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JB/T 7883.2-1999 Rice husk extruder test method

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 7883.2-1999

Standard Name: Rice husk extruder test method

Chinese Name: 稻壳膨化机 试验方法

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release1999-08-06

Date of Implementation:2000-01-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Agriculture>>Agricultural buildings, structures and installations>>65.040.20 Buildings and installations for processing and storing agricultural products

Standard Classification Number:Agriculture, Forestry>>Agricultural and Forestry Machinery and Equipment>>B93 Agricultural and Sideline Products and Feed Processing Machinery

associated standards

alternative situation:JB/T 7883-1995 (original standard number GB 10941-1989)

Publication information

other information

Focal point unit:Hohhot Animal Husbandry Machinery Research Institute

Publishing department:Hohhot Animal Husbandry Machinery Research Institute

Introduction to standards:

JB/T 7883.2-1999 This standard is a revision of JB/T 7883-95 "Test Methods for Rice Husk Extruders". During the revision, only editorial changes were made according to relevant regulations, and the technical content remained unchanged. This standard specifies the conditions, content and methods for testing rice husk extruders. This standard applies to the performance test and production test of screw-type rice husk extruders. This standard was first issued on March 31, 1989 as GB 10941-89 and was adjusted to JB/T 7883-95 in April 1996. JB/T 7883.2-1999 Test Methods for Rice Husk Extruders JB/T7883.2-1999 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

ICS 65.040.20
Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Rice hull extruder
Test methods
Test methods for machine of expanding rice hull1999-08-06 Issued
National Bureau of Machinery Industry
2000-01-01 Implementation
Test methods" is a revision of the original standard. Editorial changes were made during the revision. This standard is a revision of JB/T7883-95 "Rice hull extruder" with no change in the main technical content.
This standard replaces JB/T7883-95 from the date of implementation. Appendix A of this standard is the standard appendix.
Appendix B of this standard is the reminder appendix.
This standard is proposed and managed by Hohhot Animal Husbandry Machinery Research Institute. The drafting unit of this standard: Hohhot Animal Husbandry Machinery Research Institute. The main drafters of this standard: Yang Tiejun, Luo Yuguo. Scope
Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Rice Husbandry Extruder
Test Methods
Test methods formachine of expanding rice hullThis standard specifies the test conditions, contents and methods for rice hull extruder (hereinafter referred to as extruder). This standard applies to the performance test and production test of screw extruder. 2 Referenced Standards
Replaces JB/T788395
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard by being referenced in this standard. When this standard is published, the versions shown are all valid. All standards will be revised. All parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest version of the following standards GB/T37681996
3 Test conditions and requirements
Acoustic sound pressure method to determine the sound power level of the noise source Simple method using envelope measurement surface above the reflecting surface Agricultural machinery production test method
Feed grinder test method
3.1 The test prototype should be kept in good technical condition. 3.2 The test site should meet the test requirements and have reliable fire prevention measures. 3.3 The test raw material is rice husk, with a moisture content of no more than 15%, a rice fall content of no more than 3%, and no impurities greater than the coarseness and hardness of the husk.
3.4 ​​The test voltage is 380V and the deviation shall not be greater than ±5%. 3.5 The main instruments and meters used in the test should be calibrated, and the measuring instruments should be used only after they have been verified by the metrology department. 3.6 The test prototype should be tested under the calibrated working conditions. The average load power of the motor during the test shall not exceed 10% of the motor power. 3.7 The test prototype should be adjusted and maintained according to the provisions of the instruction manual before the test. During the measurement process, there should be a dedicated person to operate. 4 Performance test
4.1 Measurement before performance test
4.1.1 Determination of moisture content of rice husk
Randomly sample no less than 50g from the rice husk raw material, weigh it with a balance with a sensitivity of 1%, and dry it at a constant temperature of 105℃ until the mass remains unchanged, and then weigh its mass. Calculate according to formula (1): H,
W——moisture content of rice husk, %;
W, mass of rice husk before drying, g;
mass of rice husk after drying, g.
Approved by the State Machinery Industry Bureau on August 6, 1999 W,-w.
Implemented on January 1, 2000
Measure 3 times and take the average value
4.1.2 Determination of rice husk content
Randomly sample 100g of rice husk raw material: Select the rice husk and weigh it. Calculate the rice husk content according to formula (2): We×100%
Where: C-
Rice husk content, %:
W——The mass of the rice husk raw material, g;
W.——The mass of the selected rice husk, pcs. Measure 3 times and take the average value.
4.1.3 Nozzle gap
Measure the maximum and minimum radial gaps between the conical screw and the nozzle. 4.2 No-load test
Run the machine at no-load for 10 minutes and measure the following items: a) Measure the no-load power of the whole machine for 3 times; b) Measure the speed of the main shaft of the extruder for 3 times; c) Measure the noise when no-load, according to GB/T3768. 4.3 Load test
The load test is performed 3 times.
4.3.1 Pure hourly productivity
It is stipulated that each test time shall not be less than 30 minutes. Take the extruded rice husk from the nozzle of the extruder and weigh it immediately. Measure 3 times in total and take the average value. At the same time, take a sample to measure the moisture content of the extruded rice husk (the productivity refers to the productivity when the moisture content of the extruded rice husk is 20%). Calculate the pure hourly productivity according to formula (3):
Where: F——pure hourly productivity, kg/h; Q.——the mass of the extruded rice husk taken, kg; T. Test time, h;
K—-actual moisture content of puffed rice husk,%.
4.3.2 Pure watt-hour productivity
While measuring productivity, measure the power consumption of the puffing machine during working time, and calculate the pure watt-hour productivity according to formula (4): G
Where: G. Pure kilowatt-hour productivity, kg/(kW·h); N--power consumption of the puffing machine during working time, kW·h. 4.3.3 Load degree of puffing machine
The load degree is calculated according to the average value of the input power of the test sample during load, and is calculated according to formula (5); Nn
Load degree, %;
PInstalled capacity, kW;
n-rated efficiency of the motor.
4.3.4 Noise
Measured when the test sample is under normal load operation, the method is the same as 4.2.3 of this standard. 4.3.5 Coarseness of puffed rice husk
Take samples from the nozzle of the puffing machine, cool until the moisture content is less than 15%, and puff rice husk according to the method in Appendix B of GB/T6971-1986. The geometric mean diameter of puffed rice husk is less than or equal to 0.85mm, which is fine grain, and between 0.85~1.7mm, which is dry grain. 4.3.6 Rice husk puffing rate
According to Appendix A (Standard Appendix) of this standard. 4.3.7 Moisture content of puffed rice husk
Take puffed rice husk samples from the mouth of the puffing machine, each time not less than 50g, the measurement method and calculation formula are the same as 4.1.1 of this standard, 4.3.8 Bearing temperature rise
At the end of the test, use a semiconductor point thermometer to measure the temperature of the main shaft bearing. 5 Production test
5.1 Test conditions
5.1.1 Before mass production, no less than 2 prototypes are put into production test for each batch. The random inspection test of mass-produced products shall comply with the provisions of relevant standards, and the pure operation time during the test shall be no less than 200h for each unit. 5.1.2 The prototype used for production test must be an puffing machine that has passed the performance test. The supporting power shall be adapted to the requirements of the test prototype and equipped with necessary accessories and tools.
5.1.3 The test raw materials shall comply with the provisions of 3.3 of this standard. 5.1.4 The test voltage shall comply with the provisions of 3.4 of this standard, and the load degree of the test prototype shall not be less than 80%. 5.1.5 The production test should be equipped with full-time test personnel, and operators should be equipped according to the provisions of the instruction manual. 5.2 Test content
5.2.1 During the production assessment period, the production test record should be filled in. Keep a record of the time of each type of work in each shift, such as pure working time, failure time, adjustment and maintenance time and other time. Accurate to the minute. Record the quality and power consumption of puffed rice husk added in each shift. 5.2.2 Carry out a performance test in the middle and late stages of the production assessment. 5.2.3 Check the deformation and damage of the main parts of the test prototype. 5.2.4 For the main wear parts such as knives, nozzles, cone sleeves, and flat screws, conduct an initial test on their main working surfaces before the production test and retest them after the production test.
5.2.5 After 80 hours of pure operation in the production test, measure the rice husk expansion rate and coarseness every 8 hours until the expansion rate of the added material is less than 70% and the coarseness is greater than 1.7mm. The conical screw can be considered scrapped. The cumulative working time of the conical screw is its operating life. 5.2.6 Record the operating time when the parts are damaged for the first time. This time is the first trouble-free operation time. 5.3 Production verification
During the production assessment process, the test sample should be checked for no less than three consecutive shifts. 5.4 Calculation of economic indicators
5.4.1 The shift hourly productivity is calculated according to formula (6): E
Where: E—shift hourly productivity, kg/h; Qo—shift output during the production assessment period, kg; T—shift time during the production assessment period, h; (-)
K—moisture content of puffed rice husk during the production assessment period, %; the number of shifts checked during the production assessment period. 5.4.2 The shift kilowatt-hour productivity is calculated according to formula (7): COb(1-K,)
Where: G—shift kilowatt-hour productivity, kg/(kW·h), N—shift power consumption during the production assessment period, kW·h. 5.4.3 The convenience of adjustment and maintenance is calculated according to formula (8): ET
ET, +ETb
Wherein: K—adjustment and maintenance convenience, %; T,—shift operation time during production assessment, h; T. Shift adjustment and maintenance time during production assessment. h. 5.4.4 Operation cost
Refer to the provisions of Appendix A of GB/T5667-1985. 5.5 Time classification of production test
Shift time refers to the actual working time of operators in each shift, which includes machine operation time and non-operation time. Downtime caused by waiting for materials, power outage, etc. cannot be counted as shift time. Machine operation time refers to the time of starting the machine to process products, that is, pure working time. Machine non-operation time includes the adjustment, maintenance time and machine failure time of the machine in each shift. Test report
Compiled according to the provisions of GB/T5667,
Basic principles
Appendix A
(Appendix of the standard)
Determination method of rice husk puffing rate
After the rice husk is puffed, its internal structure changes and many tiny holes are generated. The number of holes can indicate the quality of the puffing effect. The more holes there are, the higher the puffing rate is, and vice versa. The number of holes can be measured by the capillary absorption phenomenon and the strength of the water absorption capacity. The more holes there are, the more water can be absorbed. Therefore, the puffing rate of rice husk can be measured by the water absorption capacity of puffed rice husk. A2 Test equipment
a) Glass tube Φ60mm×5mm×150mm, 3 pieces; b) Glass III @150mm×5mm×20mm.3 pieces: c) Filter paper @70mm, several pieces;
d) Steel ruler Φ150mm, 1 piece.
A3 Operating procedures
Take 0.6kg of the puffing box shell just out of the machine; spread it on the paper with a thickness of about 10mm, and dry it to a moisture content of 13%~15%. Paste the filter paper on one end of the glass tube and dry it. Sprinkle the dried puffed rice husk naturally and fill the glass tube. Add water with a depth of 2mm in glass III. Put one end of the glass tube filled with puffed rice husk pasted with filter paper into glass III, and keep adding water to the glass to keep the water at 2mm. Perform three groups of tests at the same time and calculate the average value. Determination of expansion rate
Water permeable filter paper rises in expanded rice husk, and the water rise stabilizes after about 10 hours. Measure the maximum and minimum water rise heights of each glass tube, as shown in Figure A1. Calculate the average height according to formula (A1):
Where: A--maximum water rise height, mm; B--minimum water rise height, mm;
H-average water rise height, mm.
A4.4 Multiply the measured average water rise height by the coefficient 1.3 to obtain the rice husk expansion rate. (A1)
JB/T 7883.21999
Corrugated glass tube
Shadow shell
JB/T 7883.21999
Appendix B
(Suggestive Appendix)
Main instruments, meters, equipment and measuring tools used in the testThe main instruments,
meters, equipment and measuring tools used in the test are shown in Table B1.
Three-phase power analyzer
Electric meter
Precision sound level meter
Screening vibrator
Semiconductor point thermometer
Constant temperature box
Standard sieve
Type 7151
Accuracy grade
±1℃||tt ||1/100s
People's Republic of China
Machinery Industry Standard
Rice Husk Puffing Machine Test Method
JB/T 7883.21999
Published by the China Academy of Mechanical Science
Printed by the China Academy of Mechanical Science
(No. 2, Shouti South Road, Beijing
Postal Code: 100044)
Format: 880×1230
Printing Sheet: 3/4
Word Count: 16,000
Edition: April 2000
First Printing: April 2000
Print Quantity: 1-500
Price: 10.00 Yuan
Mechanical Industry Standards Service Network: http:/wwwJB.ac.cn661886kg; spread on paper to a thickness of about 10mm, dry to a moisture content of 13%~15%, paste filter paper on one end of the glass tube and dry. Sprinkle the dried puffed rice husk naturally and fill the glass tube. Add water to a depth of 2mm in glass III. Put one end of the glass tube filled with puffed rice husk pasted with filter paper into glass III, and keep adding water to the glass to keep the water at 2mm. Perform three groups of tests at the same time and calculate the average value. Determination of puffing rate
Water rises through filter paper in puffed rice husk, and the water rise stabilizes after about 10h. Measure the maximum and minimum heights of water rise in each glass tube, as shown in Figure A1. Calculate the average height according to formula (A1):
Where: A-—maximum height of water surface rise, mm; B-—minimum height of water surface rise, mm;
H-average height of water surface rise, mm.
A4.4 Multiply the average height of the measured water level rise by the coefficient 1.3 to obtain the rice husk expansion rate. (A1)
JB/T 7883.21999
Corrugated glass tube
Shaded husk
JB/T 7883.21999
Appendix B
(Suggestive Appendix)
Main instruments, meters, equipment and measuring tools used in the test The main instruments,
meters, equipment and measuring tools used in the test are shown in Table B1.
Three-phase power analyzer
Electric meter
Precision sound level meter
Screening vibrator
Semiconductor point thermometer
Constant temperature box
Standard sieve
Type 7151
Accuracy grade
±1℃||tt ||1/100s
People's Republic of China
Machinery Industry Standard
Rice Husk Puffing Machine Test Method
JB/T 7883.21999
Published by the China Academy of Mechanical Science
Printed by the China Academy of Mechanical Science
(No. 2, Shouti South Road, Beijing
Postal Code: 100044)
Format: 880×1230
Printing Sheet: 3/4
Word Count: 16,000
Edition: April 2000
First Printing: April 2000
Print Quantity: 1-500
Price: 10.00 Yuan
Mechanical Industry Standards Service Network: http:/wwwJB.ac.cn661886kg; spread on paper to a thickness of about 10mm, dry to a moisture content of 13%~15%, paste filter paper on one end of the glass tube and dry. Sprinkle the dried puffed rice husk naturally and fill the glass tube. Add water to a depth of 2mm in glass III. Put one end of the glass tube filled with puffed rice husk pasted with filter paper into glass III, and keep adding water to the glass to keep the water at 2mm. Perform three groups of tests at the same time and calculate the average value. Determination of puffing rate
Water rises through filter paper in puffed rice husk, and the water rise stabilizes after about 10h. Measure the maximum and minimum heights of water rise in each glass tube, as shown in Figure A1. Calculate the average height according to formula (A1):
Where: A-—maximum height of water surface rise, mm; B-—minimum height of water surface rise, mm;wwW.bzxz.Net
H-average height of water surface rise, mm.
A4.4 Multiply the average height of the measured water level rise by the coefficient 1.3 to obtain the rice husk expansion rate. (A1)
JB/T 7883.21999
Corrugated glass tube
Shaded husk
JB/T 7883.21999
Appendix B
(Suggestive Appendix)
Main instruments, meters, equipment and measuring tools used in the test The main instruments,
meters, equipment and measuring tools used in the test are shown in Table B1.
Three-phase power analyzer
Electric meter
Precision sound level meter
Screening vibrator
Semiconductor point thermometer
Constant temperature box
Standard sieve
Type 7151
Accuracy grade
±1℃||tt ||1/100s
People's Republic of China
Machinery Industry Standard
Rice Husk Puffing Machine Test Method
JB/T 7883.21999
Published by the China Academy of Mechanical Science
Printed by the China Academy of Mechanical Science
(No. 2, Shouti South Road, Beijing
Postal Code: 100044)
Format: 880×1230
Printing Sheet: 3/4
Word Count: 16,000
Edition: April 2000
First Printing: April 2000
Print Quantity: 1-500
Price: 10.00 Yuan
Mechanical Industry Standards Service Network: http:/wwwJB.ac.cn66188
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