title>JB/T 9014.1-1999 Terminology and classification of bulk material properties in continuous conveying equipment - JB/T 9014.1-1999 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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JB/T 9014.1-1999 Terminology and classification of bulk material properties in continuous conveying equipment

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 9014.1-1999

Standard Name: Terminology and classification of bulk material properties in continuous conveying equipment

Chinese Name: 连续输送设备 散粒物料 性能术语及其分类

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release1999-06-28

Date of Implementation:2000-01-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Material storage and transportation equipment>>Continuous handling equipment>>53.040.01 Continuous handling equipment general

Standard Classification Number:Machinery>>General Machinery and Equipment>>J81 Conveying Machinery

associated standards

alternative situation:ZB J81006.1-1988

Procurement status:neq ISO 3435:1977

Publication information

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Focal point unit:Beijing Hoisting and Conveying Machinery Research Institute

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JB/T 9014.1-1999 JB/T 9014.1-1999 Bulk material performance terminology and classification for continuous conveying equipment JB/T9014.1-1999 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

ICS 53.040.01
Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
JB/T 9014.1~9014.9--1999
Continuous haadling equipment-Louse bulk material-Performance and determination
Continuous haadling equipment-Louse bulk material-Performance and determination1999-06-28Published
State Machinery Industry Bureau
2000-01-01 Implementation
This standard adopts 1%3435→19 for classification and symbol representation of continuous handling equipment-bulk materials. This standard is a revision of 2B18006.1-88 (Technical Specifications and Classification of Bulk Materials in Line Handling Equipment). When revising, the original standard was edited and the main technical content was changed: This standard replaces ZB181006.1-88 from the date of implementation. This standard was proposed and approved by Beijing Lifting and Conveying Machinery Research Institute. The originating units of this standard are: Beijing Lifting and Conveying Machinery Research Institute, Ministry of Transportation Machinery Factory 1 Scope
Machinery Industry Standards of the People's Republic of China
Continuous Conveying Equipment
Terms and Classification of Bulk Materials
Continuous Handling EquipmentLoase Bulk Material Terms and Classification for Performance The production standard defines the terms and classification of bulk material properties for continuous conveying equipment. The standard is applicable to various bulk granular materials in continuous conveying equipment. The bulk material properties described in the standard include all material properties that affect the efficiency and performance of continuous conveying equipment. Granular materials refer to powder, granules, and lumps in a dispersed state. Material. Bulk material properties are divided into: physical (or mechanical) properties and other special properties. 2 Physical (or mechanical) property terms
The physical (or mechanical) properties of bulk materials include a) particle size and particle composition:
b) Graininess (stacked density, filling density; e) Degree (i.e. water content);
d) Mixing degree;
) Porosity:
Internal friction coefficient:
h) External friction coefficient;
i) Shear strength;
1) Compression.
2. 1 Grain size and particle composition
2.1.1 Particle (or material block) size
The size of the material particle (or material block) is called the material particle (or material block) size: the particle size of the material particle (or material block) is the maximum continuous size m). For granular materials, the particle size is the diameter of the constituent particles [Figure 1]; for block materials, the particle size is the diameter of the constituent blocks. In the whole batch of materials, the ratio of the particle size d of the largest particle (or block) to the particle size of the smallest particle (or block) is called the particle size ratio of the batch of materials. 9014.1-1999
According to the particle size ratio or ratio of the two materials, the materials can be divided into: sorting materials
Material whose particle size ratio is less than or equal to 2.5 (including materials of a single size, called sorting materials.h) original materials
Material whose particle size ratio is greater than 2.5 is called micro-piece materials: 1
2. 1.2 The distribution of particles (or blocks) of different sizes contained in the material is called the particle composition of the material. The particle composition of the material is expressed by the particle grading percentage. The percentage of the mass of each different particle grade in the material sampled in the whole batch is called the particle grading percentage of the material. The particle grading percentage of the material is calculated by the cumulative grading percentage: the material * particle size (variable supplement) of the material The proportion of the total mass of the collected materials (or lumps) is called the cumulative fraction of the materials above the particle size, expressed as A. (%). For example: 15% of the total mass of the materials with a particle size of 20mm. It is expressed as: 10=15%
b) The proportion of the total mass of the materials (or lumps) of a certain size is called the cumulative fraction of the materials above the particle size, expressed as: 10% of the total mass of the materials with a particle size between 20~40mm: It is expressed as 4.. -0-10%
Gradation distribution is expressed in table or by line method. Typical particle size
Typical particle size is a small characteristic index used to indicate the particle size of the whole batch of sampled materials: Typical particle size is expressed in dmm and is determined according to the following principles: For washed materials:
For original materials:
d,=0.Bd..,or d,=d..||tt| |In the original material, the material with the particle size grade of 0.81 times the largest particle is the largest particle group of the non-material. When the material mass of the largest particle group is greater than 10% of the sampled material mass, the typical particle size is: a=d
When the material mass of the largest particle group is less than or equal to 10% of the sampled material mass, the typical particle size is d:=0.8dx
The original material requires a complete particle size analysis. In the particle size analysis, the particle size ratio within each material group does not exceed 5. When the standard size is determined, the maximum particle size of the material can be given, and it is stated that the typical particle size is the normal particle size characteristic value of the average material
If the material size changes during the transportation process, especially large particles (large lumps) may occur in the batch, this change and its duration must be stated. 2.1.3 Shape of particles or materials
Based on the minimum length of the material particle size (or material block; the shape of the material particles [or material type]) and the size of the material body, the material particles can be divided into six different characteristic shapes, which are represented as follows: the first one represents a particle shape with sharp corners, flat surfaces, and the same size in the middle dimension (for example, square; the second one represents a particle shape with sharp corners, flat surfaces, and one dimension is significantly smaller than the other two dimensions (such as flakes;
|I represents a particle shape with sharp corners, flat surfaces, and one dimension is significantly smaller than the other two dimensions) in the middle dimension. |tt||Shape-shaped spheres with the same dimensions and one dimension is represented by a sphere V-shaped sphere, and one dimension is significantly larger than the other two (e.g., a particle shape with an inch in diameter, a particle shape with a ... m).
2.2.3 Real coefficient R
The ratio of the filling density of the material to the volume is called the real coefficient of the material. 2.3 Humidity Moisture content
The mass percentage of the original water and surface water contained in the material sample to the mass of the sample at a humidity of 15+5, which is dried to a constant temperature, is called the density (or moisture content w (%1
There are three types of moisture contained in bulk materials:
Heart water: moisture that is chemically bonded to the material: h) Pot water: water that is combined with the material grain ( Surface moisture: the sum of moisture formed on the surface of material particles (or material blocks) and the amount of moisture filled with material particles. For the temperature range of 105%: ±5℃, the moisture content (moisture content) of the material that is not dried within the temperature range of 105%: ±5℃ shall be expressed as the percentage of the moisture removed during drying to the mass of the dried material when the material is dried at a certain temperature, and shall be explained during calibration.
1.4 Temperature requirement T
The temperature of the material flow when the material is transported in the continuous conveying section [low temperature for low temperature materials] is called the temperature change of the material. 2.5. The ratio of the pore volume (including internal pore barriers) of the material in the natural tower plate state to the natural accumulation volume is called the material's accumulation volume. Under the condition that there is no container side wall limit shell on all sides, the granular material has the property of free flow, which is not the fluidity of the material. The natural accumulation angle and backstop angle of the initial material determine the fluidity of the material. The fluidity of the material is calibrated by the natural accumulation angle of the material. The smaller the accumulation angle, the better the fluidity; the larger the accumulation angle, the poorer the fluidity: the natural accumulation angle is the maximum slope angle (i.e. the angle between the point surface and the horizontal plane) of the chain-shaped pile that can be stably maintained when the cargo falls freely and evenly from a specified height; the backstop angle is the maximum slope angle formed after the back-feeding material passes through the silo and discharges continuously. 2.7 Internal friction coefficient The ratio of the friction force to the normal pressure on the material layer caused by the interaction between material particles (or material blocks) and their surface friction is called the internal friction coefficient of the material. The internal friction coefficient of the material is divided into static internal friction coefficient and dynamic internal friction coefficient. a) Static internal friction coefficient The ratio of the maximum friction force to the normal pressure on the material layer in a relatively static state is called the static internal friction coefficient of the material. 6) Dynamic internal friction coefficient The ratio of the friction force to the normal pressure on the material when two material layers move relative to each other is called the dynamic internal friction coefficient of the material. 2.8 External contact coefficient The ratio of the friction force between the material and a certain material surface in contact with it to the normal pressure is called the external friction coefficient of the material on the solid material.
The external friction coefficient can be divided into static friction coefficient and dynamic friction coefficient. a) Static friction coefficient, the external friction coefficient between a material and a certain solid surface in contact with it in a static state, is called dynamic friction coefficient. h) Dynamic friction coefficient, the external friction coefficient between a material and a certain solid surface in contact with it when they slide against each other at a certain speed, is called dynamic friction coefficient.
3.0 Pressure coefficient
The external friction coefficient between a material and a certain solid surface in contact with it when they slide against each other at a certain speed, is called dynamic friction coefficient. The ratio of the force (i.e., the water positive force) to the main pressure in the opposite direction of the material layer is called the side coefficient.
Under the concept of equal stopping, the ratio of the positive force between the side pressure generated by the material shortage and the theoretical filling force to which the material is subjected is called the micro-net side coefficient
When the material changes to vibration, the ratio of the side pressure generated on the wall to the normal force in the designed direction to which the material layer is subjected is called the dynamic force. When the material is in the direction of the external system, the material produces a high side pressure on the measured surface, which is called the passive force. 2.10 Shear strength
When there is no relative slip in the material, the maximum shear stress that a single connected area should be subjected to is called the optimal strength of the structure: MP The shear strength of the material is determined by the internal force of the material particles. The initial shear strength of the material particles is determined by the internal force of the material particles. (M
1. 11T Bonding
After the granular material is compacted into a certain state, the compacted ball will show a loose state of resistance to damage, which is called the compacting property of the material.
The compacting property is the minimum state of the compacted ball falling freely from the full position to the rigid flat surface.
3 Other special properties
The other special properties of the bulk material refer to the special properties that affect the conveying efficiency of the conveying equipment structure. For materials with any of the following special properties, the material performance indicators must be indicated when they are provided: Special properties:
a) Propidium:
6) Abrasiveness:
e) Corrosiveness:
d) Hygroscopicity:
e) Adhesion:
g) Carbon dioxide:
h) Containment:
Natural and explosive hazard:
Solidity. ||t 3.1 Potential abrasiveness The abrasiveness of materials is expressed by the size of their particles. 3.2 Lateral damage IRT9014.1-1999 When a material and a fixed surface in contact with it move relative to each other, the properties of the contact surface are used as the abrasiveness of the material. The penetration of a material can be measured by grinding a material under certain temperature and pressure conditions. When the material moves against a certain solid material at a certain speed, the surface of the solid material will be damaged within a specified period of time. The material will be damaged by the chemical reaction between the material and the surface of the solid material. This is called the corrosiveness of the material. It is the property of the material to produce a chemical effect on the solid material. The material is called corrosive material. When the material is placed in a certain temperature and mixing condition, and the material and the solid material surface are in contact with each other at a certain speed, the mass separation per unit area of ​​the shell material surface is measured within a certain time. 4. When the product is stored or transported, it absorbs moisture from the surrounding air and changes its humidity (water content), which is called the hygroscopicity of the material. The strength of the hygroscopicity of the material can be determined by the specified width, temperature, and H. The mass of water absorbed by a unit mass of dried material in a specified time is measured.
3.5 Adhesion
When materials are transported in a continuous conveying device, the material adheres to certain components of the conveying device that are in contact with it. The adhesion of materials is measured by the pressure of the material adhering to the long surface of the component after the material is passed through a certain shape of force component with a specified degree and method under the specified pressure and force conditions. .6 The material has the property of producing toxic effects on the environment or human body. The material is called hazardous material. 3. Crushing ratio: The material particles (or dense blocks) are subjected to magnetic friction, combustion, shearing or other external forces before being disassembled by the vehicle. The magnetic properties of the material are used to determine the crushing rate. The material with acidity and biodegradability is used to determine the crushing rate. After transportation, the material quality that is broken by the plate accounts for the proportion of the conveyed material quality.
3. Winding property
The property that some fibrous and linear materials will entangle with the moving structure of the conveying equipment during the conveying process is called the entanglement property of the material
3.9 Combustibility and explosion hazard
The property of spontaneous combustion of materials due to heat or other causes during the conveying process is called the spontaneous combustion property of materials. The property of materials that have the danger of exploding during the conveying process is called the explosion hazard of materials. Materials that are free from explosion hazard, such as saltpeter, water medicine, flour, etc., are called instant explosion hazard materials. 3.10 Micro-structuredbzxZ.net
The property of materials that freeze under special conditions is called the freezing property of materials. Materials that are usually solid are called special structured materials.
4 Classification of bulk materials
JRT 9014.1—1999
For the classification of bulk materials according to their typical particle size, see Table 1. 4.1
For bulk materials in the form of powder or granular form, see Table 2 for their classification according to their size.
European materials
Emergency plastics
Midstream materials
Initiative materials
Sage materials control book moisture strength classification see table
Dense stacking
Light materials
4.4 Inspection materials are divided into one category according to their moisture content: Dry materials-
Material containing only cool structure:
Material containing green structure water and floating water;
Base code
First-stage materials|| tt||Wet materials - materials containing structural water, or materials with surface water 4.5 Bulk materials can be divided into the following categories according to their specific flow properties:
Materials that can float in the air and flow freely like a wave body, free-flowing materials, 30°;
- Materials that flow normally above the surface: >20°..45\: 3 - Materials with poor mobility, 2>45°.60
Small solid materials, 9>9:
Materials that are not easy to fall, easy to accumulate, easy to rise, and difficult to separate. 8
Small material description, 9>9:
Material that is not easy to fall, easy to grow, easy to pile up, and difficult to separate. 8
Small material description, 9>9:
Material that is not easy to fall, easy to grow, easy to pile up, and difficult to separate. 8
Sedimentaceae7 Internal friction coefficient
The ratio of the friction force to the normal pressure on the material layer caused by the interaction between material particles (or material blocks) and their surface friction is called the internal friction coefficient of the material. The internal friction coefficient of the material can be divided into static internal friction coefficient and dynamic internal friction coefficient. a) Static internal friction coefficient
The ratio of the maximum friction force of the material layer to the normal pressure in a relatively static state is called the static internal friction coefficient of the material. 6) Dynamic internal friction coefficient
The ratio of the friction force of the material to the normal pressure when two material layers move relative to each other is called the dynamic internal friction coefficient of the material. 2.8 External contact coefficient
The ratio of the friction force between the material and a certain material surface in contact with it to the normal pressure is called the external friction coefficient of the material on the solid material.
The external friction coefficient can be divided into static friction coefficient and dynamic friction coefficient. a) Static friction coefficient, the external friction coefficient between a material and a certain solid surface in contact with it in a static state, is called dynamic friction coefficient. h) Dynamic friction coefficient, the external friction coefficient between a material and a certain solid surface in contact with it when they slide against each other at a certain speed, is called dynamic friction coefficient.
3.0 Pressure coefficient
The external friction coefficient between a material and a certain solid surface in contact with it when they slide against each other at a certain speed, is called dynamic friction coefficient. The ratio of the force (i.e., the water positive force) to the main pressure in the opposite direction of the material layer is called the side coefficient.
Under the concept of equal stopping, the ratio of the positive force between the side pressure generated by the material shortage and the theoretical filling force to which the material is subjected is called the micro-net side coefficient
When the material changes to vibration, the ratio of the side pressure generated on the wall to the normal force in the designed direction to which the material layer is subjected is called the dynamic force. When the material is in the direction of the external system, the material produces a high side pressure on the measured surface, which is called the passive force. 2.10 Shear strength
When there is no relative slip in the material, the maximum shear stress that a single connected area should be subjected to is called the optimal strength of the structure: MP The shear strength of the material is determined by the internal force of the material particles. The initial shear strength of the material particles is determined by the internal force of the material particles. (M
1. 11T Bonding
After the granular material is compacted into a certain state, the compacted ball will show a loose state of resistance to damage, which is called the compacting property of the material.
The compacting property is the minimum state of the compacted ball falling freely from the full position to the rigid flat surface.
3 Other special properties
The other special properties of the bulk material refer to the special properties that affect the conveying efficiency of the conveying equipment structure. For materials with any of the following special properties, the material performance indicators must be indicated when they are provided: Special properties:
a) Propidium:
6) Abrasiveness:
e) Corrosiveness:
d) Hygroscopicity:
e) Adhesion:
g) Carbon dioxide:
h) Containment:
Natural and explosive hazard:
Solidity. ||t 3.1 Potential abrasiveness The abrasiveness of materials is expressed by the size of their particles. 3.2 Lateral damage IRT9014.1-1999 When a material and a fixed surface in contact with it move relative to each other, the properties of the contact surface are used as the abrasiveness of the material. The penetration of a material can be measured by grinding a material under certain temperature and pressure conditions. When the material moves against a certain solid material at a certain speed, the surface of the solid material will be damaged within a specified period of time. The material will be damaged by the chemical reaction between the material and the surface of the solid material. This is called the corrosiveness of the material. It is the property of the material to produce a chemical effect on the solid material. The material is called corrosive material. When the material is placed in a certain temperature and mixing condition, and the material and the solid material surface are transported or transported at a certain speed, the surface area of ​​the shell material per unit area will be separated in a certain time. 4. When the product is stacked or transported, it absorbs moisture from the surrounding air and changes its humidity (water content), which is called the hygroscopicity of the material. The strength of the hygroscopicity of the material can be determined by the specified width, temperature, and H. The mass of water absorbed by a unit mass of dried material in a specified time is measured.
3.5 Adhesion
When materials are transported in a continuous conveying device, the material adheres to certain components of the conveying device that are in contact with it. The adhesion of materials is measured by the pressure of the material adhering to the long surface of the component after the material is passed through a certain shape of force component with a specified degree and method under the specified pressure and force conditions. .6 The material has the property of producing toxic effects on the environment or human body. The material is called hazardous material. 3. Crushing ratio: The material particles (or dense blocks) are subjected to magnetic friction, combustion, shearing or other external forces before being disassembled by the vehicle. The magnetic properties of the material are used to determine the crushing rate. The material with acidity and biodegradability is used to determine the crushing rate. After transportation, the material quality that is broken by the plate accounts for the proportion of the conveyed material quality.
3. Winding property
The property that some fibrous and linear materials will entangle with the moving structure of the conveying equipment during the conveying process is called the entanglement property of the material
3.9 Combustibility and explosion hazard
The property of spontaneous combustion of materials due to heat or other causes during the conveying process is called the spontaneous combustion property of materials. The property of materials that have the danger of exploding during the conveying process is called the explosion hazard of materials. Materials that are free from explosion hazard, such as saltpeter, water medicine, flour, etc., are called instant explosion hazard materials. 3.10 Micro-structured
The property of materials that freeze under special conditions is called the freezing property of materials. Materials that are usually solid are called special structured materials.
4 Classification of bulk materials
JRT 9014.1—1999
For the classification of bulk materials according to their typical particle size, see Table 1. 4.1
For bulk materials in the form of powder or granular form, see Table 2 for their classification according to their size.
European materials
Emergency plastics
Midstream materials
Initiative materials
Sage materials control book moisture strength classification see table
Dense stacking
Light materials
4.4 Inspection materials are divided into one category according to their moisture content: Dry materials-
Material containing only cool structure:
Material containing green structure water and floating water;
Base code
First-stage materials|| tt||Wet materials - materials containing structural water, or materials with surface water 4.5 Bulk materials can be divided into the following categories according to their specific flow properties:
Materials that can float in the air and flow freely like a wave body, free-flowing materials, 30°;
- Materials that flow normally above the surface: >20°..45\: 3 - Materials with poor mobility, 2>45°.60
Small solid materials, 9>9:
Materials that are not easy to fall, easy to accumulate, easy to rise, and difficult to separate. 8
7 Internal friction coefficient
The ratio of the friction force to the normal pressure on the material layer caused by the interaction between material particles (or material blocks) and their surface friction is called the internal friction coefficient of the material. The internal friction coefficient of the material is divided into static internal friction coefficient and dynamic internal friction coefficient. a) Static internal friction coefficient
The ratio of the maximum friction force of the material layer to the normal pressure in a relatively static state is called the static internal friction coefficient of the material. 6) Dynamic internal friction coefficient
The ratio of the friction force of the material to the normal pressure when two material layers move relative to each other is called the dynamic internal friction coefficient of the material. 2.8 External contact coefficient
The ratio of the friction force between the material and a certain material surface in contact with it to the normal pressure is called the external friction coefficient of the material on the solid material.
The external friction coefficient can be divided into static friction coefficient and dynamic friction coefficient. a) Static friction coefficient, the external friction coefficient between a material and a certain solid surface in contact with it in a static state, is called dynamic friction coefficient. h) Dynamic friction coefficient, the external friction coefficient between a material and a certain solid surface in contact with it when they slide against each other at a certain speed, is called dynamic friction coefficient.
3.0 Pressure coefficient
The external friction coefficient between a material and a certain solid surface in contact with it when they slide against each other at a certain speed, is called dynamic friction coefficient. The ratio of the force (i.e., the water positive force) to the main pressure in the opposite direction of the material layer is called the side coefficient.
Under the concept of equal stopping, the ratio of the positive force between the side pressure generated by the material shortage and the theoretical filling force to which the material is subjected is called the micro-net side coefficient
When the material changes to vibration, the ratio of the side pressure generated on the wall to the normal force in the designed direction to which the material layer is subjected is called the dynamic force. When the material is in the direction of the external system, the side pressure generated by the material is called the passive force. 2.10 Shear strength
When there is no relative slip in the material, the maximum shear stress that a single connected area should be subjected to is called the optimal strength of the structure: MP The shear strength of the material is determined by the internal force of the material particles. The initial shear strength of the material particles is determined by the internal force of the material particles. (M
1. 11T Bonding
After the granular material is compacted into a certain state, the compacted ball will show a loose state of resistance to damage, which is called the compacting property of the material.
The compacting property is the minimum state of the compacted ball falling freely from the full position to the rigid flat surface.
3 Other special properties
The other special properties of the bulk material refer to the special properties that affect the conveying efficiency of the conveying equipment structure. For materials with any of the following special properties, the material performance indicators must be indicated when they are provided: Special properties:
a) Propidium:
6) Abrasiveness:
e) Corrosiveness:
d) Hygroscopicity:
e) Adhesion:
g) Carbon dioxide:
h) Containment:
Natural and explosive hazard:
Solidity. ||t 3.1 Potential abrasiveness The abrasiveness of materials is expressed by the size of their particles. 3.2 Lateral damage IRT9014.1-1999 When a material and a fixed surface in contact with it move relative to each other, the properties of the contact surface are used as the abrasiveness of the material. The penetration of a material can be measured by grinding a material under certain temperature and pressure conditions. When the material moves against a certain solid material at a certain speed, the surface of the solid material will be damaged within a specified period of time. The material will be damaged by the chemical reaction between the material and the surface of the solid material. This is called the corrosiveness of the material. It is the property of the material to produce a chemical effect on the solid material. The material is called corrosive material. When the material is placed in a certain temperature and mixing condition, and the material and the solid material surface are transported or transported at a certain speed, the surface area of ​​the shell material per unit area will be separated in a certain time. 4. When the product is stacked or transported, it absorbs moisture from the surrounding air and changes its humidity (water content), which is called the hygroscopicity of the material. The strength of the hygroscopicity of the material can be determined by the specified width, temperature, and H. The mass of water absorbed by a unit mass of dried material in a specified time is measured.
3.5 Adhesion
When materials are transported in a continuous conveying device, the material adheres to certain components of the conveying device that are in contact with it. The adhesion of materials is measured by the pressure of the material adhering to the long surface of the component after the material is passed through a certain shape of force component with a specified degree and method under the specified pressure and force conditions. .6 The material has the property of producing toxic effects on the environment or human body. The material is called hazardous material. 3. Crushing ratio: The material particles (or dense blocks) are subjected to magnetic friction, combustion, shearing or other external forces before being disassembled by the vehicle. The magnetic properties of the material are used to determine the crushing rate. The material has the property of producing toxic effects on the environment or human body. The material is called hazardous material. 3. Crushing ratio: The material particles (or dense blocks) are subjected to magnetic friction, combustion, shearing or other external forces before being disassembled by the vehicle. The material particles (blocks) are subjected to magnetic forces. The material particles (blocks) are subjected to magnetic forces. The material particles (blocks) are subjected to magnetic forces. The material particles (blocks) are subjected to magnetic forces. The material particles (blocks) are subjected to magnetic forces. The material particles (blocks) are subjected to magnetic forces. The material particles (blocks) are subjected to magnetic forces.
3. Winding property
The property that some fibrous and linear materials will entangle with the moving structure of the conveying equipment during the conveying process is called the entanglement property of the material
3.9 Combustibility and explosion hazard
The property of spontaneous combustion of materials due to heat or other causes during the conveying process is called the spontaneous combustion property of materials. The property of materials that have the danger of exploding during the conveying process is called the explosion hazard of materials. Materials that are free from explosion hazard, such as saltpeter, water medicine, flour, etc., are called instant explosion hazard materials. 3.10 Micro-structured
The property of materials that freeze under special conditions is called the freezing property of materials. Materials that are usually solid are called special structured materials.
4 Classification of bulk materials
JRT 9014.1—1999
For the classification of bulk materials according to their typical particle size, see Table 1. 4.1
For bulk materials in the form of powder or granular form, see Table 2 for their classification according to their size.
European materials
Emergency plastics
Midstream materials
Initiative materials
Sage materials control book moisture strength classification see table
Dense stacking
Light materials
4.4 Inspection materials are divided into one category according to their moisture content: Dry materials-
Material containing only cool structure:
Material containing green structure water and floating water;
Base code
First-stage materials|| tt||Wet materials - materials containing structural water, or materials with surface water 4.5 Bulk materials can be divided into the following categories according to their specific flow properties:
Materials that can float in the air and flow freely like waves, free-flowing materials, 30°;
- Materials that flow normally: >20°..45\: 3 - Materials with poor mobility, 2>45°.60
Small solid materials, 9>9:
Materials that are not easy to fall, easy to accumulate, easy to rise, and difficult to separate. 8
0 create pressure coefficient month
The material is mixed and released in the wall of Jianke, and the formaldehyde is produced on the side of the plan! The ratio of the force (i.e., the water positive force) to the main pressure in the opposite direction of the material layer is called the side coefficient.
Under the concept of equal stopping, the ratio of the positive force between the side pressure generated by the material shortage and the theoretical filling force to which the material is subjected is called the micro-net side coefficient
When the material changes to vibration, the ratio of the side pressure generated on the wall to the normal force in the designed direction to which the material layer is subjected is called the dynamic force. When the material is in the direction of the external system, the material produces a high side pressure on the measured surface, which is called the passive force. 2.10 Shear strength
When there is no relative slip in the material, the maximum shear stress that a single connected area should be subjected to is called the optimal strength of the structure: MP The shear strength of the material is determined by the internal force of the material particles. The initial shear strength of the material particles is determined by the internal force of the material particles. (M
1. 11T Bonding
After the granular material is compacted into a certain state, the compacted ball will show a loose state of resistance to damage, which is called the compacting property of the material.
The compacting property is the minimum state of the compacted ball falling freely from the full position to the rigid flat surface.
3 Other special properties
The other special properties of the bulk material refer to the special properties that affect the conveying efficiency of the conveying equipment structure. For materials with any of the following special properties, the material performance indicators must be indicated when they are provided: Special properties:
a) Propidium:
6) Abrasiveness:
e) Corrosiveness:
d) Hygroscopicity:
e) Adhesion:
g) Carbon dioxide:
h) Containment:
Natural and explosive hazard:
Solidity. ||t 3.1 Potential abrasiveness The abrasiveness of materials is expressed by the size of their particles. 3.2 Lateral damage IRT9014.1-1999 When a material and a fixed surface in contact with it move relative to each other, the properties of the contact surface are used as the abrasiveness of the material. The penetration of a material can be measured by grinding a material under certain temperature and pressure conditions. When the material moves against a certain solid material at a certain speed, the surface of the solid material will be damaged within a specified period of time. The material will be damaged by the chemical reaction between the material and the surface of the solid material. This is called the corrosiveness of the material. It is the property of the material to produce a chemical effect on the solid material. The material is called corrosive material. When the material is placed in a certain temperature and mixing condition, and the material and the solid material surface are transported or transported at a certain speed, the surface area of ​​the shell material per unit area will be separated in a certain time. 4. When the product is stacked or transported, it absorbs moisture from the surrounding air and changes its humidity (water content), which is called the hygroscopicity of the material. The strength of the hygroscopicity of the material can be determined by the specified width, temperature, and H. The mass of water absorbed by a unit mass of dried material in a specified time is measured.
3.5 Adhesion
When materials are transported in a continuous conveying device, the material adheres to certain components of the conveying device that are in contact with it. The adhesion of materials is measured by the pressure of the material adhering to the long surface of the component after the material is passed through a certain shape of force component with a specified degree and method under the specified pressure and force conditions. .6 The material has the property of producing toxic effects on the environment or human body. The material is called hazardous material. 3. Crushing ratio: The material particles (or dense blocks) are subjected to magnetic friction, combustion, shearing or other external forces before being disassembled by the vehicle. The magnetic properties of the material are used to determine the crushing rate. The material with acidity and biodegradability is used to determine the crushing rate. After transportation, the material quality that is broken by the plate accounts for the proportion of the conveyed material quality.
3. Winding property
The property that some fibrous and linear materials will entangle with the moving structure of the conveying equipment during the conveying process is called the entanglement property of the material
3.9 Combustibility and explosion hazard
The property of spontaneous combustion of materials due to heat or other causes during the conveying process is called the spontaneous combustion property of materials. The property of materials that have the danger of exploding during the conveying process is called the explosion hazard of materials. Materials that are free from explosion hazard, such as saltpeter, water medicine, flour, etc., are called instant explosion hazard materials. 3.10 Micro-structured
The property of materials that freeze under special conditions is called the freezing property of materials. Materials that are usually solid are called special structured materials.
4 Classification of bulk materials
JRT 9014.1—1999
For the classification of bulk materials according to their typical particle size, see Table 1. 4.1
For bulk materials in the form of powder or granular form, see Table 2 for their classification according to their size.
European materials
Emergency plastics
Midstream materials
Initiative materials
Sage materials control book moisture strength classification see table
Dense stacking
Light materials
4.4 Inspection materials are divided into one category according to their moisture content: Dry materials-
Material containing only cool structure:
Material containing green structure water and floating water;
Base code
First-stage materials|| tt||Wet materials - materials containing structural water, or materials with surface water 4.5 Bulk materials can be divided into the following categories according to their specific flow properties:
Materials that can float in the air and flow freely like a wave body, free-flowing materials, 30°;
- Materials that flow normally above the surface: >20°..45\: 3 - Materials with poor mobility, 2>45°.60
Small solid materials, 9>9:
Materials that are not easy to fall, easy to accumulate, easy to rise, and difficult to separate. 8
0 create pressure coefficient month
The material is mixed and released in the wall of Jianke, and the formaldehyde is produced on the side of the plan! The ratio of the force (i.e., the water positive force) to the main pressure in the opposite direction of the material layer is called the side coefficient.
Under the concept of equal stopping, the ratio of the positive force between the side pressure generated by the material shortage and the theoretical filling force to which the material is subjected is called the micro-net side coefficient
When the material changes to vibration, the ratio of the side pressure generated on the wall to the normal force in the designed direction to which the material layer is subjected is called the dynamic force. When the material is in the direction of the external system, the side pressure generated by the material is called the passive force. 2.10 Shear strength
When there is no relative slip in the material, the maximum shear stress that a single connected area should be subjected to is called the optimal strength of the structure: MP The shear strength of the material is determined by the internal force of the material particles. The initial shear strength of the material particles is determined by the internal force of the material particles. (M
1. 11T Bonding
After the granular material is compacted into a certain state, the compacted ball will show a loose state of resistance to damage, which is called the compacting property of the material.
The compacting property is the minimum state of the compacted ball falling freely from the full position to the rigid flat surface.
3 Other special properties
The other special properties of the bulk material refer to the special properties that affect the conveying efficiency of the conveying equipment structure. For materials with any of the following special properties, the material performance indicators must be indicated when they are provided: Special properties:
a) Propidium:
6) Abrasiveness:
e) Corrosiveness:
d) Hygroscopicity:
e) Adhesion:
g) Carbon dioxide:
h) Containment:
Natural and explosive hazard:
Solidity. ||t 3.1 Potential abrasiveness The abrasiveness of materials is expressed by the size of their particles. 3.2 Lateral damage IRT9014.1-1999 When a material and a fixed surface in contact with it move relative to each other, the properties of the contact surface are used as the abrasiveness of the material. The penetration of a material can be measured by grinding a material under certain temperature and pressure conditions. When the material moves against a certain solid material at a certain speed, the surface of the solid material will be damaged within a specified period of time. The material will be damaged by the chemical reaction between the material and the surface of the solid material. This is called the corrosiveness of the material. It is the property of the material to produce a chemical effect on the solid material. The material is called corrosive material. When the material is placed in a certain temperature and mixing condition, and the material and the solid material surface are transported or transported at a certain speed, the surface area of ​​the shell material per unit area will be separated in a certain time. 4. When the product is stacked or transported, it absorbs moisture from the surrounding air and changes its humidity (water content), which is called the hygroscopicity of the material. The strength of the hygroscopicity of the material can be determined by the specified width, temperature, and H. The mass of water absorbed by a unit mass of dried material in a specified time is measured.
3.5 Adhesion
When materials are transported in a continuous conveying device, the material adheres to certain components of the conveying device that are in contact with it. The adhesion of materials is measured by the pressure of the material adhering to the long surface of the component after the material is passed through a certain shape of force component with a specified degree and method under the specified pressure and force conditions. .6 The material has the property of producing toxic effects on the environment or human body. The material is called hazardous material. 3. Crushing ratio: The material particles (or dense blocks) are subjected to magnetic friction, combustion, shearing or other external forces before being disassembled by the vehicle. The magnetic properties of the material are used to determine the crushing rate. The material with acidity and biodegradability is used to determine the crushing rate. After transportation, the material quality that is broken by the plate accounts for the proportion of the conveyed material quality.
3. Winding property
The property that some fibrous and linear materials will entangle with the moving structure of the conveying equipment during the conveying process is called the entanglement property of the material
3.9 Combustibility and explosion hazard
The property of spontaneous combustion of materials due to heat or other causes during the conveying process is called the spontaneous combustion property of materials. The property of materials that have the danger of exploding during the conveying process is called the explosion hazard of materials. Materials that are free from explosion hazard, such as saltpeter, water medicine, flour, etc., are called instant explosion hazard materials. 3.10 Micro-structured
The property of materials that freeze under special conditions is called the freezing property of materials. Materials that are usually solid are called special structured materials.
4 Classification of bulk materials
JRT 9014.1—1999
For the classification of bulk materials according to their typical particle size, see Table 1. 4.1
For bulk materials in the form of powder or granular form, see Table 2 for their classification according to their size.
European materials
Emergency plastics
Midstream materials
Initiative materials
Sage materials control book moisture strength classification see table
Dense stacking
Light materials
4.4 Inspection materials are divided into one category according to their moisture content: Dry materials-
Material containing only cool structure:
Material containing green structure water and bleaching water;
Base code
First-stage materials|| tt||Wet materials - materials containing structural water, or materials with surface water 4.5 Bulk materials can be divided into the following categories according to their specific flow properties:
Materials that can float in the air and flow freely like a wave body, free-flowing materials, 30°;
- Materials that flow normally above the surface: >20°..45\: 3 - Materials with poor mobility, 2>45°.60
Small solid materials, 9>9:
Materials that are not easy to fall, easy to accumulate, easy to rise, and difficult to separate. 8
When a material and a fixed surface in contact with it move against each other, the properties of the contact surface are called the abrasive properties of the material. The wear resistance of a material can be measured by measuring the wear rate of the solid surface when the material moves against a solid surface at a certain temperature and pressure. The wear rate of the solid surface is measured within a specified time. 3.3 Corrosiveness
The property of a material that undergoes a chemical reaction with the solid surface and causes it to be damaged is called the corrosiveness of the material. The material that has a protective effect on the solid surface is called the corrosiveness of the material. The wear resistance of a material can be measured by measuring the wear rate of the solid surface per unit area within a specified time when the material moves against the solid surface at a certain speed under certain temperature and pressure. 4. Absorption of substances
When materials are stored or transported, they absorb water from the surrounding air and change their humidity (water content), which is called the hygroscopicity of substances.
The strength of the hygroscopicity of substances can be measured by the amount of water absorbed by a unit mass of ten-dry materials in a specified time under a specified temperature, humidity and humidity.
3.5. Adhesion
When materials are transported in a continuous conveying device, the materials adhere to certain components of the conveying device that are in contact with them. The adhesion of materials is the pressure drop of the materials adhered to the component surface after the materials are penetrated by the specified force components with specified shape and method under the specified conditions. 3.6 The materials with the property of producing toxic effects on the environment or human body are called hazardous materials. 3. The crushing ratio is light, and the particles (or dense blocks) of the materials are subjected to magnetic friction, flame retardation, shearing or control, etc. The magnetic properties of the material particles (blocks) before the vehicle is disassembled, the acidity of the material is used to measure the crushing rate, and the material after transportation is broken. The material mass that is broken accounts for the proportion of the conveying material mass. 3. Winding property. Some fibrous and linear materials will be entangled on the moving structure of the conveying equipment during the conveying process, which is called entanglement. 3.9 Combustibility and explosion hazard. The material will be entangled in the moving structure of the conveying equipment during the conveying process. Among them, the property of spontaneous combustion due to heat or other reasons is called spontaneous combustion material. The property of materials that have the danger of exploding is called explosion hazard material. Materials that are free from explosion hazard are called instant explosion material. 3.10 Micro-materials The property of freezing under special conditions is called freezing property of materials. Materials that freeze are called special solid materials.
4 Classification of bulk materials
JRT 9014.1—1999
The classification of materials according to their typical particle size is shown in Table 1. 4.1
The classification of large-scale materials in the form of raw materials, powders, and granules according to their density is shown in Table 2.
European materials
Dissipative plastics
Midstream materials
Natural materials
Slurry materials
Dense materials
Light materials
4.4 Inspection materials are divided into two categories according to their moisture content: dry materials
Containing only coolant Materials:
materials with structured water and floating water;
base code
a material
wet materials - materials containing structured water, materials with surface water 4.5 bulk materials are divided into:
materials that can float in the air and flow freely like a wave body, free-flowing materials, when 30°;
- materials that flow normally: >20°..45\: 3 - materials with poor mobility, 2>45°.60
small solid classification, 9>9:
materials that are not easy to fall, easy to accumulate, easy to rise, and difficult to separate. 8
secretion jade structure1-1999
When a material and a fixed surface in contact with it move against each other, the properties of the contact surface are called the abrasive properties of the material. The wear resistance of a material can be measured by measuring the wear rate of the solid surface when the material moves against a solid surface at a certain temperature and pressure. The wear rate of the solid surface is measured within a specified time. 3.3 Corrosiveness
The property of a material that undergoes a chemical reaction with the solid surface and causes it to be damaged is called the corrosiveness of the material. The material that has a protective effect on the solid surface is called the corrosiveness of the material. The wear resistance of a material can be measured by measuring the wear rate of the solid surface per unit area within a specified time when the material moves against the solid surface at a certain speed under certain temperature and pressure. 4. Absorption of substances
When materials are stored or transported, they absorb water from the surrounding air and change their humidity (water content), which is called the hygroscopicity of substances.
The strength of the hygroscopicity of substances can be measured by the amount of water absorbed by a unit mass of ten-dry materials in a specified time under a specified temperature, humidity and humidity.
3.5. Adhesion
When materials are transported in a continuous conveying device, the materials adhere to certain components of the conveying device that are in contact with them. The adhesion of materials is the pressure drop of the materials adhered to the component surface after the materials are penetrated by the specified force components with specified shape and method under the specified conditions. 3.6 The materials with the property of producing toxic effects on the environment or human body are called hazardous materials. 3. The crushing ratio is light, and the particles (or dense blocks) of the materials are subjected to magnetic friction, flame retardation, shearing or control, etc. The magnetic properties of the material particles (blocks) before the vehicle is disassembled, the acidity of the material is used to measure the crushing rate, and the material after transportation is broken. The material mass that is broken accounts for the proportion of the conveying material mass. 3. Winding property. Some fibrous and linear materials will be entangled on the moving structure of the conveying equipment during the conveying process, which is called entanglement. 3.9 Combustibility and explosion hazard. The material will be entangled in the moving structure of the conveying equipment during the conveying process. Among them, the property of spontaneous combustion due to heat or other reasons is called spontaneous combustion of materials. The property of materials that have the danger of exploding is called explosion hazard of materials. Materials that are free from explosion hazard, such as saltpeter, water medicine, flour, etc., are called instant explosion materials. 3.10 Micro-synthesis
The property of materials that freeze under special conditions is called freezing property of materials. Materials that freeze in a certain way are called special solid materials.
4 Classification of bulk materials
JRT 9014.1—1999
The classification of materials according to their typical particle size is shown in Table 1. 4.1
The classification of large-scale materials in the form of raw materials, powders, and granules according to their density is shown in Table 2.
European materials
Dissipative plastics
Midstream materials
Natural materials
Slurry materials
Dense materials
Light materials
4.4 Inspection materials are divided into two categories according to their moisture content: dry materials
Containing only coolant Materials:
materials with structured water and floating water;
base code
a material
wet materials - materials containing structured water, materials with surface water 4.5 bulk materials are divided into:
materials that can float in the air and flow freely like a wave body, free-flowing materials, when 30°;
- materials that flow normally: >20°..45\: 3 - materials with poor mobility, 2>45°.60
small solid classification, 9>9:
materials that are not easy to fall, easy to accumulate, easy to rise, and difficult to separate. 8
secretion jade structure
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