JB/T 10264—2001 This standard specifies the ordering, manufacturing, test methods and inspection and acceptance rules for the upper crown and lower ring castings of the Francis turbine runner. This standard is applicable to the upper crown and lower ring castings of sand castings and is the basis for rough processing delivery or blank delivery between the supply and demand parties. This standard is published for the first time. JB/T 10264-2001 Francis turbine welded runner upper crown and lower ring castings JB/T10264-2001 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
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1CS 77,140.80 Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China JB/T10264-2001 Crown and band castings for francis turbine welded runner2001-06-(4 Issued China Machinery Industry Federation 2001-10-01 Implementation JB/T 10264-2001 This standard is proposed and managed by Chanyang University of Technology Castings Research Institute. The originating unit of this standard: China Second Machinery Corporation The main drafter of this standard: Ning Xianglin. This standard is issued for the first time, Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China Crown and band castings for francis turbine welded runner fraacistorbluewekdedranaer1Scope JB/T10164—2001 This standard specifies the ordering, manufacturing, test force and inspection and acceptance rules of the welded transfer crown and lower ring of the hybrid turbine. Technical certification is used for the upper crown and lower ring castings made by sand molds, and is the basis for both parties to deliver rough processing or rough delivery. 2 Reference standards Included in the listed standards The clauses contained in this standard are the clauses of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard is published, the versions shown are valid. All standards will be revised. Parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards. GB/T222—1984 Sampling method for chemical analysis of steel and allowable deviation of chemical composition of finished products GB/T 223—1981-1997 Chemical analysis method for steel and alloys GB/T 228—1987 GB/T 229—1994 GB/T 231—1984 GB.T 6060.11997 GET6397--1986 GBIT6414—1999 GB/T7233—19B7 GB/T9443—1988 GBT94441988 GE/T113501989 GB/T11351—1989 GB/T11352—1989 3Ordering requirements Metal pull test method Charpy notch impact test methodwwW.bzxz.Net Metal Brinell test method Surface roughness comparison sample Casting surface tensile test specimen Casting size tolerance Casting sound detection and quality rating standard Casting penetrant detection and defect indication evaluation method for steel castings Quality improvement method of flaw detection Special parts machining spare parts Casting positioning tolerance |Engineering parts Work.1 Specify the name of the casting, material brand, order quantity and supply status. 3.2 The purchaser shall provide the order quantity approved by both the supplier and the purchaser. 3.3 When the equipment proposes other requirements beyond this standard, it shall be determined by the supplier through negotiation. 4 Technical requirements 4 Chemical composition The chemical composition shall comply with the provisions of Table! Approved by China Machinery Industry Federation on 2001-06-04 2001=10-01 Inquiry Material grades 20248iMn ZG06Cr13Ni4Mo ZG06CTI3Ni5Me ZG06Cr13Ni6Mo ZG06Cr16NLMo JB/10264-200 1 In zC20SiMn, Cr, NiCu are residual elements, 0.03 2 In other grades, Cu, W, V are residual elements. 3 When the party does not request, the soul relative element is not required as the acceptance period. Mechanical damage Chemical composition The mechanical properties of the casting after heat treatment shall meet the requirements of Table 2: E0.30 Table 2 Mechanical properties Material grade ZG20SiMn ZG06Cr!3Ni4Mo 7.rr06Cr13Ni5Mo Z.Gicr1aNiMn ZG(Cr16NiSMo Impact test specimen type U-shaped notch or V-shaped notch can be selected by the purchaser. The arithmetic mean value of the impact of a specimen shall meet the requirements of Table 2. The 23% of the middle is allowed. 4.3 Manufacturing 4.3.1 Tempering dun f Ak 239[—] 63/501 2a 143 63(50) 363(50) 12(40) The impact value of each sample is lower than the specified value, but not lower than the specified upper limit. The steel used for the lower ring can be smelted in an open hearth, electric furnace or refining furnace, or other smelting methods can be used. 4. 3. 2 Internal cooling iron is not allowed during casting . The selection of the machine root processing plate of the casting shall comply with the provisions of G9/T11350. 4.3.3 Heat treatment The parts shall be heat treated, and the performance heat treatment is normalizing and tempering: the final tempering temperature of ZG20SiMn steel shall not be lower than 580℃. 4.4 Casting quality 4. 4, 1—General requirements The casting surface should be cleaned and there should be no defects such as gingiva, pores, impurities, sand sticking, etc. 4.4.2 Surface quality The surface quality of the casting should be inspected according to GB/T6060.1. The surface roughness Ra100μm, and the surface to be inspected should meet the requirements of flaw detection. 4.4.3 Shape, size tolerance, weight tolerance JB/T 1B264-2001 The casting shape shall conform to the requirements of the order drawing, and the size of the casting shall conform to the provisions of GB/16414. The tolerance grade is generally T14, and the special grade shall be negotiated by the supplier and the supplier; the material inspection tolerance shall conform to the provisions of GB/T11351. 4.5 Machining T. When the purchaser requires, the supplier shall perform rough processing on the upper crown and lower ring according to the cooperation agreement or contract signed by both parties. 4.6 Non-destructive testing The castings shall be delivered after rough processing, When the user requires nondestructive testing, the supplier shall conduct nondestructive testing on rusted parts in accordance with the agreement or contract signed by both parties. 4.6.! Magnetic particle testing, penetrant testing The magnetic particle testing or penetrant testing of the parts shall also be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB.T944 or GB 9443. The inspection location and acceptance quality level shall be negotiated by both parties. 4.6.2 Ultrasonic testing The ultrasonic testing of castings shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB/T7233, using Φ6 rod. The inspection location and acceptance quality level shall be agreed upon by both parties. 4.? Welding repair 4.7.1 The welding repair of defects of special parts shall be carried out by qualified operators in accordance with the welding repair process requirements before the final heat treatment of the parts, and the welding rod shall be similar to the mechanical properties of the castings. 4.7.2 Before welding, the defects should be cleaned and magnetic powder or penetration testing should be carried out to confirm that the defects are completely cleaned. 4.7.3 Casting defects with a welding depth of more than 25mm or more than 20% of the thickness of the section or a single welding area of more than 6500mm should be considered as major defects, otherwise they are minor defects. Major defects should be recorded. 4.7.4 After the repair, the light strip should be beaten and the original flaw detection standard should be tested to confirm the quality of the welding repair. 4.7.5 After the major defects are repaired, stress relief heat treatment should be carried out. 5 Test methods and inspection rules 5.1 Chemical composition analysis 5.1.1 The chemical composition should be checked in the furnace, and the test block for analysis should be taken during the pouring. When multiple furnaces are combined, the chemical composition should be based on the "weighted" composition. 5.1,2 Chemical or analytical sampling and analysis methods shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB/222 and GB/r223. The analytical results shall comply with the provisions of Table 1. 5.2 Lifting performance test 5.2.1 The shape and size of the test specimens for mechanical properties test shall comply with the provisions of GB/T 639. The test may be carried out by using a chain or block or a single test block. A sufficient number of test blocks shall be heat treated together with the chain. The shape and size of the single cast test block shall comply with the provisions of GB/T 11352-198% Figure 1. The shape and size of the cast test block shall be agreed upon by both parties. The thickness of the cast test block shall not be less than 2Bm. When casting in a furnace, a chain shall be used. 3.2.Z From a melting furnace (multiple castings shall be regarded as the same melting furnace) and a heat treatment test block, one tensile test specimen and three impact test specimens shall be prepared for testing. The test results shall comply with the provisions of Table 2. The tensile test shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 228, and the impact test shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GBT 229. 5,7.3 The hardness shall be measured on the specimen, and the hardness test shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GF/T 231. The test results shall comply with the provisions of Table 2. 3 Temporary test and reheat treatment 6.1 Retest JB10264—2001 When the mechanical properties are unqualified, take a double sample for a test. 6.2 Reheat treatment When the attenuation test is unqualified, the test block is allowed to be reheat treated in the same furnace as the casting. The number of reheat treatments shall not exceed times [heat treatment for stress relief is not included. The reheat treated forgings shall be subjected to mechanical property test according to the requirements of 5.2. Quality Certificate When delivering the goods, the supplier must provide Weili with a quality certificate, which shall include the following contents: a) Order contract number, casting drawing number, casting name, material grade, standard number, furnace number, heat treatment process record; b) Chemical composition, mechanical properties, supplier): (company) name; c) Other additional test results, 8 Marking and Packaging 8.1 The casting shall be marked as follows: Order contract number, drawing number, furnace number and supplier's (company) name. 8.1 Packaging and transportation shall be determined by negotiation between the two parties. Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.