drafter:Zhang Liang, Bai Dianyi, An Yaoshun, Zhao Yue, Du Junbao, Zou Chuanyu, Chen Yongquan, Gong Fengqi
Drafting unit:China National Institute of Standardization, Renmin University of China, Peking University People's Hospital, Peking University First Hospital, Beijing Vision 4D Urban Orientation System Planning and Design Co., Ltd.
Focal point unit:National Technical Committee for Standardization of Graphic Symbols (SAC/TC 59)
Proposing unit:National Technical Committee for Standardization of Graphic Symbols (SAC/TC 59)
Publishing department:State Administration for Market Regulation National Standardization Administration
GB/T 10001.6-2021.Public information graphical symbols-Part 6: Symbols for medical treatment and health care.
1 Scope
This part of GB/T 10001 defines public information graphic symbols for medical treatment and health care (hereinafter referred to as graphic symbols), gives the meaning and description of graphic symbols, and specifies the application requirements of graphic symbols.
GB/T 10001.6 is applicable to medical and health care places and related facilities such as hospitals, emergency centers, health centers, physical examination centers, and is specifically used for the design of location signs, guide signs, information index signs, plan diagrams, block guide maps, portable printed materials and other guide elements in public information guide systems.
2 Normative references
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. All dated references. Only the dated version applies to this document. All the latest versions of the referenced documents (including all amendments) that are not outdated apply to this document.
GB/T 10001 (all parts) Graphic symbols for public information:
GB/T 15565 Terminology of graphic symbols
GB/T 16900.2 Rules for the representation of graphic symbols Part 2: Comprehension test method
GB/T 16903 Rules for the representation of graphic symbols for signs Design principles and requirements for graphic symbols for public information
GB/T 16903.3 Rules for the representation of graphic symbols for signs Part 3: Perceptual test method
GB/T 20501 (all parts) Design principles and requirements for the guidance elements of public information guidance systems
3 Terms and definitions
This figure is hidden
The terms and definitions defined in GB/T 15565 apply to this document.
4 Graphic symbols
See Table 1 for medical and health care symbols and their meanings and descriptions.
5 Application principles
5.1 This part should be used in conjunction with GB/T 10001.1 and GB/T 10001.9. When applied, if other graphic symbols are required, they should be selected from the rest of GB/T 10001.
This part defines the public information graphic symbols in health care (hereinafter referred to as graphic symbols), gives the meaning and description of the graphic symbols, and specifies the application requirements of the graphic symbols.
This part is applicable to health care places and related facilities such as hospitals, emergency centers, health clinics, and physical examination centers, and is specifically used for the design of location signs, guide signs, information index signs, plan diagrams, block guide maps, portable printed materials, and other guide elements in public information guide systems.
Some standard content:
ICS 01.080.10 National Standard of the People's Republic of China GB/T10001.6—2021 Replaces GB/T10001.6—2006 Public information graphic symbols Part 6: Symbols for medical treatment and health care Public information graphic symbols-Part 6: Symbols for medical treatment and health carePublished on March 9, 2021 State Administration for Market Regulation Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China Published on October 1, 2021Implementation Foreword GB/T10001.6—2021 GB/T10001 "Public Information Graphic Symbols" is divided into general symbols and symbols for specific fields according to the fields of application, and is intended to be divided into the following parts: Part 1 Part: General symbols; Part 2: Tourism and leisure symbols: Part 3: Passenger and freight symbols: Part 4 Sports and fitness symbols: Part 5: Shopping symbols: Part 6: Health care symbols: Part 7: Office and teaching symbols; Part 8: Behavior instruction symbols: Part 9: Accessibility facility symbols; Part 10: General symbol elements. This part is Part 6 of GB/T10001 This part was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.1-2009 "Guidelines for Standardization Part 1: Structure and Preparation of Standards". This part replaces GB/T10001.6-2006 "Public Information Graphic Symbols for Signs Part 6: Medical and Health Symbols". Compared with GB/T10001.6-2006, the main technical changes are as follows a) 25 graphic symbols are added: doctor, endocrinology, hematology, gastrointestinal surgery, hepatobiliary surgery, psychiatry, andrology, gynecology, obstetrics, geriatrics, acupuncture and massage, pain department, nutrition department, intestinal clinic, fever clinic, electroencephalogram room, electromyography room, upright tilt test room, echocardiography room, radiotherapy room, dialysis room, consultation center, treatment room, Observation room, specimen reception; b) Modify 39 graphic symbols: nurse, outpatient, emergency, ward, internal medicine, general internal medicine, respiratory medicine, cardiovascular medicine, nephrology, gastroenterology, neurology, surgery, general surgery (general surgery), thoracic surgery, cardiac surgery, urology, neurosurgery, otolaryngology, stomatology, ophthalmology, dermatology, pediatrics, orthopedics, rehabilitation medicine, preventive health care, electrocardiogram room, ultrasound diagnosis department, radiology, tomography room (CT room), magnetic resonance imaging room (MRI room) physiotherapy department, operating room, injection room, venous blood collection room, laboratory pathology department, pharmacy, Chinese medicine pharmacy, medical record room; delete 2 graphic symbols: obstetrics and gynecology, infusion room c) This part is proposed and managed by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Graphic Symbols (SAC/TC59). Drafting units of this part: China National Institute of Standardization, Renmin University of China, Peking University People's Hospital, Peking University First Hospital, Beijing Vision Four-Dimensional Urban Orientation System Planning and Design Co., Ltd. The main drafters of this part are: Zhang Liang, Bai Dianyi, An Yaoshun, Zhao Yue, Du Junbao, Zou Chuanyu, Chen Yongquan, Gong Fengqi. This part was first published in 2006 and this is the first revision. I -rKaeerkca- 1 Scope Public information graphic symbols Part 6: Medical and health symbols GB/T10001.6—2021 This part of GB/T10001 defines public information graphic symbols for medical and health care (hereinafter referred to as graphic symbols), gives the meaning and description of graphic symbols, and specifies the application requirements of graphic symbols. This part is applicable to medical and health care places and related facilities such as hospitals, emergency education centers, health centers, physical examination centers, and is specifically used for the design of location signs, guide signs, information index signs, plan diagrams, block guide maps, portable printed materials and other information carriers in public information guidance systems. 2 Normative References Hidden Layer The following references are indispensable for the application of this document. For all references with dates, only the versions with the dates apply to this document. For all undated referenced documents, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to the year in which the reference is made. GB/T15565 Terminology of graphic symbols GB/T16900.2 Rules for the representation of graphic symbols Part 2: Comprehension test method GB/T16903 Rules for the representation of graphic symbols for signs Design principles and requirements for public information graphic symbols GB/T16903.3 Rules for the representation of graphic symbols for signs Part 3 Perceptual test method GB/T20501 (all parts) Design principles and requirements for guidance elements of public information guidance systems This figure is hidden 3 Terms and definitions Terms and definitions defined in GB/T15565 are applicable to this article. Graphic symbols See Table 1 for medical and health care symbols and their meanings and explanations. 5 Application principles 5.1 This part should be used in conjunction with GB/T10001.1 and GB/T10001.9. When applied, if other graphic symbols are required, they should be selected from the rest of GB/T10001. 5.2 If new graphic symbols need to be designed, they should be designed in accordance with the requirements of GB/T16903, and should be tested in accordance with the provisions of GB/T16900.2 and GB/T16903.3\. 5.3 The superscripts in the graphic symbol column of Table 1 do not constitute an integral part of the graphic symbol, but are only the basis for defining the symbol area. When designing guide elements, the graphic symbols (including superscripts) in Table 1 should be enlarged or reduced in proportion, and the position of the graphic symbols should be determined based on the superscripts. The superscripts should not appear in various guide elements in the end. 5.4 When using the graphic symbols in Table 1 to design directional elements, the provisions of GB/T20501 (all parts) shall be followed. The graphic signs are preferably square. The design of graphic signs of different shapes (square, circular or elliptical) shall comply with the provisions of GB/T16903. 5.5 The graphic symbols in Table 1 or their mirrored graphic symbols shall be used according to the orientation of the actual scene or the direction indicated by the "direction" symbol used in combination with it. 5.6 The meanings given in Table 1 are only general concepts of graphic symbols. When applied, corresponding names can be given according to the specific objects to be expressed. For example, the graphic symbol meaning "pharmacy" can be given specific names such as "drugstore" and "Western pharmacy". At the same time, the English should also be adjusted accordingly according to the specific Chinese name. Table 1 Symbols for medical care Serial number Graphic symbol Meaning Doctor Doctor Nurse Nurse Outpatient Out-patient -rKaeerkAca- Description Indicates the place where a doctor or a doctor works Indicates the place where a nurse or a nurse works, such as a nurse station, a consultation desk, etc. Indicates the place where patients receive outpatient medical treatment Serial number Graphic symbol Table 1 Symbols for medical care (continued) Meaning Emergency Emergeney GB/T10001.6—2021 Description Indicates the place where patients seek emergency treatment Anti-theft hidden layer Please download Place where patients are hospitalized Normal download Body map hidden Department Place where diseases are treated Indicates the place where general internal medicine or general medicine diseases are treated General Internal Medicine GeneralInternal MedicineDepartment rrKaeerKAca- When some professional internal medicine does not have a corresponding graphic symbol to represent it, this symbol can be used with relevant text to represent the place where other professional internal medicine is treated, such as: Immunology Department, etc. The text "General Internal Medicine" does not appear in GB/T10001.6—2021 Serial number Graphic symbol Health care symbols (continued) Table 1 Meaning Pulmonary Medicine Department Cardiovascular Department NephrologyDepartment Digestive Internal MedicineDepartment -rKaeerkca- Description Indicates the place where respiratory diseases are treated Indicates the place where cardiovascular diseases are treatedIndicates the place where renal diseases are treated Indicates the place where digestive diseases are treated Serial number Graphic symbol Table 1 Medical care symbols (continued) Meaning Endocrinology Endocrinology Department GB/T10001.6—2021 Description Indicates the place where endocrinology diseases are treated||tt| |院盗隐层 请吉芬下载 表示神经元神经元神经元||Normal下载 杰图隐 HematologyDepartmen Surgery Surgery Department -rrKaeerKAca- Place for treatment of fluid diseases Indicates the place for treatment of surgical diseases GB/T10001.6—2021 Serial number Graphic symbol Table 1 Medical care symbols (continued) Meaning General surgery (General surgery) General Surgery Department Thoracie Surgery Department Cardiovascular Surgery Department Urology Surgery Department -rrKaeerkAca- Description Indicates the place where general surgical diseases are treated When some specialized surgical departments do not have corresponding graphic symbols, this symbol can be used with relevant text to indicate the place where other specialized surgical departments are treated, such as: plastic surgery, burn department, etc. The text "general surgery" does not appear when usedIndicates the place where thoracic surgical diseases are treated Indicates the place where cardiac surgical diseases are treated Indicates the place where urological surgical diseases are treated Serial number Graphic symbol Table 1 Medical and health care symbols (continued) Meaning Gastrointestinal surgery Gastrointestinal Surgery Department GB/T10001.6—2021 Description Indicates the place for treatment of gastrointestinal diseases Anti-theft hidden layer Indicates the place for treatment of hepatobiliary surgical diseases Hepatologicat Please download Normal download Hide the picture Department Neurosurgery Neurosurgery Hepatobiliary surgical diseases Place of diagnosis Indicates the place for diagnosis of neurosurgery diseases Department KaeerkAca- GB/T10001.6—2021 Serial number Graphic symbol Table 1 Health care symbols (continued) Meaning Psychiatry Department Infectious Diseases Infectious Disease Department Otolaryngology ENTDepartment Stomatology Department -rKaeerkca- Description Indicates the place where psychiatric diseases are treated Indicates the place where infectious diseases are treated Indicates the place where otolaryngology diseases are treated Indicates the place where stomatology diseases are treated Serial number||tt ||Graphic symbols Table 1 Medical and health care symbols (continued) Meaning Ophthalmology Ophthalmology Department GB/T10001.6—2021 Explanation Indicates the place where ophthalmic diseases are treated Anti-theft hidden layer Please "Jifen Download Indicates the place where dermatological diseases are treated Normal download Taitu hidden Place where dermatological diseases are treated De partment Gynecology Gynecology Department KaeerkAca- Indicates the place for gynecological disease treatment GB/T10001.6—2021 Serial number Graphic symbol Table 1 Health care symbols (continued) Meaning Obstetrics Department Pediatrics||tt ||Pediatrics Department Geriatrics Department Orthopedics Orthopedies Department -rKaeerkca- Description Indicates the place where obstetric diseases are treated Indicates the place where pediatric diseases are treated Indicates the place where geriatric diseases are treated Indicates the place where orthopedic diseases are treated6—2021 Description Indicates the place where endocrinology diseases are treated Hospital stolen hidden layer Please download Indicates the place where neurology diseases are treated Normal download Jietu hidden HematologyDepartmen Surgery Surgerybzxz.net Department -rrKaeerKAca- Place where fluid diseases are treated Indicates the place where surgical diseases are treated GB/T10001.6—2021 Serial number Graphic symbol Table 1 Medical care symbols (continued) Meaning General surgery (General surgery) General Surgery Department Thoracie Surgery Department Cardiovascular Surgery Department Urology Surgery Department -rrKaeerkAca- Description Indicates the place where general surgical diseases are treated When some specialized surgical departments do not have corresponding graphic symbols, this symbol can be used with relevant text to indicate the place where other specialized surgical departments are treated, such as: plastic surgery, burn department, etc. The text "general surgery" does not appear when usedIndicates the place where thoracic surgical diseases are treated Indicates the place where cardiac surgical diseases are treated Indicates the place where urological surgical diseases are treated Serial number Graphic symbol Table 1 Medical and health care symbols (continued) Meaning Gastrointestinal surgery Gastrointestinal Surgery Department GB/T10001.6—2021 Description Indicates the place for gastrointestinal disease treatment Anti-theft hidden layer Indicates the place for hepatobiliary surgical disease treatment Hepatologicat Please download Normal download Hide the picture Department Neurosurgery Neurosurgery Hepatobiliary disease treatment Place of diagnosis Indicates the place for diagnosis of neurosurgery diseases Department KaeerkAca- GB/T10001.6—2021 Serial number Graphic symbol Table 1 Health care symbols (continued) Meaning Psychiatry Department Infectious Diseases Infectious Disease Department Otolaryngology ENTDepartment Stomatology Department -rKaeerkca- Description Indicates the place where psychiatric diseases are treated Indicates the place where infectious diseases are treated Indicates the place where otolaryngology diseases are treated Indicates the place where stomatology diseases are treated Serial number||tt ||Graphic symbols Table 1 Medical and health care symbols (continued) Meaning Ophthalmology Ophthalmology Department GB/T10001.6—2021 Description Indicates the place where ophthalmic diseases are treated Anti-theft hidden layer Please "Jifen Download Indicates the place where dermatological diseases are treated Normal download Taitu hidden Place where dermatological diseases are treated De partment Gynecology Gynecology Department KaeerkAca- Indicates the place for gynecological disease treatment GB/T10001.6—2021 Serial number Graphic symbol Table 1 Health care symbols (continued) Meaning Obstetrics Department Pediatrics||tt ||Pediatrics Department Geriatrics Department Orthopedics Orthopedies Department -rKaeerkca- Description Indicates the place where obstetric diseases are treated Indicates the place where pediatric diseases are treated Indicates the place where geriatric diseases are treated Indicates the place where orthopedic diseases are treated6—2021 Description Indicates the place where endocrinology diseases are treated Hospital stolen hidden layer Please download Indicates the place where neurology diseases are treated Normal download Jietu hidden HematologyDepartmen Surgery Surgery Department -rrKaeerKAca- Place where fluid diseases are treated Indicates the place where surgical diseases are treated GB/T10001.6—2021 Serial number Graphic symbol Table 1 Medical care symbols (continued) Meaning General surgery (General surgery) General Surgery Department Thoracie Surgery Department Cardiovascular Surgery Department Urology Surgery Department -rrKaeerkAca- Description Indicates the place where general surgical diseases are treated When some specialized surgical departments do not have corresponding graphic symbols, this symbol can be used with relevant text to indicate the place where other specialized surgical departments are treated, such as: plastic surgery, burn department, etc. The text "general surgery" does not appear when usedIndicates the place where thoracic surgical diseases are treated Indicates the place where cardiac surgical diseases are treated Indicates the place where urological surgical diseases are treated Serial number Graphic symbol Table 1 Medical and health care symbols (continued) Meaning Gastrointestinal surgery Gastrointestinal Surgery Department GB/T10001.6—2021 Description Indicates the place for treatment of gastrointestinal diseases Anti-theft hidden layer Indicates the place for treatment of hepatobiliary surgical diseases Hepatologicat Please download Normal download Hide the picture Department Neurosurgery Neurosurgery Hepatobiliary surgical diseases Place of diagnosis Indicates the place for diagnosis of neurosurgery diseases Department KaeerkAca- GB/T10001.6—2021 Serial number Graphic symbol Table 1 Health care symbols (continued) Meaning Psychiatry Department Infectious Diseases Infectious Disease Department Otolaryngology ENTDepartment Stomatology Department -rKaeerkca- Description Indicates the place where psychiatric diseases are treated Indicates the place where infectious diseases are treated Indicates the place where otolaryngology diseases are treated Indicates the place where stomatology diseases are treated Serial number||tt ||Graphic symbols Table 1 Medical and health care symbols (continued) Meaning Ophthalmology Ophthalmology Department GB/T10001.6—2021 Explanation Indicates the place where ophthalmic diseases are treated Anti-theft hidden layer Please "Jifen Download Indicates the place where dermatological diseases are treated Normal download Taitu hidden Place where dermatological diseases are treated De partment Gynecology Gynecology Department KaeerkAca- Indicates the place for gynecological disease treatment GB/T10001.6—2021 Serial number Graphic symbol Table 1 Health care symbols (continued) Meaning Obstetrics Department Pediatrics||tt ||Pediatrics Department Geriatrics Department Orthopedics Orthopedies Department -rKaeerkca- Description Indicates the place where obstetric diseases are treated Indicates the place where pediatric diseases are treated Indicates the place where geriatric diseases are treated Indicates the place where orthopedic diseases are treatedDepartment Stomatology Department -rKaeerkca- Description Indicates the place where psychiatric diseases are treated Indicates the place where infectious diseases are treated Indicates the place where otolaryngology diseases are treated Indicates the place where stomatology diseases are treated Serial number Graphic symbol Table 1 Medical care symbols (continued) Meaning Ophthalmology Ophthalmology Department GB/T10001.6—2021 Description Indicates the place where ophthalmic diseases are treated Anti-theft hidden layer Please "Jifen Download Indicates the place where dermatological diseases are treated Normal download Taitu hidden Place where dermatological diseases are treated Department Gynecology||tt| |Gynecology Department KaeerkAca- Indicates the place for gynecological disease treatment GB/T10001.6—2021 Serial number Graphic symbol Table 1 Health care symbols (continued) Meaning Obstetrics Department Pediatrics Pediatric s Department Geriatrics Department Orthopedics Department -rKaeerkca- Description Indicates the place where obstetric diseases are treated Indicates the place where pediatric diseases are treated Indicates the place where geriatric diseases are treated Indicates the place where orthopedic diseases are treatedDepartment Stomatology Department -rKaeerkca- Description Indicates the place where psychiatric diseases are treated Indicates the place where infectious diseases are treated Indicates the place where otolaryngology diseases are treated Indicates the place where stomatology diseases are treated Serial number Graphic symbol Table 1 Medical care symbols (continued) Meaning Ophthalmology Ophthalmology Department GB/T10001.6—2021 Description Indicates the place where ophthalmic diseases are treated Anti-theft hidden layer Please "Jifen Download Indicates the place where dermatological diseases are treated Normal download Taitu hidden Place where dermatological diseases are treated Department Gynecology||tt| |Gynecology Department KaeerkAca- Indicates the place for gynecological disease treatment GB/T10001.6—2021 Serial number Graphic symbol Table 1 Health care symbols (continued) Meaning Obstetrics Department Pediatrics Pediatric s Department Geriatrics Department Orthopedics Department -rKaeerkca- Description Indicates the place where obstetric diseases are treated Indicates the place where pediatric diseases are treated Indicates the place where geriatric diseases are treated Indicates the place where orthopedic diseases are treated Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.