Some standard content:
np: 629. 12 + C01. 4
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
General terminology for ships
Ship system
General terminology for ships--Ship systemPublished on 1992-03-30
National Technical Supervision Bureau
Implemented on 1993-01-01
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
General terminolngy For yships--Ship >ysicm1 Subject content and scope of application This standard specifies the terminology and application techniques of ship's radiological systems. It is used in the industry for scientific research, design, production, application and teaching.2 Ship's hydraulic system: bottom water system. Bottom water system in the vessel space. Bottom water pipe in the tank. Bilge line. Bilge pipe. Bilge pipe in the vessel space. Pressurized water suction pipe in the hot tank. Definition or description A/T 13413 - 92
The same branch word
Ming helps the bed and jade carrying system, the printing plate non-water drainage system, the air sounding injection system, the life and slow supply system, the water system, the life water system, the cold shock and refrigeration system, the washing and ventilation system are called
The system that will discharge the bilge water and the external water intake and discharge system·Beijing Xie Sheng and the road are proportional to the
disturbing place The appropriate water, the cavity bottom demand has a certain efficiency ratio. It must be separated and let the state discharge standard difficult, the energy storage will
each energy
with each sewage ditch or sewage well oil absorption age bottom water, and the bottom water total kidney of the receiving pipe
machine is used to eliminate the large amount of selected water caused by the emergency discharge of the cwybilgsuetin· apare white road test bottom suction pipe
drti:: lilge puap eoclinn
China National Petroleum Corporation 1992-03-30 Shake pen should be connected to the special suction parts of the bottom pump suction port 1993-01-01 implementation
Bilge water education disconnection device
hilge blanking nrrangr
GB/T 13413
Definition or description
The bottom water drain in the book is broken or equivalent facilities
Machinery space tank point water drainage height
nily waler sepruraling xyx
tem in tt.achinety spc?
Bilge water oil water separator suction pipe
sucticn pipc rf bilae sep-
discharge pipe of bi:gc
bilge X oil-water separator discharge pipe
ail content disrlarge pipe
f bilgs xepararor
pressure water system
sater ballast system
main pipe type [E water system
Ai tube type pressure water system
brunel. pipe sye balest
pressurized water system
hrelinig b=liast system
water main pa
balant main ne
The moist water in the reactor is separated and the water to be discharged is discharged out of the system. The bottom water and oil separation equipment, accessories and pipelines are composed of the bottom water and oil-water separator. The tank water suction pipe can separate the tank water and oil-water separator. The water that meets the discharge standards is discharged to the outside pipeline. The oil separated by the bottom oil-water separator is discharged. The water is used as condensate, which can adjust the draft, tension or recovery of the ship. The system has a total of some accessories and pipelines in the long room. From this, each ballast water is led out of the pipe for ballast water injection. The ballast water of each water storage tank in the discharge system is directly injected by the ballast pump through its own pipeline. The discharge system is used to adjust the pressure of the stored water. The system is composed of a combination of pressure water branches formed by the pressure, accessories and pipelines. It is not recommended. deck drainage system
deck acupper system
deck drainage system
deck drain pipe
deck drain pipe
deck drain pipe
deck drain outlet
definition or description
the suction pipe used to empty the ballast water tank
the system used to remove water from the deck or floor, consisting of components and
used to remove water from the deck or floor. The drain pipe used to remove water from the floor of the cold storage. There is also a krupper tor retrigerating
drain system
drain pige
clase, spplience for drain
discbarge pverboard
air system
Bir piping syalene
air pipe
air pipe cullecior
sounding system
zourding pipe
Outside drainage outlet
Used to discharge domestic sewage system that will meet the pollution requirements: composed of accessories and pipelines
Used to discharge domestic sewage pipes that do not meet the pollution prevention requirements
Installation of the internal port of the ship, the drainage pipe on the water level above the base can automatically change to a forced closure. The pipeline system of the open tank that is opposite to the atmosphere: composed of the main pipeline of accessories
Installed on the top ring of the open tank, the general part that is opposite to the atmosphere
Several return pipes of the air container of the cabinet
The fast system of the open tank seat
For the depth gauge to pass through its inner hole, to drop to the mother open tank drop position replacement
Not recommended
Same system
2-日. 2
Social system
fi.ling p:ping ayaters
filling pipe
filling pipeirk
filling pipe
filmg muin Jint
you flow reputation
overflow jipicg
whole ship water supply system
meaning or saying
with liquid to lightly inject liquid your music practice
to send experience cabinet Jiang people liquid pipeline
liquid injection into each tank before the collection of science
when the liquid is filled, the liquid can be foamed
onboard life with ice weak system·spring, style rejection, ricmnestirwatnt
H water system
Gomestic fresh wiler *y*.
Wang Yongxia raw water system
. Sanitary we.ler sysiem
Has been used blue water system dye
recovery network water system
otable vraler syxtem
full supervision share system
hestiny roourystent
Apple steam heating system
grcam teatirig rour sys
hot water supply system
hor warer liceting Inom
Xiezhou pipeline composition
Water supply system for upstream decompression
Technical system for upstream equipment
Hot water supply system for shipboard expansion
Natural water supply system
Using condensate or hot water as heating medium for medicine compartment supply system, boiler, radiator. Accessories and pipelines for heating system using steam as fine heat medium Heating system using hot water as heat medium for tank heating system is not recommended
2- 11- 2
2- 11- 4
Seawater steam blowing pipe
St a rhest s:le:irr lhlw pipt.Seawater steam pipe
Steam pipe used for heating and cooling
Steam pipe used for melting ice in seawater tank
is a steam pipe used for heating and cooling water tanks. It is composed of pumps, accessories, fire fighting equipment, pipelines, etc. water fire extinguishing system
a system that uses external water to extinguish fire, consisting of water extinguishing
accessories, fire extinguishers and pipes
water main line
water fire main line
automatic spray fire extinguishing system
a system that can automatically spray water for fire extinguishing when a fire occurs
automatic system
pressure tunk for ulu-
Hnlie spi'nklbg 6ysem
carbon fire extinguishing system
0z fireextirguiahing
halogenated hydrocarbon fire extinguishing system
supply pressure water for automatic sprinkler system using carbon dioxide as secondary fire extinguishing system using\1211 phase 13℃\etc as fire extinguishing agentJalogeaaced hydrorarbut
agent fire extinguishing system
Eirt exliniguishing systrri
steam extinguishing system
stearm fure cxtinguishing
fire extinguishing system using low pressure hook and steam as extinguishing agent: 5
2. 11- 8. 1
2 11. 2
2. 12. 1. 1
2. 12. 1- 2
2- 13- 1
Foam fire extinguishing system
Definition or that is
to spray foam into the fire place to make it burn
a fixed low expansion foam fire
cxtinguishing system in
achinery apace
a fixed high expansion foam fire
extendinguiehing sylem in
achinery sewage system
gewage pipinx system
sewage collecting system
sewagr rulleeting sys:rm
domestic sewage gravity collection system
gewage gravity collection system
domestic sewage vacuum collection system
sewage treatment system
sewage treatment system
energy control system
surface fire separation
foam expansion ratio not exceeding 12:1 fixed in the machine space foam fire system
foam expansion ratio not exceeding 12:1 fixed in the machine space foam system Excessive foaming system
A system that collects, treats and discharges the sewage from the air, and sends the sewage to equipment accessories and pipelines. A system that collects all the domestic sewage from the air through pipelines and equipment
A system that collects domestic sewage normally using the pressure difference below atmospheric pressure in pipelines or containers to collect domestic sewage
A system that treats domestic water by chemical, physical, biological and other treatment methods to meet the emission requirements of pollutants. Marine refrigerating sys-
Compression refrigeration system
The refrigeration equipment accessories and pipelines in the system use a compressor to liquefy the working fluid, and then make the working fluid pass through ccmpresiverefrigerating! Absorption refrigeration system, which achieves the purpose of refrigeration by evaporating the cold air and evaporating the heat to achieve the desired temperature. Absorption refrigeration system, which uses refrigerating air at different evaporating temperatures without using a compressor. A refrigerating system that uses different evaporating temperatures to achieve a complete or clean cycle. Not recommended. Terms: GB/T13413--92. Definition or description: A system that creates a certain temperature environment in a refrigerated container and is used to transport or store goods. The air in the cabin is treated to keep it at a certain temperature and humidity. Ceatral air conditioning system conditioning
Terminai reheat sir conditioning
Zute zeheat air conditioning
Dual-luct air sudininning
High velocity induction
air coaditioping system
Ship's venrilating Bystem
Ship's natural ventilation system
Ship's x i-atural ventilation
Ship's mechanical ventilation system
Ventilation Bysiem
The system consists of a set of modules that meet certain requirements in terms of composition, air flow rate and vacuum, and the air conditioning equipment, accessories and pipelines. The air is processed in the air conditioner in the case, and then distributed to the air conditioning system of each cabin. The air conditioning system will lead to the selected air of the cabinet, and then the heating device will be installed at the end to adjust the supply air temperature according to the indoor temperature. The centralized air conditioning system is designed according to the area and then heated and adjusted to adjust the supply air temperature of each cabin. The centralized air conditioning system uses two air conditioners with different humidity that have been treated in the same way to reach the operating room, and then it can be adjusted according to the indoor temperature. Air conditioning system
The air after air conditioning and treatment, the secondary air, is sent to the air-conducting air distributor in the cabin by the high-pressure and high-pressure air-conditioning machine, and then blown into the cabin after the secondary air is leaked
The system that sends fresh air from the outside to the cabin for ventilation is composed of ventilation equipment, positive and pipe traps, etc.
The ventilation system that uses natural air or air pressure difference to make the cabin ventilated
The ventilation system that uses the power fan to force the fresh air from the outside into the cabin or to exhaust the cold air in the cabin to the air, so that the cabin can be ventilated
Not recommended
Synonym discussion
2- 15-3
high yelocityinductine
vertileting sygtem
3 Vessel-specific systems
Cargo oil loading system
High-speed induced ventilation system
GR/T 13413-92
Definition or description
High-speed inductance airflow: a ventilation system that makes the indoor air tight and needs ventilation Definition or description
Risrgu uil handing
Cargo oil main line
Cargo oil branch pipe
Deck cargo oil main line
Deck cargo oil main line lin:
Guangzhou soft state
caran roil lun..
white connect oil filling pipe
iteet loading pipe
cargo oil tank ventilation system
cargo ail tank vuat-
ing nijing systum
main pipe ventilation system
cammor wenting pip-
independent or air intake system
cargo oil branch pipe connected to the oil inlet, used for cargo loading assembly pipe
used for each tank suction and injection and press to the cargo loading main pipe pipe
layout on the middle plate of the signature oil loading room modification
oil loading and unloading oil print and word must be other ships connected to the soft camp
not exposed The oil tank pipe system is connected to the deck shore joint of the cargo oil tank. During the oil loading and unloading and transportation process, a network system is used to limit the pressure and void space in the tank. The ventilation pipes led out are connected to a certain ventilation main arm to realize the ventilation system. The cargo tanks are all ventilated by their own independent ventilation pipelines. Ventilation piping aystem.
gas freeinp
a system for removing the mixture of oil, gas and air in the cargo tank after emptying, consisting of purge equipment, accessories and pipes, etc.
not recommended
not recommended
cargo oil tank stripping system
taiga oil tauk strip-
ping system
stripping branch
stripping lhrmu:e
stripping total shoot
strijjing muin lite.
diseharg: lint
cargo tank expansion heating system
cargo oil iank hea!
ng systenl
British oil film steam heating system
cargu ci. sseam hea:-
.Cargo oil tank heating system
czrgu oit theFtnnl oil
heating system
inlet heating coil
GB/T 13413--92
meaning or description
a system specially used for removing cargo oil from tanks, consisting of pumps, medical equipment and piping
connected to the main tank pipe, each cargo oil tank pipeline, each sweeping pipe, branch screen, and the tank suction pump to drain the cargo oil from the system and the dedicated injection pipe to the shore
the cargo oil in the pipe must be ensured to be heated so that it can be effectively delivered. The system is composed of thermal insulation equipment, accessories and pipes. In order to make the cargo oil be absorbed by the suction pipe, a suction heating pipe is installed around the barge. caJ
: Test heating pipe for surrounding heat
water system
technology to avoid oil tanker area Sa Tian Jia Yue sun dack sprinkle aysem
high-set cooler
deck wine demand system, policy, water repellent, attached too cool paper composition
cargo tank cleaning coefficient
use flow and capital when cargo oil bubble cleaning prevention system, argoaaltankclean-: tank cleaning machine accessories and pipelines and other group ingsysirn.
cargo tanker water system cell heat system
water ckeuning ys-
cargo oil tank washing system using oil as working medium is not different from
same document
crude oil flow system
erude oilcleanink
dedicated ballast water system
definition or description
cargo tank washing system using the transported crude oil as working medium
oil tank is a dedicated pressure water system independent of any other system, consisting of pumps, accessories, balls
and gas system
inert gas systen
deck foam fire extinguishing system
lrck fasm fire extinguishing system
oil discaarge mpzi-
a system that uses conditioned gas with oxygen content lower than the specified low level to fill the cargo tank to prevent combustion or explosion, conditioned equipment, accessories and pipelines, which can quickly transport foam to the entire cargo oil tank deck area and can enter any cargo oil tank in the middle plate. The fire extinguishing system consists of foam generator, pump, components and pipes. tt||The system for monitoring and controlling the discharge of ballast water or other water to the outside is composed of oil content meter, accessories and pipe traps.
Not recommended
Synonymous inquiry
Dangerous bottom water first cut-off device
Bottom water system
Water separator in the pipe
Oil discharge pipe of bottom water riser.
Cabin water tapping water two-way suction pipe
Bilge water branch pipe
Bottom water main
Deep pipe required||tt| |Deshen system
Ship mechanical wind system
Ship air conditioning system
Ship ventilation system
Lead ship system
Ship refrigeration system
Super hot ventilation system
Independent air conditioning system
Inert gas system
Carbon dioxide fire extinguishing system
High-speed induction air conditioning system
High-speed induction ventilation system
Seawater tank ice-breaking
Tank steam washing pipe
Tilting ballast water system
Cargo oil tank ballast system
Cargo oil tank hot oil heating system
Cargo tank stripping system
Cargo tank water washing system
Cargo oil tank ventilation system
Appendix A
Chinese reference
(Examination document)
Special tank system
.2. 2. 8
. 2- 2. 3
Cargo oil tank steam heating system
Electric power management
Oil loading and unloading system
Cargo unloading management
Water supply in machinery space
Energy supply tank water separation system
Fixed low expansion foam fire extinguishing system in machinery space 2.IJ.8.1 Fixed high expansion foam fire extinguishing system in machinery space*, Condensate suction system in tank of miscellaneous spaces
Air conditioning system for deck pumps…·
Deck pumps
Embedded drainage pipe
Middle drainage outlet
Carbon drainage system
Embedded foam fire extinguishing system
Flat plate water system
Air conditioning
Air conditioning
Air system
Cold shock system
Cold storage drainage outlet
Halogen light fire extinguishing system
Unheated air conditioning system
Oil-containing monitoring system
Foam fire extinguishing system
.2.14-2Ballast water system for cargo oil tanks of different quality. Crude oil flow system. Erudeuil clean ink system. Special ballast water system. Segregatrd system. GB/T13413-92. Definition or description. A cargo tank washing system using the crude oil carried as the working fluid. The oil tank is a special pressure water system equipped with an independent pressure water system isolated from any other system, consisting of pumps, accessories, balls and extinguishers. Inert gas system. Inert gas system. Deck foam fire extinguishing system. LRC fasm fire extinguishing system. oil discaarge mpzi-ioringbnd control system a system that uses conditioned gas with oxygen content lower than the specified minimum to fill the cargo tank to prevent combustion or explosion. The conditioned equipment, accessories and pipeline guide station can quickly transport foam to the entire cargo oil tank deck area and can enter any cargo oil tank in the middle plate. The fire extinguishing system consists of foam generators, pumps, components and pipes. tt||The system for monitoring and controlling the discharge of ballast water or other water to the outside is composed of oil content meter, accessories and pipe traps.
Not recommended
Synonymous inquiry
Dangerous bottom water first cut-off device
Bottom water system
Water separator in the pipe
Oil discharge pipe of bottom water riser.
Cabin water tapping water two-way suction pipe
Bilge water branch pipe
Bottom water main
Deep pipe required||tt| |Deshen system
Ship mechanical wind system
Ship air conditioning system
Ship ventilation system
Lead ship system
Ship refrigeration system
Super hot ventilation system
Independent air conditioning system
Inert gas system
Carbon dioxide fire extinguishing system
High-speed induction air conditioning system
High-speed induction ventilation system
Seawater tank ice-breaking
Tank steam washing pipe
Tilting ballast water system
Cargo oil tank ballast system
Cargo oil tank hot oil heating system
Cargo tank stripping system
Cargo tank water washing system
Cargo oil tank ventilation system
Appendix A
Chinese reference
(Examination document)
Special tank system
.2. 2. 8
. 2- 2. 3
Cargo oil tank steam heating system
Electric power management
Oil loading and unloading system
Cargo unloading management
Water supply in machinery space
Energy supply tank water separation system
Fixed low expansion foam fire extinguishing system in machinery space 2.IJ.8.1 Fixed high expansion foam fire extinguishing system in machinery space*, Condensate suction system in tank of miscellaneous spaces
Air conditioning system for deck pumps…·
Deck pumps
Embedded drainage pipe
Middle drainage outlet
Carbon drainage system
Embedded foam fire extinguishing system
Flat plate water system
Air conditioning
Air conditioning
Air system
Cold shock system
Cold storage drainage outlet
Halogen light fire extinguishing system
Unheated air conditioning system
Oil-containing monitoring system
Foam fire extinguishing system
.2.14-2Ballast water system for cargo oil tanks of different quality. Crude oil flow system. Erudeuil clean ink system. Special ballast water system. Segregatrd system. GB/T13413-92. Definition or description. A cargo tank washing system using the crude oil carried as the working fluid. The oil tank is a special pressure water system equipped with an independent pressure water system isolated from any other system, consisting of pumps, accessories, balls and extinguishers. Inert gas system. Inert gas system. Deck foam fire extinguishing system. LRC fasm fire extinguishing system. oil discaarge mpzi-ioringbnd control system a system that uses conditioned gas with oxygen content lower than the specified minimum to fill the cargo tank to prevent combustion or explosion. The conditioned equipment, accessories and pipeline guide station can quickly transport foam to the entire cargo oil tank deck area and can enter any cargo oil tank in the middle plate. The fire extinguishing system consists of foam generators, pumps, components and pipes. tt||The system for monitoring and controlling the discharge of ballast water or other water to the outside is composed of oil content meter, accessories and pipe traps.
Not recommended
Synonymous inquiry
Dangerous bottom water first cut-off device
Bottom water system
Water separator in the pipe
Oil discharge pipe of bottom water riser.
Cabin water tapping water two-way suction pipe
Bilge water branch pipe
Bottom water main
Deep pipe required||tt| |Deshen system
Ship mechanical wind system
Ship air conditioning system
Ship ventilation system
Lead ship system
Ship refrigeration system
Super hot ventilation system
Independent air conditioning system
Inert gas system
Carbon dioxide fire extinguishing system
High-speed induction air conditioning system
High-speed induction ventilation system
Seawater tank ice-breaking
Tank steam washing pipe
Tilting ballast water system
Cargo oil tank ballast system
Cargo oil tank hot oil heating system
Cargo tank stripping system
Cargo tank water washing system
Cargo oil tank ventilation system
Appendix A
Chinese reference
(Examination document)
Special tank system
.2. 2. 8
. 2- 2. 3
Cargo oil tank steam heating system
Electric power management
Oil loading and unloading system
Cargo unloading management
Water supply in machinery space
Energy supply tank water separation system
Fixed low expansion foam fire extinguishing system in machinery space 2.IJ.8.1 Fixed high expansion foam fire extinguishing system in machinery space*, Condensate suction system in tank of miscellaneous spaces
Air conditioning system for deck pumps…·
Deck pumps
Embedded drainage pipe
Middle drainage outlet
Carbon drainage system
Embedded foam fire extinguishing system
Flat plate water system
Air conditioning
Air conditioning
Air system
Cold shock system
Cold storage drainage outlet
Halogen light fire extinguishing system
Unheated air conditioning system
Oil-containing monitoring system
Foam fire extinguishing system
Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.