This standard specifies the technical requirements for tolerances, acceptance rules, rust prevention and packaging of standards used for inspection of rolling bearings and their parts. This standard applies to standard gauges for rolling bearings in the following size ranges. ——The nominal inner diameter of the standard instrument for the cylindrical hole of the rolling bearing is 0.6mm~400mm; --The nominal outer diameter of the standard instrument for the cylindrical hole of the rolling bearing is 2.5mm~500mm; --The nominal inner diameter of the standard instrument for the tapered hole of the rolling bearing is ≤500mm; --Tapered roller bearings The diameter of the standard gauge for the outer ring raceway is 18mm~500mm; - the diameter of the standard gauge for the inner ring raceway of the tapered roller bearing is 18mm ~ 400mm; - the standard gauge for the inner width of the rolling bearing has a width ≤ 400mm; - the standard gauge for the tapered roller bearing Nominal diameter ≤ 120mm; JB/T 6637-2004 Technical conditions for rolling bearing standards JB/T6637-2004 Standard download and decompression password:
Some standard content:
ICS21100.20 J11 JB Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China JB/T6637—2004 replaces JB/T6637-1993||tt ||Rolling bearings Standards Technical conditions RollingbearingsSpecifications of thestandard2004-02-10 Released Implemented on 2004-06-01 National Development of the People's Republic of China and Reform Commission Release Foreword Scope Normative References Symbol. 4 5:1 5.2||tt ||5.3 5.4 5.5 6 6.1 Standard tolerance level Technical requirements Material, Hardness Tolerance Chamfer size.. Surface roughness Annual dimensional change Acceptance rules Verification||tt ||6.2 6.3 Certificate Acceptance Mark 7 7.1 7.2||tt| |7.3 Logo content Location and method of marking Marking requirements Rust prevention, packaging and storage 8 Table·| |tt||Standard tolerance table 2 for rolling bearing cylinders (cylindrical holes) Table 3 Table 4 Table 5 Table 6 Head Standard tolerances for outer and inner rings of tapered roller bearings Standard tolerances for tapered rollers Standard tolerances for width of rolling bearings Class III standards for tapered bores of rolling bearings Tolerance standard chamfer size times JB/T 6637-2004 JB/T6637—2004 Foreword This standard replaces JB/6637 - 1993 (Technical Conditions for Standards for Rolling Bearings). Compared with JB/6637-1993, the main changes in this standard are as follows: Modified the writing format: Changed the rolling bearing tolerance grade code (1993 edition and the 4th edition of this edition Chapter): Modified the surface roughness value of the rolling bearing cylindrical hole (cylinder) standard (5.3 of the 1993 edition, 5.4 of this edition): Modified the roundness and verticality tolerances of the rolling bearing ring cylindrical hole (cylinder) standard (Table 1 of the 1993 edition and this edition): Modified the chamfer dimensions of the standard instrument for rolling bearings (5.2 of the 1993 edition, 5.3 of this edition), and added Table 6: Removed the non-working standard instrument for movable bearings Surface technical requirements (5.3 of the 1993 edition): - Modified the technical requirements for the annual dimensional change of the Class I standard instrument for rolling bearings (1993 edition and 5.5 of this edition): Modified the acceptance rules for the standard instrument for rolling bearings (1993 Chapter 6 of the 1993 edition and this edition): The marking and anti-rust packaging of standard equipment for rolling bearings have been modified (Chapter 7 of the 1993 edition, Chapters 7 and 8 of this edition). This standard was proposed by the China Machinery Industry Federation. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Rolling Bearing Standardization Technical Committee (CSBTS/TC98). This standard was drafted by: Luoyang Bearing Research Institute. The main drafters of this standard: Liu Guoqing and Zhang Junjie. The previous versions of the standards replaced by this standard are: - JB/T6637-1993. 1 Scope Technical conditions for rolling bearings and standard equipment JB/T6637-2004||tt ||This standard specifies the technical requirements for tolerances, acceptance rules, rust prevention and packaging of standards used for inspection of rolling bearings and their parts. This standard applies to standard gauges for rolling bearings in the following size ranges. The nominal inner diameter of the standard instrument for the cylindrical hole of the rolling bearing - the nominal outer diameter of the standard instrument for the cylindrical hole of the rolling bearing. The nominal inner diameter of the standard instrument for the tapered hole of the rolling bearing: 0.6mm~400mm: 2.5mm~500mm; ≤500mm|| tt||A standard gauge for the outer ring raceway of a tapered roller bearing with a diameter of 18mm~500mm: A standard gauge for the inner ring raceway of a round-dimensional roller bearing with a diameter of 18mm~400mm A standard for the width of a rolling bearing Machine width Nominal diameter of standard machine for round-dimensional rollers 2 Normative reference documents ≤400mm: ≤120mm. In the following documents The provisions of this standard become provisions of this standard through reference. For dated reference documents, all subsequent amendments (excluding corrigenda) or revisions do not apply to this standard. However, parties to an agreement based on this standard are encouraged to study whether the latest versions of these documents can be used. . For undated referenced documents, the latest edition applies to this standard. GB/T8597—2003 Anti-rust packaging for rolling bearings JG (machinery) 147—1993 Rolling bearings JJG (machinery) 148—1993 Rolling bearings JJG (machinery) 153 —1993 Rolling Bearings Verification Rules for Conical Lacquer Standard Instruments Verification Rules for Conical Hole Standard Instruments Verification Rules for Cylindrical Hole Standard Instruments Conical Standard Equipment Verification Regulations JJG (Mechanical) 154-1993 Rolling Bearings 3 Special Numbers (See Figures 1 to 8) The following symbols apply to this standard. D D. Dw nominal diameter of cylinder standard device nominal diameter of big end of national standard standard 一The nominal diameter of the big end of the tapered roller standard is the nominal diameter of the cylindrical hole standard The nominal diameter of the small end of the tapered hole standard d di H||tt ||f 2α Nominal diameter of the big end of the tapered hole standard Nominal size of the width standard Single chamfer size Tapered hole, cone Body, tapered roller standard device cone angle AD—cone standard device big end single-diameter deviation AD AD Ademp cylindrical standard device single diameter deviation||tt ||The single diameter deviation of the large end of the tapered roller standard device The average diameter deviation of the small end of the circular hole standard device d—the single diameter deviation of the small end of the tapered hole standard device Ad, —the single diameter deviation of the cylindrical hole standard device JB/T66372004 dim average diameter deviation of the big end of the tapered hole standard AH—width standard single—width deviation 42α- one cone angle deviation standard Tolerance level 4 Width standards are not divided into tolerance levels, and other standards are graded from high to low according to tolerance levels, Level III, and Level II. Class I standard instrument is used for comparative measurement of the diameters of Class 2 and Class 4 bearings and Class 0 and Class I cylindrical and tapered rollers: Class II standard instrument is used for comparative measurement of the diameters of Class 5 bearings and Class II cylindrical and tapered rollers: Class III standard The instrument is used for comparative measurement of diameters of grade 0, 6, 6X bearings and grade IIⅢI cylindrical and tapered rollers. 5 technical requirements | It can also be made of dense jade material. The hardness value of the standard should not be less than 61HRC, and the hardness unevenness should not exceed THRC. 5.2 Tolerance The tolerance of the standard is as specified in Table 1 to Table 5. fsx Picture Nominal size Dta mm Super over 0.6 3 80 12 180 250 315 to 2.3 126 18 31 400500 2 上 偏 差| |tt||偏 差 d 上 偏 差 下 偏||tt ||差 上 偏 差 0 表1 下 傛||tt| |差 6 12 围 2 电影开了例柱体(制推孔)用标准器公差AD,||tt| |公 上 偏 菱 +2 下 偏 差 上 编 差 下 偏 差 蒙 上 偏| |tt||+3 下 偏 差 ma 圆 度 络|| tt||mas 0.15 0.15 0.2 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.4||tt| |0.8 0.25 03 0.3 0.5 0.5 0 20 2.3 ms 0.4 0.5 0.3 0.6 0.8 0.8 2.5|| tt||图 3 素线设计度 ma 0.4 0.4 0.4 0A| |tt||0.4 0.5 0.6 1.2 .5 1.5 ma 0.6|| tt||0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.8 .0 6||tt ||.8 mas 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 1.0||tt| |1.0||tt|>1.2 2.0 |tt||0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.8 1.0 .3|| tt||1.8 2.0 may 0.8 0.8 0.8 2.0 3.0||tt| |ma 1.5 2.0 2.3 3.0 4. 6.0 7.0 公称医动 dD, mm 超 过 18 30 50 80 120 80 Psn 到 30 50 80 120| |tt||186 250 400 S08 t 上佛 差 图|| tt||de 下代 6 7 上编 +3 +6 + 9 + +12 +15 下 偏 差 12 15 表2 上偏 +6 +9 +10 内, 公称医动 Dw mm 超 到 18 18 30 50 80 30 50 80 20 上 偏| |tt||差 下 偏 差 AD 上 +4 +5| |tt||偏 -5 上落 善 +5 +10 +12||tt| |+15 偏 教 5 e 12 -15 子电影通带在线,图 5 内记用标准器公差 同黑死子黄道外圈、 图 震线 Da 下 偏 9 10 上 偏 整|| tt||+to +12 公 偏 10 12 画维角凯店 42d 电影度 差 上偏迷 +1.5 下做 以很向包装电影来运动| |tt||表3 等 级 TH 上 偏 控 +2| |tt||下 偏 2 3 圜维死子用标准器公差 圆黔角凯线 420 公 上偏 券 +0.2 下 偏 0.7 上偏 下 偏 券 差 上 偏 孝 等| |tt||下 编 以很向北京可以来这些 度 圆 级 I|| tt||max 0.5 max 0.8 1.0 max 0.4 0.4||tt| |0.5 0.6 0.8 1.0 12 1.4 1.6 max max 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.6 8|| tt||2.0 6 max 0.5 0.6 0.6 6.8 1.0||tt| |1.2 1.4 1.6 JB/T6637—2004 μm 两医的电视 度和中心线对| |tt||端面的电影度 max 0.8 1.0 1.0 1.2 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 素线设计度 max 0.4 0.5 max 0.8 max 2.0 3.0 max 08 max 0.6 0.6| |tt||0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.8 2.0 2.2 max||tt ||0.8 0.8 1.0 1.2 14 T.6 2.0 2.2||tt ||2.4 2.6 um 瓣面跳动 max may 2.5 3.0||tt ||4.0 4.0 3 JB/T6637—2004 公称北京H mm 性交 - 10 18 30 50 80 120 180 250| |tt||公称北京d, mm 性交 - 10 18 30 50 120 180 250 315 400 4 到|| tt||10 18 30 50 80 120 180 250||tt| |315 400 500 到 10 18 30 50 80 120 180 250 400 表4 电影开体发动用标准器公差 AH 上自工 +2 +4 +7 +10 +12 +15 +17| +20 tt||12 -15 17 -20 22 工作面的电视度 max||tt| |0.8 0.8 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.2 1.2 1.5 1.5 表5 电影开发圆黔孔用Ⅲ级标准器公差 Adp 上自电 +10 +12 +14 +16 +20 +23 +26 +30 +34 +38 + 42. 0 0 0 0 0 0 Admp Ado 上自电 +10 +12 +14 +16 +20 +23 +26 + 30. ||0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 圆度 max 0.8 0.8 1.0 1.0 1.2 1.5 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 系线 电视度 max 0.8 0.8 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0|| tt||3.0 4.0 图8 Jm 两端面的电视度 max 1.5 1.5 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.5 2.5 3.0 3.0 m| |tt||两端面的电视度和中 心线对端面的电视度 max 2.5 2.5 2.5||tt ||3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10 10 12 5.3 倒角北京 倒角北京按表6的设计。 standard器在线 图柱孔(画柱体) standard器||tt| |运动 到 t 18 0.3 表6标准器倒角北京r 公称北京|| tt||18 30 0.5 30 50 1.0 表中柱孔标准器、四柱体标准器倒角化学的作r,×45°5.4 surface维粉度 50 80 1.5 80 120 2.0| |tt||120 180 2.5 180 250 3.0 JB/T6637—2004 mta 250 315 4.0 315 400 5.0 400 500| |tt||6.0 I class standard equipment work surface roughness R,不应exceeding 0.025um:II class standard equipment work surface roughness R,不应exceeding 0.032um:III class standard equipment work surface roughness度R,不应应用0.040um:下业端面的结果维经度R.不应五应0.4um。 5.5年化合发动生量 standard器应经所于设计,其年应合化合量量不应支得安全官方:【级线安全器的±(0.1+x)μm。ⅡI级线安器的公(0.1+2x)μm。III级线安器的±(0.2+3x)μm。x的公称安全公称包装(mm)图像的千分事6水收发是 6.1档定 6.1.1 圆柱孔、圆柱体检合的检定按JJG(machinery)153-1993的实方的圆柱孔检定棒JG(机斯)148一1993的结果。6.1.2 圆黑体检名的档定按JJG(添定)154-1993的混合。6.1.3 黺滚子棒定按JJG(添加)147—1993的结果。 6.1.4 6.1.5 standard器没定应按所机没定程程程序设计设计与电视,手机厂可以用于明是这些方法和结果,但有电影时,应以没定车程结果设计的分。6.2 Qualified CertificateThe certificate should be marked: Manufacturer’s name (or trademark): a) Nominal size: b) Tolerance grade code: ||tt| |c) d) Production date. 6.3 Acceptance When the subscriber accepts the standard instrument for rolling bearings, the acceptance rules should comply with the regulations of the manufacturer or the agreement between the subscriber and the manufacturer. 7 mark 7.1 Mark content The nominal size of the standard instrument, the measurement direction code "II", the production trademark and the factory number of the standard instrument should be marked on the standard instrument. In addition, a supplementary code indicating special technical requirements can be added to the standard instrument code in accordance with the manufacturer's regulations or the agreement between the subscriber and the manufacturer. JB/T6637—2004 7.2 Marking location and method 7.2.1 The mark of the standard instrument should be marked on the non-reference end surface or on the packaging, 7.22 The effective width of the non-reference surface (calculated For rolling bearings (minimum value) greater than 2 mm, the code of the standard and a section of the manufacturer's trademark shall be marked on the non-datum end face of the standard by mechanical shaking. Codes indicating special technical requirements and other codes may be marked by other methods. 7.2.3 Standards for rolling bearings where the effective width of the non-datum surface (the calculated minimum value) is less than 2 mm can be marked on the packaging with a code indicating special technical requirements. 7.3 Marking Requirements 7.3.1 The mark should be complete and complete. 7.3.2 The handwriting should be straight and clear: the lines should be even in thickness. 7.3.3 The shape, line width and inter-letter distance of signs and symbols shall comply with the manufacturer's regulations. 7.3.4 If the subscriber has special requirements, they can negotiate with the manufacturer. 8 Anti-rust, packaging and storage 8.1 The rolling bearings should be cleaned and anti-rust according to the corresponding regulations in GB/T8597-2003 using standard equipment. 8.2 The standard device for rolling bearings should be packaged according to the regulations of the manufacturer, and various forms of sales packaging can also be used according to market sales needs. 8.3 After the standard device for rolling bearings is rust-proof packaged, it should be transported and warehoused in compliance with the regulations of GB/T8597-2003. Under storage conditions, it should be guaranteed not to rust within 12 months from the date of shipment. Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.