title>Emergency response guideline for transportation of dangerous goods—Part 3:Rescue distance - GB/T 39652.3-2021 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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Emergency response guideline for transportation of dangerous goods—Part 3:Rescue distance

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 39652.3-2021

Standard Name:Emergency response guideline for transportation of dangerous goods—Part 3:Rescue distance

Chinese Name: 危险货物运输应急救援指南第3部分:救援距离

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release2021-04-30

Date of Implementation:2021-11-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Environmental protection, health care and safety >> 13.300 Dangerous goods protection

Standard Classification Number:Comprehensive>>Marking, packaging, transportation, storage>>A80 Marking, packaging, transportation, storage Comprehensive

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press

Publication date:2021-04-01

other information

drafter:Zhan Shuifen, Jiang Wenxin, Li Yan, Cao Mengran, Chen Zhengcai, Li Yuncai, Wang Jingmin, Chen Sining, Wang Xiaobing, Jiao Chong

Drafting unit:Beijing Sinochem Petroleum and Chemical Industry Small and Medium Enterprise Service Center, Tianjin Dongfang Tairui Technology Co., Ltd., Shandong Qingyuan Group Co., Ltd., Chemical Registration Center of the Ministry of Emergency Management, China

Focal point unit:National Technical Committee on Hazardous Chemicals Management Standardization (SAC/TC 251)

Proposing unit:National Technical Committee on Hazardous Chemicals Management Standardization (SAC/TC 251)

Publishing department:State Administration for Market Regulation National Standardization Administration

Introduction to standards:

GB/T 39652.3-2021.Emergency response guideline for transportation of dangerous goods-Part 3: Rescue distance.
1 Scope
This part of GB/T 39652 specifies the division of initial isolation and protection areas, protection measures and requirements for initial isolation and protection areas in the initial stage of
emergency rescue of dangerous goods. GB/T 39652.3 is applicable to the guidance on the division of rescue distance and protection areas for emergency rescue of dangerous goods transportation.
2 Normative references
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For all dated references, only the dated version applies to this document. For all undated references, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document.
GB 12268 List of Dangerous Goods
GB 12463 General Technical Requirements for Transport Packaging of Dangerous Goods
GB/T 39652.1-2021 Emergency Rescue Guidelines for the Transport of Dangerous Goods Part 1: General Provisions
Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods Model Regulations (United Nations, 19th revised edition)
Emergency Rescue Guidelines for the Transport of Dangerous Goods (ERG) (Canada, the United States, Mexico and Argentina, 2016 edition)
3 Terms and Definitions
Terms and definitions defined in GB 12268, GB 12463, GB/T 39652.1, "Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods Model Regulations" and "Emergency Rescue Guidelines for the Transport of Dangerous Goods (ERG)" apply to this document. For ease of use, some terms and definitions are repeated below.
rescue distance
The safe distance recommended to protect personnel from contact with toxic gases produced by the leakage of toxic substances.
Note: The rescue distance includes the initial isolation distance and the protection distance.
initial isolation distance
The safe distance for all personnel to evacuate from the source of dangerous substance leakage.
Note: This distance is defined as the radius from any point in a circle (the periphery of the initial isolation area) to the center of the leakage source. When the personnel in the circle are upwind of the leakage source, they may be in danger; and when they are downwind of the leakage source, their lives may be endangered.
This part specifies the division of initial isolation areas and protection areas in the initial stage of emergency rescue of dangerous goods, and the protection measures and requirements for initial isolation areas and protection areas. This part applies to the guidance on the division of rescue distances and protection areas for emergency rescue of dangerous goods transportation.

Some standard content:

National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Emergency response guideline for transportation of dangerous goods-Part 3:Rescue distance
Published on April 30, 2021
State Administration for Market Regulation
National Administration of Standardization
Implementation on November 1, 2021
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Division of initial isolation area and anti-expansion area
5 Protection measures and requirements for initial isolation area and protection area Appendix B (Informative Appendix) Initial Isolation Distance and Protection Distance Table for Dangerous Goods of Different Categories and Hazardous Characteristics Appendix C (Informative Appendix) Initial Isolation Distance and Protection Distance Table for Several Common Inhalation Toxic Substances References
GB/T39652 "Guidelines for Emergency Rescue in the Transport of Dangerous Goods" is divided into 4 parts: Part 1: General Provisions:
Part 2: Emergency Guidelines;
-Part 3: Rescue Distance:
-Part 1: List of Substances that Produce Toxic Gases When in Contact with Water. This part is Part 3 of GB/T39652. This part was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.12009. GB/T39652.3—2021
This part was proposed and coordinated by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Hazardous Chemicals Management (SAC/TC251). The drafting units of this part are: Beijing Sinochem Petroleum and Chemical Small and Medium Enterprises Service Center, Tianjin Oriental Tairui Technology Co., Ltd., Shandong Qingyuan Group Co., Ltd., Chemical Registration Center of the Ministry of Emergency Management, China Institute of Work Safety Science and Technology, China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation, Tianjin Water Transport Engineering Science Research Institute of the Ministry of Transport, and China Chemical Economic and Technological Development Center. The main drafters of this part are: Zhan Shuifen, Jiang Wenxin, Li Yan, Cao Mengran, Chen Zhengcai, Li Yuncai, Wang Jingmin, Chen Sining, Wang Xiaobing, and Jiao Chong. rrKaeerkAca-
1 Scope
Guidelines for emergency rescue in the transport of dangerous goods
Part 3: Rescue distance
This part of GB3/T39652 stipulates the division of initial isolation and protection zones, initial isolation and anti-expansion measures and requirements for the initial isolation and anti-expansion zones in the initial stage of emergency rescue of dangerous goods in factories
This part applies to the guidance on the division of rescue distances and protection zones for emergency rescue in the transport of dangerous goods. 2 Normative referenced documents
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For all referenced documents with Note II, only the version with Note II applies to this document. For any undated referenced parts, the latest version (including all amendments) shall apply to this document GB12268 List of Dangerous Goods
G12463 General Technical Requirements for Dangerous Goods Transport Packaging G3/T39652.12021 Emergency Rescue Guide for the Transport of Dangerous Goods Part 1: General Provisions Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods Model Regulations (United Nations, 19th revised edition) Emergency Rescue Guidelines for the Transport of Dangerous Goods (ERG) (Co-edited by Canada, Mexico and Argentina, 2016 edition) 3 Terms and Definitions
The terms and definitions defined in GB12268, GB12463, GB/T39652.1 and "Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods - Model Regulations" and "Emergency Rescue Guidelines for the Transport of Dangerous Goods (ERG)" shall apply to this document. For ease of use, some terms and definitions are listed repeatedly below.
rescue distance
rescue distance
safety distance recommended for protecting personnel from exposure to toxic gases produced by the leakage of toxic substances. Note: The rescue distance includes the initial isolation distance and the protective distance. 3.2
initial isolation distance initial isolation distance safe distance for all personnel to evacuate from the source of dangerous substance leakage. Note: This distance is defined as half the distance from any point on a circle (outer periphery of the initial isolation zone) to the center of the leakage source. When the personnel in the circle are upwind of the leakage source, they may be in danger; and when they are downwind of the leakage source, their lives may be endangered. 3.3
protective distance protective distance
the distance downwind of the source of dangerous substance leakage at which protective measures are taken for the health and safety of emergency rescue personnel and the public. 3.4
initial isolation zoneinitialisolationzoneA circular area centered on the leakage source1
GB/T 39652.3—2021
Protection areaprolectionarea
Downwind direction from the accident: the area where personnel cannot implement protective actions due to loss of ability and may cause serious or irreversible health hazards and prevent expansion measures are taken
The process of all personnel moving from the danger zone to the safe zone Note: In the case of sufficient time, evacuation is sufficient, the best protective measure3.7
hidden on the spot
Shelter on the spot
The process of personnel finding and using this expansion place and hiding until the danger is over. 3.8
Public gathering places public gathering occupancy The general term for all public buildings and their facilities that are used for work, study, economy, culture, social interaction, entertainment, sports, visits, medical treatment, hygiene, rest, tourism, etc. Note: Such as hotels, hotels, shopping malls, markets, passenger station waiting rooms, passenger terminal waiting rooms, civil supply terminals, stadiums, party public entertainment places, and other places with the same or similar functions as the listed places. 3.9
assembly occupancy
Places with dense crowds
Places where a large number of people gather at the same time in public gathering places Note: Such as hospital outpatient buildings, ward buildings, school teaching buildings, libraries, canteens, collective dormitories, nursing homes, nurseries, public library reading rooms, public exhibition halls, production and processing workshops and collective dormitories of employees in labor-intensive enterprises, tourism and religious activity places, etc. 3.10
Inhalation toxic substances Gases or volatile liquids that are toxic to humans through inhalation. Note: This includes gases or volatile liquids that are known to be harmful to humans and threaten health during diffusion; or substances that are unknown to human health but whose average lethal concentration reaches 5000ml./m° or less according to test results. 4 Division of initial isolation and protection areas
4.1 General requirements
In the initial rescue stage, emergency rescue personnel should divide the initial isolation area and protection area. The division procedure is as follows: first confirm the hazardous characteristics of the leaked material, then analyze the properties of the leaked material (including inhalable reactivity, non-inhalable reactivity and reaction to water, etc.) and the accident site conditions (including the amount of hazardous material leaked, the time period when the accident occurred, the packaging container, whether there was a fire, etc.). Next, determine the initial isolation distance and protection distance by referring to the initial isolation distance and protection distance table, and consider whether there are special factors at the accident site that affect the determination of the initial isolation distance and protection distance (see 1.1 and 1.5). Finally, delineate the initial isolation area and protection area. The initial isolation area and protection area division process is shown in Figure 1.
Common inhalation toxic substances
4.2 Principles for initial isolation zone division
Confirm the hazard of the leaked substance
Analyze the toxicity of the leaked substance
Analyze the on-site conditions of the incident
Determine the initial isolation distance
and the protection distance
Delineate the initial isolation zone and protection zone
GB/T 39652.3—2021
If there are special factors, the distance needs to be corrected
Figure 1 Flowchart of the division of initial isolation zone and protection zone The division of initial isolation zone should be determined according to the leakage source and the initial isolation distance. The scope of the initial isolation zone is a circular area with the leakage center point as the center and the initial isolation distance as the radius. See Figure 2 for a schematic diagram of the initial isolation zone. In the initial isolation zone, all public members should evacuate (protective clothing and respiratory protection devices are required in this area). People should evacuate the accident area in accordance with the minimum distance specified in the initial isolation distance table and in the direction consistent with the wind direction (crosswind), away from the leakage point. Initial isolation area
Initial isolation height
Leakage center
Schematic diagram of initial isolation area
Principles of protection area division
The division of anti-expansion area should be determined according to the leakage source and the anti-expansion distance: the anti-expansion area is a square area with the anti-expansion distance as the side length in the downwind direction of the leakage source.
This area is the area where people are exposed to the risk environment and need to take protective measures. People in this area should evacuate or take shelter on the spot. See Figure 3 for a schematic diagram of the protection area.
Initial isolation area
Protection area
Leakage center
Downwind distance
Figure 3 Schematic diagram of protection area
4.4 Determination of protection distance when the leaked substance is an inhalation toxic substance 1/2 downwind distance
1/2 downwind distance
·In the case of shares, the initial isolation distance is determined based on the name of the leaked hazardous goods, the amount of leakage, and the time period of the accident, see Risk Appendix A.
4.4.2 When a container containing goods leaks instantaneously, the initial isolation distance can be increased by 100% based on the value specified in Appendix A. 4.4.3 When a vehicle or container explodes or catches fire, the protection distance should be considered as a fire hazard distance. For fire hazard distances, see Appendix B.
4.4.4 When multiple tank trucks containing inhalable toxic substances leak, the protection distance shall be selected with reference to the values ​​under the item of large-scale leakage in Appendix A, but shall be determined after evaluation in combination with the on-site conditions. 4.4.5 When the protection distance for inhalable toxic substances given in Appendix A is greater than 1 km, the protection distance shall be evaluated and determined based on the actual on-site conditions and in combination with the following situations: a) There is a vortex of leaked vapor in the canyon or between high-rise buildings; b) The leak occurs in the daytime and in an area with strong backflow and snow accumulation or at the time of dusk; c) The temperature of the liquid of the leaked inhalable toxic substances or the outdoor temperature exceeds 30°C. 4.5 Determination of the protection distance for the leaked substance that produces inhalable toxic substances when it reacts with water 4.5.1 For the leaked substance that can produce different inhalable substances when it reacts with water, when it is difficult to determine whether the leak occurs in water or on land, or the leak may occur in water and on land, the longer protection distance shall be selected. 4.5.2 When the leaked material that reacts with water and produces inhalable toxic substances flows into a river or ditch, the leakage source moves with the water flow and the extended protection distance should be determined according to the movement of the leakage source. 4.5.3 When the leaked material that reacts with water and produces inhalable toxic substances is subjected to severe weather conditions such as heavy rain (snow), the protection distance shall be determined after re-evaluation based on the on-site situation.
4.6 Determination of initial isolation distance and protection distance of dangerous goods of different categories and dangerous characteristics The minimum initial isolation distance and protection distance of dangerous goods of different categories and dangerous characteristics listed under the heading of Guidance, as well as the fire hazard distance of storage tanks, rail vehicles or road tankers, refer to Appendix B. 4.7 Precautions
The actual situation of dangerous goods transportation accidents is complicated. The diffusion speed of pollutants and the scope of impact are closely related to factors such as surrounding terrain, forests, building distribution and weather conditions. The initial isolation distance and protection distance listed in this section may not meet the actual situation of all accidents. The professional emergency rescue personnel at the scene of the incident shall make adjustments to meet the actual needs based on the specific situation of the incident and the analysis of relevant influencing factors.
5 Protection measures and requirements for initial isolation and protection areas 5.1 General requirements
Emergency commanders, rescuers, and monitoring personnel in the initial isolation area shall wear appropriate protective clothing and use respiratory protection equipment. 5.2 Protection measures for initial isolation areas
5.2.1 Emergency commanders shall organize people to evacuate the initial isolation area along the crosswind direction. 5.2.2 When evacuating people from public gathering places and crowded places, the emergency evacuation plan of the place or area shall be combined. 5.3 Protection measures for protected areas
5.3.1 When conditions permit, emergency commanders should first organize the evacuation of the crowd. When evacuation is dangerous or it is impossible to take evacuation measures, they should take shelter on the spot
5.3.2 When evacuating or taking shelter on the spot, regardless of the situation, emergency commanders should inform the public in time and provide guidance. 5.4 Evacuation requirements
Evacuation personnel should comply with the following requirements:
a) Before implementing the evacuation, there should be enough time for the public to call the police and inform the public so that they can prepare for the evacuation; h)
The crowd closest to the accident site and the outdoor crowd who can directly see the accident site should be evacuated first; c)
If the rescue personnel As the rescue force increases, the evacuation area should be further expanded to the downwind and cross-wind areas of the leakage source to ensure that the evacuees do not need to move even if the wind direction changes; d) Public gathering is strictly prohibited during evacuation and dispersal: 5.5 Requirements for sheltering on the spot
Sheltering on the spot should comply with the following requirements:
a) Prioritize buildings with closed doors and windows as shelters; if there are means of transportation nearby and the doors and windows are well closed, they can be used for short-term special shelter after turning off the ventilation system;
After approaching the shelter point, all doors and windows of the building should be closed immediately, all ventilation, cooling and heating systems should be shut down, and stay away from windows: c)
Keep in touch with information outside the shelter at any time. 5.6 Situations where it is not suitable to take shelter-on-the-spot measures In the following situations, it is not suitable to take shelter-on-the-spot measures: a) The accident leaked material is flammable gas; b) The leaked gas dissipates slowly in the local area and takes a long time; the doors and windows of the building cannot be closed tightly. 5.7 Evaluation of the effectiveness of evacuation and shelter-on-the-spot measures 5.7.1 Before making a decision to evacuate or shelter-on-the-spot, an evaluation should be conducted on the effectiveness of evacuation and shelter-on-the-spot measures. 5.7.2 Evaluation factors mainly include dangerous goods, endangered groups and meteorological conditions; a) Dangerous goods factors, including the degree of hazard to health, physical and chemical properties, quantity, release volume and control degree, and gas diffusion rate, should be considered:
b) Endangered group factors, including the location and total number of endangered groups, the time available for evacuation or sheltering, the ability to control evacuation or sheltering on the spot, building types and availability, special institutions or groups (such as rescue stations, hospitals and prisons, etc.); Meteorological conditions factors, including the impact of meteorological conditions on the diffusion of leaked vapor and mist, the possibility of meteorological changes and the impact on evacuation or sheltering on the spot, etc.
Appendix A
(Informative Appendix)
Initial isolation distance and protective distance table for inhaled toxic substancesInitial isolation distance and protective distance table for inhaled toxic substancesSee Table A.1Table A.1
Anhydrous ammoniabzxZ.net
Chinese name
Trifluoride test
Compressed oxidation
Ethylene oxide or nitrogen-containing ethylene oxide
Compressed gas
Anhydrous hydrogen bromide
Anhydrous xenon chloride
Hydrogen monoxide (when used as a weapon)
Hydrogen fluoride, stable
Anhydrous ammonium fluoride
Hydrogen sulfide
Anhydrous methyl mercaptan
Nitrogen tetraoxide (nitrogen oxide)
Nitrous chloride
Table of initial isolation distance and protective distance for inhaled toxic substances
English name
Ammonis, anhydrous
Boron Trifluoride
Carbon monoxide.compressed
Eihylenc oxidet or Eihylene oxieewithNitrogen
Hydrogen hromide.anhydrous
Hydrogen chlaride+enhyrlrousA(when used as a wtpon)
Hydrogen cyanide.stabilize
Hydrogen fluoride, anhydrousHydrogen sulphide
Methylamine anlydrous
Methyl bronicle
Dinitrogentetroxide (Nitrogendioxitle)
Nitrosyl thloride
Prevention and control distance
GB/T 39652.3—2021
Large leakage
Protective distance
Appendix C of Henan Examination
Appendix C of Tolerance Examination
Reference Appendix C
Reference Appendix C
Reference Appendix
GB/T 39652.3—2021
Chinese Name
Phosgene (when used as a weapon)
Diphosgene (when used as a weapon) Sichuan time)
sulfur oxide
trichloroethylene, stable
acrolein, stable
allyl alcohol
2-chloroethanol| |tt||Butenal, or butenal stabilized
Methylchlorosilane (Shanpu to water
Asymmetric trimethyl
Ethyl chloroformate||t t||Ethyldichlorosilane (leaked into water
Ethylamine, stable
Ethyltrichlorosilane (when leaked into water
)||tt ||Methyl chloroformate
Methyldichlorosilane (when dissolved in water)
Methyl chloroformate
CG (when leaking into water) used as a weapon)
DP(when used as a weapon)
Sulphur dioxide
Trifluorochloroethylene stabilizedArrolein,stabilizrd
Allyl alcohol|| tt||Ethylene chlorolhydrin
Crotonaldehyde: or Crotonaldehyde,stabilized
Dimerhylrlichlorasilane(when spillexlin water)
Dimethylhydrazine. (when spilled in wa.ter)
Fahyltrichlarosilane( when spilled inWater)
Methyl ehloroformate
Methyl chloromethyl ether
Methyldichlorosilane ( when spilled in water)
Methylrichlorosilenc ( when spilled in water)
Less diarrhea rat
Anti-expansion distance
Da Lan leakage
Protection distance
Refer to Appendix (
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