Drafting unit:Guangzhou Electrical Science Research Institute, Ministry of Machinery
Focal point unit:National Technical Committee for Standardization of Environmental Conditions and Environmental Testing for Electrical and Electronic Products
Proposing unit:Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China
Publishing department:State Bureau of Technical Supervision
competent authority:China Electrical Equipment Industry Association
This standard is used when compiling environmental test method standards and related technical documents. GB/T 2422-1995 Terminology for environmental testing of electrical and electronic products GB/T2422-1995 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
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National Standard of the People's Republic of China Environmental testing for electric and electronic products Environmental testing for electric and electronic productsTerms and definitions GB/T 2422-1995 Replaces GB2422-81 This standard is equivalent to the international standard IEC68-5-2 "Environmental testing Part 5: Guidelines for the preparation of test methods - Terms and definitions" (first edition in 1990). 1 Subject content and applicable scope This standard gives the terms and definitions used in the GB2423 "Environmental testing for electric and electronic products" series of standards. This standard is used when compiling environmental testing method standards and related technical documents. 2 General terms 2.1 Test A complete sequence of environmental test operations, usually including: a. Pre-conditioning (if necessary), Initial test (if necessary); Conditioning test; Recovery; Final test. Note: Intermediate tests may be required during conditioning test and/or recovery. Pre-conditioning Treatment of the test sample before conditioning test in order to eliminate or partially offset various effects previously experienced by the test sample. 2.3 Initial examination and measurement Inspection and measurement of the electrical properties, mechanical properties and appearance of the test sample after pre-conditioning and before conditioning test. 2.4 Conditioning Exposure of the test sample to the test environment to determine the effect of such environmental conditions on the test sample. 2.5 Recovery Treatment of the test sample after conditioning test and before final test to stabilize the performance of the test sample. 2.6 Final examination and measurement The examination and measurement of the electrical, mechanical and appearance of the test sample after recovery. 2.7 Specimen The sample of the specified product to be subjected to environmental testing, including any auxiliary components and systems that make the product functionally complete, such as cooling, heating and mechanical shock absorbers (isolators). 2.8 Relevant specification A set of technical requirements to be met by a product or material and the test methods used to determine whether these requirements are met Approved by the State Administration of Technical Supervision on April 6, 1995, and implemented on January 1, 1996 2.9 Severity GB/T 2422 -- 1995 A set of parameter values used for conditional testing of test samples. 2.10 Combined test A test in which two or more test environments act on the test sample at the same time. 2.11 Combination test Compasite test A test in which the test sample is exposed to two or more test environments in sequence. Note: (i) The time interval between each exposure may have a significant effect on the test sample and should be accurately specified. ② No pretreatment, recovery and stabilization are usually performed between each exposure. ③ Testing is usually carried out before the first exposure and after the last exposure. 2.12 Sequence of tests The order in which the test sample is exposed to two or more test environments in sequence. Note: (i) The time interval between each exposure may have a significant effect on the test sample and should be accurately specified. ② No pretreatment, recovery and stabilization are usually performed between each exposure. ③ Testing is usually carried out before and after each exposure, and the final test of the previous exposure is the initial test of the next exposure. 3 Reference atmosphere reference atmosphere 2.13 An atmosphere with a temperature of 20°C and a pressure of 101.3 kPa. 2.14 Referee measurement Repeated measurements made under precisely controlled atmospheric conditions when satisfactory results cannot be obtained within the recommended range of ambient atmospheric conditions and the correction factors for adjusting sensitive parameters of atmospheric conditions to the values of standard base atmospheric parameters are unknown. 3 Shock, vibration and steady-state acceleration 3.1 Acceleration of gravity (g,) acceleration of gravity The standard acceleration caused by the earth's gravity, its value varies with altitude and the earth's latitude. Note: In environmental tests, its value is rounded to 10m/s2. 3.2 Critical frequencies The frequencies at which the performance of the test sample is abnormal or (and) deteriorated due to vibration; or mechanical resonance and (or) other response effects such as tremor are generated. 3.3 Crossover frequency Crossover frequency The frequency at which the characteristic quantity of vibration changes from one relationship to another. For example, the frequency at which the amplitude or root mean square value (rm.s) of the test changes from a constant displacement-frequency function relationship to a constant acceleration-frequency function relationship. 3.4 Damping A common term to describe the mechanism of dissipation of large amounts of energy in a system. In practice, damping depends on many parameters such as the structural system, vibration mode, strain, force, velocity, material and interface slip. 3.4.1 Critical damping The minimum viscous damping required to return a displacement system to its starting position without oscillation. 3.4.2 Damping ratio The ratio of the actual damping to the critical damping in a viscous damping system. 3.5 Distortion 【aot — α) Distortion d - X 100% Where: a1 — RMS value of acceleration at the driving frequency; Total RMS value of applied acceleration (including α). a tot -- 3.6 Fixing point The part of the test sample that contacts the mounting fixture, vibration table or impact table surface, where the sample is fixed. 20 GB/T 2422---1995 Note: If part of the real mounting structure is used as a fixture, the fixing point is considered to be part of the mounting structure rather than part of the test sample. 3.7 Measuring point A specific point where data for guiding the test can be obtained. It is divided into check point and reference point. Note: In order to evaluate the performance of the test sample, measurements can be made at certain points of the test sample, but these points cannot be regarded as measuring points. 3.7.1 Check point The measuring point on the fixture, vibration table, impact table or test sample that is closest to the fixing point. In any case, the check point is rigidly connected to the fixture, vibration table or test sample. 3.7.2 reference point a point selected by the checkpoint whose signal is used to control the test to meet the requirements of the standard. 3.8 preferred testing axes three mutually perpendicular axes corresponding to the weakest axis of the test specimen. 3.9 sine beat a single frequency continuous sine wave modulated by a lower frequency sine wave. The period of a sine beat is half the period of the modulating frequency. 3.10 modulating frequency modulating frequency the frequency of the test frequency. 3.11 test frequency test frequency the frequency at which the test specimen is excited during the test. 3. 11.1 predetermined test frequency predetermined test frequency the vibration frequency specified in the relevant specification. 3.11.2 investigated test frequency the frequency to be tested on the test specimen obtained by investigating the vibration characteristics. 3.12 sweep cycle traverses the specified frequency range once in each direction, such as 1 Hz-35 Hz-1 Hz. 3.13 Time-history A record of acceleration, velocity or displacement as a function of time. Synthetized time-history 3.14 A time-history of a response spectrum generated by artificial simulation and with the required response spectrum envelope. 3.15 strong part of the time-history the part of the time-history from the time when the curve first reaches 25% of the maximum value to the time when it last drops to 25%. 3.16 oscillator a single-degree-of-freedom system used to generate or maintain mechanical vibration. 3.17 response spectrum a family of maximum response curves of a single-degree-of-freedom system with a specified damping ratio under a given input excitation. 3.18 test response spectrum the response spectrum obtained from the actual motion of the vibration table table by analytical methods or spectrum analysis equipment. 3.19 zero period acceleration the high-frequency asymptotic value of the acceleration of the response spectrum. Note: Since zero period acceleration represents the maximum peak value of acceleration, it has practical significance. 3.20 high stress cycles the response cycle that causes the test specimen to produce fatigue stress values. 3.21 vibration period the shortest time interval in which the same value of the same physical quantity is repeated in periodic vibration. 3.22 Vibration frequency vibration frequency21 GB/T 2422-1995 In periodic vibration, the number of times the same vibration value recurs per unit time. 3.23 Angular frequency (circular frequency) angular frequency (circular frequency) The number of radians per unit time, equal to the frequency multiplied by 2 yuan. 3.24 Displacement amplitude displacement amplitude The maximum displacement in sinusoidal vibration. 5 Velocity amplitude velocity amplitude The maximum velocity in sinusoidal vibration. Velocity amplitude acceleration amplitude The maximum acceleration in sinusoidal vibration. Compound vibration complexvibration Vibration synthesized by simple harmonic vibrations of different frequencies. 3.28 Mean-squared acceleration mean-squared acceleration The squared mean value of the acceleration variable X(t) in a given time interval T. It is expressed by the following formula: X2(t)da Root-mean-sguared acceleration root-mean-sguared acceleration The root-mean-square value of the acceleration variable X(t) within a given time interval T. It is expressed by the following formula: 1 X(t)da 3.30Thrust The maximum value of the power generated by the vibration table or exciter. 3.31 Maximum bare table acceleration The maximum acceleration value that can be reached at the center of the table when the vibration table is unloaded. Maximum full load acceleration3.32 The maximum acceleration value that can be reached at the center of the table when the vibration table is fully loaded. 3 Amplitude nonuniformity of displacement of the table3.33 Parameter that describes the nonuniformity of the displacement amplitude of each point on the vibration table surface. Calculate as follows: [AAmaxl X 100% Where: A—the displacement amplitude of the center point in the same measurement; 1AAmx1—the absolute value of the maximum deviation of the displacement amplitude of the center point to the displacement amplitude of each point in the same measurement. 3.34Amplitude nonuniformity of acceleration of the tableA parameter that describes the nonuniformity of the acceleration amplitude of each point on the vibration table surface. Calculate as follows: [Aamaxl × 100% Where: a— the acceleration amplitude of the center point in the same measurement; 1△amax1—the absolute value of the maximum deviation of the acceleration amplitude of the center point to the acceleration amplitude of each point in the same measurement. Transverse vibration3.35 Vibration perpendicular to the main vibration direction, expressed as a percentage. 3.36 Piezoelectric acceleration pickup A sensor that uses the piezoelectric effect to make the output power and the acceleration it bears have a certain single value relationship. Sensor voltage sensitivity of pickup 3.37 The voltage output of the sensor after the unit mechanical quantity is applied. 22 GB/T2422—1995 3.38 Charge sensitivity of pickup The charge output of the sensor after the unit mechanical quantity is applied. 3.39 Test value test level The maximum peak value of the test wave. 4 Climate test 4.1 Free air condition Conditions in an infinite space, in which the movement of air is only affected by the heat dissipation test sample itself, and the energy radiated by the test sample is completely absorbed by the surrounding air. Note: In theory, this definition cannot be used for test samples heated by direct radiation, but in fact it can also be used for the occasions of test samples heated by direct radiation. Heat-dissipating specimen4.2 The difference between the hottest temperature on the surface and the ambient temperature measured after the temperature stabilizes is greater than 5°C under the conditions of free air and the atmospheric pressure (86~106kPa) specified in the standard atmospheric conditions for the test. 4.3 Non-heat-dissipating specimenThe difference between the hottest temperature on the surface and the ambient temperature measured after the temperature stabilizes is less than 5°C under the conditions of free air and the atmospheric pressure (86~106kPa) specified in the standard atmospheric conditions for the test. 4.4 Ambient temperatureambienttemperature4.4.1 Ambient temperature of non-heat-dissipating specimensambient temperature of non-heat-dissipating specimensThe temperature of the air around the non-heat-dissipating specimens. Ambient temperature of heat-dissipating specimensambient temperature of heat-dissipating specimens4.4.2 The temperature of the air around the heat-dissipating specimen where its heat dissipation effect can be ignored under the conditions of free air. Note: In fact, the ambient temperature is the average temperature of the temperature at 1m from the test sample on a horizontal plane 050mm below the test sample or at half the distance between the test sample and the inner wall of the test box (room) (whichever is smaller). Surface temperature (shell temperature) surfacetemperature (casetemperature) 4.5 The temperature measured at a specified point (one or more) on the surface of the test sample. 4.6 Chamber It refers to a closed body or space, a part of which can reach the specified test conditions. 4.7 Working space The part of the space in the test box (room) that can maintain the specified test conditions within the specified tolerance range. 4.8 Temperature stability temperaturestability The state when the difference between the temperature of each part of the test sample and its final temperature is within 3℃ (or other values specified in relevant specifications). Note: The final temperature of the non-heat dissipation test sample is the average temperature of the test box where the test sample is placed at that time. The final temperature of the heat dissipation test sample needs to be repeatedly measured to determine the time interval for the temperature change of 3°C (or other values specified in relevant specifications). When the ratio of two adjacent time intervals is greater than 1.7, it is considered that the temperature has reached a stable state. ② When the thermal time constant of the test sample is less than the duration of exposure at a given temperature, no measurement is required. When the thermal time constant of the test sample is the same as the exposure duration, an inspection should be carried out to determine a) whether the non-heat dissipation test sample is within the average temperature range of the placed test sample, and b) for the heat dissipation test sample, repeatedly measure the time interval for the temperature change of 3°C (or other values specified in relevant specifications) to determine whether the ratio of two adjacent time intervals is greater than 1.7. ③ In practice, it may not be possible to measure the internal temperature of the test sample directly. In this case, some other parameters that have a known functional relationship with the temperature can be measured for inspection. 4.9 Condensation When the surface temperature of the test sample is lower than the dew point temperature of the surrounding air, water vapor precipitates on the surface, that is, water changes from vapor to aggregated liquid. 4.10 Adsorption GB/T 2422---1995 When the surface temperature of the test sample is higher than the dew point temperature of the air, water vapor molecules adhere to the surface of the test sample. 4.11 Absorption Aggregation of water molecules in the material. 4.12 Diffusion The phenomenon of water molecules migrating through the material caused by partial pressure difference Note: Diffusion leads to partial pressure balance, and flow (such as viscous flow or laminar flow formed when water molecules pass through a sufficiently large gap) eventually leads to total pressure balance. 4.13 breathing The exchange phenomenon between the air inside the cavity and the air outside the cavity caused by temperature changes. 5 Sealing test 5.1 Leak rateleak rate The amount of dry gas with known temperature leaking per unit time when the pressure difference on both sides of the leak is known. Note: The basic SI unit of leak rate is \Pa·m\/s", in fact, the use of its derived units "bar·cm\/s" and \Pa·cm/s" is more consistent with the commonly used magnitude in industry, and the conversion relationship is: 1 Pa·m\/s=106Pa-cm\/s-10 bar-cm\/s5.2 Standard leak ratestandard leakrateThe leak rate at standard temperature and standard pressure difference. Note: For environmental testing, the standard temperature is 25℃C and the standard pressure difference is 105Pa (1bar). 5.3 Measured leak rate (R) measured leak rate (R) The leak rate of a given test sample measured under specified conditions using a specified test gas. Note: ①) Nitrogen is usually used as the test gas and the measured leak rate is determined at 25°C and a pressure difference of 10\Pa (1bar). ② In order to compare with the leak rate determined by other test methods, the measured leak rate must be converted into an equivalent standard leak rate. 5.4 Equivalent standard leak rate (L) equivalent standard leak rate (1) The standard leak rate of a given test sample when air is used as the test gas. (Leakage) time constant (9) time constant (of leakage) (0) 5.5 The time required for the partial pressure difference on both sides of the leak to reach equilibrium, assuming that the initial rate of change of the pressure difference remains unchanged. Note: For environmental tests, the time constant is equal to the quotient of the internal cavity volume of the test sample and the equivalent standard leak rate. 5.6 gross leak The equivalent standard leak rate is greater than 1Pa*cm\/s (10-5bar·cm2/s). 5.7 Fine leak Equivalent standard leak rate is less than 1Pa·cm\/s (10-5bar·cm/s). 5.8Virtual leak A phenomenon similar to leakage caused by the slow release of gas absorbed, adsorbed or trapped by the test sample. 6 Solderability test 6.1Colony The residue after extracting turpentine from the oleoresin of pine, mainly composed of rosin acid and similar resin acids, and also includes a small amount of resin acid esters. Note: Resin is a synonym for rosin. Since it is confused with the commonly used chemical term "resin", it is not recommended to use it. 6.2Contact angle Usually refers to the angle between the section of the liquid surface and the section of the liquid/solid interface at the intersection of the liquid surface and the solid surface (Figure 1). It especially refers to the contact angle when liquid solder contacts the solid metal surface. 21 6.3 Wetting The formation of a solder adhesion layer on the surface. Note: A small contact angle is a characteristic of good wetting. 6.4 Non-wetting GB/T 2422-1995 Contact angle No solder adhesion layer can be formed on the surface. In this case, the contact angle is much greater than 90°. 6.5 De-wetting The molten solder retracts from the solid surface area that was initially wetted, and the contact angle increases (in some cases, a very thin tin film may still remain). 6.6 Solderability The property that a surface is easily wetted by molten solder. Soldering time The time required to wet a specified surface under specified conditions. Resistance to soldering heat6.8 The ability of the test sample to withstand the thermal stress generated by soldering. 25 Standard leak rate, Surface temperature (shell temperature) Non-wetting Measuring point Measured leak rate (R) Initial detection· Sensor charge sensitivity Sensor voltage sensitivity Equivalent standard leak rate (L) Root mean square acceleration Mean square acceleration Non-heat dissipation test sample Ambient temperature of non-heat dissipation test sample Compound vibration High stress cycle Working space· Fixed point Welding time·· Synthetic time history Transverse vibration Ambient temperature Recovery· GB/T 2422--1995 Appendix A Chinese index (reference) reference atmosphere reference point· acceleration amplitude check point crossover frequency· angular frequency contact angle weldability maximum acceleration without load critical cheek rate.|| tt||Critical damping Zero cycle acceleration (Condensation) time constant (9) Maximum acceleration at full load Welding heat resistance Wet wetting· Heat dissipation test sample Ambient temperature of heat dissipation test sample· Frequency sweep cycle Distortion Co+++++9o0 6. 3 Time history Main parts of the time history Test quantity Test frequency Test sequence Test chamber (room) Test response spectrum Test sample…· Velocity amplitude Uniformity of table acceleration amplitude Uniformity of table displacement amplitude Conditional test Modulation frequency Displacement amplitude Temperature stability absorption acceleration amplitude acceleration of gravity adsorption 中服中华 |ambient temperature +++e100.* GB/T 2422- Fine· Related specifications…· Response spectrum Piezoelectric accelerometer Severity level· Research test frequency Priority test axis Pretreatment Predetermined test frequency Vibration frequency Vibrator Vibration period Sine beat type· Gravity acceleration (g.) Arbitration measurement Free air condition, Comprehensive test Damping ratio Combined test Final test English index (reference) ambient temperature of heat-dissipating specimensambient temperature of non-heat-dissipating specimensamplitude nonuniformity of acceleration of the tableamplitude nonuniformity of displacement of the tableangular frequency(circular frequency) ...o心心 业受食业电国争中 breathint chamber charge sensitivity of pickupcheck point colophony combined test complex vibration composite test condensation conditioning contact angle critical damping critical frequencies crossover frequency damping danping ratio de-wetting diffusion electricity displacement amplitude distortion equivalent standard leak rate(L)final examination and measurementfine leak fixing point free'air condition grass leak heat-dissipating specimen high stress cycles GB/T 2422-1995 industry professional measurement industry professional electricity initial examination and measurementinvestigated test frequency leak rate | | tt | axes | beat Volume industry GB/T 2422--1995 | -- synthetized time history temperature stability test frequency test level learn more single more classic science test response spectrum thrust ........ time constant(of leakage)(0)time-history transverse vibration velocity amplitude vibration frequeney vibration period virtual leak voltage sensitivity of pickupw wetting working space zero period acceleration Additional remarks: This standard is proposed by the Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China. 中心中心#中心#中##中心o This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Environmental Conditions and Environmental Tests for Electrical and Electronic Products. This standard was drafted by the Guangzhou Electric Science Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery, the Standardization Institute of the Ministry of Electronics, and the Fifth Research Institute of the Ministry of Electronics. The main drafters of this standard are Xie Jianhua, Zhou Xincai, and Fu Wenru. 30oxinxin The industry is affected by the food industry and the country is competing for electricity breathint chamber charge sensitivity of pickupcheck point colophony combined test complex vibration composite test condensation conditioning contact angle critical damping critical frequencies crossover frequency damping danping ratio de-wetting diffusion| |tt||Diandian Electric Industry displacement amplitude distortion equivalent standard leak rate(L)final examination and measurementfine leak fixing point free'air condition grass leak heat-dissipating specimen high stress cycles GB/T 2422-1995 Professional Professional Measurement industry industry professional electric quantity initial examination and measurementinvestigated test frequency leak rate maximum bare table accelerationmaximum full load accelerationmean-squared acceleration measured leak rate(R) ..........measuring point modulating frequency non-heat-dissipating specimennon-wetting||tt ||oscillator piezoelectric acceleration pickuppre-conditioning predetermined test frequencypreferred testing axes recovery . referee measurement reference atmosphere reference pointbzxZ.net relevant specification resistance to soldering heatresponse spectrum .......||tt| |root-mean-squared accelerationsequence of test: severity sine beat Volume industry GB/T 2422-—1995 professional specialist camp solderability soldering time specimen standard leak rate strong part of the time-history center blood heart GB/T 2422--1995 surface temperature(case temperature) .-sweep cycle -- synthetized time history temperature stability test frequency test level learn more test response spectrum thrust ... ..... time constant(of leakage)(0)time-history transverse vibration velocity amplitude vibration frequency vibration period virtual leak voltage sensitivity of pickupw wetting working space zero period acceleration Additional remarks: This standard is proposed by the Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Environmental Conditions and Environmental Testing for Electrical and Electronic Products. This standard was drafted by the Guangzhou Electric Science Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery, the Standardization Institute of the Ministry of Electronics, and the Fifth Research Institute of the Ministry of Electronics. The main drafters of this standard are Xie Jianhua, Zhou Xincai, and Fu Wenru.oxinxin The industry is affected by the food industry and the country is competing for electricity breathint chamber charge sensitivity of pickupcheck point colophony combined test complex vibration composite test condensation conditioning contact angle critical damping critical frequencies crossover frequency damping danping ratio de-wetting diffusion| |tt||Diandian Electric Industry displacement amplitude distortion equivalent standard leak rate(L)final examination and measurementfine leak fixing point free'air condition grass leak heat-dissipating specimen high stress cycles GB/T 2422-1995 Professional Professional Measurement industry industry professional electric quantity initial examination and measurementinvestigated test frequency leak rate maximum bare table accelerationmaximum full load accelerationmean-squared acceleration measured leak rate(R) ..........measuring point modulating frequency non-heat-dissipating specimennon-wetting||tt ||oscillator piezoelectric acceleration pickuppre-conditioning predetermined test frequencypreferred testing axes recovery . referee measurement reference atmosphere reference point relevant specification resistance to soldering heatresponse spectrum .......||tt| |root-mean-squared accelerationsequence of test: severity sine beat Volume industry GB/T 2422-—1995 professional specialist camp solderability soldering time specimen standard leak rate strong part of the time-history center blood heart GB/T 2422--1995 surface temperature(case temperature) .-sweep cycle -- synthetized time history temperature stability test frequency test level learn more test response spectrum thrust ... ..... time constant(of leakage)(0)time-history transverse vibration velocity amplitude vibration frequency vibration period virtual leak voltage sensitivity of pickupw wetting working space zero period acceleration Additional remarks: This standard is proposed by the Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Environmental Conditions and Environmental Testing for Electrical and Electronic Products. This standard was drafted by the Guangzhou Electric Science Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery, the Standardization Institute of the Ministry of Electronics, and the Fifth Research Institute of the Ministry of Electronics. The main drafters of this standard are Xie Jianhua, Zhou Xincai, and Fu Wenru. referee measurement reference atmosphere reference point relevant specification resistance to soldering heatresponse spectrum ....... root-mean-squared accelerationsequence of test: severity sine beat Volume industry GB/T 2422-—1995 professional specialist camp solderability soldering time specimen standard leak rate strong part of the time-history center blood heart GB/T 2422--1995 surface temperature(case temperature) .-sweep cycle -- synthetized time history temperature stability test frequency test level learn more test response spectrum thrust ... ..... time constant(of leakage)(0)time-history transverse vibration velocity amplitude vibration frequency vibration period virtual leak voltage sensitivity of pickupw wetting working space zero period acceleration Additional remarks: This standard is proposed by the Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Environmental Conditions and Environmental Testing for Electrical and Electronic Products. This standard was drafted by the Guangzhou Electric Science Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery, the Standardization Institute of the Ministry of Electronics, and the Fifth Research Institute of the Ministry of Electronics. The main drafters of this standard are Xie Jianhua, Zhou Xincai, and Fu Wenru. referee measurement reference atmosphere reference point relevant specification resistance to soldering heatresponse spectrum ....... root-mean-squared accelerationsequence of test: severity sine beat Volume industry GB/T 2422-—1995 professional specialist camp solderability soldering time specimen standard leak rate strong part of the time-history center blood heart GB/T 2422--1995 surface temperature(case temperature) .-sweep cycle -- synthetized time history temperature stability test frequency test level learn more test response spectrum thrust ... ..... time constant(of leakage)(0)time-history transverse vibration velocity amplitude vibration frequency vibration period virtual leak voltage sensitivity of pickupw wetting working space zero period acceleration Additional remarks: This standard is proposed by the Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Environmental Conditions and Environmental Testing for Electrical and Electronic Products. This standard was drafted by the Guangzhou Electric Science Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery, the Standardization Institute of the Ministry of Electronics, and the Fifth Research Institute of the Ministry of Electronics. The main drafters of this standard are Xie Jianhua, Zhou Xincai, and Fu Wenru. Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.