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Ergonomic principles in the design of work systems

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 16251-1996

Standard Name:Ergonomic principles in the design of work systems

Chinese Name: 工作系统设计的人类工效学原则

Standard category:National Standard (GB)


Date of Release1996-03-26

Date of Implementation:1996-10-01

Date of Expiration:2009-01-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Environmental Protection, Health Care and Safety >> 13.180 Ergonomics

Standard Classification Number:Comprehensive>>Basic Standards>>A25 Ergonomics

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaced SJ/Z 9108-1987; replaced by GB/T 16251-2008

Procurement status:eqv ISO 6385:1981

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press

Publication date:1996-10-01

other information

Release date:1996-03-26

Review date:2004-10-14

drafter:Hua Donghong, Xu Liancang, Xiao Hui, Gao Jing, Chen Senyao

Drafting unit:China Institute of Standardization and Information Classification and Coding

Focal point unit:National Technical Committee on Ergonomics Standardization

Proposing unit:National Technical Committee on Ergonomics Standardization

Publishing department:State Bureau of Technical Supervision

competent authority:National Standardization Administration

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the basic principles of ergonomics for the design of work systems. It is used to design the best working conditions for the quality of life, safety and health of people, while also taking into account technical and economic effects. GB/T 16251-1996 Ergonomic principles for the design of work systems GB/T16251-1996 standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
This standard specifies the basic principles of ergonomics for the design of work systems. It is used to design the best working conditions for the quality of life, safety and health of people, while also taking into account technical and economic effects.

Some standard content:

GB/T 16251---1996
This standard is equivalent to IS0 6385&T Ergonomic principles for work system design (1981) in terms of technical content. This standard specifies the basic principles for work system design related to people's quality of life, safety and health, and advocates that the design of work systems should be based on actual experience and apply ergonomic knowledge to meet the above requirements. At the same time, it points out that technical, economic, organizational and human factors as part of the work system will affect people's work behavior and physical health. This standard can be used as a basis for guiding various departments to formulate relevant ergonomic standards based on actual conditions. Appendix A of the standard is a suggestive appendix.
This standard was proposed and coordinated by the National Ergonomics Standardization Technical Committee. This standard was drafted by the National Institute of Standardization and Information Classification and Coding, and was jointly completed by the Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Guangdong Provincial Institute of Labor Protection.
Car logo beach main drafter Hua Donghong Xu Liancang, Xiao Hui, Gao Ding, Chen Senyao This standard was first published in March 1996: GB/T 162511996
ISO Foreword
ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is a technical group in the world composed of national standard research institutes (ISO member bodies). The drafting of international standards is completed by ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in the subject of a technical committee that has been approved has the right to participate in the committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, may maintain contact with ISO and participate in its work
Before the 150 Council accepts it as an international standard, the technical committee must send the draft international standard to be adopted to the member bodies for approval.
International Standard ISO) 6385 was drafted by ISO)/TC159 Technical Committee on Ergonomics Standardization and sent to the member bodies in October 1978.
The following member bodies have endorsed the publication of this standard: Australia Austria Belgium Gachen Czech Republic France Germany Hungary Italy Korea Mexico Netherlands
New Zealand Poland Romania South Africa Spain Switzerland United Kingdom The following member bodies have not endorsed the publication of this standard: Bulgaria United States
This international standard was first published in June 1981. 1 Scope
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Ergonomlc principles in the design of work systems GB/T16251—1996
eqv IS0 6385:1981
This standard specifies the basic principles of ergonomics in the design of work systems for the design of optimal working conditions for the quality of life, safety and health of people, taking into account technical and economic effects. NOTE
1 This standard should be used in conjunction with other relevant standards, regulations or agreements. 2 To meet the additional requirements of certain types of people, such as age effects, physical and mental disabilities, special working places or emergency situations, some of the provisions of this standard may be adjusted as necessary.
3 Although the principles in this standard are applicable to industry, they are also applicable to other areas of human activity. 2 Definitions
This standard adopts the following definitions.
2.1 Work system
A system composed of work environment, work space, people and work equipment that work together in the work process under set conditions to complete the work task.
2.2 Work task
The result to be achieved by the work system.
2.3 Work equipment
The tools, machines, vehicles, devices, facilities, installations and other elements used in the work system. 2.4 Work process
The sequence of interaction between people, work equipment, materials, energy and information in time and space in the work system. 2.5 Workspace workspac
The space allocated to one or more people in a work system in order to complete work tasks. 2.6 Work environment The physical, chemical, biological, social and cultural factors surrounding people in the work space. Note: This standard does not involve social and cultural factors. 2.7 Work stress (or external load) The totality of those external conditions and demands that disturb the physical and/or psychological state of people in the work system. 2.8 Work strain (or internal reaction) The influence of work stress on the individual characteristics and abilities of people. 2.9 Work fatigue
The various manifestations of local or systemic non-pathological nature caused by work stress, which can be fully recovered through physical therapy. National
3 General guidelines
3.1 Design of working space and working equipment
3.1.1 Design related to body size
GB/T 16251 1996
The design of working space and working equipment should take into account the factors of body size during work. The working space should be suitable for the operator, especially the following points: 1) The working height should be suitable for the operator's body size and the type of work to be performed. The seat, workbench and/or workbench should be designed to ensure a suitable body posture, that is, the body is straight and the body weight can be properly supported. The elbows are at the sides of the body and the forearms are horizontal.
) The seating device should be adjusted to suit the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the person. c) Sufficient space should be provided for body movements, especially for the movement of the head, arms, hands, legs and feet. d) The manipulators should be set within the range of body functions. c) The handles and grips should be suitable for the anatomical characteristics of the hand functions. 3.1.2 Design of body posture, muscle force and body movement The design of the work should avoid unnecessary or excessive tension on muscles, joints, ligaments and respiratory and circulatory systems. The force requirements should be within the range allowed by physiological conditions. The body movements should follow natural rhythms. The body posture, the use of force and the body movements should be coordinated with each other. The following points should be noted in body posture: a) The worker should be able to alternate between sitting and standing positions. If he must choose between the two, the sitting position is usually preferred, but the work process may also require a standing position. b) If greater muscle force must be applied, the time of tension or force through the body should be minimized or simplified by adopting appropriate body postures and providing appropriate body support. c) Avoid body postures that cause static muscle tension for a long time. It should be possible to change body postures. The following points should be noted in muscle method: The force requirement should be appropriate to the operator's muscle strength: b) The muscle groups involved must be able to meet the force requirement. If the force requirement is too great, a human assistant should be called in to assist the work system.
) Avoid prolonged static tension of the same muscle group. Body movements
The following points should be noted:
) A good balance should be maintained between body movements. In order to maintain stability for a long time, it is best to change the movement. b) The amplitude, intensity, speed and rhythm of the movement should be coordinated. ) For movements requiring high precision, it should not require a lot of muscle strength. d) If appropriate, guidance devices should be provided to facilitate the implementation of actions and clarify their sequence. 3.1.3 Design of signals, displays and manipulators 3-1.3.1 Signals and displays
Signals and displays should be selected, designed and configured in a manner that is suitable for human perception characteristics. In particular, the following points should be noted: The type and number of signals and displays should be consistent with the characteristics of the information. b) When there are many displays, in order to clearly identify the information, their spatial arrangement should ensure that reliable information can be provided clearly and quickly. They can be arranged according to the importance and use of the process or specific information, or they can be divided into several groups according to the function of the process. GB/T 16251—1996
degree, shape, size, contrast, significance and signal-to-noise ratio. e) In long-term work involving observation and monitoring, the design and configuration of signals and displays should avoid the effects of overload and underload. Manipulators
The selection, design and configuration of manipulators should be appropriate to the characteristics of the operating part of the human body (especially movements), and should take into account skills, accuracy,speed and knife requirements. The following points should be met in particular: a) The type, design and configuration of the manipulator should be suitable for the control task. Human characteristics, including habitual and instinctive, should be taken into account.
The stroke and operating resistance of the manipulator should be selected according to the control task and biomechanical and anthropometric data. b)
C) Control actions, equipment responses and information displays should be adapted. d) The functions of various manipulators should be easy to distinguish to avoid confusion. e) In situations where there are a large number of manipulators, their configuration should ensure safe, clear and rapid operation, and they can be grouped according to their role in the process and the order of use, etc. The method is similar to the configuration of signals. f) Key manipulators should have protection devices to prevent misoperation. 3.2 Work environment design
The design of the work environment should be based on objective measurement and subjective evaluation to ensure that the physical, chemical and primer factors in the work environment are harmless to people, so as to ensure the health, work ability and convenience of the operator. The following points should be paid special attention to the working environment: h) The size of the workplace (overall layout, working space and passages) should be appropriate. h) Ventilation should be adjusted according to the following factors, such as: number of people in the space: physical labor intensity; number of people in the workplace (taking into account the working equipment): indoor pollutant generation: oxygen-consuming equipment 1
thermal conditions. c) The thermal environment of the workplace should be adjusted according to local climatic conditions, mainly considering: air temperature; air humidity:
- wind speed;
thermal radiation:
physical labor intensity:
- clothing characteristics of working equipment and special protective equipment. d) Lighting should provide the best visual experience for the required activities: special attention should be paid to the following factors: brightness:
light distribution:
no glare and unnecessary reflections:
brightness contrast and color contrast:
age of operating parts,
e) When choosing colors for rooms and work equipment, their effects on brightness distribution, on the structure and quality of the visual environment and on the full color should be considered.
f) Acoustic working environment should avoid the influence of harmful or disturbing noise, including the sound of external noise. Special attention should be paid to the following factors: sound pressure level;
distribution over time;
perception of sound signals:
speech clarity,
name) Vibration and impact transmitted to people should not cause physical damage and pathological reactions or sensory motor nervous system disorders. b) Exposure of workers to harmful radiation from hazardous substances should be avoided. 3.3 Design of work processes
The design of work processes should ensure the health and safety of workers, improve their quality of life and enhance work performance. In particular, overload or underload should be avoided. Exceeding the upper or lower limits of the physiological and/or psychological function range of the operation will form overload and/or underload. For example:
Physical or sensory overload causes fatigue; conversely, underload or monotonous work will reduce alertness. The physiological and psychological stress depends not only on the factors considered in 3.1 and 3.2, but also on the content and repetition of the operation and the control of the operator over the entire work process. Attention should be paid to adopting one or more of the following methods to improve the quality of the work process: a) One operator replaces several operators to complete several consecutive operations belonging to the same job function (function expansion). b) One operator replaces several operators to complete the continuous operations belonging to different job functions. For example, the quality inspection after assembly work can be completed by the defective product inspection personnel (function enrichment). ) Change of work, such as organizing workers to voluntarily change their jobs on the assembly line or within the work team. ) Organized or unorganized breaks. When adopting the above methods, special attention should be paid to the following points: e) Changes in alertness and daily changes in work ability. f) Differences in work ability between operators and changes with age. α) Improvement of personal skills.
A1 Supplementary definition
A1. 1 Job design
B/T 162511996
Appendix A
(Suggestive Appendix)
Supplementary explanation of work system design
Organize and sequence each independent task in time and space. A1.2 Work organization work urganizitin The relationship and interaction between people in one or more work systems. A2 Optimization of workpieces See Figure A1. ... In some cases, this is best achieved by providing facilities that enable them to respond to the needs of the individual. A3 The relationship between workers and work systems is shown in Figure A2.
Working environment
Working system
Work organization
Social and cultural environment
Operational process
Note: The figure above gives the various factors that affect the design of the work system in the form of a diagram, and also shows how the various levels are related and the influence of the design process. [The figure shows the interaction between workers and machines and work places, and gives: the overall physical environment in which the work is completed. The possible influence of the organizational structure in which the work system is located must also be considered, and it is obviously difficult to formally incorporate it into the design process. In addition, the possible conflicts caused by the social and cultural factors are also not equal.
A4 The structure of the design process
See Figure A3.
a) Orientation
b) Analysis
Task allocation
) Materialization
e) Confirmation
(Assessment + design policy)
) Implementation
Work system tasks
Work system rules
People's tasks
Implementation methods
According to technical tasks
Technical domain
Entity model
Working device
Note: 1: Xie gives a summary diagram of the design process, in which there is a clear boundary between the stages and the results of the stages. Each stage can be qualitatively described by orientation, analysis, task allocation, materialization, confirmation and implementation. The purpose is to establish an optimal working system. This overall goal can be achieved by completing the tasks of the corresponding stages in the design process. For example, the purpose of this phase of the orientation is to give a description of the work system task. When a phase is completed, its sub-objectives are converted into results. Before proceeding to the next phase, the relevant personnel should evaluate the results of the completed phase. This design process can be applied to solve specific design problems. The design process requires a variety of activities, such as: writing reports, inspections, research, literature research, drawing, calculations, discussions and user participation. The key to the problem is to proceed in a simple and effective way. This sketch does not give a sequence of activities, but a structure of a design process. This structure diagram is very helpful in deciding what actions to take. The human-machine interface is related to the interaction between people and technical measures. In a physical sense, the human-machine interface is a part of the technical solution required for human-machine interaction. It provides information about the technical solution to enable people to control the machine. The design of the human-machine interface is included in the design process from beginning to end, and is represented by a dotted line in Figure A3.This is indicated by a dotted line in Figure A3.This is indicated by a dotted line in Figure A3.This is indicated by a dotted line in Figure A3.This is indicated by a dotted line in Figure A3.2 Design of working environment
The design of working environment should be based on objective measurement and subjective evaluation to ensure that the chemical and biological factors in the working environment are harmless to people, so as to ensure the health, working ability and convenience of the workers. Special attention should be paid to the following points for the working environment:
The size of the workplace (overall layout, working space and passages) should be appropriate.
The ventilation should be adjusted according to the following factors, such as; the number of people in the space:
the degree of physical labor;
the number of people in the workplace (taking into account the working equipment): the generation of indoor pollutants:
- oxygen-consuming equipment
thermal conditions.
c) The thermal environment of the workplace should be adjusted according to the local climatic conditions, mainly considering: air temperature;
air humidity:
-wind speed;
thermal radiation:
the intensity of physical labor:
-the characteristics of clothing, working equipment and special protective equipment. d) Lighting should provide the best visual experience for the required activities: special attention should be paid to the following factors: brightness:
light distribution:
no glare and unnecessary reflections:
brightness contrast and color contrast:
age of operating parts,
e) When choosing colors for rooms and work equipment, their effects on brightness distribution, on the structure and quality of the visual environment and on the full color should be considered.
f) Acoustic working environment should avoid the influence of harmful or disturbing noise, including the sound of external noise. Special attention should be paid to the following factors: sound pressure level;
distribution over time;
perception of sound signals:
speech clarity,
name) Vibration and impact transmitted to people should not cause physical damage and pathological reactions or sensory motor nervous system disorders. b) Exposure of workers to harmful radiation from hazardous substances should be avoided. 3.3 Design of work processes
The design of work processes should ensure the health and safety of workers, improve their quality of life and enhance work performance. In particular, overload or underload should be avoided. Exceeding the upper or lower limits of the physiological and/or psychological function range of the operation will form overload and/or underload. For example:
Physical or sensory overload causes fatigue; conversely, underload or monotonous work will reduce alertness. The physiological and psychological stress depends not only on the factors considered in 3.1 and 3.2, but also on the content and repetition of the operation and the control of the operator over the entire work process. Attention should be paid to adopting one or more of the following methods to improve the quality of the work process: a) One operator replaces several operators to complete several consecutive operations belonging to the same job function (function expansion). b) One operator replaces several operators to complete the continuous operations belonging to different job functions. For example, the quality inspection after assembly work can be completed by the defective product inspection personnel (function enrichment). ) Change of work, such as organizing workers to voluntarily change their jobs on the assembly line or within the work team. ) Organized or unorganized breaks. When adopting the above methods, special attention should be paid to the following points: e) Changes in alertness and daily changes in work ability. f) Differences in work ability between operators and changes with age. α) Improvement of personal skills.
A1 Supplementary definition
A1. 1 Job design
B/T 162511996
Appendix A
(Suggestive Appendix)
Supplementary explanation of work system design
Organize and sequence each independent task in time and space. A1.2 Work organization work urganizitin The relationship and interaction between people in one or more work systems. A2 Optimization of workpieces See Figure A1. ... In some cases, this is best achieved by providing facilities that enable them to respond to the needs of the individual. A3 The relationship between workers and work systems is shown in Figure A2.
Working environment
Working system
Work organization
Social and cultural environment
Operational process
Note: The figure above gives the various factors that affect the design of the work system in the form of a diagram, and also shows how the various levels are related and the influence of the design process. [The figure shows the interaction between workers and machines and work places, and gives: the overall physical environment in which the work is completed. The possible influence of the organizational structure in which the work system is located must also be considered, and it is obviously difficult to formally incorporate it into the design process. In addition, the possible conflicts caused by the social and cultural factors are also not equal.
A4 The structure of the design process
See Figure A3.
a) Orientation
b) Analysis
Task allocation
) Materialization
e) Confirmation
(Assessment + design policy)
) Implementation
Work system tasks
Work system rules
People's tasks
Implementation methods
According to technical tasks
Technical domain
Entity model
Working device
Note: 1: Xie gives a summary diagram of the design process, in which there is a clear boundary between the stages and the results of the stages. Each stage can be qualitatively described by orientation, analysis, task allocation, materialization, confirmation and implementation. The purpose is to establish an optimal working system. This overall goal can be achieved by completing the tasks of the corresponding stages in the design process. For example, the purpose of this phase of the orientation is to give a description of the work system task. When a phase is completed, its sub-objectives are converted into results. Before proceeding to the next phase, the relevant personnel should evaluate the results of the completed phase. This design process can be applied to solve specific design problems. The design process requires a variety of activities, such as: writing reports, inspections, research, literature research, drawing, calculations, discussions and user participation. The key to the problem is to proceed in a simple and effective way. This sketch does not give a sequence of activities, but a structure of a design process. This structure diagram is very helpful in deciding what actions to take. The human-machine interface is related to the interaction between people and technical measures. In a physical sense, the human-machine interface is a part of the technical solution required for human-machine interaction. It provides information about the technical solution to enable people to control the machine. The design of the human-machine interface is included in the design process from beginning to end, and is represented by a dotted line in Figure A3.2 Design of working environment
The design of working environment should be based on objective measurement and subjective evaluation to ensure that the chemical and biological factors in the working environment are harmless to people, so as to ensure the health, working ability and convenience of the workers. Special attention should be paid to the following points for the working environment:
The size of the workplace (overall layout, working space and passages) should be appropriate.
The ventilation should be adjusted according to the following factors, such as; the number of people in the space:
the degree of physical labor;
the number of people in the workplace (taking into account the working equipment): the generation of indoor pollutants:
- oxygen-consuming equipment
thermal conditions.
c) The thermal environment of the workplace should be adjusted according to the local climatic conditions, mainly considering: air temperature;
air humidity:
-wind speed;
thermal radiation:
the intensity of physical labor:
-the characteristics of clothing, working equipment and special protective equipment. d) Lighting should provide the best visual experience for the required activities: special attention should be paid to the following factors: brightness:
light distribution:
no glare and unnecessary reflections:
brightness contrast and color contrast:
age of operating parts,
e) When choosing colors for rooms and work equipment, their effects on brightness distribution, on the structure and quality of the visual environment and on the full color should be considered.
f) Acoustic working environment should avoid the influence of harmful or disturbing noise, including the sound of external noise. Special attention should be paid to the following factors: sound pressure level;
distribution over time;
perception of sound signals:
speech clarity,
name) Vibration and impact transmitted to people should not cause physical damage and pathological reactions or sensory motor nervous system disorders. b) Exposure of workers to harmful radiation from hazardous substances should be avoided. 3.3 Design of work processes
The design of work processes should ensure the health and safety of workers, improve their quality of life and enhance work performance. In particular, overload or underload should be avoided. Exceeding the upper or lower limits of the physiological and/or psychological function range of the operation will form overload and/or underload. For example:
Physical or sensory overload causes fatigue; conversely, underload or monotonous work will reduce alertness. The physiological and psychological stress depends not only on the factors considered in 3.1 and 3.2, but also on the content and repetition of the operation and the control of the operator over the entire work process. Attention should be paid to adopting one or more of the following methods to improve the quality of the work process: a) One operator replaces several operators to complete several consecutive operations belonging to the same job function (function expansion). b) One operator replaces several operators to complete the continuous operations belonging to different job functions. For example, the quality inspection after assembly work can be completed by the defective product inspection personnel (function enrichment). ) Change of work, such as organizing workers to voluntarily change their jobs on the assembly line or within the work team. ) Organized or unorganized breaks. When adopting the above methods, special attention should be paid to the following points: e) Changes in alertness and daily changes in work ability. f) Differences in work ability between operators and changes with age. α) Improvement of personal skills.
A1 Supplementary definition
A1. 1 Job design
B/T 162511996
Appendix A
(Suggestive Appendix)
Supplementary explanation of work system design
Organize and sequence each independent task in time and space. A1.2 Work organization work urganizitin The relationship and interaction between people in one or more work systems. A2 Optimization of workpieces See Figure A1. ... In some cases, this is best achieved by providing facilities that enable them to respond to the needs of the individual. A3 The relationship between workers and work systems is shown in Figure A2.
Working environment
Working system
Work organization
Social and cultural environment
Operational process
Note: The figure above gives the various factors that affect the design of the work system in the form of a diagram, and also shows how the various levels are related and the influence of the design process. [The figure shows the interaction between workers and machines and work places, and gives: the overall physical environment in which the work is completed. The possible influence of the organizational structure in which the work system is located must also be considered, and it is obviously difficult to formally incorporate it into the design process. In addition, the possible conflicts caused by the social and cultural factors are also not equal.
A4 The structure of the design process
See Figure A3.
a) Orientation
b) Analysis
Task allocation
) Materialization
e) Confirmation
(Assessment + design policy)
) Implementation
Work system tasks
Work system rules
People's tasks
Implementation methods
According to technical tasks
Technical domain
Entity model
Working device
Note: 1: Xie gives a summary diagram of the design process, in which there is a clear boundary between the stages and the results of the stages. Each stage can be qualitatively described by orientation, analysis, task allocation, materialization, confirmation and implementation. The purpose is to establish an optimal working system. This overall goal can be achieved by completing the tasks of the corresponding stages in the design process. For example, the purpose of this phase of the orientation is to give a description of the work system task. When a phase is completed, its sub-objectives are converted into results. Before proceeding to the next phase, the relevant personnel should evaluate the results of the completed phase. This design process can be applied to solve specific design problems. The design process requires a variety of activities, such as: writing reports, inspections, research, literature research, drawing, calculations, discussions and user participation. The key to the problem is to proceed in a simple and effective way. This sketch does not give a sequence of activities, but a structure of a design process. This structure diagram is very helpful in deciding what actions to take. The human-machine interface is related to the interaction between people and technical measures. In a physical sense, the human-machine interface is a part of the technical solution required for human-machine interaction. It provides information about the technical solution to enable people to control the machine. The design of the human-machine interface is included in the design process from beginning to end, and is represented by a dotted line in Figure A3.For example; the number of people in the space:
physical labor intensity;
the number of people in the workplace (taking into account the work equipment): the generation of indoor pollutants:
- oxygen-consuming equipment 1
thermal conditions.
c) The thermal environment of the workplace should be adjusted according to local climatic conditions, mainly considering: air temperature;
air humidity:
- wind speed;
thermal radiation:
physical labor intensity:
- clothing characteristics of work equipment and special protective equipment. d) Lighting should provide the best visual experience for the required activities: special attention should be paid to the following factors: brightness:
light distribution:
no glare and unnecessary reflections:
brightness contrast and color contrast:
age of operating parts,
e) When choosing colors for rooms and work equipment, their effects on brightness distribution, on the structure and quality of the visual environment and on the full color should be considered.
f) Acoustic working environment should avoid the influence of harmful or disturbing noise, including the sound of external noise. Special attention should be paid to the following factors: sound pressure level;
distribution over time;
perception of sound signals:
speech clarity,
name) Vibration and impact transmitted to people should not cause physical damage and pathological reactions or sensory motor nervous system disorders. b) Exposure of workers to harmful radiation from hazardous substances should be avoided. 3.3 Design of work processes
The design of work processes should ensure the health and safety of workers, improve their quality of life and enhance work performance. In particular, overload or underload should be avoided. Exceeding the upper or lower limits of the physiological and/or psychological function range of the operation will form overload and/or underload. For example:
Physical or sensory overload causes fatigue; conversely, underload or monotonous work will reduce alertness. The physiological and psychological stress depends not only on the factors considered in 3.1 and 3.2, but also on the content and repetition of the operation and the control of the operator over the entire work process. Attention should be paid to adopting one or more of the following methods to improve the quality of the work process: a) One operator replaces several operators to complete several consecutive operations belonging to the same job function (function expansion). b) One operator replaces several operators to complete the continuous operations belonging to different job functions. For example, the quality inspection after assembly work can be completed by the defective product inspection personnel (function enrichment). ) Change of work, such as organizing workers to voluntarily change their jobs on the assembly line or within the work team. ) Organized or unorganized breaks. When adopting the above methods, special attention should be paid to the following points: e) Changes in alertness and daily changes in work ability. f) Differences in work ability between operators and changes with age. α) Improvement of personal skills.
A1 Supplementary definition
A1. 1 Job design
B/T 162511996
Appendix A
(Suggestive Appendix)
Supplementary explanation of work system design
Organize and sequence each independent task in time and space. A1.2 Work organization work urganizitin The relationship and interaction between people in one or more work systems. A2 Optimization of workpieces See Figure A1. ... In some cases, this is best achieved by providing facilities that enable them to respond to the needs of the individual. A3 The relationship between workers and work systems is shown in Figure A2.
Working environment
Working system
Work organization
Social and cultural environment
Operational process
Note: The figure above gives the various factors that affect the design of the work system in the form of a diagram, and also shows how the various levels are related and the influence of the design process. [The figure shows the interaction between workers and machines and work places, and gives: the overall physical environment in which the work is completed. The possible influence of the organizational structure in which the work system is located must also be considered, and it is obviously difficult to formally incorporate it into the design process. In addition, the possible conflicts caused by the social and cultural factors are also not equal.
A4 The structure of the design process
See Figure A3.
a) Orientation
b) Analysis
Task allocation
) Materialization
e) Confirmation
(Assessment + design policy)
) Implementation
Work system tasks
Work system rules
People's tasks
Implementation methods
According to technical tasks
Technical domain
Entity model
Working device
Note: 1: Xie gives a summary diagram of the design process, in which there is a clear boundary between the stages and the results of the stages. Each stage can be qualitatively described by orientation, analysis, task allocation, materialization, confirmation and implementation. The purpose is to establish an optimal working system. This overall goal can be achieved by completing the tasks of the corresponding stages in the design process. For example, the purpose of this phase of the orientation is to give a description of the work system task. When a phase is completed, its sub-objectives are converted into results. Before proceeding to the next phase, the relevant personnel should evaluate the results of the completed phase. This design process can be applied to solve specific design problems. The design process requires a variety of activities, such as: writing reports, inspections, research, literature research, drawing, calculations, discussions and user participation. The key to the problem is to proceed in a simple and effective way. This sketch does not give a sequence of activities, but a structure of a design process. This structure diagram is very helpful in deciding what actions to take. The human-machine interface is related to the interaction between people and technical measures. In a physical sense, the human-machine interface is a part of the technical solution required for human-machine interaction. It provides information about the technical solution to enable people to control the machine. The design of the human-machine interface is included in the design process from beginning to end, and is represented by a dotted line in Figure A3.For example; the number of people in the space:
physical labor intensity;
the number of people in the workplace (taking into account the work equipment): the generation of indoor pollutants:
- oxygen-consuming equipment 1
thermal conditions.
c) The thermal environment of the workplace should be adjusted according to local climatic conditions, mainly considering: air temperature;
air humidity:
- wind speed;
thermal radiation:
physical labor intensity:
- clothing characteristics of work equipment and special protective equipment. d) Lighting should provide the best visual experience for the required activities: special attention should be paid to the following factors: brightness:
light distribution:
no glare and unnecessary reflections:
brightness contrast and color contrast:
age of operating parts,
e) When choosing colors for rooms and work equipment, their effects on brightness distribution, on the structure and quality of the visual environment and on the full color should be considered.
f) Acoustic working environment should avoid the influence of harmful or disturbing noise, including the sound of external noise. Special attention should be paid to the following factors: sound pressure level;
distribution over time;
perception of sound signals:
speech clarity,
name) Vibration and impact transmitted to people should not cause physical damage and pathological reactions or sensory motor nervous system disorders. b) Exposure of workers to harmful radiation from hazardous substances should be avoided. 3.3 Design of work processes
The design of work processes should ensure the health and safety of workers, improve their quality of life and enhance work performance. In particular, overload or underload should be avoided. Exceeding the upper or lower limits of the physiological and/or psychological function range of the operation will form overload and/or underload. For example:
Physical or sensory overload causes fatigue; conversely, underload or monotonous work will reduce alertness. The physiological and psychological stress depends not only on the factors considered in 3.1 and 3.2, but also on the content and repetition of the operation and the control of the operator over the entire work process. Attention should be paid to adopting one or more of the following methods to improve the quality of the work process: a) One operator replaces several operators to complete several consecutive operations belonging to the same job function (function expansion). b) One operator replaces several operators to complete the continuous operations belonging to different job functions. For example, the quality inspection after assembly work can be completed by the defective product inspection personnel (function enrichment). ) Change of work, such as organizing workers to voluntarily change their jobs on the assembly line or within the work team. ) Organized or unorganized breaks. When adopting the above methods, special attention should be paid to the following points: e) Changes in alertness and daily changes in work ability. f) Differences in work ability between operators and changes with age. α) Improvement of personal skills.
A1 Supplementary definition
A1. 1 Job design
B/T 162511996
Appendix A
(Suggestive Appendix)
Supplementary explanation of work system design
Organize and sequence each independent task in time and space. A1.2 Work organization work urganizitin The relationship and interaction between people in one or more work systems. A2 Optimization of workpieces See Figure A1. ... In some cases, this is best achieved by providing facilities that enable them to respond to the needs of the individual. A3 The relationship between workers and work systems is shown in Figure A2.
Working environment
Working system
Work organization
Social and cultural environment
Operational process
Note: The figure above gives the various factors that affect the design of the work system in the form of a diagram, and also shows how the various levels are related and the influence of the design process. [The figure shows the interaction between workers and machines and work places, and gives: the overall physical environment in which the work is completed. The possible influence of the organizational structure in which the work system is located must also be considered, and it is obviously difficult to formally incorporate it into the design process. In addition, the possible conflicts caused by the social and cultural factors are also not equal.
A4 The structure of the design process
See Figure A3.
a) Orientation
b) Analysis
Task allocation
) Materialization
e) Confirmation
(Assessment + design policy)
) Implementation
Work system tasks
Work system ruleswww.bzxz.net
People's tasks
Implementation methods
According to technical tasks
Technical domain
Entity model
Working device
Note: 1: Xie gives a summary diagram of the design process, in which there is a clear boundary between the stages and the results of the stages. Each stage can be qualitatively described by orientation, analysis, task allocation, materialization, confirmation and implementation. The purpose is to establish an optimal working system. This overall goal can be achieved by completing the tasks of the corresponding stages in the design process. For example, the purpose of this phase of the orientation is to give a description of the work system task. When a phase is completed, its sub-objectives are converted into results. Before proceeding to the next phase, the relevant personnel should evaluate the results of the completed phase. This design process can be applied to solve specific design problems. The design process requires a variety of activities, such as: writing reports, inspections, research, literature research, drawing, calculations, discussions and user participation. The key to the problem is to proceed in a simple and effective way. This sketch does not give a sequence of activities, but a structure of a design process. This structure diagram is very helpful in deciding what actions to take. The human-machine interface is related to the interaction between people and technical measures. In a physical sense, the human-machine interface is a part of the technical solution required for human-machine interaction. It provides information about the technical solution to enable people to control the machine. The design of the human-machine interface is included in the design process from beginning to end, and is represented by a dotted line in Figure A3.3 Design of work processes
The design of work processes should ensure the health and safety of workers, improve their quality of life and enhance work performance. In particular, overload or underload should be avoided. Exceeding the upper or lower limit of the physiological and/or psychological function range of the operation will form overload and/or underload. For example:
Physical or sensory overload causes fatigue; on the contrary, underload or monotonous work will reduce alertness. The physiological and psychological stress depends not only on the factors considered in 3.1 and 3.2, but also on the content and repetition of the operation and the operator's control over the entire work process. Attention should be paid to adopting one or more of the following methods to improve the quality of the work process: a) One operator replaces several operators to complete several consecutive operations belonging to the same job function (function expansion). b) One operator replaces several operators to complete consecutive operations belonging to different job functions. For example, the quality inspection after assembly work can be completed by the defective product inspection personnel (function enrichment). ) Change of work, such as organizing voluntary change of work by workers on the assembly line or within the work team. ) Organized or unorganized rest. When using the above methods, special attention should be paid to the following points: e) Changes in alertness and daily changes in work ability. f) Differences in work ability between operators and changes with age. α) Improvement of personal skills.
A1 Supplementary definitions
A1. 1 Job design
B/T 162511996
Appendix A
(Suggestive Appendix)
Supplementary explanation of work system design
Organize and sequence each independent task in time and space. A1.2 Work organization The relationship and interaction between people in one or more work systems. A2 Optimization of work pieces
See Figure Al.
1Job enrichment
Reduce monotony
Work system
Mismatch of work system requirements
Reduce exhaustion
1Job fits the worker
Acquire new skills
Increase the worker's ability to do the job
Train or select
Note: There is often a mismatch between the requirements of the work system and the abilities of the worker. To minimize the mismatch between the abilities of the worker and the requirements of the work system, the work system requirements should be modified to suit the worker's ability to do the job, or the ability of the worker should be improved through education and training. In some cases, it may be necessary to select suitable workers from those who have certain innate characteristics. Priority should be given to design rather than training and selection of personnel to provide jobs that can be completed by as many people as possible. In some cases, this is best achieved by providing facilities that enable them to respond to the needs of the individual. A3 The relationship between workers and work systems is shown in Figure A2.
Working environment
Working system
Work organization
Social and cultural environment
Operational process
Note: The figure above gives the various factors that affect the design of the work system in the form of a diagram, and also shows how the various levels are related and the influence of the design process. [The figure shows the interaction between workers and machines and work places, and gives: the overall physical environment in which the work is completed. The possible influence of the organizational structure in which the work system is located must also be considered, and it is obviously difficult to formally incorporate it into the design process. In addition, the possible conflicts caused by the social and cultural factors are also not equal.
A4 The structure of the design process
See Figure A3.
a) Orientation
b) Analysis
Task allocation
) Materialization
e) Confirmation
(Assessment + design policy)
) Implementation
Work system tasks
Work system rules
People's tasks
Implementation methods
According to technical tasks
Technical domain
Entity model
Working device
Note: 1: Xie gives a summary diagram of the design process, in which there is a clear boundary between the stages and the results of the stages. Each stage can be qualitatively described by orientation, analysis, task allocation, materialization, confirmation and implementation. The purpose is to establish an optimal working system. This overall goal can be achieved by completing the tasks of the corresponding stages in the design process. For example, the purpose of this phase of the orientation is to give a description of the work system task. When a phase is completed, its sub-objectives are converted into results. Before proceeding to the next phase, the relevant personnel should evaluate the results of the completed phase. This design process can be applied to solve specific design problems. The design process requires a variety of activities, such as: writing reports, inspections, research, literature research, drawing, calculations, discussions and user participation. The key to the problem is to proceed in a simple and effective way. This sketch does not give a sequence of activities, but a structure of a design process. This structure diagram is very helpful in deciding what actions to take. The human-machine interface is related to the interaction between people and technical measures. In a physical sense, the human-machine interface is a part of the technical solution required for human-machine interaction. It provides information about the technical solution to enable people to control the machine. The design of the human-machine interface is included in the design process from beginning to end, and is represented by a dotted line in Figure A3.3 Design of work processes
The design of work processes should ensure the health and safety of workers, improve their quality of life and enhance work performance. In particular, overload or underload should be avoided. Exceeding the upper or lower limit of the physiological and/or psychological function range of the operation will form overload and/or underload. For example:
Physical or sensory overload causes fatigue; on the contrary, underload or monotonous work will reduce alertness. The physiological and psychological stress depends not only on the factors considered in 3.1 and 3.2, but also on the content and repetition of the operation and the operator's control over the entire work process. Attention should be paid to adopting one or more of the following methods to improve the quality of the work process: a) One operator replaces several operators to complete several consecutive operations belonging to the same job function (function expansion). b) One operator replaces several operators to complete consecutive operations belonging to different job functions. For example, the quality inspection after assembly work can be completed by the defective product inspection personnel (function enrichment). ) Change of work, such as organizing voluntary change of work by workers on the assembly line or within the work team. ) Organized or unorganized rest. When using the above methods, special attention should be paid to the following points: e) Changes in alertness and daily changes in work ability. f) Differences in work ability between operators and changes with age. α) Improvement of personal skills.
A1 Supplementary definitions
A1. 1 Job design
B/T 162511996
Appendix A
(Suggestive Appendix)
Supplementary explanation of work system design
Organize and sequence each independent task in time and space. A1.2 Work organization The relationship and interaction between people in one or more work systems. A2 Optimization of work pieces
See Figure Al.
1Job enrichment
Reduce monotony
Work system
Mismatch of work system requirements
Reduce exhaustion
1Job fits the worker
Acquire new skills
Increase the worker's ability to do the job
Train or select
Note: There is often a mismatch between the requirements of the work system and the abilities of the worker. To minimize the mismatch between the abilities of the worker and the requirements of the work system, the work system requirements should be modified to suit the worker's ability to do the job, or the ability of the worker should be improved through education and training. In some cases, it may be necessary to select suitable workers from those who have certain innate characteristics. Priority should be given to design rather than training and selection of personnel to provide jobs that can be completed by as many people as possible. In some cases, this is best achieved by providing facilities that enable them to respond to the needs of the individual. A3 The relationship between workers and work systems is shown in Figure A2.
Working environment
Working system
Work organization
Social and cultural environment
Operational process
Note: The figure above gives the various factors that affect the design of the work system in the form of a diagram, and also shows how the various levels are related and the influence of the design process. [The figure shows the interaction between workers and machines and work places, and gives: the overall physical environment in which the work is completed. The possible influence of the organizational structure in which the work system is located must also be considered, and it is obviously difficult to formally incorporate it into the design process. In addition, the possible conflicts caused by the social and cultural factors are also not equal.
A4 The structure of the design process
See Figure A3.
a) Orientation
b) Analysis
Task allocation
) Materialization
e) Confirmation
(Assessment + design policy)
) Implementation
Work system tasks
Work system rules
People's tasks
Implementation methods
According to technical tasks
Technical domain
Entity model
Working device
Note: 1: Xie gives a summary diagram of the design process, in which there is a clear boundary between the stages and the results of the stages. Each stage can be qualitatively described by orientation, analysis, task allocation, materialization, confirmation and implementation. The purpose is to establish an optimal working system. This overall goal can be achieved by completing the tasks of the corresponding stages in the design process. For example, the purpose of this phase of the orientation is to give a description of the work system task. When a phase is completed, its sub-objectives are converted into results. Before proceeding to the next phase, the relevant personnel should evaluate the results of the completed phase. This design process can be applied to solve specific design problems. The design process requires a variety of activities, such as: writing reports, inspections, research, literature research, drawing, calculations, discussions and user participation. The key to the problem is to proceed in a simple and effective way. This sketch does not give a sequence of activities, but a structure of a design process. This structure diagram is very helpful in deciding what actions to take. The human-machine interface is related to the interaction between people and technical measures. In a physical sense, the human-machine interface is a part of the technical solution required for human-machine interaction. It provides information about the technical solution to enable people to control the machine. The design of the human-machine interface is included in the design process from beginning to end, and is represented by a dotted line in Figure A3.There are two ways to improve workers' work ability, or to improve workers' work ability through education and training. In some cases, it may be necessary to select suitable workers from those with certain innate characteristics. Priority should be given to design rather than training and selection of personnel so as to provide work that can be completed by as many people as possible. In some cases, the best way to achieve this goal is to provide them with appropriate facilities according to their individual needs so that they can meet the work requirements. A3 The relationship between workers and work systems is shown in Figure A2.
(T testimonial)
Work space
Work environment
Work system
Work organization
Social and cultural environment
Operation process
Note: The above figure shows the various factors that affect the design of the work system in the form of a diagram, and also shows how the various levels are related and the influence of the design process. [The figure shows the interaction between workers and machines and the workplace, and gives the overall physical environment in which the work is performed. The possible impact of the organizational structure in which the work system is located must also be considered, and it is obviously difficult to formally incorporate this into the design process. In addition, the possible conflicts caused by social and cultural factors are also not taken into account.
A4 The structure of the design process
See Figure A3.
a) Orientation
b) Analysis
Task allocation
) Materialization
e) Confirmation
(Assessment + design policy)
) Implementation
Work system tasks
Work system rules
People's tasks
Implementation methods
Birthday design
According to technical tasks
Technical domain
Entity model
Working device
Note: 1: Xie gives a summary diagram of the design process, in which there is a clear boundary between the stages and the results of the stages. Each stage can be qualitatively described by orientation, analysis, task allocation, materialization, confirmation and implementation. The purpose is to establish an optimal working system. This overall goal can be achieved by completing the tasks of the corresponding stages in the design process. For example, the purpose of this phase of the orientation is to give a description of the work system task. When a phase is completed, its sub-objectives are converted into results. Before proceeding to the next phase, the relevant personnel should evaluate the results of the completed phase. This design process can be applied to solve specific design problems. The design process requires a variety of activities, such as: writing reports, inspections, research, literature research, drawing, calculations, discussions and user participation. The key to the problem is to proceed in a simple and effective way. This sketch does not give a sequence of activities, but a structure of a design process. This structure diagram is very helpful in deciding what actions to take. The human-machine interface is related to the interaction between people and technical measures. In a physical sense, the human-machine interface is a part of the technical solution required for human-machine interaction. It provides information about the technical solution to enable people to control the machine. The design of the human-machine interface is included in the design process from beginning to end, and is represented by a dotted line in Figure A3.There are two ways to improve workers' work ability, or to improve workers' work ability through education and training. In some cases, it may be necessary to select suitable workers from those with certain innate characteristics. Priority should be given to design rather than training and selection of personnel so as to provide work that can be completed by as many people as possible. In some cases, the best way to achieve this goal is to provide them with appropriate facilities according to their individual needs so that they can meet the work requirements. A3 The relationship between workers and work systems is shown in Figure A2.
(T testimonial)
Work space
Work environment
Work system
Work organization
Social and cultural environment
Operation process
Note: The above figure shows the various factors that affect the design of the work system in the form of a diagram, and also shows how the various levels are related and the influence of the design process. [The figure shows the interaction between workers and machines and the workplace, and gives the overall physical environment in which the work is performed. The possible impact of the organizational structure in which the work system is located must also be considered, and it is obviously difficult to formally incorporate this into the design process. In addition, the possible conflicts caused by social and cultural factors are also not taken into account.
A4 The structure of the design process
See Figure A3.
a) Orientation
b) Analysis
Task allocation
) Materialization
e) Confirmation
(Assessment + design policy)
) Implementation
Work system tasks
Work system rules
People's tasks
Implementation methods
Birthday design
According to technical tasks
Technical domain
Entity model
Working device
Note: 1: Xie gives a summary diagram of the design process, in which there is a clear boundary between the stages and the results of the stages. Each stage can be qualitatively described by orientation, analysis, task allocation, materialization, confirmation and implementation. The purpose is to establish an optimal working system. This overall go
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