title>HG 20559.7-1993 Pipeline Instrument Flowchart Equipment Number - HG 20559.7-1993 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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HG 20559.7-1993 Pipeline Instrument Flowchart Equipment Number

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG 20559.7-1993

Standard Name: Pipeline Instrument Flowchart Equipment Number

Chinese Name: 管道仪表流程图设备位号

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)

state:in force

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:71.010

Standard Classification Number:>>>>P7 Chemical Industry>>Comprehensive Chemical Industry>>G04 Basic Standards and General Methods

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HG 20559.7-1993 Pipeline Instrument Flowchart Equipment No. HG20559.7-1993 Standard Download Decompression Password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Equipment position number of pipeline instrument flow chart
Compiled by: China Chengda Chemical Engineering Company Approved by: Ministry of Chemical Industry
Effective date: November 1, 1994 1
Scope of application
This regulation applies to the classification of various standardized and non-standardized machinery, equipment, etc. selected for process production equipment and supporting auxiliary equipment (or facilities) in engineering design, as well as the compilation of names and position numbers in drawings (or equipment tables). 561
2 Equipment name representation method
Equipment names are marked in Chinese characters, and their names should be consistent with the names in the process equipment table published by the chemical process specialty 2.0.1
2.0.2 In process material flow charts, process control charts and pipeline instrument flow charts, the denominator represents the equipment name, the fraction line is drawn with a thick solid line, and the numerator represents the equipment position number. 562
3 Equipment bit number representation method
3.0.1 Each equipment has a corresponding bit number. The equipment bit number consists of two parts. The first part uses capital letters to indicate the equipment category; the second part uses Arabic numerals to indicate the location (process) of the equipment and the order of similar equipment. Generally, the number is 3 to 4 digits.
3.0.2 Equipment category
The English codes for the main equipment categories used in the design are as follows: Class A concrete and masonry structure equipment;
Class B industrial furnaces, preheating furnaces, reaction furnaces, etc. and their accessories, such as burners, smoke windows, etc.; Class C heat exchangers, reboilers, evaporators, condensers, etc.; Class D converters, reactors, regenerators, etc.; Class E towers. Such as distillation tower, stripping tower, extraction tower, absorption tower, desorption tower, etc.; Class F
Vertical or horizontal storage tanks, storage tanks, spherical storage tanks, gas cabinets, etc.; pumps, compressors, vacuum pumps, blowers, exhaust fans, drivers, etc., special equipment. Such as electrolyzers, filters, dryers, centrifuges, crushers, mixers, feeders, etc.; electrical equipment:
Small complete equipment or mobile equipment;
Public material equipment;
Mechanical transportation equipment;
Catalysts and chemicals:
Other auxiliary equipment;
Fire and safety equipment.
3.0.3 Position number
The position number is represented by three units and 3 to 4 (or 3 to 6) digits. The first 1 to 2 digits represent the code (or number) of the process (or main item) where the equipment is located, which shall be specified by the design manager in the commencement report; the last 2 digits represent the sequence number of the equipment within the process where the equipment is located. For the situation represented by 3 to 6 digits, please refer to the provisions of 3.0.4. 563
For example: Unit 1
Unit 3
Unit 2
Unit 1
Unit 1 The first unit uses capital letters to represent the equipment category code, see the provisions of 3.0.2. Unit 3
Unit 2
Unit 1 The second unit is the engineering code of the process (or main item), which can be represented by 1 or 2 digits in sequence. That is, it can be 1 to 9 or 01 to 99. This code is specified by the design manager in the commencement report. Note: In a combined plant design, if the device is to be identified, the second unit of the equipment number can be represented by 3 to 4 digits. The first 1 or 2 digits represent the device identification number in sequence, which can be 1 to 9 or 01 to 99; the last 2 digits represent the process (or main item) code in sequence, which can be 01 to 99. For example: ××x
Engineering code of process (or main item)
Device identification number The third unit
Engineering code of process (or main item
Device identification number
The third unit is the serial number of the equipment in the same type of equipment in the process, which is represented by a 2-digit sequence. If the equipment serial number is not 2 digits, "0" is used in front to form a 2-digit number. When there is more than one equipment with the same position number, it can be distinguished by adding uppercase English letters after the equipment position number; if the number of equipment with the same position number exceeds 26, Arabic numerals can be used instead of uppercase English letters. Public material facilities attached to the device, such as chemical water treatment, start-up boiler, For circulating water, etc., the equipment can be represented by two capital letters to indicate the equipment category, that is, the first letter is U, indicating that it belongs to the public material facilities within the device, followed by the equipment category symbol specified in 3.0.2. Such as UL, UJ, UF, UP.….. etc. Independent plant-wide public material facilities, such as chemical raw material tanks, finished product tank areas, refrigeration stations, air compression stations, nitrogen oxygen stations, etc., can be distinguished by the process (or main item) code, and there is no need to add U in front of the equipment category code. 3.0.4 There are two ways to indicate the position number of small complete sets of equipment or mobile equipment in the device: 564 The first method of expression: 1 to 2 capital letters are used in front to indicate the equipment category, here P or PJ, PF is used; 3 to 6 Arabic numerals are used at the end to indicate the equipment The location (process) and the order of similar equipment. For example:
Unit 3
Unit 2
Unit 1
Unit 3
Unit 2
Unit 1
Equipment category, here is a small complete set of equipment, so P is used. Unit 2 The engineering code of the process (or main item) is represented by 1 to 2 Arabic numerals. Unit 3
The sequence number of the small complete set of equipment in the process is composed of 2 Arabic numerals PJ×××××
Unit 4
Unit 3
Unit 2
Unit 1
Unit 4
Unit 3
Unit 2
Unit 1
Unit 1
Equipment categories in small complete sets of equipment. For example, the pump category is PJ, and the container category is PF, see 3.0.2.
Unit 2
The engineering code of the process (or main item) is represented by 1 to 2 Arabic numerals. Unit 3 The sequence number of the small complete set of equipment in the process is composed of 2 Arabic numerals. Unit 4 The sequence number of the equipment in the small equipment in the process is composed of 2 Arabic numerals. The second expression method is the same as 3.0.3. The various types of equipment in the small complete set of equipment or mobile equipment are numbered sequentially with other equipment in the device. 565
Oil cooling tower
Oil cooling tower
1 (or 01) process No. 01 tower, that is, oil cooling tower F101AB
Raw material buffer tank
Raw material buffer tank
1 (or 01) process No. 01 tank, that is, the raw material buffer tank has two identical units. L201—1—40
electrolytic cell
electrolytic cell
means special equipment No. 01 in process 2 (or 02), i.e. electrolytic cell, and there are 40 of them. If it refers to the number of the unit, just change the number after the position to the corresponding number, such as L201~30 or L0201-30. 4.0.4
Defoaming agent preparation equipment
Defoaming agent preparation equipment
1 (or 01) Small complete set of equipment No. 01 in process, i.e. defoaming agent preparation equipment. 4.0.5
Defoaming agent preparation pump
Defoaming agent preparation pump
1 (or 01) Pump No. 01 in the small set of equipment No. 01 in process No. 01, that is, the defoaming agent preparation pump. 566
Additional Notes
Proposing unit, compiling unit
and main reviewers of this standard
Proposing unit:
Compiling unit:
Process System Design Technology Center Station of Ministry of Chemical Industry Process System Design Technology Center Station of Ministry of Chemical Industry China Chengda Chemical Engineering Company
Process System Design Technology Center Station of Ministry of Chemical Industry Gong Renwei
China Chengda Chemical Engineering Company
Zeng Qingxiang
Equipment Position Number of Piping Instrument Flowchart
Reviewer: China Huanqiu Chemical Engineering Company Wang Qingyu
Process System Design Technology Center Station of Ministry of Chemical Industry Gong Renwei
Equipment Position Number of Piping Instrument Flowchart
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