This standard specifies the technical requirements and quality assessment procedures for microcircuit modules. This standard applies to the development, production and procurement of modules. GB/T 15431-1995 Microcircuit Module General Specification GB/T15431-1995 Standard download decompression password:
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National Standard of the People's Republic of China Generic specification for microcircult modules 1 Main content and scope of application 1.1 Subject content This standard specifies the technical requirements and quality assessment procedures for microcircuit modules (hereinafter referred to as modules). 1.2 Scope of application This standard applies to the development, production and procurement of modules. 2 Reference standards GB3100 International system of units and its application GB3431.1 Semiconductor integrated circuit symbols Electrical parameter symbols GB9178 Circuit terminology GB/T15297 Microcircuit module Mechanical and climatic test methods IEC410 Counting inspection Bundle sampling plan and procedure IS02015 Weekly numbering 3 Terms, units and symbols 3.1 Terms Terms should be selected from the following documents as much as possible: GB 9178 GB/T 154311995 3.1.1 Microcircuit module microcircuitmodule A microcircuit component or a microcircuit and discrete components component. This component is designed and manufactured to realize one or more electronic circuit functions, and its structure is considered to be inseparable in the test, sales and maintenance specified in the specification. Note: The microcircuit and discrete components that make up the micro-pedal module can be tested and screened separately before assembly and packaging. 3.2 Units and symbols Units and symbols should be selected from the following documents as much as possible: GB3100 GB 3431.1 When any other units and symbols are required, they should be derived according to the principles of the above-listed documents. 4 Requirements 4.1 Detailed specifications The requirements of various modules shall comply with the provisions of this specification and the relevant detailed specifications. The detailed specifications may introduce some additional tests or inspection schemes that are more stringent than the conditions specified in this specification. If the requirements of this specification conflict with the detailed specifications, the detailed specifications shall prevail. 4.2 Preferred values of temperature The relevant temperatures should be selected from the following values in priority. —65,-55,—40,—25,—10,0,25,40,45;55,60,70.85,100,125,150,175,200℃. 4.3 Inspection lot The inspection lot shall consist of all modules of the same model submitted for quality consistency inspection at any time. 4.4 Structural similarity Under consideration. 4.5 Qualification Modules provided in accordance with this specification shall be qualified (see 5.3). 4.6 Materials, components The materials and components used in the production of modules shall comply with the provisions of relevant documents. 4.7 Design and structure The module shall comply with the design, structure and external dimensions requirements specified in this specification and relevant specifications. Detailed external drawings shall be given in the detailed specifications. 4.7.1 Electrical requirements When required by the detailed specification, the module shall be subjected to an iodine treatment in accordance with the following procedure. The pretreatment shall be completed before the electrical test at 25°C. The module shall be subjected to 3 complete temperature cycles in non-operating conditions. Each cycle includes a low temperature (TT..) and a high temperature a. (7Tm). The exposure time in each temperature depends on the temperature time constant of the module and shall be at least 15 minutes after the module reaches thermal equilibrium. The switching time between two temperatures shall be less than 3 minutes. The cycle may be started at any temperature. b. After the temperature cycle is completed, the module shall meet the initial electrical characteristics requirements specified in the detailed specification. 4.7.2 Mechanical robustness requirements After the mechanical robustness test, the module shall be able to meet the requirements specified in the relevant detailed specification without any reduction in mechanical properties. 4.7.3 Thermal requirements The module can meet the thermal requirements specified in the detailed specification and relevant specifications. The module should be able to operate at the maximum operating temperature specified in the detailed specifications without exceeding the maximum operating temperature of any single microcircuit and component in the module. 4.7.4 Packaging material requirements When selecting the module packaging material, the performance requirements of the module such as heat dissipation, anti-electromagnetic interference, flame retardancy and thermal matching between materials should be considered, and specified in the relevant documents. 4.8 Environmental requirements After the module is subjected to environmental testing, it should be able to meet the requirements specified in the relevant detailed specifications. The environmental test method should be in accordance with the provisions of GB/T15297. The test methods not specified in GB/T15297 should be specified in the detailed specifications. 4.9 Marking a. The marking on the module should include the following items. (1) Identification mark of the terminal, (2) Model; (3) Name or trademark of the manufacturing unit; (4) Inspection batch identification code; (5) Special marks when applicable. If all the above marks cannot be marked due to size limitations, the detailed specification shall specify the minimum items in the above order. GB/T 15431—1995 b, the markings on the initial packaging shall include the following: (1) All the markings listed in 1.9a except the terminal markings (2) Detailed specification number: (3) Special precautions, such as "static sensitive mark, etc. 4.9.1 Terminal identification marking The detailed specification shall specify the location of the terminal in the appearance drawing or base drawing. 4.9.2 Model The module model shall be specified in the detailed specification, including the variety code, parameter classification, temperature range, etc. 4.9.3 Manufacturer's name or trademark It should be easy to trace the manufacturer of the module based on the markings. 4.9.4 Inspection batch identification code The inspection batch identification code is represented by the week number specified in ISO2015 standard plus the last two digits of the year (for example: 9204 represents 1992 Week 4 of the year). The date of determination of the code is the date when the batch is submitted for inspection. 5 Quality Assessment Procedure 5.1 Inspection Responsibility Unless otherwise specified, the manufacturing unit shall be responsible for performing all tests and inspections specified in this specification and relevant detailed specifications. 5.2 Inspection Classification The inspections specified in this specification are divided into: a. Identification inspection; Quality consistency inspection 5.3 Identification Inspection Identification inspection shall be carried out in a laboratory approved by the competent authority. Identification inspection shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Table 1 and relevant detailed specifications. 5. 3.1 Inspection Procedure During identification, the module shall be subjected to the tests specified in Table 1 of this specification and relevant detailed specifications. Except for the test items that allow the use of modules with unqualified electrical characteristics as samples, all modules subjected to the test shall first pass pretreatment and electrical characteristics testing. Then the samples that have passed the inspection of group 0 shall be divided into groups 1~~5 5.3.2 Sampling The samples for identification shall be the qualified modules after pretreatment. The samples shall be randomly selected from the submitted identification inspection batch. When identification is carried out between several modules of the same model included in the same detailed specification, the identification inspection batch shall be composed of the modules with the highest specifications among those submitted for identification. 5. 3.3 Qualification criteria After the identification inspection, only when all the inspections can meet the requirements of Table 1, the identification inspection is considered qualified: Table 1 Identification inspection Inspection or test 01 Grouping External monthly inspection 02 Grouping Reference standard GB/T 152971.1. 2.1 GH/1 15297 Inspection requirements Standard value As per detailed specification: 10 As per detailed specification 3 Group Inspection or test Static and dynamic electrical characteristics at 25°C 04 Group GB/T 15431-1995 Continued Table 1 Reference standard As per detailed specification This specification 6.1 As per detailed specification Main static characteristics at the highest and lowest working temperatures This specification 6.1 state or dynamic electrical characteristics 1 group! Solderability Lead strength: Marking durability Flammability (when applicable》 Resistance to soldering heat Rapid temperature change Steady-state damp heat" Final measurement Wrenching or impact Steady-state acceleration Final measurement Low-temperature storage Storage at commercial temperature Final measurement Electrical durability (500h) Final measurement CB/T 15297 4, 2. 3 GB/T 15297 4. 2. 1 GB/T 15297 4.2.2 GB/R 15297 4.4.2 GH/T 152974.4.1 GR/T15297:4.2.4 GB/T 152974. 3. 1 GR/T 152074. 3. 5 GB/T 152974.2.5 or 4. 2. 6 GA/T 15297 4. 2. 7 GB/T 152974. 3. 3 GR/T 15297±4. 3. 2 6.3 of this specification Sample size Number of qualified judgments. 1) Unqualified products with electrical characteristics in the same inspection batch can be used, 2) This test can be deleted for non-sealed blocks. 3 Instruments are used for empty sealed modules 4) Installation of tea parts shall be in accordance with the detailed specifications. 5. 4 Quality consistency inspection As per the detailed specifications As per the detailed specifications As per the detailed specifications As per the detailed specifications As per the detailed specifications The quality consistency inspection consists of batch inspection of Group A and Group B and periodic inspection of Group C. 5.4. 1 Division of inspection groups and subgroups Inspection requirements and specification values As specified in detailed specifications As specified in detailed specifications Same as subgroup 03 Same as subgroup 03 As specified in detailed specifications GB/T15431—1995 When formulating detailed specifications, the following principles should be followed. 5. 4. 1. 1 Group A inspection Group A inspection should be carried out batch by batch. Group A inspection consists of appearance and electrical characteristics measurement. Samples should be randomly selected from the inspection batch. The sampling requirements should comply with the provisions of Table 2. One hundred percent of the inspection batch should be pre-processed before submission (see Section 4.7.1). Group A inspection and subgrouping are shown in Table 2 Table 2 Group A inspection Inspection or test Subgroup A1 External visual inspection A2 Group 25% static and dynamic electrical characteristics A3 Group Static or dynamic electrical characteristics at the highest and lowest operating temperatures (when applicable) Reference Standard GB/T 152974. 1.2.1 This specification 6.1 This specification 6.1 As specified in the detailed specification Inspection requirements Standard value As specified in the detailed specification As specified in the detailed specification As specified in the detailed specification As specified in the detailed specification As specified in the detailed specification 5. 4. 1. 2 Group B inspection Group B inspection shall be carried out batch by batch to inspect the module dimensions and assess the module lead wire’s ability to be easily soldered. Samples shall be randomly selected from the inspection batch, and the sampling requirements shall comply with the provisions of Table 3. See Table 3 for inspection and grouping of Group B. Table 3 Inspection or test for Group B1 Group B2 Group Weldability" Reference Standard GB/T 152974. 1. 2. 2 GB/T 152974. 2, 3 Note: 1) Unqualified products with electrical characteristics in the same inspection batch may be used. 5. 4. 1. 3 C Group inspection Inspection requirements Specification value As specified in the detailed specification As specified in the detailed specification Group C inspection is a periodic test conducted every six months, including mechanical, climatic and electrical durability tests, to verify whether the modules being manufactured by the manufacturer can meet all the requirements specified in this specification and relevant detailed specifications. The samples used should be randomly selected from one or more inspection lots that have passed Group A and Group B inspections in the quality consistency inspection. See Table 4 for Group C inspection and grouping. The tests marked with (D) in the table are destructive tests. Unless otherwise specified in the detailed specification, modules that have undergone destructive tests should not be placed in the parent batch. For modules that have undergone other tests, if they are re-inspected according to the requirements of Group A1, A2 and Group B tests and meet the requirements, the module can be delivered. Table 4 Group C inspection Inspection or test||tt ||C1 Group Main Static or dynamic electrical characteristics at the highest and lowest operating temperatures Reference 6.1 of this specification Inspect as per detailed specification Inspect or test as per detailed specification C2 Group (D) Lead strength: Mark durability C3 Group (D) Resistance to soldering heat Rapid temperature change Steady-state damp heat Final measurement 4 Group 3 Vibration or shock Steady-state acceleration Final measurement C5 Group General temperature storage High temperature storage Final measurement C6 Group Electrical durability (500h) Final test C7 Group (D) Flammability\ (when applicable) GB/T15431—1995 Continued Table 4 Cited standards As per detailed specification GB/T 152974. 2. 1 GB/T 15297± 4. 2. 2 GR/T15297 GB/T 15297 As per detailed specification GB/T 13297 CB/T15297 As per detailed GB/T 15297 4. 2.5 or 4.2.6 G3/T 15297 As specified in the sample detailed specification GB/T 15207 4.3.3 CB/T 15297 4.3.2 As specified in the detailed specification This specification 6.3 As specified in the detailed specification GB/T 15297 Note: 1) Use the unqualified products of electrical characteristics in the same inspection batch. 2) This test can be deleted for non-sealed modules. 3) Only for air-sealed modules. 4) Installation conditions shall be as specified in the detailed specification. 5.4.2 Criteria for failure of inspection lot In the inspection of Group A, Group B and Group C, the lot that fails to meet the inspection requirements of its group shall be judged as unqualified. 5.4.3 Resubmission of unqualified lot Inspection requirements Standard value As per detailed specification As per detailed specification Between A2 group Same as A2 group As per detailed specification When any inspection lot submitted for quality disc consistency inspection fails to meet the requirements and it is confirmed that the defects can be effectively eliminated by rescreening or reworking the whole lot, it is allowed to be resubmitted once. If the inspection of Group A and Group B fails, the samples shall be drawn according to the tightened sampling plan once for resubmission. If Group C fails, the failed group shall be resubmitted for testing, and the samples shall be doubled, and the criteria shall remain unchanged. The resubmitted inspection lot shall be clearly marked as the resubmitted lot and separated from other inspection lots. 6 Test and measurement procedures The following clauses provide a broad basis for the preparation of test and measurement procedures required by detailed specifications. GB/T 15431-1995 The test and measurement procedures of the detailed specifications shall be specified in the detailed specifications. 6.1 Electrical test methods The test principles and measurement methods of electrical characteristics shall be specified in the detailed specifications. 6-2 Mechanical and climatic test methods According to the provisions of RT15297. 6.3 Electrical durability test method The purpose of this test is to verify the stability and reliability of the module under the specified power-on working conditions. The conditions for the electrical durability test should be determined according to the following requirements. The selection of power consumption, operating temperature and power supply voltage should be in the following order or procedure: a. The power consumption of the module should be the maximum value allowed by the detailed specification; the ambient temperature or reference point temperature should be the maximum value allowed by the detailed specification under the power consumption specified in a of this clause; if there is no restriction on ε or b, the power supply voltage should be the maximum value allowed by the detailed specification. The test conditions and requirements should be specified in the detailed specification. 7 Packaging Module packaging should comply with relevant specifications. The packaging container should be rainproof, moisture-proof and shock-proof to ensure that the product is fully protected during transportation and will not rust, degrade or be mechanically damaged. 8.1. Ordering information The procurement documents shall specify the following contents: Model and name of the module; Name and number of detailed specifications, protection and packaging requirements; Other identification marks required. Additional notes: This standard was proposed by the Ministry of Electronics Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Standardization Institute of the Ministry of Electronics Industry. This standard was drafted by the Shanghai Radio Factory No. 7 and the State-owned Yonghong Machinery Factory. The main drafters of this standard are Zeng Guangyi, Chen Yu, Qin Limin, Li Guohua and Shen Zhaonian. Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.