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Constructing regulation of staple food processing & distributing center

Basic Information

Standard ID: SB/T 10559-2010

Standard Name:Constructing regulation of staple food processing & distributing center

Chinese Name: 主食加工配送中心建设规范

Standard category:Business Industry Standard (SB)

state:in force

Date of Release2010-05-04

Date of Implementation:2010-12-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Sociology, Services, Company (Enterprise) Organization and Management, Administration, Transport>>Company (Enterprise) Organization and Management>>03.100.01Company (Enterprise) Organization and Management Comprehensive

Standard Classification Number:General>>Economy, Culture>>A10 Commerce, Trade, Contract

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press

Publication date:2010-12-01

other information

drafter:Yang Liu, Chen Zeya, Xia Lianyue, He Kongbin

Drafting unit:China Cuisine Association

Focal point unit:Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China

Proposing unit:China Cuisine Association

Publishing department:Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China

competent authority:Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China

Introduction to standards:

SB/T 10559-2010 Specification for the construction of staple food processing and distribution centersSB/T10559-2010 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
This standard specifies the basic requirements and specific functional requirements that staple food processing and distribution centers should meet during construction. This standard is applicable to processing and distribution enterprises that target the mass catering market, including processing and distribution centers of Chinese staple food factories, group catering enterprises, breakfast enterprises, Chinese fast food enterprises, etc.
This standard is proposed by the China Cuisine Association.
The Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China is responsible for it.
The drafting unit of this standard: China Cuisine Association.
The main drafters of this standard: Yang Liu, Chen Zeya, Xia Lianyue, He Kongbin.
The clauses in the following documents become the clauses of this standard through reference in this standard. For all referenced documents with dates, all subsequent amendments (excluding errata) or revisions are not applicable to this standard. However, parties that reach an agreement based on this standard are encouraged to study whether the latest versions of these documents can be used. For all referenced documents without dates, the latest versions are applicable to this standard.
GB2760 Hygienic Standard for the Use of Food Additives
GB5749 Hygienic Standard for Drinking Water
GB7718 General Rules for Labeling of Prepackaged Foods
GB8978 Comprehensive Wastewater Discharge Standard
GB14881 General Hygienic Standard for Food Enterprises
GB14930.1 Hygienic Standard for Detergents Used in Food Utensils and Equipment
GB14930.2 Hygienic Standard for Detergents and Disinfectants Used in Food Utensils and Equipment
GB14934 Hygienic Standard for Disinfection of Tableware (Drinking Utensils)
GB18483 Emission Standard for Cooking Fume in the Catering Industry
GB/T21118 Wheat Flour Steamed Buns
GB/T21270 Food Fillings
SB/T10426 Business Specifications for Catering Enterprises
Hygiene Standards for Catering Industry and Collective Dining Distribution Units, Ministry of Health of the People's Republic of China, 2005 Edition,
Preface III
1 Scope1
2 Normative References1
3 Terms and Definitions1
4 Basic Requirements2
5 Specific Requirements4

Some standard content:

Registration number: 28837—2010
Domestic trade industry standard of the People's Republic of China SB/T10559—2010
Constructing regulation of staplefoodprocessing & distributing center2010-04-20 Issued
Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China
2010-12-01 Implementation
Normative reference documents
Terms and definitions
Basic requirements
Specific requirements
This standard is proposed by China Cuisine Association.
Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China is responsible for it.
Drafting unit of this standard: China Cuisine Association. Foreword
The main drafters of this standard are: Yang Liu, Chen Zeya, Xia Lianyue, He Kongbin. SB/T10559—2010
1 Scope
Construction Specification for Staple Food Processing and Distribution Center
This standard specifies the basic requirements and specific functional requirements that staple food processing and distribution centers should meet during construction. This standard is applicable to processing and distribution enterprises that target the mass catering market, including processing and distribution centers of Chinese staple food factories, group catering enterprises, breakfast enterprises, Chinese fast food enterprises, etc. 2 Normative References
The clauses in the following documents become clauses of this standard through reference in this standard. For any dated referenced document, all subsequent amendments (excluding errata) or revisions are not applicable to this standard. However, the parties to an agreement based on this standard are encouraged to study whether the latest versions of these documents can be used. For any undated referenced document, the latest version shall apply to this standard. GB2760 Hygienic standard for the use of food additives GB5749
Hygienic standard for drinking water
General rules for labeling of prepackaged food
Comprehensive sewage discharge standard
General hygienic specification for food enterprises
Hygienic standard for detergents used in food tools and equipment Hygienic standard for detergents and disinfectants used in food tools and equipment GB14930.21
GB149 34bzxZ.net
Standard for disinfection and sanitation of tableware
Standard for oil fume emission in catering industry
3Wheat flour steamed buns
Food fillings
Standard for operation of catering enterprises
Standard for sanitation of catering industry and collective dining distribution units, Ministry of Health of the People's Republic of China, 2005 edition3Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this standard. 3.1
Popularized catering
Provides affordable, convenient, hygienic and safe modern catering service formats for ordinary consumers. Including various types of breakfast, fast food, group meals, snacks, convenient meals, community catering, take-out meals and the supporting processing and distribution centers and other catering service systems. 3.2
Staple food
Basic food necessary for the lives of ordinary consumers. It is characterized by nutrition, hygiene, safety, convenience and economy, including all kinds of pasta, rice and edible finished products and semi-finished products with all kinds of edible animal and plant raw materials as the main ingredients. 3.3
Staple food processing and distribution center is a catering processing and operating entity that takes catering processing enterprises as the main body, popular catering food as the market positioning, adopts unified product processing and unified raw material procurement, and carries out unified distribution to its own and social outlets to provide various types of food for the daily life of urban and rural residents. According to its scale, it can be divided into three types: small, medium and large. SB/T10559—2010
Chinese staple food factory Staple food factory is a factory that mass produces and processes Chinese staple food with standardized process flow and mechanized operation mode. 3.5
Group catering enterprises
Professional catering service operating entities targeting group catering. 3.6
Breakfast projectenterprisesProfessional breakfast service operating entities targeting breakfast. 3.7
Chinese style fast food enterprises
Professional catering service operating entities targeting Chinese fast food. 4 Basic requirements
4.1 Site selection
The site selection of the processing and distribution center shall comply with or be conducive to the implementation of the requirements of GB14881, GB5749, GB8978, GB18483 and the requirements of the Ministry of Health's "Sanitary Standards for Catering Industry and Collective Dining Distribution Units". 4.2 Regional layout
The regional layout of the processing and distribution center shall follow the principles of "separation of dirty and clean areas, separation of rough and fine processing, separation of raw and cooked, separation of meat and vegetables, raw in and cooked out, personnel flow separation, economical and applicable, reasonable layout, and complete functions". Including work area and living area. The work area can be divided into: storage area, processing area, distribution area and office area. The processing area should be divided into: rough processing, fine processing, cooked processing, drying, packaging and distribution areas. 4.3 Type Capacity
The construction area of ​​the processing and distribution center is mainly the processing area, supplemented by a moderate proportion of storage, disinfection, packaging, distribution, and distribution areas. According to the scale, it can be divided into three categories: small, medium and large. 4.3.1 Small processing and distribution center
The construction area is not less than 2000m2, and the average daily production capacity is 50,000 (pieces, copies). 4.3.2 Medium-sized processing and distribution center
The construction area is not less than 5000m2, and the average daily production capacity is 100,000 (pieces, copies). 4.3.3 Large processing and distribution center
The construction area is not less than 8000m2, and the average daily production capacity is 150,000 (pieces, copies). 4.4 Qualifications
The processing and distribution center should have the qualifications required for legal operation, complete certificates and formalities. Mainly including business license, tax registration, catering service license, fire license, environmental protection license, municipal license, food safety certification, etc. It should pass ISO22000 quality management system or ISO9OOO series certification and establish HACCP system. 4.5 Professional guarantee
It should have processing areas or central processing and distribution centers for staple food, liquid food, dishes and other foods. The processing and distribution center should establish and improve various systems and establish various professional guarantees such as procurement, warehousing, processing, and distribution. 4.5.1 Procurement
Includes office conditions, information systems, communication systems, transportation guarantees, job settings, staffing, form records, inspection standards, operating procedures and other contents.
4.5.2 Warehousing
It should have warehouses, workshops, cold storage, freezers and other places with warehousing functions and related cleaning, lighting, ventilation, refrigeration, heating and other related equipment in the storage area. Including room and warehouse configuration and classification, equipment and facilities and tools configuration, job setting, staffing, account form, personnel and warehouse system, operation process and other contents.
4.5.3 Processing
Including processing functions, regional (moving line) layout, equipment configuration, energy configuration, processing standards, quality control inspection, food packaging, job setting, staffing, form records, process flow and other contents. 4.5.4 Distribution
Including office conditions, information system, communication system, transportation vehicles, product distribution, transaction rules, job setting, staffing, form records, operation process and other contents.
The containers and vehicles for distribution should be equipped with food refrigeration and hot storage equipment and corresponding cleaning and disinfection facilities. 4.5.5 Quality Control
The professional quality control guarantee of the staple food processing and distribution center runs through the procurement, warehousing, processing and distribution links, and there should be relevant systems, product quality standards and corresponding facilities and equipment guarantees. Basic requirements
The sources of various finished products and semi-finished products, including raw materials, auxiliary materials, water quality, tools, utensils, etc., as well as the quality control of each link, must comply with the national food safety and hygiene and enterprise product quality standards, and the system for requesting certificates and invoices must be sound, measures must be implemented, procedures must be complete, and records must be complete and traceable. Quality standards
Have quality standards for the production and processing of various finished products and semi-finished products. Quality control capabilities
Have the ability to control the quality of the entire process of procurement, warehousing, processing, and distribution operations. Facilities and equipment
It is advisable to have instruments and equipment for physical and chemical, microbiological, and pesticide residue testing, detection, evaluation, and sample retention of raw materials, auxiliary materials, finished products, and semi-finished products. System specifications
Have job settings, professional skills, and system specifications that are suitable for the production scale. Tide source guarantee
Have production operation records and emergency response measures. 4.5.6 Safety
The staple food processing and distribution center should have professional safety guarantees throughout the procurement, warehousing, processing, and distribution links. Personnel safety
The safety of personnel from entering to leaving the storage, processing and distribution site. Material safety
The safety of materials from entering to leaving the storage, processing and distribution site. Water quality safety
The detection and safety of water flow, storage, use and outflow. Air flow safety
The safety of air flow, temperature and humidity environment zoning. Equipment and facility safety
The safety of equipment and facilities associated with the entire process of processing and operation. "Four prevention" safety
Safety control and guarantee measures should be taken to prevent rats, flies, insects and moisture. "Three prevention" safety
Safety control and guarantee measures should be taken to prevent fire, theft and deterioration. 3
SB/T10559—2010 Process safety
There shall be safety monitoring and evaluation in each link of procurement, warehousing, processing and distribution. All finished products and semi-finished products shall be sampled, sampled and re-inspected, and data shall be recorded. Emergency plan
There shall be an emergency plan for public health and food safety emergencies. Others
Regularly strengthen inspections of procurement, warehousing, processing, packaging, distribution, recycling and other links to ensure safety. 4.6 Personnel health
All employees shall undergo health examinations by the local catering service food safety supervision department on a regular basis as required, and shall hold a "health certificate" when on duty.
4.7 Enterprise self-discipline
The production date (time) and the first shelf life (refrigerated time) and the second shelf life (normal temperature time) of various types of packaged and non-packaged products must be clearly indicated. Finished products and semi-finished products that have exceeded their shelf life or are unqualified shall be destroyed in a timely manner. 5 Specific requirements
5.1 Procurement
Procurement personnel shall have corresponding professional skills and shall select, compare, price, confirm, accept and store the purchased items, tools, utensils, main materials, auxiliary materials, energy and other materials. 5.2 Warehousing
The staple food processing and distribution center shall have various warehouses, cold storage, ice storage and equipment, facilities and tools suitable for the inventory materials. The custodians shall inspect, classify, stack, mark, count, ship, destroy and account for the purchased materials (items, tools, utensils, main materials, auxiliary materials, energy, etc.) and shall be responsible for the storage and management during the storage period.
5.3 Processing
Processing shall have personnel and equipment suitable for the production variety and scale, mainly for the identification, classification, cleaning, cutting and cooking of main materials, auxiliary materials and other raw materials to make finished products or semi-finished products. 5.3.1 Place
There should be processing places suitable for the production varieties and scale. The ground and drainage facilities should be complete, the walls and doors and windows should be intact, and the ceiling design should be easy to clean.
5.3.2 Equipment
There should be processing equipment suitable for the production varieties and scale, and regular cleaning and maintenance should be carried out to ensure good operation. 5.3.3 Energy
Energy should use clean energy to reduce waste emissions. 5.3.4 Personnel
There should be various technical and management personnel suitable for the production varieties and scale, and they should be educated and trained continuously to improve their professional skills. 5.3.5 Quality
Finished products and semi-finished products should have strict and standardized processing quality standards to meet modern consumer needs. 5.3.6 Processing technology
Finished products and semi-finished products should have clear and quantifiable processing technology, and the process should be continuously optimized. 5.3.7 Work system
All work systems should be established and improved. Including the implementation system of product standards, good operating practices, maintenance of facilities and equipment, etc. 5.4 Distribution
Delivery at the right time, right quantity, and right temperature (normal temperature, insulation, cold chain) according to the requirements of each sales terminal (stores, supermarkets, stalls, etc.). 5.4.1 Tallying function
According to the distribution list assigned by the information center, pick up and distribute finished products and semi-finished products from the warehouse and processing workshop. 5.4.2 Distribution function
Classify, summarize, package, stack, and verify finished products and semi-finished products based on sales terminals (stores, supermarkets, stalls, etc.). 5.4.3 Transportation function
The transportation tools are reasonably dispatched and should be adapted to the distribution needs. 5.4.4 Replenishment function
Reasonably allocate various types of finished products and semi-finished products to ensure the stable operation of relevant sales terminals (stores, supermarkets, stalls, etc.). 5.5 Information System
Through the information system, the information on production, supply, sales, research and transportation can be summarized, classified, processed, ordered, transmitted, registered and retrieved accurately and quickly.
5.5.1 Store Management System
The sales terminal has a cash register POS system, a computer terminal and communication tools to place orders to the staple food processing and distribution center to realize information collection, processing and control.
5.5.2 Electronic Ordering System
The purchasing department of the staple food processing and distribution center accepts the order application of the sales terminal assigned by the information center, and places orders to the supplier in the form of orders after analysis and collation.
5.5.3 Inventory Management System
The storage department of the staple food processing and distribution center implements computer information management on personnel warehouse, outbound warehouse, cargo location, cargo number, inventory and demand forecast. 5.5.4 Production and processing system
The processing workshop of the staple food processing and distribution center accepts the purchase application of the sales terminal assigned by the information center, and uses it as a basis for processing, production, making, packaging and other operations to realize computer information management. 5.5.5 Shipping and distribution system
The distribution department of the staple food processing and distribution center realizes computer information management for shipping and distribution operations, building division, cargo box arrangement, loading and unloading, and transportation guidance.
5.6 Energy saving and environmental protection
Use energy-saving and environmental protection equipment to save water, electricity and fuel to the maximum extent. The wastewater, waste, exhaust gas and noise discharged during the processing process should meet the relevant national and local standards.9 Emergency Plan
An emergency plan should be prepared for public health and food safety emergencies. Others
Regularly strengthen inspections of procurement, warehousing, processing, packaging, distribution, recycling and other links to ensure safety. 4.6 Personnel Health
All employees must undergo regular health checks by the local catering service food safety supervision department as required, and hold a "health certificate" to work.
4.7 Enterprise Self-discipline
The production date (time) and the first shelf life (refrigerated time) and the second shelf life (normal temperature time) of various types of packaged and non-packaged products must be clearly indicated. Finished products and semi-finished products that have exceeded their shelf life or are unqualified should be destroyed in a timely manner. 5 Specific Requirements
5.1 Procurement
Procurement personnel should have corresponding professional skills and conduct quality comparison, price comparison, confirmation, acceptance and storage of the purchased items, tools, utensils, main materials, auxiliary materials, energy and other materials. 5.2 Storage
The staple food processing and distribution center should have various warehouses, cold storage, ice storage and equipment, facilities and tools suitable for inventory materials. The custodians shall inspect, classify, stack, mark, count, ship, destroy and account for the purchased materials (articles, tools, utensils, main materials, auxiliary materials, energy, etc.), and be responsible for the storage and management during the storage period.
5.3 Processing
Processing should have personnel and equipment suitable for the production variety and scale, mainly to identify, classify, clean, cut and cook the main materials, auxiliary materials and other raw materials to make finished products or semi-finished products. 5.3.1 Place
There should be a processing place suitable for the production variety and scale. The ground and drainage facilities are complete, the walls and doors and windows are intact, and the ceiling design should be easy to clean.
5.3.2 Equipment
There should be processing equipment suitable for the production variety and scale, and it should be cleaned and repaired regularly to ensure good operation. 5.3.3 Energy
Energy should use clean energy to reduce waste emissions. 5.3.4 Personnel
There should be various technical and management personnel that are suitable for the production varieties and scale, and they should be educated and trained continuously to improve their professional skills. 5.3.5 Quality
Finished products and semi-finished products should have strict and standardized processing quality standards to meet modern consumer needs. 5.3.6 Processing technology
Finished products and semi-finished products should have clear and quantifiable processing technology, and the process should be continuously optimized. 5.3.7 Work system
All work systems should be established and improved. Including the implementation system of product standards, good operating practices, and maintenance of facilities and equipment. 5.4 Distribution
Delivery should be carried out in a timely, appropriate amount, and appropriate temperature (normal temperature, insulation, cold chain) according to the requirements of each sales terminal (stores, supermarkets, stalls and other outlets). 5.4.1 Tallying function
According to the distribution list assigned by the information center, pick up and distribute finished products and semi-finished products from the warehouse and processing workshop. 5.4.2 Distribution function
Classify, summarize, package, stack and verify finished products and semi-finished products based on sales terminals (stores, supermarkets, stalls and other outlets). 5.4.3 Transportation function
The transportation tools are reasonably dispatched and should be adapted to the distribution needs. 5.4.4 Replenishment and adjustment function
Rationally allocate various finished products and semi-finished products to ensure the stable operation of relevant sales terminals (stores, supermarkets, stalls and other outlets). 5.5 Information system
Through the information system, various information on production, supply, sales, research and transportation can be summarized, classified, processed, ordered, transmitted, registered and retrieved accurately and quickly.
5.5.1 Store Management System
The sales terminal has a cash register POS system, a computer terminal, and communication tools to place orders to the staple food processing and distribution center to realize information collection, processing and control.
5.5.2 Electronic Ordering System
The purchasing department of the staple food processing and distribution center accepts the sales terminal order application assigned by the information center, and after analysis and sorting, places orders with suppliers in the form of orders.
5.5.3 Inventory Management System
The storage department of the staple food processing and distribution center implements computer information management for personnel warehouse, outbound, cargo location, cargo number, inventory and demand forecast. 5.5.4 Production and Processing System
The processing workshop of the staple food processing and distribution center accepts the sales terminal purchase application assigned by the information center, and uses it as a basis for processing, production, making, packaging and other operations to realize computer information management. 5.5.5 Shipping and Distribution System
The distribution department of the staple food processing and distribution center implements computer information management for shipping and distribution operations, building division, cargo box arrangement, loading and unloading, and transportation guidance.
5.6 Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection
Energy-saving and environmental protection equipment should be used to save water, electricity and fuel to the maximum extent. Wastewater, waste, exhaust gas and noise discharged during the processing process should meet the relevant national and local standards.9 Emergency Plan
An emergency plan should be prepared for public health and food safety emergencies. Others
Regularly strengthen inspections of procurement, warehousing, processing, packaging, distribution, recycling and other links to ensure safety. 4.6 Personnel Health
All employees must undergo regular health checks by the local catering service food safety supervision department as required, and hold a "health certificate" to work.
4.7 Enterprise Self-discipline
The production date (time) and the first shelf life (refrigerated time) and the second shelf life (normal temperature time) of various types of packaged and non-packaged products must be clearly indicated. Finished products and semi-finished products that have exceeded their shelf life or are unqualified should be destroyed in a timely manner. 5 Specific Requirements
5.1 Procurement
Procurement personnel should have corresponding professional skills and conduct quality comparison, price comparison, confirmation, acceptance and storage of the purchased items, tools, utensils, main materials, auxiliary materials, energy and other materials. 5.2 Storage
The staple food processing and distribution center should have various warehouses, cold storage, ice storage and equipment, facilities and tools suitable for inventory materials. The custodians shall inspect, classify, stack, mark, count, ship, destroy and account for the purchased materials (articles, tools, utensils, main materials, auxiliary materials, energy, etc.), and be responsible for the storage and management during the storage period.
5.3 Processing
Processing should have personnel and equipment suitable for the production variety and scale, mainly to identify, classify, clean, cut and cook the main materials, auxiliary materials and other raw materials to make finished products or semi-finished products. 5.3.1 Place
There should be a processing place suitable for the production variety and scale. The ground and drainage facilities are complete, the walls and doors and windows are intact, and the ceiling design should be easy to clean.
5.3.2 Equipment
There should be processing equipment suitable for the production variety and scale, and it should be cleaned and repaired regularly to ensure good operation. 5.3.3 Energy
Energy should use clean energy to reduce waste emissions. 5.3.4 Personnel
There should be various technical and management personnel that are suitable for the production varieties and scale, and they should be educated and trained continuously to improve their professional skills. 5.3.5 Quality
Finished products and semi-finished products should have strict and standardized processing quality standards to meet modern consumer needs. 5.3.6 Processing technology
Finished products and semi-finished products should have clear and quantifiable processing technology, and the process should be continuously optimized. 5.3.7 Work system
All work systems should be established and improved. Including the implementation system of product standards, good operating practices, and maintenance of facilities and equipment. 5.4 Distribution
Delivery should be carried out in a timely, appropriate amount, and appropriate temperature (normal temperature, insulation, cold chain) according to the requirements of each sales terminal (stores, supermarkets, stalls and other outlets). 5.4.1 Tallying function
According to the distribution list assigned by the information center, pick up and distribute finished products and semi-finished products from the warehouse and processing workshop. 5.4.2 Distribution function
Classify, summarize, package, stack and verify finished products and semi-finished products based on sales terminals (stores, supermarkets, stalls and other outlets). 5.4.3 Transportation function
The transportation tools are reasonably dispatched and should be adapted to the distribution needs. 5.4.4 Replenishment and adjustment function
Rationally allocate various finished products and semi-finished products to ensure the stable operation of relevant sales terminals (stores, supermarkets, stalls and other outlets). 5.5 Information system
Through the information system, various information on production, supply, sales, research and transportation can be summarized, classified, processed, ordered, transmitted, registered and retrieved accurately and quickly.
5.5.1 Store Management System
The sales terminal has a cash register POS system, a computer terminal, and communication tools to place orders to the staple food processing and distribution center to realize information collection, processing and control.
5.5.2 Electronic Ordering System
The purchasing department of the staple food processing and distribution center accepts the sales terminal order application assigned by the information center, and after analysis and sorting, places orders with suppliers in the form of orders.
5.5.3 Inventory Management System
The storage department of the staple food processing and distribution center implements computer information management for personnel warehouse, outbound, cargo location, cargo number, inventory and demand forecast. 5.5.4 Production and Processing System
The processing workshop of the staple food processing and distribution center accepts the sales terminal purchase application assigned by the information center, and uses it as a basis for processing, production, making, packaging and other operations to realize computer information management. 5.5.5 Shipping and Distribution System
The distribution department of the staple food processing and distribution center implements computer information management for shipping and distribution operations, building division, cargo box arrangement, loading and unloading, and transportation guidance.
5.6 Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection
Energy-saving and environmental protection equipment should be used to save water, electricity and fuel to the maximum extent. Wastewater, waste, exhaust gas and noise discharged during the processing process should meet the relevant national and local standards.3 Inventory Management System
The warehousing department of the staple food processing and distribution center implements computer information management for personnel storage, outbound storage, cargo location, cargo number, inventory and demand forecast. 5.5.4 Production and processing system
The processing workshop of the staple food processing and distribution center accepts the purchase application of the sales terminal assigned by the information center, and uses it as a basis for processing, production, making, packaging and other operations to implement computer information management. 5.5.5 Shipping and distribution system
The distribution department of the staple food processing and distribution center implements computer information management for shipping and distribution operations, building division, cargo box arrangement, loading and unloading, and transportation guidance.
5.6 Energy saving and environmental protection
Use energy-saving and environmental protection equipment to save water, electricity and fuel to the maximum extent. The wastewater, waste, exhaust gas and noise discharged during the processing process should meet the relevant national and local standards.3 Inventory Management System
The warehousing department of the staple food processing and distribution center implements computer information management for personnel storage, outbound storage, cargo location, cargo number, inventory and demand forecast. 5.5.4 Production and processing system
The processing workshop of the staple food processing and distribution center accepts the purchase application of the sales terminal assigned by the information center, and uses it as a basis for processing, production, making, packaging and other operations to implement computer information management. 5.5.5 Shipping and distribution system
The distribution department of the staple food processing and distribution center implements computer information management for shipping and distribution operations, building division, cargo box arrangement, loading and unloading, and transportation guidance.
5.6 Energy saving and environmental protection
Use energy-saving and environmental protection equipment to save water, electricity and fuel to the maximum extent. The wastewater, waste, exhaust gas and noise discharged during the processing process should meet the relevant national and local standards.
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