title>Patent navigation guide—Part 3:Industrial planning - GB/T 39551.3-2020 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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Patent navigation guide—Part 3:Industrial planning

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 39551.3-2020

Standard Name:Patent navigation guide—Part 3:Industrial planning

Chinese Name: 专利导航指南第3部分:产业规划

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release2020-11-09

Date of Implementation:2021-06-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Sociology, services, organization and management of companies (enterprises), administration, transportation>>03.140 Patents, intellectual property rights

Standard Classification Number:General>>Standardization Management and General Provisions>>A00 Standardization, Quality Management

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:China Standard Press

Publication date:2020-11-01

other information

drafter:He Hua, Lei Xiaoyun, Zhang Yong, Li Chang, Chen Mingyuan, Ma Hongya, Ji Xiang, Chen Yuchao

Drafting unit:State Intellectual Property Office

Focal point unit:National Knowledge Management Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 554)

Proposing unit:National Knowledge Management Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 554)

Publishing department:State Administration for Market Regulation and National Standardization Administration Committee

Introduction to standards:

GB/T 39551.3-2020.Patent navigation guide-Part 3: Industrial planning.
GB/T 39551.3 provides general guidance for industrial planning patent navigation.
GB/T 39551.3 is applicable to:
Organization and implementation of industrial planning patent navigation;
Services and training of industrial planning patent navigation.
2 Normative reference documents
The contents of the following documents constitute essential provisions of this document through normative references in the text. Among them, for dated reference documents, only the version corresponding to the date applies to this document; for undated reference documents, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document.
GB/T 39551.1-2020 Patent Navigation Guide Part 1: General Provisions
3 Terms and Definitions
The terms and definitions defined in GB/T 39551.1-2020 and the following terms and definitions apply to this document .
Patent control patent control
The ability to control technology, products and their market share through the use of a certain patent (or patent portfolio).
4 Basic Conditions
4.1 Information Resources
In addition to referring to the provisions on information resources in 4.1 of GB/T 39551.1-2020, information resources should also include:
Information related to the industrial environment can include information on regional planning, industrial planning, industrial policies and industrial platforms at different levels at home and abroad;
Related statistical data of an industry;
Innovation activities of major legal persons and natural persons related to an industry and market activity information.
4.2 Human Resources
In addition to meeting the provisions of 4.2 on human resources in GB/T 39551.1-2020, human resources should also include industrial analysts. Industrial analysts should meet the following conditions:
||tt || One has been working in related industries or economic management fields for nearly three consecutive years;
One has the ability to collect information and conduct research and analysis in related industries;
One has mastered industrial analysis and research methods.
5 Patent Navigation Project Startup
Referring to the regulations on project start-up in Chapter 5 of GB/T 39551.1-2020, the industrial planning patent navigation project demand analysis report should clarify the industrial development decision-making support in the region The dimensions and granularity of the required information.
6 Patent Navigation Project Implementation
6.1 Information Collection
In addition to meeting the provisions of 6.2 on information collection in GB/T 39551.1-2020, quality control should also ensure the deconstruction of the industrial chain and the For the rationality of technology decomposition, the information collection output should also include an analysis report on the basic situation of the industry. The basic industry situation analysis report may include:
The overall situation of an industry, which may include industrial development history, industrial scale, industrial structure, industrial environment, major legal persons and natural persons related to the industry;
An industrial plan Preliminary judgment on the current industrial development status and problems faced by the patent-like navigation area.
This document provides general guidance for industrial planning patent navigation. This document is applicable to: --the organization and implementation of industrial planning patent navigation; --the services and training of industrial planning patent navigation.

Some standard content:

National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Patent Navigation Guide
Part 3: Industrial planning
Patent navigation guidePart 3: Industrial planning2020-11-09 Released
State Administration for Market Regulation
National Standardization Administration Committee
Released|| tt||2021-06-01 Implementation
Normative references
Terms and definitions
Basic Conditions
4.1 Information Resources
4.2 Human Resources
Patent Navigation Project Launch
Patent navigation project implementation
Information collection
Data processing||tt ||Patent Navigation Analysis
Achievement Output
Achievement Application
Performance Evaluation
GB/T39551.3— 2020 | | tt | | SAC | Then Part 1: Drafting of Standardization Document Structure and Drafting Rules.
This document is Part 3 of GB/T39551 "Patent Navigation Guide". GB/T39551 has released the following parts: Part 1: General principles;
Part 2: Regional planning;
- Part 3: Industrial planning;
Part 4: Business Operations;
Part 5: Research and Development Activities;
- Part 6: Talent Management;
- Part 7: Service Requirements
Please pay attention to this document Some of the content may involve patents. The publisher of this document assumes no responsibility for identifying patents. This document is proposed and coordinated by the National Knowledge Management Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC554). This document was drafted by: State Intellectual Property Office. The main drafters of this document are: He Hua, Lei Xiaoyun, Zhang Yong, Li Chang, Chen Mingyuan, Ma Hongya, Ji Xiang, and Chen Yuchao. 1Scope
Patent Navigation Guide
Part 3: Industrial Planning
This document provides general guidance for industrial planning patent navigation. This document is applicable to:
-Industry Organization and implementation of planning patent navigation; services and training for industrial planning patent navigation. 2 Normative reference documents
The contents of the following documents constitute essential provisions of this document through normative citations in the text. Among them, for dated reference documents, only the version corresponding to the date applies to this document; for undated reference documents, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document.
GB/T39551.1-2020 Patent Navigation Guide Part 1: General Provisions
Terms and Definitions
GB/T39551.1-2020 and the following Terms and definitions apply to this document. 3.1
patent control
Patent control power
The ability to control technology, products and their market share through the use of a certain patent (or patent portfolio). Basic conditions
Information resources
In addition to referring to the provisions of 4.1 related to information resources in GB/T39551.1-2020, information resources should also include : Information related to the industrial environment, which can include information on regional planning, industrial planning, industrial policies and industrial platforms at different levels at home and abroad; - industry-related statistical data;
- information on innovative activities and market activities of major legal persons and natural persons related to the industry . 4.2 Human resources
In addition to meeting the provisions of 4.2 on human resources in GB/T39551.1-2020, human resources should also include industrial analysts. Industrial analysts should meet the following conditions:
—nearly 3 consecutive years of working experience in related industries or economic management fields; 1. Possess intelligence collection and research and analysis capabilities in related industries; 1. Master industry analysis and research methods.
5 Patent Navigation Project Launched
Refer to Chapter 5 of GB/T39551.1—2020 Regarding the regulations on project launch, the industrial planning patent navigation project demand analysis report should clarify the dimensions and granularity of the information required to support industrial development decision-making in the region. 6 Patent Navigation Project Implementation
6.1 Information Collection
In addition to meeting the provisions of 6.2 on information collection in GB/T39551.1-2020, quality control should also ensure the reasonable deconstruction of the industrial chain and industrial technology decomposition gender, the information collection output should also include an analysis report on the basic situation of the industry. The basic situation analysis report of the industry may include: the overall situation of the industry, which may include the industrial development history, industrial scale, industrial structure, industrial environment, major legal persons and natural persons related to the industry;
The area targeted by the industrial planning patent navigation The current status of industrial development and preliminary judgment of problems faced. Data processing
Refer to the regulations on data processing in 6.3 of GB/T39551.1-2020. 3 Patent navigation analysis
6.3.1 Industry development direction analysis Overview
is used to judge the global industry development trend and direction. Enter
the content output by 6.1 and 6.2. Steps and methods
The methods and steps of industrial development direction analysis generally include: analyzing the interactive relationship between global industrial development and patent layout, which can include industrial technology development history, global industrial transfer trends, Industry a)
The interactive relationship between the industry chain structure, major enterprises in the industry chain, product market competition, etc. and the patent layout; b) Looking for various entities with strong patent control in the global industry chain, which can control patents Correlation analysis between data and market activity data of various entities:
By analyzing the related activities of entities with strong patent control around the world, we can judge the direction of industrial development. The related activities can Including collaborative innovation, patent layout, patent application and protection, etc. Output
industry development direction analysis report, including but not limited to the latest development directions such as industrial structure adjustment, product development, technology research and development, etc. Quality control
The quality control of industrial development direction analysis should ensure that: the industrial development direction analysis process is logically rigorous and has diverse dimensions; the rationality of an industry development direction judgment can be demonstrated by external experts. 2
6.3.2 Regional industrial development positioning analysis Overview
is used to determine the positioning of the region's industries in the global and Chinese industrial chains. Input the contents of
Chapter 5, 6.1, 6.2, and output. Steps and methods
The methods and steps of regional industrial development positioning analysis generally include: a) Analyze the history and current situation of industrial development in the region; GB/T39551.3—2020
b) Pass Compare the industrial situation of the region with the overall industrial development situation of the world and my country to determine the positioning of the industry in the region.
The above historical situation, current situation and comparative analysis can include analysis perspectives such as industrial structure, industrial clusters, market competition, leading or backbone enterprises, main products, key technology research and development, talent reserves, etc. Output an analysis report on the industrial development positioning of the
region, including but not limited to the advantages and risks of industrial development in the region in terms of industrial structure, industrial division of labor, enterprises, technology, talents, patents, etc. Quality control
The quality control of the industrial development positioning analysis in the region should ensure that: - The analysis process adopts a multi-dimensional method to avoid making judgments based on simple quantitative rankings; - The analysis conclusion is obtained from the industry competent department of the region or Principle endorsement by industry experts. 6.3.3 Regional industrial development path navigation analysis Overview
is used to provide specific path guidance for the industrial development of the region.
The content output by 6.1, 6.2,, and Steps and methods
The steps and methods of regional industrial development path navigation analysis generally include: a) Based on the industrial development direction and the industrial development positioning of the region, propose the goal of optimizing the regional industrial structure: focusing on the industrial structure The goal of optimization is to discover and develop enterprises or other innovative entities with strong strength or great development potential in the region as support and cultivation objects; discover and explore other regions with driving or Filling enterprises or other innovation entities, as introduction or cooperation objects;
around the goal of industrial structure optimization, discover and explore innovative talents or people with strong strength or great development potential in the region c)| | tt | , analyze the 3
breakthroughs and paths of technological development from the perspectives of strengthening advantages, tracking catch-up, filling gaps, and avoiding risks; discover and explore other areas that have a positive impact on this area Technologies and their owners that are indispensable for industrial development, as partners for technology introduction, licensing or future collaborative innovation; e) Focusing on the goal of industrial structure optimization and combining the industrial patent layout structure of the region, propose a patent layout and patent The main goals and paths of operations.
Regional industrial development path suggestions, including but not limited to: industrial structure optimization goals in the region;
Organization) cultivation and introduction path; talent cultivation and introduction path;
technological innovation and introduction path;
patent layout and patent operation path.
Quality control
The quality control of regional industrial development path navigation analysis should ensure: Propose appropriate target selection and targeted path suggestions for the regional industrial development; path The suggestions are based on the region’s resource endowment and actual industrial development and can be implemented. 7Results OutputbZxz.net
In addition to meeting the provisions of Chapter 7 of GB/T39551.1-2020 on result output, a patent navigation map can be produced as needed to display 6.3.1, 6.3.2, and 6.3 in a visual form .3 analysis results and related information. Usage of results
Refer to Chapter 8 of GB/T39551.1-2020 for the regulations on the use of results. 9Performance evaluation
Refer to the regulations on performance evaluation in Chapter 9 of GB/T39551.1-2020. 4
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