title>HG/T 2476-1993 Specifications for the quality classification of aluminum railway tank cars - HG/T 2476-1993 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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HG/T 2476-1993 Specifications for the quality classification of aluminum railway tank cars

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG/T 2476-1993

Standard Name: Specifications for the quality classification of aluminum railway tank cars

Chinese Name: 铝制铁道罐车质量分等细则

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)


Date of Release1993-06-30

Date of Implementation:1994-01-01

Date of Expiration:2004-08-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Chemical Industry>>Chemical Machinery and Equipment>>G93 Chemical Equipment

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HG/T 2476-1993 Quality classification of aluminum railway tank cars HG/T2476-1993 standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Detailed Rules for the Quality Classification of Aluminum Railway Tank Cars
Published on 1993-06-30
Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China
Implementation on 1994-01-01
Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Detailed Rules for the Quality Classification of Aluminum Railway Tank Cars
1 Subject Content and Scope of Application
This standard specifies the detailed rules for the quality classification of aluminum railway tank cars. HG/T2476-93
This standard applies to aluminum railway cars with a standard track gauge of 1435mm for transporting concentrated nitric acid, glacial acetic acid, ethylene glycol, hydrogen peroxide and similar media.
Referenced standards
HG/T2388 General rules for quality classification of steel welded pressure vessels GB10479 Technical conditions for aluminum railway cars
TB1532 General technical conditions for tank cars
3 Basic requirements for product quality classification
3.1 This standard is the basis for quality inspection by enterprise quality inspection departments, and can also be used by national and departmental quality supervision and inspection agencies for product quality supervision and random inspection or quality inspection.
3.2 The categories and levels of product quality characteristics shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 4 of HG/T2388. 3.3 Product quality grade assessment shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 5 of HG/T2388. 3.4 When conducting quality inspection on products, the inspected party shall submit relevant information on the inspected products and provide all technical documents and quality management documents of the selected products according to the requirements of the inspecting party. 3.5 Inspection of parts and components that can be performed on products should be performed on the products to be inspected. Otherwise, parts and components equivalent to the number of products to be inspected should be taken from the products to be inspected.
Classification rules
4.1 The material part shall comply with the provisions of Table 1. 4.2 The welding part shall comply with the provisions of Table 2
4.3 The tank assembly part shall comply with the provisions of Table 3. 4.4 The machining part shall comply with the provisions of Table 4. 4.5 The performance test part shall comply with the provisions of Table 5. 4.6 The assembly part of the tank truck shall comply with the provisions of Table 6. 4.7 The paint, nameplate and factory technical documents shall comply with the provisions of Table 7. Approved by the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China on June 30, 1993, and implemented on January 1, 1994. Quality characteristics Name of Manhole neck 1.4 Manhole flange Manhole cover 1.6 Welding materials (welding wire, protective gas Quality characteristics Category HG/T247693 Table 1 Material Quality characteristics Index (1) Reach b grade (2) Before feeding, appearance should be checked (1) Reach e grade (2) Have ordering instructions (1) Comply with welding process and relevant standards (2) Have traceability Traceable material certificate
The material (including substitution) complies with the drawing
and GB10479,
and its control certificate
(including marking) is traceable
(1)Complies with the welding
process and the corresponding
standard requirements
(2)With material
inspection method
verification certificate
inspection result
assessment result
Quality characteristicWww.bzxZ.net
2.1 Welder qualification
2.2 Welder mark
2.3 Welding process
2.4 Product welding
||2.5 Welded joints
Internal quality
2.6 Butt welds
2.7 Butt welds
Quality characteristics
Table 2 Welding
Quality characteristics
The welding of the end body must be undertaken by welders who have passed the examination and hold valid certificates
Main component welds have welder markings and welding location diagrams that comply with GB10479
Have complete welding procedure assessment
Main welds have welding procedure assessments that comply with the provisions of GB10479
The production of product welding test plates and performance reports comply with the provisions of GB10479 and have traceability certificates (1) The results of nondestructive testing of butt welds shall comply with the drawings and GB10479. (2) The number of repairs for the same part shall not exceed one. (3) The rate of grade 1 pieces of radiographic testing of butt welds shall not be less than 90%
(1) Reinforcement height 0~5
(1) The result of flaw detection of butt weld without
defect is in accordance with
(2) The number of times of repair of the same part is in accordance with
(3) The number of pieces of radiographic flaw detection of butt weld is calculated as 1 Grade rate is not less than 60% (4) One-time flaw detection qualification rate is not less than (1) Reinforcement height 0~5 (2) The same weld (2) The same weld Reinforcement height difference is not greater than Reinforcement height difference is not greater than (1) Butt weld Nondestructive testing results conform to the drawings and GB10479 (2) The number of repairs for the same part conforms to the provisions of GB10479 Reinforcement height 0~5 (1) The width difference of the same weld is not greater than 5 (2) The width difference of the same type of weld is not greater than 8 Inspection method Check the certificate of conformity and welder file ||α- Check the inspection record
6. Check the welder's
Check the welder's
technical evaluation data
Check the certificate
Check the original
flaw data and bottom
, and
conduct random inspection (600~
900 original
Weld joint detector
Weld joint detector
Inspection result
Evaluation result
Quality characteristic
2.8 Fillet weld quality
2.9 Weld appearance
2.1d Weld undercut
2.1 Nondestructive testing
Marking documents
2.12 Tank weld||tt ||Welding record
Quality characteristics
Continued Table 2
Quality characteristics index
(1)Weld leg size
Conform to the drawing and
(2)When the weld leg size
is less than or equal to
12, The positive deviation is 5.5. When the weld leg size is greater than 12, the positive deviation is 6. (1) The weld surface shall not have rough weld waves, grooves, overlaps, abrupt protrusions and depressions. (2) The weld surface and the heat-affected zone shall not have cracks. The longitudinal circumferential weld of the tank body shall have no undercut, and its (1) weld leg size shall comply with the drawing and GB10479. (2) When the weld leg size is less than or equal to 12, the positive deviation is 6. When the weld leg size is greater than 12, The positive deviation is 6.5 (1) The size of the weld leg conforms to the drawing and GB10479 (2) When the size of the weld leg is less than or equal to 12, the positive deviation is 6.5. When the size of the weld leg is greater than 12, the positive deviation is? The weld surface and heat affected zone shall not have defects such as cracks and overburning, which conforms to the drawing and the undercut depth shall not be greater than 0.5. The continuous undercut length of GB10479 reaches grade b and is not more than 80, and the cumulative length is not more than 8% of the weld length. (1) The non-destructive testing certificate complies with the relevant standards. (2) The non-destructive testing marked part diagram complies with the requirements of the welding procedure specification and is complete and accurate. Note: The same type of welds refers to welds with the same groove type, size and welding method. ·4·
Inspection method
Special measuring tool
Steel tape measure
Special measuring tool
Verification certificate
Verification record
Evaluation result
Inspection result stone
Quality characteristic name
The largest and smallest straight lines on the same section of the shell
3.2 Straight lines of the shell
3.3 Welding seam arrangement
3.4 ​​Misalignment of longitudinal welds
3.5 Misalignment of girth welds of the shell
3.6 Misalignment of girth welds of the butt joint between the head and the shell |tt||Amount of misalignment
3.7 Simplified butt joint
At longitudinal weld
3.8 Simplified butt joint
At circumferential weld
Quality characteristic
Property category
Table 3 Tank assembly
Quality characteristic index
≤1.5%Dg and not more than 30
Conform to the drawing and the requirements of GB10479
0.09S and not
More than 1.5
And not more than 3
And not more than 4.5
Note: S is the standard plate thickness in the drawing.
≤0.09S and not
greater than 2
and not greater than 4
and not greater than 4.7
≤0.10S and not
greater than 2
and not greater than 5
months not greater than 5
≤0.1S+3| |tt||Inspection method
Casing ruler
Wire ruler
Special measuring tool
Steel tape measure
Special measuring tool
Special measuring tool
Use a sample with a chord length equal to
Special inspection ruler
(length not less than
Evaluation result
Inspection result| |tt||Quality characteristic
Simplified, measured thickness of head
Head diameter
and minimum straight
3.12Head full height
Head surface
Straight edge of head
Longitudinal wrinkles
3.15Opening of tank
Compressed air
The distance from the center of the inlet to the center of the manhole
Quality characteristic
Continued Table 3
Quality characteristic index
Not less than the design thickness (i.e. the calculated thickness plus the corrosion allowance) in accordance with the requirements of the drawings and GB10479
Conform to the requirements of the drawing and GB10479
Not more than 1.5
Not more than 2
Conform to the requirements of the drawing and GB10479
Inspection method
Thickness gauge
Measure with a ruler
Outer circumference
Converted diameter
Casing ruler
Steel ruler
Steel tape measure
Steel ruler
Special measuring tool
Pot tape measure
Evaluation result
Inspection result Excellent
Small qualified
Connect according to 2 items
Quality characteristics
Name of characteristics
Connecting flange
Center line to
Compressed air
Inlet center||t t||3.18 Distance from manhole flange
to magnet
Liquid outlet pipe method
Distance from flange surface to tank
Compressed air
Inlet flange
Surface to tank
Flange screw hole
Length of cylinder
Outer circle of cylinder
Perimeter tolerance
Surface of tank
Mechanical damage
Surface of tank
Quality characteristic
Characteristic category
Continued table 3
Quality characteristic index
Conform to the requirements of drawings and GB10479
Conform to the requirements of drawings and GB10479
Contact medium surfaceContact medium surface depthContact medium surface depth is not more than
Degree is not more than 4.5%Depth is not more than
4%S, non-contact
s, non-contact medium 5%s, non-contact
Surface depth is not more than medium surface depth
Medium surface depth
Not more than 7%S
Conforms to the provisions of GB10479
Not more than 8%S
Evaluation result
Inspection methodInspection resultExcellent
Steel tape measure
Flat ruler
Steel tape measure
Quality characteristic
Manhole flange
And cover flange
Thickness deviation
Liquid outlet pipe method||tt| |Flange and cover method
Flange thickness deviation
Compressed air
Inlet flange
And cover flange
Thickness deviation
Taking over flange
And cover flange
Thickness deviation
Manhole flange
And cover flange
Screw hole center
Circular diameter deviation
Entry flange
And cover flange
Adjacent two screw
Hole chord length deviation
Manhole flange
And cover flange
Any two screws
Hole chord length deviation
Flange sealing
Surface quality
Quality characteristics
Characteristics category
Machining| |tt||Quality characteristics
Conform to the requirements of the drawing and GB10479
When Dg≤500, it is ±1
When Dg>500, it is ±1, 5
Conform to the drawingNone
Conform to the drawingNone
Radial scratches
Conform to the drawingNone
Radial penetration scratches
Inspection method
Evaluation result
Face inspection resultExcellent
Grade-level curtain
Quality characteristics
Strength test
Air tightness test
Quality characteristics
Tanker chassis
Same steering
Frame side bearings||tt| |Thin pads
Contact gap with media
Deflection of tank bottom
Quality category
Quality characteristic
Quality category
Table 5 Performance test
Quality characteristic index
(1)Conform to the drawing
and GB10479
One test
Conform to the drawing and GB10479
Assembly of the car
Quality characteristic index
Conform to the drawing and GB10479
Not more than 0.5, check with a 0.5 feeler gauge. The insertion depth shall not exceed 20
and C+C is between 10~16
One third of the area of ​​the pad must be in close contact with the body, and the remaining local gaps are not greater than 1, and individual gaps are not greater than 2 downward 0~12
Inspection method
Verification certificate
Evaluation result
Inspection result is excellent
Grade grade
Evaluation result
Inspection result is excellent
Inspection method
Check resume
or inspection certificate
Check inspection record
Special measuring tool
Quality characteristic
Contact between cassette and can
Body||t t||Upper saddle and lower
saddle contact surface
tank body center
line and chassis
center line
longitudinal offset
tank body longitudinal
center plumb
surface and chassis center line
coincidence deviation
magnetic car assembly
outline dimensions
quality characteristic
tank body interior
rust removal paint
and mechanical processing
tank car marking
7.5factory documents
quality characteristic
|Quality characteristics
Continued Table 6
Quality characteristics index
No more than 1 between parts, no more than 100 in length, and no more than 3 places for each tape
After tightening with bolts, check with a 0.5 feeler gauge and do not touch the bolt rod
No more than 15
Conform to the drawings and GB10479
Paint, nameplate and factory documents
Quality characteristics index
No water accumulation and residual debris
(1)Conform to the drawings and GB10479
(2)Steel machined surface is oiled for rust prevention
(3) The surface is smooth, the color is uniform and beautiful
Conforms to the drawing and the requirements of GB10479
The position and content conform to the drawing and the requirements of GB10479Conforms to the requirements of GB10479
Inspection method
Special measuring ruler
Verification record
Inspection method
Verification of the actual object
Evaluation result
Inspection result
Evaluation result
Inspection result
5 Product quality inspection summary table
The product quality inspection summary table should be filled in Table 8 and should comply with the requirements of Article B3.5 of HG/T2388. Table 8 Summary of product quality inspection
Quality characteristics
Product quality grade assessment
In actual inspection items
Qualified grade
Product number:
Excellent grade+
Qualified grade
Use the data in Table 8 to compare with Table 3 in HG/T2388 to assess the product quality grade and fill in Table 9. The format should comply with the provisions of HG/T2388.
Manufacturer name
Product name
Product model
Product number
Completion date
Grade assessment of this product
Table 9 Results of product quality grade assessment
Product drawing number
Factory number
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