title>GB/Z 39121-2020 Operation and management specifications for crop straw carbonization and soil improvement projects - GB/Z 39121-2020 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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GB/Z 39121-2020 Operation and management specifications for crop straw carbonization and soil improvement projects

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/Z 39121-2020

Standard Name: Operation and management specifications for crop straw carbonization and soil improvement projects

Chinese Name: 农作物秸秆炭化还田土壤改良项目运营管理规范

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

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Introduction to standards:

GB/Z 39121-2020.Specification for operation management of biochar production from crop staw on soil quality improvement project.
1 Scope
GB/Z 39121 gives the project overview, project conditions, division of responsibilities, project organization and operation, analysis of expected project results, and project evaluation and management of the crop straw carbonization and soil improvement project.
GB/Z 39121 is applicable to the operation management of the crop straw carbonization and soil improvement project.
2 Project Overview
Using the "Landing Biochar-based Fertilizer Plant in Poor Counties" project as a platform, one poor county will build a biochar-based fertilizer plant with a standard production capacity of 50,000 tons/year to 100,000 tons/year, and 10 to 20 straw granulation poverty alleviation workshops with a production capacity of 10,000 tons/year will be built. The "four-in-one" of poverty alleviation organizations, biochar-based fertilizer plants, straw granulation poverty alleviation workshops, and poor households will form a straw utilization poverty alleviation industry chain with a poverty alleviation mechanism. Poverty alleviation will be precisely embedded in the circular economy industry chain, and industrial precision poverty alleviation will be achieved through poverty alleviation through increasing the production of biochar-based fertilizers and reducing expenditures, employment poverty alleviation, donation poverty alleviation, asset income poverty alleviation of straw granulation poverty alleviation workshops, and auxiliary poverty alleviation of related industries such as transportation. For typical cases of project poverty alleviation, please refer to Appendix A.
3 Project Conditions
3.1 Site Selection Conditions
The site selection conditions for the project include but are not limited to:
a) The available biomass resources such as straw in the county where the straw pelletizing poverty alleviation workshop is located are more than 70,000 tons. Each 10,000-ton straw pelletizing poverty alleviation workshop: covers an area of ​​not less than 10 mu, and the straw yard is 30 to 50 mu;
b) The biochar-based fertilizer plant covers an area of ​​not less than 60 mu, and the land is flat and the plots are regular, and the natural slope of the site should not exceed 4%;
c) The cultivated land area (including multiple cropping) in the county (within a radius of 50 km) should be not less than 1 million mu;
d) According to the terrain, landform and other conditions, set up a reasonable road and transportation system to facilitate straw storage, pelletizing and fertilizer transportation;
e) Adequate industrial and civil electricity supply can be guaranteed, and industrial water and drinking water supply can be guaranteed;
f) The communication network is unobstructed, the roads are flat, and the discharge of rainwater and sewage is unobstructed.

Some standard content:

National Standardization Guiding Technical Documents of the People's Republic of China GB/Z39121—2020
Specification for operation management of biochar production from cropstaw on soil quality improvement project2020-10-11Release
State Administration for Market Regulation
National Standardization Administration
Project Overview
Project Conditions
Division of Responsibilities
5Project Organization and Operation
6Analysis of Expected Results of the Project
7Project Evaluation and Management
Appendix A (Informative Appendix) Typical Case of Poverty Alleviation in the Soil Improvement Project of Carbonization of Crop Straw Returned to Fields in Horqin Right Front Banner, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region
This Guidance Technical Document was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.1-2009. GB/Z39121—2020
Please note that some contents of this document may involve patents. The issuing agency of this document does not assume the responsibility for identifying these patents. This guiding technical document is proposed and managed by China National Institute of Standardization. The drafting units of this guiding technical document are: Beijing Sanju Green Energy Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing Sanju Green Source Co., Ltd., China National Institute of Standardization, Nanjing Sanju Biomass New Materials Technology Co., Ltd., Nanjing Agricultural University, Aifangmu (Xing'an League) Biomass New Materials Co., Ltd., Ningxia Ronghua Biomass New Materials Technology Co., Ltd., Anhui Chengda Biomass New Materials Co., Ltd. The main drafters of this guiding technical document are: Fu Xingguo, Tian Limin, Tian Ran, Pan Genxing, Li Lianqing, Yuan Mei, Zhang Fang, Cai Xingye, Tian Suning, Sun Zhaoyang, Cheng Yue,
The crop straw carbonization and soil improvement project focuses on soil cultivation and improvement, carries out large-scale utilization of crop straw resources, and creates a high-quality ecological agricultural industry chain. Most of my country's poor population lives in remote rural areas, where straw resources are relatively abundant, which is suitable for the development of the crop straw carbonization and soil improvement industry. The project can provide various income-increasing channels for poor households and help them get rid of poverty. The crop straw carbonization and soil improvement project has unique advantages and characteristics in industrial poverty alleviation, and can become a preferred industry for targeted poverty alleviation. Carrying out the crop straw carbonization and soil improvement project in poverty-stricken areas in accordance with local conditions is in line with the precise poverty alleviation and targeted poverty alleviation strategies, as well as the national policy orientation of straw burning ban and comprehensive utilization; it not only achieves the sustainable development of agriculture, but also promotes the stable income and increase of the poor population. Through the crop straw carbonization and soil improvement industry chain, an effective poverty alleviation mechanism can be formed to achieve the dual effects of targeted poverty alleviation and ecological agricultural development in poor counties. In order to standardize the operation of this industry in poverty alleviation projects and guide the implementation of the crop straw carbonization and soil improvement project by local poverty alleviation organizations, this guiding technical document IV
1 Scope
Operation and management specifications for crop straw carbonization and soil improvement projects
This guiding technical document provides the project overview, project conditions, division of responsibilities, project organization and operation, project expected results analysis, and project evaluation and management of the crop straw carbonization and soil improvement project. This guiding technical document is applicable to the operation and management of the crop straw carbonization and soil improvement project. 2
Project Overview
Using the biochar-based fertilizer plant project in poverty-stricken counties as a platform, one poverty-stricken county will build a biochar-based fertilizer plant with a standard production capacity of 50,000 tons/year to 100,000 tons/year, and 10 to 20 straw granulation poverty alleviation workshops with a production capacity of 10,000 tons/year will be built. The "four-in-one" poverty alleviation organization, biochar-based fertilizer factory, straw pelletizing poverty alleviation workshop and poor households form a straw utilization poverty alleviation industry chain with a poverty alleviation mechanism: poverty alleviation is accurately embedded in the circular economy industry chain, and targeted poverty alleviation is achieved through methods such as increasing production of biochar-based fertilizers and reducing expenditures, employment poverty alleviation, donation poverty alleviation, asset income poverty alleviation of straw pelletizing poverty alleviation workshops, and auxiliary poverty alleviation of related industries such as transportation. For typical cases of project poverty alleviation, please refer to Appendix A.
3 Project conditions
3.1 Land selection conditions
The self-use land selection conditions include but are not limited to: the available biomass resources such as straw in the county where the straw pelletizing poverty alleviation workshop is located are more than 70,000 tons. Each 10,000-ton straw pelletizing poverty alleviation workshop: covers an area of ​​not less than 10 mu", and the straw yard is 30 to 50 mu; the biochar-based fertilizer plant covers an area of ​​not less than 60 mu, and the land is flat and the plots are regular, and the natural slope of the site should not exceed 4%; b
The cultivated land area (including multiple cropping) in the county (within the 50km flat radius) should be not less than 1 million mu: according to the terrain, landform and other conditions, set up reasonable roads and transportation systems to facilitate straw storage, pelletizing and fertilizer transportation; d
It can ensure sufficient industrial and civil electricity supply, industrial water and drinking water supply: f
Communication network The roads are smooth and the rainwater and sewage are discharged smoothly. 3.2 Facility and Equipment Conditions
3.2.1 Straw Granulation Poverty Alleviation Workshop
The equipment of the straw granulation poverty alleviation workshop includes but is not limited to: a) Agricultural machinery for straw collection: straw lofting machine, baler, grass grabber, stacker and transfer vehicle, etc.; b) Equipment for straw granulation: coarse powder equipment, fine powder equipment, dust removal equipment, granulation equipment, cooling tower and ton packaging equipment, etc. 3.2.2 Biochar-based Fertilizer Plant
The equipment of the biochar-based fertilizer plant includes but is not limited to a) Straw carbonization device: straw storage and transportation unit, carbonization unit, carbonization product separation unit, energy recovery unit, charcoal packaging unit, etc.;
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GB/Z39121—2020||tt| |b) Biochar-based fertilizer production equipment: raw material metering, mixing and crushing unit, granulation unit, drying unit, cooling unit, packaging unit, etc.: Biochar-based blended fertilizer production equipment: batching unit, stirring unit, packaging unit, etc.; c
Liquid fertilizer production equipment: mixing and stirring unit, packaging unit, etc. d)
3.3 Personnel conditions
3.3.1 Local registered poor households should be given priority. 3.3.2 Employees should have a sense of public welfare and be rigorous, conscientious and responsible in their work. 3.3.3 During the straw collection and storage period, employees must have certain operational capabilities after training. 3.3.4 Workers engaged in the transportation of crop straw, straw pellets and biochar-based fertilizers should be skilled in driving, and special workers must hold a certificate to work. 3.3.5 Employees of straw pelletizing poverty alleviation workshops and biochar-based fertilizer plants should be able to actively learn and receive necessary training after joining the company. Professional knowledge and technical guidance training, the training content includes but is not limited to equipment process training, safety training, occupational health training, corporate culture training, etc. 4 Division of responsibilities
4.1 Main work content of poverty alleviation organizations
4.1.1 Provide basic informationWww.bzxZ.net
The basic information provided should include but is not limited to the following: a) Local population, cultivated land area, main types of crops planted, area, fertilizer use and yield, etc.; local soil conditions: soil type, soil fertility, soil nutrients, soil barriers, soil pollution and other conditions and distribution; b)
The current status of local straw resources: straw resource varieties, quantity, storage, transportation methods, utilization status, available quantity and price, etc.; c)
Basic information of local poor households, assisting straw granulation poverty alleviation workshops and biochar-based fertilizer plants to accurately connect with poor households. d)
4.1.2 Organization and promotion
Poverty alleviation organizations shall assist in the organization and promotion, including but not limited to the following: Based on the layout of biomass resources and the situation of poor households, rationally layout the straw collection, storage and granulation system of the biochar-based fertilizer industry; a)
Incorporate the application technology of biochar-based fertilizer into the training of new professional farmers, assist in organizing poor households to participate in the training, and do a good job in product promotion.
c) Assist biochar-based fertilizer factories to recommend new biochar-based fertilizer demonstration fields and demonstration stations, and assist in soil sampling and testing. 4.1.3 Policy and financial guarantee The poverty alleviation industry development of the crop straw carbonization and soil improvement project should be coordinated and coordinated. Provide policy support and guarantee for biochar-based fertilizer factories in terms of project administrative approval, construction and operation, speed up the implementation of the project, optimize public security and business environment, and ensure the normal operation of the project. During the construction of the crop straw carbonization and soil improvement project and after it is completed and put into production, the poverty alleviation organization should assist the biochar-based fertilizer plant in applying for various special subsidy funds (including but not limited to straw collection subsidies, soil testing and formula fertilization subsidies, circular economy income tax exemption, etc.). At the same time, the poverty alleviation organization should make full use of the existing preferential policies and incentive policies to support the development of the project, and continuously formulate preferential policies that meet local conditions for the crop straw carbonization and soil improvement project. The industrial financial support mechanism should be innovated, and poverty alleviation funds, agricultural funds, and agricultural machinery purchase subsidies should be integrated for the crop straw carbonization and soil improvement project to support the construction of straw granulation poverty alleviation workshops. The use of support funds shall be reasonably allocated by the owners of the straw granulation poverty alleviation workshops according to the local actual situation and local poverty alleviation fund use regulations, so as to create a stable income increase channel for registered poor households. For the construction and operation of the straw granulation poverty alleviation workshop and the collection, storage, and granulation of straw, a suitable place or land should be coordinated as a base, and relevant procedures should be coordinated.
4.1.4 Establish an evaluation and supervision mechanism
Poverty alleviation organizations should strengthen supervision and assessment of biochar-based fertilizer plants and straw granulation poverty alleviation workshops in terms of fund use, project progress, and poverty alleviation effects.
4.2 Responsibilities of straw granulation poverty alleviation workshops
4.2.1 Implementation of poverty alleviation organization support policies and implementation of poverty alleviation measures for biochar-based fertilizer plants. 4.2.2 Collection, storage, transportation, and granulation of straw. 4.2.3 Use poverty alleviation funds, agricultural funds, agricultural machinery purchase subsidies and other funds to form fixed assets, and provide asset income for registered poor households in accordance with local regulations on the use of poverty alleviation funds. 4.2.4 Ploughing and planting on behalf of registered poor households who lack labor capacity or have only semi-labor capacity, and collecting crop straw on behalf of them. Distribution and promotion of biochar-based fertilizers. 4.2.5
4.3 Responsibilities of providing crop straw carbonization and soil improvement technology 4.3.1
Output, guidance and training of crop straw carbonization and soil improvement technology. 4.3.2 Responsible for the selection of key equipment.
4.3.3 Accept the commissioned operation of the straw granulation poverty alleviation workshop. 4.4 Responsibilities of the biochar-based fertilizer plant
The biochar-based fertilizer plant shall formulate feasible project construction and operation plans according to the local poverty alleviation project planning and the actual conditions of the areas where the assisted objects are located, and establish a stable industrial relationship with farmers and straw granulation poverty alleviation workshops for straw collection, storage, transportation, granulation, biochar-based fertilizer production, and farmers' use of biochar-based fertilizers for returning to the fields. Specific responsibilities should include but are not limited to: a) Be fully responsible for raising funds for the construction and operation of the biochar-based fertilizer plant, organize the design, procurement and construction of the biochar-based fertilizer plant equipment according to the plan, and ensure the progress and quality of the project; b) Obtain land use rights in accordance with legal procedures. The nature of the land is industrial land with a useful life of 50 years, and build it in accordance with the law; c) Be responsible for the construction of the entire project, and be responsible for the quality, safety, progress, and integrity of the project funds; d)
Be responsible for the comprehensive utilization of straw technology, equipment configuration, etc., vigorously promote scientific and technological innovation, and strictly enforce quality standards; e
Comply with relevant national regulations on production safety , fire protection, environmental protection, labor protection and taxation policies and regulations, carry out production and operation activities in accordance with the law, actively fulfill social responsibilities,
After the investment is in place and put into production as agreed in the agreement, it can be transferred according to law, but the industrial use shall not be changed; g) Responsible for the production and sales of biochar-based fertilizers, provide guidance and training on straw pelleting, soil testing and formula fertilization; perform the main obligations in technical services, standardized production and quality control, straw pellet procurement, market development, etc. h)
4.5 Responsibilities of the Assisted Objects
The assisted objects should change their concepts, establish the idea of ​​hard work and wealth, and actively accept the guidance and requirements of the assistance. 4.5.2 Employees participating in the straw pelleting poverty alleviation workshop and the biochar-based fertilizer factory should actively participate in the training and complete their duties in a timely and conscientious manner.
4.5.3 Users should use biochar-based fertilizer products in accordance with the product usage requirements. 5 Project organization and operation
5.1 Project operation mode
5.1.1 For poor counties with sufficient straw resources and mature conditions for building biochar-based fertilizer plants, build a biochar-based fertilizer production plant with a standard production capacity of 50,000 tons/year to 30,000 tons/year, configure 10 to 20 straw granulation poverty alleviation workshops with an annual capacity of 10,000 tons/year, and form a straw utilization poverty alleviation industry chain. The specific contents are as follows:
a) Poverty alleviation organizations, based on local realities, issue corresponding project landing investment subsidy policies, such as construction land subsidy policies, straw collection, storage and transportation guidance policies, granulation equipment purchase subsidy policies, and biochar-based fertilizers are also subsidized by biochar-based fertilizer plants to implement biochar-based fertilizer production and sales, and provide guidance and training on straw granulation and fertilization, and enjoy straw utilization subsidy policies.
Straw granulation poverty alleviation workshops are managed in accordance with the cooperative model, or merged with cooperatives. The main functions of the granulation workshop are to implement the collection, storage, transportation, granulation of straw and the distribution and promotion of biochar-based fertilizers. The infrastructure of the straw granulation poverty alleviation workshop is constructed by the poverty alleviation organization, and the equipment selection, procurement or equipment leasing is the responsibility of the enterprise providing the technology of returning crop straw charcoal to the field and soil improvement, which enjoys national and local subsidies for the purchase of agricultural machinery. The subsidy funds are formed into fixed assets by the straw granulation poverty alleviation workshop, and asset income is provided to the registered poor households in accordance with the local regulations on the use of poverty alleviation funds. e) The straw granulation poverty alleviation workshop and the biochar-based fertilizer plant recruit local workers, mainly to solve the employment of the assisted objects. f) The biochar-based fertilizer plant sets up a special poverty alleviation fund. 5.1.2 For poor counties with insufficient straw resources or immature conditions for the early construction of biochar-based fertilizer plants, build biochar-based blended fertilizer production, and carry out poverty alleviation through the production and sales of biochar-based blended fertilizers. The specific contents are as follows: a) Poverty alleviation organizations shall, in light of local conditions, introduce corresponding policies on subsidies for returning biochar-based fertilizers to the fields; b) Biochar-based blended fertilizer production plants shall implement the production and sales of biochar-based blended fertilizers, and provide guidance and training on fertilization; Biochar-based blended fertilizer production plants shall recruit local workers in the production and sales process, mainly to help the target population find employment; d) Biochar-based blended fertilizer production plants shall set up special poverty alleviation funds. 5.2 Project contract signing
5.2.1 Poverty alleviation organizations shall sign a cooperation framework agreement with the enterprise providing the technology for returning crop straw carbonization to the fields to improve soil, clarifying the scope, content and methods of cooperation, etc.
5.2.2 Poverty alleviation organizations, the enterprise providing the technology for returning crop straw carbonization to the fields to improve soil, the biochar-based fertilizer plant, and the fine rod granulation poverty alleviation workshop shall sign a four-party poverty alleviation agreement, clarifying that the biochar-based fertilizer plant is the main body for implementing poverty alleviation in the county, clarifying the responsibilities of the four parties, and the specific implementation methods. 5.2.3 Poverty alleviation organizations, biochar-based fertilizer plants, straw granulation poverty alleviation workshops and assisted objects shall sign relevant agreements, including but not limited to:
Assistance funds;
- The number of jobs provided to assisted objects; - Product standards for straw pellets and biochar-based fertilizers; - Clearly define the purchase and sale entities, purchase and sale price basis, purchase and sale methods, etc. of straw pellets and biochar-based fertilizers; - Time nodes and acceptance standards for the construction and operation of straw granulation poverty alleviation workshops; - Supervision and assessment methods and methods during the operation of straw granulation poverty alleviation workshops. 5.2.4 Straw granulation poverty alleviation workshops and biochar-based fertilizer plants shall sign relevant agreements with assisted objects, including but not limited to: - Labor contracts:
- Employment agreements:
- Straw storage agreement;
- Dividend agreement for straw granulation poverty alleviation workshops. 5.3 Project operation
5.3.1 Preparation The poverty alleviation organization determines the site selection and operating entity of the straw granulation poverty alleviation workshop. The poverty alleviation organization provides corresponding policies and funds to support the construction of the straw granulation poverty alleviation workshop and the biochar-based fertilizer plant. 4
GB/Z39121—2020 The biochar-based fertilizer plant should formulate a complete implementation plan before construction to ensure that all links are well connected and the project operation is smooth. The biochar-based fertilizer plant should form an assistance implementation team according to the assistance content to assist in completing the project construction. After determining the employment assistance targets, the straw granulation poverty alleviation workshop and the biochar-based fertilizer plant should conduct pre-job training for the assistance targets, so that the assistance targets have a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the crop straw carbonization and field return project, safety production knowledge, and their own responsibilities. 5.3.2 Construction Poverty alleviation organizations implement special funds for straw granulation workshops, and at the same time, enterprises providing crop straw carbonization and soil improvement technology complete equipment selection, procurement or leasing, and straw granulation workshops start construction. The biochar-based fertilizer plant should carry out project construction in accordance with the project implementation plan, complete the construction tasks of the biochar-based fertilizer plant, be responsible for financial management, and ensure that funds are used for specific purposes.
5.3.3 Production The straw granulation poverty alleviation workshop organizes straw collection, storage, and transportation, and performs straw granulation. The biochar-based fertilizer plant purchases straw pellets from the straw granulation poverty alleviation workshop, performs straw pellet carbonization, and produces biochar-based fertilizers or biochar-based blended fertilizers. Throughout the production process, the straw granulation poverty alleviation workshop and biochar-based fertilizer plant should establish a safe production management system, formulate scientific and clear production operation procedures, ensure the normal operation of the operating environment, equipment, and processes, and ensure that the post personnel strictly implement various rules and regulations and technical regulations.
The straw granulation poverty alleviation workshop and biochar-based fertilizer plant should establish an equipment maintenance system and regularly inspect, repair and maintain the production equipment. Before production, the straw granulation poverty alleviation workshop and biochar-based fertilizer plant will conduct training for the assisted objects in various forms such as centralized lectures and on-site operation guidance to ensure that the assisted objects are proficient in operation. 5.3.4 Sales The biochar-based fertilizer plant sells biochar-based fertilizers as a whole. One of the important channels is to sell them to farmers through the straw granulation poverty alleviation workshop. The straw pelletizing poverty alleviation workshop takes into account the promotion of biochar-based fertilizers and assumes the responsibility of implementing poverty alleviation policies for poor households. In principle, the poverty alleviation policy implementation responsibilities in the industrial chain are carried out through biochar-based fertilizers. 5.3.5 Project Supervision The poverty alleviation organization shall supervise the key links of the site selection, construction, and product production of the crop straw carbonization and soil improvement project, and promptly correct any problems found, support enterprises to reduce production risks, and improve product quality. The straw pelletizing poverty alleviation workshop and the biochar-based fertilizer plant shall establish a daily management system, focusing on daily supervision of production and operation equipment management and maintenance, labor protection of the assisted objects, and working environment, so as to improve the level of operation and management. The straw pelletizing poverty alleviation workshop and the biochar-based fertilizer plant shall supervise product production and strictly control product quality. 5.4 Project Summary
After the project completes a cycle, a summary should be made in a timely manner, and performance appraisal and implementation shall be carried out according to the performance of various responsibilities of the joint bureau. 6 Analysis of expected project results
6.1 Cost investment
6.1.1 Investment by poverty alleviation organizations
Poverty alleviation organizations can integrate poverty alleviation funds, agricultural funds, agricultural machinery purchase subsidies and other funds to support the construction of straw granulation poverty alleviation workshops, and the land is leased in the form of KaeerKAca-
6.1.2 Investment in biochar-based fertilizer plants Investment in project construction funds. Purchase all straw pellets from the straw granulation poverty alleviation workshop to ensure the stable operation of the straw granulation poverty alleviation workshop. Targeted public welfare funds are extracted from the sales of biochar-based fertilizers, part of which is targeted for public welfare poverty alleviation in the project area, and the rest is targeted for strengthening the collective economy of poor villages. 6.2 Benefits of the Assisted Targets
6.2,1 Benefits of Biochar-Based Fertilizers to Increase Yield and Reduce Expenditure6.2.1.1, Application of biochar-based fertilizers can improve soil aggregate structure, increase fertilizer utilization, enhance crop resistance, reduce fertilizer and pesticide use, and obtain benefits Application of biochar-based fertilizers can passivate heavy metals in farmland, improve crop growth environment, increase crop yields, improve quality, and obtain benefits:
6.2.2 Benefits of Employment
The biochar-based fertilizer plant and straw granulation poverty alleviation workshop employ registered poor households as general employees or employees of charity employment posts, and the assisted targets obtain benefits through employment.
6.2.3 Asset Benefits
The straw granulation poverty alleviation workshop uses poverty alleviation funds, agricultural funds, agricultural machinery purchase subsidies and other funds to form fixed assets, and provides asset benefits to registered poor households in accordance with local regulations on the use of poverty alleviation funds. 6.2.4 Donation income
The biochar-based fertilizer factory will extract public welfare funds from the sales of biochar-based fertilizers, part of which will be used for public welfare poverty alleviation in the area where the project is located, and the rest will be used to strengthen the collective economy of poor villages. 6.2.5 Other income
Auxiliary poverty alleviation income from related industries such as transportation related to the industrial chain, etc. 6.3 Poverty alleviation cycle
The assisted objects can achieve poverty alleviation within 1 to 2 years and can obtain sustained long-term benefits. 7 Project evaluation and management
The project participants shall perform their duties in accordance with the signed project contract. After the project is completed, a third party shall be hired to evaluate the implementation effect of the project through on-site inspections, visits to poor households, and review. The main evaluation contents include whether the assistance responsibilities are in place, the implementation of the division of labor, and the income of poor households.
Appendix A
(Informative Appendix)
Typical Case of Poverty Alleviation in the Soil Improvement Project of Carbonization of Crop Straw Returned to Fields in Horqin Right Front Banner, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region A.1 Basic Information of the Project
The straw utilization poverty alleviation project is based on the biochar-based fertilizer plant project in the county as a platform to organically embed the county's targeted poverty alleviation into the straw utilization industry chain and the ecological agriculture industry chain, so as to achieve poverty alleviation and prosperity in poor counties. In 2017, the straw utilization poverty alleviation project was fully verified in Horqin Right Front Banner, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (abbreviated as Keyouqian Banner). Keyouqian Banner was rated as a national-level poverty-stricken county in 2011. It belongs to the concentrated and contiguous poverty-stricken area in the southern foothills of the Greater Khingan Range. The poor population is mainly concentrated in agriculture. There are 13,480 registered poor households and 29,392 people in the whole banner, covering 14 sumu townships and 228 villages. The banner has 4.16 million mu of cultivated land, 378 mu of grain crops, and a total of 1.26 million tons of straw. The straw utilization is at the primary stage with low added value. The first phase of the 50,000 tons/year biochar-based fertilizer plant project in Keyouqian Banner directly employed 150 registered poor people and more than 5,000 temporary workers. At the same time, biochar-based fertilizers can greatly improve the quality of agricultural products and achieve the goal of storing wealth in the land. A.2 Models and practices
A.2.1 Assistance model
A.2.1.1 Basic ideas
Using the biochar-based fertilizer plant in the impoverished counties as a platform, one impoverished county will build a biochar-based fertilizer plant with a standard production capacity of 50,000 tons/year to 100,000 tons/year, and 1,020 straw granulation poverty alleviation workshops with a capacity of 10,000 tons/year will be built. The "four-in-one" of poverty alleviation organizations, biochar-based fertilizer plants, straw granulation poverty alleviation workshops, and poor households have formed a poverty alleviation industry chain with a poverty alleviation mechanism. A.2.1.2 Basic approach
50,000 tons/year biochar-based fertilizer plant project, project investment recovery period 7-8 years (including 1 year construction period), project rate of return 10%~12%. 10 poverty alleviation granulation workshops, total investment of about 65 million yuan (including equipment), annual sales revenue of about 55 million yuan, average annual profit of 5 million yuan. Straw granulation poverty alleviation workshops use poverty alleviation funds, agricultural funds, agricultural machinery purchase subsidies and other funds to form fixed assets, and provide asset income for registered poor households according to local regulations on the use of poverty alleviation funds. A.2.2 Specific assistance measures
A.2.2.1 Poverty alleviation model of granulation workshop
A. In the straw utilization poverty alleviation project, the granulation workshop is a key link and plays a connecting role. The granulation workshop operates independently, and its functions include: implementation of support policies, implementation of poverty alleviation measures of biochar-based fertilizer plants, plowing and planting on behalf of registered poor households who lack labor capacity or have only semi-labor capacity, collection, transportation and storage of straw of poor households, and distribution and promotion of biochar-based fertilizers. A. The annual production capacity of the granulation workshop is designed to be 1 cubic ton/year. The infrastructure is constructed by the poverty alleviation organization, and the equipment selection, procurement or equipment rental is the responsibility of the enterprise providing crop straw carbonization and soil improvement technology, which enjoys national and local agricultural machinery purchase subsidies. The straw granulation poverty alleviation workshop uses poverty alleviation funds, agricultural funds, agricultural machinery purchase subsidies and other funds to form fixed assets, and provides asset income for registered poor households in accordance with local poverty alleviation fund use regulations
A. The biochar-based fertilizer plant purchases all straw pellets from the granulation workshop at market prices to ensure the stable operation of the granulation workshop. The grain making workshop is independently operated, with an annual profit of 500,000 to 1 million yuan. A.2.2.2 Yield-increasing poverty alleviation by using biochar-based fertilizers Farmers using biochar-based fertilizers have increased their grain crop income by 201.9 yuan per mu. A.2.2.3 Expenditure-reducing poverty alleviation by using biochar-based fertilizers Biochar-based fertilizers have strong insect repellent and soil improvement effects, which can reduce grain crop expenditures by 50 yuan per mu per year, including 20 yuan for pesticides and 30 yuan for fertilizers. A.2.2.4 Employment-based poverty alleviation
The project's employment-based poverty alleviation includes two links: the biochar-based fertilizer plant and the straw granulation poverty alleviation workshop. It directly employs 150 registered poor people and employs more than 5,000 people for storage. Among them: a) 10 granulation workshops, with a total of 50 employees, and an average annual salary of 20,000 to 30,000 yuan per person. b) 5,000 people are employed for straw storage.
The biochar-based fertilizer factory employs 100 people from the poor population, implements the five insurances and one housing fund system, and the average annual salary income per person is 27,000 to 35,000 yuan: Among them: 13 security and cleaning workers, with an average annual income of 26,556 yuan per person. 33 junior technical positions in the workshop, with an average annual income of 35,224 yuan per person.
A.2.2.5 Poverty alleviation through asset income
The straw pelletizing poverty alleviation workshop will collect the state purchase subsidy of 5 million yuan for storage and transportation and pelletizing equipment to form fixed assets, and provide asset income for registered poor households in accordance with local regulations on the use of poverty alleviation funds. A.2.2.6 Donation-based poverty alleviation
Public welfare funds will be drawn from the sales of biochar-based fertilizers (one yuan of public welfare funds will be drawn for each 40 kg bag of biochar-based fertilizers sold) as public welfare poverty alleviation funds. A special account will be set up in the China Poverty Alleviation Volunteer Service Promotion Association, 50% of which will be used for public welfare poverty alleviation in the project area, and the remaining 50% will be used in a centralized and coordinated manner. Among them: the project targets about 600,000 yuan per county. 150,000 yuan is used to set up village-level public welfare posts. One village sets up 5 public welfare posts such as cleaning, greening, helping the disabled, and helping the elderly. The monthly salary is 500 yuan, which can cover 5 poor villages. The remaining 450,000 yuan is targeted to strengthen the collective economy of poor villages, which can cover 9 poor villages.
A.2.3 Project management measures
A.2.3.1 Poverty alleviation organizations can supervise the key links such as straw collection, storage and transportation, straw granulation, straw granulation, straw granule procurement, biochar-based fertilizer sales, and agricultural services in straw granulation poverty alleviation workshops, and promptly identify problems and correct them. A,2.3.2 Biochar-based fertilizer factories should keep abreast of relevant situations during the industrial poverty alleviation process to ensure the correct use of biochar-based fertilizer products and provide corresponding agricultural services.
A.2.4 Local policy support
A.2.4.1 Priority to enjoy relevant preferential policies
A. Preferential policies such as the development of the western region, accelerating the development of the tertiary industry in Inner Mongolia, and revitalizing the old industrial base in Northeast China. A. Enjoy preferential policies related to the ecological protection and economic transformation planning of the Greater and Lesser Xing'an Mountains forest areas. A.
Enjoy preferential policies related to investment promotion in Keyouqian Banner. -rrKacerKAca-
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