether internal or external, who may influence the inspection activities, should act impartially. 6.1.13 Except as required by law, all personnel of the inspection body, including subcontractors, personnel of external organizations, and individuals working on behalf of the inspection body, shall maintain confidentiality of all information obtained or generated during the inspection activities. 6.2 Facilities and Equipment
6.2.1 The inspection body shall have available, suitable and adequate facilities and equipment to carry out all activities associated with the inspection activities in a competent and safe manner
Note: The inspection body need not be the owner of the facilities or equipment it uses. Facilities and equipment may be borrowed, rented, hired, leased or provided by another body (e.g. the manufacturer or installer of the equipment). However, the responsibility for the suitability and calibration of the equipment used for inspection shall rest solely with the inspection body, whether or not the equipment is owned by the inspection body. 6.2.2 The inspection body shall have provisions for the acquisition and use of specific facilities and equipment for inspection activities. 6.2.3 The inspection body shall ensure the continuing suitability of the facilities and equipment referred to in 6.2.1 for their intended use. 6.2.4 All equipment having a significant impact on the inspection results shall be defined and, where appropriate, uniquely identified. 6.2.5 All equipment (see 6.2:4) shall be maintained in accordance with documented procedures and work instructions. 6.2.6 Where appropriate, measuring equipment that has a significant impact on the test results should be calibrated before being put into use and thereafter calibrated in accordance with an established plan.
6.2.7 A calibration plan for equipment should be established and implemented to ensure that the measurements made by the inspection body are traceable to national or international measurement standards when applicable; when traceability to national or international measurement standards is not possible, the inspection body should retain evidence of the relevance or accuracy of the test results. 6.2.8 Measurement reference standards held by the inspection body should only be used for calibration and should not be used for other purposes. Measurement reference standards should be calibrated under conditions that can be traced back to national or international measurement standards. 6.2.9 Where relevant, equipment should be verified in operation within the specified calibration period. 6.2.10 Where possible, reference materials should be traceable to national or international reference materials when they exist. 6.2.11
When the following aspects are relevant to the results of inspection activities, the inspection body shall establish procedures: selection and approval of suppliers;
b) verification of supplies and services;
ensuring appropriate storage facilities.
When applicable, evaluate the condition of stored items within appropriate periods to detect deteriorated items. If the inspection body uses computers or automated equipment related to inspection activities, it shall ensure that:6.2.13
The computer software is applicable;
Note: This can be achieved by the following methods:
Enable previous operation confirmation;
-Regular reconfirmation of related hardware or software;-Reconfirmation after relevant hardware or software changes;...-Software upgrades when necessary.
h) Establish and implement procedures to protect data integrity and security:
c) Computers and automated equipment are maintained to ensure their normal functioning.6.2.14 The inspection body shall establish a documented procedure for handling defective equipment . Defective equipment should be decommissioned, isolated, and clearly identified or marked. The inspection body should verify the impact of the defective equipment on previous inspections and, if necessary, take appropriate corrective measures. 6.2.15 Information related to the equipment (including software) should be recorded, usually including identification information and, where appropriate, calibration and maintenance information. 6.3 Subcontracting
6.3.1 Normally, the inspection body should perform the contract tasks on its own. When the inspection body subcontracts any part of the inspection work, it should ensure and be able to demonstrate that the subcontractor is capable of undertaking the corresponding inspection activities and, where appropriate, comply with GB/T 27020—2016/IS0/IEC in this standard or other relevant conformity assessment standards. 17020:2012. Note 1: The reasons for subcontracting are generally: unexpected or abnormal overtime; key inspection personnel lose their ability to work; key facilities or equipment chain components are temporarily unsuitable for use; and the inspection activities of a part of the contract are not within the scope of the inspection agency or exceed the inspection agency's capabilities or resources. Note 2: "Subcontracting" and "outsourcing" are considered to be the same concept. Note 3: When the inspection agency uses individuals or personnel from other organizations to When additional resources or expertise are provided by the inspection body, these individuals are not considered subcontractors if they are formally contracted to work under the inspection body's management system (see 6.1.2). 6.3:2 The inspection body shall explain to the client its intention to subcontract a part of the inspection work. 6.3.3 When part of the inspection work is performed by a subcontractor, the responsibility for determining whether the inspection work meets the requirements shall remain with the inspection body.
6.3.4 The inspection body shall record and retain detailed records of its investigation of the subcontractor's capabilities to ensure that The inspection body shall maintain a list of all subcontractors and detailed investigation results of the compliance of the subcontractors with the applicable requirements of this International Standard or other relevant conformity assessment standards. 7 Process requirements
7.1 Inspection methods and procedures
7.1.1 The inspection body shall use the inspection methods and procedures specified in the requirements for the inspection activities performed. When no methods and procedures are specified, the inspection body shall develop specific inspection methods and procedures (see 7.1.3). If the inspection body considers that the inspection method proposed by the client is not suitable, the client shall be informed.
Note: The requirements in accordance with which the inspection is to be carried out are usually specified in regulations, standards, specifications, inspection plans or contracts. Specifications may include customer or internal requirements. 7.1.2 When the lack of documented instructions may affect the effectiveness of the inspection process, the inspection body shall develop and use documented instructions for inspection planning, sampling and inspection techniques. When applicable, the inspection body shall have sufficient knowledge of statistical techniques to ensure statistically reasonable sampling procedures and correct processing and interpretation of results. 7.1.3 Where the inspection body must use non-standard inspection methods or procedures, these methods and procedures shall be justified and fully documented. NOTE A standard inspection method is a published method, such as that published in an international, regional or national standard, or jointly issued by a reputable technical organization or several inspection bodies, or published in relevant scientific literature or journals. This means that methods developed in other ways, including those developed by the inspection body itself or by the client, are considered non-standard methods. 7.1.4 The inspection body shall keep all instructions, standards or written procedures, work forms, inspection sheets and reference data related to the work current and available to employees.
7.1.5 The inspection body shall have a contract or work order control system to ensure that: a) the work is carried out within its professional capabilities and that it has sufficient resources to meet the requirements; NOTE Resources include but are not limited to facilities, equipment, reference documents, procedures or human resources. The client's requirements for the inspection body's services should be fully defined and their special conditions should be properly understood to ensure that clear instructions are given to the personnel responsible for implementation h)
c) The work is kept under control through regular review and corrective action; the requirements of the contract or work instructions are met.
7.1.6 When the inspection body uses information provided by any other party as part of the inspection body's decision on conformity, the integrity of the information should be verified.
7.1.7 Observations and data obtained during the inspection process should be recorded in a timely manner to prevent the loss of relevant information. 7.1.8 Calculations and data transfers should be appropriately checked. Note: Data includes textual material, numerical data and other information that may introduce errors when transferred from one location to another. 7.1.9 The inspection body should have documented instructions for the safe implementation of inspections. 7.2 Handling of inspection items and samples
GB/T 27020--2016/IS0/IEC 17020:20127.2.1 The inspection body should make the inspected items and samples uniquely identifiable to avoid confusion. 7.2.2 The inspection body should determine whether the inspection items are ready. 7.2.3 The inspector should record any obvious anomalies found or informed. When there is doubt about the suitability of the item to be inspected, or the item does not match the description provided, the inspection body should contact the client before proceeding to the next step. 7.2.4 The inspection body should have documented procedures and appropriate facilities to avoid deterioration or damage of the inspection items during its responsibility. 7.3 Inspection Records
7.3.1 The inspection body shall maintain a record system (see 8.4) to demonstrate effective implementation of the inspection procedures and to enable evaluation of inspection activities. 7.3.2 Inspection reports or certificates shall be internally traceable to the inspector who carried out the inspection. 7.4 Inspection Reports and Inspection Certificates
The work performed by the inspection body shall be included in an inspection report or inspection certificate that is traceable. 7.4.1
7.4.2 Any inspection report/certificate shall include all of the following: a) Identification of the issuing body;
b) Unique identification and date of issue;
c) Inspection month;
Identification of the inspection items;
e) Signature or other approval mark of the authorized person;
f) Declaration of Conformity, where applicable;
Name of the person performing the inspection;
Inspection results, except as listed in 7.4.3. NOTE Optional elements that may be included in an inspection report or certificate are given in Annex B. 7.4.3 The inspection body may issue an inspection certificate which does not include inspection results [see 7.4.2 g)] only if the inspection body also issues an inspection report containing the inspection results and the inspection certificate and inspection report are traceable to each other. 7.4.4 All information listed in 7.4.2 shall be correct, accurate and clearly stated. When the inspection report or certificate includes results provided by a subcontractor, these results shall be clearly identifiable.
7.4.5 After the inspection report or inspection certificate has been issued, any corrections or additions shall be recorded in accordance with the relevant requirements of 7.4. The revised report or certificate shall indicate the report or certificate which it replaces. 7.5 Complaints and appeals
: 7.5.1 The inspection body shall establish and document a process for receiving, evaluating and making decisions on complaints and appeals. 7.5.2 A description of the process for handling complaints and appeals shall be available to any interested party upon request. 7.5.3 Upon receiving a complaint, the inspection body shall confirm whether the complaint is related to the inspection activities for which it is responsible. If so, it shall handle it. 7.5.4 The inspection body shall be responsible for all decisions at all levels in the complaint and appeal handling process. 7.5.5 The investigation and decision of the appeal shall not give rise to any discriminatory behavior. 7.6 Complaint and Appeal Process
7.6.1 The process for handling complaints and appeals shall include at least the following elements and methods: a) a description of the process for receiving, confirming, investigating and deciding what response measures to take for complaints and appeals; 6) tracking and recording complaints and appeals, including measures taken to resolve complaints and appeals; c) ensuring that appropriate measures are taken.
7.6.2 The inspection body that receives the complaint or appeal shall be responsible for collecting and verifying all necessary information to confirm whether the complaint or appeal is valid.
7.6.3 Whenever possible, the inspection body shall inform the complainant or appellant that the complaint or appeal has been received and provide them with a report on the handling process and the results of the handling.
7.6.4 The decision to send the complaint or appeal to the complainant or appellant shall be made by a person who is not related to the inspection activities involved in the complaint or appeal, or review and approve it.
7.6.5 Whenever possible, the inspection body shall formally notify the complainant or appellant of the results of the complaint and appeal handling process. 8 Management system requirements
8.1 Method
8.1.1 General
The inspection body shall establish and maintain a management system that can continuously meet this standard in accordance with Method A or Method B. 8.1.2 Method A The inspection body’s management system should include: Management system documents (such as procedures, policies, definition of responsibilities, see 8.2); Document control (see 8.3); Record control (see 8.4); Management review (see 8.5); Internal audit (see 8.6); Corrective action (see 8.7); Preventive action (see 8.8); Complaints and appeals (see 7.5 and 7.6).
8.1.3 Approach B
If the inspection body has established and maintained a management system in accordance with the requirements of ISO) 9001 and can support and demonstrate that it meets the requirements of this standard, it meets the requirements of the management system clause (see 8.2 to 8.8). 8.2
Management system documentation (Approach A)
8.2.1 The top management of the inspection body shall establish and maintain a policy and objectives to meet this standard and shall ensure that the policy and objectives are understood and implemented by personnel at all levels of the inspection body organization. 8.2.2 The top management shall provide evidence of the commitment to establish and implement the management system and the effectiveness of continuing to meet this standard. 8.2.3 The top management of the inspection body shall designate a person at the management level who, regardless of the other responsibilities of this member, shall have the following responsibilities and authority:
a) Ensure that the processes and procedures required for the management system are established, implemented and maintained; b) Report to the top management on the performance of the management system and any need for improvement. 8.2.4 All relevant documents, processes, systems, records, etc. that meet the requirements of this standard shall be included, referenced or linked to the management system documents. 8.2.5 All personnel involved in inspection activities shall have access to relevant management system documents and information applicable to their responsibilities. 8.3 Document control (method A)
8.3.1 The inspection body shall establish procedures to control relevant documents (internal or external) that enable this standard to be met. 8.3.2
The procedure shall specify the following control requirements:1 The inspection body shall establish and document a process for receiving, evaluating and making decisions on complaints and appeals. 7.5.2 A description of the process for handling complaints and appeals shall be available to any interested party upon request. 7.5.3 Upon receiving a complaint, the inspection body shall confirm whether the complaint is related to the inspection activities for which it is responsible. If so, it shall handle it. 7.5.4 The inspection body shall be responsible for all decisions made at all levels in the complaint and appeal handling process. 7.5.5 The investigation and decision of appeals shall not give rise to any discriminatory behavior. 7.6 Complaint and Appeal Process
7.6.1 The process for handling complaints and appeals shall include at least the following elements and methods: a) A description of the process for receiving, confirming, investigating and deciding what response measures to take for complaints and appeals; 6) Tracking and recording complaints and appeals, including measures taken to resolve complaints and appeals; c) Ensuring that appropriate measures are taken.
7.6.2 The inspection body receiving the complaint or appeal shall be responsible for collecting and verifying all necessary information to confirm whether the complaint or appeal is valid.
7.6.3 Whenever possible, the inspection body shall inform the complainant or appellant that the complaint or appeal has been received and provide them with a report on the handling process and the results of the handling.
7.6.4 The decision to send the complaint or appeal to the complainant or appellant shall be made by a person who is not related to the inspection activities involved in the complaint or appeal, or review and approve it.
7.6.5 Whenever possible, the inspection body shall formally notify the complainant or appellant of the results of the complaint and appeal handling process. 8 Management system requirements
8.1 Method
8.1.1 General
The inspection body shall establish and maintain a management system that can continuously comply with this standard in accordance with Method A or Method B. 8.1.2 Method A The inspection body’s management system should include: Management system documents (such as procedures, policies, definition of responsibilities, see 8.2); Document control (see 8.3); Record control (see 8.4); Management review (see 8.5); Internal audit (see 8.6); Corrective action (see 8.7); Preventive action (see 8.8); Complaints and appeals (see 7.5 and 7.6).
8.1.3 Approach B
If the inspection body has established and maintained a management system in accordance with the requirements of ISO) 9001 and can support and demonstrate that it meets the requirements of this standard, it meets the requirements of the management system clause (see 8.2 to 8.8). 8.2
Management system documentation (Approach A)
8.2.1 The top management of the inspection body shall establish and maintain a policy and objectives to meet this standard and shall ensure that the policy and objectives are understood and implemented by personnel at all levels of the inspection body organization. 8.2.2 The top management shall provide evidence of the commitment to establish and implement the management system and the effectiveness of continuing to meet this standard. 8.2.3 The top management of the inspection body shall designate a person at the management level who, regardless of the other responsibilities of this member, shall have the following responsibilities and authority:
a) Ensure that the processes and procedures required for the management system are established, implemented and maintained; b) Report to the top management on the performance of the management system and any need for improvement. 8.2.4 All relevant documents, processes, systems, records, etc. that meet the requirements of this standard shall be included, referenced or linked to the management system documents. 8.2.5 All personnel involved in inspection activities shall have access to relevant management system documents and information applicable to their responsibilities. 8.3 Document control (method A)
8.3.1 The inspection body shall establish procedures to control relevant documents (internal or external) that enable this standard to be met. 8.3.2
The procedure shall specify the following control requirements:1 The inspection body shall establish and document a process for receiving, evaluating and making decisions on complaints and appeals. 7.5.2 A description of the process for handling complaints and appeals shall be available to any interested party upon request. 7.5.3 Upon receiving a complaint, the inspection body shall confirm whether the complaint is related to the inspection activities for which it is responsible. If so, it shall handle it. 7.5.4 The inspection body shall be responsible for all decisions made at all levels in the complaint and appeal handling process. 7.5.5 The investigation and decision of appeals shall not give rise to any discriminatory behavior. 7.6 Complaint and Appeal Process
7.6.1 The process for handling complaints and appeals shall include at least the following elements and methods: a) A description of the process for receiving, confirming, investigating and deciding what response measures to take for complaints and appeals; 6) Tracking and recording complaints and appeals, including measures taken to resolve complaints and appeals; c) Ensuring that appropriate measures are taken.
7.6.2 The inspection body receiving the complaint or appeal shall be responsible for collecting and verifying all necessary information to confirm whether the complaint or appeal is valid.
7.6.3 Whenever possible, the inspection body shall inform the complainant or appellant that the complaint or appeal has been received and provide them with a report on the handling process and the results of the handling.
7.6.4 The decision to send the complaint or appeal to the complainant or appellant shall be made by a person who is not related to the inspection activities involved in the complaint or appeal, or review and approve it.
7.6.5 Whenever possible, the inspection body shall formally notify the complainant or appellant of the results of the complaint and appeal handling process. 8 Management system requirements
8.1 Method
8.1.1 General
The inspection body shall establish and maintain a management system that can continuously comply with this standard in accordance with Method A or Method B. 8.1.2 Method A The inspection body’s management system should include: Management system documents (such as procedures, policies, definition of responsibilities, see 8.2); Document control (see 8.3); Record control (see 8.4); Management review (see 8.5); Internal audit (see 8.6); Corrective action (see 8.7); Preventive action (see 8.8); Complaints and appeals (see 7.5 and 7.6).
8.1.3 Approach B
If the inspection body has established and maintained a management system in accordance with the requirements of ISO) 9001 and can support and demonstrate that it meets the requirements of this standard, it meets the requirements of the management system clause (see 8.2 to 8.8). 8.2
Management system documentation (Approach A)
8.2.1 The top management of the inspection body shall establish and maintain a policy and objectives to meet this standard and shall ensure that the policy and objectives are understood and implemented by personnel at all levels of the inspection body organization. 8.2.2 The top management shall provide evidence of the commitment to establish and implement the management system and the effectiveness of continuing to meet this standard. 8.2.3 The top management of the inspection body shall designate a person at the management level who, regardless of the other responsibilities of this member, shall have the following responsibilities and authority:
a) Ensure that the processes and procedures required for the management system are established, implemented and maintained; b) Report to the top management on the performance of the management system and any need for improvement. 8.2.4 All relevant documents, processes, systems, records, etc. that meet the requirements of this standard shall be included, referenced or linked to the management system documents. 8.2.5 All personnel involved in inspection activities shall have access to relevant management system documents and information applicable to their responsibilities. 8.3 Document control (method A)
8.3.1 The inspection body shall establish procedures to control relevant documents (internal or external) that enable this standard to be met. 8.3.2
The procedure shall specify the following control requirements:
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