Some standard content:
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Asbestos-cement pressure'pipes and joints for water GB/T 3039--94
Replaces GB3039-82
This standard adopts ISO160--80% Asbestos-cement pressure'pipes and joints of the International Organization for Standardization. 1 Subject content and applicable scope
This standard specifies the product classification and specifications, technical requirements, test methods and inspection rules, marking, packaging and transportation of asbestos-cement water pipes and joints.
This standard is applicable to the laying of asbestos-cement pressure pipes and joints for industrial, agricultural and urban water supply. 2 Reference standards
Portland cement, ordinary Portland cement
Sulfate-resistant Portland cement
GB7019 Determination of water absorption, bulk density and porosity of asbestos cement products GB8071 Chrysotile
3 Product classification
According to the working pressure of the pipeline, asbestos cement water pipes and their joints are divided into seven grades listed in Table 1. Table 1 Pipe grade
Working pressure
3.2 Quality grade: According to the appearance quality, dimensional tolerance, test water pressure and pipe wall water absorption of the pipe, it is divided into superior products (A), first-class products (B), and qualified products (C).
3.3 Code and mark: It is indicated by product name (SNG), pipe grade (Roman numerals), quality grade (English letters), nominal diameter (mm), and standard number. The Chinese pinyin initial combination "SNG" indicates asbestos cement water pipe. Example: Asbestos cement water pipe, nominal diameter 300mm, pipe grade V, superior quality. SNG VA 300 GB 3039
4 Specifications and dimensions
4.1 Pipe specifications: The basic dimensions shall comply with the requirements of Figure 1 and Table 2. Figure 1
d-inner diameter; D-outer diameter of turning end; S-wall thickness of turning end; L-standard length of pipeApproved by the State Bureau of Technical Supervision on December 22, 1994 and implemented on August 1, 1995
No inner diameter
Standard length
Turning end
Reference weight
Turning end
Reference weight
Table 2 Various grades
Turning end
Reference weight
Note: ① Pipes of other specifications and sizes can be produced upon agreement between the supply and demand parties. ② The manufacturer can temporarily use the original inner diameter size to produce pipes of 147 (141), 195 (189), 243 (236), 291 (279), 338 (322), 386 (368), 482 (458) mm, etc., but when a new factory is built or the pipe core is updated, the provisions of Table 2 shall be followed. 22
Tube size small
Turning end
Reference weight
GB/T 3039-94
Reference weight
Turning end
Reference weight
Turning end
Reference weight
GB/T 3039--94
4.2 Joint type and specification: The joint used to connect the pipe is a flexible joint, which should be easy to install, have good sealing performance and be safe to use. The specific type of joint, the specifications and allowable deviations of the sleeve or pipe socket, as well as the appearance quality and inspection regulations of the sleeve shall be determined by the manufacturer and notified to the user.
5 Technical requirements
5.1 Raw materials
5.1.1 Asbestos: Chrysotile asbestos of grade 5 and above in accordance with GB8071 shall be used, and other fibers that are harmless to the product performance and the quality of the water transported may also be mixed in appropriate amounts.
5.1.2 Cement: Portland cement and ordinary Portland cement of not less than No. 425 in accordance with GB175 shall be used, but ordinary Portland cement mixed with coal and carbon powder as grinding aids and shale and coal grinding stone as mixed materials shall not be used. If the pipe is used in soil with high sulfate content, sulfate-resistant Portland cement of GB748 shall be used, and sandy cement may also be used, but pressure steam curing is required.
5.1.3 Water: Clean fresh water or water from a circulating system should be used. Fresh water should not contain oil, salt, acid or other impurities. 5.1.4 The materials used for asbestos cement sleeves and joint fittings used to connect pipes should comply with the requirements specified in Articles 5.1.1 to 5.1.3 of this standard. Other materials may also be used if agreed upon by both the supplier and the buyer, but they must comply with the relevant standards. The variety, performance and shape specifications of the selected rubber rings should comply with the requirements of the technical performance of the joints and pipelines, and must comply with the provisions of the relevant standards.
5.2 Appearance quality
The appearance quality of pipes of various quality grades shall comply with the provisions of Table 3. Table 3 Appearance quality
Appearance quality
Inspection items
Outer surface
Inner surface
Turning part
Outer surface
Superior product
No scratches or peeling
No scratches or peeling
5.3 Allowable size deviation
First-class product
Allowed range
Qualified product
Scratches and peeling with a depth of no more than 2 mm, each with an area of no more than 10 cm2, and a total area of no more than 30 cm2
Peeling with a depth of no more than 2 mm, each with an area of no more than 10 cm, and a total area of no more than 20 cm2
Deepness of no more than 2 nm Scars and peeling, each area shall not exceed 10cm2, and the total area shall not exceed 50cm
Deep peeling shall not exceed 2 mm, each area shall not exceed 10 cm2, and the total area shall not exceed 30 cm2. Scars, peeling and scaling are not allowed
5.3.1 The allowable deviation of dimensions shall comply with the provisions of Table 4. Table 4 Allowable deviation of dimensions
Allowable deviation
Nominal diameter
Superior product
First-class product
Note: There is no regulation for the positive deviation of pipe length. 24
Qualified products
Outer diameter of turning end
Superior products, first-class products, qualified products
Superior products
Length, %
First-class products
Qualified products
GB/T 3039—94
5.3.2 The difference between the maximum and minimum values of the inner diameter at the same end of the pipe shall not be greater than that specified in Table 5. The two end faces of the pipe must be cut to be perpendicular to the central axis and should not have burrs or delamination.
Extreme difference of pipe inner diameter
Nominal diameter
Superior products
Allowable value
First-class products
Qualified products
Nominal diameter
Allowable value
First-class products
Qualified products
5.3.3 The curvature of the pipe shall not be greater than that specified in Table 6. 150
Curvature of the pipe
Standard length of the pipe, m
Superior products
Allowable value, mm
First-class products
Qualified products
5.3.4 Short pipes The number of short pipes in each batch of superior products and first-class and qualified products shall not exceed 10%. The length of such short pipes shall not be shorter than the standard length by 300mm. However, the total length of the supplied pipes shall be calculated as a real number and shall not be less than the quantity specified in the user's order form.
5.4 Physical and mechanical properties
5.4.1 Pipes Pipes of various grades shall withstand the test water pressure specified in Table 7. Under this pressure, 308 shall be maintained and there shall be no water binding on the outer surface of the pipes.
Test water pressure of pipes in Table 7
Pipe grades
Superior products
Test water pressure
First-class products
The breaking water pressure value and tensile strength of pipes of various grades shall not be lower than those specified in Tables 8 and 9. Qualified products
Nominal diameter
Pipe grade
GB/T 3039--94
Table 8 Pipe breaking water pressure
Pipe breaking water pressure, MPa
Table 9 Pipe tensile strength The flexural strength of pipes of various grades shall not be lower than that specified in Table 10. Table 10 Pipe flexural strength
Pipe grade
N, V,, M The external pressure strength of pipes of various grades shall not be lower than that specified in Table 11. Table 11 External pressure strength of pipes
Pipe grade
Tensile strength
Flexural strength
External pressure strength
GB/T 3039-94 The water absorption rate of the pipe wall shall not be greater than that specified in Table 12. Table 12 Water absorption rate of pipe wall
Pipe grade
1,I, 1
N, V, M,
Superior product
Water absorption rate of pipe and casing
First-class product
Qualified product of various grades shall withstand the test water pressure specified in Table 7. Under this pressure, they shall be kept for 30s, and there shall be no smoke and water phenomenon on the outer surface of the casing. breaking water pressure value of casings of various grades shall not be lower than that specified in Table 8. water pressure seal of the joint shall reach 2 times the working pressure of the pipe grade and shall not be wetted by water. external pressure strength of casings of various grades shall not be lower than that specified in Table 11. water absorption rate of casing shall not be greater than that specified in Table 12. 6 Test methods
6.1 Test methods for pipes
6.1.1 Appearance quality inspection
Use visual inspection and a steel ruler with a minimum scale of 0.5mm to measure the scratches and peeling on the inner and outer surfaces of the pipe. 6.1.2 Specification and size inspection The length of the pipe is measured with a steel tape measure with a minimum scale of 1mm. Two symmetrical positions are measured. The arithmetic mean of the measurement results is used as the length of the pipe. The wall thickness of the pipe is measured with a vernier caliper with an accuracy of 0.1mm. Four vertically symmetrical positions are measured at both ends of the pipe. The arithmetic mean of the measurement results is used as the wall thickness of the pipe. The inner and outer diameters of the pipe are measured with inner and outer calipers and a steel ruler with an accuracy of 0.5mm respectively. Four vertically symmetrical positions are measured at both ends of the pipe. The arithmetic mean of the measurement results is used as the inner and outer diameters of the pipe. The maximum and minimum inner diameter values of the same pipe end are measured in the same way. The curvature of the pipe is measured with a metal ruler or wooden ruler not less than the length of the pipe as a ruler, and a steel ruler with an accuracy of 1mm. The maximum gap between the outer surface of the pipe and the ruler is taken as the curvature of the pipe. 6.1.3 Physical and mechanical tests Water pressure impermeability test
The whole pipe after machining is tested, and the water pressure test equipment is used in which the pipe is not subjected to pressure in the axial direction after the pipe end is sealed. In a period of not less than 1 minute, the water pressure in the pipe is gradually increased to the test water pressure value specified in Table 7 of this standard, and the pressure is kept constant for 30 seconds, and the condition of the outer surface of the pipe is checked. Destructive water pressure test
Use a 1m long pipe section for the test. The pipe section is first immersed in water at a temperature of 20±5℃ for 48h, and then tested on a water pressure testing machine (the equipment requirements are the same as those specified in The pressure should be increased steadily at a speed of 0.1~0.2MPa/s until the pipe section ruptures. The tensile strength of the pipe is calculated according to formula (1):
Where: R.——tensile strength, MPa;
P,——destructive water pressure, MPa;
d-actual inner diameter of the pipe section, mm;
S——actual thickness of the pipe wall at the rupture point, mm. R = P(d+$) Flexural strength test
GB/T 3039-94
The flexural strength of the pipe is determined by a single-point loading test method. As shown in Figure 2, a 120° V-shaped steel bracket is placed in the middle of the pipe section and at the two side supports. A rubber pad with a thickness of about 10 mm should be placed between the pipe section and the bracket. The 100
test requires soaking in water at a temperature of 20 ± 5°C for 48 hours. The specimen length and the center distance of the support bracket should comply with the requirements of Table 13. Table 13 Specimen length and standoff
Nominal diameter
Specimen length L
Standoff L
On the material testing machine, after assembling as shown in Figure 2, start the test and apply load at a hook speed of 400~600N/s until the pipe section breaks. Calculate the flexural strength of the pipe according to formula (2):
Flexural strength, MPa;
Where Rr—
Pr——Failure load, N;
L'—Standoff, mm
Actual inner diameter of the pipe section, mm
Thickness of the pipe wall at the break, mm. External pressure strength test
P(d + 2S,)
(d + 2S,- d)
The external pressure test of the pipe is carried out using a 30cm long pipe section. The sample must first be soaked in water at a temperature of 20±5℃ for 48h, then taken out and wiped dry, and placed on the material testing machine for testing as shown in Figure 3. 3
1—Pressing block: 2-Rubber pad; 3—Asbestos cement pipe; 4 Bracket 28
GB/T 3039—94
The bottom pad of the sample is a 150V bracket. A rubber pad with a thickness of 15mm and a hardness of 60±5 degrees Shore A must be inserted between the pressing block, bracket and sample. The bracket and the pressing block are made of the same metal or hardwood. The width 5 of the pressing block is determined according to the pipe diameter, and the 6 values are listed in Table 14.
Nominal diameter
Width point
After the installation is completed according to Figure 3, the test is started, and the load is applied at a hook speed of 400~600N/s until the pipe section cracks. Calculate the external pressure strength of the pipe according to formula (3):
P.(3d + 5S,)
Wherein: R.--external pressure strength, MPa;
-failure load, N;
d-actual inner diameter of the sample, mm;
S,-actual thickness at the rupture, mm;
L-sample length, mm
n--coefficient, take 0.3. Water absorption test
The water absorption test method of the pipe shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB7019. 6.2 Joints and sleeves
6.2.1 Appearance quality inspection
Same as 6.1.1.
6.2.2 Specification and size inspection Measurement of sleeve length and thickness
The measurement method is the same as Measurement of inner and outer diameters of casing
The measurement method is the same as that of Test of sealing performance of casing and joints The test method is the same as that of Test of casing destructive water pressure
The test method is the same as that of Test of casing external pressure
The test method is the same as that of Test of water absorption of casing
The test method is carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB7019. 7 Inspection rules
7.1 Inspection classification
It is divided into factory inspection and type inspection.
7.2 Factory inspection
7.2.1 Inspection items Pipe
Appearance quality, dimensional tolerance, water pressure and impermeability test, destructive water pressure test, flexural strength test (conducted when the nominal inner diameter of the pipe is less than or equal to 150mm). Joints and sleeves
Appearance quality, dimensional tolerance, water pressure and impermeability test. 7.2.2 Batch
Each batch of pipes and sleeves shall be products of the same material, specification and grade. The quantity of each batch shall comply with the provisions of Table 15, and can be considered as one batch if it is less than the lower limit of the batch. Batch of pipes and sleeves
Nominal diameter, mm
7.2.3 Inspection and judgment rules Appearance quality and dimensional tolerance inspection batch number range, pieces or pieces
Randomly select 5% (at least 20 pieces or pieces) from each batch of pipes or sleeves for inspection. If there are no more than 2 samples that do not meet the grade, the batch of products is judged to meet the grade. If there are more than 2 samples, the batch of products should be downgraded or judged as unqualified. Water pressure and seepage test
All pipes and casings shall be subjected to water pressure and seepage test one by one. During factory inspection, 3 samples shall be randomly selected from each batch of products for water pressure and seepage test. If all the test results meet the corresponding level in the technical requirements, they shall be judged to meet the level. If 1 pipe does not meet the requirements, 3 more pipes shall be retested. If there is still 1 pipe that does not meet the requirements, the batch of products shall be downgraded or judged as unqualified products. Destructive water pressure test
Randomly select 2 pipes from each batch of pipes or casings with an age of 14 days for destructive test. If the destructive water pressure is not lower than the requirements of the corresponding level in Table 8, they shall be judged to meet the level. If 1 pipe does not meet the requirements, the test age shall be extended to 28 days, and double the number of samples shall be retested. If there is still 1 pipe that does not meet the requirements, the batch of products shall be downgraded or judged as unqualified products. Flexural strength test: Randomly select 2 tubes from each batch of tubes with an age of 14 days for flexural strength test. If the flexural strength of the samples all meet the requirements of the corresponding level in Table 10, they are judged to meet the level. If there is one tube that does not meet the requirements, the test age is extended to 28 days, and the samples are doubled and re-tested. If there is still one tube that does not meet the requirements, the batch of products should be downgraded or judged as unqualified products. Judgment rules: When the appearance quality, dimensional tolerance, and physical and mechanical properties of the sample meet the requirements of the corresponding level in the technical requirements, it is judged to be this level. If one item does not meet the requirements, it should be downgraded or judged as unqualified. 7.3 Type inspection
7.3.1 The product shall be subject to type inspection in any of the following cases: a.
Trial type identification of new products or old products transferred to the factory for production; when there are major changes in product structure, materials, and processes after formal production, which may affect product performance; at least one inspection per year during formal production; when the product is resumed after a long period of suspension; d.
When there is a major difference between the factory inspection result and the last model or inspection; when the national quality supervision agency proposes a requirement for type inspection. GB/T 3039--94
7.3.2 Inspection items: including all items in the technical requirements. 7.3.3 Batch sampling and inspection: appearance quality, dimensional allowable deviation, water pressure impermeability test, destructive water pressure test, flexural strength test, batch sampling and inspection, the same as factory inspection. External pressure strength test: Randomly select 2 pipes or sleeves from each batch of pipes or sleeves with an age of 14 days for external pressure strength test. If the external pressure strength of the samples all meet the requirements of the corresponding level in Table 11, they are judged to meet the level. If there is one pipe that does not meet the requirements, the test age is extended to 28 days, and the samples are doubled for re-inspection. If there is still one pipe that does not meet the requirements, the batch of products should be downgraded or judged as unqualified products. Water absorption test: Randomly select 2 pipes or sleeves from each batch of pipes or sleeves with an age of 14 days for water absorption test. If the water absorption of the samples all meet the requirements of the corresponding level in Table 12, they are judged to meet the level. If there is one pipe that does not meet the requirements, the test age is extended to 28 days, and the samples are doubled for re-inspection. If there is still one pipe that does not meet the requirements, the batch of products should be downgraded or judged as unqualified products. 7.3.4 Judgment rules: When all test results of the sample meet the requirements of the corresponding grade in the technical requirements, it shall be judged as that grade. If one item does not meet the requirements, it shall be downgraded or judged as unqualified. 8 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
8.1 Marking and factory certificate
8.1.1 Marking
The outer surface of the tube and sleeve must be marked with a non-fading paint. The content and format are as follows: Handle with care
Registered trademark, manufacturer name, production date, shift, production number. Throwing is strictly prohibited.
8.1.2 Factory certificate
When shipping, the factory certificate must be sent to the user together with the delivery note. Its contents include: product name, grade, quality grade, quantity; a.
Manufacturer name, trademark, factory address;
Batch number: production date;
Product inspection results;
Standard promotion number;
Signature and seal of the manufacturer's inspection department and inspection personnel. 8.2 Packaging
Each pipe and casing must be properly bundled before leaving the factory, but the logo should not be covered. Each pipe should be bundled at no less than three locations, and both ends of the pipe and casing must be strictly protected.
8.3 Transportation
When transporting pipes and casings by various means of transportation, efforts must be made to fix the pipes and casings. During transportation, vibrations must be reduced and collisions must be prevented. Throwing is strictly prohibited during loading and unloading.
8.4 Storage
The stacking site must be solid and flat. Pipes and casings of different levels, quality grades, and specifications should be stacked separately. When stacking, the bottom layer of pipes and casings should be fixed to prevent collapse. The pipe stacking height is as specified in Table 16, and the casing stacking height is determined by the manufacturer according to actual conditions.
Table 16 Stacking height
Nominal diameter
Stacking height
Additional instructions:
This standard was proposed by the State Administration of Building Materials Industry and is under the jurisdiction of Suzhou Concrete and Cement Products Research Institute of the State Administration of Building Materials Industry. This standard was drafted by Suzhou Concrete and Cement Products Research Institute of the State Administration of Building Materials Industry, Huaxin Cement Plant, Wuqiao Asbestos Cement Pipe Factory, Shaanxi Asbestos Cement Pipe Factory, etc. The main drafters of this standard are Ye Qihan, Zhang Qin, Cui Jingshan, Chen Guiqin, Zhang Zhiwu, and Zhu Lianrong. This standard is entrusted to Suzhou Concrete and Cement Products Research Institute of the State Administration of Building Materials Industry for interpretation. 321 Marking and factory certificate
8.1.1 Marking
The outer surface of the pipe and sleeve must be marked with a non-fading paint. The content and format are as follows: Handle with care
Registered trademark, manufacturer name, production date, shift, production number. Throwing is strictly prohibited.
8.1.2 Factory certificate
When shipping, the factory certificate must be sent to the user together with the delivery note. Its contents include: product name, grade, quality grade, quantity; a.
Manufacturer name, trademark, factory address;
Batch number: production date;
Product inspection results;
Standard promotion number;
Signature and seal of the manufacturer's inspection department and inspection personnel. 8.2 Packaging
Each pipe and casing must be properly bundled before leaving the factory, but the logo should not be covered. Each pipe should be bundled at no less than three locations, and both ends of the pipe and casing must be strictly protected.
8.3 Transportation
When transporting pipes and casings by various means of transportation, efforts must be made to fix the pipes and casings. During transportation, vibrations must be reduced and collisions must be prevented. Throwing is strictly prohibited during loading and unloading.
8.4 Storage
The stacking site must be solid and flat. Pipes and casings of different levels, quality grades, and specifications should be stacked separately. When stacking, the bottom layer of pipes and casings should be fixed to prevent collapse. The pipe stacking height is as specified in Table 16, and the casing stacking height is determined by the manufacturer according to actual conditions.
Table 16 Stacking height
Nominal diameter
Stacking height
Additional instructions:
This standard was proposed by the State Administration of Building Materials Industry and is under the jurisdiction of Suzhou Concrete and Cement Products Research Institute of the State Administration of Building Materials Industry. This standard was drafted by Suzhou Concrete and Cement Products Research Institute of the State Administration of Building Materials Industry, Huaxin Cement Plant, Wuqiao Asbestos Cement Pipe Factory, Shaanxi Asbestos Cement Pipe Factory, etc. The main drafters of this standard are Ye Qihan, Zhang Qin, Cui Jingshan, Chen Guiqin, Zhang Zhiwu, and Zhu Lianrong. This standard is entrusted to Suzhou Concrete and Cement Products Research Institute of the State Administration of Building Materials Industry for interpretation. 321 Marking and factory certificate
8.1.1 Marking
The outer surface of the pipe and sleeve must be marked with a non-fading paint. The content and format are as follows: Handle with care
Registered trademark, manufacturer name, production date, shift, production number. Throwing is strictly prohibited.
8.1.2 Factory certificate
When shipping, the factory certificate must be sent to the user together with the delivery note. Its contents include: product name, grade, quality grade, quantity; a.
Manufacturer name, trademark, factory address;
Batch number: production date;
Product inspection results;
Standard promotion number;
Signature and seal of the manufacturer's inspection department and inspection personnel. 8.2 Packaging
Each pipe and casing must be properly bundled before leaving the factory, but the logo should not be covered. Each pipe should be bundled at no less than three locations, and both ends of the pipe and casing must be strictly protected.
8.3 Transportation
When transporting pipes and casings by various means of transportation, efforts must be made to fix the pipes and casings. During transportation, vibrations must be reduced and collisions must be prevented. Throwing is strictly prohibited during loading and unloading.
8.4 Storage
The stacking site must be solid and flat. Pipes and casings of different levels, quality grades, and specifications should be stacked separately. When stacking, the bottom layer of pipes and casings should be fixed to prevent collapse. The pipe stacking height is as specified in Table 16, and the casing stacking height is determined by the manufacturer according to actual conditions.
Table 16 Stacking height
Nominal diameter
Stacking height
Additional instructions:
This standard was proposed by the State Administration of Building Materials Industry and is under the jurisdiction of Suzhou Concrete and Cement Products Research Institute of the State Administration of Building Materials Industry. This standard was drafted by Suzhou Concrete and Cement Products Research Institute of the State Administration of Building Materials Industry, Huaxin Cement Plant, Wuqiao Asbestos Cement Pipe Factory, Shaanxi Asbestos Cement Pipe Factory, etc. The main drafters of this standard are Ye Qihan, Zhang Qin, Cui Jingshan, Chen Guiqin, Zhang Zhiwu, and Zhu Lianrong. This standard is entrusted to Suzhou Concrete and Cement Products Research Institute of the State Administration of Building Materials Industry for interpretation. 32
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