title>HG/T 2657-1995 Specifications for the quality classification of diaphragm metal anode electrolytic cells - HG/T 2657-1995 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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HG/T 2657-1995 Specifications for the quality classification of diaphragm metal anode electrolytic cells

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG/T 2657-1995

Standard Name: Specifications for the quality classification of diaphragm metal anode electrolytic cells

Chinese Name: 隔膜法金属阳极电解槽质量分等细则

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)


Date of Release1995-01-10

Date of Implementation:1995-05-01

Date of Expiration:2004-08-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Chemical Industry>>Chemical Machinery and Equipment>>G93 Chemical Equipment

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HG/T 2657-1995 Quality classification of diaphragm metal anode electrolytic cells HG/T2657-1995 standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
HG/T 2657—95
Metal Anode Electrolyzers Using Diaphragm Process
Detailed Rules for Quality Classification
Published on 1995—01-10
Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China
Implemented on 1995—05—01
Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Detailed Rules for Quality Classification of Metal Anode Electrolyzers Using Diaphragm Process Subject Content and Applicable Model
This standard specifies the detailed rules for quality classification of metal anode electrolyzers using diaphragm process. This standard is applicable to metal anode electrolyzers using diaphragm process in the alkali metal industry. 2 Reference standards
GB[9 Packaging, storage and transportation pictorial symbols
GB5575 Unvulcanized rubber sheets for chemical equipment CB9844 Technical conditions for manufacturing diaphragm metal anode electrolytic cells HG/T2388 General rules for quality classification of steel welded pressure vessels HG/T2471 Metal anode coating for diaphragm electrolytic cells 3 Basic requirements for product quality classification
HG/T 2657-95
3.1 This standard is the basis for quality inspection by enterprise quality inspection departments, and can also be used by national and departmental quality supervision and inspection agencies for product quality supervision and random inspection or quality inspection.
3.2 The categories and levels of the quality characteristics of the graded products shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 4 of HG/T2388. 3.3 The product quality grade assessment shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 5 of HG/T2388. 3.4 When conducting quality inspection on products, the inspected party shall submit relevant information of the inspected products and provide all technical documents and quality management documents of the selected products according to the requirements of the inspecting party.
3.5 If parts and components can be made on the products, the inspection shall be carried out on the selected products. Otherwise, parts and components equivalent to the number of products to be inspected shall be taken from the products for inspection.
*Grading rules
4. 1 The material part shall comply with the provisions of Table 1, 4.2 The welding part shall comply with the provisions of Table 2, 4.3 The machined part shall comply with the provisions of Table 3. 4.4 The anodic coating part shall comply with the provisions of Table 4. 1. 5 The assembly part shall comply with the provisions of Table 5. 4. Paint, packaging and factory technical documents should comply with the provisions of Table 6. Approved by the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China on January 1, 1995 and implemented on May 1, 1995
Quality sustainability list
Titanium lining
Anode mesh
Titanium weak composite building
Female forged copper plate
Positive forged copper plate
Sensitive collision wire
Cathode steel plate mesh
(or wire mesh)
Table 1 Materials
Quality characteristics indicators
Material (including substitutes) must be accompanied by relevant certificates of conformity. For those with incomplete certificates, re-inspection should be carried out. All its certificates are traceable
1. Meet the requirements of Class C
2. Its exemption certificate is traceable
Inspection method
Verify the actual object
and the certificate
Material (including substitute) verification certificate
Special ring sample
Evaluation conclusion
Grade grade
Quality name
Titanium copper composite warehouse welding combustion detection||tt ||2.2 Titanium copper composite welding
Spot welding of titanium and composite rods
Titanium lining plate splicing welding quality
2.5 Cathode mesh bag welding quality
Spot welding or plug welding quality of cathode mesh and pipe rack
Cathode channel square steel and box
Cathode box body welding quality
2.9 Welding of cathode steel plate and body
2. 10. Quality of welding
HG/T 2657—95
2. Welding quality index
1. Reach b level
2. The weld is qualified in one flaw detection, and repair is allowed if it is not qualified
1. The weld part is fully flawed
2. The unqualified one is allowed to be repaired, and the same part shall not be repaired more than once
1. Meet the requirements of quality
2. The weld is silvery white or golden yellow
1. The height before welding
is 2-3
2. The weld is forged white and gold-colored, and the local situation is allowed to conform to the design. The spot welding is firm and shall not open or penetrate the titanium mesh! Titanium house in accordance with the sample
1. Reach B grade
2 The weld is silver
white or golden
1. In accordance with the drawing
2. The weld is qualified in the hysteresis test
3. The weld is white or golden yellow, and blue is allowed in some parts
Requires wire to wire, avoid overlapping or two or more wires together, the weld width is not more than 5, the peripheral point is allowed to be no more than 3, the size is not more than 8×8, and 4 welds are allowed on the same two pieces. The size is not more than 11.5×11.5
Meet the national sample requirements
1 Reach B grade!
2 The weld ring shape is beautiful and clear
marks, undercuts,
nodules, etc.
1. The weld size meets the drawing
2. The weld shall be free of cracks and rashes. The weld shall meet the requirements of the drawings and shall not have cracks, pits and other depressions. There shall be no marks or pores. The internal weld shall be polished and rounded to make it smooth. Inspection method: General color detection and balance. Special measuring tools. Check the seepage and slip marks. Measure with a ruler. Measure with a ruler. Measure with a ruler. Visual inspection and coal. |Oil filling
Measure with ruler
Evaluation result
Grade level network
Quality characteristic name
3.1 [Thread accuracy of titanium-copper composite rod
Verticality between titanium flange sealing surface and titanium-copper
Composite sugar
Flatness of positive pile
Anode thickness deviation
Anode length deviation
Anode width deviation
Thread accuracy of copper nut
Assembly hole of titanium plate anode
Diameter size deviation
Assembly hole of titanium liner anode
Center distance deviation of hole
3.10Assembly hole of trough bottom plate anode
Diameter size deviation
Assembly hole of trough bottom plate anode
Center distance deviation of hole
Anode copper plate anode assembly
Diameter size deviation
Anode plate anode assembly
Center distance deviation of hole
Flatness of auxiliary bottom plate
Thickness deviation of core bottom plate
3.16Flatness of cathode mesh
Height size deviation of cathode mesh bag
3.18Height size deviation of cathode box
3.19Flatness of cathode flange sealing surface
3. 20|The length of two pairs of resin wires in the two-pole box
HG/T 2647- 95
Mechanical Engineering
Quality Index
1.5/single piece
Two holes that are mutually locked are ±0.4
Any two holes are ±0.B
Two adjacent holes are ±0.4
Any two holes are less than 0.6
Two adjacent holes are ±0.4
Any two holes are ±0. 6
2/single piece
1.5/single piece
2/1000a (a is the diagonal
destructive dimension)
Inspection method
Thread ring gauge
Special measuring tool
Special height gauge
Steel ruler
Steel ruler
Thread plug gauge
Smooth surface plug gauge
Smooth surface plug gauge
Smooth surface density gauge
Flat ruler, feeler gauge
Flat ruler feeler gauge
Flat ruler density gauge
Evaluation result
Grade grid
Quality plate characteristic name
3.21 Length, height and dimension deviation of cathode copper plate after forming
Verticality of lower flange surface between barrier steel plate and cathode plate box
Contact surface quality of cathode steel plate and box
Sealing surface plane of cover flange
Difference in lining rubber quality
Quality of disk characteristics
Metal containing disk
Fluorine evolution potential
Polarization rate
Strengthening life
Coating appearance||t t||Coating surface bonding state
Chu layer and substrate
Bonding state
Continued Table 3
Quality characteristics index
Length, width: +10
3.0/single piece
Metallic luster after polishing
Conform to the relevant provisions of GB5575
Table 4 Anodic coating
Quality characteristics index
8. 0g /m2
1, 12V
In accordance with Article 5.2 of HG/T2471
In accordance with Article 5.3.1 of HG/T2471
In accordance with Article 5.3.2 of HG/T2471
Inspection method
Straight ruler, ruler
Special angle ruler
Electric spark detection
Inspection method
According to Articles 4, 4 and 7. 1 of HG/T2471
According to HG/T2471 According to the provisions of Article 7.2 of HG/T2471, according to the provisions of Article 7.3 of HG/T2471, according to the provisions of Article 7.4 of HG/T2471, according to the provisions of Article 7.5 of HG/T2471, according to the provisions of Article 7. Ruler and visual inspection, according to the provisions of Article 7. 8. 1 of HG/T2471, according to the provisions of Article 7. 8. 1 of HG/T2471 Article 7.8.2 of the Constitution: Assessment results of quality performance: Name of quality performance: After the anode and cathode are assembled, the distance between the electrodes and the anodes is different. Interchangeability of the cathode copper plate working surface, flatness, and anode copper plate working surface, flatness, and center distance deviation of adjacent cathodes. The difference in the center distance between two adjacent anode pieces. The center deviation between any two anode pieces. The thickness deviation of the cathode mesh after assembly. The verticality between the mesh surface of the cathode mesh bag and the flange surface under the box. The size and deviation of the liquid outlet. The size and deviation of the hydrogen outlet. The size and deviation of the gas outlet. The size and deviation of the salt water inlet. HG/T: 2657-- 95
Table 5 Assembly
Quality characteristic index
Inspection of rubbing edge anode height passed smoothly
100% interchangeability
Except the shear edge, the range of 200×200 is 0.3, and the total length direction is 0.3 except the shear edge, the range of 200×200 is 0.3, and the total length direction is 3
Conforms to the requirements of the drawings, 士5
Conforms to the requirements of the Taiwan national samples, 三5
Conforms to the requirements of the drawings, 士5
Meet the sample requirements, soil 5
Inspection method
Special inspection stick
Steel ruler
Steel ruler
Special angle ruler
Determination result
Quality characteristic name
Internal cleanliness
Factory technical documents
Product quality inspection summary
HG/T 2657—95
Qiu 6 Paint, packaging and factory technical documents Quality wall characteristics index
The subsequent film of the paint is uniform, without inclusions, cracks and wrinkles, etc., which conforms to the requirements of the drawings and GB191
No oil stains and residual debris
Conforms to the provisions of Article 5.1 of GB9844
Product certificate, quality certificate, packing list are complete Inspection method
Check the actual object
Check the actual object
Check the screening certificate
The product quality inspection summary table should be filled in Table 7 and should conform to the provisions of Article B3.5 of HG/T2388. Table? Product quality inspection summary table
Quality characteristics
Product quality assessment
Actual inspection items
Qualified grade
Assessment results
Grade grid
Product number:
Grade item rate%
Grade excellent grade eleven
Assessment grid paper
Compare the data in Table 7 with Table 3 in HG/2388 to assess the product quality. Grade and fill in Table 8. The format should comply with the regulations of HG/T2388. Table 8 Product quality grade assessment results
Manufacturer name
Product name
Product model
Product number
Completion date
Quality of this product
Grade assessment
Product drawing number
Factory number
Additional instructions:
This standard is proposed by China Chemical Equipment Corporation. HG/T
This standard is under the jurisdiction and interpretation of the Chemical Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Chemical Industry and the China Chemical Equipment Association. This standard was drafted by Beijing Chemical Machinery Factory, and the main drafters of this standard are Zhao Guorui, Wang Wenchang, and Cai Yujiu. 8
People's Republic of China
Chemical Industry Standard
Metal Anode Electrolyzer by Diaphragm Method
Quality and Profit Grading Rules
HG/ T 2657-95
Screen China National Chemical Equipment Corporation
Postal Code 1000[1
Printed by Beijing Institute of Chemical Technology Printing Factory
Copyright reserved
Format 880×1230
First Edition in September 1995
No Reprinting
Print Sheet 0.75
15 HandwrittenbzxZ.net
First Printing in September 1995
Price: 7.50 yuan2 provisions
Evaluation result
Level grid
Quality property name
After the anode and cathode are assembled
Distance difference
Electrolytic resistor of the same type
Interchangeability of the cathode copper plate working surface
Anode copper plate working surface
Adjacent cathode grid
Center distance deviation
Adjacent anode pieces Center
Deviation| ... 95
Table 5 Assembly
Quality characteristic index
Inspection of rubbing edge anode height passed smoothly
100% interchangeability
Except the shear edge, the range of 200×200 is 0.3, and the total length direction is 0.3 except the shear edge, the range of 200×200 is 0.3, and the total length direction is 3
Conforms to the requirements of the drawings, 士5
Conforms to the requirements of the Taiwan national samples, 三5
Conforms to the requirements of the drawings, 士5
Meet the sample requirements, soil 5
Inspection method
Special inspection stick
Steel ruler
Steel ruler
Special angle ruler
Determination result
Quality characteristic name
Internal cleanliness
Factory technical documents
Product quality inspection summary
HG/T 2657—95
Qiu 6 Paint, packaging and factory technical documents Quality wall characteristics index
The subsequent film of the paint is uniform, without inclusions, cracks and wrinkles, etc., which conforms to the requirements of the drawings and GB191
No oil stains and residual debris
Conforms to the provisions of Article 5.1 of GB9844
Product certificate, quality certificate, packing list are complete Inspection method
Check the actual object
Check the actual object
Check the screening certificate
The product quality inspection summary table should be filled in Table 7 and should conform to the provisions of Article B3.5 of HG/T2388. Table? Product quality inspection summary table
Quality characteristics
Product quality assessment
Actual inspection items
Qualified grade
Assessment results
Grade grid
Product number:
Grade item rate%
Grade excellent grade eleven
Assessment grid paper
Compare the data in Table 7 with Table 3 in HG/2388 to assess the product quality. Grade and fill in Table 8. The format should comply with the regulations of HG/T2388. Table 8 Product quality grade assessment results
Manufacturer name
Product name
Product model
Product number
Completion date
Quality of this product
Grade assessment
Product drawing number
Factory number
Additional instructions:
This standard is proposed by China Chemical Equipment Corporation. HG/T
This standard is under the jurisdiction and interpretation of the Chemical Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Chemical Industry and the China Chemical Equipment Association. This standard was drafted by Beijing Chemical Machinery Factory, and the main drafters of this standard are Zhao Guorui, Wang Wenchang, and Cai Yujiu. 8
People's Republic of China
Chemical Industry Standard
Metal Anode Electrolyzer by Diaphragm Method
Quality and Profit Grading Rules
HG/ T 2657-95
Screen China National Chemical Equipment Corporation
Postal Code 1000[1
Printed by Beijing Institute of Chemical Technology Printing Factory
Copyright reserved
Format 880×1230
First Edition in September 1995
No Reprinting
Print Sheet 0.75
15 Handwritten
First Printing in September 1995
Price: 7.50 yuan2 provisions
Evaluation result
Level grid
Quality property name
After the anode and cathode are assembled
Distance difference
Electrolytic resistor of the same type
Interchangeability of the cathode copper plate working surface
Anode copper plate working surface
Adjacent cathode grid
Center distance deviation
Adjacent anode pieces Center
Deviation| ... 95
Table 5 Assembly
Quality characteristic index
Inspection of rubbing edge anode height passed smoothly
100% interchangeability
Except the shear edge, the range of 200×200 is 0.3, and the total length direction is 0.3 except the shear edge, the range of 200×200 is 0.3, and the total length direction is 3
Conforms to the requirements of the drawings, 士5
Conforms to the requirements of the Taiwan national samples, 三5
Conforms to the requirements of the drawings, 士5
Meet the sample requirements, soil 5
Inspection method
Special inspection stick
Steel ruler
Steel ruler
Special angle ruler
Determination result
Quality characteristic name
Internal cleanliness
Factory technical documents
Product quality inspection summary
HG/T 2657—95
Qiu 6 Paint, packaging and factory technical documents Quality wall characteristics index
The subsequent film of the paint is uniform, without inclusions, cracks and wrinkles, etc., which conforms to the requirements of the drawings and GB191
No oil stains and residual debris
Conforms to the provisions of Article 5.1 of GB9844
Product certificate, quality certificate, packing list are complete Inspection method
Check the actual object
Check the actual object
Check the screening certificate
The product quality inspection summary table should be filled in Table 7 and should conform to the provisions of Article B3.5 of HG/T2388. Table? Product quality inspection summary table
Quality characteristics
Product quality assessment
Actual inspection items
Qualified grade
Assessment results
Grade grid
Product number:
Grade item rate%
Grade excellent grade eleven
Assessment grid paper
Compare the data in Table 7 with Table 3 in HG/2388 to assess the product quality. Grade and fill in Table 8. The format should comply with the regulations of HG/T2388. Table 8 Product quality grade assessment results
Manufacturer name
Product name
Product model
Product number
Completion date
Quality of this product
Grade assessment
Product drawing number
Factory number
Additional instructions:
This standard is proposed by China Chemical Equipment Corporation. HG/T
This standard is under the jurisdiction and interpretation of the Chemical Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Chemical Industry and the China Chemical Equipment Association. This standard was drafted by Beijing Chemical Machinery Factory, and the main drafters of this standard are Zhao Guorui, Wang Wenchang, and Cai Yujiu. 8
People's Republic of China
Chemical Industry Standard
Metal Anode Electrolyzer by Diaphragm Method
Quality and Profit Grading Rules
HG/ T 2657-95
Screen China National Chemical Equipment Corporation
Postal Code 1000[1
Printed by Beijing Institute of Chemical Technology Printing Factory
Copyright reserved
Format 880×1230
First Edition in September 1995
No Reprinting
Print Sheet 0.75
15 Handwritten
First Printing in September 1995
Price: 7.50 yuan75
15 Handwritten
First printed in September 1995
Price: 7.50 yuan75
15 Handwritten
First printed in September 1995
Price: 7.50 yuan
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