Some standard content:
ICS 17.100
People's Republic of China Machinery Industry Standard
Amumonia pressure gauge
Amumonia pressure gauge
1999-08-06 Issued
National Machinery Industry Bureau
2000-01-01 Implementation
JB/T 9272—1999
This standard is a revision of 2BN11012-B8 nitrogen pressure gauge. During the revision, the original standard was modified in a shortened manner, and the main technical content was condensed.
This standard replaces 8N11012-B8 from the date of implementation. Appendix A of this standard is a reference to the standard.
Appendix B of this standard is a reminder appendix.
This standard is issued by Xi'an Institute of Industrial Automation. The responsible unit for the production of this standard is Xi'an Industrial Automation Instrumentation Research Institute. The main drafters of the standard are Lai Jianxu, Ping Yuanlai, and Fan Zhihong. 1 Scope
Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Ammonia Pressure Gauge
Awnacita Pressure Gauge
/T 9272—1999
This standard specifies the product classification, technical specifications, test methods, inspection rules, as well as marking, packaging and storage of pressure gauges. This standard is applicable to direct indicating pressure gauges, vacuum gauges and pressure gauges (hereinafter referred to as vacuum gauges) that measure oxygen or liquid oxygen with elastic tubes (including multiple turns) as measuring elements. 2 Referenced Standards
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard was published, the versions shown were all valid. All standards will be revised. The parties using this standard should explore the feasibility of using the latest versions of the following standards: GB/T1226-1986 General pressure gauge CB/T4439-1984 Industrial automation instrument working conditions vibration CB/T4451-1984 Industrial automation instrument vibration (positive) test method to achieve zero instrument packaging general technical conditions GB/T 15464-1995 IB/T 92521999 B/T9253-1999 Basic types, dimensions and pointers of industrial automation instrument pointer indicating part - Technical requirements for industrial automation instrument scale - Specification for instrument transportation, transportation and storage environment conditions and test methods JB/T 9329—1999
3 Product classification
3.1 See Figures 1~3 for instrument set types.
Cao Hao Machinery Industry Bureau 1999
Approved by
9.2 The parameters of the meter should comply with the requirements of Table 1. Shell diameter
Precision setting
Orchid Garden
0 ~ 0. 0:
0-0.16,- 0.1~0.05
- 0.1 - 0. 15
-0. 1- 0.9
0 - 60
0, 001
JB/T 9272—1999
Scale indication According to the provisions of the Appendix (Environmental Appendix) in CA/T1226. Only the scale of the gauge can be marked with the flow mark corresponding to the pressure. 3.3 The main structural dimensions of the instrument shall comply with the provisions of Figures 1~3 and Table 2, the gauge joint dimensions shall comply with the provisions of Figures 4~6 and Table 2, and the gauge?
4 Technical requirements
4.1 Normal working conditions
4.1.1 The instrument working environment temperature is -40~+70d
(not too high)
4.1.2 The vibration condition of the instrument should not exceed the VH3 grade specified in G6/I4439. 4.1.3 Only the pressure part of the instrument should be used - but 3/4 of the upper limit of the pressure range. 4.2 Special working conditions
Under the following conditions, the instrument's gain, return value, zero error, pointer deflection and radial displacement should comply with the relevant provisions.
! The meter is in the normal working position:
Note: During the period of reference, the normal working position refers to the installation of the indicator vertically on the horizontal plane. b) The average change of the load;
) The ambient temperature is 20%-5℃.
4.3 Basic error
The basic error of the instrument is expressed by the reference error, and its value should be within the range specified in Table 3. Physical accuracy standard
JB/T 92721999
Note: The relative performance level of the meter is determined by the basic error limit of the "measurement standard". 4.4 The error
indicates that the error of the value is not greater than the absolute value of the basic error limit. 4.5 Light displacement
In the measurement position, the pointer (fast pointer can move freely) of the meter, the change of the value indicated by the whole needle shall not exceed 50% of its absolute error limit.
4.6 Pointer deflection stability
During the measurement process, the pointer of the meter should not jump or stop. 4.7 Temperature influence
When the operating environment temperature is 20℃±5℃, the error of the instrument indication value (including equal points) shall not exceed the range specified by the following formula: = *(+A)
Wherein: e
is the allowable value of the indication error of the pressure gauge when the ambient temperature deviates from 20±%, the expression method is different from the basic error service, % is the absolute value of the basic error limit specified in 4.3, service; Ih-+;
is any value of the environmental error specified in 4.1.[, ℃; when it is higher than 25, it is 15%, and when it is lower than 15℃, it is 15%: 0.04%0
4.8 Overload
The pressure gauge of the high-altitude pressure gauge should be subjected to a dynamic load test of 30n as specified in Table 4. The result should meet the requirements of 4.3-4.6.
(oi - 6
4.9 Alternating load
The upper limit of the salt measurement range 6
The meter shall be tested and adjusted with 30,000 sinusoidal alternating loads according to the provisions of Table 5. Its output shall comply with the provisions of 4.4-4.6. Table 5
4.10 Indicating device
Alternating load
(percentile meter of volume type)
20 ~ 81
25 -- 75
4.10.1 The pressure part of the instrument should be scaled in the clockwise direction, and the air part should be scaled in the clockwise direction. 4.10.2 The distance between the pointer and the dial plane should be within the range of 1mml-3m. When the pointer rotates, the distance between it and the dial plane should not be greater than Lm
4.10.3 The pointer should comply with the provisions of HT9252. 4.10.4 The form and proportion of the instrument marking line should comply with the provisions of B/T9253 The long scale is in the form of a half-scale, and the width of the half-scale part should not be greater than the provisions of Table 6. The width of the middle scale and short scale of the semi-scale part of the long scale with no common diameter in Table G should not be greater than 1/3 of the width of the long scale. 4.10.5 The actual scale shift of the scale with a stop should not exceed the value of the basic error limit: the zero scale mark of the scale without a stop should not exceed twice the value of the basic error limit. 4.11 Materials The elastic fiber of the instrument should be made of materials that can resist mechanical corrosion, and other parts should be resistant to ammonia corrosion and plated with (rubber) to resist oxidation and carbon coating.
4.t2 Vibration resistance in working environment
The instrument shall be able to pass the VH3 test specified in GB/T4439. The results shall comply with the provisions of 4.3 and 4.6. 4.13 Transport environment resistance
The instrument shall be able to pass the continuous impact and free fall test specified in 9329 under the condition of transportation packaging. Among them: the free fall height is 250mn.
After the test, the results shall comply with the provisions of 4.3-4.6. 4.14 Instrument case
It is recommended that the pressure relief structure of the instrument can be used in a non-falling form, but it must ensure safety in use, or the material in the bulletproof yellow tube cannot be dissipated in time when it breaks, resulting in the glass of the instrument breaking and causing an accident.
The pressure relief structure of the instrument is recommended to adopt the full pressure relief structure in Appendix B (Reminder Appendix). 4.15 Appearance
The visible part of the instrument should have no obvious sparseness or scratches, and the actual frequency should have no obvious hair and damage. All signs, mathematical.The words and symbols should be clear and correct.
5 Test method
For the test sequence and the interval between items, see Appendix A (Appendix of the standard). 5.1 Test conditions
See 4.2 Reference working conditions.
Method: Factory inspection can be carried out without the reference working conditions, but the instrument should still meet the requirements of 4.3-4.6 under the reference working conditions. 5.2 Standard position alarm
Standard instruments can be selected from pressure gauges, piston type pressure gauges or digital pressure gauges. The absolute error allowable value of the instrument used should be greater than 1/4 of the absolute error allowable value of the acceptance gauge. 5.3 Test points
The standard variable marked with numbers is used as the test point: 5
5.4 Inspection method
The instrument is inspected by comparing with the standard instrument. 5.5 Error reduction test
5.5.1 During the test, the load shall be increased steadily from the specified test point to the measuring point (the value of the instrument shall not be less than 0% of the local limit point) and maintained for 3 minutes, and then the load shall be reduced steadily from each test point to zero: 5.5.2 During the test, each test point shall be tested twice, once when the load reaches the specified test point (i.e. before the instrument housing is adjusted), and the other time after the instrument housing is adjusted. 5.5.3 The error reduction test shall be performed once before and after the instrument housing is adjusted during the operation. After the adjustment, the indicated value and the preset load value shall also comply with the provisions of 4.6.
5.5.4 The load range is zero. The measured value is in the position before and after the instrument is adjusted:) For instruments with stop clamps, the needle shall rest on the stop pin. For instruments with stop pins, the pointer shall be within the zero scale line. 5.6 Back and forth difference test monitoring
In the test of 5.5, the difference between the positive stroke and reverse stroke indications of a test point after the light drum is checked. 5.7 Light displacement test
In the test of 5.5, examine the difference between the indications before and after light blocking at the same test point. 5.8 Needle deflection stability test
Slowly increase the load from the average load channel to the upper limit of the disk, and then reduce the load to the floating slow tank until the instrument is stable. 5.9 Intensity influence test
Put the instrument in a constant temperature chamber, gradually increase (decrease) the temperature to the upper (lower) limit of the temperature range specified in 4.1.1, and make the meter bear only 3/4 of the load. After the temperature is stable and maintained for at least 3 minutes, carry out the intensity influence indication error test: 5.10 Overload pre-test
Under the test conditions of 5.1, the meter must be subjected to an overload test as specified in Table 4. After removing the load, perform the test according to 5.5~5.8 within 10 minutes.
5.11 Alternating load test
Under the test piece in 5.1, install the instrument on the equipment that can produce sinusoidal shape, frequency +5 times/mn and meet the requirements of 5.5. After 30,000 cycles of testing, test according to 5.5-5.9 within 30 minutes. 5.12 Standard installation test
Visual inspection.
5.13 Working environment vibration test
The instrument is tested according to 1A level in G/T4451. The durability test adopts fixed frequency and the instrument is subjected to the actual load of 5D. After 1 hour of the test, test according to 5.55.8. 5.14 Anti-transport environment performance test
Test according to the requirements of 4.3 and the method specified in G/T9329. After the trial run, the performance is tested according to 5.5-5.8. 5.15 Test the meter first
Remove the airtight pipe and movement. Press a ball between the gas source and the meter joint, open the two missing gas passages and let the gas enter the meter case. Observe that there should be no flying cracks.
Full pressure: The upper limit of the sub-dial range is equal to or less than 4MPa, which is 4Pa. When the upper limit of the measuring range is greater than 4P, it is 12MPc5.18 Appearance inspection
Daily inspection.
6 Inspection rules
6.1 Factory inspection
JB/T 9272—1999
This meter shall be inspected for delivery one by one according to the requirements of 4.3~4.6 and 4.10 and the corresponding test methods, and can be delivered after passing the inspection. 6.2 Type specifications
In the following cases, the meter shall be inspected for type according to all technical requirements and test methods of this standard. b) The new product is tested and finalized; b) The batch production is inspected regularly: when the design, process materials, etc. have changed significantly; d) When the discontinued instrument is produced again. In the two cases of b) and d), 3.13 and 5.14 can be omitted. Marking, packaging and storage 7.1 Marking 7.1.1 The dial of the instrument shall be marked with the following: 1) Manufacturer's name or trademark; 2) Instrument name; 3) Measurement unit: 4) Accuracy, etc.; 5) Year and month of manufacture and instrument number or batch number.
.1.2 Only the name of the instrument on the dial is marked with a "\" horizontal line. 7.2 Packaging
The packaging of the instrument shall comply with the provisions of GB/15464, and the packaging protection type shall be determined by the manufacturer. 7.3 Storage
The instrument should be stored in a ventilated and dry environment. The air inside should be clean and have no corrosion effect on the instrument. Specifications
Display packaging
Liu Fang Analysis
Durability is not selected by the standard
Resistance to transportation environment
Appendix A
(Record of standard recommendation)
Test sequence and time between items
Including detailed inspection of original copy, addition of some, safety certificate and indicator quality certification. The test table should be completed within 3X after the test under the relative weight for no less than 4h
or the test value control test
The test value should be completed within 3mm after the reference resistance test
The fastest test
Note: The test table can be carried out separately for the transport environment test and the collection test table. JB.T 9272—1999
(Time record of reminder)
Safety pressure relief structure
H1 The nominal diameter of the external meter is 150mm, the diameter of the safety hole is 4mm, when the nominal diameter of the external meter is 100mm: the diameter of the safety hole is 20mm
2 Use embedded Bo membrane cavity seal, installed in the safety hole. 3 Pressure damage, plastic expansion band with relatively blue damage to the meter glass reverse fastening. 91, the meter shall be tested for overload as specified in Table 4. After removing the load, the meter shall be tested according to 5.5~5.8 within 0min.
5.11 Alternating load test
Under the test conditions of 5.1, the meter shall be installed on the equipment that can produce sinusoidal shape, frequency +5 times/mn and meet the requirements of 5.5. After 30,000 cycles of testing, the meter shall be tested according to 5.5-5.9 within 30min. 5.12 Standard installation test
Visual inspection.
5.13 Working environment vibration test
The meter shall be tested according to 1A level in GB/T4451. The durability test shall be tested with fixed frequency, and the meter shall withstand the actual load of 5D. 1 hour after the test, check according to 5.5-5.8. 5.14 Test the performance of the transport environment according to the requirements of 4.3 and the method specified in m/T9329. After the test run, check the performance according to 5.5-5.8. 5.15 Test the instrument first. Remove the impermeable pipe and movement. Press a ball between the gas source and the instrument joint, open the two missing gas grids and let the gas enter the instrument case. Observe that there should be no flying cracks. Full pressure: The upper limit of the sub-disc range is equal to or less than 4MPa, which is 4Pa. When the upper limit of the measuring range is greater than 4P, it is 12MPc. 5.18 Appearance inspection. Daily inspection.
6 Inspection rules
6.1 Factory inspection
JB/T 9272—1999
This instrument shall be inspected for delivery according to the requirements of 4.3~4.6 and 4.10 and the corresponding test methods. It can be delivered after passing the inspection. 6.2 Type specifications
In the following cases, the instrument shall be inspected for delivery according to all technical requirements and test methods of this standard. a) New production trial design; b) Regular inspection of batch production:
When the design, process materials, etc. have changed significantly d) When the discontinued instrument is produced again.
, 3.13 and 5.14 may not be carried out in the two cases of b) and d). 7.1 Marking 7.1.1 The dial of the instrument shall be marked with the following serial numbers: a) manufacturer’s name or trademark; b) instrument name; e) measurement unit: accuracy level; and e) year and month of manufacture and instrument number or batch number.
.1.2 Only the name of the instrument on the dial is marked with a "\" horizontal line. 7.2 Packaging
The packaging of the instrument shall comply with the provisions of GB/15464, and the packaging protection type shall be determined by the manufacturer. 7.3 Storage
The instrument should be stored in a ventilated and dry environment. The air inside should be clean and have no corrosion effect on the instrument. Specifications
Display packaging
Liu Fang Analysis
Durability is not selected by the standard
Resistance to transportation environment
Appendix A
(Record of standard recommendation)
Test sequence and time between items
Including detailed inspection of original copy, addition of some, safety certificate and indicator quality certification. The test table should be completed within 3X after the test under the relative weight for no less than 4h
or the test value control test
The test value should be completed within 3mm after the reference resistance test
The fastest test
Note: The test table can be carried out separately for the transport environment test and the collection test table. JB.T 9272—1999
(Time record of reminder)
Safety pressure relief structure
H1 The nominal diameter of the external meter is 150mm, the diameter of the safety hole is 4mm, when the nominal diameter of the external meter is 100mm: the diameter of the safety hole is 20mm
2 Use embedded Bo membrane cavity seal, installed in the safety hole. 3 Pressure damage, plastic expansion band with relatively blue damage to the meter glass reverse fastening. 91, the meter shall be tested for overload as specified in Table 4. After removing the load, the meter shall be tested according to 5.5~5.8 within 0min.
5.11 Alternating load test
Under the test conditions of 5.1, the meter shall be installed on the equipment that can produce sinusoidal shape, frequency +5 times/mn and meet the requirements of 5.5. After 30,000 cycles of testing, the meter shall be tested according to 5.5-5.9 within 30min. 5.12 Standard installation test
Visual inspection.
5.13 Working environment vibration test
The meter shall be tested according to 1A level in GB/T4451. The durability test shall be tested with fixed frequency, and the meter shall withstand the actual load of 5D. 1 hour after the test, check according to 5.5-5.8. 5.14 Test the performance of the transport environment according to the requirements of 4.3 and the method specified in m/T9329. After the test run, check the performance according to 5.5-5.8. 5.15 Test the instrument first. Remove the impermeable pipe and movement. Press a ball between the gas source and the instrument joint, open the two missing gas grids and let the gas enter the instrument case. Observe that there should be no flying cracks. Full pressure: The upper limit of the sub-disc range is equal to or less than 4MPa, which is 4Pa. When the upper limit of the measuring range is greater than 4P, it is 12MPc. 5.18 Appearance inspection. Daily inspection.
6 Inspection rules
6.1 Factory inspection
JB/T 9272—1999
This instrument shall be inspected for delivery according to the requirements of 4.3~4.6 and 4.10 and the corresponding test methods. It can be delivered after passing the inspection. 6.2 Type specifications
In the following cases, the instrument shall be inspected for delivery according to all technical requirements and test methods of this standard. a) New production trial design; b) Regular inspection of batch production:
When the design, process materials, etc. have changed significantly d) When the discontinued instrument is produced again.
, 3.13 and 5.14 may not be carried out in the two cases of b) and d). 7.1 Marking 7.1.1 The dial of the instrument shall be marked with the following serial numbers: a) manufacturer’s name or trademark; b) instrument name; e) measurement unit: accuracy level; and e) year and month of manufacture and instrument number or batch number.
.1.2 Only the name of the instrument on the dial is marked with a "\" horizontal line. 7.2 Packaging
The packaging of the instrument shall comply with the provisions of GB/15464, and the packaging protection type shall be determined by the manufacturer. 7.3 Storage
The instrument should be stored in a ventilated and dry environment. The air inside should be clean and have no corrosion effect on the instrument. Specifications
Display packaging
Liu Fang Analysis
Durability is not selected by the standard
Resistance to transportation environment
Appendix A
(Record of standard recommendation)
Test sequence and time between items
Including detailed inspection of original copy, addition of some, safety certificate and indicator quality certification. The test table should be completed within 3X after the test under the relative weight for no less than 4h
or the test value control test
The test value should be completed within 3mm after the reference resistance test
The fastest test
Note: The test table can be carried out separately for the transport environment test and the collection test table. JB.T 9272—1999
(Time record of reminder)
Safety pressure relief structure
H1 The nominal diameter of the external meter is 150mm, the diameter of the safety hole is 4mm, when the nominal diameter of the external meter is 100mm: the diameter of the safety hole is 20mm
2 Use embedded Bo membrane cavity seal, installed in the safety hole. 3 Pressure damage, plastic expansion band with relatively blue damage to the meter glass reverse fastening. 9
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