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JB/T 5054.10-2001 Product drawings and design document management rules

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 5054.10-2001

Standard Name: Product drawings and design document management rules

Chinese Name: 产品图样及设计文件 管理规则

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release2001-01-02

Date of Implementation:2001-06-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:General, Terminology, Standardization, Documentation >> 01.110 Technical Product Documentation

Standard Classification Number:Machinery>>General Machinery>>J01 Technical Management

associated standards

alternative situation:JB/T 5054.9-1991

Publication information

publishing house:Mechanical Industry Press

Publication date:2001-06-01

other information

drafter:Jiang Liqing, Jin Weihua, Lu Xiafang, Yang Dongbai

Drafting unit:Shanghai Diesel Engine Co., Ltd., Shanghai Electric Motor Factory Co., Ltd., Shanghai Electromechanical Technology Information Institute, and Mechanical Science Research Institute.

Focal point unit:National Technical Product Document Standardization Technical Committee

Proposing unit:National Technical Product Document Standardization Technical Committee

Publishing department:State Machinery Industry Bureau

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the filing, storage, duplication, microfilming, distribution and management of drawings and design documents of mechanical industrial products, including CAD drawings and design documents (hereinafter referred to as drawings and documents or CAD files). This standard applies to the management of drawings and documents of mechanical industrial products, including CAD files. Other drawings and technical documents can be implemented as a reference. JB/T 5054.10-2001 Rules for the Management of Product Drawings and Design Documents JB/T5054.10-2001 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Product Drawings and Design Documents
Management Rules
Dr awing and design dbcunent of productManagementprinciples
National Bureau of Machinery Industry
This standard is based on the archiving of paper media and microfilms of enterprise product drawings and design documents, according to the needs of enterprises to implement computer-aided design (CAD), and refers to the provisions of GB/T17678-1999 "CAD electronic file CD storage, archiving and archive management requirements", and modifies and adjusts JB/T5054.9-1991 "Product drawings and design documents management rules". The main changes are as follows: 1. This standard refers to relevant standards, regulations and documents to standardize and unify some terms and definitions. For example, "base map, draft" is collectively referred to as "base map"; "copy map" is changed to "copy map"; "copy map, copy draft" is collectively referred to as "copy map", etc. 2. Adjustment of chapters in the standard content. Add Chapter 3 "Definition"; original Chapter 5 "Reproduction and distribution of photocopies and photocopies" and Chapter 6 "Management and use of photocopies and photocopies" are merged into Chapter 6 "Issuance and management of photocopies"; original Chapter 7 "Handling of discarded drawings and discarded manuscripts" is changed to Chapter 9 "Handling procedures for discarded drawings"; add Chapter 8 "Archive and management of CAD files", etc. 3. Addition of standard content. Add the basis of CAD electronic file archiving process in "Basic Requirements"; add the management requirements such as filing and archiving of archived photocopies; supplement the basic process and content of microform archiving management; add the requirements for archiving and management of CAD electronic files. Add Appendix A (suggestive appendix) Archiving process of product drawings and design documents, and Appendix B (suggestive appendix) Format of CAD electronic file archiving storage list.
This standard replaces JB/T5054.9-1991 from the date of implementation. This standard is proposed and managed by the National Technical Committee for Technical Product Document Standardization. The drafting units of this standard are: Shanghai Diesel Engine Co., Ltd., Shanghai Electric Machinery Factory Co., Ltd., Shanghai Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Technology Information, and Mechanical Science Research Institute.
The main drafters of this standard are: Jiang Liqing, Jin Weihua, Lu Xiafang, and Yang Dongbai. 1
1 Scope
Standard of the Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China
Product Drawing and Design Document Management Principles
Drawing and design document of product Management principles
Replaces B/T5054.9—1991
This standard specifies the filing, storage, reproduction, microfilming, issuance and management of drawings and design documents of mechanical industry products, including CAD drawings and design documents (hereinafter referred to as drawings and documents or CAD files). This standard applies to the management of drawings and documents of mechanical industry products, including CAD files. Other drawings and technical documents can be implemented as a reference. 2 Referenced Standards
The clauses contained in the following standards constitute the clauses of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard is published, the versions shown are valid. All standards are subject to revision. Parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards. GB/T10609.3—1989
GB/T 11822—1989
3 Definitions
This standard adopts the following definitions.
Technical drawing Folding method for reproduction
Technical drawing Requirements for microfilm reproduction of originals General requirements for the composition of scientific and technological archives Storage, archiving and archive management requirements for CAD electronic files Part I: Archiving and archive management of electronic files
CAD file management Storage and maintenance
Basic requirements for product drawings and design files Methods for changing product drawings and design files
3.1 Microforms
A general term for various carriers (usually films) containing microfilm images. 3.2 Electronic files CAD electronic records Electronic files generated by CAD systems, which can be recognized and processed by computer systems, stored in a certain format on media such as tapes, disks or CDs, and transmitted on the network. Hereinafter referred to as CAD files. 3.3 Electronic archives Electronic archives Archived electronic files with preservation value and corresponding supporting software products and software and hardware specifications. 4 Basic requirements
4.1 Drawings and files must be managed by dedicated institutions or personnel. According to actual needs, enterprises can formulate corresponding drawing and document management standards or systems.
Approved by the State Bureau of Machinery Industry on January 2, 2001, implemented on June 1, 2001
4.2 The management of all confidential drawings and documents shall comply with the relevant national confidentiality laws and enterprise confidentiality standards or systems. 4.3 The filing management process of drawings and documents is shown in Appendix A (the appendix of the reminder), and the filing process of CAD files is shown in Appendix E of GB/T176781.
4.4 The archived base drawing for acceptance shall be complete, and the archived duplicate drawing shall be filed and archived, and shall be kept complete, accurate and safe. 4.5 The duplicate drawings used for design, process, production and operation shall be kept by the using department, and their validity and integrity shall be guaranteed. 4.6 The base drawing and duplicate drawing, as well as CAD files of the same code but different media must ensure consistency, and their changes shall comply with the provisions of JB/T50546.
4.7 The warehouses for storing base maps and archives should be kept clean and ventilated, and their facilities and storage conditions should comply with relevant regulations. The warehouses for storing microfilms should improve the control conditions of temperature and relative humidity, and avoid volatile harmful gases such as ammonia, acid, sulfur dioxide and organic solvents. Electronic archive warehouses should be away from heat sources, harmful gases such as acids and alkalis, and strong magnetic fields. Archived CDs must not be bent, squeezed, or dropped, and should be kept away from direct sunlight, and meet the requirements of GB/T17825.10. 5 Archiving and management of base maps
5.1 Archiving of base maps
5.1.1 The archived base maps should be free of damage, stains, wrinkles, fold marks, etc., and comply with the provisions of JB/T5054.2. 5.1.2 When archiving, the warehouse list should be filled in, checked according to the archiving requirements, and the signing procedures should be completed, and the ledger should be established according to the classification. 5.2 Management of base maps
5.2.1 Base maps can be stored by product series, machine models, units, parts, etc., or by size. However, base maps with the same code consisting of multiple sheets (pages) should be stored together. 5.2.2 Product base maps should be placed flat or upright. A0 or larger formats can be rolled up, but folding is strictly prohibited. Base maps larger than A4 formats must be sewn or wrapped.
5.2.3 The equipment for storing base maps should have code labels compiled according to the classification of base maps. 5.2.4 Base maps can generally be borrowed only when the design is changed or re-traced (made), but the borrowing procedures must be handled in accordance with relevant standards or system regulations. 5.2.5 Base maps should be checked and counted regularly. If lost, the cause should be found out and copied in time, and noted in the ledger to ensure the integrity of the base map.
5.2.6 Damaged base maps should be repaired in time. If they cannot be repaired or copied, they should be re-copied in accordance with the provisions of JB/T5054.6 and filed. If the original base map is replaced, it should be stamped with "invalid" and filed for future reference. 6 Issuance and management of duplicate drawings
6.1 Issuance of duplicate drawings
6.1.1 Duplicate drawings can be blueprints or white drawings, and the drawings must be complete and clear. 6.1.2 The scope and number of copies of various drawings, the procedures for issuance and the necessary formalities should be specified in the drawing and document management standards or systems.
6.1.3 Duplicate drawings issued within the prescribed scope should be stamped with a special stamp or mark for issuing drawings. The special stamp or mark may contain the department name or code, issuance date, production type, issuance type, etc., and the signing procedure should be completed when issuing. 6.1.4 For reproduction drawings issued outside the prescribed scope, including those issued for reasons such as technology transfer or user needs, an application form should be filled out and the prescribed procedures should be followed before they can be issued. Drawings should also be stamped with a special stamp for issuing drawings, and the type of issuance should be different from the reproduction drawings issued within the prescribed scope, and they will not be replaced when changed.
JB/T 5054.10—2001
6.1.5 The reproduction drawings provided to outsourced suppliers shall be forwarded and replaced by the outsourcing department. The specific measures may also be separately stipulated by the enterprise in the relevant management standards or systems.
6.2 Management of reproduction drawings
6.2.1 The user department shall have the basic conditions for keeping reproduction drawings and appoint a dedicated person to manage reproduction drawings. Their responsibilities: a) Acceptance, registration, and bookkeeping:
b) Arrangement, binding, storage, borrowing, and recycling; c) Handling the replacement of changed drawings, damaged drawings, and lost drawings, etc. 6.2.2 The reproduction drawings shall be sorted, catalogued, bound and stored for borrowing. The reproduction drawings shall be stored in an orderly manner and convenient for access. They shall be checked and counted regularly to ensure that the accounts are consistent and the reproduction drawings are neat and complete. 6.2.3 When a new reproduction drawing is required, a record shall be kept and all the original reproduction drawings shall be collected and handled uniformly. If the original reproduction drawing needs to be used again, it shall be marked as "invalid" and stored separately from the valid drawings. It shall be collected within a time limit in accordance with the provisions of the "Drawing and Document Management Standards or Systems".
6.2.4 The borrowing of reproduction drawings shall be handled in accordance with the procedures stipulated in the "Drawing and Document Management Standards or Systems". The custodian shall supervise the timely return and confirm that it is complete and correct.
6.2.5 When the reproduction drawing is affected by contamination or natural damage, the custodian of the using department shall handle the replacement procedures. After the issuing department issues the new reproduction drawing, the original reproduction drawing shall be collected.
6.2.6 If the reproduction is lost, the person who lost it shall be held responsible according to the regulations, and the case shall be dealt with according to the severity of the case. The enterprise shall have measures to prevent the lost drawings and manuscripts from being used. Once lost, the document clerk of the department shall handle the lost application procedures on behalf of the department, and reissue them after approval by the relevant departments. 6.2.7 The reproduction shall be folded into A4 format according to any method specified in GB/T10609.3, and sorted, filed, catalogued and put on the shelf. 6.2.8 The file of the reproduction shall have a file number, and the composition of the file shall comply with the provisions of GB/T11822, and the storage period and confidentiality level shall be determined. 7 Archiving and management of microfilms
7.1 The drawings and documents provided for microfilm shall be accepted and confirmed to comply with the provisions of GB/T10609.4. 7.2 The microfilm shall be proofread and inspected, and its density, resolution, etc. shall be tested. Only qualified microfilms that have been confirmed to be clear and without image changes can be registered, catalogued, and archived.
7.3 Microfilms should generally be kept in duplicate. One copy is archived and not loaned out; the other copy can be loaned out, read, and restored. 7.4 The card or storage bag for storing microfilms should be marked with the drawing code or file number: the equipment for storing microfilm cards or storage bags should have the code label of the microfilm for easy search. 7.5 Archived microfilms should be reversing checked and sampled at least once a year. If improper storage is found during the inspection, the cause should be found out and remedial measures should be taken to ensure its accuracy, completeness, safety and reliability. 7.6 When drawings and documents that have been made into microfilms are changed or redrawn, new microfilms should be made in time and the old microfilms should be replaced. The replaced old microfilms shall be stored separately and marked on the storage cards or storage bags to distinguish them. If necessary, they shall be handled according to the procedures in Chapter 9. 8 Archiving and management of CAD files
The electronic files of CAD files shall be consistent with the corresponding paper files in terms of product technical status (including the changed status), related software and instructions 8.1
files. In terms of management, their safety and integrity shall be maintained, and they shall be available for retrieval, review and use. 8.2 The archived CAD files shall be the final version of the product technical status at this stage. When archiving, the archiving entry form shall be filled in. The format is shown in Appendix B (Suggested Appendix).
JB/T 5054.10—2001
8.3 CAD files shall be archived using more than two media. The content, format, signing and approval procedures of the same drawing and file on different media shall be the same to ensure the consistency of archives of the same content on different media. 8.4 The archived CAD files shall be written into non-erasable optical discs as required, and the optical discs shall have labels with filled numbers and names. There should be at least two sets of archived CDs, one set is sealed and kept, and the other set is for reference and use. The two sets are kept separately. If necessary, a third set can be copied and kept in a different place. 8.5 When archiving CAD files, the archiving department shall fill in the CD label, go through the handover and receipt procedures, check whether the CD has viruses, scratches, and whether it meets the archiving requirements; and check whether the electronic files can be accurately read on the environment platform specified in the archiving entry form. After passing the appraisal and filling in the conclusion on the archiving entry form, it can be archived. 8.6 The archived CAD files should establish electronic archive ledgers and machine-readable catalogs in a timely manner, and determine the archive confidentiality level and storage period. 8.7 Electronic archives should be checked regularly, and the management system should be strictly implemented in accordance with the requirements of the electronic archive storage environment. The electronic archives shall be checked for validity and security every five years. If problems such as CD damage are found, they should be copied in time. If the software and hardware platforms change, they should be converted in time.
8.8 Archived CDs are not loaned out, and electronic archives transmitted on the Internet should specify access permissions. If it is necessary to access electronic archives that exceed the authority, it shall be implemented in accordance with the relevant regulations of the enterprise.
8.9 For electronic files that have exceeded the storage period and have been identified as having no preservation value, they shall be handled in accordance with the procedures in Chapter 9. 9 Procedures for handling obsolete drawings
9.1 Enterprises shall, in accordance with the provisions of the drawing and document management standards, conduct irregular cleaning and appraisal of archived base maps, microforms, CAD files, and duplicate drawings that are filed and archived. Those that have exceeded the storage period or have lost their use value and have no meaning to continue to be preserved shall be scrapped. 9.2 For all archives that need to be appraised and destroyed, an appraisal catalog list shall be compiled and an appraisal application shall be made. After the appraisal, a conclusion opinion shall be formed, including: obsolete destruction, extension of the storage period, conversion to microform and CAD file media for storage, destruction of the original drawing, etc., which shall be handled only after approval by the technical person in charge of the enterprise.
9.3 For all obsolete and destroyed base maps and duplicate pattern rolls, etc., an archive destruction list shall be compiled and then destroyed. Sub-base maps and duplicate drawings of the same code shall be handled together.
9.4 The duplicate drawings that are re-copied or invalidated after design changes can also be identified and destroyed according to the above procedures. 4
Appendix A
(Suggestive Appendix)
Flowchart of Filing Management of Product Drawings and Design Files A1 The flow chart of filing management of product drawings and design files is shown in Figure A1. Drawings and
Direct Value
Appendix B
(Suggestive Appendix)
Format of Filing and Storage Order of CAD Electronic Files
The format of filing and storage order of CAD files is shown in Table B1. Table B1CAD electronic file filing and storage list
CAD electronic file filing and storage list
Product name
Filing department
Software and hardware platform description
Other descriptions
Filing department transferor
Inspection conclusion!
Custody department signatory
1) This form shall be filled in by the custody department.
Electronic file number
Filing date
Filing department review
Signature date
Acceptance date
Mechanical industry standards
Product drawings and design documents management rules
Published and issued by the Mechanical Science Research Institute
Printed by the Mechanical Science Research Institute
(Beijing Shouti South Road 2 No.: Postal code 100044)*
Printing sheets XX
Format 880×1230
First edition in April 2001
Print run 1500
Word count 14,000
First printing in April 2001
Price XXXXX yuan
Mechanical Industry Standard Service Network: http:/wwwJB.accn100 /2.2 The reproduction drawings should be sorted, catalogued, bound and stored for borrowing. The reproduction drawings should be stored in an orderly manner and easy to access. They should be checked and counted regularly to ensure that the accounts are consistent and the reproduction drawings are neat and complete. 6.2.3 When a new reproduction drawing needs to be replaced, a record should be kept and all the original reproduction drawings should be collected and handled uniformly. If the original reproduction drawing needs to be used again, it should be marked as "invalid" and stored separately from the valid drawings. It should be collected within a time limit in accordance with the provisions of the "Drawing and Document Management Standards or Systems".
6.2.4 The borrowing of reproduction drawings should be handled in accordance with the procedures stipulated in the "Drawing and Document Management Standards or Systems". The custodian should supervise the timely return and confirm that it is complete and correct.
6.2.5 When the reproduction drawing is affected by contamination or natural damage, the custodian of the using department shall handle the replacement procedures. After the issuing department issues the new reproduction drawing, the original reproduction drawing shall be collected.
6.2.6 If the reproduction is lost, the person who lost it shall be held responsible according to the regulations, and the case shall be dealt with according to the severity of the case. The enterprise shall have measures to prevent the lost drawings and manuscripts from being used. Once lost, the document clerk of the department shall handle the lost application procedures on behalf of the department, and reissue them after approval by the relevant departments. 6.2.7 The reproduction shall be folded into A4 format according to any method specified in GB/T10609.3, and sorted, filed, catalogued and put on the shelf. 6.2.8 The file of the reproduction shall have a file number, and the composition of the file shall comply with the provisions of GB/T11822, and the storage period and confidentiality level shall be determined. 7 Archiving and management of microfilms
7.1 The drawings and documents provided for microfilm shall be accepted and confirmed to comply with the provisions of GB/T10609.4. 7.2 The microfilm shall be proofread and inspected, and its density, resolution, etc. shall be tested. Only qualified microfilms that have been confirmed to be clear and without image changes can be registered, catalogued, and archived.
7.3 Microfilms should generally be kept separately in duplicate. One copy is archived and not loaned out; the other copy can be loaned out, read, and restored. 7.4 The card or storage bag for storing microfilms should be marked with the drawing code or file number: the equipment for storing microfilm cards or storage bags should have the code label of the microfilm for easy search. 7.5 Archived microfilms should be reversing checked and sampled at least once a year. If improper storage is found during the inspection, the cause should be found out and remedial measures should be taken to ensure its accuracy, completeness, safety and reliability. 7.6 When drawings and documents that have been made into microfilms are changed or redrawn, new microfilms should be made in time and the old microfilms should be replaced. The replaced old microfilms shall be stored separately and marked on the storage cards or storage bags to distinguish them. If necessary, they shall be handled according to the procedures in Chapter 9. 8 Archiving and management of CAD files
The electronic files of CAD files shall be consistent with the corresponding paper files in terms of product technical status (including the changed status), related software and instructions 8.1
files. In terms of management, their safety and integrity shall be maintained, and they shall be available for retrieval, review and use. 8.2 The archived CAD files shall be the final version of the product technical status at this stage. When archiving, the archiving entry form shall be filled in. The format is shown in Appendix B (Suggested Appendix).
JB/T 5054.10—2001
8.3 CAD files shall be archived using more than two media. The content, format, signing and approval procedures of the same drawing and file on different media shall be the same to ensure the consistency of archives of the same content on different media. 8.4 The archived CAD files shall be written into non-erasable optical discs as required, and the optical discs shall have labels with filled numbers and names. There should be at least two sets of archived CDs, one set is sealed and kept, and the other set is for reference and use. The two sets are kept separately. If necessary, a third set can be copied and kept in a different place. 8.5 When archiving CAD files, the archiving department shall fill in the CD label, go through the handover and receipt procedures, check whether the CD has viruses, scratches, and whether it meets the archiving requirements; and check whether the electronic files can be accurately read on the environment platform specified in the archiving entry form. After passing the appraisal and filling in the conclusion on the archiving entry form, it can be archived. 8.6 The archived CAD files should establish electronic archive ledgers and machine-readable catalogs in a timely manner, and determine the archive confidentiality level and storage period. 8.7 Electronic archives should be checked regularly, and the management system should be strictly implemented in accordance with the requirements of the electronic archive storage environment. The electronic archives shall be checked for validity and security every five years. If problems such as CD damage are found, they should be copied in time. If the software and hardware platforms change, they should be converted in time.
8.8 Archived CDs are not loaned out, and electronic archives transmitted on the Internet should specify access permissions. If it is necessary to access electronic archives that exceed the authority, it shall be implemented in accordance with the relevant regulations of the enterprise.
8.9 For electronic files that have exceeded the storage period and have been identified as having no preservation value, they shall be handled in accordance with the procedures in Chapter 9. 9 Procedures for handling obsolete drawings
9.1 Enterprises shall, in accordance with the provisions of the drawing and document management standards, conduct irregular cleaning and appraisal of archived base maps, microforms, CAD files, and duplicate drawings that are filed and archived. Those that have exceeded the storage period or have lost their use value and have no meaning to continue to be preserved shall be scrapped. 9.2 For all archives that need to be appraised and destroyed, an appraisal catalog list shall be compiled and an application for appraisal shall be made. After the appraisal, a conclusion opinion shall be formed, including: obsolete destruction, extension of the storage period, conversion to microform and CAD file media for storage, destruction of the original drawing, etc., which shall be handled only after approval by the technical person in charge of the enterprise.
9.3 For all base maps and duplicate pattern rolls that are obsolete and destroyed, an archive destruction list shall be compiled and then destroyed. Sub-base maps and duplicate drawings of the same code shall be handled together.
9.4 The duplicate drawings that are re-copied or invalidated after design changes can also be identified and destroyed according to the above procedures. 4
Appendix A
(Suggestive Appendix)
Flowchart of Filing Management of Product Drawings and Design Files A1 The flow chart of filing management of product drawings and design files is shown in Figure A1. Drawings and
Direct Value
Appendix B
(Suggestive Appendix)
Format of Filing and Storage Order of CAD Electronic Files
The format of filing and storage order of CAD files is shown in Table B1. Table B1CAD electronic file filing and storage list
CAD electronic file filing and storage list
Product name
Filing department
Software and hardware platform description
Other descriptions
Filing department transferor
Inspection conclusion!
Custody department signatory
1) This form shall be filled in by the custody department.
Electronic file number
Filing date
Filing department review
Signature date
Acceptance date
Mechanical industry standards
Product drawings and design documents management rules
Published and issued by the Mechanical Science Research Institute
Printed by the Mechanical Science Research Institute
(Beijing Shouti South Road 2 No.: Postal code 100044)*
Printing sheets XX
Format 880×1230
First edition in April 2001
Print run 1500
Word count 14,000
First printing in April 2001
Price XXXXX yuan
Mechanical Industry Standard Service Network: http:/wwwJB.accn100 /2.2 The reproduction drawings should be sorted, catalogued, bound and stored for borrowing. The reproduction drawings should be stored in an orderly manner and easy to access. They should be checked and counted regularly to ensure that the accounts are consistent and the reproduction drawings are neat and complete. 6.2.3 When a new reproduction drawing needs to be replaced, a record should be kept and all the original reproduction drawings should be collected and handled uniformly. If the original reproduction drawing needs to be used again, it should be marked as "invalid" and stored separately from the valid drawings. It should be collected within a time limit in accordance with the provisions of the "Drawing and Document Management Standards or Systems".
6.2.4 The borrowing of reproduction drawings should be handled in accordance with the procedures stipulated in the "Drawing and Document Management Standards or Systems". The custodian should supervise the timely return and confirm that it is complete and correct.
6.2.5 When the reproduction drawing is affected by contamination or natural damage, the custodian of the using department shall handle the replacement procedures. After the issuing department issues the new reproduction drawing, the original reproduction drawing shall be collected.
6.2.6 If the reproduction is lost, the person who lost it shall be held responsible according to the regulations, and the case shall be dealt with according to the severity of the case. The enterprise shall have measures to prevent the lost drawings and manuscripts from being used. Once lost, the document clerk of the department shall handle the lost application procedures on behalf of the department, and reissue them after approval by the relevant departments. 6.2.7 The reproduction shall be folded into A4 format according to any method specified in GB/T10609.3, and sorted, filed, catalogued and put on the shelf. 6.2.8 The file of the reproduction shall have a file number, and the composition of the file shall comply with the provisions of GB/T11822, and the storage period and confidentiality level shall be determined. 7 Archiving and management of microfilms
7.1 The drawings and documents provided for microfilm shall be accepted and confirmed to comply with the provisions of GB/T10609.4. 7.2 The microfilm shall be proofread and inspected, and its density, resolution, etc. shall be tested. Only qualified microfilms that have been confirmed to be clear and without image changes can be registered, catalogued, and archived.
7.3 Microfilms should generally be kept separately in duplicate. One copy is archived and not loaned out; the other copy can be loaned out, read, and restored. 7.4 The card or storage bag for storing microfilms should be marked with the drawing code or file number: the equipment for storing microfilm cards or storage bags should have the code label of the microfilm for easy search. 7.5 Archived microfilms should be reversing checked and sampled at least once a year. If improper storage is found during the inspection, the cause should be found out and remedial measures should be taken to ensure its accuracy, completeness, safety and reliability. 7.6 When drawings and documents that have been made into microfilms are changed or redrawn, new microfilms should be made in time and the old microfilms should be replaced. The replaced old microfilms shall be stored separately and marked on the storage cards or storage bags to distinguish them. If necessary, they shall be handled according to the procedures in Chapter 9. 8 Archiving and management of CAD files
The electronic files of CAD files shall be consistent with the corresponding paper files in terms of product technical status (including the changed status), related software and instructions 8.1
files. In terms of management, their safety and integrity shall be maintained, and they shall be available for retrieval, review and use. 8.2 The archived CAD files shall be the final version of the product technical status at this stage. When archiving, the archiving entry form shall be filled in. The format is shown in Appendix B (Suggested Appendix).
JB/T 5054.10—2001
8.3 CAD files shall be archived using more than two media. The content, format, signing and approval procedures of the same drawing and file on different media shall be the same to ensure the consistency of archives of the same content on different media. 8.4 The archived CAD files shall be written into non-erasable optical discs as required, and the optical discs shall have labels with filled numbers and names. There should be at least two sets of archived CDs, one set is sealed and kept, and the other set is for reference and use. The two sets are kept separately. If necessary, a third set can be copied and kept in a different place. 8.5 When archiving CAD files, the archiving department shall fill in the CD label, go through the handover and receipt procedures, check whether the CD has viruses, scratches, and whether it meets the archiving requirements; and check whether the electronic files can be accurately read on the environment platform specified in the archiving entry form. After passing the appraisal and filling in the conclusion on the archiving entry form, it can be archived. 8.6 The archived CAD files should establish electronic archive ledgers and machine-readable catalogs in a timely manner, and determine the archive confidentiality level and storage period. 8.7 Electronic archives should be checked regularly, and the management system should be strictly implemented in accordance with the requirements of the electronic archive storage environment. The electronic archives shall be checked for validity and security every five years. If problems such as CD damage are found, they should be copied in time. If the software and hardware platforms change, they should be converted in time.
8.8 Archived CDs are not loaned out, and electronic archives transmitted on the Internet should specify access permissions. If it is necessary to access electronic archives that exceed the authority, it shall be implemented in accordance with the relevant regulations of the enterprise.
8.9 For electronic files that have exceeded the storage period and have been identified as having no preservation value, they shall be handled in accordance with the procedures in Chapter 9. 9 Procedures for handling obsolete drawings
9.1 Enterprises shall, in accordance with the provisions of the drawing and document management standards, conduct irregular cleaning and appraisal of archived base maps, microforms, CAD files, and duplicate drawings that are filed and archived. Those that have exceeded the storage period or have lost their use value and have no meaning to continue to be preserved shall be scrapped. 9.2 For all archives that need to be appraised and destroyed, an appraisal catalog list shall be compiled and an application for appraisal shall be made. After the appraisal, a conclusion opinion shall be formed, including: obsolete destruction, extension of the storage period, conversion to microform and CAD file media for storage, destruction of the original drawing, etc., which shall be handled only after approval by the technical person in charge of the enterprise.
9.3 For all base maps and duplicate pattern rolls that are obsolete and destroyed, an archive destruction list shall be compiled and then destroyed. Sub-base maps and duplicate drawings of the same code shall be handled together.
9.4 The duplicate drawings that are re-copied or invalidated after design changes can also be identified and destroyed according to the above procedures. 4
Appendix A
(Suggestive Appendix)
Flowchart of Filing Management of Product Drawings and Design Files A1 The flow chart of filing management of product drawings and design files is shown in Figure A1. Drawings and
Direct Value
Appendix B
(Suggestive Appendix)
Format of Filing and Storage Order of CAD Electronic Files
The format of filing and storage order of CAD files is shown in Table B1. Table B1CAD electronic file filing and storage list
CAD electronic file filing and storage list
Product name
Filing department
Software and hardware platform description
Other descriptions
Filing department transferor
Inspection conclusion!
Custody department signatory
1) This form shall be filled in by the custody department.
Electronic file number
Filing date
Filing department review
Signature date
Acceptance date
Mechanical industry standards
Product drawings and design documents management rules
Published and issued by the Mechanical Science Research Institute
Printed by the Mechanical Science Research Institute
(Beijing Shouti South Road 2 No.: Postal code 100044)*
Printing sheets XX
Format 880×1230
First edition in April 2001
Print run 1500
Word count 14,000
First printing in April 2001
Price XXXXX yuan
Mechanical Industry Standard Service Network: http:/wwwJB.accn100 /8 The files of reproduced images shall have file numbers, and the composition of the files shall comply with the provisions of GB/T11822, and the storage period and confidentiality level shall be determined. 7 Archiving and management of microfilms
7.1 The drawings and documents provided for microfilm shall be inspected and confirmed to comply with the provisions of GB/T10609.4. 7.2 Microfilms shall be proofread and inspected, and their density, resolution, etc. shall be tested. Only qualified microfilms that are clear and have no image changes can be registered, compiled, and archived.
7.3 Microfilms shall generally be kept in duplicate. One copy shall be archived and not loaned out; the other copy may be loaned out, read, and restored. 7.4 The card or storage bag for storing microfilms shall be marked with the drawing code or file number: the device for storing microfilm cards or storage bags shall have a microfilm code label for easy search. 7.5 Archived microfilms shall be rewound and sampled at least once a year. If improper storage is found during the inspection, the cause should be found out and remedied to ensure accuracy, completeness, safety and reliability. 7.6 After the drawings and documents that have been made into microfilms are changed or redrawn, new microfilms should be made in time and the old microfilms should be replaced. The replaced old microfilms should be kept separately and marked on the preservation cards or preservation bags to distinguish them. If necessary, they should be handled according to the procedures in Chapter 9. 8 Archiving and management of CAD files
The electronic archives of CAD files should be consistent with the corresponding paper archives in terms of product technical status (including the changed status), related software and instructions 8.1
files. In terms of management, their safety and integrity should be maintained, and they can be retrieved, consulted and used. 8.2 The archived CAD files should be the final version of the product technical status at this stage. When archiving, the archiving storage form should be filled in. The format is shown in Appendix B (Suggested Appendix).
JB/T 5054.10—2001
8.3 CAD files should be archived using more than two media. The content, format, signing and approval procedures of the same drawing and file on different media should be the same to ensure the consistency of archives with the same content on different media. 8.4 The archived CAD files should be written into non-erasable optical discs as required, and the optical discs should have labels with numbers and names filled in. There should be at least two sets of archived optical discs, one for sealed storage and the other for reference and use, and the two sets should be kept separately. If necessary, a third set can be copied and stored in a different place. 8.5 When archiving CAD files, the archiving department shall fill in the optical disc label, go through the handover and receipt procedures, check whether the optical disc has viruses, scratches, and meets the archiving requirements; and check whether the electronic files can be accurately read on the environmental platform specified in the archiving entry form. After the qualified appraisal, the conclusion shall be filled in on the archiving entry form before archiving. 8.6 The archived CAD files should establish electronic archive ledgers and machine-readable catalogs in a timely manner, and determine the archive confidentiality level and storage period. 8.7 Electronic archives should be checked regularly, and the management system should be strictly implemented in accordance with the requirements of the electronic archive storage environment. The electronic archives shall be checked for validity and security every five years. If problems such as damage to the optical disc are found, they should be copied in time. If the software and hardware platforms change, they should be converted in time.
8.8 Archived CDs are not allowed to be loaned out, and the electronic files transmitted on the Internet should be subject to the authority to review. If you need to review electronic files that exceed the authority, follow the relevant regulations of the enterprise.
8.9 For electronic files that have exceeded the storage period and have been identified as having no preservation value, they shall be handled in accordance with the procedures in Chapter 9. 9 Processing procedures for invalid drawings
9.1 Enterprises should carry out irregular cleaning and appraisal of archived base maps, microforms, CAD files, and duplicate drawings for filing in accordance with the provisions of the drawing and document management standards. Those that have exceeded the storage period or lost their use value and have no meaning to continue to be preserved should be scrapped. 9.2 For all files that need to be appraised and destroyed, an appraisal catalog list should be compiled and an appraisal application should be submitted. After the appraisal, a conclusion opinion is formed, including: scrapping and destruction, extending the storage period, converting to microforms and CAD file media for storage, and destroying the original drawing. After approval by the technical person in charge of the enterprise, it can be handled.
9.3 For all base maps and duplicate pattern rolls that are to be discarded and destroyed, a list of archive destruction shall be compiled before destruction. Sub-base maps and duplicate drawings of the same code shall be handled together.
9.4 Duplicate drawings that are to be discarded after re-copying or design changes can also be identified and destroyed according to the above procedures. 4
Appendix A
(Suggested Appendix)
Flowchart A1 for the archiving management of product drawings and design files The process of archiving management of product drawings and design files is shown in Figure A1. Drawings and
Receiving department
Direct value
Appendix B
(Suggested appendix)
Format of CAD electronic file filing and storage list
The format of CAD file filing and storage list is shown in Table B1. Table B1CAD electronic file filing and storage list
CAD electronic file filing and storage list
Product name
Filing department
Software and hardware platform description
Other description
Filing department Transferee
Inspection conclusion!
Custody department Signatory
1) This form shall be filled in by the custody department.
Electronic file number
Filing date
Review by filing department
Receipt date
Acceptance date
Mechanical industry standards
Product drawings and design document management rules
Published and issued by the Mechanical Science Research Institute
Printed by the Mechanical Science Research Institute
(2 Beijing Shouti South Road No.: Postal code 100044)*
Printing sheets XX
Format 880×1230
First edition in April 2001
Print run 1500
Word count 14,000
First printing in April 2001
Price XXXXX yuan
Mechanical Industry Standard Service Network: http:/wwwJB.accn100 /8 The files of reproduced images shall have file numbers, and the composition of the files shall comply with the provisions of GB/T11822, and the storage period and confidentiality level shall be determined. 7 Archiving and management of microfilms
7.1 The drawings and documents provided for microfilm shall be inspected and confirmed to comply with the provisions of GB/T10609.4. 7.2 Microfilms shall be proofread and inspected, and their density, resolution, etc. shall be tested. Only qualified microfilms that are clear and have no image changes can be registered, compiled, and archived.
7.3 Microfilms shall generally be kept in duplicate. One copy shall be archived and not loaned out; the other copy may be loaned out, read, and restored. 7.4 The card or storage bag for storing microfilms shall be marked with the drawing code or file number: the device for storing microfilm cards or storage bags shall have a microfilm code label for easy search. 7.5 Archived microfilms shall be rewound and sampled at least once a year. If improper storage is found during the inspection, the cause should be found out and remedied to ensure accuracy, completeness, safety and reliability. 7.6 After the drawings and documents that have been made into microfilms are changed or redrawn, new microfilms should be made in time and the old microfilms should be replaced. The replaced old microfilms should be kept separately and marked on the preservation cards or preservation bags to distinguish them. If necessary, they should be handled according to the procedures in Chapter 9. 8 Archiving and management of CAD files
The electronic archives of CAD files should be consistent with the corresponding paper archives in terms of product technical status (including the changed status), related software and instructions 8.1
files. In terms of management, their safety and integrity should be maintained, and they can be retrieved, consulted and used. 8.2 The archived CAD files should be the final version of the product technical status at this stage. When archiving, the archiving storage form should be filled in. The format is shown in Appendix B (Suggested Appendix).
JB/T 5054.10—2001
8.3 CAD files should be archived using more than two media. The content, format, signing and approval procedures of the same drawing and file on different media should be the same to ensure the consistency of archives with the same content on different media. 8.4 The archived CAD files should be written into non-erasable optical discs as required, and the optical discs should have labels with numbers and names filled in. There should be at least two sets of archived optical discs, one set is sealed and kept, and the other set is for reference and use, and the two sets are kept separately. If necessary, a third set can be copied and kept in a different place. 8.5 When archiving CAD files, the archiving department shall fill in the optical disc label, go through the handover and receipt procedures, check whether the optical disc has viruses, scratches, and meets the archiving requirements; and check whether the electronic files can be accurately read on the environmental platform specified in the archiving entry form. After the qualified appraisal, the conclusion is filled in on the archiving entry form before archiving. 8.6 The archived CAD files should establish electronic archive ledgers and machine-readable catalogs in a timely manner, and determine the archive confidentiality level and storage period. 8.7 Electronic archives should be checked regularly, and the management system should be strictly implemented in accordance with the requirements of the electronic archive storage environment. The effectiveness and security of electronic archives shall be checked once every five years. If problems such as damage to the optical disc are found, they should be copied in time. If the software and hardware platforms are changed, they should be converted in time.
8.8 Archived CDs are not allowed to be loaned out, and the electronic files transmitted on the Internet should be subject to the access rights. If you need to access electronic files that exceed the authority, follow the relevant regulations of the enterprise.
8.9 For electronic files that have exceeded the storage period and have been identified as having no preservation value, they shall be handled in accordance with the procedures in Chapter 9. 9 Procedures for handling obsolete drawings
9.1 Enterprises should carry out irregular cleaning and appraisal of archived base maps, microforms, CAD files, and duplicate drawings for filing in accordance with the provisions of the drawing and document management standards. Those that have exceeded the storage period or lost their use value and have no meaning to continue to be preserved should be scrapped. 9.2 For all files that need to be appraised and destroyed, an appraisal catalog list should be compiled and an application for appraisal should be submitted. After the appraisal, a conclusion opinion is formed, including: obsolete and destroyed, extended storage period, converted to microform and CAD file media for storage, original drawing destruction, etc., which can only be handled after approval by the technical person in charge of the enterprise.
9.3 For all base maps and duplicate pattern rolls that are to be discarded and destroyed, a list of archive destruction shall be compiled before destruction. Sub-base maps and duplicate drawings of the same code shall be handled together.
9.4 Duplicate drawings that are to be discarded after re-copying or design changes can also be identified and destroyed according to the above procedures. 4
Appendix A
(Suggested Appendix)
Flowchart A1 for the archiving management of product drawings and design files The process of archiving management of product drawings and design files is shown in Figure A1. Drawings and
Receiving department
Direct value
Appendix B
(Suggested appendix)
Format of CAD electronic file filing and storage list
The format of CAD file filing and storage list is shown in Table B1. Table B1CAD electronic file filing and storage list
CAD electronic file filing and storage list
Product name
Filing departmentbzxz.net
Software and hardware platform description
Other description
Filing department Transferee
Inspection conclusion!
Custody department Receiptee
1) This form shall be filled in by the custody department.
Electronic file number
Filing date
Review by filing department
Receipt date
Acceptance date
Mechanical industry standards
Product drawings and design document management rules
Published and issued by the Mechanical Science Research Institute
Printed by the Mechanical Science Research Institute
(2 Beijing Shouti South Road No.: Postal code 100044)*
Printing sheets XX
Format 880×1230
First edition in April 2001
Print run 1500
Word count 14,000
First printing in April 2001
Price XXXXX yuan
Mechanical Industry Standard Service Network: http:/wwwJB.accn100 /7 Electronic archives should be checked regularly, and the management system should be strictly implemented in accordance with the requirements of the electronic archive storage environment. The validity and security of electronic archives should be checked every five years. If the CD is damaged, it should be copied in time. If the software and hardware platform changes, it should be converted in time.
8.8 Archived CDs are not loaned out, and the electronic archives transmitted on the Internet should be subject to the review authority. If you need to review electronic archives that exceed the authority, follow the relevant regulations of the enterprise.
8.9 For electronic archives that have exceeded the storage period and have been identified as having no preservation value, they shall be handled in accordance with the procedures in Chapter 9. 9 Procedures for handling invalid drawings
9.1 Enterprises should carry out irregular cleaning and appraisal of archived base maps, microfilms, CAD files, and copied drawings for filing in accordance with the provisions of the drawing and document management standards. Those that have exceeded the storage period or lost their use value and have no meaning to continue to be preserved should be scrapped. 9.2 For all archives that need to be appraised and destroyed, an appraisal catalog list should be compiled and an application for appraisal should be made. After appraisal, conclusions are formed, including: scrapping and destruction, extending the storage period, converting to microfilm and CAD file media for storage, and destroying the original drawings. These can only be handled after approval by the technical director of the enterprise.
9.3 For all scrapped and destroyed base maps and copy pattern volumes, an archive destruction list should be compiled before destruction. Sub-base maps and copy drawings of the same code should be handled together.
9.4 Copy drawings that are scrapped after re-copying and design changes can also be appraised and destroyed according to the above procedures. 4
Appendix A
(Suggested Appendix)
Product Drawing and Design File Archiving Management Flowchart A1 The process of product drawing and design file archiving management is shown in Figure A1. Drawings and
Receiving department
Direct value
Appendix B
(Suggested appendix)
Format of CAD electronic file filing and storage list
The format of CAD file filing and storage list is shown in Table B1. Table B1CAD electronic file filing and storage list
CAD electronic file filing and storage list
Product name
Filing department
Software and hardware platform description
Other description
Filing department Transferee
Inspection conclusion!
Custody department Receiptee
1) This form shall be filled in by the custody department.
Electronic file number
Filing date
Review by filing department
Receipt date
Acceptance date
Mechanical industry standards
Product drawings and design document management rules
Published and issued by the Mechanical Science Research Institute
Printed by the Mechanical Science Research Institute
(2 Beijing Shouti South Road No.: Postal code 100044)*
Printing sheets XX
Format 880×1230
First edition in April 2001
Print run 1500
Word count 14,000
First printing in April 2001
Price XXXXX yuan
Mechanical Industry Standard Service Network: http:/wwwJB.accn100 /7 Electronic archives should be checked regularly, and the management system should be strictly implemented in accordance with the requirements of the electronic archive storage environment. The validity and security of electronic archives should be checked once every five years. If the CD is damaged, it should be copied in time. If the software and hardware platform changes, it should be converted in time.
8.8 Archived CDs are not loaned out, and the electronic archives transmitted on the Internet should be subject to the review authority. If you need to review electronic archives that exceed the authority, follow the relevant regulations of the enterprise.
8.9 For electronic archives that have exceeded the storage period and have been identified as having no preservation value, they shall be handled in accordance with the procedures in Chapter 9. 9 Procedures for handling invalid drawings
9.1 Enterprises should carry out irregular cleaning and appraisal of archived base maps, microfilms, CAD files, and copied drawings for filing in accordance with the provisions of the drawing and document management standards. Those that have exceeded the storage period or lost their use value and have no meaning to continue to be preserved should be scrapped. 9.2 For all archives that need to be appraised and destroyed, an appraisal catalog list should be compiled and an application for appraisal should be made. After appraisal, conclusions are formed, including: scrapping and destruction, extending the storage period, converting to microfilm and CAD file media for storage, and destroying the original drawings. These can only be handled after approval by the technical director of the enterprise.
9.3 For all scrapped and destroyed base maps and copy pattern volumes, an archive destruction list should be compiled before destruction. Sub-base maps and copy drawings of the same code should be handled together.
9.4 Copy drawings that are scrapped after re-copying and design changes can also be appraised and destroyed according to the above procedures. 4
Appendix A
(Suggested Appendix)
Product Drawing and Design File Archiving Management Flowchart A1 The process of product drawing and design file archiving management is shown in Figure A1. Drawings and
Receiving department
Direct value
Appendix B
(Suggested appendix)
Format of CAD electronic file filing and storage list
The format of CAD file filing and storage list is shown in Table B1. Table B1CAD electronic file filing and storage list
CAD electronic file filing and storage list
Product name
Filing department
Software and hardware platform description
Other description
Filing department Transferee
Inspection conclusion!
Custody department Signatory
1) This form shall be filled in by the custody department.
Electronic file number
Filing date
Review by filing department
Receipt date
Acceptance date
Mechanical industry standards
Product drawings and design document management rules
Published and issued by the Mechanical Science Research Institute
Printed by the Mechanical Science Research Institute
(2 Beijing Shouti South Road No.: Postal code 100044)*
Printing sheets XX
Format 880×1230
First edition in April 2001
Print run 1500
Word count 14,000
First printing in April 2001
Price XXXXX yuan
Mechanical Industry Standard Service Network: http:/wwwJB.accn100 /
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