title>JB/T 8606-1997 Abrasive Belt - JB/T 8606-1997 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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JB/T 8606-1997 Abrasive Belt

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 8606-1997

Standard Name: Abrasive Belt

Chinese Name: 砂带

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release1997-08-18

Date of Implementation:1998-01-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Machinery>>Process Equipment>>J43 Abrasives and Grinding Tools

associated standards

alternative situation:ZB J43005-88

Procurement status:ISO 1929-93 MOD

Publication information

other information

Focal point unit:National Technical Committee for Standardization of Abrasives and Grinding Tools

Introduction to standards:

JB/T 8606-1997 JB/T 8606-1997 Abrasive Belt JB/T8606-1997 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

This standard is a revision of ZBJ43005—88 Abrasive Belts based on the production level and use requirements of major domestic manufacturers. The basic dimensions and limit deviations are equivalent to ISO1929—1993 Abrasive Belts—Marking, Dimensions and Tolerances. From the date of entry into force of this standard, ZBJ43005--88 will be abolished at the same time. This standard is proposed and managed by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Abrasives and Grinding Tools. The responsible drafting unit of this standard: Baihe (Group) Co., Ltd. The main drafters of this standard: Wu Qibin, Fang Hong, Zhang Suhong. 314bZxz.net
1 Scope
Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
This standard specifies the classification, technical requirements, test methods, sampling and marking, packaging and storage of products. JB/T8606—1997
This standard applies to joint abrasive belts made by bonding artificial or natural abrasives to the surface of cloth or paper composite bases with various adhesive materials such as animal glue and synthetic resin as adhesives. 2 Referenced standards
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard is published, the versions shown are valid. All standards will be revised, and the parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards. GB/T2476--94 Code of common abrasives
GB2828-87 Procedure for sampling by counting and sampling table for batch inspection (applicable to inspection of continuous batches)GB/T15305.3-94 Dimensions and tolerances of coated abrasive beltsJB/T3889-94 Abrasive cloth
JB/T7424-94 Determination method of tensile strength and elongation of coated abrasivesJB/T7498--94 Sandpaper
3 Product classification
3.1 Classification by binder and its code see JB/T38893.2 Classification by base material and its code see JB/T3889 and JB/T7498, and add a composite base. 3.3 Abrasive code shall comply with the provisions of GB2476. 3.4 Jointing method see Figures 1 to 4.
Figure 1 Overlap
Approved by the Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China on August 18, 1997BB
Padding film
Figure 2 Butt joint
Implementation on January 1, 1998
5 Marking example
Padding film
Figure 3' Butt joint
JB/T 8606
Figure 4 Inlay joint
Specification size (b×l) 1350mm×2620mmBrown corundum P100Grit sizeFull resin heavy cloth abrasive belt: Abrasive belt R/RH1350mmX2620mmAP100JB/T8606—19974Technical requirements
4.1Abrasive cloth and sandpaper shall comply with the provisions of JB/T3889 and JB/T7498. 4.2 The size of the abrasive belt and its limit deviation shall comply with the provisions of GB/T15305.3. 4.3 The circumference difference on both sides of the abrasive belt is shown in Table 1.
Size range
The allowable range of appearance defects is shown in Table 2.
Missing adhesive
Back adhesive edge
Undissolved wood pulp residue
Product logo
Not allowed
The circumference difference on both sides of the abrasive belt
Table 2 Appearance defects
Allowed range
No sand missing with a linear dimension greater than 5 mm is allowed; 3
Sand missing with a linear dimension of 2~5 mm: no more than 1 place per 1 m area, and 1 place for less than 1 m2 No glue spots with a linear size greater than 10mm are allowed for every 1m area. No more than 1 glue spot with a linear size of 2-10mm is allowed for every 1m area. If it is less than 1m, it shall be calculated as 1m2. No
Not allowed
Not allowed
Abrasive belts with a width less than 1㎡ are not allowed;
Abrasive belts with a width greater than or equal to 1m, with a total width of no more than 10mm on both edges, are not allowed
Correct and clear
Abrasive belt characteristics are shown in Table 3.
Types of abrasive belts
Cloth abrasive belts
Paper abrasive belts
Multi-jointed paper abrasive belts
Composite base abrasive belts
Multi-jointed composite base abrasive belts
5 Test methods
Base material types
C-type paper
E-type paper
E-type paper
Composite base
Composite base
5.1 Steel ruler and steel tape measure for size detection. JB/T8606—1997
Table 3 Characteristics of abrasive belts
Tensile strength
5.2 The tensile strength and elongation tests shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of JB/T7424. Elongation at 600N load
Joint thickness tolerance
5.3 Joint thickness tolerance Use a micrometer with a graduation value of 0.01mm to measure the thickness of the joint part and non-joint part of the abrasive belt at three locations respectively. The difference between the arithmetic mean values ​​of the two parts is the joint thickness tolerance, and keep two decimal places. 5.4 Appearance quality is measured by visual inspection and steel ruler. 6 Sampling
6.1 Product inspection shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of 4.2~~4.5 and Chapter 5. 6.2 Sampling shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB2828. 6.2.1 Unqualified classification shall be in accordance with Table 4.
Table 4 Classification of nonconformities
Tensile strength
Joint thickness difference
Appearance defect
Difference in perimeter between two sides
Dimensional deviation
Class BI nonconformities
The inspection batch shall consist of unit products of the same particle size, material and specification. 6.2.2
6.2.3The sampling plan adopts a single sampling plan. 6.2.4The inspection of Class BI nonconformities adopts the special inspection level S-2; the inspection of Class BI nonconformities adopts the general inspection level S-1. Class
Class BI nonconformities
6.2.5The acceptable quality level (AQL) value of Class BI and Class BI nonconformities is 4.0. The AQL value is the number of nonconforming products per 100 units of products.
Marking, packaging and storage
7.1 The product should have the following markings:
a) abrasive, particle size;
b) registered trademark,
c) size (width × circumference);
d) running direction (limited to overlap); e) manufacturer's name.
7.2 The product should have a certificate of conformity.
JB/T 8606-1997
7.3 The packaging box should be firm and reliable, and comply with relevant transportation regulations. 7.4 The packaging box should be marked with:
a) product name, abrasive, particle size;
b) registered trademark;
c) quantity, specifications:
d) packaging box volume (length × width × height);
e) gross weight;
f) production date;
g) moisture-proof and pressure-proof mark;
h) manufacturer name.
7.5 The product should be stored in a dry and ventilated place, strictly prevent moisture, and the storage period is one year. .318
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