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HG 2167-1991 Polychlorotrifluoroethylene resin

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG 2167-1991

Standard Name: Polychlorotrifluoroethylene resin

Chinese Name: 聚三氟氯乙烯树脂

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)

state:in force

Date of Release1991-11-18

Date of Implementation:1992-05-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Rubber and plastic industry >> 83.040 Rubber raw materials and plastic raw materials

Standard Classification Number:Chemicals>>Synthetic Materials>>G32 Synthetic Resins, Plastics

associated standards

Procurement status:GOT13744-74 NEQ

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HG 2167-1991 Polychlorotrifluoroethylene resin HG2167-1991 standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

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Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
HG 2167-—91
Polychlorotrifluoroethylene resin
Published on November 18, 1991
Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China
Implementation on May 1, 1992
Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Polychlorotrifluoroethylene resin
Subject content and scope of application
This standard specifies the technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules and marking, packaging, transportation and storage requirements of polychlorotrifluoroethylene resin.
This standard applies to polytrifluoroethylene resin obtained by suspension polymerization of chlorotrifluoroethylene. 2 Reference standards
GB1408||tt| |GB1409
Test methods for numbers
Technical requirements
Test method for tensile test of plastics
Test method for power frequency electrical strength of solid insulating materialsRelative dielectric constant and dielectric loss of solid insulating materials at power frequency, audio frequency and high frequency (including meter wavelength)Test method for volume resistivity and surface resistivity of solid insulating materialsTest method for apparent density of molding materials
Standard environment for conditioning and testing of plastic specimensGeneral rules for sampling of solid chemical products
3.1 Appearance
The appearance of polytrifluoroethylene resin is white uniform powder without obvious mechanical impurities. 3.2 Surface color of sheet
Surface color of polytrifluoroethylene resin sheet, superior product is light yellow, shall not contain mechanical impurities, first-class products and qualified products shall not be assessed
3.3 Physical and chemical properties
Case The physical and chemical properties of trifluoroethylene resin shall meet the technical requirements specified in the table, grade
Sieve residue (sieve aperture 500μm), %
Apparent density, g/cm
Water content, %
Thermal stability, %
Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China 1991-11- 18 Approved superior products
First-class products
Qualified products
1992-05-01 implementation
Loss of strength temperature,
Tensile yield strength, MPa
Elongation at break, %
Dielectric loss tangent (10°Hz)
Dielectric constant (10°Hz)
Volume resistivity, a·m
Dielectric strength, MV/m
4 Test methods
4.1 Determination of appearance
Visual observation under natural light.
4.2 Determination of sheet surface color
4.2.1 Preparation of test pieces
HG 2167—91
Superior quality
First-class quality
Qualified quality
Weigh 124~126g of chlorotrifluoroethylene resin powder, accurate to 0.1g, and pour it evenly into a 120mm×120mm square mold cavity. Cover the mold cover and put it on a hydraulic electric heating plate that has been preheated to 230~300℃ for pre-compression at a pressure of 2.0~4.0MPa. Continue preheating for 7~10min, and then release the pressure at a pressure of 10~13MPa. Repeat several times to expel the air in the mold cavity, and then continue to maintain the pressure at 25-30MPa for 2-3min. Take it out after depressurization, quickly cool it in running water not exceeding 25℃, open the mold, and obtain a test piece with a thickness of 2±0.2mm.
4.2.2 Instrument X-ray film observation lamp. Cutting tool: @100mm.
4.2.3 Measurement steps
Cut the sample from the test piece prepared in 4.2.1 with a cutting tool and place it in front of the X-ray film observation lamp for observation. 4.3 Determination of sieve residue
4.3.1 Instrument Balance: sensitivity 0.1g Sieve: aperture 500um, Paint brush: 100mm. Beaker: 250mL.
4.3.2 Determination steps
Weigh 100g of sample, accurate to 0.1g, pour it into the sieve, vibrate it and rub it with a paint brush to pass it through the sieve, weigh the mass of the sieve residue. 4.3.3 Calculation and expression of results||tt ||The percentage of sieve residue is calculated according to formula (1): 2
Wherein: X——sieve residue content, %;
m—mass of the sample before sieving, g
m—mass of the sieve residue sample, g.
The arithmetic mean of the two parallel measurement results is taken as the test result, and the absolute deviation is not greater than 0.2%. (1)
4.4 Determination of apparent density
The determination is carried out by method A specified in GB1636, and the measuring device is the measuring device shown in Figure 1 of GB1636. The absolute deviation of the parallel test results shall not exceed 0.05g/cm2
4.5 Determination of water content,
4.5.1 Instruments Analytical balance: sensitivity 0.1mg- Weighing bottle: @60mm×30mm Electric thermostat: capable of controlling temperature at 120±2℃, Dryer,
4.5.2 Determination stepsWww.bzxZ.net
Use a weighing bottle that has been weighed to a constant weight. Weigh about 10g of the sample, accurate to 0.2mg, and place it in an electric thermostatic box heated to 120±2℃, dry for 2h, take it out and place it in a desiccator to cool for 45min before weighing. 4.5.3 Calculation and expression of results
The water content is calculated according to formula (2):
Where: Xz—water content, %;
—the mass of the weighing bottle plus the sample before heating, g; m2
ms—the mass of the weighing bottle plus the sample after heating, g; 100
The mass of the sample, g.
Take the arithmetic mean of the two parallel determination results as the test result, and the absolute deviation shall not exceed 0.01%. 4.6 Determination of thermal stability
4.6.1 Instrument Manual press: 5t.
, Stainless steel mold: @25mm. Porcelain: @40mm×35mm.
Analytical balance: sensitivity 0.1mg Balance: sensitivity 0.1g. Electric thermostat: 270±2℃. Electric thermostat: 120±2C. Dryer,
4.6.2 Determination steps
Weigh about 2g of sample on a balance, accurate to 0.1g, pour it into a mold, and press it into a 25mm test piece at a pressure of 20MPa. Put the test piece into a constant-weight porcelain, put it in a constant-temperature box, dry it at 120±2 for 2h, take it out and put it in a dryer to cool for 45min, weigh it accurately to 0.2mg, then put it in a constant-temperature box at 270±2℃, dry it for 5h, take it out and put it in a dryer to cool for 45min, weigh it accurately to 0.2mg.
4.6.3 Calculation and expression of results
The thermal stability is calculated according to formula (3):
-Thermal stability Qualitative, %;
-270℃ heating before adding the test piece mass, g; ms
m—270℃ heating after adding the test piece mass, g
The mass of a test piece, 8.
Take the arithmetic mean of the parallel determination results as the test result, and its absolute deviation shall not exceed 0.04%. 4.7 Determination of loss of strength temperature
4.7.1 Summary of the method
A rectangular specimen with two right-angle notches is hung with a base weight of a certain mass at the lower end and placed in a measuring device with constant temperature rise. Under the action of temperature and gravity, the temperature at which the specimen breaks at the notch is the loss of strength temperature. 4.7.2 Preparation of test piece
Weigh 8~9g polytrifluoroethylene resin powder, accurate to 0.1g, pour it into a 0.60mm mold cavity, and prepare a test piece with a thickness of 1.5±0.2mm according to 4.2.1
4.7.3 Instruments Punching tool, Manual press: 5t. Stainless steel mold: @60mm Balance: sensitivity 0.1g Thermometer: 0~500, graduation value 0.1℃. Loss of strength temperature measuring instrument: See schematic diagram 1. Figure 1
Copper rolling head
Test piece;
4—Hollow cylinder; .5—Heating wire;
4.7.4 Determination steps
HG2167—91 Use a punching tool to cut two rectangular specimens with right-angle notches from the test piece made in 4.7.2, and then use an awl to drill a small hole of about Φ1mm at 5mm from the edge of the specimen end, and hang the base code. The dimensions of the sample are shown in Figure 2.5±0.1 The mass of the code is calculated according to formula (4): 100F0
The mass of the magnetic code, g,
Wherein: mg
a-the cross-sectional area of ​​the sample notch, mm:
0.242-the load on the cross section of 1mm2, g/mm*; mg
-the mass of the sample, g,
thickness 1.5±0.2 Connect the power supply to the loss-strength temperature measuring instrument to increase the temperature. When the temperature rises to nearly 200°C, adjust the heating rate to 1.5~2°C per minute, and then place the sample with the code in the measuring instrument. The mercury ball of the thermometer should be at a height between the notch of the sample and the notch of the sample. The sample is heated under load and gradually elongates, and finally breaks at the notch. The temperature at the time of fracture is the loss of strength temperature. The sample that does not break at the notch is scrapped. Two samples are measured at the same time, and their arithmetic mean is taken as the test result. The difference between the test results of the two samples is not more than 3°C. 4.8 Determination of tensile strength
The method specified in GB1040 is used for determination. The standard environment for sample state adjustment and testing should comply with the provisions of GB2918, and the state adjustment time is not less than 16h.
4.9 Determination of elongation at break
The method specified in GB1040 is used for determination. The standard environment for sample state adjustment and testing should comply with the provisions of GB2918, and the state adjustment time is not less than 16h.
4.10 Determination of dielectric loss tangent
The method specified in GB1409 is used for determination. The standard environment for sample state adjustment and testing should comply with the provisions of GB2918, and the state adjustment time is not less than 24h.
4.11 Determination of dielectric constant
The method specified in GB1409 is used for determination. The standard environment for sample state adjustment and testing shall comply with the provisions of GB2918. The state adjustment time shall be no less than 24h.
4.12 Determination of volume resistivity
The method specified in GB1410 is used for determination. The sample size is 100mm in diameter and 2mm in thickness. The measuring electrode is HG2167-91
50mm. The standard environment for sample state adjustment and testing shall comply with the provisions of GB.2918. The state adjustment time shall be no less than 24h.4.13 Determination of dielectric strength
The method specified in GB1408 is used for determination. The sample size is 100mm in diameter and 2mm in thickness. The measuring electrode diameter is 25mm. The standard environment for sample state adjustment and testing shall comply with the provisions of GB2918, and the state adjustment time shall not be less than 24h.5 Inspection rules
5.1 This product is a batch of each sign.
5.2 Sampling shall be carried out by the method specified in Article 2.3.1 of GB6679, and the total sampling volume shall not be less than 500g5.3 Each batch of products must be inspected by the quality inspection department of the manufacturer, and it shall be ensured that all products leaving the factory meet the technical requirements specified in this standard.
5.4 In this standard, appearance, sieve residue, apparent density, moisture content, thermal stability, loss of strength temperature, tensile strength and elongation at break are factory inspection items; dielectric loss tangent value, dielectric constant, volume resistivity and dielectric strength are random inspection items, and random inspection shall be carried out at least once every quarter. Type inspection shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of 6.6.1 of GB1.3.5.5 The user unit has the right to inspect the received products in accordance with the provisions of this standard. If re-inspection is required, it shall be carried out within two months of receiving the product.
5.6 If a technical requirement of the inspection result does not meet the requirements of this standard, double samples should be taken for re-inspection, and the grade should be determined based on the re-inspection results.
5.7 When the supply and demand parties have objections to the product quality, they shall negotiate to resolve the issue or the statutory quality inspection department shall conduct arbitration. 6 Marking, packaging, transportation, purchase and storage
6.1 Marking
Each batch of products shall be accompanied by a quality inspection report, and each package shall have a clear and firm mark indicating the product name, grade, batch number, net weight, production date and manufacturer name. 6.2 Packaging
The product shall be packaged in a wooden barrel or iron barrel lined with a polyethylene plastic bag, and each package shall have a certificate of conformity. 6.3 Transportation
The product shall be kept clean during transportation and protected from rain. This product is not a dangerous product. 6.4 Storage
6.4.1 The product should be stored in a clean and dry warehouse to prevent dust, water vapor and other impurities from invading and avoid high temperature radiation. 6.4.2 The storage period of this product is 1 year from the date of production. If the storage period exceeds the storage period, it can be retested according to the provisions of this standard. If the retest results meet the requirements of this standard, it can still be used.
Additional instructions:
This standard was proposed by the Science and Technology Department of the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Plastics Resin Products Branch (SC4) of the National Plastics Standardization Technical Committee. This standard was drafted by Shanghai Shuguang Chemical Factory. The main drafters of this standard are Lu Ronghai, Wu Lianbi, Guo Yixiang. This standard refers to the Soviet national standard rOCT13744-74 "Fluoroplastic-3 Technical Specifications". People's Republic of China
Chemical Industry Standard
Polyethylene triazine
Editor: Chemical Industry Standard Editorial Department,
(Standardization Research Institute of Ministry of Chemical Industry)
Postal Code: 100013
Printer: Standardization Research Institute of Ministry of Chemical Industry
Copyright reserved. No reproduction allowed
Format: 880×12301/16 Number of words on a sheet: 12000 First printing in November 1992
First edition in November 1992
Number of copies: 1-50012 Determination of volume resistivity
The method specified in GB1410 is used for determination. The diameter of the sample is 100mm, the thickness is 2mm, the measuring electrode is HG2167-91
50mm, the standard environment for sample state adjustment and testing shall comply with the provisions of GB.2918, and the state adjustment time shall be no less than 24h.4.13 Determination of dielectric strength
The method specified in GB1408 is used for determination. The diameter of the sample is 100mm, the thickness is 2mm, and the measuring electrode diameter is 25mm. The standard environment for sample state adjustment and testing shall comply with the provisions of GB2918, and the state adjustment time shall be no less than 24h.5 Inspection rules
5.1 Each batch of this product is signed.
5.2 Sampling shall be carried out by the method specified in Article 2.3.1 of GB6679, and the total sampling volume shall not be less than 500g. 5.3 Each batch of products must be inspected by the quality inspection department of the manufacturer, and it shall be ensured that all products leaving the factory meet the technical requirements specified in this standard.
5.4 In this standard, appearance, sieve residue, apparent density, moisture content, thermal stability, loss of strength temperature, tensile strength and elongation at break are factory inspection items; dielectric loss tangent value, dielectric constant, volume resistivity and dielectric strength are random inspection items, which shall be inspected at least once every quarter. Type inspection shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of 6.6.1 of GB1.3. 5.5 The user has the right to inspect the received products in accordance with the provisions of this standard. If re-inspection is required, it shall be carried out within two months of receiving the product.
5.6 If a technical requirement of the inspection result does not meet the requirements of this standard, double samples should be taken for re-inspection, and the grade should be determined based on the re-inspection results.
5.7 When the supply and demand parties have objections to the product quality, they shall negotiate to resolve the issue or the statutory quality inspection department shall conduct arbitration. 6 Marking, packaging, transportation, purchase and storage
6.1 Marking
Each batch of products shall be accompanied by a quality inspection report, and each package shall have a clear and firm mark indicating the product name, grade, batch number, net weight, production date and manufacturer name. 6.2 Packaging
The product shall be packaged in a wooden barrel or iron barrel lined with a polyethylene plastic bag, and each package shall have a certificate of conformity. 6.3 Transportation
The product shall be kept clean during transportation and protected from rain. This product is not a dangerous product. 6.4 Storage
6.4.1 The product should be stored in a clean and dry warehouse to prevent dust, water vapor and other impurities from invading and avoid high temperature radiation. 6.4.2 The storage period of this product is 1 year from the date of production. If the storage period exceeds the storage period, it can be retested according to the provisions of this standard. If the retest results meet the requirements of this standard, it can still be used.
Additional instructions:
This standard was proposed by the Science and Technology Department of the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Plastics Resin Products Branch (SC4) of the National Plastics Standardization Technical Committee. This standard was drafted by Shanghai Shuguang Chemical Factory. The main drafters of this standard are Lu Ronghai, Wu Lianbi, Guo Yixiang. This standard refers to the Soviet national standard rOCT13744-74 "Fluoroplastic-3 Technical Specifications". People's Republic of China
Chemical Industry Standard
Polyethylene triazine
Editor: Chemical Industry Standard Editorial Department,
(Standardization Research Institute of Ministry of Chemical Industry)
Postal Code: 100013
Printer: Standardization Research Institute of Ministry of Chemical Industry
Copyright reserved. No reproduction allowed
Format: 880×12301/16 Number of words on a sheet: 12000 First printing in November 1992
First edition in November 1992
Number of copies: 1-50012 Determination of volume resistivity
The method specified in GB1410 is used for determination. The diameter of the sample is 100mm, the thickness is 2mm, the measuring electrode is HG2167-91
50mm, the standard environment for sample state adjustment and testing shall comply with the provisions of GB.2918, and the state adjustment time shall be no less than 24h.4.13 Determination of dielectric strength
The method specified in GB1408 is used for determination. The diameter of the sample is 100mm, the thickness is 2mm, and the measuring electrode diameter is 25mm. The standard environment for sample state adjustment and testing shall comply with the provisions of GB2918, and the state adjustment time shall be no less than 24h.5 Inspection rules
5.1 Each batch of this product is signed.
5.2 Sampling shall be carried out by the method specified in Article 2.3.1 of GB6679, and the total sampling volume shall not be less than 500g. 5.3 Each batch of products must be inspected by the quality inspection department of the manufacturer, and it shall be ensured that all products leaving the factory meet the technical requirements specified in this standard.
5.4 In this standard, appearance, sieve residue, apparent density, moisture content, thermal stability, loss of strength temperature, tensile strength and elongation at break are factory inspection items; dielectric loss tangent value, dielectric constant, volume resistivity and dielectric strength are random inspection items, which shall be inspected at least once every quarter. Type inspection shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of 6.6.1 of GB1.3. 5.5 The user has the right to inspect the received products in accordance with the provisions of this standard. If re-inspection is required, it shall be carried out within two months of receiving the product.
5.6 If a technical requirement of the inspection result does not meet the requirements of this standard, double samples should be taken for re-inspection, and the grade should be determined based on the re-inspection results.
5.7 When the supply and demand parties have objections to the product quality, they shall negotiate to resolve the issue or the statutory quality inspection department shall conduct arbitration. 6 Marking, packaging, transportation, purchase and storage
6.1 Marking
Each batch of products shall be accompanied by a quality inspection report, and each package shall have a clear and firm mark indicating the product name, grade, batch number, net weight, production date and manufacturer name. 6.2 Packaging
The product shall be packaged in a wooden barrel or iron barrel lined with a polyethylene plastic bag, and each package shall have a certificate of conformity. 6.3 Transportation
The product shall be kept clean during transportation and protected from rain. This product is not a dangerous product. 6.4 Storage
6.4.1 The product should be stored in a clean and dry warehouse to prevent dust, water vapor and other impurities from invading and avoid high temperature radiation. 6.4.2 The storage period of this product is 1 year from the date of production. If the storage period exceeds the storage period, it can be retested according to the provisions of this standard. If the retest results meet the requirements of this standard, it can still be used.
Additional instructions:
This standard was proposed by the Science and Technology Department of the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Plastics Resin Products Branch (SC4) of the National Plastics Standardization Technical Committee. This standard was drafted by Shanghai Shuguang Chemical Factory. The main drafters of this standard are Lu Ronghai, Wu Lianbi, Guo Yixiang. This standard refers to the Soviet national standard rOCT13744-74 "Fluoroplastic-3 Technical Specifications". People's Republic of China
Chemical Industry Standard
Polyethylene triazine
Editor: Chemical Industry Standard Editorial Department,
(Standardization Research Institute of Ministry of Chemical Industry)
Postal Code: 100013
Printer: Standardization Research Institute of Ministry of Chemical Industry
Copyright reserved. No reproduction allowed
Format: 880×12301/16 Number of words on a sheet: 12000 First printing in November 1992
First edition in November 1992
Number of copies: 1-500
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