This standard specifies the codes for payment methods in the electronic data interchange (EDI) of the financial system. This standard applies to electronic data interchange and information processing in the administration, commerce and transportation industries. GB/T 15424-1994 Payment method codes for electronic data interchange GB/T15424-1994 Standard download decompression password:
This standard specifies the codes for payment methods in the electronic data interchange (EDI) of the financial system. This standard applies to electronic data interchange and information processing in the administration, commerce and transportation industries.
Some standard content:
National Standard of the People's Republic of China Payment means codes for EDI GB/T 15424- 94 This standard is equivalent to the UN/EDIFACT code set 446193A version "Payment means codes" Subject content and scope of application This standard specifies the codes for payment methods in electronic data interchange (EDI) in the financial system. This standard is applicable to electronic data exchange and information processing in administration, commerce and transportation. 2 Code structure This standard adopts three-digit alphanumeric codes of unequal length. 3 Code Pack Payment Method Name Undefined Payment Instrument Instrument not defined Automated Clearing House Credit Automated Credit Clearing Automated Clearing House Deb-it Automated Clearing House Deb-it Automated Clearing House Deb-it ACH Demand Debit Reversal Automated Clearing House Debit Reversal ACH Demand Credit Reversal Automated Clearing House Deb-it ACH Demand Credit Automated Clearing House Deb-it ACH Demand debit Approved by the State Administration of Technical Supervision on December 28, 1994 294 A credit transaction through the automated clearing house system A debit transaction through the automated clearing house system A request to cancel an automated clearing house debit transaction for a current deposit account Request to cancel an automated clearing house credit transaction for a current deposit account A credit transaction through the automated clearing house system for a current deposit account A debit transaction through the automated clearing house system for a current deposit account Implemented on August 1, 1995 Name of payment method Payment on hold National or regional clearing GB/T15424—94 Means of payment that are on hold by the bank for the collection of funds by the beneficiary or in response to other instructions Refers to payments that should be made using national or regional clearing cash method in cash ACH savings credit reversal ACH savings debit reversal ACH savings credit ACH savings debit Account credit Book entry credit Account debit Book entry debit ACH demand cash concentration/disbursement (CCD) credit ACH demand cash concentration/disbursement credit (CCD) ACH demand cash ACH demand corporate trade payment (CTP) credit cheque banker's draft Request to reverse an ACH credit transaction to a savings account Request to reverse an ACH debit transaction to a savings account A credit transaction to a savings account through the ACH A debit transaction to a savings account through the ACH A credit transaction from a buyer's account to a seller's account at the same financial institution A debit transaction from a seller's account to a buyer's account at the same financial institution A credit transaction to a demand deposit account through the ACH using the Cash Concentration/Disbursement (CCD) payment formatA debit transaction to a demand deposit account using the Cash Concentration/Disbursement (CCD) payment formatA credit transaction to a demand deposit account through the ACH using the Corporate Trade Payment (CTP) payment formatBank-issued draft for payment of funds Name of payment method Certified bank draft certified bank's draft bank cheque GB/T 15424-94 bank cheque (issued by a banking or similar establish-ment) certified cheque local cheque automated clearing house corporate trade payment (CTP) debit ACH demand corporate trade payment (CTP) debit automated clearing house corporate trade exchange (CTX) credit automated clearing house corporate trade exchange (CTX) debit ACH demand corporate trade exchange (CTX) debit credit transfer debit transfer debit transfer Automated Clearing House extended cash concentration/disbursement (CCD+)Demand credit ACH denand cash concentration/disbursement plus (CCD +)credit Automated Clearing House extended cash concentration/disbursement (CCD+)Demand debit ACH demand cash concentration/disbursement plus (CCD +)debit refers to a check made out to a local recipient a debit transaction to a demand deposit account through the ACH using the Corporate Trade Payment (CTP) payment formatA credit transaction to a demand deposit account through the ACH using the Corporate Trade Exchange (CTX) payment formatA debit transaction to a demand deposit account through the ACH using the Corporate Trade Exchange (CTX) payment formatA credit transaction to a demand deposit account through the ACH using the Extended Cash Concentration/Payment (CCD+) payment formatA debit transaction to a demand deposit account through the ACH using the Extended Cash Concentration/Payment (CCD+) payment format Name of payment method GB/T 15424-94 ACH prearranged payment and deposit (PPD) ACH savings cashACH savings cash concentra- tion/disbursement credit ACH savings cash concentra- tion/disbursement (CCD)) ACH savings corporate trade payment (CTP) credit ACH savings corporate trade ACH savings corporate trade Payment (CTP) debit ACH savings corporate trade exchange (CTX) credit ACH savings corporate trade exchange (CTX) debit ACH savings cash concentration/disbursement plus (CCD+) credit payment to bank account account Consumer credit transaction to a demand or savings account through the ACH A credit transaction to a demand or savings account through the ACH A debit transaction to a savings account using the cash collection payment format through the ACHA credit transaction to a savings account using the corporate trade payment format through the ACHA debit transaction to a savings account using the corporate trade payment format through the ACHA credit transaction to a savings account using the corporate trade exchange credit payment format through the ACHA debit transaction to a savings account using the corporate trade exchange credit payment format through the ACHA credit transaction to a savings account using the extended cash collection payment format through the ACH297 Name of payment method GB/T 15424-94 Automated Clearing House Savings Extended Cash Collection ACH savings cash concentration/disbursement plus (CCD+) debit e-mail remittance payment by postgiro promissory note promissory note signed by thedebtor promissory note signed by thedebtor and endorsed by a third party promissory note signed by a bank and endorsed by another bank anotherbank promissory note signed by a third party promissory note signed by a third party and endorsed by abank a debit transaction made through the automated clearing house system to a savings account using the extended cash distribution payment format Code Name of payment method GB/T 15424-94 bill drawn by the creditor on the debtor bill drawn by the creditor on abank bill drawn by the creditor, en-dorsed by another bank bill drawn by the creditor on abank and endorsed by a thirdparty bill drawn by the creditor on athird party bill drawn by the creditor on athird party bill drawn by the creditor on athird party, accepted and en-dorsed by bank not transferabie banker's not transferable local chequereference giro electronic transferwwW.bzxz.Net urgent giro free formatelectronic transfer giro Requested method for payment is no longer used requested method for payment was not used mutually defined Issuing non-endorsable bank draft Issuing non-endorsable check Ordering customer notifies the bank to use the "ordinary electronic transfer" payment system. Used in the Finnish National Bank system Ordering customer notifies the bank to use the "electronic transfer" bank service for transfer. Used in the Finnish National Bank system Customer notifies the bank to use the "free format electronic transfer" bank service for transfer, used in the Finnish National Bank system If the requested payment method is no longer used or cannot be used, this code is used to indicate Additional instructions: GB/T15424—94 This standard is proposed by the China Institute of Standardization and Information Classification and Coding. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the China Institute of Standardization and Information Classification and Coding. This standard is drafted by the China Institute of Standardization and Information Classification and Coding. The main drafters of this standard are Hu Hanjing, Deng Jie, Fang Qing, Zhang Rongjing, Meng Zhuming, Wang Yunsheng and Zhong Xiaolin.accepted and en-dorsed by bank non-transferable banker's draft not transferabie banker's non-transferable local cheque not transferable local chequeordinary electronic transfer reference giro electronic transfer urgent giro free format giro requested method for payment was not used mutually defined issue of non-endorsable banker's draft issue of non-endorsable cheque the ordering customer informs the bank to use the "ordinary electronic transfer" payment system. Use in the Finnish National Banking System the ordering customer informs the bank to use the "electronic transfer" banking service for transfers. Used in the Finnish National Bank system when the customer notifies the bank to use the "Free Format Electronic Transfer" banking service to transfer money. Used in the Finnish National Bank system when the requested payment method is no longer used or cannot be used. This code is used to indicate Additional instructions: GB/T15424—94 This standard is proposed by the China Institute of Standardization and Information Classification and Coding. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the China Institute of Standardization and Information Classification and Coding. This standard is drafted by the China Institute of Standardization and Information Classification and Coding. The main drafters of this standard are Hu Hanjing, Deng Jie, Fang Qing, Zhang Rongjing, Meng Zhuming, Wang Yunsheng, and Zhong Xiaolin. 300 Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.