title>HG 20546.3-1992 Regulations on Professional Technical Management of Equipment Layout for Chemical Plants - HG 20546.3-1992 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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HG 20546.3-1992 Regulations on Professional Technical Management of Equipment Layout for Chemical Plants

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG 20546.3-1992

Standard Name: Regulations on Professional Technical Management of Equipment Layout for Chemical Plants

Chinese Name: 化工装置设备布置专业技术管理规定

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)

state:in force

Date of Implementation:1996-03-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:71.010

Standard Classification Number:Engineering Construction>>Raw Materials Industry, Communications, Broadcasting Engineering>>P72 Petrochemical, Chemical Engineering

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Publishing department:Ministry of Chemical Industry

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HG 20546.3-1992 Regulations on Professional Technical Management of Equipment Layout for Chemical Plants HG20546.3-1992 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Regulations on the technical management of chemical equipment layout HG20546.3—92
1 Scope of responsibilities and tasks of each stage of equipment layout 1.1 Scope of responsibilities
Responsible for compiling equipment layout drawings, design conditions and related design documents for each stage 1.1.1
Cooperate with model professionals to carry out equipment positioning work. 1.1.2
Responsible for compiling, collecting and supplementing engineering standards, specifications, manuals and basic documents of this profession, 1.1.3
Train and improve the technical level of designers of this profession 1.1.5
Estimate and control the man-hour consumption of this profession. Write a summary of the completion of this professional project.
1.2 Tasks at each stage of engineering design
Basic engineering design "A version equipment layout drawing stage: 1.2.1 Participate in the preparation of the commencement report: prepare engineering design regulations;
Draw "A" version equipment layout drawing Consider the open space for hoisting;
Write the key points of the device equipment layout drawing:
Write the problems existing in the equipment layout;
The type and main dimensions of the buildings and structures within the device boundary.
1.2.2 Basic engineering design "B", "C", "D\ version equipment layout drawing stage: Determine the design principles, technical standards and specifications for the device equipment layout. According to the characteristics of the project, complete and propose the engineering design regulations; Consult with the piping professionals to study the important pipelines that affect the layout to determine the location of the relevant equipment: Determine the support elevation of the main equipment and the net positive suction pressure head of the pump; The floor elevations of the built-in structures and structures in the device boundary area and propose the equipment load plan (table); The main operation and maintenance platforms and ladder conditions; Participate in the equipment lifting plan discussion meeting; Complete the design conditions of each discipline, see Chapter 3 of HG20546.3-92; Draw the "B" version of the equipment layout diagram. Send it to the relevant professionals for internal review, and after the modification opinions are improved, release the "C" version and send it to the user: After modification and improvement according to the user's opinions, release the "D" version and send it to the design manager and relevant professionals.
1.2.3 Detailed engineering design "E" version equipment layout drawing stage: Cooperate with the model and piping professionals to complete the model equipment positioning work: Determine and adjust the equipment positioning size and elevation: Propose platform and ladder conditions under the piping professional platform: Propose conditions to relevant professionals. See HG20546.3-92 Chapter 3: Consult with the piping professionals to study some important pipelines that affect the layout. Determine the location and elevation of relevant equipment: Complete the "E" version equipment layout drawing. 1.2.4 Detailed engineering design "F" version equipment layout drawing stage: According to the pipeline layout study diagram, the final equipment diagram and the proposals of each discipline Opinions. Check the relevant drawings and conditions, complete the "F" version of the equipment layout drawing. If necessary, draw the equipment layout elevation drawing. 1.2.5 Detailed engineering design "G" version equipment layout drawing stage: Comprehensively review the opinions and opinions of various professionals and the problems found in piping. Make adjustments to complete the G version of the equipment layout drawing.
Equipment layout
Equipment layout professional engineering design stage work procedures research stage
Related majors include: design manager, process, system, container, station changer, ticket, special equipment, general plan, main management, electrical, automatic control, water supply and drainage (question communication, laboratory, mechanical operation,
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out-of-bounds pipelines) pipeline machinery, water supply and drainage (industrial furnace) equipment layout route
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3.1.1 Acceptance conditions:
3 Equipment layout professional design conditions (summary) 3.1 "A version equipment layout drawing stage Start-up report; Process professional recommended equipment layout drawing:
Process flow diagram (PFD) or PID (basic design version), piping instrument flow diagram (PID)-"A" process equipment table:
Engineering design Basic design data
Overall plant plan
Layout area restrictions and future expansion plans; preliminary dimensions of finalized equipment and pumps; process data tables and equipment condition diagrams.
Proposed conditions: “A” version equipment layout condition diagram The diagram includes: (1) Types of built-in structures and structures (including pipe gallery); (2) Approximate location and elevation of equipment;
(3) Requirements for the hoisting site of large and medium-sized equipment; (4) Floor space of auxiliary rooms. Modification suggestions for PI diagram.
3.2 “B”, “C”, “D\ version equipment layout diagram acceptance conditions:
Opinions of various professionals and users;
3.2. 1. 5
3.2. 1.11
Pipeline instrument flow chart (PID) - "B", "C", "D" version; Non-standard equipment diagram and data table:
Special equipment and pump dimensions and maximum unit weight; "A" version equipment layout diagram, each discipline proposes modification opinions; Material regulations and pipeline material grade table;
Engineering design regulations;
Regarding disciplines (automatic control, laboratory, electrical, mechanical repair, mechanical transportation, etc.) floor space conditions and requirements; Preliminary dimensions of buildings and structures (or building and structure dimensions); System disciplines provide preliminary equipment elevations and pump net positive suction head (NPSH) data tables (1, 2 Plant general plan:
Process unit boundary dimensions:
"A" version equipment layout diagram review opinions.
3.2.2 Conditions proposed:
Equipment load conditions:
Equipment lifting plan:
Equipment support conditions on the floor or platform; The equipment layout condition diagram of version "B", "C", and "D" includes: (1) The elevation and direction of the top surface of the pipe gallery structure; (2) The main operation and maintenance platforms and ladders; (3) The location and size of the control room, power distribution room, living room and auxiliary room; (4) The floor elevation of the buildings and structures within the boundary area; (5) The scope and type of paved ground, pits, and trenches: (6) Sound insulation conditions. Return comments on the pipeline instrument flow chart (PID version "C" and "D"). 3.3 "E\ version equipment layout drawing stage
3.3.1 Acceptance conditions: Feedback from various disciplines on "D\ version equipment layout drawing; 60
Pipeline route diagram;
Assembly drawing of non-standard equipment:
Installation dimensions of standard equipment and related documents; Arrangement and preliminary cross-sectional dimensions of beams and columns of buildings and structures (template drawing): Equipment elevation and pump net positive suction head (NPSH) data table (3rd edition): Floor space for water supply and drainage, HVAC, maintenance, etc.; Anti-corrosion requirements of process disciplines for the device. Propose conditions:
Equipment load conditions;
Equipment foundation conditions:
Equipment hoisting conditions;
Equipment support conditions on the floor (platform); Provide pipeline instrument flow chart modification suggestions for (PID\E version); "E" version equipment layout condition diagram, including: (1) floor opening conditions;
(2) equipment platform conditions;
(3) sound insulation conditions;
(4) roads and passages Layout of the corridor:
(5) Scope and requirements of paved ground:
(6) Location of pipe trenches;
(7) Elevations of each floor of the corridor:
(8) Equipment positioning dimensions and support point elevations, and the orientation of the support (lug);
(9) Local lighting and equipment static grounding conditions;(10) Hanging beam positioning dimensions, loads and curvature radius;(11) Crane rail top elevation;
(12) Concentrated loads on the floor (platform). 3.4 "F" version equipment layout drawing stage
3.4.1 Acceptance conditions:
Opinions of various disciplines on the "E" version equipment layout drawing; Pipeline instrument flow chart (P drawing "E" version); Final confirmed equipment drawing;
Final conditions of building and structure;
Pipeline layout drawing (research version).
3.4.2 Proposed conditions:
Equipment basic conditions (supplementary amendments): Support conditions on floors and platforms (supplementary modifications); Equipment loads (supplementary modifications); Provide modification opinions on the piping and instrumentation flow chart for use with the "F" version of the PI diagram; The content shown in the "F" version equipment layout condition diagram is the same as the "E" version, which is limited to supplementing and revising
3.5"G" version equipment layout diagram stage
3.5.1 Acceptance conditions: Piping and instrumentation flow chart (PI diagram\F version): Opinions of various disciplines on the "F" version equipment layout diagram. 3.5.2 Proposing conditions: Modification opinions on the piping and instrumentation flow chart for use with the "G" version of the PI diagram; "G" version equipment layout diagram.
4 Equipment layout professional design quality assurance measures Design conditions
4.1.1 Acceptance conditions The professional person in charge shall remind the professional or department providing the conditions to prepare the conditions 3 to 5 days in advance according to the design schedule, and distribute the conditions to the relevant personnel in a timely manner after receiving them. The professional person in charge shall check all the conditions received, and they must be signed by the reviewer of the professional or department that proposed the conditions. The conditions without review shall be returned to the professional that proposed them. The professional person in charge shall regularly check the received conditions to ensure that the conditions used by the relevant personnel are the latest versions. The professional person in charge shall classify and bind the conditions according to the data management method for easy management and reference. 4.1.2 Proposing conditions
All proposed conditions shall be managed, registered and distributed by the professional person in charge, and the proposed conditions shall be reviewed and signed according to the design
quality assurance requirements. For details, please refer to Section 4.5 "Condition Signing Provisions Table" of this chapter. The person in charge of the discipline shall keep the original manuscript of the conditions proposed by the discipline. 4.2 Engineering Provisions
4.2.1 Acceptance conditions: Commencement report; Basic data for engineering design; User provisions and opinions.
4.2.2 Preparation, review and signing:
The engineering provisions shall be prepared by the person in charge of the layout discipline;
After the preparation of the engineering provisions, they shall be submitted to the chief engineer and the technical management department for review. Technical Management Department
(2) The designers and reviewers shall check the integrity of their design drawings according to the review outline of the layout discipline. After the inspection is qualified, they shall sign in the specified column and indicate the date. If there is no modification in the "F" version of the equipment layout drawing, it is not necessary to sign again. 4.3.6 Each stage of the equipment layout drawing should generally be one stage ahead of the corresponding piping stage. 4.4 Others
4.4.1 When the design reaches a certain stage, if some conditions are still missing, in order not to affect the normal progress of the design work. The designer can refer to similar projects or based on the design experience of this profession and propose conditions to the relevant profession: but it is necessary to clearly draw cloud lines on the proposed conditions and mark "to be determined" or "HOLD". Once the professional person in charge receives the formal conditions from the relevant profession, he shall immediately issue the formal conditions and eliminate the cloud lines and the word "to be determined".
4.4.2 In order to ensure the quality of the modification, the design quality assurance measures shall also be followed when modifying the drawings. Mark the modification mark at the modified place, and at the same time, note the brief description, date and signature of the modified content in the modification column. If there is a special reason for adding editions in the same stage, a serial number can be added after the letter of the stage version to indicate it. Such as A, A..C..C.
4.4.3 In order to ensure the quality of design, a review outline is specially formulated. See Chapter 5 of HG20546.3-92 for reference.
4.4.4 The professional person in charge or the chief engineer shall regularly check the implementation of the design quality assurance measures. During the entire design process, the professional person in charge shall provide guidance frequently to achieve the goal of comprehensively ensuring the quality of design. 4.4.5
4.5 Condition Signature Regulation Table
Condition Name
Equipment Layout Conditions Diagram for Each Stage (Edition)
Equipment Foundation Conditions
Equipment Support Conditions on Floor and Platform
Equipment Load Conditions
Designer Professional Person in Charge Chief Engineer
Equipment Platform Conditions
Equipment on Floor Opening conditions
Equipment hoisting conditions
Ground paving, pit, trench conditions
Noise control conditions
Local lighting and equipment static grounding conditions
Professional person in charge Chief engineer
Equipment layout professional design review outline
5.1 Review principles
Relevant reviewers at all levels are responsible for checking the documents and drawings of this professional design. In order to ensure that the reviewers do not miss any items during the review, they should review each item according to the review points listed in this outline, so as to ensure the quality and integrity of the finished design. Designers can also conduct self-checks according to this outline. 5.1.1 Data required for review
Specifications, standards, design regulations and engineering regulations;
Latest version of equipment layout drawing;
Related design conditions;
5. 1. 1. 5
5. 1. 1. 11
Equipment load plan and equipment load table; Equipment lifting plan;
Chemical process documents (flow chart, instructions, etc.); Pipeline instrument flow charts and pipeline naming tables of various versions; Equipment inquiry version or order version drawings:
Equipment table;
Overall plant plan;
Building and structure forms and beam and column position and size; Boundary conditions (external pipes, water, electricity, steam, instruments, etc.); Equipment elevation and pump net positive suction head (NPSH) table; Pipeline study sketch and stress analysis pipeline empty view and calculation results; 5. 1.1.15
User's opinions and requirements on the equipment layout drawing. 68Designers can refer to similar projects or design experience of this profession to propose conditions to the relevant professions: However, cloud lines must be clearly drawn on the proposed conditions, and the words "pending" or "HOLD" must be marked. Once the professional leader receives the formal conditions from the relevant profession, he shall immediately issue the formal conditions and remove the cloud lines and the words "pending".
4.4.2 In order to ensure the quality of the modification, the design quality assurance measures should also be followed when modifying the drawings. The modification mark should be marked at the modification, and a brief description of the modification content, date and signature should be noted in the modification column. If there are special changes in the same stage, When the reason requires an additional edition, a serial number can be added after the letter of the stage edition. For example, A, A..C..C.
4.4.3 In order to ensure the quality of design, a review outline is specially formulated, see Chapter 5 of HG20546.3-92 for reference.
4.4.4 The professional person in charge or the chief engineer shall regularly check the implementation of the design quality assurance measures. The professional person in charge shall provide guidance frequently during the entire design process to achieve the goal of fully ensuring the quality of design. 4.4.5
4.5 Condition Signature Provisions Table
Condition Name
Each stage ( Equipment layout condition drawing
Equipment foundation conditions
Equipment support conditions on floors and platforms
Equipment load conditions
Designer Professional person in charge Chief engineer
Equipment platform conditions
Equipment opening conditions on floor slabs
Equipment lifting conditions
Ground paving, pit and trench conditions
Noise control conditions
Local lighting and equipment static grounding conditions
Professional person in charge Chief engineer
Designer Outline for review of equipment layout designWww.bzxZ.net
5.1 Review principles
Relevant reviewers at all levels are responsible for checking the documents and drawings of the professional design. In order to ensure that the reviewers do not miss anything during the review, they should review each item according to the review points listed in this outline, so as to ensure the quality and integrity of the finished design. Designers can also conduct self-inspection according to this outline. 5.1.1 Materials required for review
Specifications, standards, design regulations and engineering regulations;
The latest version of the equipment layout drawing;
Related design conditions;
5. 1. 1. 5
5. 1. 1. 11
Equipment load plan, equipment load table; equipment lifting plan;
Chemical process documents (flow chart, instructions, etc.); various versions of pipeline instrument flow charts and pipeline naming tables; equipment inquiry version or order version drawings:
Equipment table;
Overall plant plan;
Building and structure forms and beam and column position dimensions; boundary conditions (external pipes, water, electricity, steam, instruments, etc.); equipment elevation and pump net positive suction head (NPSH) table; pipeline study sketch and stress analysis pipeline empty view and calculation results; 5. 1.1.15
User's opinions and requirements on the equipment layout drawing. 68Designers can refer to similar projects or design experience of this profession to propose conditions to the relevant professions: However, cloud lines must be clearly drawn on the proposed conditions, and the words "pending" or "HOLD" must be marked. Once the professional leader receives the formal conditions from the relevant profession, he shall immediately issue the formal conditions and remove the cloud lines and the words "pending".
4.4.2 In order to ensure the quality of the modification, the design quality assurance measures should also be followed when modifying the drawings. The modification mark should be marked at the modification, and a brief description of the modification content, date and signature should be noted in the modification column. If there are special When the reason requires an additional edition, a serial number can be added after the letter of the stage edition. For example, A, A..C..C.
4.4.3 In order to ensure the quality of design, a review outline is specially formulated, see Chapter 5 of HG20546.3-92 for reference.
4.4.4 The professional person in charge or the chief engineer shall regularly check the implementation of the design quality assurance measures. The professional person in charge shall provide guidance frequently during the entire design process to achieve the goal of fully ensuring the quality of design. 4.4.5
4.5 Condition Signature Provisions Table
Condition Name
Each stage ( Equipment layout condition drawing
Equipment foundation conditions
Equipment support conditions on floors and platforms
Equipment load conditions
Designer Professional person in charge Chief engineer
Equipment platform conditions
Equipment opening conditions on floor slabs
Equipment lifting conditions
Ground paving, pit and trench conditions
Noise control conditions
Local lighting and equipment static grounding conditions
Professional person in charge Chief engineer
Designer Outline for review of professional design for equipment layout
5.1 Review principles
Relevant reviewers at all levels are responsible for checking the documents and drawings of the professional design. In order to ensure that the reviewers do not miss anything during the review, they should review each item according to the review points listed in this outline, so as to ensure the quality and integrity of the finished design. Designers can also conduct self-inspection according to this outline. 5.1.1 Materials required for review
Specifications, standards, design regulations and engineering regulations;
The latest version of the equipment layout drawing;
Related design conditions;
5. 1. 1. 5
5. 1. 1. 11
Equipment load plan, equipment load table; equipment lifting plan;
Chemical process documents (flow chart, instructions, etc.); various versions of pipeline instrument flow charts and pipeline naming tables; equipment inquiry version or order version drawings:
Equipment table;
Overall plant plan;
Building and structure forms and beam and column position dimensions; boundary conditions (external pipes, water, electricity, steam, instruments, etc.); equipment elevation and pump net positive suction head (NPSH) table; pipeline study sketch and stress analysis pipeline empty view and calculation results; 5. 1.1.15
User's opinions and requirements on the equipment layout drawing. 68
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