Standard ICS number:Information technology, office machinery and equipment>>Information technology applications>>35.240.60 Information technology in transportation and trade
Standard Classification Number:General>>Economy, Culture>>A13 File Format
This standard specifies the document format of the certificate of origin of the export goods in export trade, which proves that the export goods are of the People's Republic of China. This standard applies to the preparation, printing and computer processing of the "Certificate of Origin of Export Goods of the People's Republic of China" by all enterprises with foreign trade rights in export trade. GB/T 15310.4-1994 Foreign Trade Export Document Format Certificate of Origin of Export Goods of the People's Republic of China GB/T15310.4-1994 Standard Download Decompression Password:
This standard specifies the document format of the certificate of origin of the export goods in export trade, which proves that the export goods are of the People's Republic of China. This standard applies to the preparation, printing and computer processing of the "Certificate of Origin of Export Goods of the People's Republic of China" by all enterprises with foreign trade rights in export trade.
Some standard content:
GB/T15310.4—1994 Certificate of Origin of Goods Shipped from the People's Republic of China" is one of the standards for the format of foreign trade export documents. The formulation of this standard is mainly based on the national standard trade document format (GB/T14392-93 refers to ISO6422-1985 & United Nations Trade Document Format" also known as UNLK) and the national standard trade data exchange trade data element directory (GB/T15191-94 is equivalent to ISO7372-1991 trade data exchange-trade data element directory), and refers to the international practice of the commonly used certificate of origin format, so that it meets the requirements of the United Nations Trade Document Format (UNLK) in terms of overall structural design, and meets the requirements of future EDI in terms of the description of data elements. According to the needs of foreign trade exports, this series of standards includes the following parts: Part I, Foreign Trade Export Document Format Commercial Invoice Part II, Foreign Trade Export Document Format Packing List Part III Foreign Trade Export Document Format Shipping Statement Part IV, Foreign Trade Export Document Format Certificate of Origin of Export Goods of the People's Republic of China Appendix A of this standard is the appendix of the standard. This standard is proposed by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of China. This standard is drafted by the Computing Center of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of China and the China Institute of Standardization and Information Classification and Coding. The main drafters of this standard are: Liu Liwei, Bi Bin, Zhan Fudong, Wang Shengwen, Xing Li, Tu Ping. 1 Scope National Standard of the People's Republic of China Format of export documents for foreign trade Form of document for export tradeCertificate of origin of the People's Republic of ChinaGB/T 15310:4... 1994 This standard specifies the document format of the certificate of origin of the People's Republic of China in export trade to prove that the export goods are of the People's Republic of China. This standard applies to the preparation, printing and computer processing of the certificate of origin of the People's Republic of China in export trade by all enterprises with foreign trade management rights. 2 Referenced standards The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. At the time of publication of the standard, the versions shown are valid. All standards will be revised, and the parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest version of the following standards. GB/T14392—93 Trade document format GB/T15191—94 Trade data exchange Trade data element directory GB/T7408—94 Data element and exchange format Information exchange Date and time representation 3 Paper specifications and graphic area 3.1 Paper size Paper size; A4 type (i.e. 210 mm×297 mm) 3.2 Margin width Left width; 20 deduction m±0.5 m Top width: 10mm±0.5mm (can be widened appropriately as needed, but not more than 40mm) 3.3 Row spacing, column spacing Row spacing, the distance between two adjacent baselines, that is, 4.233mm Column spacing: the distance between two adjacent baselines, that is, 2.54mm 4 Writing of character representation Abbreviation of character representation: a two-letter character Ⅱ=numeric character an-letters and numbers 3=fixed 3-character length : .17-up to 17 characters can be used. Undetermined data unit length of the disk 355=can occupy up to 1 to 5 lines, with 35 characters in each line. National Technical Supervision Unit 10041222 Land Industry 1005 10 01m CB/T15310.4—1994 .35*n-1 to 35 characters per line, indeterminate data items with an indeterminate number of lines are L lines, followed by line numbers. The line number of the first line under the upper edge of the format is 1, the line number of the second line is 2, and the line numbers of other lines are similar. P column, followed by column numbers. The column number of the first column on the right side of the left edge of the format is 1, the column number of the second column is 2, and the column numbers of other columns are similar. Example: L1—7 means that the information is on lines 1-7 P1~35 means that the information is on columns 1-35 5 Document color The document color of this standard format is recommended to be light blue with black lines and black characters. 6 Explanations of various items in the format 6.1 The certificate of origin is in four copies, one original and three duplicates. The original certificate of origin is printed with the words \ORIGINVAL\. The copy of the certificate of origin is printed with the word "COPY". 6.2 The English name of the certificate of origin is printed in the upper right corner of the format. The upper right corner of the certificate of origin is printed with "Certificate No. and English Name" "CERTIFICATEOFORIGINOFTHEPEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA". 6.3 Numbered Items 6. 3. 1 1. Exporter Instructions: Fill in the name, detailed address and country (region) of the exporting party in this column. The name of the exporting party refers to the name of the party that declares an export. Generally fill in the seller or invoice issuer of the valid contract. Region: L16P1-35 Indicates: an..35#5 6.3.2 2. Consignee Instructions: Fill in the name, detailed address and country (region) of the final consignee in this column. The name of the consignee is generally the buyer in the foreign trade contract or the notifier of the bill of lading specified in the letter of credit. It can also be filled in according to the "consignee\" requirements specified in the letter of credit according to trade needs. x domain. L7--12P1-—35 means: an..35*5 6.3. 3 3. Means of transport and route. This column contains two items: The first item is the mode of transport (for example: sea, air, and land transport). The second item is the place of departure, destination, and transshipment. Region L13—19P1-35 means: an.35*5 6.3.44. Country/region of destination Description: This column contains the country (region) of the destination. Fill in the country or region where the goods are finally shipped to, that is, the final importing country (Region), generally consistent with the country (region) of the final consignee. Region: L20—22P1—35 means .an..35 6.3.55.Forcertifyingauthorityuseonly for use by the certification agency only Note: This column is used by the certification agency. The export declaration unit should leave this column blank. The issuing agency can add content as needed. Region: L13—22P37—71 means 835*7 6.3.66.Merks and nunbers transport mark love GB/T 15310.41994 Instructions: This column should be exactly the same as listed on the invoice. When the transport mark is too long to be filled in, it can occupy the blank space of columns 7, 8, 9, and 10. If there is no transport mark, fill in NOMARK or N/M. Region: I23-49P1-13 Indicates: #n..17*10 6.3,77.Numbcr and kind of packages;desrription of goods packaging type and number of pieces, description of goods. Fill in the first item in this column: The first item: packaging type and number of pieces. For example: the number and type of packaging requires the number of packages, barrels, bags, etc. Note that the English number in brackets after the Arabic numerals. For example, 10 cartons of color TVs should be filled in as 100 cartons (one hundred cartons only) of colour TV. set. The second item: The product name should be filled in with the specific name. For example, hemp seeds are called hempgeed in English. The third item: End with the symbol * * at the end of the line. Area. L23-49P14-42 means n..8an..35an..26*10 6. 3. 88. HS Cade product code description: This column requires the four-digit HS tariff number. The product tariff number must be filled in accurately and consistent with the customs declaration. Area: L23--49P44--51 Table for n4 6.3.99.Quantity Description: Fill in the quantity of the exported goods and use it together with the measurement unit of the goods. Area; L23-49P53-61 means: an..15 6.3.1010.Number and date of invoices Invoice number and invoice date description, this column must be filled in according to the commercial invoice of the exported goods. Area; L23-49P63--71 means tan.. 17 Declaration by the exporter 6. 3. 11 11.Declaration by the exporter Description: Declaration by the exporter, signature and seal column. The person who signs the certificate of the applicant unit should be the legal representative of the applicant unit or other personnel designated by the legal representative. The applicant unit should use the Chinese and English bilingual seals in this column, and the signature of the signer and the official seal on the certificate should not overlap. This column must also be filled in with the place and date of declaration. The declaration time must not be earlier than the invoice date, and the earliest date is the same day. Region; L51—65 P1—35 Indicates: an..35 * n 6.3.1212.Certification Visa agency certification date: This is the column for the certification, signature, and stamp of the issuing agency. After the certificate applied for is reviewed and approved by the issuing agency, the authorized visa officer will sign his name in this column, stamp the visa agency seal, and indicate the place and time of signing. The issuance date in this column must not be earlier than the invoice date and declaration date. Region: L51—65 P37—71 Indicates: an..35 * n 7Format For details, please see Appendix A. Appendix A (Standard Appendix) GE/T 15310.4-1994 Format of Foreign Trade Export Documents Certificate of Origin of Export Goods of the People's Republic of China.Exporter 2.Cnnsignee 3.Means of transport and route:I.Country/region af destination.Marks and tumbers CB/T15310.4—1994 ORIGINAL Certificate Nu. CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN THEPEOPLE'SREPUBLICOFCHINA R.Far eertifying authority usc only7.Nunber and kind nf packages: descriptinn gfSCodeof goods Jl, Declere.tion by the exparterThe undersigned hereby declares Lhat the abovedetails and statcments are correct. tbat all 1hegoods were proluced in China and that they comply with the Rules o[ Urigin f the Pepple's Republic ofChiaa. Placc and dnte. signatory signatureand stamp of authorized9.Quantily .Number | |tt | routed.Country/region of destinatlon6.Marksand numhers GB/T15310.4-1994 Certificate No. CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC QF CHINA5,For certlfy Eng authority uge only.Number and kind of packages; deseription 8 .HSCodeof guods 1l. Certification 9.Quantity In.Number aad dale of invoices It is hereby certified that the declaratfon by theerporter is correct. Place and date. signature nd stamp of cer lifyinganthority4-1994 外贸出口单证格式 中华人民共和国出口货物原产地证明书.Exporter 2.Cnnsignee 3.Means of transport and routt:I.Country/region af destination.Marks and tumbers CB/T15310.4—1994 ORIGINAL Certificate Nu. CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN THEPEOPLE'SREPUBLICOFCHINA R.Far eertifying authority usc only7.Nunber and kind nf packages: descriptinn g.f.S.Codeof gouds Jl, Declere.tion by the exparterThe undersigned hereby declares Lhat the abovedetails and statcments are correct. tbat all 1hegoods were proluced in China and that they complywith the Rules o[ Urigin f the Pepple's Republic ofChiaa. Placc and dnte. signatory signatureand stamp of authorized9.Quantily .Number and dale uf invoices 12.Certification lt is heraby certifled that tbe declaratlon by theexpurter is correct. Place and date.signature and stamp of certifyingauthority J.Exporter j3. Means of transport and routed.Country/region of destinatlon6.Marksand numhers GB/T15310.4-1994 Certificate No. CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC QF CHINA5,For certlfy Eng authority uge only.Number and kind of packages; deseription 8.H.S.Codeof guods 1l. Decleratlon by the exporterThe wndersigned bereby declares that the abovedetalls and statements are correct, that all thegoods were produced in China and that they oomplywith the Rules of Origin of the People's Republic ofChina. Place and date. slgnature and stanp of authorizedSlgnatory 12. Certification 9.Quantity In.Number aad dale of invoices It is hereby certified that the declaratfon by theerporter is correct. Place and date. signature nd stamp of cer lifyinganthority4-1994 外贸出口单证格式 中华人民共和国出口货物原产地证明书.Exporter 2.Cnnsignee 3.Means of transport and routt:I.Country/region af destination.Marks and tumbers CB/T15310.4—1994 ORIGINAL Certificate Nu. CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN THEPEOPLE'SREPUBLICOFCHINA R.Far eertifying authority usc only7.Nunber and kind nf packages: descriptinn g.f.S.Codeof gouds Jl, Declere.tion by the exparterThe undersigned hereby declares Lhat the abovedetails and statcments are correct. tbat all 1hegoods were proluced in China and that they complywith the Rules o[ Urigin f the Pepple's Republic ofChiaa. Placc and dnte. signatory signatureand stamp of authorized9.Quantily .Number and dale uf invoices 12.Certification lt is heraby certifled that tbe declaratlon by theexpurter is correct. Place and date.signature and stamp of certifyingauthority J.Exporter 2.Coneignee j3. Means of transport and routed.Country/region of destinatlon6.Marksand numhers GB/T15310.4-1994 Certificate No. CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC QF CHINA5,For certlfy Eng authority uge only.Number and kind of packages; deseription 8.H.S.Codeof guods 1l. Decleratlon by the exporterThe wndersigned bereby declares that the abovedetalls and statements are correct, that all thegoods were produced in China and that they oomplywith the Rules of Origin of the People's Republic ofChina. Place and date. slgnature and stanp of authorizedSlgnatory 12. Certification 9.Quantity In.Number aad dale of invoices It is hereby certified that the declaratfon by theerporter is correct. Place and date. signature nd stamp of cer lifyinganthorityCodeof guods 1l. Decleratlon by the exporterThe wndersigned bereby declares that the abovedetalls and statements are correct, that all thegoods were produced in China and that they oomplywith the Rules of Origin of the People's Republic ofChina. Place and date. slgnature and stanp of authorizedSlgnatory 12. Certification 9.Quantity In.Number aad dale of invoices It is hereby certified that the declaratfon by theerporter is correct. Place and date. signature nd stamp of cer lifyinganthorityCodeof guods 1l. Decleratlon by the exporterThe wndersigned bereby declares that the abovedetalls and statements are correct, that all thegoods were produced in China and that they oomplywith the Rules of Origin of the People's Republic ofChina. Place and date. slgnature and stanp of authorizedSlgnatory 12. Certification 9.Quantity In.Number aad dale of invoices It is hereby certified that the declaratfon by theerporter is correct. Place and date. signature nd stamp of cer lifyinganthority Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.