title>GB/T 29186.1-2021 Brand value element evaluation Part 1: General - GB/T 29186.1-2021 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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GB/T 29186.1-2021 Brand value element evaluation Part 1: General

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 29186.1-2021

Standard Name: Brand value element evaluation Part 1: General

Chinese Name: 品牌价值要素评价 第1部分:通则

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

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Introduction to standards:

GB/T 29186.1-2021.Evaluation of brand value elements-Part 1:General principles.
1 Scope
This part of GB/T 29186 specifies the general principles, evaluation index system, evaluation data acquisition, evaluation implementation, evaluation procedures and evaluation reports for the evaluation of brand value elements.
GB/T 29186.1 is applicable to all types of entities carrying out brand value element evaluation, brand evaluation and brand management activities.
2 Normative references
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For all dated references, only the dated version applies to this document. For all undated references, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document.
GB/T 29185 Brand value terminology
GB/T 29186.2 Brand value element evaluation Part 2: Tangible elements.
GB/T 29186.3 Brand value element evaluation Part 3: Quality elements
GB/T 29186.4 Brand value element evaluation Part 4: Innovation elements
GB/T 29186.5 Brand value element evaluation Part 5: Service elements.
GB/T 29186.6 Brand value element evaluation Part 6: Intangible elements
ISO 20671:2019 Brand evaluation—Principles and fundamentals
3 Terms and definitions
GB/T 29185.ISO 20671:2019 and the following terms and definitions defined in this document apply.
Intangible asset, including but not limited to: name, term, symbol, image, logo, design or combination thereof, used to distinguish products, services and/or entities, or a combination thereof, which can form a unique impression and association in the minds of stakeholders (3.4) and thus generate economic benefits (value).
Brand value
The value of a brand (3.1) as an asset of an entity.
Brand (3.1) Market, economic or social segmentation of a good or service.
​​ Stakeholders
Individuals or specific groups of people who can influence brand strength (3.5), or are influenced by brand strength (3.5), or perceive themselves to be influenced by brand strength (3.5).

Some standard content:

1CS 03.140
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
GB/T 29186.1—2021
Replaces (GB/T29186-2012
Evaluation of brand value elements-Part 1:General principles2021-04-30Promulgated
State Administration for Market Regulation
National Standardization Administration
Normative references
Terms and definitions
General principles
Evaluation index system
Composition of the evaluation index system
Indicator selection
Determination of indicator weights
6 Obtaining evaluation data
7 Calculation of results
Quantitative evaluation indicators
Calculation results
8 Evaluation and personnel capabilities
8.1 Evaluation subject
8.2 Evaluation personnel capabilities
9 Evaluation procedure
Evaluation report
GB/T 29186.1—2021
GB/T29186 "Evaluation of Brand Value Elements" is divided into 6 parts: Part 1: General Principles:
Part 2: Tangible Elements;
-Part 3: Quality Elements:
-Part 1: Innovation Elements:
Part 5: Service Requirements;
Part 6: Meta-tangible Elements
This part is Part 1 of GB/T29186
This part is drafted according to the rules given in GB/T1.1—2009. GB/T 29186.1—2021
This part replaces (G13/T29186—2012 "Brand Value Elements". Compared with (13/T29186—2012), in addition to editorial modifications: the main technical changes are as follows;
a) Structural adjustment. In order to facilitate use, the standard structure is adjusted to ten parts: reference, normative reference documents, terms and definitions, general principles, evaluation index system, evaluation data acquisition, evaluation subject and personnel evaluation procedures and evaluation report; b) 8 terms and definitions such as "brand", "brand value", "category", "benefit analysis", "brand strength", "entity", "demand" and "brand subject" are added;
The content of brand value formation process is deleted; l) The overall principles of brand value element evaluation are added; e) The content of "brand value constituent elements" is revised into "evaluation index system", and the composition of the evaluation index system, indicator selection and weight determination are given;
f) Added Acquisition of evaluation data;
g) Added evaluation result calculation:
h) Added evaluation subject and evaluation personnel capabilities: Added evaluation procedures;
i) Added evaluation report,
This part was proposed and managed by the National Technical Committee for Brand Evaluation Standardization (SAC/TC532). Drafting units of this part: China Brand Building Promotion Association, China National Institute of Standardization, China Asset Appraisal Association, China United Asset Appraisal Group Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Institute of Standards and Technology, China Quality Certification Center, Liancheng Asset Appraisal Co., Ltd., Zhongfa International Asset Appraisal Co., Ltd., China Quality Association, Shandong Standard Beach Chemical Research Institute, Zhengbang Creative (Beijing) Brand Technology Co., Ltd. The main drafters of this part: Kang Jian, Lu Lili, Guan Fang, Lu Anran, Han Liying, Hu Zhi, Yang Zhihua, Deng Yunfeng, Wang Lizhi, Zhang Yang, Duan Yonggang, Sun Liangquan, Liu Wutang, Chen Si, Chen Dan, Gong Zai, Gong Lin The previous versions of the standard replaced by this part are: GB/T 29186:2012.
GB/T 29186.1—2021
The basis for the formation of brand value is five elements, including tangible elements, quality elements, innovation elements, service elements and intangible elements. The five elements are the key to brand success and the determining factors of brand strength. Brand operating entities make necessary investments in the five elements through brand building, build the foundation of brand value, and deliver brand value to the market through strategic brand support and brand promotion activities: brand value is specifically reflected in the dimensions of law, customers and other stakeholders, market, economy/policy, and finance. Therefore, brand evaluation needs to consider both the requirements and dimensions.
Tangible, quality, innovation, service and intangible elements are not isolated, but are inherently related and indispensable in the formation and development of brand value. The retrograde evaluation of brand value elements can provide an important basis for various brand management activities of brand entities and is also one of the key links in brand evaluation. In order to better understand the formation of brand valuation and effectively carry out brand evaluation, this standard is based on the original content of IS020671:2019 Principles and Foundations of Brand Evaluation. It has been beneficially expanded from the aspects of tangible elements, quality elements, innovation elements, service elements and intangible elements.
1 Scope
Evaluation of Brand Value Elements Part 1: General GB/T29186.1—2021
3/T29186 This part specifies the general principles, evaluation index system, evaluation data acquisition, evaluation implementation, evaluation procedures and evaluation reports for brand value element evaluation.
This part applies to all types of entities carrying out brand value element evaluation, brand evaluation and brand management activities: 2 Normative referenced documents
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For all referenced documents with a date, the version with the date applies to this document. For all referenced documents without a date, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document. GB/T29185 Brand Value Terminology
G3/T29186.2 Brand Value Elements Evaluation Part 2: Tangible Elements GB/T 29186.8
Brand value elements evaluation Part 3: Quality elements GB/T 29186.4
Brand value elements evaluation Part 4: Innovation elements GB/T 29186.5
Brand value elements evaluation Part 5: Service elements Brand value elements evaluation Part 6: Intangible elements GB/T 29186.6
IS020671:2019 Brand Evaluation Principles and Basis (Brandevaluation-Principles and Unknown Objects) 3 Terms and Definitions
The terms and definitions defined in B/T29185 and IS020671:2019 and the following terms and definitions apply to this clause 3.1
Intangible assets, including but not limited to: name, use, symbol, image, logo, design or combination thereof, used to distinguish products, services and (or) entities, or both, which can form a unique impression and association in the consciousness of stakeholders (3.4), thereby generating economic benefits (value). 3.2
Brand value|| tt||Brand (3.1) The value of an entity as an asset. 3.3
Brand (3.1) Market, economic or social segmentation of goods or services. 3.4
Individuals or specific groups who can influence brand strength (3.5), or are influenced by brand strength (3.5), or perceive that they have been influenced by brand strength (3.5).
Brand strengthbrandstrength
The relative competitiveness of a brand (3.1) as perceived by stakeholders (3.4), which can be measured by the non-monetary evaluation of relevant dimensions and indicators at a certain point in time. 29186.1—2021
City measurement obtains
Entity entity
The individual or group that has the legal ownership and/or is authorized by law and/or contract to use and/or promote the brand (3.1) in the category (3.3) for economic or social benefits. Note: The organizational form of the entity may include: individuals, individual merchants, enterprises (including companies, groups, joint ventures, partnerships, firms, etc.), non-profit groups, competent authorities, charitable organizations or research institutions, or their parts or combinations, and the nature of H may be public, scientific or cooperative, 3.7
Components of brand building, including tangible, quality, innovation, service and intangible3.8
subject of brand
Brand subject
The object to which the brand is attached,
LGB/T36680—2018, definition3.1]
4 Overall principles
The evaluation of brand value elements follows the following principles: the selection of evaluation indicators reflects the characteristics of the industry, the type of brand subject and other characteristics; the acquisition of evaluation data is reliable, objective and sufficient; the evaluation process is open, transparent and fair; The valuation method is maintained to ensure that the results are stable and comparable. 5 Evaluation Index System
5.1 Evaluation Index System Composition
The basic elements that constitute the foundation of brand value include five categories: tangible, quality, innovation, service and intangible. Each type of element is measured and evaluated by specific indicators, among which:
Tangible elements refer to the resources controlled by the brand entity that can be identified and directly measured. The indicators of this element include but are not limited to material resources and financial resources, etc., reflecting the ability of the brand entity to control tangible resources; Quality elements are the resources invested in quality commitment, quality management and perceived quality. The indicators of this element include but are not limited to quality management The implementation of the current system, process documentation and qualified quality management personnel, etc., reflect the brand entity's ability to sustainably and stably provide products and services that meet customer needs; Innovation requirements are the resources invested in innovation activities. The indicators of this factor include but are not limited to the ability, sustainability and effectiveness of innovation activities, etc., reflecting the ability, sustainability and effectiveness of brand entity innovation activities: Service elements are the activities carried out by brand entities to meet certain customer needs and enhance brand perception and participation. The indicators of this factor include but are not limited to service capabilities and effectiveness, etc., reflecting the ability and effectiveness of brand entities in providing services: Intangible elements are the knowledge possessed by brand entities. , strategic and cultural resources, which include but are not limited to brand history, cultural traditions and (or) heritage, brand positioning and personality, brand image, human resources and knowledge management, etc., which are the positioning, image uniqueness and influence of the brand entity. 5.2 Indicator Selection
Indicator selection should consider but not be limited to the following aspects: 2
Fully reflect the characteristics of the industry to which the brand entity belongs; indicators can be evaluated by quantitative or qualitative methods: Evaluation data can be obtained:
High linear correlation should be avoided between evaluation indicators: Other special needs of the demander, etc.
5.3 Determination of indicator weights
GB/T 29186.1—2021
It is necessary to consider the characteristics of the brand entity and the industry to which it belongs, and assign corresponding weights according to the importance of the evaluation indicators to the brand value. The weight of the evaluation index should be determined by one or a combination of methods such as expert analysis, objective value assignment based on statistical data, and priority ranking, and the specific weight should be determined in combination with the purpose of evaluation. Evaluation data acquisition
The channels for obtaining evaluation data include but are not limited to: information and data publicly released or provided by the evaluated brand: rural beauty statistical data published by international, national and local government departments: information and data related to the evaluation obtained by the evaluation body through surveys and other methods: relevant survey reports, literature and other relevant materials provided by credible third-party institutions: relevant information publicly released by social media, etc. 7 Result measurement
Quantitative evaluation index
The quantification of the evaluation index of each brand value element can be obtained by measuring and calculating according to the method given in GB3/T29186.2-~GB3/T29186.6. In the process of quantification, the measurement calculation formula given in the above standards can also be optimized according to the actual situation. 7.2
Calculation results
The evaluation results of each factor are calculated by weighted summation of the scores of the evaluation indicators of each factor. The calculation formula is shown in formula (1): ZK.xw.
W: the influence weight of the first-level indicator on the evaluated factor (1)
If the evaluation indicator system consists of multiple levels of indicators, the score of the brand value factor is obtained by calculating the indicators at each level step by step. The calculation formula can be developed by referring to formula (1). tt||8 Evaluation subject and personnel capabilities
8.1 Evaluation subject
The evaluation subject is generally an entity that conducts brand value factor evaluation, brand evaluation and brand management activities: 3
8.2 Evaluation personnel capabilities
Evaluators should have the necessary qualities to enable them to work in accordance with the evaluation principles described in Chapter 1, including Including: professional qualities, such as objectivity, fairness, integrity and prudence; basic knowledge and skills necessary to achieve the expected evaluation results, such as mastering the evaluation procedures and methods, good communication and comprehension skills, the ability to verify the relevance and accuracy of the collected information, report writing skills, etc.; knowledge and skills in specific fields and professions to adapt to the evaluation of specific areas of the brand entity. Evaluation procedures
The evaluation subject may follow the following procedures when conducting the evaluation: a)
Clarify the purpose of the evaluation;
Determine the evaluation object, define the brand entity and the industry to which the evaluated brand belongs, see (G3/1366802018: c)
Determine the specific elements of the evaluation and select the evaluation indicators under each element; Determine the weights of the evaluation indicators;
Develop and implement a plan for collecting evaluation data and information; Quantify the evaluation indicators and calculate the evaluation results; Test and correct the conformity of the evaluation results; h)
Issue an evaluation report.
Evaluation Report
The evaluation report should clearly state the following contents: a)
Relevant information of the evaluator, such as ability, position and identity; purpose of evaluation;
Evaluation object;
Name used in the report;
Evaluation basis:
Evaluation elements and evaluation indicators:
Methods used in the evaluation;
Evaluation base date and evaluation report date:
Source of evaluation data and information;
Evaluation results and description:
Restrictions on use,
Brand classification
GB/T 29186.1—2021
People's Republic of China
National Standard
Evaluation of Brand Value Elements Part 1: General GB/T 29186.1—2021
Published and distributed by China Standards Press
No. 2, Heping West Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing (100029) No. 16, Sanlihe North Street, Xicheng District, Beijing (106015) Website: spc.org.cn
Service Hotline: 100-168-0010
First edition in April 2021
Book Number: 155066·168858
Copyright reserved
Infringements will be investigated1. Evaluation index system composition
The basic elements that constitute the foundation of brand value include five categories: tangible, quality, innovation, service and intangible. Each type of element is measured and evaluated by specific indicators, among which:
Tangible elements refer to the resources controlled by the entity that can be identified and directly measured. The indicators of this element include but are not limited to material resources and financial resources, etc., reflecting the ability of the brand entity to control tangible resources; Quality elements refer to the resources invested in quality commitment, quality management and perceived quality. The indicators of this element include but are not limited to the implementation of the quality management system, process documentation and qualified quality management personnel, etc., reflecting the ability of the brand entity to provide products and services that meet customer needs in a sustainable and stable manner; Innovation elements refer to the resources invested in innovation activities. The indicators of this element include but are not limited to the ability, sustainability and effectiveness of innovation activities, etc., reflecting the ability, sustainability and effectiveness of the brand entity's innovation activities. 1. Service elements are the activities carried out by brand entities to meet certain customer needs and enhance brand perception and participation. The indicators of this element include but are not limited to service capabilities and effectiveness, etc., reflecting the ability and effectiveness of brand entities to provide services: 2. Intangible elements are the knowledge, strategic and cultural resources owned by brand entities. The indicators of this element include but are not limited to brand history, cultural traditions and (or) heritage, brand positioning and personality, brand image, human resources and knowledge management, etc., reflecting the positioning, image uniqueness and influence of the brand entity. 5.2 Indicator selection
Indicator selection should consider but not be limited to the following aspects: 2
Fully reflect the characteristics of the industry to which the brand entity belongs; the indicators can be evaluated by quantitative or qualitative methods: Evaluation data can be obtained:
High linear correlation should be avoided between evaluation indicators: 1. Other special needs of the demander, etc.
5.3 Determination of indicator weights
GB/T 29186.1—2021
It is necessary to consider the characteristics of the brand being evaluated and the industry in which it is located, and assign corresponding weights according to the importance of the evaluation indicators to the brand value. The weights of evaluation indicators should be determined by one or a combination of methods such as expert analysis, objective value assignment based on statistical data, and priority ranking, and the specific weights should be determined in combination with the purpose of evaluation. Evaluation data acquisition
The channels for obtaining evaluation data include but are not limited to: Information and data publicly released or provided by the evaluated brand: Rural statistical data published by international, national and local government departments: Information and data related to the evaluation obtained by the evaluation body through surveys, etc.: Relevant survey reports, literature and other relevant materials provided by credible third-party institutions: Relevant information publicly released by social media, etc. 7 Result calculation
Quantitative evaluation index
The quantification of the evaluation index of each brand value element can be calculated according to the method given in GB3/T29186.2-~GB3/T29186.6. In the quantification process, the measurement calculation formula given in the above standard can also be optimized according to the actual situation. 7.2
Calculation results
The evaluation result of each requirement is calculated by taking the weighted sum of the scores of the evaluation index of each element. The calculation formula is shown in formula (1): ZK.xw.
W: the evaluation value of a certain element of brand value; the evaluation value of the first-level indicator in a certain element; and the influence weight of the first-level indicator on the evaluated element (1). If the evaluation index system consists of multiple levels of indicators, the brand value factor score can be obtained by calculating the indicators at each level step by step. The calculation formula can be developed by referring to formula (1). tt||8 Evaluation subject and personnel capabilities
8.1 Evaluation subject
The evaluation subject is generally an entity that conducts brand value factor evaluation, brand evaluation and brand management activities: 3
8.2 Evaluation personnel capabilities
Evaluators should have the necessary qualities to enable them to work in accordance with the evaluation principles described in Chapter 1, including Including: professional qualities, such as objectivity, fairness, integrity and prudence; basic knowledge and skills necessary to achieve the expected evaluation results, such as mastering the evaluation procedures and methods, good communication and comprehension skills, the ability to verify the relevance and accuracy of the collected information, report writing skills, etc.; knowledge and skills in specific fields and professions to adapt to the evaluation of specific areas of the brand entity. Evaluation procedures
The evaluation subject may follow the following procedures when conducting the evaluation: a)
Clarify the purpose of the evaluation;
Determine the evaluation object, define the brand entity and the industry to which the evaluated brand belongs, see (G3/1366802018: c)
Determine the specific elements of the evaluation and select the evaluation indicators under each element; Determine the weights of the evaluation indicators;
Develop and implement a plan for collecting evaluation data and information; Quantify the evaluation indicators and calculate the evaluation results; Test and correct the conformity of the evaluation results; h)
Issue an evaluation report.
Evaluation Report
The evaluation report should clearly state the following contents: a)
Relevant information of the evaluator, such as ability, position and identity; purpose of evaluation;
Evaluation object;
Name used in the report;
Evaluation basis:
Evaluation elements and evaluation indicators:
Methods used in the evaluation;
Evaluation base date and evaluation report date:
Source of evaluation data and information;
Evaluation results and description:
Restrictions on use,
Brand classification
GB/T 29186.1—2021
People's Republic of China
National Standard
Evaluation of Brand Value Elements Part 1: General GB/T 29186.1—2021
Published and distributed by China Standards Press
No. 2, Heping West Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing (100029) No. 16, Sanlihe North Street, Xicheng District, Beijing (106015) Website: spc.org.cn
Service Hotline: 100-168-0010wwW.bzxz.Net
First edition in April 2021
Book Number: 155066·168858
Copyright reserved
Infringements will be investigated1. Evaluation index system composition
The basic elements that constitute the foundation of brand value include five categories: tangible, quality, innovation, service and intangible. Each type of element is measured and evaluated by specific indicators, among which:
Tangible elements refer to the resources controlled by the entity that can be identified and directly measured. The indicators of this element include but are not limited to material resources and financial resources, etc., reflecting the ability of the brand entity to control tangible resources; Quality elements refer to the resources invested in quality commitment, quality management and perceived quality. The indicators of this element include but are not limited to the implementation of the quality management system, process documentation and qualified quality management personnel, etc., reflecting the ability of the brand entity to provide products and services that meet customer needs in a sustainable and stable manner; Innovation elements refer to the resources invested in innovation activities. The indicators of this element include but are not limited to the ability, sustainability and effectiveness of innovation activities, etc., reflecting the ability, sustainability and effectiveness of the brand entity's innovation activities. 1. Service elements are the activities carried out by brand entities to meet certain customer needs and enhance brand perception and participation. The indicators of this element include but are not limited to service capabilities and effectiveness, etc., reflecting the ability and effectiveness of brand entities to provide services: 2. Intangible elements are the knowledge, strategic and cultural resources owned by brand entities. The indicators of this element include but are not limited to brand history, cultural traditions and (or) heritage, brand positioning and personality, brand image, human resources and knowledge management, etc., reflecting the positioning, image uniqueness and influence of the brand entity. 5.2 Indicator selection
Indicator selection should consider but not be limited to the following aspects: 2
Fully reflect the characteristics of the industry to which the brand entity belongs; the indicators can be evaluated by quantitative or qualitative methods: Evaluation data can be obtained:
High linear correlation should be avoided between evaluation indicators: 1. Other special needs of the demander, etc.
5.3 Determination of indicator weights
GB/T 29186.1—2021
It is necessary to consider the characteristics of the brand being evaluated and the industry in which it is located, and assign corresponding weights according to the importance of the evaluation indicators to the brand value. The weights of evaluation indicators should be determined by one or a combination of methods such as expert analysis, objective value assignment based on statistical data, and priority ranking, and the specific weights should be determined in combination with the purpose of evaluation. Evaluation data acquisition
The channels for obtaining evaluation data include but are not limited to: Information and data publicly released or provided by the evaluated brand: Rural statistical data published by international, national and local government departments: Information and data related to the evaluation obtained by the evaluation body through surveys, etc.: Relevant survey reports, literature and other relevant materials provided by credible third-party institutions: Relevant information publicly released by social media, etc. 7 Result calculation
Quantitative evaluation index
The quantification of the evaluation index of each brand value element can be calculated according to the method given in GB3/T29186.2-~GB3/T29186.6. In the quantification process, the measurement calculation formula given in the above standard can also be optimized according to the actual situation. 7.2
Calculation results
The evaluation result of each requirement is calculated by taking the weighted sum of the scores of the evaluation index of each element. The calculation formula is shown in formula (1): ZK.xw.
W: the evaluation value of a certain element of brand value; the evaluation value of the first-level indicator in a certain element; and the influence weight of the first-level indicator on the evaluated element (1). If the evaluation index system consists of multiple levels of indicators, the brand value factor score can be obtained by calculating the indicators at each level step by step. The calculation formula can be developed by referring to formula (1). tt||8 Evaluation subject and personnel capabilities
8.1 Evaluation subject
The evaluation subject is generally an entity that conducts brand value factor evaluation, brand evaluation and brand management activities: 3
8.2 Evaluation personnel capabilities
Evaluators should have the necessary qualities to enable them to work in accordance with the evaluation principles described in Chapter 1, including Including: professional qualities, such as objectivity, fairness, integrity and prudence; basic knowledge and skills necessary to achieve the expected evaluation results, such as mastering the evaluation procedures and methods, good communication and comprehension skills, the ability to verify the relevance and accuracy of the collected information, report writing skills, etc.; knowledge and skills in specific fields and professions to adapt to the evaluation of specific areas of the brand entity. Evaluation procedures
The evaluation subject may follow the following procedures when conducting the evaluation: a)
Clarify the purpose of the evaluation;
Determine the evaluation object, define the brand entity and the industry to which the evaluated brand belongs, see (G3/1366802018: c)
Determine the specific elements of the evaluation and select the evaluation indicators under each element; Determine the weights of the evaluation indicators;
Develop and implement a plan for collecting evaluation data and information; Quantify the evaluation indicators and calculate the evaluation results; Test and correct the conformity of the evaluation results; h)
Issue an evaluation report.
Evaluation Report
The evaluation report should clearly state the following contents: a)
Relevant information of the evaluator, such as ability, position and identity; purpose of evaluation;
Evaluation object;
Name used in the report;
Evaluation basis:
Evaluation elements and evaluation indicators:
Methods used in the evaluation;
Evaluation base date and evaluation report date:
Source of evaluation data and information;
Evaluation results and description:
Restrictions on use,
Brand classification
GB/T 29186.1—2021
People's Republic of China
National Standard
Evaluation of Brand Value Elements Part 1: General GB/T 29186.1—2021
Published and distributed by China Standards Press
No. 2, Heping West Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing (100029) No. 16, Sanlihe North Street, Xicheng District, Beijing (106015) Website: spc.org.cn
Service Hotline: 100-168-0010
First edition in April 2021
Book Number: 155066·168858
Copyright reserved
Infringements will be investigatedEvaluation data acquisition
The channels for obtaining evaluation data include but are not limited to: Information and data publicly released or provided by the evaluated brand: Rural beauty statistics published by international, national and local government departments: Information and data related to the evaluation obtained by the evaluation body through surveys and other methods: Relevant survey reports, literature and other relevant materials provided by credible third-party institutions: Relevant information publicly released by social media, etc. 7 Result calculation
Quantitative evaluation indicators
The quantification of the evaluation indicators of each brand value element can be calculated according to the method given in GB3/T29186.2-~GB3/T29186.6. In the quantification process, the measurement calculation formula given in the above standards can also be optimized according to the actual situation. 7.2
Measurement results
The evaluation results of each requirement are calculated by weighted summing the scores of the evaluation indicators of each element. The calculation formula is shown in formula (1): ZK.xw.
W: the evaluation value of a certain element of brand value; the evaluation value of the first-level indicator in a certain element; and the influence weight of the first-level indicator on the evaluated element (1). If the evaluation index system consists of multiple levels of indicators, the brand value factor score can be obtained by calculating the indicators at each level step by step. The calculation formula can be developed by referring to formula (1). tt||8 Evaluation subject and personnel capabilities
8.1 Evaluation subject
The evaluation subject is generally an entity that conducts brand value factor evaluation, brand evaluation and brand management activities: 3
8.2 Evaluation personnel capabilities
Evaluators should have the necessary qualities to enable them to work in accordance with the evaluation principles described in Chapter 1, including Including: professional qualities, such as objectivity, fairness, integrity and prudence; basic knowledge and skills necessary to achieve the expected evaluation results, such as mastering the evaluation procedures and methods, good communication and comprehension skills, the ability to verify the relevance and accuracy of the collected information, report writing skills, etc.; knowledge and skills in specific fields and professions to adapt to the evaluation of specific areas of the brand entity. Evaluation procedures
The evaluation subject may follow the following procedures when conducting the evaluation: a)
Clarify the purpose of the evaluation;
Determine the evaluation object, define the brand entity and the industry to which the evaluated brand belongs, see (G3/1366802018: c)
Determine the specific elements of the evaluation and select the evaluation indicators under each element; Determine the weights of the evaluation indicators;
Develop and implement a plan for collecting evaluation data and information; Quantify the evaluation indicators and calculate the evaluation results; Test and correct the conformity of the evaluation results; h)
Issue an evaluation report.
Evaluation Report
The evaluation report should clearly state the following contents: a)
Relevant information of the evaluator, such as ability, position and identity; purpose of evaluation;
Evaluation object;
Name used in the report;
Evaluation basis:
Evaluation elements and evaluation indicators:
Methods used in the evaluation;
Evaluation base date and evaluation report date:
Source of evaluation data and information;
Evaluation results and description:
Restrictions on use,
Brand classification
GB/T 29186.1—2021
People's Republic of China
National Standard
Evaluation of Brand Value Elements Part 1: General GB/T 29186.1—2021
Published and distributed by China Standards Press
No. 2, Heping West Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing (100029) No. 16, Sanlihe North Street, Xicheng District, Beijing (106015) Website: spc.org.cn
Service Hotline: 100-168-0010
First edition in April 2021
Book Number: 155066·168858
Copyright reserved
Infringements will be investigatedEvaluation data acquisition
The channels for obtaining evaluation data include but are not limited to: Information and data publicly released or provided by the evaluated brand: Rural beauty statistics published by international, national and local government departments: Information and data related to the evaluation obtained by the evaluation body through surveys and other methods: Relevant survey reports, literature and other relevant materials provided by credible third-party institutions: Relevant information publicly released by social media, etc. 7 Result calculation
Quantitative evaluation indicators
The quantification of the evaluation indicators of each brand value element can be calculated according to the method given in GB3/T29186.2-~GB3/T29186.6. In the quantification process, the measurement calculation formula given in the above standards can also be optimized according to the actual situation. 7.2
Measurement results
The evaluation results of each requirement are calculated by weighted summing the scores of the evaluation indicators of each element. The calculation formula is shown in formula (1): ZK.xw.
W: the evaluation value of a certain element of brand value; the evaluation value of the first-level indicator in a certain element; and the influence weight of the first-level indicator on the evaluated element (1). If the evaluation index system consists of multiple levels of indicators, the brand value factor score can be obtained by calculating the indicators at each level step by step. The calculation formula can be developed by referring to formula (1). tt||8 Evaluation subject and personnel capabilities
8.1 Evaluation subject
The evaluation subject is generally an entity that conducts brand value factor evaluation, brand evaluation and brand management activities: 3
8.2 Evaluation personnel capabilities
Evaluators should have the necessary qualities to enable them to work in accordance with the evaluation principles described in Chapter 1, including Including: professional qualities, such as objectivity, fairness, integrity and prudence; basic knowledge and skills necessary to achieve the expected evaluation results, such as mastering the evaluation procedures and methods, good communication and comprehension skills, the ability to verify the relevance and accuracy of the collected information, report writing skills, etc.; knowledge and skills in specific fields and professions to adapt to the evaluation of specific areas of the brand entity. Evaluation procedures
The evaluation subject may follow the following procedures when conducting the evaluation: a)
Clarify the purpose of the evaluation;
Determine the evaluation object, define the brand entity and the industry to which the evaluated brand belongs, see (G3/1366802018: c)
Determine the specific elements of the evaluation and select the evaluation indicators under each element; Determine the weights of the evaluation indicators;
Develop and implement a plan for collecting evaluation data and information; Quantify the evaluation indicators and calculate the evaluation results; Test and correct the conformity of the evaluation results; h)
Issue an evaluation report.
Evaluation Report
The evaluation report should clearly state the following contents: a)
Relevant information of the evaluator, such as ability, position and identity; purpose of evaluation;
Evaluation object;
Name used in the report;
Evaluation basis:
Evaluation elements and evaluation indicators:
Methods used in the evaluation;
Evaluation base date and evaluation report date:
Source of evaluation data and information;
Evaluation results and description:
Restrictions on use,
Brand classification
GB/T 29186.1—2021
People's Republic of China
National Standard
Evaluation of Brand Value Elements Part 1: General GB/T 29186.1—2021
Published and distributed by China Standards Press
No. 2, Heping West Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing (100029) No. 16, Sanlihe North Street, Xicheng District, Beijing (106015) Website: spc.org.cn
Service Hotline: 100-168-0010
First edition in April 2021
Book Number: 155066·168858
Copyright reserved
Infringements will be investigated
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