This standard specifies the hull lines of FRP fishing boats and their application, the representation method of section drawings, the names and symbols of the main materials of the hull, the determination of the theoretical lines of hull components, the representation method of the laminated layer composition, the marking method of the section dimensions of the frame, and the drawing method (general arrangement drawing, line drawing, main cross-section drawing, basic structure drawing). This standard is applicable to the hull system drawing of FRP fishing boats. SC/T 8061-2001 hull system drawing of FRP fishing boatsSC/T8061-2001 standard download decompression password:
Some standard content:
SC/T 8061—2001 This standard is proposed by the Fisheries Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences. Former This standard was drafted by the Fisheries Engineering Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences. The main drafters of this standard are Shi Chunguang and Li Binsheng. 49 Aquatic Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China Hell diego plan of fiberglass reinforced plastics fishing vessel1Scope SC/T 8061—2001 This standard specifies the hull plan of fiberglass reinforced plastics fishing vessel and its application, the method of expressing the section drawing, the name and symbol of the main materials of the hull, the determination of the theoretical line of the hull components, the method of expressing the composition of the laminated plate, the method of marking the section size of the frame material, and the drawing method (general arrangement drawing, line drawing, main cross-section drawing, basic structure drawing). This standard is applicable to the hull plan of fiberglass reinforced plastics fishing vessel. Lines and their application The lines and their application are shown in Table 1. Table 1 Line drawing method Thick solid line Thin solid line Thick dashed line Thin dashed line Thick dotted line Thin double dotted line (0. 4 mm~1. 2 mm) ≤6/3 ≤6/3 Approved by the Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China on 2001-06-01150 Scope of application a) Simplified lines of laminated plates and aggregate sections b) Name line c) Laying line (indicates felt in the detailed drawing of FRP ply composition)a) Visible wheel mat line of this drawing component b) Laying line (indicates cloth in the detailed drawing of FRP ply composition)c) Guide line, specification line d) Theoretical line, baseline, type line e) Dimension line and dimension limit line Simplified lines of invisible laminated plates and sandwich platesa) Invisible components Contour line b) Simplified line of invisible frame c) Laying line (in the detailed drawing of FRP layer composition, it represents untwisted coarse yarn) Simplified line of visible reinforcement Simplified line of invisible reinforcement a) Centre line b) Simplified line of visible reinforcement c) Opening diagonal line d) Tank range line e) Corner line, fold angle line a) Visible contour line of components not included in this drawing b) Plate thickness dividing line Implemented on 2001-10-01 Track line 3 Method of expressing section drawing See Table 2 for the method of expressing section drawing. Glass fiber reinforced plastic (without indicating its composition) Foamed plastic Cement mortar Concrete Plywood Wood chip bonded board SC/T 8061—2001 Table 1 (end) Scope of application Simplified lines of invisible hull watertight components (bulkheads, deck plates, platforms, solid floors, etc.) Table 2 Method of drawing cross-sections A:VV: Materials Glass fiber reinforced plastic frame Main material names and symbols of glass fiber reinforced plastic hullSC/T 8061—2001 Table 2 (end) Main material names and symbols of glass fiber reinforced plastic hullSee Table 3. Table 3 Material names and symbols Glass fiber reinforced plastics Chopped glass fiber mat Non-roving cloth Foam plastic core material Surface felt Balu wood core material Plywood core material Wood core material Chip board core material Honeycomb core material Glass steel hull component theoretical line determination 5.1 The hull formed by the mold is based on the mold surface as the theoretical line. 5.2 The upper surface of the deck, platform and other horizontal plates is the theoretical line. Surface Reinforcement material is glass fiber or its products Non-woven glass fiber products with a felt appearance, in which randomly evenly distributed short-cut glass fibers are fixed with a binder. Non-ball glass fiber cloth woven from glass fiber non-painted roving has a thixotropic resin layer with decorative and protective functions on the surface of FRP products Polyvinyl chloride foam plastic Polyurethane foam plastic Short-cut glass fibers are fixed with a binder, a very thin glass fiber mat 5.3 The theoretical line of the frame of symmetrical sections (such as trapezoidal, rectangular and semicircular) is the center line of its section. 5.4 The theoretical line of the frame of asymmetrical sections (such as angle materials) is the back edge of the folded edge. 5.5 The theoretical line of the longitudinal bulkhead plate of a single-plate structure is taken on the side close to the center line of the hull. The theoretical line of the transverse bulkhead plate of a single-plate structure is taken on the side close to the ship. 5.6 For the longitudinal and transverse bulkhead plates and perimeter plates of the sandwich structure, the center line of their plate thickness is taken as the theoretical line. 5.7 For an example of a diagram, see Figure 1. Theoretical line Theoretical line 6 Methods for expressing the composition of the laminated layer of FRP laminates 6.1 Simplified expression method is in accordance with Figure 2a). 6.2 Detailed expression method is in accordance with Figure 2b). SC/T 8061—2001 Figure 1 Theoretical line diagram G. +$50+M300 +(M300 +RB00)× 2 Notes 1S50 indicates a surface felt of 50g/m. 2M300 indicates a glass felt of 300g/m* 3R800 indicates a non-jointed coarse cloth of 800g/m2. a) Simplified drawing of several layers 7 Method of dimensioning of section of frame Method of dimensioning of frame surface is shown in Table 4. Table 4' Section of frame Semicircle Simplified diagram annotation Detailed diagram annotation Difference theoretical line Theoretical line (M300 +RB00)X 2 b) Detailed drawing of cladding Dimensioning R30X1-b2b3 Unequal thickness Unequal thickness Unequal thickness Simplified diagram annotation Note: Dimensions may not be marked for non-node drawing b. 8 Drawing method 8.1 See Figure 3 for the general arrangement drawing. SC/T 8061--2001 Table 4 (end) Detailed diagram annotation Dimension annotation bXbXhXt—b—b bx(bXt)x(hXt)-b2-bs nbXhXib2-b 几(X)×(hX)-b2—b3 (bXt)X(hXt) Energy cell Four-person room Sanitary surface SC/T 80612001 Figure 3 General layout 8.2 Type line diagram See Figure 4 SC/T 8061---2001 Figure 3 (end) Medullary apex compartment SC/T 8061 --2001 Sugar and other fiber Aesthetic paper Xiong00ST Hai000 Chuankangban Dejie0 Jingyingyuanchanian Waist traveloogT ·Yu· Talk009 8.3 The main cross-sectional view is shown in Figure 5. 50 X 50 X 4 Group room 50×50X4 n50x50X4 75×75/120×5 50X70×4 75×100X4 175×130X5 75X130X5 SC/T 8061—2001 L60X100X4 70×100×4 75×130×5 n75x130x5 150×50×4 76X76/120× 75×130X 5 50×70×4 n75X130x5 75×130×5 75×130×4 8.4 See Figure 6 for the basic structure diagram SC/T 8061-2001 Shelf and limb platform Longitudinal 60×100×4, beam, stiffener 50×50×4 Living deck Deck, transverse nest 75×130×, transverse 50×70×4 Bottom Compass deck Sheet 60×100×4. Moulding, stiffener 50×50×4 Middle inner keel, side inner keel, engine inner auxiliary plate 75×130×5, rib plate 75×130×4, main engine seat belly plate, panel 11, 2, 3 sidewall 5/5+W30, 13, 18, 20 bulkhead 4.5/4.5+W30 Figure 6 1.60 X100X4 50X50X SCIT 80612001 Side keel section Side keel section 76×130×5, deck section, strong section 75×130×6 Middle section L60X100X4 n50×50x n60X100x Full solution rib spacing 500, middle keel section 75×130×5, deck section, strong section L75×130×6, rib section 75×70×4, engine room rib, L75×100×4 Figure 6 (end) 8.5 For parts not clearly specified in this standard, drawings shall be made in accordance with relevant standards. 160 Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.