Standard ICS number:General, terminology, standardization, documentation>>01.020 Terminology (principles and coordination) Information technology, office machinery and equipment>>Information technology applications>>35.240.30 Information technology in information, documentation and publication
Standard Classification Number:General>>Basic Standards>>A22 Terms and Symbols
associated standards
Procurement status:eqv ISO 12200:1999
Publication information
publishing house:China Standards Press
Publication date:2004-04-16
other information
Release date:2000-07-14
Review date:2004-10-14
Drafting unit:China Standards Research Center
Focal point unit:National Technical Committee on Terminology Standardization
Publishing department:State Administration of Quality and Technical Supervision
This standard specifies the structured terminology information, tags and attributes for markup, character encoding and language attributes, MARTIF terminology entry structure and document type definition (DTD) of the negotiated exchange part of the machine-readable terminology interchange format (MARTIF), as well as the MARTIF file and structure and exchange process. This standard applies to the exchange of machine-readable terminology data and the development of corresponding import and export procedures, as well as the development of conversion procedures for data encoded in accordance with GB/T 13726. GB/T 18155-2000 Computer application of terminology Machine-readable terminology interchange format (MARTIF) Negotiation and exchange GB/T18155-2000 Standard download decompression password:
This standard specifies the structured terminology information, tags and attributes for markup, character encoding and language attributes, MARTIF terminology entry structure and document type definition (DTD) of the negotiated exchange part of the machine-readable terminology interchange format (MARTIF), as well as the MARTIF file and structure and exchange process. This standard applies to the exchange of machine-readable terminology data and the development of corresponding import and export procedures, as well as the development of conversion procedures for data encoded in accordance with GB/T 13726.
Some standard content:
National Standard of the People's Republic of China GB/TXXXXX-XXXX eqvISO12200:1999 Terminology workComputer applications-Machine-readable terminology interchange format (MARTIF)-Negotiated interchange Terminology workComputer applications-Machine-readable terminology interchange format (MARTIF)-Negotiated interchange1 Scope This standard specifies the structured terminology information, markup tags and attributes, character encoding and language attributes, MARTIF terminology entry structure and document type definition (DTD) of the negotiated interchange part of the machine-readable terminology interchange format (MARTIF), as well as the structure and exchange process of MARTIF files. This standard is applicable to the exchange of machine-readable terminology data and the development of corresponding import and export procedures, as well as the development of conversion procedures for data encoded in accordance with GB/T13726. 2 Referenced standards The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard was published, the versions shown were valid. All standards are subject to revision. Parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards. GB/T1988-1998 Information Processing Information Interchange Seven-bit Coded Character Set (eqvISO/IEC646:1991) GB/T2312-1980 Basic Set of Chinese Coded Character Set for Information Interchange GB/T2659-1994 Codes for Country and Region Names of the World (eqISO3166:1988) GB/T4880-1991 Codes for Language Names (eqvISO639:1988) GB/T7408-1994 Data Elements and Interchange Formats Information Interchange Date and Time Representation (eqvISO8601:1988) GB/T13000.1-1993 Information Technology Universal Multiple-octet Coded Character Set (UCS) Part 1: Architecture and Basic Multilingual Plane (eqvISO1 06461:1993) GB/T13143-1991 Vocabulary of information and documentation work - Traditional documents (neqISO5127/2:1983) GB/T13726-1992 Magnetic tape format for recording and exchanging terminology and dictionary entries (neqISO6156:1987) GB/T14814-1993 Standard generalized markup language (SGML) for information processing text and office systems (eqVISO8879:1986) GB/T16786-1997 Terminology work - Computer application data categories (eqvISO/DIS12620:1996) GB/T17532-1998 Terminology work - Computer application vocabulary 10872.2:1996) (eqv ISO/DIS ISO5127/3a:1981 Information and documentation vocabulary Part 3a Acquisition, identification and analysis of documents and data ISO12083:1994 Information and documentation Preparation and markup of electronic manuscripts 3 Definitions This standard adopts the terms in GB/T14814, GB/T17532 and GB/T16786 and the following definitions: 3.13.1 Attribute The characteristic quantity of a generic identifier. (4.9 in GB/T14814-1993) genericidentifier 3.23.2 Generic identifier Class identifier Name of the element type used to identify an element. (4.147 in GB/T14814-1993) Note: It is more accurate to call it "class identifier", but in order to be consistent with GB/T14814, "generic identifier" is used in this standard. Structured term information The basic unit of terminology data management used in the machine-readable terminology exchange format (MARTIF) file is the term entry. In other words, a MARTIF file should consist of a number of term entries, and a term entry should contain information about a concept or several closely related concepts, information about one or more terms in one or more languages, and descriptive and administrative information that is useful in a specific context. Note: Terminology data can be in the form of a terminology database, or used for printed hard copy documents, technical or terminology dictionaries and vocabularies, and to some extent for information retrieval thesaurus. However, for the application of Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), even the terminology database itself can be considered as a file. Different user needs, methods and software conditions will lead to different changes in the structure and representation of data in the terminology database. These changes also reflect whether the terminology entry is monolingual, bilingual or multilingual, whether it contains descriptive or normative information, and the working environment in which the terminology file is created and used. Taking into account the different database designs, for the purpose of data exchange, the structure of each terminology entry should be mapped to the structure specified by MARTIF. However, it should be pointed out that the loss of information caused by the structure of the source database being more complex than that of the target database can only be avoided by re-structuring and re-marking the target database. Data category Subject area English term Content of data category appearanceofmaterials(material appearance)opacity Grammatical informationPart of speechEnglish noun English definition English source document identifier English responsible person code German term degreeof obstruction to the transmission of visible light ASTM Standard E284 ASTM Technical Committee E12 opazitat German term noun Grammatical information part of speech Grammatical informativeness German term German definition German source document identifier German responsible person code feminine Ma B fur die Lichtu ndurchlassigkeitDIN 6730:1992-08 NormenausschuBPapier und Pappe (NPa)imDINFig. 1 Example of data categories and corresponding data category contents in terminology French term opacite Part of speech French term noun Grammatical information Grammatical information French term French definition French source document identifier French responsible person code Chinese term feminine Rapport du flux lumineux incident au fluxlumineuxtransmisoureflechiparunnoircissementphotographique Hjdi1986-539 CIRAD Obstruction Grammatical information Part of speech Chinese term Chinese definition Chinese source document identifier Chinese responsible person code The degree of obstruction of visible light, expressed as the ratio of the incident radiation power to the radiation power passing. GB/T1543-1988-2.1 Figure 1 An example of data categories and corresponding data category contents in a term entry (end) Note: This example of a term entry reflects an actual working situation, combining information about a single concept from different source documents in different languages in a single term entry. Example 3 gives the MARTIF term entry for this term entry.In the form of Example E.1 in Appendix E,merged into a complete MARTIF file. 5 MARTIF Terminology Entries 5.15.1 Data Categories 5.1.1 Specification of Data Categories MARTIF is designed for the exchange of terminology data between terminology databases of arbitrarily structured terms. Therefore, each data category in the terminology entry should be appropriately identified and the relationships between data categories should be encoded in the entry so that they can be redistributed to correspond to the arrangement in the target database. The labeling of data categories in the MARTIF file, i.e. their naming, should be done using the generic identifiers (GIs or tag names) specified in 5.1.2 and the attributes specified in 5.1.3. In addition, Appendix A specifies the canonical form of data categories to be used in the MARTIF environment, and the attribute values to be used with them (see 5.1.40). Some data categories identify subcategories with information related to the terms and concepts they represent, while others provide administrative information related to the terminology entries themselves and file management. The data categories in Appendix A are defined in GB/T 16786 and should be used to encode terminology data when exchanging in the MARTIF format, and those that do not conform to GB in local applications should be converted as specified. The data category name of B/T16786. If the data category required in the application local software is not specified in GB/T16786, the system designer should notify the coordinator of the standard as specified (see GB/T16786, Appendix E). 5.1.2MARTIF tags Table 1 lists the common identifiers used in the MARTIF environment in terminology applications. When marking, only English characters can be used between the opening delimiter (<) and the closing delimiter (>). Other characters (such as Chinese characters, Japanese, etc.) cannot be used. For example, the start tag of Figure 2 is not allowed to be marked like this:or <descriptive information type='definition>. MARTIF document type definition (DTD) is a generic identifier around,andAppendix C lists these three and other general identifiers (GIs) and the data categories associated with them (as shown in the examples in Appendix A and Appendix B), as well as those data categories associated with specific attributes. Table 1 MARTIF tags and their descriptions MARTIF tags
Chinese name Terminological entry Language set Terminological information Nested terminological information group English name termentry languageset terminological information nested terminological information In monolingual terminology work, a single complete terminological entry for a concept, including one or more terms and related descriptive and administrative data; in bilingual or multilingual terminology work, it includes two or more closely related concepts (these concepts contain one or more terms in each language), as well as related descriptive and administrative data. attributes include: type (type), which divides the term entry according to the data categories specified in GB/T16786. in aIn the relevant languageandThe language (lang) attribute must be assigned a value unless it is inherited. In aThe term contains several information elements related to a single term. These information elements must function at the same level, i.e., embedding is not allowed.In a subordinate element of . Its language (lang) attribute must be assigned a value unless it is inherited. in aWhen some information elements are not related to the entire term information group (tig), but to some elements within it, useThe following elements can be embeddedChinese:
Term group Term note Term note termgroup termnote termnote 、 、 and. Its language (lang) attribute must be assigned a value unless it is inherited. includes single-word terms and phrase-type terms, or symbolic identifiers that are considered technical terms. It includes aThe element and at least one nested element attached to the term contain information related to the term. attributes include: type, which is a data type according to the data categories specified in A.2. and A.3 of Appendix divided. includes aelement and at least one nested element attached to the related term information . Can be used in The element accommodates additional levels of nesting . Table 1 MARTIF tags and their descriptions (continued)
description description description administration administration noteon description administration administration noteon description administration noteon description administration includes descriptive information such as definitions, contexts, and explanations of descriptive concepts and terms. Attributes include: type, which is a data category in accordance with A.4-A.7 in Appendix divided. includes aelement and at least one nested element attached to the descriptive information. Includes administrative data. Attributes include: Type (type), which is a attribute according to the data categories specified in A.9-A.10 of Appendix divided. includes aThe element and at least one nested element attached to the descriptive information. includes a single date in the format year-month-1 (YYYY-MM-DD), and optionally: a date-time representation in the format year-month-1 hour:minutes:seconds (YYYY-MM-DDhh:mm:ss). attributes include: type, which is a data category as specified in A.10.2.1 of Appendix divided. Include a note or annotation as entry,orAn element group, or a comment about an element in <...Grp>. When the comment includes a parameter selection list , in When the comment includes a parameter selection table , inUsed for comment information. includes a pointer to another location in the current file. attributes include: type (type), which is described in Appendix A, A.12 The target is a target that specifies the destination of the reference using one or more SGML tags. Table 1 MARTIF tags and their descriptions (continued) External reference highlighting Note:A general identifier consists only of a start tag and an embedded target tag, and cannot be associated with additional text as the content of an element. Because ,andElements such as all relate their current location to another target location inside or outside the file, so they all belong to the category of links. Use one or more identifying elements to describe a reference to another location in the current file.The general identifier is associated with the attached text as the content of the element, which consists of a start tag and an embedded target, followed by the attached text, and finally closed with an end tag. Attributes include: type (type), which is described in Appendix AThe target is a reference to a destination using one or more SGML tags.The value of a target property that defines a reference to a diagram, illustration, graphic, table, or other external file. Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.