Some standard content:
15 67. 080. 10
Agricultural Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
2002-08-27 Issued
200212-C Implementation
Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China
The cup is proposed in the appendix and the standard of the Ministry of Agriculture. The standard is prepared by the Technical Committee of Standardization of Tropical Crops and Products of the Ministry of Agriculture, Guangdong Province: and Zhongxiao Agricultural University. The three main points of the cup standard are: Shen Lian, Ni Hui said NY/T516202
1 Scope
This standard defines the technical analysis of the definition of the limit, requirements, test method, and safety packaging and transportation requirements. This mark is applicable to production and production equipment, especially the following normative references: 1. The following documents are applicable to the standard and are used as the standard for teaching and learning. All the documents in the standard are subject to revision. However, the standard is not applicable to the latest version of these documents. GBT! CE product machine table medicine window maximum measurement point compensation G/5?37 food material with soft box
tooth system box
new parts and end of the method
food certification belt system molding product hygiene
requirements, natural gas, lubricating material content determination instrument method G313319
product neutral enemy independent people's government that limit training you
food neutral test said financial maximum limit standard (.13.2
GRT investment in Asia rubber research and development of the Australian product quality management system
GB/T -733:
See the protection and base glue can be related to the various types of medicine
G food m and remove the degree of clothing to complete the 3 terms to buy definitions
The following terms and meanings use the following standards
male shape cassette
single substance species morphological good symptoms,
maturity certificate
in the real method of development to the species written in the small, female foreign. product most flavor 3- 3
fruit surface clean xurTacelam
fruit surface wireless left with the ground car and other foreign objects 3. 2
lack of prevention fruit defeclivefruit
external all recorded mechanical control disease and insect light not fruit caused by eating interval change spray NY/T51620C2
mechanical injure
machine domain injury
fruit should not be picked before shooting, and should be affected by the pressure of the outside small row, and should be treated by the following: 3.2.2
plantdiseases and insectpexts fruit skin home to meat west disk disease small as a result of the shadow of the waist called the state of injury! , two insect spots water plant spots single 3.4. 3
green fruit erheked fruil
fruit skin broken teaching · Jue flash out of the fruit design of the fruit. 3.5
a ship defect general derertion
The fruit peel is damaged by some diseases or slight mechanical damage, which affects the appearance and quality of the fruit. 3.6
The longan fruit is damaged by diseases and insects such as longan snail, fruit snail, longan frost, etc. or the mechanical damage seriously affects the appearance and quality of the fruit.
mal smell
The fruit itself is spoiled and produces unusual smell and taste. 3.8
different varieties varlely
Longan is a species or node system similar to that of the longan.
4 Quality requirements
4.1 Grade specifications
Longan is divided into three grades: superior grade, first grade and second grade. The specifications of each grade should meet the requirements of agriculture, Table 1 Specifications of Longan
Other quality areas
Chemical indicators
4.2 Sanitary rejection
Superior grade
First grade
Fruit is normal, and the variety characteristics specified by the manufacturer are as follows: the fruit is suitable for the taste, the fruit has the quality and flavor of the product, and there is no difference. Fruit size average·Beijing inorganic
fruit size plan, no rainbow
release*must be listed
guided Dan species
point out the harm season soft use, tablets
variety 25,
front yard
fruit size average sentence more cloud production
heavy soft treatment bed. And variety~,5 years old. A
new decision and strict and lack of circulation spirit
design 8 in strict to defective fruit
seek realistic health information rate Sichuan brand solid content, the statutory total elastic chemical selection requirements for the provisions of the appendix, 4.2.1 product household effect adult barrier limit 0.1mg/g4.2.2 production 7 international fruit line limit fire.2tg/g. 2
4.2-3 The maximum or share gain of the product is 0.1gg.4.2.4 The energy output of the product is 1.1rig:kg4.2.5 The product release rate is 119% by heat.1
4.2.6 The maximum residual amount of sulfur embedded in the product is 7G3120, which is 4.R/5. NY/T 51G -2002
4.2.7 The maximum dosage of the product shall be in accordance with the provisions of H16333: for medium and c.2mg/kg for color combination
42.8 The maximum dosage of the product is 1g
5 Test method
5.1 Grade observation
5.1. The appearance of the fruit shall be inspected by laying out the samples in a bright light all night to monitor the freshness of the fruit, uniformity of temperature, purity, defects, differences in variety and quality and flavor, and make notes. If one fruit has two or more of the above criteria, the other one that has a significant impact on its quality can be recorded. The main inspection report for the fruit should be 4 and a half months (12 times the range). The inspection report should state the current status of the fruit. If the fruit has symptoms of disease or insect pests on the outside, or no variation has been found in the appearance but there are internal changes in the fruit, several samples should be randomly inspected using a reverse section inspection. When the fruit has internal lesions due to insect pests, the number of samples should be increased. Strict inspection: During the inspection, all kinds of fruit that do not meet the requirements shall be counted, recorded correctly, and converted to <1) to calculate the percentage. Calculate to decimal point:
In this case:
And the percentage of unqualified items:
The unit is grams, which can be the total number of inspected fruits or fruits, and the unit is grams () or pieces: The sum of the percentage of unqualified items in the list is the total percentage of unqualified fruits in the batch. 5.1.2 Fruit specifications
Randomly collect samples of 2k~3k from the samples and count the grams of fruits. 5.1.3 Physical and chemical indicators Edible rate
Randomly sample only one to five pieces of the total fruit quality, and then weigh the peel and the seed weight. Calculate the percentage in full form, calculate to a decimal point Y=-m×7Cu
4 Edible rate, unit is gram (;
determine the whole fruit quality, unit is gram
determine the peel of one piece of sheep is gram). Soluble solids
According to the current determination of G122.
5.2 Health inspection
5.7.1 Change is, music, government blood
The number of G exceeds the standard:
5.2.2 Malathion, shrimp kill rate
According to the current regulations of GL33I
5.2.3 Permethrin. Diazolidinone
According to the current regulations of GB717332.
5.2.4 Imidazolidinone
According to the regulations of CE/T33-:
5.2.5 Binocular
According to the regulations of GT1:32.
Export products are not subject to the relevant laws and regulations of the relevant inspection rules
E.1 Inspection items
Package fullness, cup mark, fruit quality, fruit appearance, fruit specifications, quality and taste, fruit edible rate, digestibility, etc., which are set as indicators for the use of restricted products, 6.2 groups of batches of the same product, the same grade, the same product, the same grade, the same product received by the company on the same day, etc. are inspected for 6.3 times. The inspection method is in accordance with the provisions of GH/T2355: 5.4 Special rules 5.4. 1 The customer's allowable degree of the package is not in accordance with the standard. If it exceeds 1, it should be taught. The limit of the allowable degree of the board is not allowed by the specification. Only the neighboring velvet fruit is allowed. Two grades are not allowed. Grades 1 and 2 are not allowed to be strictly insect-damaged. However, other products are not allowed to be included in the content of the goods. a: Superior products: No more than 5% of the fruit does not meet the requirements of this grade, one of which is not confirmed, and the medium-level unqualified product has not been passed?
! Second-class products: No more than 3% of the fruit does not meet the requirements of this grade, and the strict mutual fast-falling fruit does not follow the heart. 6.4.2 Determination The item in the child hygiene standard is not included in the explosion as a "qualified" product, and it does not respond. 6..2.2 All products that meet the requirements of the enterprise health period are not allowed to be inspected on the same day, and The whole batch of products exceeds the specified number of wears for a certain series of products , etc., test according to the grade specifications, and judge the grade. If the case is allowed to "have a grade" inversely, the state will be classified as an external product: 6.42.2 The mark becomes the mark that the product lacks the "grade" and is abandoned for human grading. 6.5 Repeat
Except for sanitary ball collection packaging materials, if the testing station has strict production abnormalities, the service sample or conditions are allowed to be selected once in batches) The left standard: the second standard fruit light station has the most natural results
7 Packaging, marking, convex storage and blue transport
7.1 Packaging
7.1.1 Packaging materials
Name grade universal groove selection sin solid road, clean and no different from the hospital with carton seat in accordance with the provisions of the regulations) small bamboo and plastic fruit can be made into a piece (7 as the external packaging, the packaging seal should be suitable for the size of the product to promote the protection of the tablet NY/T5162002
Xueli out of the package without a month Zhang Zhi olefin plastic science (poly! Should comply with the GSE? regulations) such as the use of small love packaging · infant and evil and less back to the new solution of the solution, if he can control within five cents. 712 packaging absorption of the most
oxygen small pieces and other not short 5k · period of material compensation capacity alliance - generally should not exceed 1 · can also be based on the contract specifications recommended
7.2 mark
year individual packaging party following mark: children, not easy to secret color, The outer side of the packaging should be marked with the product name, species name, product name, product manufacturer, distributor name, place of origin, correct postal code, packaging place, city, and name. For export products, the product should also be marked with the following: net weight, raw material, and harvesting place. 7.3 Storage limit The selected person is not suitable for the fruit that has been picked after being transported to the vehicle for a day or after being harvested. The peaches are not suitable for eating. The peaches are not suitable for eating after being transported to the vehicle for a day or after being harvested. The peaches are not suitable for eating after being transported to the vehicle for a day or after being harvested. The peaches are not suitable for eating after being transported to the vehicle for a day or after being harvested. The peaches are not suitable for eating after being transported to the vehicle for a day or after being harvested. The peaches are not suitable for eating after being transported to the vehicle for a day or after being harvested. The peaches are not suitable for eating after being transported to the vehicle for a day or after being harvested. The peaches are not suitable for eating after being transported to the vehicle for a day or after being harvested. The peaches are not suitable for eating after being transported to the vehicle for a day or after being harvested. The peaches are not suitable for eating after being transported to the vehicle for a day or after being harvested. The fruit needs to be transported by road or air. The transportation time is within 34 hours. It is allowed to be transported under normal temperature conditions. It is allowed to be transported under low temperature conditions and above 21 degrees. NY:T5162002
(Normative Appendix)
Fruit morphological characteristics of main varieties of Zhiyan
Fruit morphological characteristics of the three main varieties of Longyin are shown in Table A. A.1 Limited to main varieties of Longyin The main varieties of fruit morphological characteristics of species
Shanshan No. 2
Shuinan No. 1
Medical shape on the rate
National law shape or rate
Tongkan City Road South
A garden shape
Our fine boundary system
Random flavor
Product Street
Counterfeit device
Appendix B
[Normative Appendix!
Fruit specifications of the main varieties of longan
Flower service technology of the main varieties of Dongshi Geruyou. "The table below shows the fruit specifications of the main varieties of B. Longmian. Market No.: 1:3-11:9-1x: 1x:r6--2r:tt:75--9c:tt:Note: The above varieties are not limited to human consumption. You can choose other varieties based on the relevant product specifications when the product is near a certain limit." NY/T 516 2002
Single fake grain
Qualified product
Juice: The fruit content can be in the fruit technology or control the content of the technology,
(Normative record:
The fruit quality of the main varieties of longan
The service is only for the real product wind ball as shown
Expression of death, 1 Longan main varieties of fruit quality flavor stone family
: Other terms\single characteristic expression fake product Xiaoyoulanchang will
(Normative Appendix)
Fruit morphological characteristics of main varieties of Zhiyan
Fruit morphological characteristics of three major varieties of Longyan are shown in Table A.1 Fruit morphological characteristics of main varieties of Longyan
Shanshan No. 2
Shuinan No. 1
Medical shape on rate
National law shape or rate
Tongkan City Road South
A Garden shape
Our fine boundary system
Random flavor
Product Street Energy
Country multi-flavor device
Appendix B
[Normative Appendix!
Fruit specifications of main varieties of Longyan
Flower service technology key varieties of Dongshi Geruyou. "The table below shows the fruit specifications of the main varieties of B. Longmian. Market No.: 1:3-11:9-1x: 1x:r6--2r:tt:75--9c:tt:Note: The above varieties are not limited to human consumption. You can choose other varieties based on the relevant product specifications when the product is near a certain limit." NY/T 516 2002
Single fake grain
Qualified product
Juice: The fruit content can be in the fruit technology or control the content of the technology,
(Normative record:
The fruit quality of the main varieties of longan
The service is only for the real product wind ball as shown
Expression of death, 1 Longan main varieties of fruit quality flavor stone family
: Other terms\single characteristic expression fake product Xiaoyoulanchang will
(Normative Appendix)
Fruit morphological characteristics of main varieties of Zhiyan
Fruit morphological characteristics of three major varieties of Longyan are shown in Table A.1 Fruit morphological characteristics of main varieties of Longyan
Shanshan No. 2
Shuinan No. 1
Medical shape on rate
National law shape or rate
Tongkan City Road South
A Garden shape
Our fine boundary system
Random flavor
Product Street Energy
Country multi-flavor device
Appendix B
[Normative Appendix!
Fruit specifications of main varieties of Longyan
Flower service technology key varieties of Dongshi Geruyou. "The table below shows the fruit specifications of the main varieties of B. Longmian. Market No.: 1:3-11:9-1x: 1x:r6--2r:tt:75--9c:tt:Note: The above varieties are not limited to human consumption. You can choose other varieties based on the relevant product specifications when the product is near a certain limit." NY/T 516 2002
Single fake grain
Qualified product
Juice: The fruit content can be in the fruit technology or control the content of the technology,
(Normative record:
The fruit quality of the main varieties of longan
The service is only for the real product wind ball as shown
Expression of death, 1 Longan main varieties of fruit quality flavor stone family
: Other terms\single characteristic expression fake product Xiaoyoulanchang will
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