HG/T 2123-1991 Agitator Type and Main Parameters HG/T2123-1991 Standard Download Decompression Password: www.bzxz.net
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Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China Agitator Types and Main Parameters Subject Content and Scope of Application HG/T 2123-91 20010326 This standard specifies the types, series and main parameters of agitators. This standard applies to agitators installed in vertical mechanical stirring vessels with a nominal diameter of 400~5800mm, which are used for stirring liquid media with a density of less than 2000kg/m3 for various physical and chemical processes. 2 Symbols DJ: agitator diameter; DN: inner diameter of the stirring vessel; b: agitator width: bh: Height of agitator from the bottom : Blade length: d: Impeller diameter: h: Blade height; S: Pitch of ribbon agitator or screw agitator; h: Height of guide tube; Da: Inner diameter of guide tube; Z: Number of blades; 0: Blade inclination angle; 2: Blade bend angle; β: Blade upward angle: Zt Number of ribbons. Agitator type, series and main parameters Agitator type, series and main parameters are shown in Table 1. W. Sequence selector HG/T2123-91 Fuel mixer Jade series DJ 6303550 3602000 4502500 Structural parameters DJ-(0.25~0. 75)DN b= (0. 1 ~0. 25)DJ h=[0. 2~1)DJ DJ (0. 25 -0. 75)DN b= (0. 1 ~0. 3)DJ h- (0. 21)D) 9.-45°. 60° DJ -(0. 2--0. $)DN b= (0. 125~ 0. 25)DJ h=(0. 5~ 1)DJ DJ -(0. 2~0. 5)DN b= (0. 125~0. 25)DJ h=(0. 5~1)DJ 0-24°45°60* velvet speed #=4~10 Mm. Sequence "Agitator HG/T2123-91 Agitator diameter series DJ Number of joints DJ(0.2~0.5)DNbZxz.net b= (0.1~:0.3)DJ h=(0.5~1)DJ α=30°、45° 60°.80° DJ=(0.2~0.5)DN DJ-(0.2~0,5)DN →0.2DJ 0-45°. 60° Linear speed V-4-10 .cOmPower 3Vortex HG/T 2123—91 Continued Table 1 Agitator diameter series Knot parameters D7 = (0. 2~0. 5)DN 8503100 11403350 13403750 15304250 DJ-(0. [S-0. 5)DN +=(1 ~ 1. 5)DJ atg*l0. 318 DY 0,- 17* 40 DJ-(0.80.98)DN h, = (0. 48 ~ I)DJ 6 = [0. 06~0. 1)0] h-(0.05~0.08S)DJ Linear speed! #*4~10 Viscosity products (Above 500 r/mi Applicable HG/T2123-91 Continued table! Agitator diameter series DJ Structural parameters 2501000 DJ-(0.5-0.7)DN -(0. 08 ~0. 17)D) 4-30°.50° #-15\~20* A- (0. 1 - 0. 3)DJ DJ-(0. 40. 6)DN D,=(1. 05~1. 15) DJ | 4702320 6602710 11403350 DJ-(0. 9~0.98)DN S=(0.5~1.5)D) h,-(1~3.0)DJ is = (0. 01 ~ 0. 05)DJ zl, 2 Line speed. Wm. Free download of customer standard industry materials two Additional notes: IIG/ T 2123—91 Continued table! Agitator Diameter Series DJ Structure Most 2501000 4001600 4501800 DJ=(0. t5-0. )DN ,=(0.04~0.1)D) ±,=0. 8D hn (0. 5--1, S)D) DJ=(0. 5-0. 7DN ,-(1 --1. 5)DJ A= 0. 2DJ Linear speed! y=5~20 , This standard was proposed by China National Chemical Equipment Corporation. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Chemical Industry Ministry's Chemical Machinery Equipment Standardization Technical Procurement Unit (Chemical Industry Ministry's Chemical Machinery Research Institute). This standard was drafted by Zhejiang University, with participation from Shanghai Chemical Engineering Design Institute and Guangdong Petrochemical Equipment Company Kaiping Machinery Factory. The main drafters of this standard are Zhang Feng, Zheng Kai, and Shen Zufeng. W Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.