title>GB 15592-1995 Polyvinyl chloride resin for paste - GB 15592-1995 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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GB 15592-1995 Polyvinyl chloride resin for paste

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB 15592-1995

Standard Name: Polyvinyl chloride resin for paste

Chinese Name: 糊用聚氯乙烯树脂

Standard category:National Standard (GB)


Date of Release1995-06-12

Date of Implementation:1995-12-01

Date of Expiration:2009-06-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Rubber and Plastic Industry>>Plastics>>83.080.20 Thermoplastics

Standard Classification Number:Chemical Industry>>Synthetic Materials>>G32 synthetic resin, plastic

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaced by GB 15592-2008

Procurement status:≈ГОСТ 14039

Publication information

publishing house:China Standard Press

Publication date:1995-12-01

other information

Release date:1995-06-12

Review date:2004-10-14

drafter:An Shaohua, Sun Lijuan, Du Fengmei, Liu Xifeng, Chen Yanru, Pan Guirong

Drafting unit:Jinxi Chemical Research Institute of the Ministry of Chemical Industry

Focal point unit:National Plastics Standardization Technical Committee

Proposing unit:Ministry of Chemical Industry

Publishing department:State Bureau of Technical Supervision

competent authority:China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Association

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the model, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules and markings, packaging, storage and transportation of polyvinyl chloride resin for paste. This standard applies to paste polyvinyl chloride resin produced by emulsion method, microsuspension method and other polymerization methods. GB 15592-1995 Polyvinyl chloride resin for paste GB15592-1995 Standard download and decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Paste polyvinyl chloride resins
Paste polyvinyl chloride resins1 Subject content and scope of application
This standard specifies the polyvinyl chloride resins for paste Vinyl chloride resin model, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules and markings, packaging, storage and transportation, etc.
This standard is recommended for paste polyvinyl chloride resin produced by milk wave method, micro-suspension method and other polymerization methods. 2 Reference standards
GB/T 2914
GB/T 3402
GB/T 4615
GB 5761
Determination of polyvinyl chloride resin volatiles (including water) Determination of viscosity of dilute solution of polyvinyl chloride resin Nomenclature of vinyl chloride homopolymer and copolymer resin
Determination method of residual vinyl chloride monomer content in polyvinyl chloride resin Suspension method Universal Type polyvinyl chloride resin
GB/T 6679
GB/T 9350
General rules for sampling of solid chemical products
Vinyl chloride homopolymer and copolymer resin aqueous extract Determination of pH value GB/T 12004.1
GB/T 12004.2
GB/T 12004.4
GB/T 13453.1
GB/T 13453. 2||tt| |Method for determination of the number of impurity particles in polyvinyl chloride resin Preparation method of polyvinyl chloride plasticizer
Method for determination of Brookfield viscosity of polyvinyl chloride plasticizer Polyvinyl chloride homopolymer and copolymer resin water sieving method Determination method for methanol or ethanol extract content of vinyl chloride resin GB/T15595-1995 Test method for thermal stability of polyvinyl chloride resin Whiteness method 3 Product model
3.1 Product model is in accordance with the provisions of GB3402, represented by product name , polymerization method, use, nominal value of viscosity number, standard paste type and paste viscosity classification number, etc. Symbol composition.
A (or B)
Paste viscosity classification number
·Standard paste type
→Viscosity number classification No.
Paste use 1)
Polymerization method (E, S, M, X)
Note: 1) Special resin can be represented by as few English letters as possible followed by P. Product name
Among them: the nominal value of viscosity number and the standard paste ratio are adjusted as follows based on GB3402 (see Table 1, Table 2): Approved by the State Bureau of Technical Supervision on June 12, 1995 218
1995-12-01 Implementation
nominal value
viscosity number, mL/g
standard paste type
(b)| |tt||A paste
B paste
GB 15592-1995
Table 1 Viscosity number classification
165~145||tt| |Table 2
Standard paste ratio (mass parts)
PVC Resin
Phthalic acid ( 2-Ethyl)hexyl ester (IXOP) 60 (or 65)
is allowed to add brackets after this model in the packaging mark and factory inspection report to indicate the corresponding enterprise standard model. 3.2
4 Technical requirements
Appearance, white powder.
Physical and chemical properties meet the requirements of Table 3.
Table 3 Physical and chemical properties
Serial number
Viscosity number, mL/g
CK) value||tt| |Average detection degree
Standard paste viscosity (B Formula), Pa·s
Number of impurity particles, pieces
Volatile content, %
Screen residue, %
Level|| tt||0.25mm mesh
0.063 mm mesh≤
Residual vinyl fluoride content, mg/kg
Thickening rate (24h), %||tt| |Whiteness (160'℃, 10 min), %
water extract pH value
ethanol extract content, %
Note: ① This standard adopts the rounded value comparison method . Premium product
79. 0~75. 0
PVC-·P·a·A(or B)·b||tt ||First class
72. 5 ~~ 67 . 5
Qualified product
69.0~63.5||tt| |1950~1570|1650~~13001350~11001150~900b
3. 0
9.0~-13. 0||tt ||65.0~59.0
0. 2||tt ||3.0
GB 15592-1995
(②) There is no superior product for B paste. Special standards can be adopted for special needs. ③Choose any one of the viscosity number, K value, and average degree of polymerization indicators. 5 Test methods
5.1 Appearance evaluation
Visual observation.
5.2 Determination of viscosity number (or K value and degree of polymerization) 5.2.1 Determination of viscosity number
According to GB3401.
5.2.2 Determination of K value
shall be carried out in accordance with GB3401/T. The K value is calculated according to formula (1): K = 10° × [(1. 5lgt /to - 1) + V1+ (3 + 300/c + 2. 25lgt /to) × Igz /to)150+3cl|| tt|| - the arithmetic mean of the three flow times of the solution, S; where; t,
to the arithmetic mean of the three flow times of the solvent, s; c - the concentration of the solution, g/100 mL .
The test result is the arithmetic mean of two parallel measurements, rounded to an integer. 5.2.3 Determination of average degree of polymerization
shall be carried out according to Appendix A of GB5761.
5.3 Determination of Brookfield viscosity (B-type viscosity) 5.3.1 Prepare standard paste according to GB/T12004.2 with the ratio in Table 2. ·(1)
5.3.2 Measured according to GB/T12004.4. When the standard paste ratio is 10065, it should be noted in the expression of the test results. 5.4 Determination of the number of impurity particles
Take the paste prepared in 5.3.1 as the sample and proceed according to the provisions of GB/T12004.1. 5.5 Determination of volatile content
shall be carried out in accordance with GB/T2914. The heating time in the oven at 110°C is 1 hour. 5.6 Determination of sieve residue
shall be carried out in accordance with GB/T13453.1. For products containing additives, an appropriate amount of ammonia (such as 1mL) can be added when making a paste. If "self-agglomeration of fine particles" is found during the screening process, it can be eliminated by using a long-haired board brush. 5.7 Determination of residual vinyl chloride content
shall be carried out in accordance with GB/T4615.
5.8 Determination of paste thickening rate
Change 5.3.After the paste prepared in 1 is placed at room temperature for 24 hours (it must be placed at a constant temperature of 25 ± 1°C for 2 hours before measurement) (there should be no precipitation), it is measured according to GB/T12004.2. The thickening rate is calculated according to formula (2): Thickening rate (%) = × 100
where: no—
Initial paste viscosity:
n ——Paste viscosity after 24h.
5.9160C Determination of whiteness after aging
GB 15592--1995
According to GB/T15595-1995. The heating temperature is 160°C and the heating time is 10 minutes. 5.10 Determination of water extraction pH value
shall be carried out in accordance with GB/T9350. The capacity of the ground-mouth Erlenmeyer flask is 250ml, the dosage of sodium chloride aqueous solution is 100tmL, the stirring time is 30min, and the measurement is performed directly after stirring.
5.11 Determination of alcohol extract content
According to GB/T13453.2. The extraction time and extraction speed are 3h and 10 times/h respectively. 6 Inspection Rules
6.1 Batch Grouping
The products obtained from a single pot or the products from several pots with the same polymerization conditions are mixed into one batch. 6.2 Sampling
6.2.1 Carry out random sampling according to the number of sampling units specified below from the total number of bags in the batch. When the total number of bags (N) is less than 500, it is determined according to Table 4; when it is greater than 500, it is determined by the formula n3N. If there are decimals, round them up to an integer. The production plant can do this before packaging and sealing. Table 4 Number of sampling bags (less than 500)
Total number of bags
65~81| |tt||82~101
Number of sampling bags
11 bZxz.net
Total number of bags
182 ~216
451 ~512
Number of sampling bags
23||tt| |24
6.2.2 When sampling, use a sampling probe (GB6679 Appendix A and Appendix C or similar probe) to be inserted vertically from the center of the bag to 3/4 of the depth, and take uniform samples or use a continuous automatic sampler Automatic sampling at intervals determined by the number of sampling units on the packaging line. 6.2.3 The sampling volume should be no less than 2kg. Mix evenly and distribute it into two clean, dry ground-mouthed glass bottles (or three-layer plastic bags), seal them tightly, and indicate the model, batch number and sampling time. One copy will be used for testing. , keep a copy for three months for future reference. 6.3 Factory inspection
6.3.1 The technical inspection department of the manufacturer shall conduct quality inspection before the products leave the factory, and ensure that each batch of products is in compliance with the provisions of this standard. The product should be accompanied by a quality inspection report, which includes the name of the manufacturer, product name, model, batch number, batch size, quality indicators, grade, production date, and is stamped with the factory inspection seal and the inspector's seal. 6.3.2 Indicators such as appearance, viscosity number, B-type viscosity, screen residue, number of impurity particles, volatile content, and residual vinyl chloride content in the technical requirements are mandatory inspection items for each batch. Paste thickening rate, whiteness after aging at 160C, water extract pH, and alcohol extract content are sampling items in the type inspection items. During continuous normal production, they should be guaranteed to meet the standards specified in this standard. Sampling inspections will be conducted once a quarter. When the sampling inspection fails, When the standards are met, each batch should be inspected. Only after the inspection results of five consecutive batches meet the standards can normal sampling inspections be carried out. Type inspection shall be carried out in accordance with Article 6.6.1 of GB1.3. 6.3.3 If any of the inspection results does not meet the technical requirements of this standard, samples from the same batch of products shall be re-inspected with double the number of sampling units, and the re-inspection results shall be used to determine the result. If it still does not meet the technical requirements of this standard, it is considered a nonconforming product. 6.4 User acceptance
The user has the right to accept the received products in accordance with the provisions of this standard. If it is found that the product does not meet the requirements of this standard, the manufacturer shall provide handling opinions to the manufacturer within three months from the date of shipment. If there is a dispute, the quality supervision and inspection agency shall conduct arbitration inspection. If product quality is affected by improper storage and transportation management, the storage and transportation unit shall be responsible. 221 | Model, batch number, grade, manufacturer name and address. And has rain protection markings.
7.2 Packaging
This product is packaged in "kraft" paper bags lined with plastic film bags, polypropylene woven bags or kraft paper and polypropylene woven composite bags. Ensure that the product is not damaged or leaked during normal storage and transportation, and is tightly sealed and free of contamination. The allowable error of net weight is ±1%. 7.3 Storage
Products should be stored in a dry and ventilated warehouse, stored separately in batches, and must not be stacked in the open to prevent sunlight and moisture. 7.4 Transportation
When transporting, you must use clean and covered transportation tools to prevent rain. This product is not a dangerous product.
Additional notes:
This standard is proposed by the Ministry of Chemical Industry.
This standard is under the jurisdiction of the PVC Resin Products Branch of the National Plastics Standardization Technical Committee. This standard is drafted by Jinxi Chemical Research Institute of the Ministry of Chemical Industry. The main drafters of this standard are An Shaohua, Sun Lijuan, Du Fengmei, Liu Xifeng, Chen Yanru and Pan Guirong. The high-quality products in this standard refer to the high-quality product indicators in the former Soviet national standard TOCT14039 "Emulsion Polyvinyl Chloride Resin". 222
2. When sampling, use a sampling probe (GB6679 Appendix A and Appendix C or similar probe) to insert vertically from the center of the bag to 3/4 of the depth, and take a uniform sample or use a continuous automatic sampler to determine the number of sampling units on the packaging line. Automatic sampling at intervals. 6.2.3 The sampling volume should be no less than 2kg. Mix evenly and distribute it into two clean, dry ground-mouthed glass bottles (or three-layer plastic bags), seal them tightly, and indicate the model, batch number and sampling time. One copy will be used for testing. , keep a copy for three months for future reference. 6.3 Factory inspection
6.3.1 The technical inspection department of the manufacturer shall conduct quality inspection before the products leave the factory, and ensure that each batch of products is in compliance with the provisions of this standard. The product should be accompanied by a quality inspection report, which includes the name of the manufacturer, product name, model, batch number, batch size, quality indicators, grade, production date, and is stamped with the factory inspection seal and the inspector's seal. 6.3.2 Indicators such as appearance, viscosity number, B-type viscosity, screen residue, number of impurity particles, volatile content, and residual vinyl chloride content in the technical requirements are mandatory inspection items for each batch. Paste thickening rate, whiteness after aging at 160C, water extract pH, and alcohol extract content are sampling items in the type inspection items. During continuous normal production, they should be guaranteed to meet the standards specified in this standard. Sampling inspections will be conducted once a quarter. When the sampling inspection fails, When the standards are met, each batch should be inspected. Only after the inspection results of five consecutive batches meet the standards can normal sampling inspections be carried out. Type inspection shall be carried out in accordance with Article 6.6.1 of GB1.3. 6.3.3 If any of the inspection results does not meet the technical requirements of this standard, samples from the same batch of products shall be re-inspected with double the number of sampling units, and the re-inspection results shall be used to determine the result. If it still does not meet the technical requirements of this standard, it is considered a nonconforming product. 6.4 User acceptance
The user has the right to accept the received products in accordance with the provisions of this standard. If it is found that the product does not meet the requirements of this standard, the manufacturer shall provide handling opinions to the manufacturer within three months from the date of shipment. If there is a dispute, the quality supervision and inspection agency shall conduct arbitration inspection. If product quality is affected by improper storage and transportation management, the storage and transportation unit shall be responsible. 221 | Model, batch number, grade, manufacturer name and address. And has rain protection markings.
7.2 Packaging
This product is packaged in "kraft" paper bags lined with plastic film bags, polypropylene woven bags or kraft paper and polypropylene woven composite bags. Ensure that the product is not damaged or leaked during normal storage and transportation, and is tightly sealed and free of contamination. The allowable error of net weight is ±1%. 7.3 Storage
products should be stored in a dry and ventilated warehouse, stored separately in batches, and should not be stacked in the open to prevent sunlight and moisture. 7.4 Transportation
When transporting, you must use clean and covered transportation tools to prevent rain. This product is not a dangerous product.
Additional notes:
This standard is proposed by the Ministry of Chemical Industry.
This standard is under the jurisdiction of the PVC Resin Products Branch of the National Plastics Standardization Technical Committee. This standard is drafted by the Jinxi Chemical Research Institute of the Ministry of Chemical Industry. The main drafters of this standard are An Shaohua, Sun Lijuan, Du Fengmei, Liu Xifeng, Chen Yanru and Pan Guirong. The high-quality products in this standard refer to the high-quality product indicators in the former Soviet national standard TOCT14039 "Emulsion Polyvinyl Chloride Resin". 222
2. When sampling, use a sampling probe (GB6679 Appendix A and Appendix C or similar probe) to insert vertically from the center of the bag to 3/4 of the depth, and take a uniform sample or use a continuous automatic sampler to determine the number of sampling units on the packaging line. Automatic sampling at intervals. 6.2.3 The sampling volume should be no less than 2kg. Mix evenly and distribute it into two clean, dry ground-mouthed glass bottles (or three-layer plastic bags), seal them tightly, and indicate the model, batch number and sampling time. One copy will be used for testing. , keep a copy for three months for future reference. 6.3 Factory inspection
6.3.1 The technical inspection department of the manufacturer shall conduct quality inspection before the products leave the factory, and ensure that each batch of products is in compliance with the provisions of this standard. The product should be accompanied by a quality inspection report, which includes the name of the manufacturer, product name, model, batch number, batch size, quality index, grade, production date, and is stamped with the factory inspection seal and the inspector's seal. 6.3.2 Indicators such as appearance, viscosity number, B-type viscosity, screen residue, number of impurity particles, volatile content, and residual vinyl chloride content in the technical requirements are mandatory inspection items for each batch. Paste thickening rate, whiteness after aging at 160C, water extract pH, and alcohol extract content are sampling items in the type inspection items. During continuous normal production, they should be guaranteed to meet the standards specified in this standard. Sampling inspections will be conducted once a quarter. When the sampling inspection fails, When the standards are met, each batch should be inspected. Only after the inspection results of five consecutive batches meet the standards can normal sampling inspections be carried out. Type inspection shall be carried out in accordance with Article 6.6.1 of GB1.3. 6.3.3 If any of the inspection results does not meet the technical requirements of this standard, samples from the same batch of products shall be re-inspected with double the number of sampling units, and the re-inspection results shall be used to determine the result. If it still does not meet the technical requirements of this standard, it is considered a nonconforming product. 6.4 User acceptance
The user has the right to accept the received products in accordance with the provisions of this standard. If it is found that the product does not meet the requirements of this standard, the manufacturer shall provide handling opinions to the manufacturer within three months from the date of shipment. If there is a dispute, the quality supervision and inspection agency shall conduct arbitration inspection. If product quality is affected by improper storage and transportation management, the storage and transportation unit shall be responsible. 221 | Model, batch number, grade, manufacturer name and address. And has rain protection markings.
7.2 Packaging
This product is packaged in "kraft" paper bags lined with plastic film bags, polypropylene woven bags or kraft paper and polypropylene woven composite bags. Ensure that the product is not damaged or leaked during normal storage and transportation, and is tightly sealed and free of contamination. The allowable error of net weight is ±1%. 7.3 Storage
Products should be stored in a dry and ventilated warehouse, stored separately in batches, and must not be stacked in the open to prevent sunlight and moisture. 7.4 Transportation
When transporting, you must use clean and covered transportation tools to prevent rain. This product is not a dangerous product.
Additional notes:
This standard is proposed by the Ministry of Chemical Industry.
This standard is under the jurisdiction of the PVC Resin Products Branch of the National Plastics Standardization Technical Committee. This standard is drafted by the Jinxi Chemical Research Institute of the Ministry of Chemical Industry. The main drafters of this standard are An Shaohua, Sun Lijuan, Du Fengmei, Liu Xifeng, Chen Yanru and Pan Guirong. The high-quality products in this standard refer to the high-quality product indicators in the former Soviet national standard TOCT14039 "Emulsion Polyvinyl Chloride Resin". 222
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