title>JB/T 6672.2-2001 Coal-fired hot blast stove test method - JB/T 6672.2-2001 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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JB/T 6672.2-2001 Coal-fired hot blast stove test method

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 6672.2-2001

Standard Name: Coal-fired hot blast stove test method

Chinese Name: 燃煤热风炉 试验方法

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release2001-06-04

Date of Implementation:2001-10-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Agriculture>>Agricultural machinery, tools and equipment>>65.060.99 Other agricultural machinery and equipment

Standard Classification Number:Agriculture and Forestry>>Agricultural and Forestry Machinery and Equipment>>B90 Agricultural and Forestry Machinery and Equipment

associated standards

alternative situation:JB/T 6673-1993

Publication information

publishing house:Machinery Industry Press

Publication date:2004-04-23

other information

Focal point unit:National Agricultural Machinery Standardization Technical Committee

Introduction to standards:

JB/T 6672.2-2001 JB/T 6672.2-2001 Test method for coal-fired hot blast furnace JB/T6672.2-2001 Standard download and decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Coal-fired hot blast stove
Test method
Test method for coal-burning air heater Issued on 2001-06-04
China Machinery Industry Federation
Implementation on 2001-10-01
This standard is a revision of JB/T6673—1993 "Test method for hot blast stove". Compared with JB/T6673-1993, the main technical contents of this standard have been changed as follows: the inspection of air leakage and smoke leakage has been changed to airtightness test inspection; the content of wind resistance power consumption measurement has been removed; the specific methods of dust concentration emission and blackness have been removed, and the relevant standards have been directly quoted; the calculation formulas and record tables of average wind pressure and average flow rate have been modified. This standard replaces JB/T6673-1993 from the date of implementation. Appendix A, Appendix B and Appendix C of this standard are all standard appendices. Appendix D of this standard is a prompt appendix.
This standard is proposed and managed by the National Technical Committee for Agricultural Machinery Standardization. The responsible drafting units of this standard are: China Agricultural Mechanization Science Research Institute, China Agricultural Engineering Research and Design Institute, China Agricultural University, Zhengzhou Yellow River Boiler Auxiliary Machinery Factory, Shanghai Xinxiang Hot Blast Furnace Factory. The main drafters of this standard are: Lin Jintian, Cui Yuanbo, Liu Dewang, Zhao Shumei, Jiang Zhiwei. This standard was first issued in 1993 and revised for the first time in June 2001. 2
Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Coal-fired hot air heater
Test method
Test method for coalburning air heater This standard specifies the performance test method for hot air heater. This standard applies to the performance test of coal-fired hot air heater. Cited standards
Replaces JB/T6673—1993
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard is published: the versions shown are valid. All standards will be revised, and the parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest version of the following standards. GB/T213—1996
Method for determination of calorific value of coal
GB 474-1996
Method for preparation of coal sample
GB/T5468—1991 Test method for boiler smoke 3 Test preparation and requirements
3.1 Test preparation
3.1.1 The instruments and meters used for test determination are shown in Appendix D (the appendix of reminder). They should be calibrated and qualified before the test. 3.1.2 Test prototype preparation
a) The design data of the hot blast furnace shall be in accordance with the content of the items in Table 1, and the data shall be recorded in Table 1: b) Install and adjust the various components and auxiliary machines of the hot blast furnace in accordance with the instruction manual. 3.1.3 When testing the hot blast furnace, the coal used shall have a basic lower calorific value of 21~25MJ/kg, and the volatile matter on a dry ash-free basis shall not exceed 25%.
3.1.4 Before the test, the measuring pipeline should be installed and the temperature and pressure measuring points should be arranged, see Appendix A (Standard Appendix). 3.1.5 Before the formal measurement, a preliminary test should be carried out to check whether the test cover and instruments and meters are properly connected. 3.2 Test requirements
3.2.1 The thermal efficiency of the hot blast furnace shall be measured according to the positive balance method. 3.2.2 Before the test, an airtightness test should be carried out. 3.2.3 Each test should be started after the hot blast furnace reaches the rated working condition and stabilizes, and the stabilization time (excluding the heating time) is not less than Th.
3.2.4 About 15~20 minutes before the start and end of the test, the slag should be removed and the furnace should be cleaned, so that the thickness of the coal layer in the furnace membrane and the degree of combustion at the end of the test are basically the same as those at the beginning. 3.2.5 During the test, the output hot air damper adjustment handle should be fixed. 3.2.6 Interval between each measurement
Approved by China Machinery Industry Federation on June 4, 2001, implemented on October 1, 2001
a) The output hot air temperature and the inlet air temperature can be measured every 5 minutes, and the data are recorded in Table 4; b) The output hot air pressure (dynamic pressure, static pressure) can be measured every 20 minutes, and the data are recorded in Table 3. 3.2.7 Test time: The duration required for each test measurement (excluding the stabilization time specified in 3.2.3) should be no less than 3 hours, and no stopping is allowed in the middle, otherwise the test will be invalid. 3.2.8 If the heat exchange efficiency measurement test is carried out three times, the arithmetic mean should be taken. 4 Test content and method
4.1 Air tightness test method
Install the complete set of heat exchangers, add necessary auxiliary parts, install the necessary seals, tighten the specified fasteners, install the inlet and outlet interfaces, pressure gauge and stop valve. Then inflate the flue gas side or the air side. After reaching 0.02MPa, observe the change of the pointer on the pressure gauge. 4.2 Determination and calculation of output hot air heat exchange
4.2.1 Determination of output hot air temperature Arrangement of output hot air temperature measurement points When the diameter of the output hot air measurement pipeline is less than or equal to 250mm, the temperature can be measured at only one point in the center of the cross section as the average temperature of the entire cross section. When the diameter of the output hot air measurement pipeline is greater than 250mm, multiple points should be arranged on the cross section for measurement. The measurement point arrangement method shall refer to the pressure measurement method, see Appendix A. Determination of output hot air temperature
A thermal resistance thermometer can be used. Its arrangement on the measurement pipe section should be recorded and the arrangement diagram should be listed. The measured data are recorded in Table 4. 4.2.2 Measurement and calculation of output hot air flow rate Measurement of output hot air pressure
Measured by Pitot tube and inclined micromanometer. Install Pitot tube (connected with inclined micromanometer) at the above measuring points respectively, measure the wind pressure at each point synchronously during operation and record the measured data in Table 3. Measurement of atmospheric pressure and relative humidity of inlet air The atmospheric pressure is measured by an empty box manometer. For the measurement of relative humidity of inlet air, the hygrometer should be hung at the place where the inlet air thermometer is measured. The arithmetic mean of the measured data is recorded in Table 2. Calculation of average flow rate of output hot air
a) Calculate the output hot air density according to formula (1) and record the result in Table 2. p=2.176×10~
Where: e output hot air density, kg/m*: H gas absolute pressure, Pa:
Output hot air average temperature, ℃ (take the arithmetic mean of all measured output hot air temperatures within the measurement period); Inlet air moisture content is calculated according to Appendix B (Appendix of the standard), kg/kg. b) The average pressure of the output hot air is calculated according to formula (2), and the results are recorded in Table 3. 1
Where: Z
-i point micromanometer dynamic pressure reading, Pa;
Number of measuring points:
Number of measurements during the test:
Z——The average dynamic pressure of the output hot air at point m on the measuring section, Pa. c) The average flow rate of the output hot air is calculated according to formula (3), and the results are recorded in Table 2. yz
Where: p—the average flow rate of the output hot air, m/s; K——the constant factor of the inclined micromanometer;
K. ——Pitot tube coefficient, when the standard Pitot tube is used, K. =1, when using S-type pitot tube, K. *0.8~0.85. The output hot air flow rate is calculated according to formula (4), and the results are recorded in Table 2. 9, =3600vF
Where: 9v-
Output hot air flow rate, m*/h;
-Hot air measurement pipe cross-sectional area, m*. 4.2.3 Inlet air temperature measurement
Hang the thermometer in a sun-proof place about 1m in front of the air inlet, and record the measured data in Table 4. 4.2.4 The output hot air heat is calculated according to formula (5), and the results are recorded in Table 2. Qyx=qP(C'pmof -Cpmofg)
Wherein: Qyx—output hot air heat exchange, kJ/h;—average inlet air temperature, °C;
Temperature: The average constant pressure mass specific heat capacity of the output hot air at time, calculated according to Chapter B2 in Appendix B, kJ/(kg·K): temperature t. The average constant pressure mass specific heat capacity of the incoming air is calculated according to Chapter B2 in Appendix B, kJ/(kg·K). 4.3 Thermal efficiency measurement and calculation
4.3.1 Input heat measurement The amount of coal burned during the measurement period of the hot blast stove is weighed by a bench, and the average coal burning amount per hour is recorded in Table 2 . The sampling and reduction methods of coal shall be in accordance with the provisions of Appendix C (Standard Appendix). The application-based low calorific value of coal is measured according to the method specified in GB/T213, and the results are recorded in Table 2. The input heat is calculated according to Equation (6), and the results are recorded in Table 2. QGG=QDwB
In the formula: S0g-
Input heat, kJ/h;
Based low calorific value for coal-fired applications, kJ/kg: one Average coal consumption per hour, kg/h.
4.3.2 The heat transfer efficiency is calculated according to formula (7), and the results are recorded in Table 2. Qyx
where: n-Www.bzxZ.net
heat transfer efficiency.
4.4 Noise measurement
At the position of the hot blast stove operator, 1.5m above the ground, measure the noise intensity with the weighted network A of the sound level meter, and take the measured maximum smoke emission and blackness measurement
The flue gas dust concentration and emission rat measurement shall be carried out in accordance with the regulations of GB/T5468. 4.6 Overload operation test
Keep the speed of the air side channel fan unchanged, and increase the maximum output hot air temperature by 15%, and work continuously for no less than 2 hours. 5 Test report
After the test, the test data should be summarized, analyzed, and a test report should be submitted. 5.1 | Main structure and technical parameters) d) Test results and analysis;
e) Problems and solutions.
5.3 The original data of the hot blast stove test measurement should be archived for future reference. Table 1 Comprehensive table of hot blast stove design data
serial number
Test date:
Fuel type
Combustion method
Heat exchanger form
Total heat exchange area
Grate (hui) area
Smoke chart height
Supporting flue gas fan model and specifications
Maximum output hot air temperature
Rated output hot air heat transfer
Design thermal efficiency
Total installed capacity
Weighing|| tt||m

Design data
Serial number
5||tt| |6
22|| tt||23
Test date:
Test start and end time
Relative extent of inlet air
Ambient temperature
Atmospheric pressure
Output hot air density
Table 2 Comprehensive table of test measurement data
Project name

Output hot air average temperature
Inlet air average temperature
Output hot air average flow rate
Output hot air flow rate
Output hot air heat transfer amount
Hourly coal burning amount| |tt||Low calorific value for coal-fired applications
Hour heat input
Thermal efficiency
Heat exchanger flue gas inlet temperature
Fume emission humidity||tt ||Volume percentage of water vapor content in flue gas Average flow rate of flue gas
Fume flow rate under measured working conditions
Wet flue gas flow rate under standard conditions
Dry flue gas under standard conditions Flow rate
Sampling smoke gas volume
Smoke blackness
Smoke dust content
Smoke emission sensitivity

kj/h| |tt||%

m wet flue gas h
Nm wet flue gas/h||tt| |Nm2 dry flue gas/h
standard·liter·dry flue gas
Ringer blackness level
mg/Nm dry flue gas
mg/h| |tt||The noise of the electric power consumed per unit thermal power output by the hot blast stove
The air tightness condition between the flue gas side or the air side W/MW
Record Person:
Measurement data
Prototype number:
Measurement start and end time:
Atmospheric pressure:
Micromanometer reading
Name| |tt||-
Measurement person:
3| |tt||JB/T6672.2—2001
Table 3 output hot air pressure measurement record table
Measurement location:
Inlet relative humidity:
Static pressure :
Note: The format in Table 3 is only applicable when using pitot tube for measurement. Measurement date:
Air embedding conditions:
Output hot air temperature:
Table 4 Average output hot air temperature and inlet air temperature measurement record table Tested sample number:
Test and measurement location:
Test and measurement date:
Test and measurement start and end times:
Serial number
3||tt ||Total average
Measurement person:
Climate conditions:
Inlet air relative humidity:
Atmospheric pressure:
The entire measurement section for each pair The output hot air average temperature value ℃
Inlet air humidity

To Ming:
1 Measuring point layout diagram:
2 Measuring point location (m):
3 Measurement times n
1 round or rectangular pipe Measuring point layout
and measuring point location;
2 Temperature measuring element model and number
JB/T 6672.2—2001
Appendix A
(standard appendix)
The position of the measuring pipe and the pressure measuring point and the temperature measuring point on the measuring pipe section and the selection of the position of the pressure measuring point A1 by the equal section division method
To measure the output hot air pressure, the dedicated measurement pipeline is shown in Figure A1. The length of 5D (D is the inner diameter of the measuring pipe) should be maintained before the measuring point and the length of 3D should be maintained after the measuring point. There should be no obstacles in this pipe. For rectangular measurement pipes, the equivalent diameter D is used instead of D. The equivalent diameter D=2ABI (A+B), A and B are the side lengths of the rectangle. If the above requirements are not met, the number of measuring points should be increased. Air outlet
A2 measuring point location and number
A2.1 Circular cross-section pipe
Figure A1 Special measuring pipe and measuring point location map divides the pipe section into an appropriate number of concentric rings of equal area, and each measuring point is of equal area in the ring On the center line, as shown in Figure A2. Figure A2 Schematic diagram of the distribution of measuring points on a circular cross-section
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