title>HG/T 20701.12-2000 Working procedures and instructions for coordination meetings of professional manufacturers of containers, heat exchangers and special equipment - HG/T 20701.12-2000 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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HG/T 20701.12-2000 Working procedures and instructions for coordination meetings of professional manufacturers of containers, heat exchangers and special equipment

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG/T 20701.12-2000

Standard Name: Working procedures and instructions for coordination meetings of professional manufacturers of containers, heat exchangers and special equipment

Chinese Name: 容器、换热器和特殊设备专业厂商协调会工作程序及说明

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)

state:in force

Date of Release2000-11-22

Date of Implementation:2001-06-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:71.010

Standard Classification Number:Engineering Construction>>Raw Materials Industry, Communications, Broadcasting Engineering>>P72 Petrochemical, Chemical Engineering

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HG/T 20701.12-2000 Working procedures and instructions for the coordination meeting of professional manufacturers of containers, heat exchangers and special equipment HG/T20701.12-2000 standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

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Working procedures and instructions for coordination meetings of professional manufacturers of containers, heat exchangers and special equipment HG/T20701.12-2000
Subject content and scope of application
This standard specifies the working procedures and necessary instructions for coordination meetings of professional manufacturers of containers, heat exchangers and special equipment, and is applicable to design management.
2 Working procedures for manufacturer coordination meetings
The working procedures for manufacturer coordination meetings include:wwW.bzxz.Net
-Determine the equipment for which manufacturer coordination meetings are required and the list of manufacturers participating in the coordination meetings; meeting preparation;
Convening meetings and recording meetings;
Formulation and signing of meeting minutes.
The following chapters provide detailed descriptions of the above procedures. 3 Purpose and requirements of manufacturer coordination meetings
3.0.1 The manufacturer coordination meeting is an important meeting held by the intended seller (hereinafter referred to as the seller) and the buyer before the equipment order contract is signed. It is an important work of the equipment profession in the engineering design stage, and is usually held for key equipment whose product design (manufacturing drawing design) is undertaken by the seller. To this end, within one month after the engineering design commencement report, the design manager shall jointly discuss with the person in charge of the relevant equipment and the purchasing department/purchasing manager the name of the equipment for which a manufacturer coordination meeting shall be held. After technical evaluation of the manufacturer's quotations and submission of evaluation opinions and suggestions for selecting manufacturers to the purchasing department, the design department and the purchasing department shall study and determine the list of manufacturers participating in the coordination meeting.
3.0.2 The purpose of the manufacturer coordination meeting is to further understand the buyer's design requirements and the details of how the seller intends to design, manufacture and inspect the equipment through face-to-face contact and communication between the buyer and the seller; to determine the design and material selection principles acceptable to both parties through discussion, clarify the manufacturing procedures and inspection requirements, and form meeting minutes. Once the manufacturer becomes the seller, this minute will be an annex to the supply contract and guide the seller's design, material procurement, manufacturing and inspection work. 3.0.3 In order to ensure that the meeting achieves the expected purpose, the person in charge of the relevant equipment should work together with the engineers and purchasing managers involved in the design of the relevant equipment to prepare for the manufacturer coordination meeting, familiarize themselves with the procedures of the manufacturer coordination meeting, and prepare detailed agenda items for the relevant equipment and other documents related to the meeting. 3.0.4. The person in charge of the equipment-related professional department shall prepare the notice of the agreed meeting and the detailed topics (technical part) of the discussion on the equipment at least three weeks before the meeting and submit it to the design manager for forwarding to the purchasing manager to send to the manufacturer. 4
Meeting preparation
4.1 Preparation of manufacturer coordination meeting notice
The content format of the manufacturer coordination meeting notice drafted by the equipment-related professional department is shown in Appendix A. 4.1.1
The detailed topics of the commercial part of the manufacturer coordination meeting in Appendix A shall be organized and prepared by the purchasing manager. 4.2 Preparation of Detailed Topic of Equipment
The detailed topic of the equipment technology part is a list of equipment technology issues to be discussed at the manufacturer coordination meeting, which usually includes the following nine parts as listed in 4.2.1
General Introduction;
Material Review;
Manufacturing Process;
Inspection and Testing;
Seller's Drawings and Data;
Spare Parts;
Completion and Protection;
Remaining Issues.
After the person in charge of the relevant professional department of the equipment determines the name of the equipment for which the manufacturer coordination meeting needs to be held
with the design manager/purchasing manager during the engineering design stage, he shall, together with the engineers involved in the design of the relevant equipment, carefully prepare and write the detailed topic of the equipment technology part according to the engineering characteristics and design requirements. 4.2.3 In order to achieve the expected purpose of the meeting, the detailed topics of the equipment technology part should be as detailed and specific as possible. When writing, you can refer to Appendix B of this standard "Detailed Topics of Urea High-Pressure Equipment Technical Coordination Meeting" for modification and supplementation. 4.3 Technical Preparation
4.3.1 Engineers involved in the design of relevant equipment should carefully check the technical documents of the manufacturer's quotation with the professional person in charge to ensure that their quotation is in full compliance with the requirements of the equipment inquiry technical documents. At the same time, a list of problems and clarifications and corrections required in the manufacturer's quotation should be prepared. If necessary, the list should be attached to the meeting notice and submitted to the manufacturer.
4.3.2 Contact with relevant professionals such as materials, processes, systems, instruments, layouts, and pipelines to inquire about the problems that need to be solved in the manufacturer's coordination meeting.
Prepare a list of detailed inspection and test items for the equipment. 4.3.3
Prepare for discussion of relevant issues in the detailed topics. Be prepared for discussion of problems and corrections in the manufacturer's quotation. 5.0.1 The manufacturer coordination meeting is usually chaired by the project manager or design manager according to the project situation. When discussing specific technical issues of the equipment, the person in charge of the relevant professional of the equipment or the engineer responsible for the design can be entrusted to chair the meeting. For single equipment that does not belong to the engineering project, it can be chaired by the leader of the design office of the equipment or the engineer responsible for the design according to the situation.
The personnel participating in the manufacturer coordination meeting shall be determined according to the meeting location and the content of the discussion issues. If possible, all professionals related to the equipment should participate. Under normal circumstances: - The person in charge of the relevant professional of the equipment and the engineer responsible for the design of the relevant equipment shall participate in the meeting from beginning to end: - Material professionals shall at least participate in the agenda of material review, manufacturing process, inspection and testing; - Other professionals shall participate in the meeting as needed. 5.0.3 The meeting shall discuss the detailed topics one by one, and all parties participating in the meeting shall give clear answers to the questions raised by the other party at the meeting. During the meeting, the engineer responsible for the design of the relevant equipment shall be responsible for accurately recording the clauses and contents of the agreement reached after discussion between the two parties, which shall serve as the basis for writing the minutes of the meeting. 121
Preparation and signing of meeting minutes
Preparation of
The minutes of the manufacturer's coordination meeting are a written document in which the company's design department and the seller (manufacturer) have carefully discussed the detailed topics in advance and recorded the agreed technical details in text form, which serves as the basis for the manufacturer (seller) to design, manufacture, inspect and test the equipment and deliver the goods. The meeting minutes should also serve as the basis for the company's design department to review the seller's design drawings and data and conduct intermediate inspection and final inspection of the equipment. 6.2 Preparation method
6.2.1 The minutes of the manufacturer's coordination meeting (technical part) should be prepared item by item in the order of the topics discussed and agreed according to the detailed topics of the equipment technical coordination meeting.
6.2.2 The preparation of the minutes is usually done by the person in charge of the equipment specialty and/or the engineer responsible for the design of the relevant equipment, or the material review part is entrusted to the material specialty, and the manufacturing process part is entrusted to the manufacturer, and then the equipment specialty is responsible for summarizing. Other professional related content (if any) can be compiled into other parts of the minutes or prepared as a separate attachment. 6.2.3 When both parties have some outstanding issues, a list of outstanding issues can be specially listed and attached to the last part of the minutes. In addition to making some necessary explanations, the time for each party to deal with and respond to the issues should also be stipulated in this part. 6.3 Signature of meeting minutes
The meeting minutes are compiled or summarized by the person in charge of the relevant professional of the equipment and/or the engineer responsible for the design of the relevant equipment after the meeting discussion. After review by the relevant parties, the design manager (or technical person in charge) and the person in charge of the relevant professional of the equipment (or designated engineer) sign together on behalf of the design department and the representative of the seller (manufacturer). 6.4 Scope of distribution of meeting minutes
The manufacturer coordination meeting is a meeting held by the buyer and seller. The meeting minutes are usually only sent to the relevant units and departments participating in the meeting, and are generally not sent to other units.
Within the design department, it is only sent to the relevant profession. 122
7.0.1 If the manufacturer coordination meeting achieves the expected purpose, the manufacturer participating in the coordination meeting will become the seller. The engineer responsible for the equipment design shall modify and supplement the equipment schematic (equipment engineering drawing) and the relevant content and data of the inquiry technical documents according to the requirements of the coordination meeting minutes, and publish them according to the "order" version. 8 Appendix
Appendix A Content format of the manufacturer coordination meeting notice Appendix B Detailed agenda of the urea high-pressure equipment technical coordination meeting (example) 123
Appendix A Content format of the manufacturer coordination meeting notice Our company invites your company (factory) to attend
to discuss (equipment name) [inquiry number
Meeting purpose
1 related issues.
(meeting place) to hold a business
(1) Both parties will exchange opinions on the above equipment technology and business aspects as fully as possible, so as to reach a clear agreement on all details and lay a good foundation for the possible signing of the order contract. (2) All details of the requirements, specifications and standards in the procurement documents should be fully recognized by you at the meeting. (3) Both parties reach consensus on the design, material selection, test and inspection items and requirements of the equipment. (4) Listen to your detailed explanation of the equipment manufacturing procedures and methods, and conduct necessary discussions on this. (5) Reach agreement on the content, number of copies and submission date of the drawings and documents provided by you. (6) Discuss and clarify the scope of supply of equipment, the supply of spare parts and special tools, and the packaging, transportation and protection of equipment.
(7) Establish communication channels.
(8) Determine all business details.
Meeting Preparation
In order to ensure the smooth progress of the meeting and achieve the expected purpose, please complete the following preparations before the meeting: (1) Please check again the drawings and materials provided with the quotation or to be provided during the meeting, and make sure that the drawings and materials used during the meeting reflect the latest requirements. (2) Please prepare your replies and materials according to the detailed agenda attached. Our company's opinion is to hold a technical meeting and a business meeting separately, and hold a joint meeting if necessary. We hope that you will send at least one technical representative and one commercial representative to attend the meeting. The representative should be able to make decisions on technical and commercial matters on behalf of your company.
All the terms discussed at the meeting will be included in the meeting minutes, which will be an attachment to the order contract and the basis for both parties to work.
Please make all necessary preparations according to the above notice before the meeting. Please confirm the meeting date. Sincerely,
(Inviting unit) (Official seal)
Contact person:
Attached with detailed agenda:(1) (Equipment name) Detailed agenda for manufacturer coordination meeting (technical part)(2) (Equipment name) Detailed agenda for manufacturer coordination meeting (commercial part)125
Appendix B
Equipment name and position number:
Project number:
Detailed agenda for technical coordination meeting of urea high pressure equipment (example)B.1
(Buyer) shall clarify the design principles and requirements of this equipment. Discussion
B.1.2 The manufacturer shall clarify whether it has fully understood the equipment inquiry documents (including drawings and technical documents) of (Buyer) and shall clarify the design principles of this equipment.
B.1.3 If the manufacturer has any objection to the equipment inquiry documents of (Buyer), it shall be raised for discussion at the meeting. Determine the name and version of the standard, specification adopted in the design of this equipment. B.1.4
B.2 Material review
Main component materials (see attached table)
Welding materials
Carbon steel and general stainless steel
2Urea grade stainless steel
(1) Strip electrode cladding
(2) Manual arc welding
(3) Argon arc welding
Manufacturing process
The manufacturer should introduce in detail the manufacturing procedures of the main components of the equipment, the welding procedures of the high-pressure part welds and the assembly process of the equipment (including the following points). B.3.1 Manufacturing procedures
Head, cylinder section, high-pressure pipe box components, pipe bundle pairs, internal parts, etc. B.3.2 Lining methods
Head lining;
Tube sheet lining;
Tube box lining;
Manhole and manhole cover lining;
Manhole or/and flange sealing surface lining.
B.3.3 Connection methods of parts and types of welded joints Head plate splicing (if splicing is required); head and manhole flange;
Head and pipe;
Manhole cover and pipe;
Shell and shell;
Tube sheet and tube box shell;
Head and shell (or tube box shell);
Tube sheet and shell shell;
Loose lining and cladding (with electrode, manual) lining. B.3.4
Welding process assessment (types and standards to be followed); skill assessment of welders for urea-grade stainless steel welding and the number of welders for each type of welding; product welding test plates (types and quantities). Heat treatment (heat treatment specifications and heating methods, and clarifying local heat treatment welds) After the head steel plate is spliced ​​and welded (if splicing is required or a split head is used): Class A welding joints of single-layer cylinders;
After welding the head to the manhole or pipe flange; After welding the head to the single-layer cylinder (or pipe box cylinder); After welding the tube sheet to the single-layer pipe box cylinder:
After the stainless steel (and/or carbon steel) transition layer is surfacing; After the stainless steel transition layer is welded to the sealing surface of the manhole and manhole cover gasket. B.4
Inspection and testing
Responsibilities and scopes of inspection agencies, third-party inspections, manufacturers, and users. Items and requirements for minimum equipment inspection and testingRecords of welding procedure assessment;
Items and requirements for welder operating skill assessment:Items and requirements for raw material re-inspection:
Items and requirements for product welding test plates:
Items and requirements for corrosion resistance testing;
Items and requirements for post-weld heat treatment;
X-ray testing
Inspection locations, inspection percentage, inspection standards and quality levels: 8Ultrasonic testing
Inspection locations, inspection percentage, inspection standards and quality levels:Liquid penetrant testing
Inspection locations, inspection percentage, inspection standards and quality levels: 10 Stone
Magnetic particle inspection
Inspection location, inspection percentage, inspection standard and quality grade; Water pressure test
Test pressure, pressure holding time, test temperature and water quality requirements; 12
Ammonia leakage test (and air test)
Inspection location, inspection method and standard, residence time; Ferrite measurement
Inspection location, test result requirements, inspection instrument: 14 Special mechanical property test
Test items and requirements;
15 Dimension inspection
Inspection items and requirements:
Air resistance test (only for urea stripper) inspection requirements and standards.
Manufacturer's data report.
Seller's drawings and data
Submit the category and name of drawings and data, number of copies and submission time. When sending and receiving drawings and materials, the addresses, postal codes, telephone numbers, fax numbers and recipients of both parties. B.6
Spare parts (start-up spare parts and operating spare parts)
Name and quantity of spare parts.
Basis for the preparation of bolt tightening devices and bolt tightening procedures. Fixing form of thermal insulation bracket.
Packaging and transportation of equipment.
Draining and drying of equipment after water pressure test.
Protection of stainless steel, carbon steel, bolts and nuts. B.8.3
Issues related to nitrogen filling protection of equipment.
Completion and protection
Remaining issues
Shell side simplified
Expansion joint
Tube box cylinder
Manhole flange
Manhole cover
Tube box lining
Heat exchange tube
High-pressure pipe
Main component material list (taking high-pressure stripping tower as an example) called
High-pressure pipe flange| |tt||Main bolt
Main nut
Toothed washer
Gas pipe
Liquid distributor
Spacer pipe and accessories
Internal parts of pipe box: pipe
Manhole sealing surface inlay ring
Spacer rod/nut
Shell side pipe
Shell side pipe flange
Recommended supplier3
Problems related to nitrogen filling protection of equipment.
Completion and protection
Remaining issues
Shell side simplified
Expansion joint
Tube box cylinder
Manhole flange
Manhole cover
Tube box lining
Heat exchange tube
High-pressure pipe
Main parts and materials list (taking high-pressure stripping tower as an example) called
High-pressure pipe flange| |tt||Main bolt
Main nut
Toothed washer
Gas pipe
Liquid distributor
Spacer pipe and accessories
Internal parts of pipe box: pipe
Manhole sealing surface inlay ring
Spacer rod/nut
Shell side pipe
Shell side pipe flange
Recommended supplier3
Problems related to nitrogen filling protection of equipment.
Completion and protection
Remaining issues
Shell side simplified
Expansion joint
Tube box cylinder
Manhole flange
Manhole cover
Tube box lining
Heat exchange tube
High-pressure pipe
Main parts and materials list (taking high-pressure stripping tower as an example) called
High-pressure pipe flange| |tt||Main bolt
Main nut
Toothed washer
Gas pipe
Liquid distributor
Spacer pipe and accessories
Internal parts of pipe box: pipe
Manhole sealing surface inlay ring
Spacer rod/nut
Shell side pipe
Shell side pipe flange
Recommended supplier3
Problems related to nitrogen filling protection of equipment.
Completion and protection
Remaining issues
Shell side simplified
Expansion joint
Tube box cylinder
Manhole flange
Manhole cover
Tube box lining
Heat exchange tube
High-pressure pipe
Main parts and materials list (taking high-pressure stripping tower as an example) called
High-pressure pipe flange| |tt||Main bolt
Main nut
Toothed washer
Gas pipe
Liquid distributor
Spacer pipe and accessories
Internal parts of pipe box: pipe
Manhole sealing surface inlay ring
Spacer rod/nut
Shell side pipe
Shell side pipe flange
Recommended supplier3
Problems related to nitrogen filling protection of equipment.
Completion and protection
Remaining issues
Shell side simplified
Expansion joint
Tube box cylinder
Manhole flange
Manhole cover
Tube box lining
Heat exchange tube
High-pressure pipe
Main parts and materials list (taking high-pressure stripping tower as an example) called
High-pressure pipe flange| |tt||Main bolt
Main nut
Toothed washer
Gas pipe
Liquid distributor
Spacer pipe and accessories
Internal parts of pipe box: pipe
Manhole sealing surface inlay ring
Spacer rod/nut
Shell side pipe
Shell side pipe flange
Recommended supplier2 Material review
Material of main parts (see attached table)
Welding materials
Carbon steel and general stainless steel
2 Urea grade stainless steel
(1) Strip electrode cladding
(2) Manual arc welding
(3) Argon arc welding
Manufacturing process
The manufacturer shall introduce in detail the manufacturing procedures of the main parts of the equipment, the welding procedures of the high-pressure part welds and the assembly process of the equipment (including the following points). B.3.1 Manufacturing procedures
Head, cylinder section, high-pressure pipe box components, pipe bundle assembly, internal parts, etc. B.3.2 Lining method
Head lining;
Tube sheet lining;
Tube box lining;
Manhole and manhole cover lining;
Manhole or/and flange sealing surface lining.
B.3.3 Connection methods of parts and types of welding joints Head plate splicing (if splicing is required); head and manhole flange;
head and pipe;
manhole cover and pipe;
cylinder and cylinder;
tube sheet and tube box cylinder;
head and cylinder (or tube box cylinder);
tube sheet and shell cylinder;
loose lining and cladding (strip electrode, manual) lining. B.3.4
welding process assessment (types and standards to be followed); skill assessment of welders for urea grade stainless steel welding and the number of welders of various types; product welding test plates (types and quantities). Heat treatment (heat treatment specifications and heating methods, and specify the local heat treatment welds) After the head steel plate is spliced ​​and welded (if splicing is required or a split head is used): Class A welding joint of a single-layer shell;
After welding the head to the manhole or pipe flange; After welding the head to the single-layer shell (or pipe box shell); After welding the tube sheet to the single-layer pipe box shell:
After the stainless steel (and/or carbon steel) transition layer is surfacing; After welding the stainless steel transition layer on the sealing surface of the manhole and manhole cover gasket. B.4
Inspection and testing
Responsibilities and scopes of inspection agencies, third-party inspections, manufacturers, and users. Items and requirements for minimum equipment inspection and testingRecords of welding procedure assessment;
Items and requirements for welder operating skill assessment:Items and requirements for raw material re-inspection:
Items and requirements for product welding test plates:
Items and requirements for corrosion resistance testing;
Items and requirements for post-weld heat treatment;
X-ray testing
Inspection locations, inspection percentage, inspection standards and quality levels: 8Ultrasonic testing
Inspection locations, inspection percentage, inspection standards and quality levels:Liquid penetrant testing
Inspection locations, inspection percentage, inspection standards and quality levels: 10 Stone
Magnetic particle inspection
Inspection location, inspection percentage, inspection standard and quality grade; Water pressure test
Test pressure, pressure holding time, test temperature and water quality requirements; 12
Ammonia leakage test (and air test)
Inspection location, inspection method and standard, residence time; Ferrite measurement
Inspection location, test result requirements, inspection instrument: 14 Special mechanical property test
Test items and requirements;
15 Dimension inspection
Inspection items and requirements:
Air resistance test (only for urea stripper) inspection requirements and standards.
Manufacturer's data report.
Seller's drawings and data
Submit the category and name of drawings and data, number of copies and submission time. When sending and receiving drawings and materials, the addresses, postal codes, telephone numbers, fax numbers and recipients of both parties. B.6
Spare parts (start-up spare parts and operating spare parts)
Name and quantity of spare parts.
Basis for the preparation of bolt tightening devices and bolt tightening procedures. Fixing form of thermal insulation bracket.
Packaging and transportation of equipment.
Draining and drying of equipment after water pressure test.
Protection of stainless steel, carbon steel, bolts and nuts. B.8.3
Issues related to nitrogen filling protection of equipment.
Completion and protection
Remaining issues
Shell side simplified
Expansion joint
Tube box cylinder
Manhole flange
Manhole cover
Tube box lining
Heat exchange tube
High-pressure pipe
Main component material list (taking high-pressure stripping tower as an example) called
High-pressure pipe flange| |tt||Main bolt
Main nut
Toothed washer
Gas pipe
Liquid distributor
Spacer pipe and accessories
Internal parts of pipe box: pipe
Manhole sealing surface inlay ring
Spacer rod/nut
Shell side pipe
Shell side pipe flange
Recommended supplier2 Material review
Material of main parts (see attached table)
Welding materials
Carbon steel and general stainless steel
2 Urea grade stainless steel
(1) Strip electrode cladding
(2) Manual arc welding
(3) Argon arc welding
Manufacturing process
The manufacturer shall introduce in detail the manufacturing procedures of the main parts of the equipment, the welding procedures of the high-pressure part welds and the assembly process of the equipment (including the following points). B.3.1 Manufacturing procedures
Head, cylinder section, high-pressure pipe box components, pipe bundle assembly, internal parts, etc. B.3.2 Lining method
Head lining;
Tube sheet lining;
Tube box lining;
Manhole and manhole cover lining;
Manhole or/and flange sealing surface lining.
B.3.3 Connection methods of parts and types of welding joints Head plate splicing (if splicing is required); head and manhole flange;
head and pipe;
manhole cover and pipe;
cylinder and cylinder;
tube sheet and tube box cylinder;
head and cylinder (or tube box cylinder);
tube sheet and shell cylinder;
loose lining and cladding (strip electrode, manual) lining. B.3.4
welding process assessment (types and standards to be followed); skill assessment of welders for urea grade stainless steel welding and the number of welders of various types; product welding test plates (types and quantities). Heat treatment (heat treatment specifications and heating methods, and specify the local heat treatment welds) After the head steel plate is spliced ​​and welded (if splicing is required or a split head is used): Class A welding joint of a single-layer shell;
After welding the head to the manhole or pipe flange; After welding the head to the single-layer shell (or pipe box shell); After welding the tube sheet to the single-layer pipe box shell:
After the stainless steel (and/or carbon steel) transition layer is surfacing; After welding the stainless steel transition layer on the sealing surface of the manhole and manhole cover gasket. B.4
Inspection and testing
Responsibilities and scopes of inspection agencies, third-party inspections, manufacturers, and users. Items and requirements for minimum equipment inspection and testingRecords of welding procedure assessment;
Items and requirements for welder operating skill assessment:Items and requirements for raw material re-inspection:
Items and requirements for product welding test plates:
Items and requirements for corrosion resistance testing;
Items and requirements for post-weld heat treatment;
X-ray testing
Inspection locations, inspection percentage, inspection standards and quality levels: 8Ultrasonic testing
Inspection locations, inspection percentage, inspection standards and quality levels:Liquid penetrant testing
Inspection locations, inspection percentage, inspection standards and quality levels: 10 Stone
Magnetic particle inspection
Inspection location, inspection percentage, inspection standard and quality grade; Water pressure test
Test pressure, pressure holding time, test temperature and water quality requirements; 12
Ammonia leakage test (and air test)
Inspection location, inspection method and standard, residence time; Ferrite measurement
Inspection location, test result requirements, inspection instrument: 14 Special mechanical property test
Test items and requirements;
15 Dimension inspection
Inspection items and requirements:
Air resistance test (only for urea stripper) inspection requirements and standards.
Manufacturer's data report.
Seller's drawings and data
Submit the category and name of drawings and data, number of copies and submission time. When sending and receiving drawings and materials, the addresses, postal codes, telephone numbers, fax numbers and recipients of both parties. B.6
Spare parts (start-up spare parts and operating spare parts)
Name and quantity of spare parts.
Basis for the preparation of bolt tightening devices and bolt tightening procedures. Fixing form of thermal insulation bracket.
Packaging and transportation of equipment.
Draining and drying of equipment after water pressure test.
Protection of stainless steel, carbon steel, bolts and nuts. B.8.3
Issues related to nitrogen filling protection of equipment.
Completion and protection
Remaining issues
Shell side simplified
Expansion joint
Tube box cylinder
Manhole flange
Manhole cover
Tube box lining
Heat exchange tube
High-pressure pipe
Main component material list (taking high-pressure stripping tower as an example) called
High-pressure pipe flange| |tt||Main bolt
Main nut
Toothed washer
Gas pipe
Liquid distributor
Spacer pipe and accessories
Internal parts of pipe box: pipe
Manhole sealing surface inlay ring
Spacer rod/nut
Shell side pipe
Shell side pipe flange
Recommended supplier3
Problems related to nitrogen filling protection of equipment.
Completion and protection
Remaining issues
Shell side simplified
Expansion joint
Tube box cylinder
Manhole flange
Manhole cover
Tube box lining
Heat exchange tube
High-pressure pipe
Main parts and materials list (taking high-pressure stripping tower as an example) called
High-pressure pipe flange| |tt||Main bolt
Main nut
Toothed washer
Gas pipe
Liquid distributor
Spacer pipe and accessories
Internal parts of pipe box: pipe
Manhole sealing surface inlay ring
Spacer rod/nut
Shell side pipe
Shell side pipe flange
Recommended supplier3
Problems related to nitrogen filling protection of equipment.
Completion and protection
Remaining issues
Shell side simplified
Expansion joint
Tube box cylinder
Manhole flange
Manhole cover
Tube box lining
Heat exchange tube
High-pressure pipe
Main parts and materials list (taking high-pressure stripping tower as an example) called
High-pressure pipe flange| |tt||Main bolt
Main nut
Toothed washer
Gas pipe
Liquid distributor
Spacer pipe and accessories
Internal parts of pipe box: pipe
Manhole sealing surface inlay ring
Spacer rod/nut
Shell side pipe
Shell side pipe flange
Recommended supplier
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