title>JB/T 7070.2-2002 Test Guidelines for Voltage Regulators Part 2: Test Guidelines for Induction Voltage Regulators and Induction Automatic Voltage Regulators - JB/T 7070.2-2002 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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JB/T 7070.2-2002 Test Guidelines for Voltage Regulators Part 2: Test Guidelines for Induction Voltage Regulators and Induction Automatic Voltage Regulators

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 7070.2-2002

Standard Name: Test Guidelines for Voltage Regulators Part 2: Test Guidelines for Induction Voltage Regulators and Induction Automatic Voltage Regulators

Chinese Name: 调压器试验导则 第2部分:感应调压器和感应自动调压器试验导则

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release2002-12-01

Date of Implementation:2002-07-16

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Electrical Engineering >> 29.180 Transformers and Reactors

Standard Classification Number:Electrical Engineering>>Power Transmission and Transformation Equipment>>K41 Transformer

associated standards

alternative situation:JB/T 7070.2-1993

Publication information

publishing house:Mechanical Industry Press

other information

Focal point unit:National Transformer Standardization Committee

Publishing department:National Transformer Standardization Committee

Introduction to standards:

This part specifies the test methods and test procedures for routine tests, type tests and special tests of oil-immersed and dry-type induction voltage regulators and induction automatic voltage regulators. JB/T 7070.2-2002 Guidelines for testing voltage regulators Part 2: Guidelines for testing induction voltage regulators and induction automatic voltage regulators JB/T7070.2-2002 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Replaces JB/T7070.2—1993
Test guide for regulator
Part 2: Test guide for induction voltage regulators and automatic induction voltage regulators
Promulgated on July 16, 2002
Implementation on December 1, 2002
Promulgated by the State Economic and Trade Commission of the People's Republic of ChinaForeword
1 Scope
2. Normative reference documents,
3 Terms and definitions
General requirements for tests
5 Main symbols
Test items and test procedures
Appearance inspection test
7.1 Test purpose,
Test method:
8 Winding resistance measurement and marking inspection (winding resistance measurement) test test purpose.
Test method,
9 Power frequency withstand voltage test
9.1 Test purpose.
Test method.
Induction withstand voltage test
Test purpose,
Test method,
Repeated insulation test
Actuator (control mode and actuator) test 12
Test purpose,
Test method
No-load test..
Test purpose
Test method
Load test
Test purpose..
Test method
Insulating oil test
Voltage setting range correction test
Test purpose.
Test method
Voltage stabilization accuracy determination test
Test purpose..
Test method| |tt||Braking performance test,
Test purpose
18.2 Test method
19 Running stability test,
19.1 Test purpose..
19.2 Test method
20 Over- and under-voltage protection test
20.1 Test purpose..
20.2 Test method
21 Output voltage range (rated output voltage) test 21.1 Test purpose
21.2 Test method.
22 Output voltage asymmetry determination test
22.1 Test purpose.
22.2 Test method
23 Output voltage characteristic test
23.1 Test purpose,
23.2 Test method
24 Output voltage waveform distortion rate measurement test 24.1 Test purpose..
24.2 Test method.
25 Voltage regulation time measurement test
Test purpose,
25.2 Test method
26 Reaction time measurement test
Test purpose
26.2 Test method
Temperature rise test.
27.1 Test purpose
27.2 Test method..
28 Overload capacity test
Test purpose.
Test method
Sound level measurement test
Test purpose.
Test method.
Measurement of output and input resistance
Figure 2 Schematic diagram of power frequency withstand voltage test
Schematic diagram of electric operation connection
Wiring diagram of no-load test of three-phase test product
Figure 5 Load loss measurement circuit diagram.
Figure 6 Test circuit diagram of voltage setting and voltage regulation accuracy determination Chart 1 Test items and test procedures
Table 2 Record table of no-load output voltage value and distortion rate measurement.12
JB/T7070 "Guidelines for voltage regulator testing" is divided into: Preface
Part 1: Guidelines for contact voltage regulator and contact automatic voltage regulator test: - Part 2: Guidelines for induction voltage regulator and induction automatic voltage regulator test: Part 3: Guidelines for magnetic voltage regulator test. JB/T7070.2-2002
This part is the second part of JB/T7070.
This part is a revision of JB/T7070.2-1993 "Guidelines for voltage regulator test Part II: Guidelines for induction voltage regulator and induction automatic voltage regulator test".
Compared with JB/T7070.2-1993, the main changes of this part are as follows: The writing format of this part conforms to GB/T1.1-2000 "Guidelines for standardization work Part 1: Structure and writing rules of standards": Added a chapter "General requirements for testing"; - Added general (appearance) inspection items and inspection methods: The original standard "Load output voltage upper limit determination" and "No-load minimum output voltage determination" are merged into "Output voltage range test"
- The original standard "Protection performance test" is changed to "Braking performance test" and "Over- and under-voltage protection test". This part replaces JB/T7070.2-1993. This part is proposed by the China Machinery Industry Federation. This part is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Transformer Standardization. This part was drafted by: Shenyang Transformer Research Institute, Shanghai Voltage Regulator Factory, Shanghai Senpu Electric Research Institute, Boshan Voltage Regulator Factory. The main drafters of this part are: Huang Peina, Xu Kaiping, Song Xiping. This part was first issued in 1993.
1 Scope
Part 2
Test Guidelines for Voltage Regulators
Induction Voltage Regulators and Induction Automatic Voltage Regulators
Test Guidelines
This part specifies the test methods and test procedures for routine tests, type tests and special tests of oil-immersed and dry-type induction voltage regulators and induction automatic voltage regulators.
This part applies to dry self-cooled, dry air-cooled and oil-immersed self-cooled induction voltage regulators (hereinafter referred to as voltage regulators) and induction automatic voltage regulators (hereinafter referred to as automatic voltage regulators) with voltage levels of 10kV and below, rated frequency of 50Hz, continuous operation and stepless regulation. 2 Normative references
The clauses in the following documents become the clauses of this part through reference in this part of JB/T7070. For any dated referenced document, all subsequent amendments (excluding errata) or revisions are not applicable to this part. However, parties to an agreement based on this part are encouraged to study whether the latest versions of these documents can be used. For any undated referenced document, its latest version applies to this part. GB/T507-1986 Dielectric strength test method for insulating oil (neqIEC156) Technical parameters and requirements for three-phase oil-immersed power transformers GB/T 64511999
GB/T7595—1987 Quality standard for transformer oil in operation GB/T19001-1994 Quality system design, development, production, installation and service quality assurance model (idtISO9001:1994) 3 General technical requirements for voltage regulators
3 Terms and definitions
Induction automatic voltage regulator
Induction voltage regulator
The terms and definitions established in JB/T8749, JB/T10090 and JB/T10093 apply to this standard. 4 General requirements for tests
4.1 The test should be carried out at any ambient temperature between 10℃ and 40℃. 4.2 Relative humidity is below 90%.
4.3 There is no significant difference between the temperature of the test piece and the ambient temperature. 4.4 The test site must have separate working grounding and protective grounding. 4.5 Unless otherwise agreed between the manufacturer and the user, all tests should be carried out at the manufacturer. During the test, external components and devices that may affect the operation of the voltage regulator or automatic voltage regulator should be installed in the specified position. 4.6
Except for insulation tests, all performance tests are based on rated conditions (unless otherwise specified). 4.7
The test measurement system should ensure accuracy in accordance with the requirements of GB/T19001. 4.81
4.9 There are no gases and media that seriously affect the insulation of the voltage regulator (automatic voltage regulator) in the test site. 4.10 There is no severe vibration in the test site.
4.11 When the test measurement data needs to be corrected to the reference temperature, the reference temperature of the voltage regulator (automatic voltage regulator) is: 75℃ for oil-immersed type: 20K plus the winding temperature rise limit under the corresponding insulation heat resistance grade for dry type. 4.12 The voltage regulator (automatic voltage regulator) that needs to be type tested can be randomly selected from the batch of products, and the number of units selected is generally not less than 2. -
After the test, if one unit fails in one item, it should be returned for retesting. If it still fails in the retesting, the batch of products is considered unqualified and can only be produced after the defects are eliminated and the test is qualified.
5 Main symbols
U,——Rated input voltage, unit is V: output voltage, unit is V:
- Input current, unit is A:
I2-Output current, unit is A;
U20man-Minimum no-load output voltage, unit is V;-Maximum no-load output voltage, unit is V: U20max
RAB, RBC, RcA and RA0, RB0, Rco input line resistance and input phase resistance, unit is Q: Rab, Re, Re a and Rao, Rbo, Rco output line resistance and output phase resistance, unit is Q2: input and output resistance, unit is Q:
RAa, RBb, Rce
Po---no-load loss, unit is W;
lo-no-load current, unit is A:
P load loss, unit is W;
I-load current, unit is A;
factory-frequency, unit is Hz:
temperature, unit is ℃;
-temperature rise, unit is K.
Test items and test procedures
Tests are divided into routine tests, type tests and special tests. Routine tests should be carried out before each product leaves the factory; type tests should be carried out for new products or when there are major changes in the structure, process and materials of the product; special tests should be carried out to verify the special performance of the product or when the user makes requirements in the agreement. Products that need to undergo type tests and special tests must first undergo routine tests. The test items and test procedures for routine tests, type tests and special tests are shown in Table 1. Table 1 Test items and test procedures
Test items
General (appearance) inspection
Winding resistance measurement and mark inspection (winding resistance measurement) test
Power frequency withstand voltage test
Induction withstand voltage test
Actuating mechanism (control mode and operating mechanism) test No-load test
Load test
Insulating oil test
Voltage setting range correction test| |tt||Voltage stabilization accuracy test
Voltage regulator
Routine test
Routine test
Routine test
Routine test
Routine test
Routine test
Routine test
Routine test
Test type
Automatic voltage regulator
Routine test
Routine test
Routine test Test
Routine test
Routine test
Routine test
Routine test
Routine test
Routine test
Routine test
Only for oil-immersed self-cooling products of 6kV level and above
Test items
Braking performance test
Operation stability test
Over- and under-voltage protection test
Output voltage range (rated output voltage) testOutput voltage asymmetry measurement test
Output voltage characteristics test
Output voltage waveform distortion rate measurement test
Voltage regulation time measurement test
Reaction time measurement test
Temperature rise test
Overload capacity test
Sound level measurement test
Note: The items in brackets are automatic voltage regulator test items. 7.1 Purpose of test To check the appearance of the test piece for obvious defects. Table 1 (continued) Voltage regulator Type test Type test Type test type Automatic voltage regulator Routine test Routine test Routine test Routine test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Type test Test
Special test
Special test
7.2 Test method
In advance, conduct a comprehensive inspection of the raw materials, parts, external components, etc. of the test product. Their performance should meet the requirements of the corresponding standards or technical conditions. Conduct a comprehensive inspection of the whole machine and accessories of the test product. The lead wires and terminals, grounding terminals, shell protection level, oil protection and oil temperature measuring devices, oil tank mechanical strength and sealing performance, surface quality, etc. of the test product should be correct and intact, and meet the requirements of its own quality and the matching of the whole machine.
Winding resistance measurement and mark inspection (winding resistance measurement) test 8.1 Test purpose
Check whether the specifications and process of the wires used in the coil meet the requirements, check the quality of the wire welding; check whether the contact of the current-carrying parts such as the lead copper bar and the casing is good; whether the three-phase resistance is balanced; record the DC resistance of the winding for the convenience of electrical performance calculation. 8.2 Test methodwww.bzxz.net
8.2.1 The DC resistance of each winding shall be measured at the input and output ends of the test product respectively. When the three-phase test product winding is star-connected without neutral point lead-out, its line resistance RAB, RBC, and RcA shall be measured. If there is a neutral point lead-out, its phase resistance RAo, RBO, and Rco shall be measured. 8.2.2 If the test product winding is fully autocoupled, its input end and input-output resistance shall be measured. If it is a step-down autocoupled winding, not only the input end and input-output resistance shall be measured, but also the output end resistance shall be measured, see Figure 1. 8.2.3 The measurement power supply can be a type A dry cell, storage battery or constant current source. The power supply should have sufficient capacity to avoid measurement errors caused by changes in the internal resistance of the power supply due to excessive discharge current or prolonged time during the measurement process. 8.2.4 The sensitivity of the test current or zeroing instrument should be adjusted during the measurement so that when the measured resistance changes by one thousandth, the measuring instrument or bridge current detection has a clear indication.
82.5 In order to shorten the test time, when using battery power supply, it is recommended to connect an additional resistor of 4 to 6 times the measured resistance in series in the power supply circuit. During the winding charging process, the additional resistor is short-circuited to make the current rise faster. When the test current reaches the expected value or slightly larger, the short-circuit switch is opened. This measurement method is called the circuit mutation method. 3
Figure 1 Measuring output and input resistance
8.2.6 For the winding temperature of the dry test sample, the test sample should be left at a constant ambient temperature for at least 3 hours. The winding resistance and winding temperature are measured at the same time. The winding temperature should be the average temperature of no less than 3 points on the winding surface and measured by a sensor placed in a representative position (preferably inside the winding).
8.2.7 For the winding temperature of the oil-immersed test piece, the body of the test piece should be immersed in oil without excitation for 3 hours, and the winding temperature is considered to be the same as the oil temperature. The average temperature of the oil should be equal to the average temperature of the top oil layer and the bottom oil temperature. When the difference between the top oil layer temperature and the bottom oil temperature is less than 3°C, the top oil layer temperature can be used as the winding temperature. If the test piece is not excited for 12 hours, the top oil temperature can be regarded as the average temperature of the oil. 8.2.8 The DC resistance of the winding is determined by the bridge method. When measuring, the resistance can be measured using a bridge with an accuracy of 0.2 to 1.0 depending on the capacity of the test piece. The bridge should be used according to the instructions for use and the DC power supply specified in 8.2.3 should be selected. During the measurement, the galvanometer should be turned on after the current is stable. After the bridge reaches equilibrium, the reading is recorded and the galvanometer is turned on. If possible, the test current should be reduced to the minimum and the power supply should be cut off. A double-arm bridge is used for the resistance value of 112 and below. When it is above 11α, either a double-arm bridge or a single-arm bridge can be used. When a single-arm bridge is used, the influence of the connection resistance should be considered. When using a double-arm bridge for measurement, the current connection line and the potential connection line must be connected to the test end respectively. The current connection line should have sufficient cross-sectional area and should not cause current changes due to heating during measurement. The resistance of the potential connection line should be small enough. Due to its connection, the change in the bridge arm resistance should be negligible.
8.2.9 Resistance conversion:
The unbalance rate of three-phase resistance is calculated with the difference between the maximum and minimum values ​​of the three-phase resistance as the numerator and the average value of the three-phase resistance as the denominator. The resistance of each section is calculated as follows:
RA0= (RAB+RcARBc)/2
RBo=(RA RBc-Rc)/2
R0= (Rab+Rea—Rbe)/2
Rbo= (Rab+Rbe—Rea)/2
Re0= (Rbe+Rea—Rab)/2
Rl= (RAc+Ra-R)/2
Re2= (RAa+R—RA0)/2
Rg= (RAc—R—Ra)/2
In the formula:
Rel, Re2, Rg
The single-phase resistance of the primary and secondary series windings and the common winding of the voltage regulator, the unit is α. When the test piece is fully autocoupled, R,=0.
When converting the resistance of winding R at different temperatures, the following formula is used: R.=K,R
R., R is the resistance when the temperature is ℃ and t℃; T coefficient is 235 for copper winding and 225 for aluminum winding. 9 Power frequency withstand voltage test
9.1 Test purpose
Assess the withstand voltage strength of the main insulation of the test piece and control system (servo motor, switch, etc.) under power frequency voltage. Before the power frequency withstand voltage test, the test piece must be subjected to insulation resistance measurement, and the power frequency withstand voltage test can only be carried out after it meets the relevant standards. The insulation resistance is only used as a reference for power frequency withstand voltage and is not assessed.
9.2 Test method
9.2.1 Measurement of insulation resistance: The insulation resistance 60s value of the test pieces of 1kV and above voltage level shall be measured. When measuring, use a 2500V high resistance meter with an indication limit of not less than 10000MQ, and its accuracy shall be higher than ±1.5%. The insulation resistance 60s value of the test pieces of 1kV and below voltage level shall be measured. When measuring, use a 1000V high resistance meter with an indication limit of not less than 1000MQ, and its accuracy shall be higher than ±1.5%. When measuring insulation resistance, first adjust the high resistance meter horizontally, and turn on the power supply of the high resistance meter without connecting the test piece. The meter indication shall be adjusted to "8". When the test connection cable is connected, there shall be no obvious difference in the high resistance meter indication. To use the three terminals of the megohmmeter correctly, the E terminal must be connected to the test piece housing (ground), the L terminal to the test piece input and output terminals, and the G terminal to the shield. During measurement, the megohmmeter should be connected to the rated voltage before the circuit is connected. The timing starts from here. The handle of the manual megohmmeter should rotate at a uniform speed of about 120r/min. After each test, the phase line should be disconnected first to avoid the measured winding discharging to the megohmmeter after power failure and impacting the instrument in the opposite direction. Then the measured winding should be discharged and connected to another test site. Before testing, the winding should be fully discharged to eliminate the influence of residual charge on the measurement. When the air humidity is high and the leakage of the outer insulation surface is serious, the outer insulation surface should be shielded during measurement. During the test, the winding temperature should be between 10℃ and 40℃, and the resistance conversion at different temperatures shall be in accordance with the relevant provisions of GB/T6451. The judgment of whether the insulation resistance is qualified shall be in accordance with the provisions of JB/T10090 or JB/T10093. 9.2.2 The principle of the power frequency withstand voltage test is shown in Figure 2. R
T--voltage regulator: TU-power frequency withstand voltage test transformer; V-peak voltage meter; A-ammeter: R, protective resistor: C equivalent capacitance of the tested winding. Figure 2 Schematic diagram of power frequency withstand voltage test
9.2.3 During the power frequency withstand voltage test, the core, shell and safety-related parts of the test product shall be reliably grounded. The oil level indication of the test product shall meet the requirements. All terminals of the tested winding are connected together to the phase line, and all terminals of the non-tested winding are connected together to the ground. 5
9.2.4 The test shall be conducted with a single-phase AC voltage of any appropriate frequency (preferably between 45Hz and 50Hz) not less than 80% of the rated frequency and a waveform as close to a sine wave as possible (the two half-waves are exactly the same, and the ratio of the peak value to the RMS value is equal to √2 ± 0.7%, or the RMS value of each harmonic is less than 5% of the RMS value of the fundamental wave). 92.5 The steady-state short-circuit current of the test transformer shall be not less than 0.1A under the test voltage. For products with larger capacity, the steady-state short-circuit current shall be not less than 1A.
9.2.6 The test voltage shall be the peak value of the measured voltage divided by V2 (i.e. the RMS value). 9.2.7 The test shall start from no more than 1/3 of the specified test voltage, and shall be coordinated with the measurement and added to the specified test voltage as soon as possible. After the test time is reached, the voltage should be quickly reduced to less than 1/3 of the specified test voltage, and then the power supply should be cut off. 9.2.8 The specified test voltage value should be applied between the tested winding and the grounding terminal (before the test, all terminals of other windings and the core, clamps, box shell, etc. should be connected together and grounded) for 60s. 9.2.9 It is recommended to use a capacitive voltage divider calibrated by the metrology department to measure the test voltage with a peak voltage meter, or a high-voltage transformer.
9.2.10 During the test, if the voltage does not drop suddenly, the current indication does not swing, and there is no discharge sound, the test is considered to be qualified. If there is a slight discharge sound, it is also considered to be qualified if it disappears in the repeated test. If there is a large discharge sound, it disappears in the repeated test, and the core needs to be lifted to check and find the discharge location, take necessary measures, and decide whether to retest according to the discharge location. 10 Inductive withstand voltage test
10.1 Test purpose
Assess the insulation strength of the voltage regulator (automatic voltage regulator) between turns, layers, sections and phases. This test should be carried out after the power frequency withstand voltage test. 10.2 Test method
10.2.1 Usually, a single-phase or three-phase double frequency and double rated input AC voltage are applied to the input end of the voltage regulator (automatic voltage regulator). The output voltage of the test product is at the maximum value and the output end is open. Its voltage waveform should be as close to a sine wave as possible. In order to prevent excessive excitation current, the frequency of the test voltage should be appropriately greater than the rated frequency. 10.2.2 During the test, the line voltage induced at each winding line end should not exceed its withstand voltage level to the ground. The three-phase voltage is unbalanced. (The degree of imbalance is greater than 2%). The higher voltage in the measurement should prevail. 10.2.3 The test voltage should be the peak value of the measured voltage divided by V2 (i.e., the root mean square value). 10.2.4 The test should start from no more than 1/3 of the specified test voltage, and should be coordinated with the measurement and added to the specified test voltage as soon as possible. After the test time is reached, the voltage should be quickly reduced to less than 1/3 of the specified test voltage, and then the power supply should be cut off. 10.2.5 When the frequency of the test voltage is equal to or less than 2 times the rated frequency, the time for applying the specified test voltage shall be 60s. When the frequency of the test voltage exceeds 2 times the rated frequency fi, the test time T shall be: 120fz
but not less than 15s.
10.2.6 During the test, if the voltage and current monitored by the power supply do not change during the duration of the test voltage, there is no discharge sound, and there is no obvious difference in the data of the no-load test before and after the induction withstand voltage test, the test is qualified. If there is a slight discharge sound, it is also considered to be qualified if it disappears during the repeated test. If there is a loud discharge sound, it disappears during the repeated test, it is necessary to hang the core to check and find the discharge location, take necessary measures, and decide whether to retest based on the discharge location. 11 Repeated insulation test
When the voltage regulator (automatic voltage regulator) is subjected to repeated insulation test after leaving the factory, the test voltage shall be reduced to 85% of the original specified value (unless otherwise agreed), but it must be based on the condition that the insulation has not changed during this period. The test method shall be in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 9 and Chapter 10 of this standard. 12 Operating mechanism (control method and operating mechanism) test 12.1 Test purpose
To verify whether the performance of the manual, electric and automatic adjustment parts of the test product is good. 6
12.2 Test method
12.2.1. When the voltage regulator is not powered on, the transmission mechanism should rotate flexibly, with uniform weight and weight, and good meshing between gears and worm gears through manual back-and-forth adjustment. When adjusted to the extreme position, the limit switch should be able to operate accurately. When the voltage regulator is in no-load operation, the voltage regulator should be able to increase or decrease voltage in the direction indicated on the sign through electric adjustment. When the voltage rises to the maximum value or drops to the minimum value, the limit switch should be able to immediately cut off the power supply of the servo motor. Put the automatic voltage regulator in a no-load, voltage-stabilizing operation state. When the input voltage increases or decreases within the specified range, the output voltage should be able to automatically adjust to the voltage-stabilizing accuracy range of the rated value. At the same time, check the voltage setting range, and confirm that each protection link should be able to work normally. 12.2.2 During the test, the test product must be applied with rated frequency and rated voltage. Before electric operation, operate manually first, turn from the lower limit position to the middle limit position (or vice versa), and be able to cut off the limit switch, feel evenly light and heavy, exceed the limit switch, continue to rotate to automatically disengage the worm wheel and worm, and when the worm reverses, the worm wheel and worm can automatically mesh. 12.2.3 During electric operation, pressing the button can make the test piece rise (fall) and run. There should be no mechanical impact sound during operation. When touching the limit switch, it can stop rotating immediately, and then press another button to reverse. 12.2.4 Figure 3 shows the connection principle diagram of electric operation. Short-circuit the travel switches ST1 and ST2 with wires, and press the button to make the test product rise (or K3
electromagnetic starter
travel switch
operation button
K, Kl, Kz, Ky, K—coil and contact of the motor forward operation control contactor: K', K', K', K', K'—coil and contact of the motor reverse operation control contactor: KR—thermal element and thermal relay normally closed contact with manual reset device: M-—three-phase asynchronous motor (transmission motor): SB, forward operation button: SB—reverse operation button: SB—stop button: ST,—travel switch voltage rise limit contact: ST2—travel switch voltage drop limit contact. Figure 3 Schematic diagram of electric operation connection
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